
Man lives rent-free in $950 home on tiny urban homestead (Video)

In exchange for cultivating someone else's backyard for a year, this activist is experimenting with an increasingly simpler lifestyle, documented step-by-step online.


Black tea smoothies for a hot summer morning

If you can’t decide between a fruit smoothie or an iced tea, this is the drink for you.


Use this instead of grass for your lawn

Lawns use up way too much water.


Pop-up charging hub borrows the sidewalk instead of stealing it

Docked electric cars can be worse than dockless scooters for pedestrians, but the UEone is a step in the right direction.


Why we should fix what we've got instead of starting from scratch

Do we need hyperloops? No, we need trains that work.


Haitian Farmers Refuse Monsanto's Seeds and Instead Commit to Burning Them

photo: J. Novak Food Freedom recently reported that Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, peasant farmer leader of the Peasant Movement of Papay (MPP) called the entry of Monsanto seeds into Haiti "a very strong attack on small agriculture, on farmers, on


This tiny house carved out of a single tree could be in Hobbiton instead of Haida Gwaii

In Haida Gwaii the trees are so big that you could live in them.


Creative Recycling: Thieves Steal An Entire Bridge

Ambitious thieves spend a month torching apart a Pennsylvania bridge


Help get The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change to every high school in the US

Provoked by questionable propaganda, a group of scientists is setting out to offer an antidote.


Rheticus project teams German giants to harvest CO2 in artificial photosynthesis

Evonik and Siemens announce two-year project to demonstrate feasibility of "technical photosynthesis" using eco-electricity to convert carbon dioxide into valuable chemicals


Iceland asks tourists to drink tap water instead of bottled

After all, who wouldn't want a glass of "pure glacial water filtered through lava"?


8 health benefits of iced tea

From soothing stress to providing weird minerals you didn't know you need, iced tea provides more than just a refreshing boost.


Why are transit riders who jump fares treated so much more harshly than drivers who steal parking spaces?

It's time for some fareness.


Two cute videos teach kids about climate change and smog

Explaining climate science to kids is challenging, which is why clever animated videos can help.


Heat pumps may soon be charged with propane instead of greenhouse gases

Not just for barbecues, some companies are switching over completely.


The Decolonizing Diet Project is Teaching Volunteers to Eat Like Native Americans

How big of a locavore are you? Could you eat only foods that were available to Native Americans before 1600?


Before 1965, low CO2 levels were steady for 2.5 million years

Humans have never lived with the high CO2 atmospheric conditions of the last 60 years, according to a new study.


New Zealand schools to teach kids about climate change

Updated curriculum will help them to navigate the emotions associated with the climate crisis.


Is your tea steeped in plastic?

A new study shows that all-plastic tea bags release billions of particles into hot water.


4 reasons to repair instead of recycling or replacing

It's to time to jump off the consumption train and embrace the art of repair.


These deaf moths defy bats using stealthy acoustic camouflage

Some moth species have evolved noise-cancelling abilities that are more efficient than today's sound engineering technology.


Salvage Supperclub teaches us how to eat everything

A Brooklyn dinner party turns "dumpster diving" into an informative meal.


Beautiful Black Teahouse In Czech Republic Uses Traditional Japanese Finishing Technique

Charred wood never looked so good.


Teach your child how to read a paper map

It's an old-fashioned skill, but it's still relevant in today's world.


Why you should save for the real thing instead of buying knock-off designer furniture

It has become a trillion dollar industry where nobody wins.


"Steam Canoe" winter station made from a new technology, Press Laminated Timber

The OCADU project won a Wood Works! award and will probably win a lot more to come.


Why are these butterflies drinking turtle tears? (Video)

The answer is pretty surprising.


How the coronavirus may change education and teaching

Schools are closing classrooms and going online all over the world. This may be as much of an opportunity as it is a crisis.


In Tourism (And Beyond), Talking About Sustainability Is Dead. Tell A Story Instead

You would think that attending a conference on sustainable tourism in Costa Rica would be a bit bland: yes, they're very green, we know. But just because this Central


The Luna Project: Living and Teaching Sustainability

David Masters lives in a yurt. But it isn't just a home, he preaches what he practices in an "alternative learning center that provides opportunities for people to develop and reflect on their values and to consider how they might take an active role


Alabama man feeds the homeless by teaching them to grow their own food

Even in the dark pit of poverty, where rays of hope shine their dimmest, there's often still light enough for a new life to take hold.


Teaching in a time of COVID-19

This pandemic may be an extinction event for the traditional university lecture.


Exxon tears down two Arkansas houses damaged by oil spill

More than six months since tar sands oil spilled into a Mayflower, Arkansas neighborhood, two homes have just been leveled by Exxon in order to clean up oil that was found under their foundations.


Stealing from the Future

The omission of ecological services in economics is the equivalent of double bookkeeping: one set that looks (relatively) rosy for us and another for our children.


Growing virtual plants could teach farmers how to best grow real ones

Researchers are developing computer simulations that can improve agricultural success.


SFI and Habitat for Humanity DC team up to build homes in the nation’s capital

A diverse team of women from the forest product sector got together for a green cause.


Project Learning Tree takes teaching outdoors

Remember staring out the window in math class as a kid? Or counting the minutes until spelling was over so you could go to recess? Project Learning Tree (PLT) embraces the fact that students would rather be outside than in ...


Just in time for Teacher Appreciation Week: Project Learning Tree announces 2019 Leadership in Education Award Winners

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 6-10, 2019, with National Teacher Day on May 7. Every year, Project Learning Tree (PLT) recognizes the educators who have made the most significant contributions to PLT with the Leadership in Education award.


KitTea could be the first cat cafe in the U.S.

Courtney Hatt and David Braginsky are working to crowd-fund a cafe and cat rescue in San Francisco.


What can rule-bending alternative builders teach us about smarter shelters? (Video)

Modern building codes and zoning regulations, while helping to set safety standards that can save lives, can also serve as big barriers to building small, sensible, and affordable dwellings with alternative materials and techniques.


Colorful Box Hides Lovely, Transformer 270 Sq. Foot Tea Shop in Sao Paulo

A Brazilian firm translates small-spaces ideas into a cute shopping mall shop.


Innovative Student Furniture Design at ICFF Steals the Show

Actually, the student designs steal the show every year at ICFF, the International Contemporary Furniture Fair held annually in New York. This year was not quite up to Pratt's spectacular exhibit from last year, but was close. Parsons I think Parsons the


Mysterious anteater birth is ripe for an anteater-themed soap opera

Armani has some explaining to do. But she is, of course, an anteater, and they're notoriously tight-lipped.


Ecombo is a rust-proof, solar-powered take on the teardrop trailer

It's boxy, aluminum exterior hides a cushy bed, and a convenient galley kitchen -- all powered by the sun.


Zucchini overload? Make steak

It's the season of rampant zucchini and copious cucumbers. People will give them away to you in big paper bags. What to do if you don't relish loaves of zucchini bread?


Forget about banning glass towers, instead demand tough standards like Passivhaus

Most glass buildings are a problem, but just banning them is the wrong solution.


Electric cars alone won't save us, says new UK parliamentary report; get a bike instead

It calls for more support of bikes, walking and transit, banning ICE-powered cars sooner.


6 tips for teaching kids to share a bedroom

No, you don't need to rush out and buy a bigger house if you've got more family members than bedrooms.


Peecycling in the city: Would you "stealth pee" in an urban yard?

Nutrient cycling is important. But it's not something you want to get arrested for.


Going Steady: 10 Animals More Monogamous Than Us (Slideshow)

Ah love. Woody Allen has some nice thoughts on this tricky thing that perhaps gets more thought around Valentine's Day. The recent swan divorce shocked us to the core, so we decided to ponder the happy