
Police buy drinks instead of shutting down kids' lemonade stand

In a delightful departure from the norm, officers in Newburgh, NY, tell kids they're doing nothing wrong.


Stealthy, modern van conversion is one designer's mobile home & office (Video)

This furniture designer's stealth van conversion has been created as a "test lab" for mobile, "democratic" small space design.


Audubon and Toyota Team Up to Promote Volunteering, Give Away Prizes

The Audubon Society and Toyota are teaming up to promote volunteering for the environment by offering prizes, including tents and bikes, to those who log the most volunteer hours.Starting today, their project, TogetherGreen,


Geothermal Heat Pump System Taps Sewage Instead of Bedrock

A new type of geothermal heat pump system being tested in Philadelphia can tap into a city's sewage lines to capture heat.


Majesteas are the Perfect Hostess Gift

You are visiting a cottage, you have to bring something and you want it to be nice. What to do?


The Week in Animal News: Miracle Pando Poo Tea, Another Rhino Species Officially Extinct, and More

Can panda poo prevent cancer? We also have sad rhino news, fish lawnmowers, and more.


Bengal, Assam Tea Production Slashed By Worst Drought in 15 Years

Another effect of weather weirding: Higher tea prices coming? Northeast India tea production expected to drop 60% in 2012 this year.


Fair Trade Chocolate, Tea, Spice and Coffee Sales Jump 75 Percent, Study Says

Chocolate, tea and more goodies partner with Fair Trade USA which expands farming programs and experiences record sales.


Old English tea shops hung paintings instead of redecorating

Post-war, Lyons Tea Shops could't redecorate, so they commissioned some great paintings instead.


Caffeine confessions: coffee, tea or…both?

Whether it's coffee or tea, Katherine and Margaret love their steaming mugs of deliciousness.


Infographic shows the health benefits of teas and tisanes

A mug of herbal tea a day may keep the doctor away!


8 ways to spice up your morning coffee or tea

Take an average cup of coffee or tea to a new tasty level with these quick, easy additions.


8 reasons why you should drink more tea

Time to move over, coffee. Tea is making a comeback for a number of very good reasons.


Coffee leaf tea is the hottest new beverage

Not only is coffee leaf tea delicious and nutritious, but it also offers a more stable source of income for coffee growers in Latin America.


How iced tea can lead to kidney failure

Although the health benefits of tea are roundly lauded, an Arkansas man recently found out that too much can be devastating.


Coffee versus tea: It's the ultimate hot drink face-off

What's it going to be? Check out this fun infographic to learn amusing and interesting facts about both popular beverages.


How to create a tea steam facial at home

Adding tea and herbs to facial steam is becoming popular among those who champion natural and non-toxic skin care.


8 companies that sell high quality fair trade and organic teas

Craving the perfect cup of tea on a chilly morning? Here are some companies with ethical business practices worth supporting.


Infographic explains why coffee and tea are so good for us

These popular hot beverages inhabit places of honor in our homes, apparently for very good reasons.


Drinking tea affects women differently from men

Still unknown: are the effects due to women drinking more tea than men?


How to make sun tea

No energy is required for this slower, cooler brewing method that results in perfect iced tea.


Tea is actually magical creativity juice

More than just a comfortable habit, science has shown that sipping tea throughout the day improves and prolongs creative performance.


How to make your own herbal tea blends

Put kitchen scraps and spices to good use in these soothing, healing concoctions, perfect for a wintry day.


Will you take plastic with your tea?

People are often surprised to learn that tea bags contain up to 25% plastic, which raises concerns about health and environmental implications. Good news is, there's a better way to make the perfect cuppa.


This man has shared 35,000 free cups of tea out of a converted bus (Video)

Promoting the gift economy and community resiliency, this man has been traveling the country for the last decade, offering free cups of tea out of his bus home.


Pop-up Taliesin tea shop is clad in shou sugi ban

Frank Lloyd Wright would probably have liked this little addition to his winter home.


Tea Fertilized with Panda Poop Will Cost $36,000 Per Pound and (Maybe) Prevent Cancer

A new tea set to become the world's most expensive is being fertilized with panda feces, and is touted as having cancer-preventing properties.


Grain Yields Starting to Plateau

Some of the factors influencing grain yields are natural, while others are of human origin.


Compost tea calculator includes recipes and guides for brewing your own fertilizers

Straight outta Humboldt, this app is a great intro to the "art and craft" of brewing your own compost tea for boosting microbial activity in the soil and improving yields.


"Passivhaus is a team sport"- the idea is simple, the execution is a bit tougher

It's one thing to design to the Passivhaus standard; it is another thing altogether to prove it.


What the Italians can teach us about living well

After visiting friends in Bologna, I came away with a sense that the Italians have embraced many things that we North Americans would do well to adopt.


Oil giant quits tar sands, embraces offshore wind instead

This is a prime example of divest-invest in action, folks...


3 Lessons The Everglades Can Teach Everyone About the Environment

All photos credit Collin Dunn Ed. note: 24 of the top teachers in the U.S. have been chosen to go to the Galapagos Islands, with a stop in the Florida Everglades, with the Toyota International Teacher Program. The program is designed to engage a variety


How Do You Teach Kids to Live Sustainably on an Island?

Environmental education is playing a bigger role around the globe as we all learn more about our environmental surroundings. As


Teacher's modern tiny house has hidden storage staircase (Video)

This contemporary tiny house from the Netherlands incorporates lots of great layout and storage ideas.


Park a house in a parking spot instead of a car

Or, for that matter, park both a house and a car like Bill Dunster's ZEDpod.


Artist & engineer team up to create paints made out of environmental toxins (Video)

Toxins leached out of old coal mines in the American Rust Belt are converted into custom paints.


Philadelphia Eagles - The Green Team - Scores Touchdown for Energy Independence

Quoting directly from the Philadelphia Eagles presser: "The Eagles have contracted with Orlando FL-based SolarBlue, a


Ontario is getting steamed over milk

One newspaper says there is no difference between organic and conventional milk; another says the test pool is far too small to make that conclusion.


Team of super vultures deployed in Peru to battle polluters

Outfitted with GoPros and solar-powered GPS trackers, the crew of carrion-loving vigilantes is sniffing out illegal dumps in Lima.


Protecting plants by deterrents instead of killing insects

"It's not just about the bees, it's about the survival of humanity"


Cheetahs can't roar, they meow instead

Did you know that cheetahs sound a lot like your housecat?


Hydropower Continues Steady Growth

World hydroelectric power generation has risen steadily by an average 3 percent annually over the past four decades.


On MNN: Robot hotels, over-conditioned offices, seasteading still sinks, and I Kondoed my phone!

A look at some recent posts on our sister site that might interest TreeHuggers.


Dolphins are breaking into nets to steal fish thanks to overfishing

Why does this not surprise me?


"Why Not Have Another Go at Exxon Instead?" Bibi van der Zee Takes on Monbiot

The Guardian columnist and environmental thinker George Monbiot usually manages to provoke a strong debate in our comments sections. Some time ago, our post on his new book Heat raised a fierce exchange of views about the impacts of flying, meanwhile his


Tea-growers enraged by Sainsbury's withdrawal from Fairtrade

The UK grocery chain has long been a Fairtrade champion, but recently announced it would invent its own 'fairly traded' certification scheme.


Are farmers and environmentalists teaming up?

Scientists found a way to get more crops per acre and save the planet at the same time.


22-Year-Old Frank Zappa Teaches How to Play the Bicycle (Video)

Sure, a bicycle can replace your car -- but as Frank Zappa demonstrates, it could replace your drum-set, too.


Let's go camping! A tour of teardrop trailers

They are light and efficient and easy to tow.