ben 166 JSJ New Relic with Wraithan and Ben Weintraub By Published On :: Wed, 01 Jul 2015 11:00:00 -0400 02:27 - Coding House Scholarship Winners with AJ and Aimee Emily Dreisbach (50% scholarship winner) Blake Gilmore (50% scholarship winner) Berlin Sohn (100% scholarship winner) Congratulations from the panelists of JavaScript Jabber! 09:48 - Ben Weintraub Introduction Twitter GitHub 10:40 - Wraithan Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog 11:01 - Why Care About Monitoring? Insights 13:08 - Mixedpanel 13:57 - How it Works on the Backend Time-series Data MySQL statsd Traces S3 Cassandra Insights 17:26 - New Relic’s CEO: Lew Cirne 18:37 - How the Node Agent Works Express.js Specifics Transactions and Controller Names Database Monitoring MongoDB Oracle Support 23:27 - Deciding Which Databases to Support Postgres 26:41 - Browser Monitoring 32:54 - Using Zombie.js? 34:11 - Tree of Causality Track.js 39:37 - Monetizing Aspect, Viewable Source/Source Available Code 47:28 - Performance CodeGen mraleph Blog v8-perf Benchmarking jsPerf 01:00:53 - New Relic @newrelic New Relic Blog New Relic Community Forum Picks mraleph Blog (Wraithan) v8-perf (Wraithan) The Dear Hunter: A Night on the Town (Jamison) React Rally (Jamison) caddy (AJ) Windows 10: Setup your Raspberry Pi 2 (AJ) Remote debugging protocol (Ben) Chrome Dev Tools Filmstrip View (Ben) Full Article
ben 206 JSJ PostCSS with Ben Briggs By Published On :: Wed, 06 Apr 2016 09:00:00 -0400 02:30 - Ben Briggs Twitter GitHub Blog cssnano 03:03 - PostCSS cssnext 07:16 - What problems was PostCSS designed to solve for developers? rework autoprefixer 09:46 - Using PostCSS vs Sass lost 14:02 - Using Future Features 16:28 - Tool Fatigue 23:39 - When should people start thinking about using PostCSS? stylelint rtlcss postcss-colorblind 31:24 - Postprocessing midas 33:43 - Shipping Apps with Emojis? 36:21 - Where does PostCSS end and where does css-modules begin? Picks Chet Corcos: Functional Programming for JavaScript People (Aimee) Operation Code Scholarship (Aimee) Web Platform Daily Digest (Ben) Cadbury Caramel Eggs (Joe) Hello World Podcast (Joe) React Rally (Dave) Full Article
ben 227 JSJ Fostering Community Through React with Benjamin Dunphy, Berkeley Martinez, and Ian Sinnott By Published On :: Wed, 31 Aug 2016 09:00:00 -0400 03:08 - Benjamin Dunphy Introduction Twitter GitHub 04:07 - Berkeley Martinez Introduction Twitter GitHub Free Code Camp 04:19 - Ian Sinnott Introduction Twitter GitHub Blog TruSTAR Technology 05:19 - The React Codebase 12:38 - Other Important Parts of the React Ecosystem 14:22 - The Angular vs the React Ecosystem and Community The Learning Curve create-react-app 22:07 - Community Developer Experience Functional Programming 26:56 - Getting Connected to the React Community Meetup: Real World React @rwreact ReactJS San Francisco Bay Area Meetup Meetup Eventbrite Calagator Twitter Dan Abramov: My React List 29:34 - Conferences React.js Conf React Rally ReactNext ReactiveConf ReactEurope 33:28 - Technology From the Community redux ThunderCats.js 38:23 - Choices Are Expanding; Not Shrinking Linting 40:19 - The Future of React 42:39 - Starting More Communities Picks This Developing Story (Aimee) Nashville (Aimee) Nodevember (Aimee) React in 7 Minutes (Ben) Lee Byron: Immutable User Interfaces @ Render 2016 (Ben) Nick Schrock: React.js Conf 2016 Keynote (Ben) create-react-app (Ian) Functional Programming Jargon (Ian) The Serverless Framework (Ian) Ben's Blog (Berkeley) Isaac Asimov’s Robot Series (Berkeley) Vsauce: The Zipf Mystery (Berkeley) Kinesis Advantage for PC & Mac (Dave) Full Article
ben JSJ 248 Reactive Programming and RxJS with Ben Lesh By Published On :: Tue, 07 Feb 2017 06:00:00 -0500 On today's episode, Charles Max Wood, Joe Eames, and Tracy Lee discuss Reactive Programming and RxJS with Ben Lesh. Ben works at Netflix and also has a side job for Rx Workshop with Tracy. He is the lead author of RxJS 5. Tune in to learn more about RxJS! Full Article
ben MJS 044: Ben Coe By Published On :: Wed, 17 Jan 2018 06:00:00 -0500 Panel: Charles Max Wood Guest: Ben Coe This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Ben Coe. Ben is the co-founder of Currently, work for NPM, and had worked for Freshbooks where he began his professional development career. Ben talks about his journey into programming and learning JavaScript, and the many experiences into his successful dev career. Ben shares his contributions to the Javascript community and the open source world with technologies like Yargs and InstanbulJS. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: How did you get into programming? Noodling around with old computers from Waterloo Geo cites How did you get into Javascript? Working at Freshbooks Backend infrastructure at NPM How did you end up working at NPM? Operations person at NPM Dev Ops What was it like being there in the early days? Automation Yargs InstanbulJS Product management at NPM C8 What is next? and much, much more! Links: @BenjaminCoe Yargs InstanbulJS Picks Ben C8 tool Full Article
ben JSJ 303: Test Coverage Tools with Ben Coe, Aaron Abramov, and Issac Schleuter By Published On :: Tue, 06 Mar 2018 06:00:00 -0500 Panel: Charles Max Wood Aimee Knight Corey House AJ O'Neal Special Guests: Ben Coe, Aaron Abramov, and Issac Schleuter In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panelists talk with Ben Coe, Aaron Abramov, and Issac Schleuter about test coverage and testing tools. They talk about the different tools and libraries that they have contributed to the coding community, such as NYC, conf, and Jest. They also discuss what test coverage is actually about and when using test coverage tools is necessary. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: What have you contributed to the testing tools community? npm NYC tool and instanbul project conf Jest These libraries were developed to be easy and have “batteries included” False positives with test coverage Encourage testing practices that don’t practice in a superficial way Test coverage is about making sure you test every state a public API can get into Think through the test you’re writing first Barriers against testing Don’t spike the code too quickly Provides guardrails for newer developers to contribute to open source projects Use tests to understand the system How to spend your time better When you need tests Value is very short term TDD And much, much more! Links: @BenjaminCoe @AaronAbramov_ Issac’s GitHub Picks: Charles React Roundup Views on Vue Adventures in Angular React Dev Summit 2018 Aimee Galentine’s Day Dnote CLI AJ The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson Corey We are hive project guidelines Tip: You can install node as a dependency on your project Ben Hack Illinois 2018 C8 Aaron Reason Issac The Tap 100 Krypton App Friendly Fire Podcasts Full Article
ben JSJ 308: D3.js with Ben Clinkinbeard By Published On :: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 06:00:00 -0400 Panel: Joe Eames Cory House Aimee Knight Special Guests: Ben Clinkinbeard In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panelists talk about D3.js with Ben Clinkinbeard. D3.js is a JavaScript library that has you use declarative code to tell it what you want and then it figures out all of the browser inconsistencies and creates the notes for you. He talks about the two main concepts behind D3, scales and selections, which once you understand make D3 a lot more user friendly. He then touches on SPGs and discusses his Learn D3 in 5 Days course. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: What is D3.js? Stands for Data Driven Documents JavaScript How much of the learning curve is attributed to learning D3? SPG 2 main concepts behind D3: scales and selections Is learning about SPGs a prerequisite to leaning D3? How serious are you talking when saying idiosyncrasies? SPG tag Understanding positioning in SPG Positions with CSS transforms Are you required to use SPG? Not required to use SPG with D3 Canvas SPG is vector based SPG utility function Responseivefy Learn D3 in 5 Days course Is there and overlap with D3 and React? And much, much more! Links: D3.js JavaScript Responsivefy Learn D3 in 5 Days course React @bclinkinbeard Ben’s GitHub Picks: Cory React cheat sheet “Why software engineers disagree about everything” by Haseeb Qureshi Joe Eames “JavaScript vs. TypeScript vs. ReasonML” by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer Aimee “How To Use Technical Debt In Your Favor” Neuroscience News Twitter Ben ComLink Full Article
ben JSJ 309: WebAssembly and JavaScript with Ben Titzer By Published On :: Tue, 17 Apr 2018 06:00:00 -0400 Panel: Charles Max Wood Cory House Aimee Knight Special Guests: Ben Titzer In this episode, the JavaScript Jabber panelists discuss WebAssembly and JavaScript with Ben Titzer. Ben is a JavaScript VM engineer and is on the V8 team at Google. He was one of the co-inventors of WebAssembly and he now works on VM engineering as well as other things for WebAssembly. They talk about how WebAssembly came to be and when it would be of most benefit to you in your own code. In particular, we dive pretty deep on: Ben intro JavaScript Co-inventor of WebAssembly (Wasm) Joined V8 in 2014 asm.js Built a JIT compiler to make asm.js faster TurboFan What is the role of JavaScript? What is the role of WebAssembly? SIMD.js JavaScript is not a statically typed language Adding SIMD to Wasm was easier Easy to add things to Wasm Will JavaScript benefit? Using JavaScript with Wasm pros and cons Pros to compiling with Wasm Statically typed languages The more statically typed you are, the more you will benefit from Wasm TypeScript Is WebAssembly headed towards being used in daily application? Rust is investing heavily in Wasm WebAssembly in gaming And much, much more! Links: JavaScript V8 WebAssembly asm.js TurboFan TypeScript Rust WebAssembly GitHub Ben’s GitHub Picks: Charles Ready Player One Movie YouTube Alexa Flash Briefings: Add skill for “JavaScript Rants” Cory npm Semantic Version Calculator Kent Beck Tweet Aimee MDN 418 Status code Quantity Always Trumps Quality blog post Ben American Politics Full Article
ben MJS 082: Benjamin Hong By Published On :: Wed, 24 Oct 2018 06:00:00 -0400 Panel: Charles Max Wood Guest: Benjamin Hong This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Benjamin Hong who is a Senior UI Developer at Politico where he lives in the Washington, D.C. area. He has worked with other companies including Treehouse, Element 84, and Udacity. Charles and Benjamin talk about his past and current projects, and how it’s different working for the government vs. working for a business. Check it out! In particular, we dive pretty deep on: 1:06 – Chuck: Tell us a brief introduction, please. 1:23 – Ben: I am a lead frontend developer at Politico. 1:43 – Chuck: It’s an area that can affect everyone. How did you get into developing? 1:52: Ben: I had everything you can think of to develop at first. 2:10 – Chuck: For me it was a TI90 calculator! 2:18 – Chuck: Was it somebody or something that pushed you towards this area? 2:32 – Ben: I wanted to change something with the theme, Googled it, and it went from there, and the Marquis Tag. 2:51 – Chuck: And the Blink Tag! The goodies. So you got the he HTML book – and what website did you build that was your first big project? 3:07 – Ben: It was fiddling around, but it was fortune cookie universe. 3:20 – Chuck: You will have to recreate it! 3:27 – Ben: I think this was 1993/1995 timeframe. 3:40 – Chuck: Yep, me too same time frame. If you had something move on your website it was so cool. You went to building... 4:02 – Ben: JavaScript was a roadblock for me. There was nobody to correct me. I had a JavaScript book and it was a massive failure. 4:33 – Chuck: You took a break and you came back? 4:40 – Ben: Oh – people will PAY you to do this?! 4:54 – Chuck: Did you go to college? 5:01 – Ben: Yes, I have a Master’s in a different field. I was always a tech junkie. I just wanted to put things together. 5:20 – Chuck: Take us through your journey through JS? 5:30 – Ben: I started off with the jQuery piece of it. I needed Java, and it took me awhile to wrap my head around it at first. Through the trial and process of trying to get into Angular and React, too. 6:19 – Chuck: Did you play with Backbone, Knockout, or Ember? 6:32 – Ben: I did do SOME Ember and some Knockout. Those were my first interactions. 6:49 – Chuck: What got you into the profession? How did you get from your Master’s to being a tech guy? 7:14 – Ben: From the Master’s field I learned a lot about human experience, and anted to breed the two together. Also, consulting and helping to build things, too. 7:44 – Charles: What was the career change like? 7:53 – Ben: I went to the federal government at first around the recession – it was good having a stable job. I was bored, though. While I was working for the government I was trying to get my foot in the door. From there I have been building my way up. 8:30 – Ben: I was working on and then later... 8:46 – Charles: We won’t use the word “disaster”! What is it like to work for the government? 9:20 – Ben: Yep. The federal government is a different area because they are stake holders. They were about WHO owned the content, and who do we have to talk to get something approved. It was not product oriented like a business. I made my transition to Politico, because I wanted to find solutions and diversify the problems I was having. 10:31 – Chuck: Have you been there from the beginning? 10:39 – Ben answers the question. Ben: They were looking for frontend developers 10:54 – Chuck: You are the lead there now. What was that like with the transition? 11:08 – Ben talks about the beginnings stages of his time with Politico and the current situation. He talks about the different problems, challenges, and etc. 11:36 – Chuck: Do you consider yourself a news organization or? 11:47 – Ben: We have Politico Pro, too. I have been working with this site more so. There are updates about campaign and voting data. People will pay a fee. 12:25 – Chuck: Do they pain themselves as leaning one way or another or nonpartisan? 12:38 – Ben: We are objective and nonpartisan. 12:51 – Chuck: I know, I was hesitant to ask. What’s the mission of the company and into what you do? 13:09 – Ben: The projects get dumped to us and we are about solving the problems. What is the best route for solving it? I had to help pioneer the new framework into the tech staff is one of my roles. 13:48 – Chuck: What’s your tech stack? 13:55 – Ben: JavaScript and Vue.js. We are experimenting with other software, too. 14:16 – Chuck: We should get you talking about Vue on the other show! Are you working at home? 14:32 – Ben answers the question. Ben: One thing I am helping with Meetup. Community outreach is important and I’m apart of that. 15:09 – Chuck: Yep, it’s interesting to see various fields into the tech world. I am not one of those liberal arts majors, I do have a computer science degree. It’s interesting to see the different perspectives. How little it is for someone to be able to dive-in right away. What are you working on? 16:09 – Ben: Meetup population and helping with the work at Politico. 16:27 – Chuck: Reusable components. Are those opensource or only internal? 16:41 – Ben: They are now opensource but we are seeing which portions can be opensource or not. 17:01 – Chuck: Different companies have come out and offered their opensource. Where do they find you? 17:20 – BenCodeZen! They are more than welcome to message me. 17:36 – Chuck: Any advice on newbies to this field? 17:46 – Ben: Attending those meetings and making those connections. 18:18 – Chuck: I have been writing a book on HOW to get a job as a coder. That’s the same advice that I am giving, too. 18:46 – Chuck: Picks! 18:51 – Advertisement – Fresh Books! 30-Day Trial! Links: React Angular Vue.js JavaScript Ember Elm jQuery BenCodeZen Ben’s LinkedIn Ben’s Crunch Base Sponsors: Cache Fly Get A Coder Job Fresh Books Picks: Charles Framework Summit – UT (Ember, Elm, and tons more!) Microsoft Ignite Code Badge Ben Conference in Toronto Conference in Atlanta, GA (Connect Tech) Conference in London – Vue Full Article
ben MJS 093: Ben Lesh By Published On :: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 05:01:00 -0500 Sponsors Sentry use the code "devchat" for $100 credit Clubhouse CacheFly Episode Summary In this episode of My JavaScript Story, Charles Max Wood hosts Ben Lesh, RxJS Lead and senior software engineer at Google. Ben studied to be an illustrator in Columbus College of Art & Design, but upon graduation he realized he wanted to work in web development. Ben thinks having an interest in problem solving was a key factor on his journey in becoming a developer. For his first programming job, he applied to a position and when he didn’t hear back he kept calling them until they gave him an opportunity. He then worked as a consultant at several other positions before he was offered a job at Netflix where he became the development lead for RxJS 5. Ben then switched over to Google’s Angular team. He is currently working on Angular Ivy at Google. Ben then talks about the projects he has worked on that he is proud of. In his journey as a developer, Ben believes that the take-away lesson is asking lots of questions. He himself had no formal programming training and he got to where he is today by asking sometimes embarrassingly simple questions. Links JSJ 248 Reactive Programming and RxJS with Ben Lesh VoV 020: Reactive Programming with Vue with Tracy Lee, Ben Lesh, and Jay Phelps AiA 199: RxJS with Ben Lesh, Tracy Lee, and Jay Phelps Ben's LinkedIN Ben's Twitter Ben's GitHub Picks Ben Lesh: Angular Ivy Ben's Workshop Charles Max Wood: Charles' Twitter Full Article
ben JSJ 371: The Benefits and Challenges of Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Dan Shappir By Published On :: Tue, 02 Jul 2019 06:00:00 -0400 Sponsors Triplebyte offers a $1000 signing bonus Sentry use the code “devchat” for $100 credit CacheFly Panel Charles Max Wood Joe Eames Christopher Buecheler Aimee Knight AJ O’Neal Joined by special guest: Dan Shappir Episode Summary In this episode of JavaScript Jabber, special guest Dan Shappir, Performance Tech Lead at Wix, kicks off the discussion by defining server-side rendering (SSR) along with giving its historical background, and touches on the differences between server rendering and server-side rendering. He helps listeners understand in detail how SSR is beneficial for the web and takes questions from the panel about how it affects web performance in cases where first-time users and returning users are involved, and how does SSR fare against technologies such as pre-rendering. He then elaborates on the pitfalls and challenges of SSR including managing and declaring variables, memory leaks, performance issues, handling SEO, and more, along with ways to mitigate them. In the end, Dan sheds some light on when should developers use SSR and how should they start working with it. Links Dan’s Twitter Dan’s GitHub SSR WeakMap Follow JavaScript Jabber on, Facebook and Twitter. Picks Christopher Buecheler: Tip - Take some time off once in a while Aimee Knight: Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects AJ O’Neal: Fatherhood! Joe Eames: Tiny Towns The Goldbergs Charles Max Wood: EverywhereJS Christopher Buecheler’s books Get a Coder Job - Publishing soon! Dan Shappir: Quora Corvid by Wix You Gotta Love Frontend Conferences Full Article
ben JSJ 419: Google App Script with Ben Collins By Published On :: Tue, 04 Feb 2020 06:00:00 -0500 Today’s guest is Ben Collins, who creates online courses, writes tutorials, and teaches workshops around G Suite and App Script. Apps Script is a scripting platform developed by Google for light-weight application development in the G Suite platform. It is an implementation of JavaScript with the express purpose of extending Google apps. App Script was started 10 years ago as a side project, and it eventually took on its own life. Ben talks about some of the different things that App Script can do and where things are stored. They discuss different ways you can get into the script and how to import external scripts from a CDN. Ben gives two examples, one simple and one sophisticated, that you might build from App Script. He talks about event triggers and how authentication is handled. He goes over the three deployment options, namely web app, app executable, sheets add-on, and deploying from the manifest. Ben talks about how triggers are managed in App Script and options for debugging. There is also the option to develop locally as well as in the browser. The show ends with him talking about how to build using HTML in App Script. Panelists Aimee Knight Steve Edwards Dan Shapir Guest Ben Collins Sponsors G2i Split ____________________________ "The MaxCoders Guide to Finding Your Dream Developer Job" by Charles Max Wood is now available on Amazon. Get Your Copy Today! ____________________________________________________________ Links G Suite AppScript Clasp Picks Steve Edwards: King Kong Apparel Aimee Knight: Developers Mentoring Other Developers Dan Shapir: The Web Almanac AJ O’Neal: Photography Magic Lantern Bem Collins: Cold Turkey app Follow Ben at and Twitter Full Article
ben Years of plenty, years of want [electronic resource] : France and the legacy of the Great War / Benjamin Franklin Martin By Published On :: Martin, Benjamin F., 1947- Full Article
ben Young people's experiences of loss and bereavement [electronic resource] : towards an interdisciplinary approach / Jane Ribbens McCarthy By Published On :: Ribbens McCarthy, Jane Full Article
ben Your MA in theology [electronic resource] / Zoë Bennett with Carol Reekie and Esther Shreeve By Published On :: Bennett, Zoë, author Full Article
ben Implications of habitat type on the hyperbenthos of two morphologically divergent estuaries, and their adjacent nearshore marine waters, along the lower west coast of Australia / Natahsa Jeanne Coen By Published On :: Coen, Natasha Jeanne, author Full Article
ben Commercial and institutional end uses of water / prepared by Benedykt Dziegielewski ... [et al.] By Published On :: Full Article
ben Oxidative N-heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed [3 + 3] annulation reaction of enals with benzofuran-3-ones: efficient access to benzofuran-fused δ-lactones By Published On :: Org. Chem. Front., 2020, 7,1011-1015DOI: 10.1039/D0QO00161A, Research ArticleZhan-Yong Wang, Ting Yang, Kai-Kai Wang, Rongxiang Chen, Menghan Liu, Hongxin LiuA facile route to benzofuran-fused δ-lactones was developed via an N-heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed [3 + 3] annulation reaction, giving the expected products in high yields (up to 99%) with excellent enantioselectivities (up to 98% ee).The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Ag2O-catalysed nucleophilic isocyanation: selective formation of less-stable benzylic isonitriles By Published On :: Org. Chem. Front., 2020, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D0QO00336K, Research ArticleTaiga Yurino, Yuji Tange, Ryutaro Tani, Takeshi OhkumaBoth primary and secondary benzylic isonitriles were exclusively produced by the Ag2O-catalysed reaction of benzylic phosphates and trimethylsilyl cyanide without formation of the thermodynamically favoured regioisomers, benzylic nitriles.To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Hyperforones A–C, benzoyl-migrated [5.3.1]-type polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols from Hypericum forrestii By Published On :: Org. Chem. Front., 2020, 7,1070-1076DOI: 10.1039/D0QO00152J, Research ArticleWei-Jia Lu, Wen-Jun Xu, Yan-Qiu Zhang, Yi-Ran Li, Xin Zhou, Qi-Ji Li, Hao Zhang, Jun Luo, Ling-Yi KongUnprecedented benzoyl-migrated polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinols with a unique C-1 H-substituted bicyclo[5.3.1]hendecane framework, hyperforones A–C (1–3), were isolated from Hypericum forrestii.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Insights into N-heterocyclic carbene and Lewis acid cooperatively catalyzed oxidative [3 + 3] annulation reactions of α,β-unsaturated aldehyde with 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds By Published On :: Org. Chem. Front., 2020, 7,1113-1121DOI: 10.1039/D0QO00091D, Research ArticleXinghua Wang, Yang Wang, Jinshuai Song, Donghui WeiN-Heterocyclic carbene and Lewis acid cooperatively catalyzed oxidative [3 + 3] annulation reactions of 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds have been systematically studied in theory.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Rhodium(III)-catalyzed synthesis of 3-trifluoromethylindanones from N-Methoxybenzamides via C-H activation and Claisen/Retro-Claisen reaction By Published On :: Org. Chem. Front., 2020, Accepted ManuscriptDOI: 10.1039/D0QO00330A, Research ArticleSatyasheel Sharma, Bharatkumar Chaudhary, Neeraj KulkarniThe Rhodium(III)-catalyzed reaction of N-methoxybenzamides as a directing group with β-trifluoromethyl-α,β-unsaturated ketones is reported. The reaction involved sp2 C−H activation, followed by Claisen condensation involving C-N bond cleavage to form...The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Environmental applications of nanomaterials : synthesis, sorbents and sensors / editors, Glen E. Fryxell, Guozhong Cao By Published On :: Full Article
ben [ASAP] Metal–Organic Frameworks with Hexakis(4-carboxyphenyl)benzene: Extensions to Reticular Chemistry and Introducing Foldable Nets By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 04:00:00 GMT Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c02984 Full Article
ben [ASAP] Kinetically Controlled Fast Crystallization of M<sub>12</sub>L<sub>8</sub> Poly-[<italic toggle="yes">n</italic>]-catenanes Using the 2,4,6-Tris(4-pyridyl)benzene Ligand and ZnCl<sub>2</sub> By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 04:00:00 GMT Journal of the American Chemical SocietyDOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c03319 Full Article
ben Thousands from Bengal stranded in Telangana By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 04:34:00 IST The wait to return home might finally come to an end for the thousands of migrant workers from West Bengal, stranded across Telangana. On Friday, the Mamata Banerjee-government announced that special trains will be arranged to ferry home migrant labourers, patients, students and stranded tourists. Full Article
ben Industrial biotechnology / Mark Anthony Benvenuto By Published On :: Sun, 29 Dec 2019 06:24:32 EST Hayden Library - TP248.2.B46 2019 Full Article
ben Meat planet: artificial flesh and the future of food / Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft By Published On :: Sun, 26 Apr 2020 06:32:35 EDT Hayden Library - TP447.M4 W87 2019 Full Article
ben Race in John's gospel : toward an ethnos-conscious approach / Andrew Benko By Published On :: Benko, Andrew, 1980- author Full Article
ben The faithfulness of the risen Christ : pistis and the exalted Lord in the Pauline letters / David J. Downs, Benjamin J. Lappenga By Published On :: Downs, David J., 1977- author Full Article
ben The making of Christianity : conflicts, contacts, and constructions : essays in honor of Bengt Holmberg / edited by Magnus Zetterholm and Samuel Byrskog By Published On :: Full Article
ben A compatibility study on the glycosylation of 4,4'-dihydroxyazobenzene By Published On :: RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17432-17437DOI: 10.1039/D0RA02435J, Paper Open Access   This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.Jonathan Berry, Guillaume Despras, Thisbe K. LindhorstThe glycosylation of 4,4'-dihydroxyazobenzene was investigated to identify suitable conditions providing access to valuable photoswitchable glycoconjugates.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Synthesis and gas permeation properties of thermally rearranged poly(ether-benzoxazole)s with low rearrangement temperatures By Published On :: RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17461-17472DOI: 10.1039/D0RA00145G, Paper Open Access   This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.Yunhua Lu, Jianhua Zhang, Guoyong Xiao, Lin Li, Mengjie Hou, Junyi Hu, Tonghua WangA series of poly(ether-benzoxazole)(PEBO) for gas separation were prepared from 9,9-bis[4-(4-amino-3-hydroxylphenoxy)phenyl]fluorene based hydroxyl-containing poly(ether-imide)s (HPEIs) with low rearrangement temperatures.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Development of novel N-(6-methanesulfonyl-benzothiazol-2-yl)-3-(4-substituted-piperazin-1-yl)-propionamides with cholinesterase inhibition, anti-β-amyloid aggregation, neuroprotection and cognition enhancing properties for the therapy of Alzheimer's d By Published On :: RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17602-17619DOI: 10.1039/D0RA00663G, Paper Open Access   This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.Chandra Bhushan Mishra, Shruti Shalini, Siddharth Gusain, Amresh Prakash, Jyoti Kumari, Shikha Kumari, Anita Kumari Yadav, Andrew M. Lynn, Manisha TiwariA novel series of benzothiazole–piperazine hybrids were rationally designed, synthesized, and evaluated as multifunctional ligands against Alzheimer's disease (AD).The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Enhanced thermal stability, hydrophobicity, UV radiation resistance, and antibacterial properties of wool fabric treated with p-aminobenzenesulphonic acid By Published On :: RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17515-17523DOI: 10.1039/D0RA02267E, Paper Open Access   This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.Mohammad Mahbubul HassanThe treatment with para-aminobenzenesulphonic acid produced a multifunctional wool fabric with enhanced hydrophobicity, thermal stability, UV resistance, and antibacterial properties.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Research on the controllable degradation of N-methylamido and dialkylamino substituted at the 5th position of the benzene ring in chlorsulfuron in acidic soil By Published On :: RSC Adv., 2020, 10,17870-17880DOI: 10.1039/D0RA00811G, Paper Open Access   This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence.Fan-Fei Meng, Lei Wu, Yu-Cheng Gu, Sha Zhou, Yong-Hong Li, Ming-Gui Chen, Shaa Zhou, Yang-Yang Zhao, Yi Ma, Zheng-Ming LiThese results will provide valuable information to discover tailored SU with controllable degradation properties to meet the needs of individual crops.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Coronavirus | Nine deaths, 130 cases reported in Bengal By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 02:05:54 +0530 This has been the highest spike in the number of cases in the State in a single day, taking the number of cases to 1,678 Full Article Other States
ben Stressbewältigung, Empathie und Zufriedenheit in der Partnerschaft [electronic resource] / Bente Klein By Published On :: Klein, Bente Full Article
ben What great salespeople do [electronic resource] : the science of selling through emotional connection and the power of story / Michael Bosworth, Ben Zoldan By Published On :: Bosworth, Michael T Full Article
ben The WorldatWork handbook of compensation, benefits & total rewards [electronic resource] : a comprehensive guide for HR professionals / Worldatwork By Published On :: Full Article
ben JAMA Oncology : Cost-effectiveness and Benefit-to-Harm Ratio of Risk-Stratified Breast Cancer Screening By Published On :: Thu, 05 Jul 2018 15:00:00 +0000 Interview with Nora Pashayan, BSc MSc MSt MD PhD FFPH, author of Cost-effectiveness and Benefit-to-Harm Ratio of Risk-Stratified Screening for Breast Cancer: A Life-Table Model Full Article
ben JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery : Readmission Determinants and Benefit of Experienced Surgeons in Otolaryngology Procedures By Published On :: Thu, 14 Mar 2019 15:00:00 +0000 Interview with Alfred Iloreta, MD, author of Association of Surgical and Hospital Volume and Patient Characteristics With 30-Day Readmission Rates Full Article
ben Income Taxation of Employment Benefits By Published On :: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 08:34:57 GMT Join Jayne Pong of PwC for an insightful overview of the income tax implications of benefits and allowances employers provided to their employees, including those who are owner-managers. The webinar will provide payroll administrators, small to medium-sized business owners and their advisors with a general understanding of when employment benefits are taxable, how to determine the value of these benefits, and when sales taxes and payroll deductions are applicable to these benefits. Understanding the tax consequences of employment benefits will assist in deciding the types of benefits to offer in compensation strategies. Available Sessions for this Seminar:ipwebinar.aspx?tab=1&smid=1525, January 28, 2015 Full Article
ben Food plants of the world : identification, culinary uses and nutritional value / Ben-Erik van Wyk By Published On :: Van Wyk, Ben-Erik, author Full Article
ben Interactions in the marine benthos : global patterns and processes / edited by Stephen J. Hawkins, Katrin Bohn, Louise B. Firth, Gray A. Williams By Published On :: Full Article
ben Chemoselective oxidative addition of vinyl sulfones mediated by palladium complexes bearing picolyl-N-heterocyclic carbene ligands. By Published On :: Dalton Trans., 2020, 49,5684-5694DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01144D, PaperThomas Scattolin, Claudio Santo, Nicola Demitri, Luciano Canovese, Fabiano VisentinWe have examined in depth the features of oxidative addition of (E)-1,2 ditosylethene on palladium(0) complexes bearing picolyl-N-heterocyclic carbenes.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Amide and ester derivatives of chlorido[4-carboxy-1,2-disalicylideneaminobenzene]iron(III) as necroptosis and ferroptosis inducers By Published On :: Dalton Trans., 2020, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D0DT00168F, PaperDaniel Baecker, Benjamin N. Ma, Jessica Sagasser, Lukas Schultz, Carina Hörschläger, Maria Weinreich, Lucy Steiner, Brigitte Kircher, Ronald GustAmide and ester derivatives of chlorido[4-carboxy-1,2-disalicylideneaminobenzene]iron(III) were synthesized and characterized as necroptosis and ferroptosis inducers using the acute myeloid leukemia cell line HL-60.To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article
ben Land use planning and development regulation law / Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer (professor and Ben F. Johnson Jr. Chair in Law, Georgia State University College of Law, adjunct professor in city and regional planning, Georgia Institute of Technology), Tho By Published On :: Sun, 11 Aug 2019 10:25:18 EDT Rotch Library - KF5698.J84 2018 Full Article
ben Derecho, conflicto social y emancipación: entre la depresión y la esperanza / Mauro Benente, Marco Navas Alvear (compiladores) By Published On :: Sun, 22 Sep 2019 08:26:56 EDT Online Resource Full Article
ben Ecological restoration law: concepts and case studies / edited by Afshin Akhtar-Khavari and Benjamin Richardson By Published On :: Sun, 27 Oct 2019 07:50:57 EDT Dewey Library - K3478.E36 2019 Full Article