
What Policymakers Should Ask Modelers

With decision-makers relying on a growing torrent of forecasts regarding COVID-19 and other important issues, it is more important than ever that they ask questions about how the projections were made. To use predictive tools more effectively, policymakers should ask four questions in particular.


What Policymakers Should Ask Modelers

With decision-makers relying on a growing torrent of forecasts regarding COVID-19 and other important issues, it is more important than ever that they ask questions about how the projections were made. To use predictive tools more effectively, policymakers should ask four questions in particular.


What Policymakers Should Ask Modelers

With decision-makers relying on a growing torrent of forecasts regarding COVID-19 and other important issues, it is more important than ever that they ask questions about how the projections were made. To use predictive tools more effectively, policymakers should ask four questions in particular.


What Policymakers Should Ask Modelers

With decision-makers relying on a growing torrent of forecasts regarding COVID-19 and other important issues, it is more important than ever that they ask questions about how the projections were made. To use predictive tools more effectively, policymakers should ask four questions in particular.


The market makers: Local innovation and federal evolution for impact investing

Announcements of new federal regulations on the use of program-related investments (PRIs) and the launch of a groundbreaking fund in Chicago are the latest signals that impact investing, once a marginal philanthropic and policy tool, is moving into the mainstream. They are also illustrative of two important and complementary paths to institutional change: fast-moving, collaborative local leadership creating innovative new instruments to meet funding demands; federal regulators updating policy to pave the way for change at scale.

Impact investing, referring to “investment strategies that generate financial returns while intentionally improving social and environmental conditions,” provides an important tier of higher-risk capital to fund socially beneficial projects with revenue-generating potential: affordable housing, early childhood and workforce development programs, and social enterprises. It is estimated that there are over $60 billion of impact investments globally and interest is growing—an annual JP Morgan study of impact investors from 2015 reports that the number of impact investing deals increased 13 percent between 2013 and 2014 following a 20 percent increase in the previous year.

Traditionally, foundations have split their impact investments into two pots, one for mission-related investments, designed to generate market-rate returns and maintain and grow the value of the endowment, and the other for program-related investments. PRIs can include loans, guarantees, or equity investments that advance a charitable purpose without expectation of market returns. PRIs are an attractive use of a foundation’s endowment as they allow foundations to recycle their limited grant funds and they count towards a foundation’s charitable distribution requirement of 5 percent of assets. However they have been underutilized to date due to perceived hurdles around their use–in fact among the thousands of foundations in the United States, currently only a few hundred make PRIs.

But this is changing, spurred on by both entrepreneurial local action and federal leadership. On April 21, the White House announced that the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service had finalized regulations that are expected to make it easier for private foundations to put their assets to work in innovative ways. While there is still room for improvement, by clarifying rules and signaling mainstream acceptance of impact investing practices these changes should lower the barriers to entry for some institutional investors.

This federal leadership is welcome, but is not by itself enough to meet the growing demand for capital investment in the civic sector. Local innovation, spurred by new philanthropic collaborations, can be transformative. On April 25 in Chicago, the Chicago Community Trust, the Calvert Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation launched Benefit Chicago, a $100 million impact investment fund that aims to catalyze a new market by making it easier for individuals and institutions to put their dollars to work locally and help meet the estimated $100-400 million capital needs of the civic sector over the next five years.

A Next Street report found that the potential supply of patient capital from foundations and investors in the Chicago region was more than enough to meet the demand – if there were ways to more easily connect the two. Benefit Chicago addresses this market gap by making it possible for individuals to invest directly through a brokerage or a donor-advised fund and for the many foundations without dedicated impact investing programs to put their endowments to work at scale. All of the transactional details of deal flow, underwriting, and evaluation of results are handled by the intermediary, which should lead to greater efficiency and a significant increase in the size of the impact investing market in Chicago.

In the last few years, a new form of impact investing has made measurement of social return to investments even more concrete. Social impact bonds (SIBs), also known as pay for success (PFS) financing, are a way for private investors (including foundations) to provide capital to support social services with the promise of a return on their investment from a government agency if some agreed-upon social outcomes are achieved. These PFS transactions range from funding to support high-quality early childhood education programs in Chicago to reduction in chronic individual homelessness in the state of Massachusetts. Both the IRS and the Chicago announcements are bound to contribute to the growth of the impact bond market which to date represents a small segment of the impact investing market.

These examples illustrate a rare and wonderful convergence of leadership at the federal and local levels around an idea that makes sense. Beyond simply broadening the number of ways that foundations can deploy funds, growing the pool of impact investments can have a powerful market-making effect. Impact investments unlock other tiers of capital, reducing risk for private investors and making possible new types of deals with longer time horizons and lower expected market return.

In the near future, these federal and local moves together might radically change the philanthropic landscape. If every major city had a fund like Benefit Chicago, and all local investors had a simple on-ramp to impact investing, the pool of capital to help local organizations meet local needs could grow exponentially. This in turn could considerably improve funding for programs—like access to quality social services and affordable housing—that show impact over the long term.

Impact investing can be a bright spot in an otherwise somber fiscal environment if localities keep innovating and higher levels of government evolve to support, incentivize, and smooth its growth. These announcements from Washington and Chicago are examples of the multilevel leadership and creative institutional change we need to ensure that we tap every source of philanthropic capital, to feel some abundance in an era where scarcity is the dominant narrative.

Editor's Note: Alaina Harkness is a fellow at Brookings while on leave from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, which is a donor to the Brookings Institution. The findings, interpretations and conclusions posted in this piece are solely those of the authors and not determined by any donation.

Image Source: © Jeff Haynes / Reuters


5 questions policymakers should ask about facial recognition, law enforcement, and algorithmic bias

In the futuristic 2002 film “Minority Report,” law enforcement uses a predictive technology that includes artificial intelligence (AI) for risk assessments to arrest possible murderers before they commit crimes. However, a police officer is now one of the accused future murderers and is on the run from the Department of Justice to prove that the…



The market makers: Local innovation and federal evolution for impact investing

Announcements of new federal regulations on the use of program-related investments (PRIs) and the launch of a groundbreaking fund in Chicago are the latest signals that impact investing, once a marginal philanthropic and policy tool, is moving into the mainstream. They are also illustrative of two important and complementary paths to institutional change: fast-moving, collaborative local leadership creating innovative new instruments to meet funding demands; federal regulators updating policy to pave the way for change at scale.

Impact investing, referring to “investment strategies that generate financial returns while intentionally improving social and environmental conditions,” provides an important tier of higher-risk capital to fund socially beneficial projects with revenue-generating potential: affordable housing, early childhood and workforce development programs, and social enterprises. It is estimated that there are over $60 billion of impact investments globally and interest is growing—an annual JP Morgan study of impact investors from 2015 reports that the number of impact investing deals increased 13 percent between 2013 and 2014 following a 20 percent increase in the previous year.

Traditionally, foundations have split their impact investments into two pots, one for mission-related investments, designed to generate market-rate returns and maintain and grow the value of the endowment, and the other for program-related investments. PRIs can include loans, guarantees, or equity investments that advance a charitable purpose without expectation of market returns. PRIs are an attractive use of a foundation’s endowment as they allow foundations to recycle their limited grant funds and they count towards a foundation’s charitable distribution requirement of 5 percent of assets. However they have been underutilized to date due to perceived hurdles around their use–in fact among the thousands of foundations in the United States, currently only a few hundred make PRIs.

But this is changing, spurred on by both entrepreneurial local action and federal leadership. On April 21, the White House announced that the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Internal Revenue Service had finalized regulations that are expected to make it easier for private foundations to put their assets to work in innovative ways. While there is still room for improvement, by clarifying rules and signaling mainstream acceptance of impact investing practices these changes should lower the barriers to entry for some institutional investors.

This federal leadership is welcome, but is not by itself enough to meet the growing demand for capital investment in the civic sector. Local innovation, spurred by new philanthropic collaborations, can be transformative. On April 25 in Chicago, the Chicago Community Trust, the Calvert Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation launched Benefit Chicago, a $100 million impact investment fund that aims to catalyze a new market by making it easier for individuals and institutions to put their dollars to work locally and help meet the estimated $100-400 million capital needs of the civic sector over the next five years.

A Next Street report found that the potential supply of patient capital from foundations and investors in the Chicago region was more than enough to meet the demand – if there were ways to more easily connect the two. Benefit Chicago addresses this market gap by making it possible for individuals to invest directly through a brokerage or a donor-advised fund and for the many foundations without dedicated impact investing programs to put their endowments to work at scale. All of the transactional details of deal flow, underwriting, and evaluation of results are handled by the intermediary, which should lead to greater efficiency and a significant increase in the size of the impact investing market in Chicago.

In the last few years, a new form of impact investing has made measurement of social return to investments even more concrete. Social impact bonds (SIBs), also known as pay for success (PFS) financing, are a way for private investors (including foundations) to provide capital to support social services with the promise of a return on their investment from a government agency if some agreed-upon social outcomes are achieved. These PFS transactions range from funding to support high-quality early childhood education programs in Chicago to reduction in chronic individual homelessness in the state of Massachusetts. Both the IRS and the Chicago announcements are bound to contribute to the growth of the impact bond market which to date represents a small segment of the impact investing market.

These examples illustrate a rare and wonderful convergence of leadership at the federal and local levels around an idea that makes sense. Beyond simply broadening the number of ways that foundations can deploy funds, growing the pool of impact investments can have a powerful market-making effect. Impact investments unlock other tiers of capital, reducing risk for private investors and making possible new types of deals with longer time horizons and lower expected market return.

In the near future, these federal and local moves together might radically change the philanthropic landscape. If every major city had a fund like Benefit Chicago, and all local investors had a simple on-ramp to impact investing, the pool of capital to help local organizations meet local needs could grow exponentially. This in turn could considerably improve funding for programs—like access to quality social services and affordable housing—that show impact over the long term.

Impact investing can be a bright spot in an otherwise somber fiscal environment if localities keep innovating and higher levels of government evolve to support, incentivize, and smooth its growth. These announcements from Washington and Chicago are examples of the multilevel leadership and creative institutional change we need to ensure that we tap every source of philanthropic capital, to feel some abundance in an era where scarcity is the dominant narrative.

Editor's Note: Alaina Harkness is a fellow at Brookings while on leave from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, which is a donor to the Brookings Institution. The findings, interpretations and conclusions posted in this piece are solely those of the authors and not determined by any donation.

Image Source: © Jeff Haynes / Reuters


Responsible innovation: A primer for policymakers

Technical change is advancing at a breakneck speed while the institutions that govern innovative activity slog forward trying to keep pace. The lag has created a need for reform in the governance of innovation. Reformers who focus primarily on the social benefits of innovation propose to unmoor the innovative forces of the market. Conversely, those who deal mostly with innovation’s social costs wish to constrain it by introducing regulations in advance of technological developments. In this paper, Walter Valdivia and David Guston argue for a different approach to reform the governance of innovation that they call "Responsible Innovation" because it seeks to imbue in the actors of the innovation system a more robust sense of individual and collective responsibility.

Responsible innovation appreciates the power of free markets in organizing innovation and realizing social expectations but is self-conscious about the social costs that markets do not internalize. At the same time, the actions it recommends do not seek to slow down innovation because they do not constrain the set of options for researchers and businesses, they expand it. Responsible innovation is not a doctrine of regulation and much less an instantiation of the precautionary principle. Innovation and society can evolve down several paths and the path forward is to some extent open to collective choice. The aim of a responsible governance of innovation is to make that choice more consonant with democratic principles.

Valdivia and Guston illustrate how responsible innovation can be implemented with three practical initiatives: 

  1. Industry: Incorporating values and motivations to innovation decisions that go beyond the profit motive could help industry take on a long-view of those decisions and better manage its own costs associated with liability and regulation, while reducing the social cost of negative externalities. Consequently, responsible innovation should be an integral part of corporate social responsibility, considering that the latter has already become part of the language of business, from the classroom to the board room, and that is effectively shaping, in some quarters, corporate policies and decisions.
  2. Universities and National Laboratories: Centers for Responsible Innovation, fashioned after the institutional reform of Internal Review Boards to protect human subjects in research and the Offices of Technology Transfer created to commercialize academic research, could organize existing responsible innovation efforts at university and laboratory campuses. These Centers would formalize the consideration of impacts of research proposals on legal and regulatory frameworks, economic opportunity and inequality, sustainable development and the environment, as well as ethical questions beyond the integrity of research subjects.
  3. Federal Government: Federal policy should improve its protections and support of scientific research while providing mechanisms of public accountability for research funding agencies and their contractors. Demanding a return on investment for every research grant is a misguided approach that devalues research and undermines trust between Congress and the scientific community. At the same time, scientific institutions and their advocates should improve public engagement and demonstrate their willingness and ability to be responsive to societal concerns and expectations about the public research agenda. Second, if scientific research is a public good, by definition, markets are not effective commercializing it. New mechanisms to develop practical applications from federal research with little market appeal should be introduced to counterbalance the emphasis the current technology transfer system places on research ready for the market. Third, federal innovation policy needs to be better coordinated with other federal policy, including tax, industrial, and trade policy as well as regulatory regimes. It should also improve coordination with initiatives at the local and state level to improve the outcomes of innovation for each region, state, and metro area.





2020 trends to watch: Stories policymakers should be watching in 2020

2020 is already shaping up to be a tumultuous year with the assassination Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani, impeachment, and the coming 2020 presidential elections. Below, explore what our experts have identified as the biggest the stories policymakers should be paying attention to in 2020.



Message for Policymakers: Ocean Iron Fertilization Chances of Success Low

Another summary of the potential risks and benefits of ocean iron fertilization--the geoengineering method which proposes seeding oceans with iron so as to stimulate microscopic plants that absorb carbon from the


Car makers are fighting back against proposed fuel efficiency standards

People want big SUVs and pickups, not little fuelsippers. What's a car maker to do?


New York State lawmakers want to ban walking with portable electronic devices

There are all kinds of distracted and compromised people in our roads. Some of them cannot help it. So why are phones a problem?


Spanish lawmakers aim for 90% carbon cuts by 2050

By 2030, 70% of the country's electricity could come from renewables.


Makers' markets are where you should do all your holiday shopping

Put your money directly into the hands that made the gift you're buying.


Tiny solar cells placed under the skin could power pacemakers and other implants

A typical pacemaker could be powered by solar cells as small as 3.6 square centimeters, which could be implanted under the skin, thereby avoiding the need for periodic battery replacements.


Heart-Powered Pacemakers to Eliminate Battery Replacement Surgery

Researchers propose using the vibrations of the heart to keep pacemakers going, eliminating the need to replace batteries.


Google creates Science Journal app to inspire the next generation of scientists and makers

The app lets kids and adults alike explore, measure and test the world around them.


'Changemakers: Embracing Hope, Taking Action, and Transforming the World' (book review)

When everything seems to be falling apart in the world, the most useful thing you can do is focus on your own community and making it a better place.


Vance Packard's 'The Waste Makers': A late review

Where did the Convenience Industrial Complex start? A 1960 classic tells all.


Beer and pop cans are not being recycled because car and airplane makers don't like recycled aluminum

Remember how aluminum cans are "100 percent recyclable into pure aluminum"? They lied.


Japanese furniture makers pivot to cats

Because why shouldn't cats get a beautiful sofa of their own?


Pink Slime Makers Sue ABC News For Defamation

The suit, brought in South Dakota court, seeks over a billion dollars in damages against ABC News -- even though ABC never originated the term and was just reporting what everyone else was calling it.


Green documentary makers unite to form Reel Power collaborative

From Gasland II to Dirty Business, some of the most active environmental documentary makers in the country are joining forces to build a movement.


Palm oil problem continues to plague big candy-makers

Hershey's, Nestle and Mars have not kept their promises when it comes to sourcing conflict-free palm oil.


International Automakers Now Account for 45% of U.S. Auto Production and 59% of U.S. Vehicle Sales - Redefining the American Auto Industry

Redefining the American Auto Industry. - The Growing Impact of International Automakers on the U.S. Economy.


The Makers of Dinty Moore® Stew Challenge America's Lumbersexuals to Become Real Lumberjacks in STIHL® TIMBERSPORTS® Series Championship - Misery Whip Training

Professional lumberjack Adrian Flygt teaches a dedicated team of off-the-street lumbersexuals on how to use the “misery whip” saw during their training in Stillwater, Minn.


The Makers of Dinty Moore® Stew Challenge America's Lumbersexuals to Become Real Lumberjacks in STIHL® TIMBERSPORTS® Series Championship - Misery Whip Training

Professional lumberjack Adrian Flygt teaches a dedicated team of off-the-street lumbersexuals on how to use the “misery whip” saw during their training in Stillwater, Minn.


US lawmakers urge Mnuchin to crack down on airlines cutting worker hours after taking billions in coronavirus aid

Three Senate Democrats are urging Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to crack down on airlines that are cutting employee hours, despite billions in federal coronavirus relief.


This is the key challenge for China carmakers

Chinese automakers face the greatest competition from their international rivals, says Janet Lewis, Head of Industrial Research, Asia at Macquarie.


Coronavirus could help Tesla retain EV lead as traditional automakers pare electric investments

Many of the new EVs that were supposed to enter the U.S. market to challenge the California carmaker this year are being delayed.


Tesla CEO Elon Musk's coronavirus rant highlights just one of many hurdles automakers face in reopening plants

In reopening plants, automakers face worker safety issues and must abide by local mandates, which Tesla CEO Elon Musk highlighted earlier this week. Then there are more complex problems.


Michigan lawmakers lead congressional push to include auto industry in next stimulus bill

"The projected economic fallout for the (auto) industry is grave," reads the bipartisan letter signed by nine lawmakers from Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas and Alabama, all states with big auto manufacturing plants.


These experts think Tesla's in a better position than other US automakers to survive the recession

The coronavirus pandemic has crushed the global economy, and a recession is inevitable in the U.S. as the Federal Reserve warns the second quarter will be much worse than Q1. The auto industry has been hit particularly hard as car sales tank. But here is why some experts say that Tesla is better off than other U.S. automakers to get through this downturn.


Is China spying on US vaccine makers?

CNBC's Eamon Javers on a report that Chinese and Iranian hackers have tried to hit U.S. vaccine manufacturers and researchers. CNBC contributor and former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Sue Gordon weighs in on the report.


Why some experts believe Tesla is better positioned to survive this recession than other US carmakers

The coronavirus pandemic has crushed the global economy, and a recession is inevitable in the U.S. as the Federal Reserve warns the second quarter will be much worse than Q1. The auto industry has been hit particularly hard as car sales tank. But here is why some experts say that Tesla is better off than other U.S. automakers to get through this downturn.


US oil needs more explicit support from policymakers: Standard Chartered

Eric Robertsen from Standard Chartered says it is hard to imagine oil and energy demand improving, so the U.S. shale industry needs explicit policy support to get back on track.


Lawmakers are killing this popular retirement tax break for the wealthy

Lawmakers are severely curtailing the "stretch IRA," a strategy allowing wealthy Americans to leave sizable inheritances to beneficiaries who can then tap those assets for decades.


Kangana Ranaut's Thalaivi makers fear their unused sets may be destroyed in the rains

The makers of Kangana Ranaut's Thalaivi are resigned to the fact that the film, like many other Bollywood offerings, will be delayed. However, they have a more pressing problem on their hands — two elaborate sets that were built in Hyderabad and Chennai have been standing unused over the past six weeks, leading to losses. If the lockdown extends to June, the makers fear the sets may be destroyed in the rains.

"We need to wrap up the film before the rains hit. Since they are outdoor set-up, they will be ruined in the monsoon. Reconstructing the set will be an expensive affair," laments producer Shailesh R Singh.

J Jayalalithaa

The shoot of the biopic on J Jayalalithaa, the late chief minister of Tamil Nadu, was running like clockwork until March. With a 45-day shooting stint slated to kick off on March 10, the AL Vijay-led team had constructed a set of the Parliament House at the Ramakrishna Cine Studios in Hyderabad. After the shoot would be wrapped up by the third week of April, their next pit-stop was Chennai.

"We have recreated Mount Road at the AVM Studio in Chennai, and had planned a patchwork shoot there. Almost 40 per cent of the movie is left to be filmed," says producer Vishnu Vardhan Induri, adding that they pre-emptively cancelled the Hyderabad shoot in the wake of the pandemic.

Sources say that the makers, who are bearing the maintenance cost of the sets and the studio rent, have incurred losses of R5 crore so far due to the lockdown. While Singh is unwilling to put a number to the damages, he adds, "Our team's safety is our priority. We had paid [the studio] for March, but were unable to shoot for a single day in Hyderabad. It's uncertain when the lockdown will be lifted. Even if we get a 10-day window, we will finish shooting the outdoor portions."

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Ranveer Singh's '83 makers says no to OTT platform despite being offered 'whooping sum'

Ever since 83 was announced, the movie has been everything anyone can talk about. Tracing India’s historic win at the 1983 cricket World Cup, the movie was one of the most awaited films of this year. Due to current situations with the global pandemic, the movie, which was supposed to hit the screens on 10th April 2020 had to be pushed for a later date.

Trade is abuzz with high expectations from the film and estimated that ‘83’ would have collected upwards of 300 crores during its theatrical run. Hence, OTT platforms are offering a calculated price to the makers basis the estimated box office earnings for a direct digital release of the film.

However, when we texted Kabir to check on the veracity of this news, he confirmed that yes they have been offered a whopping sum and added that, "83 is a film that has been envisioned and made to be experienced on the big screen and we are ready to wait for things to get normal and then release it in cinemas."

Ranveer Singh will see playing the character of former world cup winning captain Kapil Dev and Deepika Padukone portraying the character of Kapil Dev’s wife Romi Dev.

Reliance Entertainment and Phantom Films present 83, a Kabir Khan Films Production. The movie is produced by Deepika Padukone, Kabir Khan, Vishnu Induri, Sajid Nadiadwala, Phantom Films, Reliance Entertainment and 83 Film Ltd. 83 is directed by Kabir Khan. A Reliance Entertainment and PVR Pictures release is slated to release in Hindi, Tamil & Telugu.

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Sooryavanshi, 83 makers are 'willing to wait for six months' rather than release on OTT

Should we? Should we not? That's the question on the minds of several filmmakers who are contemplating releasing their offerings directly online as a cloud of uncertainty looms large over the re-opening of cinemas. However, Reliance Entertainment has decided to wait out the lockdown period instead of pursuing a direct-to-web release for their two big-ticket movies, Akshay Kumar's Sooryavanshi and Ranveer Singh's 83.

While he understands that OTT platforms enjoy a wide reach, Shibasish Sarkar, group CEO, Reliance Entertainment, says, "Sooryavanshi and 83 have been made for the big-screen experience. We are hoping theatres will open [in the near future], and we will be able to release our films. For now, we are willing to wait for four to six months [before considering an alternate course of action]." He doesn't deny that holding off a film's release for so long poses a financial risk. "We are taking a risk in terms of our equity and return. But we believe in our films and want to see them on the big screen. Also, theatres are an important part of the entertainment eco-system."

A still from Sooryavanshi

Exhibitor Akshaye Rathi opines that while smaller films can be web-bound, big-budget projects should not bypass a theatrical run as they are integral to the survival of cinemas. "Even 10 films [of the calibre of] Shubh Mangal Zyaada Saavdhan can't boost the exhibition sector the way a Sooryavanshi can. We depend on such films to keep our balance sheet in the green. Watching an Akshay Kumar or a Rajinikanth film on a mobile phone hardly gives viewers the larger-than-life theatre experience," he reasons.

Shibasish Sarkar, Group CEO, Reliance Entertainment

Grateful that the key players are not biting the OTT bait, Manoj Desai, executive director, Gaiety-Galaxy, says, "Almost 50 per cent of my losses will be recovered if Sooryavanshi is the first release after the lockdown is lifted. If such films consider [a direct-to-web release], I will have to down the shutters of my theatres."

South theatres angry

Down south, multiplex owners are already resisting direct-to-home releases. The Tamil Nadu Theatre and Multiplex Owners’ Association has threatened to ban films produced by or featuring Suriya when his home production announced it will release wife Jyothika's Pon Magal Vandhal directly online. Following this, the association released a video warning that they will not allot screens to Suriya’s films if the couple goes ahead with the decision.

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Karan Johar makes special announcement for all 'risk-taking' filmmakers

There is an offer to all the "risk-taking" casting directors! Ace filmmaker Karan Johar on Tuesday said that he is available to play "father roles." "I know my acting stint was scarier than the current virus but there is no harm in hoping for a second chance!" the 48-year-old director wrote on Instagram.

Sharing a selfie with his signature pout and with some visible grey hair, the director further wrote, "So to all enterprising casting directors, to all risk-taking filmmakers, to critics with a high threshold of pain and to easy to please audiences I have an announcement to make!!!!"


Wrapping up the post on a funny note, the 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai' director also said that: "at 48 with a poor track record I promise I can't afford to be choosy."

The hilarious post grabbed several Bollywood celebrities' attention, who took to the comment sections to share their thoughts about the offer.

"Mere pet pe kyon laat mar rahe ho sir ..," wrote actor Anil Kapoor. Meanwhile, actor Kriti Sanon noted: "Father with the perfect pout!"

On the other hand, actor Shilpa Shetty is quite "liking" the director's new look. "Actually liking this look on you @karanjohar," Shilpa wrote in the captions.

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makers Corporate Tax Cut Plan Before Filipino Lawmakers

Filipino Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez has called on lawmakers to pass a package of tax measures, including a cut to the corporate tax rate and a reduction in tax breaks and holidays.


Hollywood filmmakers Colin Trevorrow and Ava DuVernay condole Irrfan Khan's demise

Late actor Irrfan Khan not only proved his acting mettle in Bollywood but has also left a mark over Hollywood cinema with his class-apart acting skills. Several Hollywood filmmakers on Wednesday paid tribute to the legendary actor and mourned the loss.

Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow took to Twitter and expressed his grief over Irrfan's demise. "Deeply sad to have lost #IrrfanKhan. A thoughtful man who found beauty in the world around him, even in pain. In our last correspondence, he asked me to remember "the wonderful aspects of our existence" in the darkest of days. Here he is, laughing," he wrote.

Have a look right here: 

American filmmaker Ava DuVernay also paid tribute to the late actor. "A grateful fan of #IrrfanKhan here. Gone too soon. When he is on screen, you can't take your eyes off of him. He lives on in his films," she said in a tweet. Take a look:

Irrfan appeared in several international films such as Jurassic World, Inferno, Life of Pi, Slumdog Millionaire and others, over the years.

The actor passed away at Mumbai's Kokilaben Hospital on Wednesday while battling rare cancer. He was 53. Khan was last seen on screen in 'Angrezi Medium'. He was not a part of the film's promotions owing to his ill health.

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Sherlyn Chopra reveals the code filmmakers use to refer to the casting couch

Casting couch is a reality in the film industry and time and again some of the celebrities have shared their experience regarding the same. Sherlyn Chopra has also been on the receiving end of it.

Sherlyn Chopra in an interview with an entertainment portal revealed that at the initial stage of her career when she would approach filmmakers with her portfolio they would ask her to meet them for dinner at around 11 or 12 in the night. At first, Sherlyn said that she was clueless and took time to understand that filmmakers do not have a professional dinner in mind. She said that dinner means compromise for them.

Sherlyn said that once she understood the intentions of the filmmakers she would politely let them know that she was not interested. Sherlyn then started telling filmmakers who approached her with dinner that she does not have dinner and asked them to invite her for breakfast or lunch and they would never respond.

Sherlyn has acted in films such as Jawani Diwani: A Youthful Joyride, Dil Bole Hadippa! and Red Swastik.

ALSO READ: Ayushmann Khurrana recalls a casting couch incident from his early days in Bollywood

makers German Lawmakers Reject VAT Cut On Rail Fares

The upper house of the German parliament, the Bundesrat, has rejected certain tax elements of the Government's climate protection plan, including a reduction in value-added tax on long-distance rail travel.

makers German Lawmakers Agree Climate Package

On December 18, 2019, the mediation committee of the lower and upper houses of the German parliament (Bundestag and Bundesrat) announced an agreement on the Government's climate legislation, which includes several tax measures.