
Perfect Days - Wim Wenders’ neuer Film feiert japanische Toiletten

Er arbeitet als Reinigungskraft in öffentlichen Toiletten. Er putzt sehr gewissenhaft. Die Handgriffe sind einstudiert, der Ablauf bleibt sich gleich. Der Mann bückt sich mit schnellen Bewegungen nach dem Abfall, den die Leuten liegen gelassen haben, er sammelt Fitzelchen ein, leere WC-Papier-Rollen. Dann zieht er sich die Gummihandschuhe über. Er macht die Kloschüssel sauber. Er seift das Sieb im Urinal ein. Mit einem kleinen Kontrollspiegel inspiziert er die Unterseite der WC-Sitz-Erhöhung. Anschliessend poliert er die Armaturen. Nimmt mit einem Wischmopp den Boden auf. Ein Mann macht seinen Job, er macht ihn gut – und er wirkt zufrieden dabei.

Hirayama, so heisst er, arbeitet für «The Tokyo Toilet», das steht auf seinem Overall. Wim Wenders’ neuer, in Japan realisierter Kinofilm «Perfect Days» dreht sich um ihn: einen glücklichen Toilettenreiniger in der Hauptstadt. . . . . . .



My Dad Passed Away 20 Years Ago Today

My dad died on June 12, 2002, and he was 61. Twenty years ago already. He was only nine years older than I am now and that’s weird to think about. In my professional life, I’ve probably spoken in front of crowds one hundred times or so. By far the most difficult time I ever […]

The post My Dad Passed Away 20 Years Ago Today appeared first on Shawn Collins' Blog.


I Graduated from College 30 Years Ago Today

I dreaded graduating college. After a rough start where I got a 1.0 GPA and landed on academic probation, I straightened things out. It took five years and one summer session (a Spanish class in a room with no A/C in the hot Maryland summer), but I finished what I started on May 20, 1993. […]

The post I Graduated from College 30 Years Ago Today appeared first on Shawn Collins' Blog.


The First Affiliate Summit Was 20 Years Ago Today

My life changed in a big way twenty years ago today. It was the first Affiliate Summit that I organized with Missy Ward and it took place at Baruch College in New York City on November 3, 2003. Pulling the whole thing together happened pretty fast. We chatted on the phone about trying to start […]

The post The First Affiliate Summit Was 20 Years Ago Today appeared first on Shawn Collins' Blog.


'A disabled South Park character from 24 years ago is getting me harassed today'

I have felt the shadow of Timmy since childhood - but never imagined the name would be hurled at me by strangers in my 30s.


Match of the Day: Who could replace Gary Lineker as host?

We take a look at the runners and riders for the coveted role on the flagship football programme.


Band Aid recordings combined to mark 40th birthday

A remix will blend the voices from all the different versions released over the years into one whole.


2nd Annual Brain Tumor TOGETHER and ACTION Day


Revelwood Named Winner of the Workday Adaptive Planning FY23 Solution Provider of the Year Award -- Americas

Revelwood, experts in providing technology solutions for the Office of Finance, was named the winner of the Workday Adaptive Planning FY23 Solution Provider of the Year Award – Americas. The award was announced during the Workday sales kick-off on February 28, 2023, in Las Vegas.


Revelwood Expands Award-Winning Workday Adaptive Planning Business in Europe

Revelwood, the Workday Adaptive 2023 Solution Provider of the Year – Americas, is expanding to companies in Europe.


Revelwood Named Workday Adaptive Planning Partner of the Year Award – Americas 2024

Revelwood, experts in providing technology solutions for the Office of Finance, has earned the Workday Adaptive Planning Partner of the Year Award – Americas 2024. This is the latest of several awards Revelwood has earned from Workday in just a few short years. The other awards are the FY23 Solution Provider of the Year – North America, the FY22 Solution Provider of the Year Award for Most Growth – Americas, and the 2019 Adaptive Insights Partner Rising Star of the Year award.


Pacific Holidays Inc. Unveils Top Notch European Vacation Packages

Pacific Holidays Inc. just released a new line of exciting European vacations. The vacation plans culminate years of research into the travel industry and customer experience.


Pacific Holidays Offers an Unbelievable Flash Deal for Trips to Greece and Panama

Pacific Holidays discounts trips to Greece and Panama by nearly half, with airfare included.


Pacific Holidays Proud to Announce Two Special Flash Deals to Fiji, New Zealand, and Syndney

Pacific Holidays offers tours and group packages and is currently offering two special flash deals to Fiji, New Zealand, and Sydney. One package is for 12 days and 9 nights, the other is for 10 days and seven nights.


Pacific Holidays Offers Pre and Post PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics Holiday Package

Pacific Holidays is offering a pre and post 2018 Winter Olympic Games package, for individuals to enjoy eight days in Pyeongchang from $3,799 per person.


Visit Japan Today on Your Budget Using the Affordable Flash Deal!

Pacific Holidays Inc. has recently announced their latest Flash Deal, which can help anyone take their dream Japan vacation.


Pacific Holidays is pleased to announce the unveiling of four distinct tours to the Islands of Tahiti

For a limited time only, Pacific Holidays is pleased to announce the unveiling of four distinct tours to exotic destinations. The world renowned tour company is known for putting together luxury tours at prices nearly 40% off retail.


Leap Year Celebrations and Specials at The Shores Resort & Spa in Daytona Beach, FL

Celebrate Leap Year this February with special events planned at The Shores Resort & Spa. Plunge into romance at the Sip & Savor wine tasting and dinner event, featuring wines from Frog's Leap Winery; indulge in the Spa's Honey & Me Couples Massage with your sweetheart, and take advantage of the 29-hour sale on February 29 which will offer 29% off regular room rates.


Deutsche Telekom is celebrating Beethoven's 250th birthday – and everybody can #TAKEPART!

2020 is the 250th anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven's birth. Beethoven was raised in Bonn and a master at writing unique compositions. In the spirit of that, Deutsche Telekom plans to create a huge mosaic of Beethoven comprising many small photographs.


Celebrating Bob Dylan's 80th birthday, Harvey Kubernik's multi-voice interview archives will appear in "Music Connection" magazine on Friday, the 21st!

Bob Dylan's 80th birthday is next Monday. On Friday, "Music Connection" magazine will feature Harvey Kubernik's interviews with musicians, producers, filmmakers, photographers and fans.


Homo progressivus - The Energetic Overcome - With a Little Help from Bruce Springsteen, Ludwig van Beethoven & ... around the World in 200 Festival-Days

In the week before the US presidential election on 5 November 2024, it is the artists who are calling the tune – impulsive, powerful and mighty, as only music can be.


The Inventsons "No Time to Fly" Premieres on National Comic Book Day

Prepare for an electrifying adventure! Inventionland's most creative family of makers and designers joins forces with Chipper, the whimsical idea cloud, in a thrilling race to save time itself in the much-anticipated prequel in the fourth edition of the comic book series.


Griddly's Got Eight Ingredients to JUST ADD to Holiday Fun

All eight Griddly Games' JUST ADD (science + art) activity kits are now in stock and on special display


WORLD RECORD: German INTERSPORT athlete Anja Blacha is the first human being to reach the south pole solo in 57 days 18 hours and 50 minutes

- 29-year-old Anja Blacha from Bielefeld, supported by INTERSPORT, reached the South Pole within the planned 60 days and after more than 1,400km on her Antarctic expedition. - Anja Blacha is thus the first person to have made it to the South Pole solo, unassisted & unsupported and only on skis on this route length.


Frontline Source Group, Fort Worth Temporary Agency, participates in FWHRMA Diamond Hill Beautification Day

Frontline Source Group, Fort Worth Temporary Agency, participates in FWHRMA (Fort Worth Human Resources Management Association) Diamond Hill Beautification Day.


EHS Today's Safety Leadership Conference Asks Who Leads Safety In Atlanta

Atlanta, GA – July 24, 2017 – EHS Today's Safety Leadership Conference (SLC), an experience designed to share best leadership and safety practices with other EHS professionals hoping to achieve world-class safety at their companies, will be held September 11-13, 2017 at The Hilton Atlanta in Atlanta, Georgia.


Celebrate Friday the 13th with rare tattoos at 'NYCTattooShop'

NYC Tattoo Shop ( located in the historic ship building area of Greenpoint Brooklyn, with established artists constantly rotating into the area, the tattoo trade in Brooklyn continues to grow. NYC Tattoo Shop is the most popular shop in the area, offering world-class tattoos at affordable prices.


Radcliff, KY Author Publishes Holiday Short Story

Will She Be Able To Come Up With A Solution In Time


Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes's houses 'broken into' a day apart

The homes of Kansas City Chiefs stars Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce were both broken into last month, according to police and media reports.


50. Google Alert - Iklan | Hot News Today

The latest information about Google Alert - Iklan from Hot News Today Blog ... again, viesearch com simplyukgadgets all about Unfortunately, as a loyal and committed ...


Small Businesses Prepare for the Holiday Season

While children are making their holiday wish-list, families are preparing to go out of town and big businesses are expecting long lines of shoppers, there is one group of people who will be working extra hard this holiday season: Small business owners.

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Labor Day: Why small business works for America

Labor Day is a holiday to honor hard working Americans, and small business owners are among the hardest workers around. They are often the first ones in and the last ones out. They toil and sweat beside their employees on the same job site, under the same tough conditions, behind the same counter or in the same office.

The National Federation of Independent Business represents more small businesses than any other organization. In fact, 60 percent of our 350,000 members employ between one and five workers

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10 Holiday Marketing Trends Every Small Business Should Leverage

Small business owners already have a lot on their plates during this time of year, so when it comes to holiday marketing, it can all feel a bit overwhelming. Staples is here to help. Beyond being the one-stop shop for everything small businesses need to make more happen, below are some tips to help small businesses capitalize on this seasons top trends.

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10 Free Tools Your Small Business Should Be Using Today

Although your small business needs a healthy amount of software to conduct operations, it's not necessary for you to spend a fortune on web-based products. In our comprehensive testing of business and consumer software, we have come across dozens of incredible and free solutions that can help you get the job done. We've tested free tools in almost all facets of business—from email marketing to endpoint protection to project management.

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Want to Have More Creative Breakthroughs? Redesign Your Day According to This Step-by-Step Guide

You stare at a blank screen for what seems like hours, waiting for your brain to come up with a brilliant idea, and it never comes. There has to be a better way to brainstorm, right?

There is--and it might be as simple as doing the laundry.

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Small Business Today: What Is in a name?

It is common knowledge around the Friedman household that when Emily was born, if she had been a boy instead of a girl, her name would have been Ted. Katie was also going to be named Ted and so was Jenni. When a boy was born to us in 1994, just a few short weeks after we moved to Ankeny, to no one’s surprise, we named him Ted.

Small Business Today: What Is in a name?


Holiday Marketing Guide for Small Businesses

We have officially entered the holiday season! October through January is filled with holidays from Halloween to New Years. As a small business, you can take advantage of this joyful time by taking your marketing efforts to the next level. There are many different ways a small business can celebrate (and profit from) the holidays, so let’s jump right into to our extensive guide.

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15 Reasons You Should Start Your Own Small Business Today

Want to get really, really rich? Starting your own business is the best way. Want your upside to be unlimited? Starting your own business is the best way. Want to be free to chart your own course, to make your own decisions, to make your own mistakes -- to let the sky be the limit not just financially but also, and more important, personally?

Starting your own business is the best way.

Still not convinced? Here are 15 more reasons why you should start your own small business today:

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Want to Become a Self-Made Millionaire? Do This for 30 Minutes Every Day

Entrepreneurs start their own businesses or side hustles--which you can do in just a few hours--for a variety of reasons. Some want to be their own boss. Others want to make their living by doing something they love. Others seek the opportunity to make a bigger difference in the lives of others.

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4 Ways Small Businesses Can Internally Prepare for Holiday Shopper

Savvy small businesses are already looking ahead to the holiday shopping season, including Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. Here are four things you can do to prepare your business for the holidays.

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4 Reasons To Support Small Companies On Small Business Saturday® And Beyond

Whether you are a small business owner, a consumer, or the CEO of a big corporation, you likely know that small companies are a pretty big part of the economy. This year, show your support for small enterprises by participating in Small Business Saturday® (SBS).

My accounting and payroll software company, Patriot Software, is an advocate of Small Business Saturday. And personally, I am a major supporter of small businesses. I know how much time, dedication, money, and hard work entrepreneurs pour into their small companies.

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Small business holiday marketing tips for 2018

The holiday season is already in full swing. And, I believe, you would have already pushed all the right buttons, at all fronts, be it your website pages, social media pages, marketing emailers and all, before things might get too hot to handle for you.

However, a checklist will always come handy, I believe. It will not only keep you on your toes but will remind you of the pending activities that might need your attention, now or later on.

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How to Boost Post-Holiday Sales

For businesses large and small, the annual holiday season really is the most wonderful time of the year, to quote the classic tune. Customers looking to spread a little cheer among their loved ones come out in droves to get the newest toys, try out the latest services and end the year spending more money than they did the previous year.

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The Surprising Challenge Small Business Owners Are Facing Today

A healthy economy means many small businesses are thriving -- but they're also having a hard time hanging onto employees. A good 24% of small businesses lost at least one employee in 2018, while 11% of small businesses lost 10% of their workforce, according to Bank of America. Not only that, but 58% of businesses had trouble finding qualified candidates for open roles, and 25% said it took more time to fill open positions in 2018 than it did in 2017.

And there lies the problem with a strong job market: When employment is plentiful, workers have more options to choose from, so getting them to join or stay with your team becomes more challenging for companies across the board, but particularly for small businesses with limited resources.

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More Than 50 Percent of Record-Setting Amazon Holiday Sales Made By SMBs

The 2018 holiday season is in the books, and small to medium-size businesses (SMBs) sold big on Amazon. In fact, SMBs had their best holiday shopping season ever.

The e-tail giant itself had a record-setting holiday season as well: More items were ordered worldwide on Amazon than ever before.

But it was not just corporations like LEGO that benefitted from all this shopping. More than 50 percent of all items sold came from small and medium-sized businesses.

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Air Force to Host First Small Business Pitch Day with $40 Million Up For Grabs

Like departments and agencies throughout government, the Air Force is tuning its acquisition methods to get closer the speed of technology, and will be holding its first live pitch day in March, with an available funding pool of $40 million.

The Air Forces Small Business Innovation Research program has issued a call to start-ups and small businesses—those with fewer than 500 employees—to offer pitches on innovative technologies for secure communications, down-range battlefield operations and digital technologies.

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3 Ways a Small Business Can Meet Its Holiday Help Needs

A lack of available workers will make the holiday season a challenge for companies of all sizes. Some of the bigger retailers have already begun ramping up their seasonal hiring efforts. That puts more pressure on small business owners to figure out how to meet their holiday season employee needs sooner rather than later.

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Why Todays Best Business Leaders Look to Stoicism

Ask entrepreneurs to name their biggest challenge, and you’ll hear plenty of answers: decision-making, prioritizing, staying positive, maintaining momentum. The list goes on. As you may already know, starting and running a business is not for the faint of heart. Now ask those same entrepreneurs whether they have a framework for managing these challenges, and they might have a tougher time answering.

But what if I told you that there is a school of philosophy dating back to ancient Greece that can help you handle all of these obstacles on a daily basis and, as a bonus, may even enrich your quality of life?

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Company Emerges to Help Small Businesses Compete with Amazons Same-Day Delivery—But With Green Cred

As companies like Amazon, Walmart, and Target begin to dazzle us with the growing possibility of same-day delivery, it’s becoming harder for small businesses to compete in ways that provide the same speedy delivery without relying on high-emission forms of commercial storage or transportation options like renting space in large warehouses and air delivery.

That is all now changing thanks to an organization called Ohi—a US-based warehousing and delivery service that allows small businesses to offer speedy, sustainable delivery options.

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One Way to Start a Lucrative Career From Home That Could Pay $50,000 in a Day

We are in the midst of a difficult time in history. The COVID-19 pandemic is causing a health crisis, and both the economy and jobs are suffering as a result.

While many of us can work from home, others cannot. But if a silver lining exists, perhaps it’s this: Now is the perfect time to learn a skill or launch a new career. Affiliate marketing gives you that opportunity.

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