chi Sophia Schiebe: Das Kita-Sparpaket der Günther-Regierung haben unsere Kinder nicht verdient By Published On :: Full Article
chi Ist die "Schilderwald"-Novelle der StVO nichtig? By Published On :: In einer Full Article
chi Luke Everett Hutchinson By Published On :: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 01:56:00 +0000 Our dear son Luke Everett was born on October 21, 2014 at 12:52 pm. He weighed 9 lbs and 8 oz and was 21.5 inches long. He has dark brown/black hair like Claire and Sims. His eyes are blue for now but I'm sure they will change. He is the sweetest little baby and we cannot imagine our lives without him now. He is so new but it's like he has always been with us. The delivery was the hardest one I've had and he broke his collar bone but we are both on the mend now and feeling better every day. But I would take the pain again and again to have Luke with us. Luke means light in Greek and Everett means brave. Our prayer for Luke is that he will point people to the light of Christ and that the Lord will strengthen him to be brave in doing what the Lord has called him to do. Thanks be to the Lord for His many, many blessings. Thanks to our wonderful parents who have helped us tremendously with our other children during the past 9 days. We are all back together again and I hope to get a picture of everyone soon. And also, "Luke" was a character on LOST. :) He was an "Other" in 5 episodes of season 3. The LOST name streak lives on. Full Article
chi Why we have 7 children By Published On :: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 04:28:00 +0000 The 2015 Daxko kick-off is complete and the size of my family was an unplanned recurring humorous theme this year. I expect many people left last Friday evening with a few unanswered questions. Questions only I can answer. Seven. That's how many kids I actually have. Comparing us to the Duggars is an insult to Michelle! Yes. I know "how it happens" No. I am not "Roman Catholic" Yes. I do have cable. It doesn't help. No. I have no idea how we will send them to college…but neither do you. Yes. We know about and have used birth control. Why do my wife and I have so many children? The Lord has given them to us. He has entrusted them to us. It is our great joy to teach them about Him. We believe the purpose of our lives is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. No, bearing and raising children is not the only way to honor and glorify God, but it is a rewarding work. It is edifying. It is sanctifying. It brings me joy. There are so many things people could laugh at me about so I'm glad they choose this. Consider this. Everything we do on this earth will pass away. Very few people in history "make an impact" or are remembered for very long. Human souls are eternal. We have been given 7 eternal souls to care for and to teach about the Lord. It is not always easy. It often reveals my sin, but I do this work with the hope that they will one day stand eternally before the Lord with me in peace. All the work I put into their lives has eternal value. This is HUGE! Most people miss this point. All the poopy diapers, long nights, sickness and general frustrations of parenting are not offset only by the happy moments captured on instagram. One great joy of parenting is the hope that the child you brought into this world will one day pass through death to an eternity with their creator in perfection and joy. Children are truly a blessing from the Lord! Some may still think I am crazy. I am ok with that. Remember this. I have a really good chance of not ending up in a nursing home! Full Article
chi Un haut responsable du PCC appelle � la promotion d'une communaut� Chine-Vietnam d'avenir partag� By Published On :: 2024-11-12T22:23:14+01:00 Le haut responsable chinois, Li Xi, a rencontr� Phan Dinh Trac, membre du Bureau politique, secr�taire du secr�tariat et pr�sident de la Commission des affaires int�rieures du Comit� central du Parti communiste vietnamien (PCV), mardi � Beijing. ... Full Article Chine
chi Le PM chinois met l'accent sur l'am�lioration de la production agricole et la pr�vention des catastrophes By Published On :: 2024-11-12T22:28:57+01:00 Le Premier ministre chinois Li Qiang a mis l'accent sur l'am�lioration de la capacit� globale de production agricole, ainsi que sur la pr�vention et la r�duction des catastrophes, afin de poser des bases solides pour assurer la s�curit� alimentaire.... Full Article Chine
chi La Chine accueille les entreprises � capitaux �trangers pour approfondir la coop�ration mutuellement b�n�fique By Published On :: 2024-11-12T22:45:04+01:00 La Chine promeut une ouverture de haut niveau du secteur financier et accueille les entreprises � capitaux �trangers pour approfondir la coop�ration mutuellement b�n�fique, a annonc� mardi � Beijing le vice-Premier ministre chinois He Lifeng. M.... Full Article entreprise �trang�re
chi Chine Nouvelle publie un rapport sur l'�veil du Sud global au Br�sil By Published On :: 2024-11-13T02:24:46+01:00 L'agence de presse Xinhua a publi� en langue chinoise, anglaise, espagnole et portugaise un rapport intitul� "L'�veil du Sud global" � l'occasion du Forum des m�dias et des groupes de r�flexion du Sud global tenu ce lundi et mardi � Sao Paulo au... Full Article Br�sil
chi Un rapport d'un groupe de r�flexion chinois "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" d�voil� au Br�sil By Published On :: 2024-11-13T03:14:04+01:00 Le Forum des m�dias et des groupes de r�flexion du Sud global s'est tenu lundi et mardi � Sao Paulo, et un rapport intitul� "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" a �t� diffus� � cette occasion. Il fournit une... Full Article Sud global
chi Le vice-Premier ministre chinois appelle au cours de la COP29 � renforcer les syst�mes d'alerte pr�coce pour tous By Published On :: 2024-11-13T05:18:08+01:00 Le repr�sentant sp�cial du pr�sident chinois Xi Jinping, Ding Xuexiang, qui est �galement vice-Premier ministre de Chine, a appel� mardi � renforcer les syst�mes d'alerte pr�coce pour tous et � am�liorer les capacit�s d'adaptation au changement... Full Article COP29
chi Alg�rie : des livres chinois attirent l'attention des lecteurs lors du Salon international du livre d'Alger By Published On :: 2024-11-13T05:47:57+01:00 Le stand chinois a attir� un large public, en particulier de jeunes visiteurs d�sireux de d�couvrir la culture et la langue chinoises lors de la 27e �dition du Salon international du livre d'Alger (SILA), a constat� sur place Xinhua. Selon Liu... Full Article Alg�rie
chi La Chine et les pays d'Am�rique latine et des Cara�bes b�n�ficieront de perspectives plus prometteuses au cours des dix prochaines ann�es By Published On :: 2024-11-13T09:56:49+01:00 Guid�e par la diplomatie des chefs d'Etat, la communaut� d'avenir partag� Chine-pays d'Am�rique latine et des Cara�bes b�n�ficiera de perspectives plus prometteuses durant la d�cennie � venir, a d�clar� mardi un porte-parole du minist�re chinois des... Full Article Chine
chi (CIIE) Des responsables et entrepreneurs �trangers pr�sents � la CIIE font l'�loge de l'ouverture de la Chine et des opportunit�s qu'elle offre By Published On :: 2024-11-13T10:43:13+01:00 Lors de l'Exposition internationale d'importation de la Chine (CIIE) de cette ann�e � Shanghai, Ghazaryan Koryun, conseiller commercial � l'Ambassade d'Arm�nie en Chine, a pr�sent� aux visiteurs, dans un chinois courant, les vins et fruits de grande... Full Article CIIE
chi La Chine s'appr�te � lancer le vaisseau cargo Tianzhou-8 By Published On :: 2024-11-13T12:03:10+01:00 La combinaison du vaisseau cargo Tianzhou-8 et d'une fus�e porteuse Longue Mache-7 Y9 a �t� verticalement transf�r�e mercredi vers la zone de lancement. Le vaisseau spatial sera lanc� � un moment opportun dans un proche avenir, selon l'Agence des... Full Article Chine
chi Un diplomate chinois � l'ONU exhorte Isra�l � cesser d'utiliser l'aide humanitaire � Gaza comme monnaie d'�change By Published On :: 2024-11-13T12:56:09+01:00 Fu Cong, repr�sentant permanent de la Chine aupr�s des Nations Unies, a exhort� mardi Isra�l � lever les restrictions sur l'acc�s humanitaire � Gaza et � cesser d'utiliser l'aide humanitaire comme monnaie d'�change, alors que la situation... Full Article ONU
chi L'arm�e chinoise effectue des patrouilles de pr�paration au combat � Huangyan Dao By Published On :: 2024-11-13T15:24:44+01:00 L'arm�e chinoise a effectu� mercredi des patrouilles de pr�paration au combat dans les eaux territoriales et l'espace a�rien territorial de Huangyan Dao, �le chinoise en mer de Chine m�ridionale, ainsi que dans des zones avoisinantes. Le... Full Article Chine
chi La modernisation chinoise favorise un nouveau mod�le de d�veloppement humain By Published On :: 2024-11-13T16:16:01+01:00 Un rapport conjoint intitul� "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" a �t� publi� lors du Forum des m�dias et des groupes de r�flexion du Sud global qui s'est tenu lundi � Sao Paulo, au Br�sil. R�dig� par des groupes... Full Article Chine
chi Airbus pr�voit une forte demande d'avions en Chine au cours des 20 prochaines ann�es By Published On :: 2024-11-13T16:40:29+01:00 Airbus a pr�vu que la Chine aurait besoin de plus de 9.500 nouveaux avions de transport de passagers et d'avions cargos au cours des deux prochaines d�cennies, en raison de la forte croissance de la demande de transport a�rien et de fret. Selon... Full Article Chine
chi Chine : la partie continentale encourage les �changes entre les jeunes et appelle � lever les restrictions sur les voyages entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan By Published On :: 2024-11-13T17:45:15+01:00 La partie continentale de la Chine a r�affirm� son engagement � promouvoir les �changes entre les jeunes � travers le d�troit de Taiwan et a demand� aux autorit�s du Parti d�mocrate progressiste (PDP) de lever les restrictions sur les voyages �... Full Article Chine
chi Chine : la partie continentale d�clare que les consultations entre les deux rives du d�troit sont possibles en reconnaissant le Consensus de 1992 By Published On :: 2024-11-13T17:59:59+01:00 Les consultations entre l'Association pour les relations entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan (ARATS) et la Fondation pour les �changes entre les deux rives du d�troit de Taiwan (SEF) pourraient reprendre si les autorit�s de Taiwan... Full Article Chine
chi La Chine compte la plus grande capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire dans le monde By Published On :: 2024-11-13T18:43:04+01:00 La capacit� totale de production d'�nergie nucl�aire de la Chine, y compris les unit�s en fonctionnement, en construction et officiellement approuv�es, occupe la premi�re place mondiale, d'apr�s la Soci�t� de recherche �nerg�tique de Chine (China... Full Article Chine
chi Dix milliards de yuans de commande pour les moteurs a�ronautiques civils chinois By Published On :: 2024-11-13T18:47:10+01:00 Aero Engine Corporation of China a annonc� mercredi qu'elle avait sign� des bons de commande et des contrats de coop�ration portant sur plus de 1.500 moteurs, pour une valeur totale de plus de 10 milliards de yuans (environ 1,39 milliard de... Full Article Chine
chi Chine : la puissance de l'aviation et de la d�fense de la partie continentale est une protection solide pour les compatriotes taiwanais By Published On :: 2024-11-13T19:06:49+01:00 Une porte-parole de la partie continentale de la Chine a qualifi� les r�sultats et la puissance de la partie continentale dans les domaines de l'aviation, de l'a�rospatiale et de la d�fense nationale de protection "solide et immense" pour les... Full Article China
chi La Chine adopte des politiques fiscales pour soutenir le march� de l'immobilier By Published On :: 2024-11-13T19:48:44+01:00 La Chine a promulgu� mercredi des politiques fiscales pour soutenir le d�veloppement stable et sain du march� de l'immobilier. Le minist�re des Finances a d�clar� que le pays augmenterait les incitations en termes de taxe sur les actes pour... Full Article immobilier
chi Chine : croissance vigoureuse du secteur de la livraison express en octobre By Published On :: 2024-11-13T20:14:44+01:00 Le secteur chinois de la livraison express a enregistr� une expansion rapide en octobre, avec une acc�l�ration significative du taux de croissance des affaires, selon un indice de l'industrie publi� mercredi par le Bureau national des postes. ... Full Article livraison express
chi Chine : les investissements ferroviaires en hausse de 10,9% au cours des dix premiers mois By Published On :: 2024-11-13T20:47:04+01:00 La Chine a continu� � accro�tre ses investissements dans la construction ferroviaire depuis le d�but de cette ann�e, d'apr�s des donn�es publi�es mercredi par l'op�rateur ferroviaire du pays. Durant la p�riode janvier-octobre, les investissements... Full Article Chine
chi La Chine et le Vietnam conviennent de renforcer leur coop�ration en mati�re de s�curit� By Published On :: 2024-11-13T21:29:50+01:00 Chen Wenqing, haut responsable du Parti communiste chinois (PCC), a rencontr� Phan Dinh Trac, membre du Bureau politique et pr�sident de la Commission des affaires int�rieures du Comit� central du Parti communiste vietnamien (PCV), mardi � Beijing. ... Full Article Chine
chi La Chine est pr�te � cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique gr�ce au d�veloppement et � l'ouverture By Published On :: 2024-11-13T21:43:31+01:00 La Chine est pr�te � profiter de la 31e r�union des dirigeants �conomiques de l'APEC pour cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique avec un d�veloppement de haute qualit� et une ouverture de haut niveau, a d�clar�... Full Article Chine
chi Le commerce de la Chine avec les autres �conomies de l'APEC a atteint un niveau record entre janvier et octobre By Published On :: 2024-11-13T21:47:46+01:00 Le commerce de la Chine avec les autres �conomies de l'APEC a atteint un niveau record de 21.270 milliards de yuans (environ 2.950 milliards de dollars) au cours des dix premiers mois de 2024, selon les donn�es publi�es mercredi par l'Administration... Full Article APEC
chi 12C: IN DATABASE ARCHIVING By Published On :: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 08:42:59 +0000 articles: Technical ArticlesIn this post, I will demonstrate a new feature introduced in 12c : In database archiving. It enables you to archive rows within a table by marking them as invisible. This is accomplshed by means of a hidden column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE. These invisible rows are not visible to the queries but if needed, can be viewed , by setting a session parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY. Overview: -- Create test user uilm, tablespace ilmtbs -- Connect as user uilm -- create and populate test table (5 rows) ilmtab with row archival clause -- Note that the table has an additional column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE automatically created and has the default value of 0 (indicates that row is active) -- Note that this column is not visible when we describe the table or simply issue select * from ... -- We need to access data dictionary to view the column -- Make two rows in the table inactive by setting ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column to a non zero value. -- Check that inactive rows are not visible to query -- Set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = all to see inactive rows also -- Set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = active to hide inactive rows -- Issue an insert into ... select * and check that only 3 visible rows are inserted -- Set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = all to see inactive rows also -- Issue an insert into ... select * and check that all the rows are inserted but ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE is not propagated in inserted rows -- Disable row archiving in the table and check that column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE is automatically dropped -- drop tablespace ilmtbs and user uilm Implementation : -- Create test user, tablespace and test table SQL> conn sys/oracle@em12c:1523/pdb1 as sysdba sho con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ PDB1 SQL> set sqlprompt PDB1> PDB1>create tablespace ilmtbs datafile '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/cdb1/pdb1/ilmtbs01.dbf' size 1m; grant connect, resource, dba to uilm identified by oracle; alter user uilm default tablespace ilmtbs; conn uilm/oracle@em12c:1523/pdb1 sho con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ PDB1-- create table with "row archival clause" PDB1>drop table ilmtab purge; create table ilmtab (id number, txt char(15)) row archival; insert into ilmtab values (1, 'one'); insert into ilmtab values (2, 'two'); insert into ilmtab values (3, 'three'); insert into ilmtab values (4, 'four'); insert into ilmtab values (5, 'five'); commit;-- Note that the table has an additional column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE automatically created and has the default value of 0 (indicates that row is active) PDB1>col ora_archive_state for a20 select id, txt, ora_archive_state from ilmtab; ID TXT ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ---------- --------------- -------------------- 1 one 0 2 two 0 3 three 0 4 four 0 5 five 0-- Note that this column is not visible when we describe the table or simply issue select * from ... PDB1>desc ilmtab Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- ID NUMBER TXT CHAR(15) PDB1>select * from ilmtab; ID TXT ---------- --------------- 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five -- Since the column is invisible, let me try and make it visible-- Note that Since the column is maintained by oracle itself, user can't modify its attributes PDB1>alter table ilmtab modify (ora_archive_state visible); alter table ilmtab modify (ora_archive_state visible) *ERROR at line 1:ORA-38398: DDL not allowed on the system ILM column -- We need to access data dictionary to view the column-- Note that this column is shown as hidden and has not been generated by user PDB1>col hidden for a7 col USER_GENERATED for 20 col USER_GENERATED for a20 select TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, HIDDEN_COLUMN, USER_GENERATED from user_tab_cols where table_name='ILMTAB'; TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME HID USER_GENERATED ----------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ILMTAB ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE YES NO ILMTAB ID NO YES ILMTAB TXT NO YES-- We can make selected rows in the table inactive by setting ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column to a non zero value. This can be accomplished using update table... set ORA_ACRHIVE_STATE = . <non-zero value> . dbms_ilm.archivestatename(1) -- Let's update row with id =1 with ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE=2 and update row with id =2 with dbms_ilm.archivestatename(2) PDB1>update ilmtab set ora_archive_state=2 where id=1; update ilmtab set ora_archive_state= dbms_ilm.archivestatename(2) where id=2;-- Let's check whether updates have been successful and hidden rows are not visible PDB1>select id, txt, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE from ilmtab; ID TXT ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ---------- --------------- -------------------- 3 three 0 4 four 0 5 five 0 -- The updated rows are not visible!! -- Quite logical since we have made the rows active and by default only active rows are visible -- To see inactive rows also, we need to set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = all at session level -- Note that the column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE has been set to 1 for id =2 although we had set it to 2 using dbms_ilm.archivestatename(2) PDB1>alter session set ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = all; select id, txt, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE from ilmtab; ID TXT ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ---------- --------------- -------------------- 1 one 2 2 two 1 3 three 0 4 four 0 5 five 0-- Note that the column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE has been set to 1 for id =2 although we had set it to 2 using dbms_ilm.archivestatename(2) -- Let's find out why-- Note that The function dbms_ilm.archivestatename(n) returns only two values 0 for n=0 and 1 for n <> 0 PDB1>col state0 for a8 col state1 for a8 col state2 for a8 col state3 for a8 select dbms_ilm.archivestatename(0) state0 ,dbms_ilm.archivestatename(1) state1, dbms_ilm.archivestatename(2) state2,dbms_ilm.archivestatename(3) state3 from dual; STATE0 STATE1 STATE2 STATE3 -------- -------- -------- -------- 0 1 1 1-- In order to make the inactive rows (id=1,2) hidden again, we need to set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = Active PDB1>alter session set row archival visibility = active; select id, txt, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE from ilmtab; ID TXT ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ---------- --------------- -------------------- 3 three 0 4 four 0 5 five 0-- Let's issue an insert into ... select * -- Note that only 3 new rows are visible PDB1>insert into ilmtab select * from ilmtab; select id, txt, ora_archive_state from ilmtab; ID TXT ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ---------- --------------- -------------------- 3 three 0 4 four 0 5 five 0 3 three 0 4 four 0 5 five 0 6 rows selected. -- I want to check if hidden rows were also inserted -- Let's check by making hidden rows visible again-- Note that only visible rows(id=3,4,5) were inserted PDB1>alter session set row archival visibility=all; select id, txt, ora_archive_state from ilmtab; ID TXT ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ---------- --------------- -------------------- 1 one 2 2 two 1 3 three 0 4 four 0 5 five 0 3 three 0 4 four 0 5 five 0 8 rows selected.-- Let's set row archival visibility = all and then again insert rows from ilmtab-- Note that all the 8 rows are inserted but ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ha not been copied ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE <> 0 in only 2 records (id = 1,2) even now. PDB1>alter session set row archival visibility=all; insert into ilmtab select * from ilmtab; select id, txt, ora_archive_state from ilmtab order by id; ID TXT ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ---------- --------------- -------------------- 1 one 0 1 one 2 2 two 0 2 two 1 3 three 0 3 three 0 3 three 0 3 three 0 4 four 0 4 four 0 4 four 0 4 four 0 5 five 0 5 five 0 5 five 0 5 five 0 16 rows selected.-- Disable row level archiving for the table -- Note that as soon as row archiving is disabled, pseudo column ora_archive_state is dropped automatically PDB1>alter table ilmtab no row archival; select id, txt, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE from ilmtab; ERROR at line 1:ORA-00904: "ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE": invalid identifier PDB1>col hidden for a7 col USER_GENERATED for 20 col USER_GENERATED for a20 select TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, HIDDEN_COLUMN, USER_GENERATED from user_tab_cols where table_name='ILMTAB'; TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME HID USER_GENERATED ----------- -------------------- --- -------------------- ILMTAB ID NO YES ILMTAB TXT NO YESNote : Had we created this table using sys, we could not have disabled row archiving . -- cleanup -- PDB1>conn sys/oracle@em12c:1523/pdb1 as sysdba drop tablespace ilmtbs including contents and datafiles; drop user uilm cascade;References: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle 12c Index ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Article
chi Recursive WITH, part II: Hierarchical queries By Published On :: Fri, 03 Jun 2016 09:38:25 +0000 articles: SQL & PL/SQLIn my last post, I looked at using recursive WITH to implement simple recursive algorithms in SQL. One very common use of recursion is to traverse hierarchical data. I recently wrote a series of posts on hierarchical data, using Oracle’s CONNECT BY syntax and a fun example. In this post, I’ll be revisiting the same data using recursive WITH. There are dozens of examples of hierarchical data, from the EMP table to the Windows Registry to binary trees, but I went with something more fun: the skeleton from the old song “Dem Dry Bones”. Quote:Toe bone connected to the foot bone Foot bone connected to the heel bone Heel bone connected to the ankle bone Ankle bone connected to the shin bone Shin bone connected to the knee bone Knee bone connected to the thigh bone Thigh bone connected to the hip bone Hip bone connected to the back bone Back bone connected to the shoulder bone Shoulder bone connected to the neck bone Neck bone connected to the head bone Since every bone has only one ancestor, and there is a root bone with no ancestor, this is hierarchical data and we can stick it in a table and query it. SELECT * FROM skeleton; BONE CONNECTED_TO_THE ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- shoulder neck back shoulder hip back thigh hip knee thigh leg knee foot heel head neck head toe foot arm shoulder wrist arm ankle leg heel ankle finger wrist a rib back b rib back c rib back You can see that I added some ribs and an arm to make the skeleton more complete! Using Oracle’s CONNECT BY syntax: SQL> col bone FOR a10 SQL> col connected_to_the FOR a9 SQL> col level FOR 99 SQL> col bone_tree FOR a27 SQL> col path FOR a65 SELECT bone, connected_to_the, level, lpad(' ',2*level, ' ') || bone AS bone_tree , ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(bone,'>'),'>') AS path FROM skeleton START WITH connected_to_the IS NULL CONNECT BY prior bone=connected_to_the ORDER siblings BY 1 BONE CONNECTED LEVEL BONE_TREE PATH ---------- --------- ----- --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- head 1 head head neck head 2 neck head>neck shoulder neck 3 shoulder head>neck>shoulder arm shoulder 4 arm head>neck>shoulder>arm wrist arm 5 wrist head>neck>shoulder>arm>wrist finger wrist 6 finger head>neck>shoulder>arm>wrist>finger back shoulder 4 back head>neck>shoulder>back a rib back 5 a rib head>neck>shoulder>back>a rib b rib back 5 b rib head>neck>shoulder>back>b rib c rib back 5 c rib head>neck>shoulder>back>c rib hip back 5 hip head>neck>shoulder>back>hip thigh hip 6 thigh head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh knee thigh 7 knee head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee leg knee 8 leg head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg ankle leg 9 ankle head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg>ankle heel ankle 10 heel head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg>ankle>heel foot heel 11 foot head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg>ankle>heel>foot toe foot 12 toe head>neck>shoulder>back>hip>thigh>knee>leg>ankle>heel>foot>toe The above CONNECT BY query uses the LEVEL pseudocolumn and the SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function. With recursive WITH, there’s no need for these built-ins because these values fall naturally out of the recursion. Let’s start with the basic hierarchical query rewritten in recursive WITH. The hierarchical relationship in our table is: Parent(row.bone) = row.connected_to_the WITH skellarchy (bone, parent) AS ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the FROM skeleton WHERE bone = 'head' -- Start with the root UNION ALL SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the -- Parent(row.bone) = row.connected_to_the ) SELECT * FROM skellarchy; BONE PARENT ---------- ---------------------------------------- head neck head shoulder neck back shoulder arm shoulder hip back wrist arm a rib back b rib back c rib back thigh hip finger wrist knee thigh leg knee ankle leg heel ankle foot heel toe foot Because we built up the SKELLARCHY table recursively, it’s easy to make an equivalent to the LEVEL pseudocolumn; it falls right out of the recursion: WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level) AS ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0 FROM skeleton WHERE bone = 'head' UNION ALL SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1 FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the ) SELECT * FROM skellarchy; BONE PARENT THE_LEVEL ---------- ---------- ---------- head 0 neck head 1 shoulder neck 2 back shoulder 3 arm shoulder 3 hip back 4 wrist arm 4 a rib back 4 b rib back 4 c rib back 4 thigh hip 5 finger wrist 5 knee thigh 6 leg knee 7 ankle leg 8 heel ankle 9 foot heel 10 toe foot 11 and it’s also easy to build up a path from root to the current node like the “SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH” function does for CONNECT BY queries: WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level, the_path) AS ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0, CAST(bone AS varchar2(4000)) FROM skeleton WHERE bone = 'head' UNION ALL SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1, r.the_path || '->' || s.bone FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the ) SELECT * FROM skellarchy; BONE PARENT THE_LEVEL THE_PATH ---------- ---------- --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- head 0 head neck head 1 head->neck shoulder neck 2 head->neck->shoulder back shoulder 3 head->neck->shoulder->back arm shoulder 3 head->neck->shoulder->arm hip back 4 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip wrist arm 4 head->neck->shoulder->arm->wrist a rib back 4 head->neck->shoulder->back->a rib b rib back 4 head->neck->shoulder->back->b rib c rib back 4 head->neck->shoulder->back->c rib thigh hip 5 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh finger wrist 5 head->neck->shoulder->arm->wrist->finger knee thigh 6 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee leg knee 7 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg ankle leg 8 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg->ankle heel ankle 9 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg->ankle->heel foot heel 10 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg->ankle->heel->foot toe foot 11 head->neck->shoulder->back->hip->thigh->knee->leg->ankle->heel->foot->toe and we can use our generated the_level column to make a nice display just as we used the level pseudocolumn with CONNECT BY: WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level) AS ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0 FROM skeleton WHERE bone = 'head' UNION ALL SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1 FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the ) SELECT lpad(' ',2*the_level, ' ') || bone AS bone_tree FROM skellarchy; BONE_TREE --------------------------- head neck shoulder back arm hip wrist a rib b rib c rib thigh finger knee leg ankle heel foot toe Now, the bones are coming out in a bit of a funny order for a skeleton. Instead of this: shoulder back arm hip wrist a rib b rib c rib thigh finger I want to see this: shoulder arm wrist finger back a rib b rib c rib hip thigh The rows are coming out in BREADTH FIRST ordering – meaning all siblings of ‘shoulder’ are printed before any children of ‘shoulder’. But I want to see them in DEPTH FIRST: going from shoulder to finger before we start on the backbone. WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level) AS ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0 FROM skeleton WHERE bone = 'head' UNION ALL SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1 FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the ) SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY bone SET bone_order SELECT lpad(' ',2*the_level, ' ') || bone AS bone_tree FROM skellarchy ORDER BY bone_order; BONE_TREE --------------------------- head neck shoulder arm wrist finger back a rib b rib c rib hip thigh knee leg ankle heel foot toe And now the result looks more like a proper skeleton. Now on to cycles. A cycle is a loop in the hierarchical data: a row is its own ancestor. To put a cycle in the example data, I made the skeleton bend over and connect the head to the toe: UPDATE skeleton SET connected_to_the='toe' WHERE bone='head'; And now if we try to run the query: ERROR at line 2: ORA-32044: cycle detected while executing recursive WITH query With the CONNECT BY syntax, we can use CONNECT BY NOCYCLE to run a query even when cycles exist, and the pseudocolumn CONNECT_BY_IS_CYCLE to help detect cycles. For recursive WITH, Oracle provides a CYCLE clause, which is a bit more powerful as it allows us to name the column which is cycling. WITH skellarchy (bone, parent, the_level) AS ( SELECT bone, connected_to_the, 0 FROM skeleton WHERE bone = 'head' UNION ALL SELECT s.bone, s.connected_to_the , r.the_level + 1 FROM skeleton s, skellarchy r WHERE r.bone = s.connected_to_the ) SEARCH DEPTH FIRST BY bone SET bone_order CYCLE bone SET is_a_cycle TO 'Y' DEFAULT 'N' SELECT lpad(' ',2*the_level, ' ') || bone AS bone_tree, is_a_cycle FROM skellarchy --where is_a_cycle='N' ORDER BY bone_order; BONE_TREE I ------------------------------------------------------------ - head N neck N shoulder N arm N wrist N finger N back N a rib N b rib N c rib N hip N thigh N knee N leg N ankle N heel N foot N toe N head Y The query runs until the first cycle is detected, then stops. The CONNECT BY syntax does provide a nice pseudocolumn, CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF, which is 1 when a row has no further children, 0 otherwise. In my next post, I’ll look at emulating this pseudocolumn with recursive WITH. Republished with permission. 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chi Chicago Bears sign restricted free agent tight end Josh Hill to an offer sheet By Published On :: Wed, 23 Mar 2016 13:15:23 EST The Bears have signed restricted free agent tight end Josh Hill. The New Orleans Saints have five days to match the offer. Full Article Fantasy Football
chi Ford schickt Kölner Beschäftigte in Kurzarbeit By Published On :: 2024-11-12T20:03:00Z Ford hat für sein Kölner Werk Kurzarbeit angemeldet. Hintergrund sei die schwache Nachfrage nach Elektroautos. Der Autobauer will deshalb im kommenden Jahr weniger Fahrzeuge in Köln bauen. Full Article
chi Child Heatstroke: Where's baby? Look before you lock By Published On :: Fri, 06 Apr 2012 17:18:00 +0000 NHSTA today announced its first-ever national campaign to prevent child heatstroke deaths in cars, urging parents and caregivers to think "Where's baby? Look before you lock. " Heatstroke is the leading cause of non-crash, vehicle related deaths for children under the age of 14, with at least 33 fatalities reported in 2011 alone... Child Heatstroke: Where's baby? Look before you lock Full Article
chi This Can Have You Scratching Your Head By Published On :: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 20:04:00 +0000 It was a late night last night of updating andimproving and in the process of doing that it got methinking . . .An online business, and even more so an internetnetwork marketing business, can really get youscratching your head sometimes.We're conditioned to think in a linear fashion. Dothis and get that result is really how we think.Work 40 hours a week and get paid for 40 hours ofwork. It's how we grew up and for most of us it'show we were conditioned to think about our results inlife.When it comes to business this isn't always the case,and really most of the time it's not the case.Business is not a linear thing.Just yesterday I was sitting at my computerscratching my head.4 people joined my business directly with me as theirsponsor in the last 2 days. Not something tocomplain about, after all I am the king of nevercalling a single lead and that's the way things workmost of the time in my business, but this time it wasa little different.You see during that period I had absolutely no adsrunning for my business and still 4 people joinedwith me as their sponsor without me having to do athing, meanwhile my first year in the business allI did was prospect and call leads and nothing happened.Why is it so easy now?Well, once you have passive traffic coming your waygood things happen and you don't have to doanything additional actively for those good results.But this can get people confused. I know it did forme for a long time. Some days would be great withlittle effort and some days would be not so greatwith a Herculean effort.What the heck right?That's business for you. It's not linear. You set itup and once you get all the pieces in placesometimes the results flow like the mighty Amazon andothers well just one lead would keep you going.This shift stunts most. They still want to think thattheir efforts should correlate directly to theirresults and when it doesn't it frustrated the heck ofthem. The best advice is settle down, know yourconversion figures, and just keep on pushing.Let me tell you . . .If you have a great marketing system, you're doingthe right things for generating interest in yourbusiness via your marketing system you're on theright track despite what the results show.They will exceed your expectations in the long run.Think about your business like this. It's more likehaving a boat tethered to port by several ropesthan going to the J.O.B.You may spend a huge effort getting one rope off andyou've made progress, but there is still 8 moreropes to go and nothings moving.You've made positive progress and you know it, justdon't let money be the only marker of your successin the beginning.That will come.What if you could make a living online? How wouldyou're life change? What would you do? I took thiscourse and that dream has become a reality in my lifeand because it I recommend it as a MUST have forany truly interested. Go here now: ==> Full Article Articles
chi The Flying Monkeys Made Me Do It Children's Baseball Jersey By Published On :: This Kids Baseball Jersey lets everyone know whose fault it really was, the flying monkeys made you do it - It's absolutely true. It's not really your fault. In fact, even though you were the one that actually did do it, it still isn't your fault at all. Of course you shouldn't take responsibility for what happened, you just couldn't help yourself. But, first and foremost when you do get blamed, make sure you point the blame in the right direction. It's not the dog's fault nor is it the fault of the voices in your head that you have been listening too, nor was it the ghost of Elvis, and the devil definitely didn't make you do it either. Certainly, that can only leave one option left, the ones that are truly behind it all, the flying monkeys. That's absolutely right. It was the flying monkeys that made you do it. Now is your chance to fianlly reveal the truth of who's really behind it all. Full Article
chi The Flying Monkeys Made Me Do It Children's Hoodie By Published On :: This Kids Hooded Sweatshirt lets everyone know whose fault it really was, the flying monkeys made you do it - It's absolutely true. It's not really your fault. In fact, even though you were the one that actually did do it, it still isn't your fault at all. Of course you shouldn't take responsibility for what happened, you just couldn't help yourself. But, first and foremost when you do get blamed, make sure you point the blame in the right direction. It's not the dog's fault nor is it the fault of the voices in your head that you have been listening too, nor was it the ghost of Elvis, and the devil definitely didn't make you do it either. Certainly, that can only leave one option left, the ones that are truly behind it all, the flying monkeys. That's absolutely right. It was the flying monkeys that made you do it. Now is your chance to fianlly reveal the truth of who's really behind it all. Full Article
chi The Flying Monkeys Made Me Do It Children's Sweatshirt By Published On :: This Kids Sweatshirt lets everyone know whose fault it really was, the flying monkeys made you do it - It's absolutely true. It's not really your fault. In fact, even though you were the one that actually did do it, it still isn't your fault at all. Of course you shouldn't take responsibility for what happened, you just couldn't help yourself. But, first and foremost when you do get blamed, make sure you point the blame in the right direction. It's not the dog's fault nor is it the fault of the voices in your head that you have been listening too, nor was it the ghost of Elvis, and the devil definitely didn't make you do it either. Certainly, that can only leave one option left, the ones that are truly behind it all, the flying monkeys. That's absolutely right. It was the flying monkeys that made you do it. Now is your chance to fianlly reveal the truth of who's really behind it all. Full Article
chi The Flying Monkeys Made Me Do It Children's T-Shirt By Published On :: This Kids T-Shirt lets everyone know whose fault it really was, the flying monkeys made you do it - It's absolutely true. It's not really your fault. In fact, even though you were the one that actually did do it, it still isn't your fault at all. Of course you shouldn't take responsibility for what happened, you just couldn't help yourself. But, first and foremost when you do get blamed, make sure you point the blame in the right direction. It's not the dog's fault nor is it the fault of the voices in your head that you have been listening too, nor was it the ghost of Elvis, and the devil definitely didn't make you do it either. Certainly, that can only leave one option left, the ones that are truly behind it all, the flying monkeys. That's absolutely right. It was the flying monkeys that made you do it. Now is your chance to fianlly reveal the truth of who's really behind it all. Full Article
chi Motorcycle Therapy Childrens Hoodie By Published On :: For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Motorcycles Kids Hoodie - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's motorcycles. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about and make sense of life is to hop on our motorcycle and head for the open road whether it's through the twisties of a canyon or mountain or the open desert highway. The freedom and peace of being at one with a machine and the open road is therapy that is almost unequalled by anything else. So, forget the shrink. Forget the counselors. Forget the psychiatrists. Forget the therapists. Relieve the stress, makes some sense out of life, grin from ear to ear. Just get on your bike and ride. Full Article
chi Motorcycle Therapy Childrens T-Shirt By Published On :: For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Motorcycles Kids T-Shirt - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's motorcycles. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about and make sense of life is to hop on our motorcycle and head for the open road whether it's through the twisties of a canyon or mountain or the open desert highway. The freedom and peace of being at one with a machine and the open road is therapy that is almost unequalled by anything else. So, forget the shrink. Forget the counselors. Forget the psychiatrists. Forget the therapists. Relieve the stress, makes some sense out of life, grin from ear to ear. Just get on your bike and ride. Full Article
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