
Renck: Broncos lost to Chiefs, found their franchise quarterback in Bo Nix

The Broncos lost to Kansas City in the most excruciating way possible, but they found their guy.


Islanders Netminder Ilya Sorokin & Extra-Time Losses: Building On Franchise Record In Fifth NHL Season

Sorokin has 33 extra-time losses in just 202 NHL starts.


These Are the Top 200 Global Franchises

Want to open a franchise outside the U.S., or just buy into a brand known around the world? This list is for you.


These Are the Franchise Industry's Top Suppliers Right Now

Looking for the right supplier to help your franchise? These are the industry's favorite banks, accountants, PR agencies, and more — picked by the 1,100 franchises that love them!


‘Sea ranching’ launched off Thiruvananthapuram as follow-up to artificial reef project

Minister of State for Fisheries George Kurian launches project; 10 lakh pompano, cobia fingerlings to be deposited in 10 selected locations


Fluorophore branching boosted photo-induced energy transfer in UiO-66 for ultrasensitive and instant hydrazine sensing

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4TA01549E, Paper
Ying Luo, Da Lei, Maohua Li, Yuansheng Ge, Jiguang Li, Baiyi Zu, Jun Yao, Xincun Dou
Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) have made great progress in the field of fluorescent sensing; however, whether the electronic structure and recognized sites can be adjusted by external functionalization still remains challenging.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Can Hemant Soren Retain Power? Ranchi Voters Weigh In As Jharkhand Polls Underway

The Jharkhand Assembly elections 2024 are currently underway, with voting taking place in 43 constituencies, including the bustling capital, Ranchi. As polling stations open across the city, voters are turning out in large numbers, with many women expected to play a


Oneindia Exclusive On Jharkhand Elections 2024: Ranchi Voters Speak

In Ranchi, Jharkhand's first phase of voting commenced today with voters lining up at various booths, including Firayalal Public School. Residents expressed a mix of hopes and frustrations, emphasizing a desire for development, reduced corruption, and better cooperation between state and


Jharkhand Assembly Elections 2024: CSK legend MS Dhoni and wife Sakshi cast vote in Ranchi - Watch

Dhoni was appointed as the brand ambassador for the Jharkhand elections.


Aishwarya Rai and Katrina Kaif lost this blockbuster franchise of Rs 600 crore, were replaced by...

The third instalment of this iconic franchise is running super-strong at the box office. The latest surpassed the previous box office records and became the highest-grossing film of the franchise. Sadly, the original choices of this franchise were Aishwarya Rai and Vidya Balan.


Are Franchises Individual Business or One Large Company?

Are franchises small, independent businesses or should they be considered part of a much larger company?

The question is at the heart of two upcoming legal cases. The outcomes could affect profits and change how franchisees hire, fire, manage and pay workers.

complete article


5 Tips on Financing a Small Business Franchise

Imagine this:  You have found the perfect business idea, one that seems to add up from every angle and could not be better for you and your future plans.  The only problem is that you do not have the capital to open the doors.  Well, unfortunately this is a rather significant problem for a small business startup ... particularly in todays lending environment.

complete article


5 Affordable Franchises You Can Start for Less Than $10,000

Everyone says that starting a business is expensive and risky, but it doesn't have to be. One approach, which some consider safer, is owning a franchise. It has a proven business model, a brand built in and corporate support. And not every franchise will cost you millions. In fact, you can start some franchises for less than five figures -- and not just random, bargain-bin franchises, but companies that made our 2017 Franchise 500 List.

complete article


5 Deadly Sins That Can Wreck Your Franchise – and How to Avoid Them

The food and beverage industry is a tough game. Sixty percent of restaurants don’t make it past their first year, and 80 percent go out of business within five years. Those are hard odds.

Franchising takes some of the risks out of the equation by giving you a proven model to work with. But being a franchisor with a proven model under your arm does not mean you’re suddenly bulletproof or immune to the laws of economics. If you start making unforced errors, you are going to fail.

Here are the five reasons most people fail as the owner of a franchise. Avoid these deadly sins at all costs:

Sin 1: Financial complacency
Sin 2: Operational obtuseness
Sin 3: Poor hiring choices
Sin 4: Myopic risk management
Sin 5: Mediocre offerings


PR.com Press Releases: Franchises & Business Opportunities News

PR.com provides press release distribution, and is a unique directory of businesses, products and services. Find full company profiles.


Franchise Row

Well, today Frederica isn't at the "Corner of East and Now", but she is at the corner of Taco Bell and K-Mart. You know the place.


Stakeholder Perceptions Regarding eCRM: A Franchise Case Study


Catalogna. Gli indipendentisti ancora in carcere. La Spagna torna al Franchismo?


Mario Castellano

Le ultime notizie dalla Catalogna riferiscono che neanche la sessione del Parlamento della Generalità programmata per lunedì prossimo eleggerà il nuovo Presidente, destinato a succedere a Puigdemont.

E’ tuttavia importante considerare la candidatura avanzata dalla maggioranza indipendentista: si tratta di Jordi Sanchez, capo di uno dei due movimenti sorti nella società civile che, affiancando i Partiti favorevoli all’autodeterminazione, sono stati protagonisti della mobilitazione popolare culminata nel referendum dello scorso 1 dicembre.

Sanchez si trova in prigione a Madrid, privato della libertà e per giunta deportato in uno Stato straniero che occupa ed opprime il suo Paese.
La sua posizione dal punto di vista penale è inoltre diversa da quella del Presidente Puigdemont, e dei suoi Ministri, sia in esilio, sia incarcerati in Spagna.

Mentre infatti questi ultimi, dal punto di vista delle Autorità di Madrid, avrebbero attentato alla integrità territoriale dello Stato, Sanchez è responsabile soltanto di un delitto di opinione, consistente nell’aver sostenuto il diritto dei Catalani all’autodeterminazione.

Permane dunque, ed anzi si aggrava, la situazione aberrante determinata dall’emissione dei mandati di cattura contro i dirigenti indipendentisti: per la prima volta dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale – e per quanto riguarda i Paesi Iberici dopo la fine delle dittature franchista e salazarista tra il 1974 ed il 1975 – in Europa Occidentale vengono private della libertà alcuni cittadini che non hanno commesso nessuna azione violenta, limitandosi a svolgere una attività politica considerata altrove perfettamente legale.

Anche ammesso che l’indizione del referendum, l’accoglimento dei suoi risultati e la proclamazione dell’Indipendenza risultassero degli atti legislativi ed amministrativi illegittimi, ciò non determina di per sé – in un uno Stato di Diritto – alcuna responsabilità penale a carico delle persone fisiche incorporate negli organi di un Ente Pubblico che li hanno adottati.

Per giunta, le Autorità di Madrid ritengono che tali atti non siano annullabili, bensì nulli, in quanto esorbitano – secondo la loro opinione – dall’insieme delle competenze dei soggetti di Diritto Pubblico.

Qui si rivela una contraddizione manifesta nella posizione degli organi dello Stato spagnolo: mentre un atto illegittimo produce i propri effetti fino a quando viene deciso il suo annullamento, un atto nullo non produce – per definizione – nessun effetto giuridico.

E’ naturalmente possibile che l’emanazione di un atto amministrativo determini la consumazione di un reato, ma la violazione della legge penale in tanto sussiste in quanto precisamente la situazione giuridica è stata modificata, il che però non avviene nel caso di un atto nullo.

In conclusione, dunque, delle due l’una: se l’atto emanato dagli organi della Generalità è nullo, non si può configurare nessun reato; se invece sussiste una responsabilità penale, ciò significa che l’atto ha prodotto degli effetti giuridici.

In tal caso, però, l’indipendenza della Catalogna verrebbe paradossalmente riconosciuta dagli organi giurisdizionali dello Stato spagnolo.
Gli indipendentisti di Barcellona sono comunque impegnati con Madrid – come abbiamo già scritto – in un braccio di ferro che durerà molto a lungo, dando luogo ad un contenzioso giuridico che coinvolge altri Stati.

Abbiamo già scritto che la Catalogna ha vinto un’importante battaglia giudiziaria, ingaggiata nel Belgio, dove Puigdemont è riparato con una parte dei suoi Ministri dopo essere stato colpito da un mandato di cattura internazionale emesso dall’Autorità Giudiziaria spagnola.

L’esecuzione di tale atto da parte di uno Stato straniero di tale deve essere decisa dalla sua Autorità Giudiziaria, che deve semplicemente valutare se il reato imputato alla persona colpita dal mandato di cattura è considerato tale anche in base alle proprie norme.

E’ chiaro che a questo punto Puigdemont rischiava di essere estradato, non potendo in alcun caso i Giudici belgi valutare nel merito la sua asserita responsabilità penale.

Gli Avvocati fiamminghi del Presidente della Generalità, i quali non avevano nella vicenda giudiziaria soltanto un interesse professionale, ma erano anche intenzionati ad asserire la piena legalità e la piena legittimità di una eventuale dichiarazione di indipendenza delle Fiandre, hanno compiuto a questo punto una mossa vincente, consistente nel presentare domanda di asilo politico al Belgio.

L’esame di questa istanza non spetta all’Autorità Giudiziaria, bensì agli organi del Potere Esecutivo, benché l’interessato possa impugnare il suo rigetto davanti alla Giurisdizione Amministrativa.

L’asilo politico, in base alle Convenzioni Internazionali sottoscritte dal Belgio, viene concesso anche alle persone ricercate dalla Giustizia del Paese di origine se la loro condanna in sede penale, ovvero il provvedimento restrittivo della libertà personale, risultano determinati anche parzialmente da motivazioni politiche.

Per evitare che le Autorità di Bruxelles accertassero la sussistenza di tale tale situazione, la Spagna ha ritirato il mandato di cattura internazionale, non solo subendo una umiliazione in Europa, ma anche riconoscendo implicitamente che Puigdemont era un perseguitato politico.

Questo riporta il Paese iberico alla condizione in cui si trovava al tempo di Franco, quando era tenuto fuori dalla porta dell’Europa. Il cammino iniziato con la morte del “Caudillo” subisce dunque una regressione preoccupante.

Ora, con la prospettata elezione di Sanchez alla Presidenza della Generalità, i Catalani hanno intrapreso una nuova battaglia giuridica.
Se l’esponente della società civile viene scarcerato, la Spagna ammette implicitamente che egli è un Capo di Stato: ciò non significa di per sé riconoscere l’Indipendenza della Catalogna quale soggetto di Diritto Internazionale, ma si ammette che la Generalità è un soggetto membro di una Confederazione, vale a dire uno Stato.

Ammettendo il principio per cui la Spagna è una Confederazione, affermato dal Re Juan Carlos in moltissimi discorsi ufficiali, si riconosce implicitamente il diritto della Generalità di sciogliere i suoi vincoli con Madrid.

Qualora invece Sanchez fosse trattenuto in prigione, verrebbe impedita la normale attività di un soggetto di Diritto Pubblico, e in tal caso, la Spagna non potrebbe più essere considerata uno Stato di Diritto.

Dal punto di vista politico, si deve riconoscere che i Catalani stanno giocando molto bene la loro partita: in primo luogo, la dichiarazione di sovranità adottata a suo tempo dal Parlamento di Barcellona non è mai stata ritrattata, ed inoltre la Generalità tratta alla pari con la Spagna in qualità di Stato indipendente.

Che cosa succederebbe se il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana fosse trattenuto in prigione a Parigi dalle Autorità francesi?
Come minimo, si aprirebbe un contenzioso internazionale.
Si potrà obiettare che l’Italia è uno Stato indipendente, mentre la Catalogna non lo è ancora, ma è proprio questa la ragione per cui Barcellona sta deliberatamente aggravando il proprio conflitto con Madrid, sapendo che le decisioni assunte dal Belgio hanno già modificato un rapporto di forze destinato comunque ad evolvere ulteriormente.

Nel frattempo, la Generalità continua ad esercitare le competenze legislative ed amministrative che comunque la Spagna le riconosce, affermando però che la dichiarazione di Indipendenza è tuttora pienamente vigente.

Può Madrid impedire questo esercizio della sovranità?
Naturalmente non può farlo, salvo negare la vigenza della propria stessa Costituzione e dello Statuto della Generalità.

Il braccio di ferro è destinato a continuare, e noi continueremo a commentarne i vari episodi dal punto di vista giuridico.
Resta fermo comunque che la Liguria – come ha affermato solennemente con voto unanime il Consiglio Comunale di Genova – sostiene il diritto dei fratelli catalani ad esercitare l’autodeterminazione.


Fauna Europaea: Annelida – Hirudinea, incl. Acanthobdellea and Branchiobdellea


X-Men franchise's Deadpool finally gets his own movie in 2016

File: Stephen Yan dresses as Deadpool at Comic-Con on July 19, 2013 in San Diego.; Credit: Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images

Hey, you! Yeah, you reading this! They're finally making a Deadpool movie!

If you like fourth-wall breaking, second-person addresses like the above, you may be in the target audience for the long-in-development "Deadpool," which Twentieth Century Fox announced Thursday that it was finally moving ahead with, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The studio announced a Feb. 12, 2016 release date for the film with Tim Miller set to direct the character who's served as both friend and foe to the X-Men.

The so-called "Merc with a Mouth" is a mercenary character created in the early '90s by artist Rob Liefeld, with Liefeld being an outspoken champion for the character. The character was part of the same Weapon X program that created Wolverine, with a similar healing factor power, but with a horribly scarred face he covers with a mask. He's also been played as crazy, which manifests itself as the character often knowing he's in a comic book and talking directly to the reader.

Ryan Reynolds has long been tied to the project, including playing a version of the character in the much-hated "X-Men Origins: Wolverine," but no deal has been made yet, according to the Reporter.

This follows footage leaking over the summer of a "Deadpool" test with Reynolds voicing the character in a CGI clip. Reynolds said in an interview in the Niagara Falls Review earlier this month that that it's unfortunate the footage leaked, "but who cares," because the positive response to the clip had helped push the film forward after being stuck in development hell.

"The movie has been in a state of limbo for a while. There was such an overpowering reaction to the footage, you sort of feel like, 'Oh, so we weren't crazy for our reasons for loving this character, for loving this role.' It's interesting to see the power of the Internet. It's awe-inspiring, actually," Reynolds told the Review. "And it's neat that Twitter and Facebook and Instagram can move mountains when used in the right way."

Watch the "Deadpool" test footage below (Warning: Contains some adult language):

Deadpool test footage

There'd also been debate about whether a movie would stay true to the character's outrageous attitude mixed with violence and go for an R rating, or whether it would go for a wider audience by staying at PG-13. Deadpool creator Liefeld has argued that the film would work just fine without restricting its audience with an R.

Liefeld tweet 1

Liefeld tweet 2

Liefeld told the Daily Superhero in a previous interview that the footage for the test was filmed three years ago, using motion capture over footage of Reynolds. He also talked up Miller as a director, noting that he directed the pre-credits scene for "Thor: The Dark World."

"Fox had released a relatively small budget for Tim to present his vision of the script written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick," Liefeld said. "The digital costume over Ryan Reynold's motion capture (Mo-Cap) performance was an approach they wanted to explore and they had a relatively small window to create this short so they opted to 'test' the look of a digital Deadpool costume over Ryan. I'm quite pleased at how it turned out, especially considering Baraka-Deadpool from Wolverine Origins."

Liefeld was referring to the transformation of Deadpool in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" to a mouthless, pointy-limbed character in the film, which many fans argued took away what they loved most about Deadpool: His sense of humor. Liefeld also said he'd seen even more impressive sequences than the one that made its way online.

It's unclear whether this will tie in with the other X-Men films, but with the studio's recent attempt to tie together the "First Class" franchise with the older X-Men films in "Days of Future Past" and the character's long history of involvement with the X-Men and other related teams, it seems like a likely move.


Proposed County solid waste management franchise agreement would provide additional recycling services.

The agreement would substantially increase the number of items collected for recycling across Catawba County, with further expansion of items collected as needed over time; begin �single stream� collection of recyclable commodities so recycled materials would no longer be required to be separated at curbside; increase Republic Services� investment in Catawba County by $13 million; and protect more than 150 local jobs.


Solid Waste Franchise, effective July 1, bringing expanded recycling, new fee schedule, services.

A new County Solid Waste Franchise with Republic Services (formerly known as GDS), effective July 1, is bringing expanded recycling, new fee schedule, services.


Add value to your contracting business with a home service franchise

A successful home service franchise offers sales and marketing systems similar to those employed by large companies. These systems can be easily implemented and replicated over and over again.


Franchises offer expansion opportunities for plumbing contractors

A thriving plumbing business relies on a collaborative team spanning various functions. Facing challenges like labor shortages and limited resources, many contractors struggle to expand into new markets. Adding a franchise can accelerate growth, minimize risk, and unlock fresh opportunities by leveraging established systems and resources.


Marquis Who's Who Honors Dominique Maddox for Expertise in Restaurant Franchise Resales

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Franchise owners and vendors convened in Nashville from July 20-24 to hear from industry experts and commemorate notable accomplishments


IFPG Named a 2024 Franchising at Work Award Finalist by Franchise Business Review

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Ammar Jali Urges Franchise Owners to Review Insurance Coverage for Business Protection

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IFPG Celebrates Six Years as Entrepreneur's Top Franchise Broker Organization

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Marquis Who's Who Honors Marshall Reddy for Expertise in Franchising

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Quick Service Italian Restaurant Franchise to Launch Locations in Four States



Hosts Elevate Conference to honor teams and share vision for future


United Floor Coatings Expands with New Office, Franchise Group, in Greenville, South Carolina

Expansion improves access to additional markets in the Greater Carolinas.


Signarama Celebrates Record-Breaking Sales and Franchise Achievements in First Half of 2024

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Fine fast-casual Mediterranean concept ignites global expansion with the opening of its first international location in Canada.


Huddle House Franchise Expands in Macon, Georgia with New Location

Fast-growing all-day breakfast franchise celebrates the grand opening of new restaurant in Macon, Georgia


From West Point to West Palm- New Franchise Owner, Chance Carrick Opens 2 Spaulding Decon Locations in West Palm Beach and Port St. Lucie

Veteran Owned and Operated


From Retail Management to Bio-Cleaning Services - New Franchisee Owner, Matthew Nizzi, Opens His Second Spaulding Decon Location in Beaufort, SC

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Dennis Adams Celebrated for Dedication to the Field of Cattle Ranching

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1-800-JUNKPRO Welcomes New Franchise Owner in Denver

U.S.-based; Residential Dumpster Rental business is delighted to welcome a new franchise owner in the Denver/NOCO area.



Full-service promotional products franchise shares exciting brand updates and recognizes outstanding franchise owners at annual brand convention.


Spaulding Decon Proudly Announces the Grand Opening of Their Franchise in Oklahoma City

Spaulding Decon, the nation's largest crime-scene decontamination and full-service remediation is thrilled to announce the grand opening of their location in Oklahoma City!


Spaulding Decon Proudly Announces the Grand Opening of Their Franchise in Daytona Beach, FL

Spaulding Decon, the nation's largest crime-scene decontamination and full-service remediation is thrilled to announce the grand opening of their location in Daytona Beach, FL!



Business consulting franchise makes entry into new markets and expands corporate team to support rapid growth


United Franchise Group to Host Free Webinar in Honor of 3rd Annual National Women in Franchising Appreciation Day

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Corcoran Franchisee Expands in the Bahamas

Corcoran CA Christie Bahamas, a franchisee of Corcoran Group, LLC, has announced the opening of its newest office location on Harbour Island in the Bahamas. Led by Corcoran CA Christie Bahamas Broker/Owner Gavin Christie, the new office will cater to the brokerage’s existing agents who serve the Harbour Island area, and any newly recruited agents,…

The post Corcoran Franchisee Expands in the Bahamas appeared first on RISMedia.


Corcoran Welcomes First Franchise in Mexico

Corcoran Group® LLC has announced its first Mexican franchise with the launch of Corcoran The Baja Real Estate Co. Owned and led by Blake Harrington, the brokerage will serve clients throughout the greater Cabo San Lucas area. The announcement, made by Pamela Liebman, president and CEO of The Corcoran Group®, illustrates the company’s ongoing expansion…

The post Corcoran Welcomes First Franchise in Mexico appeared first on RISMedia.


This Legal Change Could "Severely Disrupt" Franchising. Learn About the PRO Act's Joint-Employer Standard

Michael Lotito offers insight on the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (or PRO Act), which includes a change to a standard known as “joint employer.”

