online shopping

Podatność w oprogramowaniu Online Shopping System Advanced

W oprogramowaniu Online Shopping System Advanced wykryto podatność typu Reflected XSS (CVE-2024-3579).

online shopping

"नेपालमा ईन्टरनेटबाट खरिद बिक्री (Online Shopping)"

नेपालमा ईन्टरनेटबाट खरिद बिक्री (Online Shopping)

नेपाल लक्ष्यीत अनलाईन बिजनेस गरी रहेका केही वेबसाईटमा गएर भुक्तानी गरे पछी पर्व अवसर
अनुसारका सामग्री वेबसाईट वालाले सम्बन्धीत कहाँ पुर्याई दिन्छन । अब भनिरहन
पर्दैन बिदेशमा बसेका छोराछोरीले माततिर्थ
औशीको दिन आमालाई सरप्राईज दिन चाहे भने मात्र पनि मनग्गे बिकल्प छन।

ढोकैमा उपहार आईपुग्न सक्छ । दशैमा घरपरिवार लाई एउटा मज्जाको कालो घोर्ले खसी किन्दीन परोस वा बाबुको मुख हेर्ने दिन
एउटा मज्जाको आईफोन दिन मन लागोस । मनमात्र गर्नु पर्छ, सात समुन्द्र
पारी बसी बसी त्यहाँको अनलाईन ट्रान्जेक्सन गर्न मिल्ने डेविट वा क्रेडिट कार्डको साहायताले घर
परिवारको लागी सामान किनि दिन सकिन्छ।

मुन्चा डट कम, ठमेल डट कम, आदी बिदेश बाट भुक्तानी गरेर नेपालमा सामान सप्लाई गर्ने वेब साईट हुन।

अमेरिका, युरोप बसेर नेपालमा उपहार पठाउन
सकिने भए पछी यदी कसैले पोखरा बसेर धरानमा केही सामान पठाउछु नि त भनि हाल्यो भने अहिलेलाई त्यो अलि सम्भव छैन वा धेरै झन्झट छ भन्नु पर्ने हुन्छ किन भने
मुख्य कुरा यस्ता अनलाईन पोर्टलहरु काठमाण्डौ केन्द्रीत बजारमा ब्यस्त छन।

धेरैमा काठमाण्डौमै पनि अतिरिक्त शुल्क तिरे पछी मात्र सामान ढुवानी हुन्छ। दुई सय देखी दश हजार रुपयाँ मा बैकं खाता खोलेर
पाईने एटिएम कार्डले ईन्टरनेटमा भुक्तानी गर्न मिल्दैन। अझ भनौ हामी सँग भएका एटीएम कार्डले पायक परेको स्थानमा रहेको मेसिन बाट पैसा निकाल्ने बाहेक केही गर्न सक्दैनन।

प्रचलनमा रहेका अनलाईन ई-कर्मस साईटहरुमा भुक्तानी गर्नको लागी डलर बाट ट्रान्जेक्सन गर्न मिल्ने कार्ड चाहीन्छ। जुन सर्वसाधरण नेपालीको लागी आकाशको फल झै
हो। डलर ट्रान्जेक्सन गर्न मिल्ने कार्ड पाउन आफ्नो आय स्रोत पनि डलर मै देखाउनु पर्छ त्यो पनि नेपाल राष्ट्र बैकको सम्पुर्ण
प्रक्रिया पुरा गरे।

सरकारी निती प्रविधीलाई आत्मसात गर्ने भन्दा पनि निति निर्माणतहमा रहेका ब्यक्तीहरुको अज्ञानतालाई कानुन बनाउने खालको छ।

त्यसैले सरकारी तहबाट नेपालमा अनलाईन बिजनेस को क्षेत्रमा केही भै हाल्ला भन्न सकिने अवश्था छैन तर नेपालका निजी बैकहरुले नेपालमै ईन्टरनेट कारोबार गर्ने सोच राखेर
काम गरी रहेका सस्था सँग मिलेर यसमा केही फड्को मार्न खोजेका छन ।

भाटभटेनि डिपार्टमेन्ट स्टोर, हरिलो डट कम, ई-सेवा आदी यसको उदारण हो ।

काठमाण्डौको प्रख्यात डिपार्टमेन्ट स्टोर भाटभटेको अनलाईन पोर्टलमा जानु भयो भने त्यस डिपार्टमेन्ट पाईने कतिपय सामान
अनलाईन किन्न सकिन्छ त्यो पनि नेपलकै बैकको अनलाईन खाता प्रयोग गरेर।

भाटभटेनिकै कुरा गर्दा सामान रोजी सकेपछी कुमारी बैकको अनलाईन बैङ्किग खाता प्रयोग गर्नु भयो भने भुक्तानी गर्न
सकिन्छ । कुमारी बैकमा खाता छैन भने पनि तपाईलाई ई-सेवा ले
त्यही बराबरको सुबिधा प्रदान गर्छ ।

लक्ष्मी बैक, बैक अफ एसिया, किष्ट बैक, एनएमबी बैक , सानिमा बैक आदीमा भएको बैक खातामा ईन्टरनेट बैङ्कीग को सुबिधा लिनु भएको छ भने घरमै बसी बसी ई-
सेवामा पैसा ट्रान्सफर गर्न सकिन्छ । ई – सेवामा पैसा ट्रान्सफर गरी सके पछी तपाईले भाटभटेनी मात्र हैन अरु केही साईटहरुमा पनि बस्तु वा सेवा खरिद
गर्न सक्नु हुन्छ।

ई- सेवा मा मात्र पैसा जम्मा गर्न सक्नु भयो भने बुद्द एयरले उडान गर्ने स्थानको लागी बुद्द एयरको टिकट
किन्न ट्राभल एजेन्टको मा पुग्नु पर्दैन । घरमै बसी बसी बसी मोबाईलको रिचार्ज कार्ड खरिद गर्ने देखी हवाई जहाजको टिकट खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ ।

सेवाग्राहीलाई सुबिधा दिने भन्दा पनि दुख
दिने खालको सरकारी नितीलाई सरलीकरण
गरेर ब्यपार
गर्नको लागि केही उत्साही युवाहरुले
नयाँ नयाँ प्रयोग पनि गरेका छन । हरिलो डट
कम यसको उदारण हो । यस साईटको साहायताले तपाईले नेपालमै बसेर
अमेजन डट कम, ईबे देखी वालमार्ट भन्ने बिश्व
प्रसिद्द अनलाईन पोर्टलमा भएका सामान
खरिद गर्न सकिन्छ । यसको लागि ईन्टरनेट
मार्फत सामानको बिक्री गर्ने
अमेरिककाको कुनै पनि वेबसाईटमा गएर
आफुलाई मन परेको सामान रोज्नु पर्छ र
त्यो सामान देखीन
वेबसाईटको ठेगाना हरिलो डट
कमको वेबसाईट मा गएर नेपाल सम्म आई
पुग्दा सो समानको मुल्य कति पर्ने
हो त्यसको कोटेशन माग्न सकिन्छ । यस
पछी तपाईले नेपाल (काठमाण्डौ)
आईपुग्दा लाग्ने मुल्य पठाउछ । हरिलो उपलब्ध
गराएको मुल्य चित्त बुझेमा नेपालकै ईन्टरनेट
ब्याङ्किगहरुको प्रयोग गरी भुक्तानी गर्न
सकिन्छ । मुल्य कै कुरा गर्नु हुन्छ भने
उदरणको लागी उनान्नसय डलर पर्ने अमेजन डट
कमले बिक्री गर्ने किन्डल टच हरिलोले लगभग
बार्ह हजारको हाराहारिमा नेपाल ल्याई
दिन्छ । अमेरिकी डलरको बिनिमय
दरको कुरा गर्ने हो भने नेपाल आई पुग्दा लगभग
चार हजार नेपाली रुपँया बढी परेको देखीन्छ
। तर अमेरिका बाट नेपाल आई पुग्दा लाग्ने
कुरीयर खर्च, नेपाल सरकारले तोकेको भन्सार, मुल्य अभिबृदी कर जोड्दा मुल्य अनुचित मानी हाल्न पर्दैन ।

online shopping

Effects of Advocacy Banners after Abandoning Products in Online Shopping Carts

Aim/Purpose: This study empirically analyzed and examined the effectiveness of the online advocacy banners on customers’ reactions to make replacements with the similar products in their shopping carts. Background: When a product in a shopping cart is removed, it might be put back into the cart again during the same purchase or it may be bought in the future. Otherwise, it might be abandoned and replaced with a similar item based on the customer’s enquiry list or on the recommendation of banners. There is a lack of understanding of this phenomenon in the existing literature, pointing to the need for this study. Methodology: With a database from a Taiwanese e-retailer, data were the tracks of empirical webpage clickstreams. The used data for analyses were particularly that the products were purchased again or replaced with the similar ones upon the advocacy banners being shown when they were removed from customers’ shopping carts. Few pre-defined Apriori rules as well as similarity algorithm, Jaccard index, were applied to derive the effectiveness. Contribution: This study addressed a measurement challenge by leveraging the information from clickstream data – particularly clickstream data behavior. These data are most useful to observe the real-time behavior of consumers on websites and also are applied to studying click-through behavior, but not click-through rates, for web banners. The study develops a new methodology to aid advertisers in evaluating the effectiveness of their banner campaign. Findings: The recommending/advocating titles of “you probably are interested” and “the most viewed” are not significantly effective on saving back customers’ removed products or repurchasing similar items. For the banners entitled “most buy”, “the most viewed” might only show popularity of the items, but is not enough to convince them to buy. At the current stage on the host website, customers may either not trust in the host e-retailer or in such mechanism. Additionally, the advocating/recommending banners only are effective on the same customer visits and their effects fade over time. As time passes, customers’ impressions of these banners may become vague. Recommendations for Practitioners: One managerial implication is more effective adoption of advocacy/recommendation banners on e-retailing websites. Another managerial implication is the evaluation of the advocacy/recommendation banners. By using a data mining technique to find the association between removed products and restored ones in e-shoppers’ shopping carts, the approach and findings of this study, which are important for e-retailing marketers, reflect the connection between the usage of banners and the personalized purchase changes in an individual customer’s shopping cart. Recommendation for Researchers: This study addressed a new measurement which challenges to leverage the information from clickstream data instead of click-through rates – particularly retailing webpages browsing behavior. These data are most useful to observe the real-time behavior of consumers on websites and also are applied to studying click-through behavior. Impact on Society: Personalization has become an important technique that allows businesses to improve both sales and service relationships with their online customers. This personalization gives e-marketers the ability to deliver real effectiveness in the use of banners. Future Research: The effectiveness is time- and case-sensible. Business practitioners and academic researchers are encouraged to apply the mining methodology to longevity studies, specific marketing campaigns of advertising and personal recommendations, and any further recommendation algorithms.

online shopping

Investigating the Determinants of Online Shopping Repurchase Intention in Generation Z Customers in India: An Exploratory Study

Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the factors that affect the repurchase intentions of Generation Z consumers in India’s online shopping industry, focusing on combining the Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) and Extended Technology Acceptance Model (E-TAM). The aim is to understand the intricate behaviors that shape technology adoption and sustained usage, which are essential for retaining customers in e-commerce. Background: Social media and other online platforms have significantly influenced daily life and become essential communication tools owing to technological advancements. Online shopping is no exception, offering a range of product choices, information, and convenience compared with traditional commerce. Indian retailers recognize this trend as an opportunity to promote their brands through e-shopping platforms, leading to increased competition. Generation Z comprises 32% of the world’s population and is a significant emerging customer base in India. Numerous studies have been conducted to study customers’ repurchase intention in the online shopping domain, but few studies have explicitly focused on Generation Z as a customer base. This study aims to comprehensively understand the topic and investigate the variables that impact consumers’ online repurchase intention by examining their post-adoption behavioral processes. Methodology: The study employed a quantitative research design with structural equation modeling using AMOS to analyze responses from 410 participants. This method thoroughly examined hypotheses regarding factors affecting repurchase intention (security, ease of use, privacy, and internet self-efficacy) and the mediating role of e-satisfaction. Contribution: This study makes a unique contribution to the field of e-commerce by focusing on Generation Z in India, a rapidly growing demographic in the e-commerce industry. The results on the mediating role of e-satisfaction have significant implications for e-retailers seeking to enhance customer retention strategies and gain a competitive edge in the market. Findings: The research findings underscore the significant influence of security, ease of use, and internet self-efficacy on repurchase intentions, with e-satisfaction playing a pivotal role as a mediating factor. Notably, while privacy concerns did not directly impact repurchase intentions, they displayed considerable influence when mediated by e-satisfaction, highlighting the intricate interplay between these variables in the context of online shopping, which is the unique finding of this study. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study has several significant implications for practitioners. Effectively addressing computer-related individual differences, such as computer self-efficacy, is crucial for boosting online customers’ repurchase intention. For instance, if an e-retailer intends to target Generation Z customers, they should collaborate with IT professionals and develop various computer literacy programs on online streaming platforms, such as YouTube. These programs will enhance target customers’ confidence in online shopping portals and increase their online repeat purchases. Additionally, practitioners should strive to improve the online shopping experience by making the portal user-friendly. Generation Z is accustomed to a fast Internet experience, so they prefer that the process of completing online transactions is swift with fewer clicks. The search for products, payments, and redress should not be tedious. Furthermore, the primary objective of the e-retailer should be to satisfy customers, as satisfied customers repeat their purchases and increase overall profitability. Recommendation for Researchers: The current study was conducted in the Delhi-NCR region of India, and its findings could serve as a basis for future research. For instance, the scale devised in this study could be utilized to examine the impact of cash-on-delivery as a payment method on purchase intention across the country. Alternatively, a comparative analysis could be conducted to compare cash-on-delivery effects in various countries. Impact on Society: The study’s findings enable stakeholders in the online shopping industry to comprehend the post-adoption behavior of Generation Z users and augment existing literature by establishing a correlation between determinants that impact repurchase intention and e-satisfaction, which serves as a mediator. Future Research: This study examines the factors that impact the propensity of Generation Z shoppers to engage in repeat online purchases. This study focuses on India, where the Generation Y (millennial) customer base is also substantial within the online shopping market. Future research could compare the shopping habits of Generation Z and Generation Y customers, as the latter may place greater importance on privacy and security. Additional studies could broaden the scope of this research and explore the comparative viewpoints of both generations. Also, it would be advantageous to conduct in-depth interviews and longitudinal studies to acquire a more in-depth comprehension of the evolving digitalization of shopping.

online shopping

Recommendation System for an Online Shopping Pay-Later System Using a Multistage Approach: A Case Study from Indonesia

Aim/Purpose: In this study, we developed a recommendation system model designed to support decision-makers in identifying consumers eligible for pay-later options via consensus-based decision-making. This approach was chosen due to the high and complex risks involved, such as delayed payments, challenges in reaching consumers, and issues of bad credit. Background: The “pay-later” option, which allows consumers to postpone payment for e-commerce purchases, offers convenience and flexibility but also introduces several challenges: (i) by enabling payment deferral, merchants face financial risks, including potential delays or defaults in payment, adversely affecting their cash flow and profitability; and (ii) this payment delay can also heighten the risk of fraud, including identity theft and unauthorized transactions. Methodology: This study initiated a risk analysis utilizing the ROAD process. Considering contemporary economic developments and advancements in neural networks, integrating these networks into risk assessment has become crucial. Consequently, model development involved the amalgamation of three deep learning methods – CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks), RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks), and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) – to address various risk alternatives and facilitate multi-stage decision-making recommendations. Contribution: Our primary contribution is threefold. First, our study identified potential consumers by prioritizing those with the smallest associated problem consequence values. Second, we achieved an optimal recall value using a candidate generator. Last, we categorized consumers to assess their eligibility for pay-later rights. Findings: The findings from this study indicate that our multi-stage recommendation model is effective in minimizing the risk associated with consumer debt repayment. This method of consumer selection empowers policymakers to make informed decisions regarding which consumers should be granted pay-later privileges. Recommendations for Practitioners: This recommendation system is proposed to several key parties involved in the development, implementation, and use of pay-later systems. These parties include E-commerce Executive Management for financial analysis and risk evaluation, the Risk Management Team to assess and manage risks related to users utilizing Pay-Later services, and Sales Managers to integrate Pay-Later services into sales strategies. Recommendation for Researchers: Advanced fraud detection mechanisms were implemented to prevent unauthorized transactions effectively. The goal was to cultivate user confidence in the safety of their financial data by ensuring secure payment processing. Impact on Society: Ensuring consumers understand the terms and conditions of pay-later arrangements, including interest rates, repayment schedules, and potential fees, is crucial. Providing clear and transparent information, along with educating consumers about their financial responsibilities, helps prevent misunderstandings and disputes. Future Research: Our future development plans involve the ongoing assessment of the system’s performance to enhance prediction accuracy. This includes updating models and criteria based on feedback and changes in economic or market conditions. Upholding compliance with security and data privacy regulations necessitates the implementation of protective measures to safeguard consumer information. The implementation of such a system requires careful consideration to ensure fairness and adherence to legal standards. Additionally, it is important to acknowledge that algorithms and models may evolve over time through the incorporation of additional data and continuous evaluations.

online shopping

Snapchat is the new hotspot for online shopping, according to Wethrift

It has recently emerged that consumer habits amongst Gen Z are changing, with many now turning to social media for retail therapy. Weighing in on this growing phenomenon of social media shopping, Nick Drewe, founder of the online discount platform Wethrift, offers his insights:

online shopping

How EVs, Environmental Disasters & Even Online Shopping Shape the Future of Transportation

"Tell me the numbers, I'll take care of the politics." Shashi Nambisan, director of the Transportation Research Center (TRC) at UNLV, recalled a pivotal discussion in the early 1990s with then-County Commissioner Bruce L. Woodbury about the transportation needs of a region on the precipice of substantial growth.

online shopping Continues to Deliver an Exceptional Online Shopping Experience, Unrolling a Brand-New State-of-the-Art Augmented Reality-Powered Virtual Try-On Feature

As a category leader in the D2C optical industry,'s augmented reality-driven Virtual Try-On feature allows you to easily see yourself in any pair of glasses from the comfort of your couch.

online shopping

Snapchat is the new hotspot for online shopping, according to Wethrift

It has recently emerged that consumer habits amongst Gen Z are changing, with many now turning to social media for retail therapy. Weighing in on this growing phenomenon of social media shopping, Nick Drewe, founder of the online discount platform Wethrift, offers his insights:

online shopping

China’s biggest online shopping day fails to return to pre-Covid days high once again

China's Singles' Day shopping extravaganza has lost its sparkle as consumers, wary of promotional tactics and facing economic headwinds, prioritize necessities over extravagant purchases. Major e-commerce platforms have ceased publicizing sales figures, reflecting this trend. Merchants are also scaling back, citing high advertising costs and diminishing returns, prompting a shift towards international markets.

online shopping

Pandemic online shopping boom has generated bumper crop of vulnerable personal data, e-commerce experts warn

The pandemic has driven consumers online for everything from groceries to outdoor heaters. But e-commerce experts caution that online sellers are netting not just revenue, but a treasure trove of personal data, too.

online shopping

Nomorerack Online Shopping Spam - Take a look at this spam

This is why it pays to have a mailbox called spam.

online shopping

News24 Business | Malls, retail spaces hammered by Covid-19, but online shopping gives warehouses a boost

Of the three commercial property segments, the industrial market is the strongest performer in terms of activity, an FNB Commercial Property Broker Survey found.

online shopping

Useful Security Tips For Safe Online Shopping

If you are hesitant to do online shopping or payments, this article will give you the best security tips so that you may go ahead and shop online without worry about safety and security of...

online shopping

Maximise Your Savings: Advanced Online Shopping Strategies in India

In the digital age, online shopping has become a staple for people in India. Finding the best deals and discounts can be a game-changer. This guide explores advanced strategies to maximise savings while shopping online. By leveraging technology and understanding market

online shopping

Useful Security Tips For Safe Online Shopping

If you are hesitant to do online shopping or payments, this article will give you the best security tips so that you may go ahead and shop online without worry about safety and security of...

online shopping

USDA to test online shopping for food stamps

SNAP recipients in certain states will be able to buy groceries from designated retailers during the 2-year pilot.

online shopping

Good Web Deals: 5 Cool Online Shopping Tools

Whether you're shopping online or hitting the malls, make your holiday gift-giving easier, quicker, and cheaper this year with these five cool Web tools!

online shopping

Online Shopping Safe

You may have heard of one of the many credit card breaches recently, but do you know how to keep your online shopping safe? Despite the high-profile incidents in the news, online shopping is still at least as safe as shopping in brick-and-mortar stores, but it’s still a good idea to watch out for potential […]

The post Online Shopping Safe appeared first on RSS News Feed.

online shopping

Stay at Home Orders In Response to Coronavirus Increase Online Shopping & Services

Online Store Tailors Services to Support Stay Home, Work at Home Population, Providing Wide Range of Needed Products

online shopping

Nomorerack Online Shopping Spam - Take a look at this spam

This is why it pays to have a mailbox called spam.

online shopping

Cosmic Launches Online Shopping Directory

In an effort to help the community navigate changing shopping landscape during the Covid-19 pandemic, Cosmic Ltd recently launched, a free online resource that “allows businesses to input their new store hours while indicating how customers can purchase goods or services.” A spokesperson said, “As shoppers look for the safest methods of patronising their […]

(Click to read the full article)

online shopping

New Apple Web Page Directs Customers to Its Online Shopping Services

Apple has launched a new web page that brings together links and information about its online services for customers shopping from home during the global health crisis.

Titled "Everything you love about our stores is online," the new catch-all page links from the home page and includes details about no-contact delivery options, Apple Specialist help, financing and credit options, Apple Trade In, Apple Card, order status checking, service and support.

The page also links out to "Today at Apple - At home," a series of fun how-to videos to help users get creative during the ongoing stay-at-home measures, and there's a series of category links for customers to explore products on Apple's online store.

Apple has been gradually re-opening its retail stores in countries where lockdowns have eased, although some are operating on limited hours.

Apple CEO Tim Cook last week said that Apple was going to reopen stores in Austria and Australia this week, and Apple's sole Apple Store in Vienna will be reopening on Tuesday, May 5.

We're still waiting to hear exactly when stores in North America will reopen, but Cook also said that Apple is planning to reopen a few stores in the U.S. starting in May. Store openings will be staggered, with Apple evaluating data that includes local guidelines and recommendations before reopening.
This article, "New Apple Web Page Directs Customers to Its Online Shopping Services" first appeared on

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FCA delays two-factor online shopping authentication by 6 months

The new rule, which will force payments platforms and online retailers to strongly authenticate purchases of £28 or more has been delayed by another six months amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

online shopping

Online Shopping System Advanced 1.0 SQL Injection

Online Shopping System Advanced version 1.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.

online shopping

Coronavirus: with tourism on hold, Hong Kong travel firms eye a new moneymaking sideline – online shopping

While the coronavirus pandemic has forced the city’s tourism sector to a near standstill, agency head Christina Yuen Ho-yee is busier than ever, routinely working 12 hours a day.As the Covid-19 pandemic caused global lockdowns, sales at her firm, EGL Tours, dropped to zero between March and June, down from HK$500 million (US$64.5 million) in the same stretch last year.All of her roughly 600 staff members have been asked to take days of unpaid leave between April and June.But Yuen, the agency’s…

online shopping

Online Shopping Increases Sharply in March Amid COVID-19

Online purchases rose by more than 11 percent on-year in March amid the COVID-19 pandemic.Statistics Korea said on Wednesday that total online transactions amounted to about US$10.3 billion, which accounted for about 28 percent of all retail sales, the highest proportion on record.Food was the main ...

online shopping

The problem with online shopping

Our brains can't handle it.

online shopping

Why you should be cautious about online shopping

Most returned items get thrown away or incinerated, not resold.

online shopping

Tesco removes all traces of plastic from its online shopping service

Tesco hopes to remove 250 million bags a year with the new initiative, while Iceland has already removed over 1,500 tonnes of plastic in its packaging since 2018.

online shopping

Click-to-Pay Buttons May Be in Your Online Shopping Future

On Black Friday in 2018, more than 80% of online shopping carts were abandoned, according to research firm Barilliance. But retailers are hoping new pay buttons will help, and investors are paying close attention.

online shopping

Top 7 Online Shopping Hacks to Get Best Deals and Save Money

Gone are the days when shopping would mean dressing up, going out, sometimes in extreme weather conditions to buy clothing, groceries, gadgets or others. Thanks to the Internet and variety of online shopping portals and services, you can now shop sitting

online shopping

5 Best International Online Shopping Sites That Provide Free Shipping To India

India is loaded with many shopping portals. It has made living so simple and easy that one can find everything on the site's catalog. But what happens when your favorite item is not available on an Indian sites? Well, you look