
Shop the best early Black Friday 2-in-1 laptop deals, including the HP OmniBook Ultra Flip for $400 off

As of Nov. 13, a decent selection of 2-in-1 laptops are discounted ahead of Black Friday 2024. Check out our favorite deals across a variety of top brands.


The Beginner's Guide to Visual Prompt Injections: Invisibility Cloaks, Cannibalistic Adverts, and Robot Women | Lakera – Protecting AI teams that disrupt the world.


Fifty years ago | Tamil Nadu omnibus tax increase held valid


xCures announces the launch of a Compassionate Use program for ulixertinib (BVD-523)


29 Dicembre - Alessandro Schiffer & Dr. Hannibal (live percussions)

29 Dicembre - Alessandro Schiffer & Dr. Hannibal (live percussions)


Le prologue de Project Borealis, le Half-Life 2: Episode 3 fan made sous Unreal 5, est disponible sur Steam

On vous en parlait en septembre dernier, Project Borealis: Prologue vient de sortir sur Steam. Il s’agit d’une courte démonstration des différentes mécaniques qui seront embarquées dans Project Borealis, un jeu développé par une armée de fans, prenant comme base les ébauches de script de Marc Laidlaw pour Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Pour faire patienter […]


FS: White RTX 3060 Ti, 3070, 3080 BNIB and used. White OLED Switch

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Catalogna: l’insostenibile follia dello status quo
Alessandro Sahebi

Cinismo e pugno di ferro. La ricetta di Mariano Rajoy per la Catalogna sembrerebbe, agli occhi di un osservatore esterno, avere avuto i suoi effetti: l'incarcerazione di sette ministri e la ritirata strategica di Carles Puigdemont in Belgio appaiono infatti ai più come il tramonto di una vicenda che per qualche giorno ha tenuto con il fiato sospeso l'intera Europa e i suoi assetti. Ciò nonostante la strategia del governo centrale spagnolo tutto può rivelarsi fuorché il frutto di un abile ingegno diplomatico e quella che sul campo di battaglia sembrerebbe poter essere letta come una travolgente vittoria potrebbe trasformarsi, in poco meno di due mesi, in un temibile autogol.

Da una parte ci siamo noi, che osserviamo. Ridiamo, confezioniamo meme e ci godiamo i quotidiani sviluppi di una storia che sembra essere stata scritta sul copione di una tragi- commedia politica di serie B. Dall'altra, tuttavia, c'è un popolo. Un popolo che l'1 ottobre ha visto la ragion di Stato trasformarsi in abuso (come ammesso dallo stesso governo spagnolo), un popolo che vede i suoi rappresentanti incarcerati ed esiliati, ricordati come i numerosi eroi politici catalani di epoca franchista. C'è un popolo che ha vissuto sulla propria pelle la pressoché totale ottusità di Madrid e dei suoi rappresentanti, il furto della propria autonomia. Le aziende non fuggono dalla Catalogna, lo sanno bene i catalani. Scappano le sedi centrali ma qualsiasi buon economista sa che il capitalismo globalizzato, oggi, non ha confini se si tratta di profitti. E lo sa bene l'Europa, silenziosamente imbarazzata i primi giorni delle violenze a Barcellona, ben più decisa nelle settimane successive.

Una presa di posizione fedele alla Spagna che a Bruxelles sanno bene di non poter tenere ciecamente se dalle urne, il 21 dicembre, i movimenti indipendentisti avranno la meglio. Mitizzazione del leader politico Puigdemont, assenza di ascolto e pugno di ferro in cabina elettorale potrebbero essere dei veri e propri boomerang per Mariano Rajoy e potrebbero riconfermare, nonostante tutto, le istanze indipendentiste dei catalani. A quel punto il nostro cinismo, la nostra ironia e il nostro pragmatismo non potranno fare altro che i conti con la loro volontà.

La follia dello status quo sta nell’ignorare totalmente il cambiamento. Lo Stato è un concetto pre-democratico messo in discussione dalle spinte locali da una parte, dall’europeismo dall’altra. Ripensare gli assetti non è una pazzia, la pazzia è pensare che non siano soggetti al corso della storia. In questa ottica essere in grado di assorbire gli shock senza chiudersi in una cieca visione ancorata al passato è una sfida che, soprattutto in quest'epoca di sconvolgimenti politici e sociali, l'Europa deve affrontare con coraggio e con la consapevolezza che nel corso della sua storia, lunga o corta che sia, ne incontrerà con certezza in continuazione.

La risposta, darwiniana se volete, è sapersi evolvere. Se non teniamo aperta la porta del cambiamento ci chiudiamo nello stagno delle nostre sicurezze. A quel punto i casi sono due: o la porta chiusa verrà sfondata, travolgendoci, o diventeremo stagno. E nello stagno tutto muore.



Serial killer who cannibalised minors and killed over 30 sent to mental hospital

The Kemerovo regional court ruled to send Alexander Spesivtsev, a resident of Novokuznetsk, to compulsory treatment, the regional Office of the Public Prosecutor said. The defendant, Alexander Spesivtsev, is a serial killer, who killed at least 34 victims and ate them during the 1990s. Spesivtsev will undergo treatment at a special psychiatric hospital.


Structural dissection of two redox proteins from the shipworm symbiont Teredinibacter turnerae

The discovery of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs), a family of copper-dependent enzymes that play a major role in polysaccharide degradation, has revealed the importance of oxidoreductases in the biological utilization of biomass. In fungi, a range of redox proteins have been implicated as working in harness with LPMOs to bring about polysaccharide oxidation. In bacteria, less is known about the interplay between redox proteins and LPMOs, or how the interaction between the two contributes to polysaccharide degradation. We therefore set out to characterize two previously unstudied proteins from the shipworm symbiont Teredinibacter turnerae that were initially identified by the presence of carbohydrate binding domains appended to uncharacterized domains with probable redox functions. Here, X-ray crystal structures of several domains from these proteins are presented together with initial efforts to characterize their functions. The analysis suggests that the target proteins are unlikely to function as LPMO electron donors, raising new questions as to the potential redox functions that these large extracellular multi-haem-containing c-type cytochromes may perform in these bacteria.


PM Profile: Behind the NIBCO-Matco-Norca acquisition

On Feb. 1, NIBCO announced it acquired Matco-Norca and its subsidiary SVF Flow Controls.
NIBCO Chairman Rex Martin stated, “This acquisition supports our strategic long-range goal of growth through acquisition, expanding our market reach and providing customers with access to a broader portfolio of products.This is an extraordinary time in NIBCO’s evolving history.”


NIBCO expands Wrot Racer push fittings

NIBCO expands its Wrot Racer push fittings to include new configurations such as reducing and repair tees and couplings, additional sizes of male and female thread adapters, thread elbows and caps with drains.


Informe audio de CNH no disponible

Informe audio de CNH no disponible


Nibav Lifts launches the advanced Series 4 home lifts in Chennai, highlighting new safety and design features

Nibav Lifts Launches Innovative Series 4 Home Lifts


Monib A. Zirvi, PhD, MD, Celebrated for Excellence in the Field of Dermatology

Monib A. Zirvi serves as an expert in general dermatology and skin cancers


Síntesis de evidencia: Lineamientos para el diseño de programas crediticios agropecuarios condicionados para el fomento de prácticas agropecuarias sostenibles

Síntesis de evidencia: Lineamientos para el diseño de programas crediticios agropecuarios condicionados para el fomento de prácticas agropecuarias sostenibles

Enfoques para el desarrollo de políticas del sistema alimentario.

The post Síntesis de evidencia: Lineamientos para el diseño de programas crediticios agropecuarios condicionados para el fomento de prácticas agropecuarias sostenibles appeared first on IFPRI.


Summer School 7: Negotiating and the empathetic nibble

How do you get the best deal? How do you know you're getting the best deal? Whether you're talking down the price of a car or talking up your salary, you don't have to be a jerk to get what you want. Negotiations can be win-win – if you know what to ask for and how to grow the pie.

We have three stories in today's episode about how to negotiate tactically. First, a hostage negotiator tries to buy a car. Will he get far? Then, one man's encounter at the airline ticket booth may inform how you respond to your next job offer. Finally, how to avoid a food fight and make a deal that benefits everybody.

We'll learn about something called BATNA, or best alternative to a negotiated agreement, which can tell you when to stand firm and when to walk away. We'll find out how to shift our thinking about what success can look like in a negotiation, and shift your counterpart's thinking too.

Come learn the techniques of expert negotiators in the penultimate episode of Planet Money Summer School, MBA edition. Next week: Graduation! So, you have one week to negotiate the cost of your cap and gown.

Our Summer School series is hosted by Robert Smith and produced by Max Freedman. Our project manager is Julia Carney. This episode was edited by our executive producer, Alex Goldmark, and engineered by James Willetts. The show was fact-checked by Sierra Juarez.

Help support Planet Money and get bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+
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Webstone, a Nibco brand: Service Valve Kits

Designed for tankless water heaters with integrated PRV and/or drain ports, this valve kit isolates the unit for servicing.


New CEO Continues Tradition of Family Leadership at Nibco

Ashley Martin joined Nibco in 2012 and most recently served as president and COO since 2023. Before that, she held the position of executive vice president.


Gran Dolina, canibalismo (y 14.3)

Las nuevos análisis realizados, así como los  nuevos restos encontrados en las diferentes excavaciones que se han llevado a cabo después de 1997, en Gran Dolina, cuando se descubrieron las primeras evidencias de la práctica del canibalismo por Homo antecessor hace más de 900.000 años, han dado lugar en el Equipo de Investigación de Atapuerca (EIA) a más y más discusiones sobre este hecho. Esto, sin duda, ha permitido avanzar rápidamente en otras formulaciones teóricas y empíricas que enriquecen el debate sobre esta cuestión. 


Ni turismo ni sostenible


Sneak Peek Inside the Technibble Membership

In this video, I show a little sneak peek into the Technibble Membership, and what you can expect as a member.

Source: Sneak Peek Inside the Technibble Membership -

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Online hyper-local marketplace Inknibs plans to deliver stationery in 60-min across select cities

“With this expansion, we are excited to connect with even more individuals and families, offering them a curated selection of products that inspire creativity and enrich everyday life," said Divyanshu Solanki, founder and CEO of the company.


La transformación energética, una apuesta para la reactivación sostenible

En un nuevo foro Caracol Radio, panelistas resaltaron la importancia de las centrales térmicas; del soporte para la transformación y las nuevas tecnologías.


Turismo en Cartagena: ¿cómo crear una política pública sostenible?

En un nuevo especial de Hora20 por las regiones, actores claves del sector plantearon los retos para crear un turismo sostenible en lo social, económico y ambiental.


Cumbre de sostenibilidad, ¿cómo aterrizar la agenda a la realidad?

Panelistas consideran que la agenda de sostenibilidad ha sido adoptada tanto por el sector privado como el público, pero señala que debe haber avances en la cooperación.


Intervención del Estado en El Plateado, ¿sostenible en el tiempo?

Panelistas debatieron sobre las acciones que se necesitan para que la intervención militar sea sostenible en el tiempo y con las comunidades.


Trabajo sí hay: 300 vacantes disponibles en Staffing


La Luciérnaga en la Cumbre Internacional de Sostenibilidad e Innovación Ambiental

La Luciérnaga se enciende para hablar de sostenibilidad e innovación ambiental. No se pierda el programa de este viernes 25 de agosto. 


Sostenibilidad: responsabilidad de hospitales y otras industrias en su gestión de residuos, agua y energía


Sostenibilidad: trabajo en aguas de Cartagena desde Veolia


Ser eficientes energéticamente: la nueva apuesta de sostenibilidad


Veolia: sostenibilidad en el archipiélago colombiano


Apps para ayudarnos a llevar una vida más sostenible


“Déficit sigue siendo insostenible, fiscalmente el aumento es necesario”: Minhacienda

El ministro de Hacienda y Crédito Público habló en 6AM sobre la coyuntura del precio del diesel. Afirmó que aunque desde el Gobierno están abiertos a las conversaciones, el precio del ACPM lleva congelado 56 meses y debe subir.


“Déficit sigue siendo insostenible, fiscalmente el aumento es necesario”: Minhacienda

Ricardo Bonilla habló en 6AM sobre la coyuntura del precio del diesel. Afirmó que aunque desde el Gobierno están abiertos a las conversaciones, el precio del ACPM lleva congelado 56 meses y debe subir.


“Es necesario hacer este esfuerzo en términos de sostenibilidad”: embajador de Dinamarca

En 10AM de Caracol Radio estuvieron Jens Godfredsen, embajador de Dinamarca en Colombia y Saúl Cardozo, director de asuntos corporativos de Novo Nordisk Colombia, para hablar sobre la segunda edición del evento Sostenibilidad e Innovación.


‘Minibuses Being Driven In A Dangerous Manner’

The Bermuda Police Service [BPS] said they are “aware of a video recording being circulated on social media, depicting what appear to be two minibuses being driven in a dangerous manner and at a high rate of speed.” A police spokesperson said, “Dangerous or reckless driving is unacceptable under any circumstance. However, the size of […]


Book 3/omnibus thoughts

Categories: Uncategorized

I have finally gotten some quotes in for printing book 3 and/or the omnibus. After the results being pretty split on skipping to the omnibus, I’m probably going to print both volume 3 and the omnibus. My rough thoughts are as follows: Initial campaign: $10k. Book 3 would be $25, as would the omnibus in the […]

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Robin Niblett awarded knighthood in Queen's Birthday Honours

Robin Niblett awarded knighthood in Queen's Birthday Honours News release NCapeling 1 June 2022

Chatham House director Dr Robin Niblett CMG receives a knighthood for services to international relations and to British foreign policy.

Chatham House Council and staff congratulate the institute’s director Robin Niblett, who has been appointed as a Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George (KCMG) by HM The Queen in her Birthday Honours list.

The citation for the KCMG, awarded at the recommendation of the UK foreign secretary, recognizes Dr Niblett’s ‘outstanding personal contribution to British soft power and influence in his role as director of Chatham House over the last 15 years’.

The citation also states: ‘With exceptional energy and talent, he has greatly enhanced the research reputation of the Institute, strengthened its international convening power, finances and staffing, and modernised its premises, image and diverse outreach’.

Dr Niblett is standing down in the summer and will be replaced by Bronwen Maddox, who joins from the Institute for Government.

Dr Niblett says: ‘I am deeply honoured by this award, which is as much a recognition of the tireless and selfless work of my colleagues at Chatham House throughout my tenure as director.

‘Together, and through challenging times, we have offered a vital source of independent debate and analysis. And, with the engagement of our supporters and a new generation of thinkers and actors, I know the institute will continue to provide creative ideas for a better future.’


Undercurrents: Episode 23 - Robin Niblett on the Future of Think-Tanks


‘We have lost a future scientist’ - William Knibb High student gets emotional send-off

Family, friends, and community members gathered on Saturday at the Falmouth First Assembly Church to celebrate the life of 15-year-old Jahmarie Reid, a William Knibb High student who tragically lost his life at sea on August 27 in what is believed...


Ask Smithsonian: Do Cannibals Still Exist?

Hungry for an answer? Host, Eric Schulze, dishes one up in less than a minute.


DNA Reveals Identity of Officer on the Lost Franklin Expedition—and His Remains Show Signs of Cannibalism

Researchers recently identified James Fitzjames, a captain on the ill-fated HMS Erebus that went looking for the Northwest Passage in 1845


Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report: Announces 359.3 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Third Quarter of 2023

Today, the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report was released by, showing the third quarter of 2023 closed with 359.3 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains (TLDs), an increase of 2.7 million domain name registrations, or 0.8%, compared to the second quarter of 2023. Domain name registrations also […]

The post Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report: Announces 359.3 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Third Quarter of 2023 appeared first on Verisign Blog.


Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report: Announces 359.8 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Fourth Quarter of 2023

Today, the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report was released by, showing the fourth quarter of 2023 closed with 359.8 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains (TLDs), an increase of 0.6 million domain name registrations, or 0.2%, compared to the third quarter of 2023. Domain name registrations also […]

The post Domain Name Industry Brief Quarterly Report: Announces 359.8 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Fourth Quarter of 2023 appeared first on Verisign Blog.