
RHEACELL announces "First Patient In": EB-Haus in Salzburg, Austria starts pivotal study for stem cell therapy

RHEACELL announces "First Patient In": EB-Haus in Salzburg, Austria starts pivotal study for stem cell therapy for severe forms of Epidermolysis bullosa that is longed for by those affected


Serpil Midyatli und Kianusch Stender: Schwarz-Grün muss ihre Hausaufgaben erledigen


Nicht jedes Wohnhaus ist so privat wie es erscheint

Auch im Regierungsbezirk Detmold ist der Kalte Krieg vorbei, so dass die Bezirksregierung die früher mit öffentlichen Zuschüssen geförderten Schutzräume in Privathäusern nicht mehr für notwendig hält. Das (teilweise) Verbot, solche Räume baulich zu verändern, hat sie daher neulich durch eine


Chine : les investissements ferroviaires en hausse de 10,9% au cours des dix premiers mois

La Chine a continu� � accro�tre ses investissements dans la construction ferroviaire depuis le d�but de cette ann�e, d'apr�s des donn�es publi�es mercredi par l'op�rateur ferroviaire du pays. Durant la p�riode janvier-octobre, les investissements...


Liveblog zu Neuwahlen: ++ Kukies erwartet keine Haushaltssperre ++

Der neue Bundesfinanzminister Kukies geht nicht davon aus, dass es eine Haushaltssperre geben wird. BSW-Chefin Wagenknecht sieht für ihre Partei durch den Zeitdruck Herausforderungen. Die Entwicklungen vom Dienstag zum Nachlesen.


Finanzminister Kukies im Haushaltsausschuss

Der neue Finanzminister Kukies wird heute im Haushaltsausschuss erklären müssen, wofür noch Geld da ist und wie es weitergeht. Was sind die größten Baustellen? Von Nicole Kohnert.


Nach US-Wahl: Wie Trump den Einzug ins Weiße Haus vorbereitet

Heute empfängt US-Präsident Biden seinen Nachfolger Trump im Weißen Haus, um die Übergabe der Regierungsgeschäfte zu besprechen. Schon jetzt arbeitet Trump daran, schnellstmöglich völlig loyale Mitarbeiter zu installieren. Von C. Sarre.


Smelling exhaust in my cab when vent is on

I noticed when I am stopped at a stop sign or stop light I start smelling exhaust fumes when I have it pulling from the outside. But if I have it recirculating the smell doesn't come in when I'm...

  • 3rd Generation Ram - Non Drivetrain - All Years


Signature Autohaus Management Corp. Announces Expansion and New Location

Signature Autohaus, a leader in automotive restyling, is excited to announce its expansion and relocation to a new, larger facility in Coral Springs, FL. This move marks a significant milestone in the company’s growth. It reflects its commitment to meeting the increasing demand for quality exotic and luxury auto restyling and performance within the community. The new location, situated at 3650 Coral Ridge Drive, []


Donald Trump im Weissen Haus und die Konsequenzen

Dr. Alexander von Paleske --- 6.11.2024 - Was in Deutschland nicht Wenige gerade in der Politik nicht erwartet, und die exportorientierte Industrie, insbesondere die Automobilindustrie gefürchtet hatten: Der strafrechtlich Verurteilte, Lügner, Beleidiger, Hetzer, Klimawandel-Leugner, Verschwörungstheoretiker und notorischer Polit-Narzisst Donald Trump hat es wieder geschafft: Die US-Wähler haben ihn mehrheitlich zum Präsidenten gewählt. Für Deutschland, das sich ohnehin in einer...


A Tooth, A Truck And A (Paffhausen)

What does a root canal, a story from Greek mythology and the OCA have in common?


The Fellowship of the Inexhaustible Cup

Bobby Maddex interviews Fr. Christophe Lepoutre, the director of the Fellowship of the Inexhaustible Cup, an organization committed to honoring Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos, by acquiring and maintaining quality sobriety and purity as a way of life.


Wall Street prend confiance et termine en hausse

La Bourse de New York a conclu en hausse lundi, tirée par la technologie, à l'entame d'une semaine chargée en résultats d'entreprises où les investisseurs semblent enclins à davantage d'optimisme.

L'indice Dow Jones a avancé de 0,76% à 33,629,56 points, le Nasdaq, à dominante technologique, a grimpé de 2,01% à 11.364,41 points et l'indice élargi S&P 500 a pris 1,19%, repassant au-dessus des 4.000 points, à 4.019,81 points.

"Les marchés se focalisent sur les résultats d'entreprises et même si jusqu'ici ils sont, à mon avis, un peu décevants, les actions se comportent bien", a noté Hugh Johnson, de la firme de conseil économique Hugh Johnson Economics, soulignant les meilleures performances des secteurs de la technologie et des dépenses facultatives.

Pas moins de 11 sociétés membres de l'indice Dow Jones, soit un tiers d'entre elles, vont publier cette semaine leurs résultats trimestriels et souvent annuels.

Dès mardi sont attendus notamment Johnson and Johnson, 3M, General Electric et Microsoft. Mercredi, les investisseurs guetteront Boeing et Tesla.

Mais, selon M. Johnson, c'est surtout l'attitude à venir de la banque centrale américaine (Réserve fédérale ou Fed) qui motivait l'humeur du marché. Les investisseurs "penchent vers l'idée que la Fed va lever le pied sur les hausses des taux d'intérêt, ce qui est synonyme de meilleurs temps économiques, de meilleurs résultats d'entreprises et de meilleurs cours des actions", a-t-il résumé.

La Fed, qui réunit son Comité monétaire la semaine prochaine, se dirige, à en croire plusieurs de ses membres, vers un relèvement moindre des taux d'un quart de point de pourcentage, contre un demi-point en décembre.

"La grande attente désormais, pour la Réserve fédérale, est qu'elle relève ses taux de seulement un quart de point de pourcentage en février mais aussi en mars", a commenté M. Johnson.

"De plus, d'après l'évolution des produits à terme basés sur les fonds fédéraux, les investisseurs commencent à penser que la Fed va envisager une baisse des taux au dernier trimestre 2023", a-t-il assuré.

Selon lui, le marché penche donc "légèrement vers l'optimisme et cela se voit dans la performance des actions".

Du côté des valeurs, Salesforce a été recherchée (+3,09%), après l'annonce d'une forte augmentation de la participation dans le groupe informatique du fonds d'investissement activiste Elliott Management.

Elliott dispose désormais d'une participation de "plusieurs milliards de dollars" au capital du groupe de logiciels, a-t-on précisé de source proche, ce qui représenterait un investissement majeur en comparaison de sa participation jusqu'ici.

Spotify, le numéro un mondial des plateformes audio, groupe suédois coté à Wall Street, a gagné 2,08% à 99,95 dollars après avoir annoncé la suppression de 600 emplois, soit 6% de ses effectifs, dernier épisode d'une série de grands licenciements chez les géants du Net pour réduire leurs coûts.

Le titre du site de ventes en ligne d'ameublement Wayfair s'est envolé de 26,86% à 59,36 dollars, après que sa décision de réduire ses coûts et ses effectifs a entraîné la publication d'une note favorable de la part d'analystes bancaires.

Le groupe, très prospère aux Etats-Unis pendant la pandémie, avait annoncé vendredi qu'il allait se défaire de 10% de son personnel, soit 1.750 emplois. L'action avait déjà gagné 20% dans la foulée de cette annonce.

Les investisseurs ont modestement réagi à l'annonce d'un élargissement d'un partenariat entre Microsoft et le spécialiste de l'intelligence artificielle OpenAI, créateur du robot conversationnel ChatGPT, moyennant un investissement de "plusieurs milliards de dollars". L'action Microsoft a avancé de 0,98% à 242,58 dollars.

Tesla a gagné 7,74% à 143,75 dollars, dans l'attente de ses résultats mercredi et alors que son patron Elon Musk est revenu lundi à la barre à San Francisco au procès où il est accusé de fraude par des investisseurs pour avoir tweeté il y a plus de quatre ans qu'il comptait sortir le constructeur automobile de la Bourse.

Le fabricant de semi-conducteurs AMD a bondi de presque 9,22% grâce à une bonne note d'analystes bancaires.

Sur le marché obligataire, les rendements sur les bons du Trésor à dix ans se tendaient légèrement à 3,52% contre 3,47% vendredi.


BMX Winter Games Mühlhausen 2019

at the 23th of February the BMX Winter Games will take place at the new renovated Skatehall in Mühlhausen. You can choose between 4 disciplines (Park, Minirampe, Street and Vert). By the way there are overall 3000€ prize money. The starting fee per discipline is 5 euros, for all four disciplines 15 euros. If you don't want to take part in the contest, but still want to shred the new park, you've to roll the dice for your entry (1-6 EUR). Spectators have free admission.
We look forward to your coming!

10am: Registration + Warm up
11am: Kids Contest U14 (whole Park will be used)
1pm: Contest Start

BMX Winter Games Mühlhausen 2019

23 of February 2019

Thuringia Funpark
Industriestraße 10
99974 Mühlhausen (Thüringen)

More infos on Facebook.


BMX Winter Games Mühlhausen 2019 Video

Our video of the BMX Winterspiele Contest, which went down at the 23th February 2019, is now online at our YouTube Channel! You will find all results of the BMX Winterspiele Contest at freedombmx.

Enjoy the video, your kunstform BMX Shop Team!

Video: Robin Kachfi

Subscribe our youtube channel:


Everything is Exhausting

Why don’t we all just take moment to acknowledge that we are collectively exhausted? The pandemic, the protests, the President’s Twitter feed — everything is exhausting. But maybe it doesn’t have to be?

Original Air Date: October 24, 2020


Katrina OnstadEmma SeppalaRichard PoltFilip BrombergLars SvendsenAnne Helen Petersen

Interviews In This Hour:

Can We Not? How The Pandemic Has Made Burnout Worse Than EverSunday Night Blues, Monday Morning (Short) FuseSetting Too High A Bar For Success Is Running Us RaggedTo Waste Time Is To Deepen LifeWhy Swedes Are Trading Jobs For MeaningHave You Considered Doing Nothing?


Exhaust gas analyzer

The Monoxor XR (extended range) is a handheld exhaust gas analyzer for measuring carbon monoxide in ambient air or directly from the exhaust pipe of forklifts; floor burnishers; or other equipment burning propane, gasoline, diesel or compressed natural gas.


Responding to heat stroke, heat exhaustion

Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are the two most dangerous heat-related illnesses, according to OSHA.


MSHA reopens comment period for RFI on diesel exhaust

Arlington, VA — The Mine Safety and Health Administration has reopened the comment period on a Request for Information on ways to monitor and regulate miner exposure to diesel exhaust in underground mines.


MSHA extends comment period for RFI on diesel exhaust

Arlington, VA — The Mine Safety and Health Administration is extending to Sept. 25, 2020, the deadline for a Request for Information on ways to monitor and regulate miner exposure to diesel exhaust in underground mines.


Working during vacation time keeps you exhausted, study of teachers shows

London — Although spending time on work-related activities while on vacation can help reduce your anxiety levels when returning to the job, it also impairs recovery from work exhaustion, results of a recent study out of England suggest.


MSHA warns of health hazards stemming from diesel exhaust

Arlington, VA — Prolonged exposure to diesel particulate matter can increase the risk of cardiovascular, cardiopulmonary and respiratory disease, including lung cancer, the Mine Safety and Health Administration is warning.


New WoodHaven LVT Flooring from LX Hausys

The new WoodHaven LVT flooring from LX Hausys offers light hues and high-resolution design. 


LX Hausys Advances U.S. Sustainability Goals

Building materials manufacturer LX Hausys has released its 2024 ESG Report, highlighting significant environmental progress at its Georgia facilities. 


Hausbeck Pickle Co. produces pickles and peppers on a prodigious scale

Most people have likely never heard of The Hausbeck Pickle Co. in Saginaw, MI, but there’s a good chance they’ve had one of its pickles, banana peppers or jalapeños.


Kamila Valieva says she is emotionally exhausted because of doping scandal

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva said that she was emotionally tired of the doping scandal, in which she found herself at the Beijing Olympics. "These days have been very hard for me, there are not enough emotions. I am happy, but I am emotionally tired. There are tears of happiness and grief a little. But, of course, I am happy to be at the Olympics. I will try to represent our country and I hope that I will be as motivated as possible to show a good result,” said Valieva. According to the athlete, she saw all the good wishes, and even banners in her support in the streets of Moscow.


How Do Exhaust Headers on a Car Work?

Headers can be used to improve the performance of your car's engine. Learn about headers and find out how exhaust headers can improve engine performance.


J&J Snack Foods introduces Brauhaus soft pretzel line

The Bavarian-style sourdough pretzels are intended to deliver authentic European flavor and texture.


Endress+Hauser radar sensors

Sensors provide solutions across industries and applications.


Marquis Who's Who Honors Paul Krauthauser for Expertise in the Pharmaceuticals Sector

Paul Krauthauser is a pharmaceutical expert who excels in building high-functioning, high-performance teams


Tenille Bettenhausen Launches New Book to Empower Kids to Explore the Diversity of Careers

Indie author Tenille Bettenhausen, announces the release of Maybe I'll be an Architect, a children's book and resource providing career exploration to kids.


BC Design Haus Named One of the Nation's Fastest-Growing Companies in Under-Resourced Communities

Woman & minority-owned creative branding & marketing agency makes Initiative for a Competitive Inner City's annual Inner City 100 list.


Celebrate the New Location of Brockhaus Jewelry

Join Brockhaus in their new jewelry store location in Norman, Oklahoma.


Vanity Haus Aesthetics Now Accepting Appointments at Salon and Spa Galleria Alliance in Fort Worth, Texas

Cosmetic Injector Ashley Grady offers a comprehensive selection of services to enhance natural beauty, including lip fillers, dermal fillers and Botox treatments.


New Oris Divers Date Available at Brockhaus Jewelry

Celebrate 60 years of the Oris Diver watch collection by shopping their new edition at Brockhaus Jewelry in Norman, Oklahoma.


Court Reverses Finding That Worker Failed to Exhaust Reasonable Conservative Treatment

The Delaware Superior Court overturned a determination that an injured worker failed to exhaust reasonable conservative measures to treat his knee injury before opting for surgery. Case: Baxter v. Verizon Communications,…


Deutschtisch im Max Kade Haus (November 13, 2024 6:00pm)

Event Begins: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 6:00pm
Location: North Quad
Organized By: Germanic Languages & Literatures

Deutschtisch is a weekly event in the North Quad dining hall for Max Kade residents and visitors from outside of Max Kade Haus to speak German during a meal.

  • Social / Informal Gathering


Campbell Hausfield Launces New Website

Campbell Hausfeld, a manufacturer of air compressors and other pneumatic equipment, has redesigned its website to provide a more user-friendly experience and easier navigation. The new Campbell Hausfeld website is streamlined so visitors can quickly find the tools and information they need.


Continental Fan: Axial Exhaust Fans

Suitable for roof or wall mounted applications, this product is ideal for areas that have little or no ductwork.


Continental Fan: Wall Mount Exhaust Fan

This product provides a compact ventilation solution for warehouses, equipment cooling, mechanical rooms, factories, and more.


Continental Fan Manufacturing Inc.: Bathroom Exhaust Fan

Awarded the Energy Star® Most Efficient Mark in 2019, this product has a high-efficiency DC motor.


Greenheck: Commercial Exhaust Fan

This commercial product’s constant CFM EC motor technology ensures performance set points resulting in improved IAQ.


Endress+Hauser Opens Regional Logistics Hub in Indianapolis

The 48,000-square-foot facility aims to streamline Endress+Hauser's global product distribution.


SE-Radio 341: Michael Hausenblas on Container Networking

Michael Hausenblas talks with host Kim Carter about topics covered in Michael’s ebook Container Networking, such as single vs. multi-host container networking, orchestration, Kubernetes, service discovery, and many more. Michael and Kim also discuss the roles that IPTables plays, how the allocation of IP addresses is handled, along with the assignment of ports. Overlay networks are covered along with topics such as the open Container Network Interface (CNI).


Zeppelin Guys is now offering improved versions of its AIRWALL Xhaust 1.0 and 2.0

Zeppelin Guys offers improved versions of its AIRWALL Xhaust 1.0 and 2.0.


SmartVent Intake/Exhaust Vent from IPS Roofing Products

IPS Roofing Products' SmartVent features a shingle over design that makes roofing jobs quicker, easier and much more profitable.


¿Por qué la Copa de Maestros "ha perdido peso" en el tenis? "Los jugadores llegan triturados, exhaustos"

El torneo que cierra la temporada "ha perdido peso" respecto a los Grand Slam por la saturación del calendario y la elección de la superficie. "Ahora hay demasiada exigencia", analiza Orante, uno de los dos españoles campeones. "Estos partidos tan marcados por el saque no generan afición", añade Corretja, el otro vencedor Leer


Zimbabwe: Local Companies Fail to Exhaust U.S.$25 Million On the Willing Buyer and Seller Market - RBZ

[New Zimbabwe] THE Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) says local companies recently struggled to snap up US$25 million floated on the market in a development indicating limited ZWG availability in the market.


Bauhausvortra¨ge : Gastredner am Weimarer Bauhaus 1919-1925 /

Library - Art Library, Location - LIB, Call number - N332.G33 B4337 2017


Das rote Bauhaus : eine Geschichte von Hoffnung und Scheitern /

Library - Art Library, Location - LIB, Call number - NA1188 .M87 2016