
Another Jesuit for Another Gospel - The "Evangelical" Non-Denomination movement was and is funded by Socialists, Nazi-Sympathizers, Anti-Communists, Jesuits, and all in all evil people - What do Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ), Billy Gra

What do Bill Bright (Campus Crusade for Christ), Billy Graham (Billy Graham Evangelistic Association), Tim LaHaye (CNP founder, Left Behind co-author), and Chuck Smith Sr. (Calvary Chapel) have in common? They have all benefited financially from Nelson Bunker Hunt. Nelson Bunker Hunt is a business tycoon famous for trying to make a run on Silver (see here), an Equestrian, and something I've learned recently, a Jesuit for the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. The following information is an attempt to show the relationship between Nelson Bunker Hunt and "another gospel." The "Evangelical" Non-Denomination movement was and is funded by Socialists, Nazi-Sympathizers, Anti-Communists, Jesuits, and all in all evil people. There is a saying, "An enemy of my enemy is my friend." This thinking leads to 'frenemies' and an enemy who's a temporary friend ultimately will return to their natural state of being your enemy. God does not work this way. God's word tells us not to yoke with unbelievers. This group of Elitists believe it's okay to work with the enemy, to join hands, to make Covenants and oaths together for a common cause. Jesus did not have a separate gospel for Global Elites like some of the "Family" members would like to believe. I understand that all this information takes a turn down the shadowy world of conspiracy theories that the "New World Order" has Jesuits working for the return to Rome, but oddly enough, they really do have evil plans and they are increasingly revealing it themselves as though we should be grateful for their great ideas. You don't have to believe one thing in this post. It's not up to me to convince you that what we have been told and sold as an "Act of God" via a "Jesus Movement" is truly a conceived fabrication of men leading men and deceiving generations of Jesus Christs' sheep. The good news is, if you're truly called of God He can reveal the truth to you (the truth is Christian Society has chosen to follow men and not Christ and has conversely allowed idol worship, blindness, and delusion to take root).

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 4. 1881 A.D. to Present (2012) - Corrupt modern bible translations and compromised Seminaries and Universities


Did the Denominational name begin on shaky ground? - He goes on to write that the naming of the (Nazarene) Church was the work of Joseph Widney - "For Widney, the name "Church of the Nazarene" **conveyed nothing explicit about the Methodist

Did the Denominational name begin on shaky ground? At the beginning of TCotN [The Church of the Nazarene] both Phineas Bresee and Joseph Widney were made general superintendent "for life". This info is from the book by Carl Bangs "Phineas F. Bresee", 1995, Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. p. 196-197; He goes on to write that the naming of the Church was the work of Joseph Widney. "For Widney, the name "Church of the Nazarene" conveyed nothing explicit about the Methodist doctrine or the experiences of conversion and entire sanctification. It was much more an expression of late-nineteenth-century "Jesus of history" theology, which preferred the name "Jesus" to the more exalted name "Jesus Christ." The "Jesus of history" was not so much the eternal Second Person of the Trinity who on the Cross made a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the sins of the whole world," as He was the human Person remembered for words and deeds whom Christians were to follow as Teacher and Example. Widney's subsequent religious pilgrimage bears out the connoation of low Christology, and also low ecclesiology, that the term suggested." It is suggested that Bresee accepted the Name because he did not know Widney's true theology. To Bresee the name "Nazarene" represented Jesus association with the common man. So what was the outcome with Widney? He became increasing seperated from the Nazarenes and eventually started his own church. "He wrote a number of books on the borderline of politics, history, and culture. These were laced with mysticism and with a core theme of Aryan racial theory (Q. Nazism?). He developed a syncetistic religion followed by relatives and friends in his privately built "Beth-El", A Chapel and Manse of the Church of the All-Father" (or "All Fader")." (P. 214). Notice that this was not someone outside the Naz. throwing mud. This was published by Beacon Hill. Are we seeing sowing and reaping? It is amazing to me how quickly things seemed to change. Yet as we see from the origins our name, one of our first Generals began on shaky ground. -- posted by Robert Bruce Fruehling at 'Concerned Nazarenes' Facebook Page

  • Christian Church History Study
  • 4. 1881 A.D. to Present (2012) - Corrupt modern bible translations and compromised Seminaries and Universities


The Apostles' Creed - Sometimes titled Symbol of the Apostles, is an early statement of Christian belief, a creed or "symbol" - It is widely used by a number of Christian denominations for both liturgical and catechetical purposes, most visi

While the individual statements of belief that are included in the Apostles' Creed - even those not found in the Old Roman Symbol - are found in various writings by Irenaeus, Tertullian, Novatian, Marcellus, Rufinus, **Ambrose (about 337 A.D. - 397 A.D.), Augustine, Nicetus, and Eusebius Gallus, the earliest appearance of what we know as the Apostles' Creed was in the De singulis libris canonicis scarapsus ("Excerpt from Individual Canonical Books") of St. Priminius (Migne, Patrologia Latina 89, 1029 ff.), written between 710 A.D. and 714 A.D. This longer Creed seems to have arisen in what is now France and Spain. Charlemagne imposed it throughout his dominions, and it was finally accepted in Rome, where the Old Roman Creed or similar formulas had survived for centuries. -- {Note: The Christian Church historically has sought in large to be directed by the Gospels and the Apostolic Epistles of the New Testament - The Apostles' Creed is a classic and still currently relevant example of how true to form the Doctrines of the Church have remained in being faithful to the "common salvation" (Jude 1:3) as it was initially delivered to the Christian Church.}


Vijesti :: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Servisne informacije: [13. studenog 2024.]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 7:00 (GMT 1) Svakog dana, od ponedjeljka do petka, portal svojim čitateljima nudi servisne informacije isključivo za taj dan. U servisnim informacijama možete doznati tko će biti bez struje, plina, vode, kakva će biti prognoza, popis događanja za taj dan..

DHMZ prognoza: Pretežno oblačno. Jutarnja temperatura 2°C, a dnevna do 6°C.

Iz Hrvatske elektroprivrede obavještavaju građane da su za danas planirani radovi:

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Ulica javora 2-10 par, 1-9 nep, Ulica kestenova 75-89 nep
od 8:30 do 12:00 sati - Martina Divalta 56-58 par, 60/a, 64-68 par, 70/a, 72, 76-78 par, 78/a, Vatrogasna ulica 15
od 9:00 do 10:00 sati - Park kraljice Katarine Kosača 8, 9, Ulica Josipa Huttlera 6/b, 27/a
od 9:00 do 14:00 sati - Šokačka ulica 16-18 par, Žumberačka ulica 6-10 par, 14-22 par, 7-15 nep, 21-31 nep, 37-49 nep

od 8:30 do 11:00 sati - Kamešnice 11-13 nep, Osječka 66-70 par, 74-88 par, 92-102 par, 65-95 nep, 99-137 nep, 137/a, 139-145 nep, 145/a, 147, 151-155 nep, 161-165 nep, Pustara Ritić 19, Vratnička ulica 2, 2/a, 6, 6/a, 6/b, 6/c, 8-10 par, 10/a, 12-18 par, 18/a, 20-28 par,28/a,30-40 par
od 11:30 do 14:00 sati - Biokovska 2-42 par, Dinarska 1-35 nep, 39, Ulica Petrove gore 2-24 par, 1-23 nep, Ulica Požeške gore 11-19 nep

Aljmaš, Dalj, Dalj planina
od 8:30 do 9:30 sati - Dolica 4-6 par, 26, 30, 1-7 nep, 11-15 nep, 19, 23-25 nep, Dunavska obala 12/a, 16-20 par, 24, 28-30 par, 40, 11-15 nep, 19-21 nep, 27, 37-39 nep, Hrvatskih mučenika 12, 16, 18/a, 20, 30, 5-7 nep, 7/a, 9-11 nep, 19, 25, Ivana Kesmičkog 6-14par,3, Kalvarija 4, Lipin dol 2, 6-16 par, 20, 20/c, 22, 22/a, 24-26 par, 28/a, 30-32 par, 42-44 par, 76-78 par, 88, 146, 1-5 nep, 5/a, 7-9 nep, 13, 17, 37, 41-43 nep, 49/b, Matije Gupca 2-18 par, 18/b, 22-24 par, 28, 52, 1-25 nep, 25/a, 27, Mladena Palinkaša 2-6 par, 6/a, 8-16 par, 20-30 par, 34-38 par, 48, 92, 94/e, 100-102 par, 1, 1/a, 3-27 nep, 31, 35-39 nep, 47, 87, Podunavlje 8, 8/a, 10, 12/a, 14, 20, 20/c, 20/g, 22-26 par, 32, 46, 52, 1/a, 3-5 nep, 5/a, 7, 7/a, 9-13 nep, 17, 31/a, 33-35 nep, Puarov dol 20/a, Rudina Balinac 20, Rudina crkvina 2, 6-14 par, 22-30 par, 36-50 par, 58-64 par, 68-74 par, 120-124 par, 128, 132, 208, 400, 3-9 nep, 13-15 nep, 23, 27, 31, 39-51 nep, 67-69 nep, 75, 81, 101, 117-121 nep, 125-129 nep, 133, Rudina Dolečak1, Rudina kod Vilme 40, 83, Rudina provalija 2, 14, Rudina selišće 16-22 par, 3-9 nep, Rudina stepanićevac 26, 99, 107-109 nep, Slavka Frangeša 9, 15, 21, Trg braće Radića 6-30 par, 34, 44, 1-7 nep, 15, 19, 23-27 nep, 27/a, 33-35 nep, 39-43 nep,47-49nep, 51/a, ušće 2-22 par, 22/a, 22/c, 24-28 par, 32-38 par, 42, 42/b, 44-56 par, 60-66 par, 72-76 par, 76/a, 78, 78/b, 80-82 par, 82/a, 84, 88-96 par, 100-108 par, 112-118 par, 126, 1, 1/a, 3-21 nep, 21/a, 21/b, 21/e, 21/f, 21/g, 23-29 nep, 37, 41,41/a,43-49 nep, 53, 53/a, 61, 63/a, 67-69 nep, 73, 77, 79/c, 83, 87, 87/a, 89, 89/h, 91-93 nep, 101-109 nep, 113-117 nep, 117/a, 121-125 nep, Vrška 28-30 par, 52/a, 58, 86, 1-3 nep, 7-9 nep, 13, 19-21 nep, 25-27 nep, 37, 41-45 nep, 49, 55, zlatna 2, 2/a,4-16par, 20-24 par, 32, 44-52 par, 58-64 par, 66/a, 68-70 par, 74, 78, 104, 104/a, 106-110 par, 118/a, 122, 142, 142/a, 144, 1-3 nep, 9/a, 11-15 nep, 19-31 nep, 31/a, 33-45 nep, 61-63 nep, 63/a, 65-71 nep, 75, 75/a, 79/a, 79/b, 81, 81/a, 81/c, 95,

Napomena: U slučaju lošeg vremena radovi se odgađaju.

Bez plina
od 09:00 do 12:00 sati - Ulica Petra Svačića (kbr. 37A-43), Ulica Vatroslava Lisinskog

Program za kino i kazalište:
- Dječje kazalište [13.-16.11.2024.] [program]

- Kino Urania [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]
- CineStar Osijek [7.-13.11.2024.] [program]

- GISKO: Mjesec hrvatske knjige "Pričaj mi..." [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Izložba slikarskih radova "Bojom kroz godinu"
- 14. Dani austrijske kulture u Osijeku [program, 2024.]
- GISKO: Književna večer s Goranom Srdarevićem "Hrvatski društveni roman na osječki način"
- Škola primijenjenih umjetnosti i dizajna Osijek: Otvorenje samostalne izložbe fotografa i snimatelja Filipa Kosa

- Obustavlja se sav tramvajski promet u gradu Osijeku

Tekst i foto:


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: GISKO: Pričaonice u studenom [2024.]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: GISKO: Pričaonice u studenom [2024.]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:31 (GMT 1) Gradska i sveučilišna knjižnica Osijek u studenom će organizirati pričaonice i kreativnu radionicu u Središnjoj knjižnici prema sljedećem rasporedu:

Središnja knjižnica (E. avenija 24, br. tel: 031/211-472)
"Prstići pričaju" (za korisnike od rođenja do 3 godine):
- Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024. godine od 11.00 sati
- Srijeda, 27. studenog 2024. godine od 11.00 sati

"Vrijeme za priču” (za korisnike starije od 3 godine):
- Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati
- Srijeda, 27. studenog 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati

Kreativna radionica (za korisnike starije od 6 godina):
- Utorak, 26. studenoga 2024. godine od 17.30 do 18.30 sati
– "Kućica za ukrašavanje"


Badenoch accuses PM of 'milking' private sector

The Tory leader attacks the prime minister over the National Insurance rise, but he says she is resorting to a "magic money tree".


India's top court denounces BJP's demolition drive mainly targeting minority Muslims

Police officers throw stones towards the demonstrators during a protest against a government demolition drive, in Haldwani in the northern state of Uttarakhand, India, February 8, 2024. — Reuters Pleas were filed after demolitions in BJP-ruled states. Rights groups,...


Hachette-employee group denounces addition of conservative imprint

Ideological disagreements have expanded into the publishing realm. A group of employees at Hachette Book Group have sent a letter to the management of their company condemning the forthcoming launch of Basic Liberty, a new imprint meant for conservative readers.


Holiday Inn Dandenong - 16k Points

Not a huge discount, but you can book the Holiday Inn Dandenong outside of Melbourne, Australia for 16,000 points the night of November 14, 2024. The average cost per night is currently 19734 points. Value per Point on that night isn't great at...


This week in Christian history: Georgian king martyred, Baptist denomination founded

Events that occurred this week in Christian history include the martyrdom of a Georgian king, a social reformer claims to have a vision, and the founding of a Baptist denomination.


Using convolutional neural network denoising to reduce ambiguity in X-ray coherent diffraction imaging

The inherent ambiguity in reconstructed images from coherent diffraction imaging (CDI) poses an intrinsic challenge, as images derived from the same dataset under varying initial conditions often display inconsistencies. This study introduces a method that employs the Noise2Noise approach combined with neural networks to effectively mitigate these ambiguities. We applied this methodology to hundreds of ambiguous reconstructed images retrieved from a single diffraction pattern using a conventional retrieval algorithm. Our results demonstrate that ambiguous features in these reconstructions are effectively treated as inter-reconstruction noise and are significantly reduced. The post-Noise2Noise treated images closely approximate the average and singular value decomposition analysis of various reconstructions, providing consistent and reliable reconstructions.


α-d-2'-De­oxy­adenosine, an irradiation product of canonical DNA and a com­ponent of anomeric nucleic acids: crystal structure, packing and Hirshfeld surface analysis

α-d-2'-De­oxy­ribonucleosides are products of the γ-irradiation of DNA under oxygen-free conditions and are constituents of anomeric DNA. They are not found as natural building blocks of canonical DNA. Reports on their conformational properties are limited. Herein, the single-crystal X-ray structure of α-d-2'-de­oxy­adenosine (α-dA), C10H13N5O3, and its conformational parameters were determined. In the crystalline state, α-dA forms two conformers in the asymmetric unit which are connected by hydro­gen bonds. The sugar moiety of each conformer is arranged in a `clamp'-like fashion with respect to the other conformer, forming hydro­gen bonds to its nucleobase and sugar residue. For both conformers, a syn conformation of the nucleobase with respect to the sugar moiety was found. This is contrary to the anti conformation usually preferred by α-nucleosides. The sugar conformation of both conformers is C2'-endo, and the 5'-hydroxyl groups are in a +sc orientation, probably due to the hydro­gen bonds formed by the conformers. The formation of the supra­molecular assembly of α-dA is controlled by hydro­gen bonding and stacking inter­actions, which was verified by a Hirshfeld and curvedness surface analysis. Chains of hydro­gen-bonded nucleobases extend parallel to the b direction and are linked to equivalent chains by hydro­gen bonds involving the sugar moieties to form a sheet. A com­parison of the solid-state structures of the anomeric 2'-de­oxy­adenosines revealed significant differences of their conformational parameters.


Refinement of cryo-EM 3D maps with a self-supervised denoising model: crefDenoiser

Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) is a pivotal technique for imaging macromolecular structures. However, despite extensive processing of large image sets collected in cryo-EM experiments to amplify the signal-to-noise ratio, the reconstructed 3D protein-density maps are often limited in quality due to residual noise, which in turn affects the accuracy of the macromolecular representation. Here, crefDenoiser is introduced, a denoising neural network model designed to enhance the signal in 3D cryo-EM maps produced with standard processing pipelines. The crefDenoiser model is trained without the need for `clean' ground-truth target maps. Instead, a custom dataset is employed, composed of real noisy protein half-maps sourced from the Electron Microscopy Data Bank repository. Competing with the current state-of-the-art, crefDenoiser is designed to optimize for the theoretical noise-free map during self-supervised training. We demonstrate that our model successfully amplifies the signal across a wide variety of protein maps, outperforming a classic map denoiser and following a network-based sharpening model. Without biasing the map, the proposed denoising method leads to improved visibility of protein structural features, including protein domains, secondary structure elements and modest high-resolution feature restoration.


Tyler McCall Clendenon Celebrated for Expertise in Technology

Tyler McCall Clendenon is a sales leader at Amazon Web Services


Akhane Thiphavong Offers Insight into mRNA/LNP-Based and Adenoviral COVID-19 Vaccines

Akhane Thiphavong Offers Insight into mRNA/LNP-Based and Adenoviral COVID-19 Vaccines


Pokémon. Sun & Moon. Volume 10 / story, Hidenori Kusaka ; art, Satoshi Yamamoto ; translation, Tetsuichiro Miyaki ; English adaptation, Bryant Turnage ; touch-up & lettering, Susan Daigle-Leach.

"Sun dreams of money. Moon dreams of scientific discoveries. When their paths cross with Team Skull, both their plans go awry … Lost in an alternate dimension, Sun and Moon battle to help their new friends defend the eternally dark city of Ultra Megalopolis. But then a betrayal deprives them of their transportation home! Meanwhile, what surprising news does Lillie receive?" -- Provided by publisher


A controversial idea at the heart of Bidenomics

Réka Juhász is a professor of economics at the University of British Columbia, and she studies what's known as industrial policy.

That's the general term for whenever the government tries to promote specific sectors of the economy. The idea is that they might be able to supercharge growth by giving money to certain kinds of businesses, or by putting up trade barriers to protect certain industries. Economists have long been against it. Industrial policy has been called a "taboo" subject, and "one of the most toxic phrases" in economics. The mainstream view has been that industrial policy is inefficient, even harmful.

For a long time, politicians largely accepted that view. But in the past several years, countries have started to embrace industrial policy—most notably in the United States. Under President Biden, the U.S. is set to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on industrial policy, to fund things like microchip manufacturing and clean energy projects. It's one of the most ambitious tests of industrial policy in U.S. history. And the billion dollar question is ... will it work?

On today's show, Réka takes us on a fun, nerdy journey to explain the theory behind industrial policy, why it's so controversial, and where President Biden's big experiment might be headed.

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SE Radio 553: Luca Casonato on Deno

Luca Casonato joins SE Radio's Jeremy Jung for a conversation about Deno and Deno Deploy. They start with a look at JavaScript runtimes and their relation to Google’s open source JavaScript and WebAssembly engine V8, and why Deno was created. They discuss the WinterCG W3C group for server-side JavaScript, why it's difficult to ship new features in Node, and the benefits of web standards. From there they consider the benefits of creating an all-inclusive toolset like Rust and Go rather than relying on separate solutions, Deno's node compatibility layer, use cases for WebAssembly, benefits and implementation of Deno Deploy, reasons to deploy on the edge, and what's coming next.


On Funding — The Denominator Effect


El propietario de Sidenor negocia la compra de Talgo junto a directivos y el Gobierno vasco después del veto a Magyar Vagon

José Antonio Jainaga con el fondo Mirai, dispuesto a ser el socio industrial que necesita el Gobierno de Sánchez. El fabricante de trenes cuenta con pedidos por valor de 4.000 millones de euros pero el fondo norteamericano Trilantic quiere vender su 30% Leer

  • Eurocopa - MX
  • Tesla - MX
  • Jaime Ordiales - MX
  • Tato Noriega - MX
  • País Vasco
  • Selección de Fútbol de Paraguay - MX
  • Denver Nuggets - MX
  • Mallorca - MX
  • Selección de Fútbol de Chile - MX
  • Selección de Fútbol de Honduras - MX
  • Almería - MX
  • Feyenoord - MX
  • Boston Celtics - MX
  • Selección de Fútbol de Colombia - MX
  • Querétaro FC Femenil - MX
  • Selección de Fútbol de Ecuador - MX
  • Pedro Sánchez
  • Cyber Monday - MX
  • Plantas
  • Wendy Guevara - MX
  • Joan Laporta - MX
  • Raphinha - MX
  • Consejo de ministros
  • Emilio Azcárraga Jean - MX
  • Arturo Elías Ayub - MX
  • Carlos Bremer - MX
  • Bill Gates - MX
  • Mikel Arriola - MX
  • Víctor Velázquez - MX
  • Viktor Orban
  • Kendall Jenner - MX
  • Shohei Ohtani - MX
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  • Wanda Nara - MX
  • Gisele Bündchen - MX
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  • compra
  • euro
  • euros
  • Artículos Josean Izarra


El Gobierno de Pradales confirma que apoyará la compra de Talgo por Sidenor pero reclama "calma y discreción" para cerrar el acuerdo

El Ejecutivo vasco no concreta cuál será su aportación económica para entrar en el accionariado de la empresa ferroviaria pero dispone de 300 millones para compras estratégicas. Celebra que "un empresario vasco de acreditada trayectoria" se convierta en el socio industrial de Talgo. Leer

  • Eurocopa - MX
  • Tesla - MX
  • Bill Gates - MX
  • País Vasco
  • Carlos Bremer - MX
  • Arturo Elías Ayub - MX
  • Emilio Azcárraga Jean - MX
  • Trabajo - MX
  • Pedro López - MX
  • Álvaro Morata - MX
  • Ferran Torres - MX
  • Kepa Arrizabalaga - MX
  • Dani Carvajal - MX
  • Gavi - MX
  • Pedri - MX
  • CNMV
  • Industria
  • ERTE
  • Artículos Josean Izarra


Kenya: EU Ambassador Denounces Fake Travel Ban Reports After Kenyan Deputy President's Impeachment

[Africa Check] EU ambassador denounces fake travel ban reports after Kenyan deputy president's impeachment


1231 - The Martyrdom of Mar Denosios bar Saliba II

1231 - The Martyrdom of Mar Denosios bar Saliba II

  • 1200-1299 A.D. Assyrian History


'It takes away from the Native Americans': Son of Redskins logo designer denounces rebranding

The Washington Redskins branding change isn’t sitting well with everyone.


Discordant Protein and mRNA Expression in Lung Adenocarcinomas

Guoan Chen
Apr 1, 2002; 1:304-313


Kinetic Analysis and Metabolism of Poly(Adenosine Diphosphate-Ribose) Polymerase-1-Targeted 18F-Fluorthanatrace PET in Breast Cancer

Visual Abstract


Proteomic analyses identify differentially expressed proteins and pathways between low-risk and high-risk subtypes of early-stage lung adenocarcinoma and their prognostic impacts

Juntuo Zhou
Nov 30, 2020; 0:RA120.002384v1-mcp.RA120.002384


Proteomic analyses identify differentially expressed proteins and pathways between low-risk and high-risk subtypes of early-stage lung adenocarcinoma and their prognostic impacts [Research]

The histopathological subtype of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) is closely associated with prognosis. Micropapillary or solid predominant LUAD tends to relapse after surgery at an early stage, whereas lepidic pattern shows a favorable outcome. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this phenomenon remains unknown. Here, we recruited 31 lepidic predominant LUADs (LR: low-risk subtype group) and 28 micropapillary or solid predominant LUADs (HR: high-risk subtype group). Tissues of these cases were obtained and label-free quantitative proteomic and bioinformatic analyses were performed. Additionally, prognostic impact of targeted proteins was validated using The Cancer Genome Atlas databases (n=492) and tissue microarrays composed of early-stage LUADs (n=228). A total of 192 differentially expressed proteins were identified between tumor tissues of LR and HR and three clusters were identified via hierarchical clustering excluding eight proteins. Cluster 1 (65 proteins) showed a sequential decrease in expression from normal tissues to tumor tissues of LR and then to HR and was predominantly enriched in pathways such as tyrosine metabolism and ECM-receptor interaction, and increased matched mRNA expression of 18 proteins from this cluster predicted favorable prognosis. Cluster 2 (70 proteins) demonstrated a sequential increase in expression from normal tissues to tumor tissues of LR and then to HR and was mainly enriched in pathways such as extracellular organization, DNA replication and cell cycle, and high matched mRNA expression of 25 proteins indicated poor prognosis. Cluster 3 (49 proteins) showed high expression only in LR, with high matched mRNA expression of 20 proteins in this cluster indicating favorable prognosis. Furthermore, high expression of ERO1A and FEN1 at protein level predicted poor prognosis in early-stage LUAD, supporting the mRNA results. In conclusion, we discovered key differentially expressed proteins and pathways between low-risk and high-risk subtypes of early-stage LUAD. Some of these proteins could serve as potential biomarkers in prognostic evaluation.


First-in-Human Total-Body PET/CT Imaging Using 89Zr-Labeled MUC5AC Antibody in a Patient with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma


London, Ont., doctor repeats ketchup protest against MP to denounce Liberals' Israel policy

Hours after mischief charges were dropped against a London, Ont., doctor who protested the Liberal government’s Israel policy by squirting ketchup at a member of parliament’s constituency office, Dr. Tarek Loubani repeated the protest.

  • News/Canada/London


Chris Mason: Badenoch will need all her political savvy to transform Tory fortunes

Kemi Badenoch is a political fighter and she now has a battle on her hands to rebuild her party.


Badenoch's win and Labour's big Budget mean we now have sharper left-right divide

With the government announcing big spending and tax, the differences between the two main parties feel sharper, writes Laura Kuenssberg.


Kemi Badenoch: Who is new Tory leader and what does she stand for?

Kemi Badenoch is a political trailblazer with a combative style and a mission to renew her party.


Adenovirus Outbreak In Kolkatta: Swimming Pools Turn Into Viral Hotspots

Highlights: Adenovirus, typically seen in winter, has affected young swimmers this summer, suggesting pools as


Olympus Company Develops Improved Duodenoscopes to Avoid the Spread of Superbugs

After receiving several reports regarding deadly patient infections due to contaminated duodenoscopes, Japan-based Olympus company has announced that


L'art médiéval est-il contemporain? = Is medieval art contemporary? / édité par Charlotte Denoël, Larisa Dryansky, Isabelle Marchesin and Erik Verhagen.

Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2023]


Understanding deNOx mechanisms in transition metal exchanged zeolites

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D3CS00468F, Review Article
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Jamal Abdul Nasir, Andrew M. Beale, C. Richard A. Catlow
Transition metal-containing zeolites have received considerable attention, owing to their application in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx. To understand their chemistry, both structural and mechanistic aspects at the atomic level are needed.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


The term structure of redenomination risk [electronic journal].


Springvale Dandenong Leader [electronic journal].

News Ltd Australia


Public Expenditure and Private Firm Performance: Using Religious Denominations for Causal Inference [electronic journal].


Oakleigh Monash-Springvale Dandenong Leader [electronic journal].


India warns 'least common denominator' model of UNSC reforms could derail major change


India warns 'least common denominator' model of UNSC reforms could derail major change


An electrochemiluminescence microsensor based on DNA-silver nanoclusters amplification for detecting cellular adenosine triphosphate

Anal. Methods, 2024, 16,2019-2024
DOI: 10.1039/D4AY00212A, Paper
GuanQi Wu, Jian Chen, JinXin Dou, XiangWei He, Hai-Fang Li, Jin-Ming Lin
An ECL microsensor integrating RCA magnification and in situ DNA-templated AgNC generation for sensitive detection of cellular ATP.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Discovery of highly potent SARS-CoV-2 nsp14 methyltransferase inhibitors based on adenosine 5'-carboxamides

RSC Med. Chem., 2024, 15,3469-3476
DOI: 10.1039/D4MD00422A, Research Article
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Hugo Kocek, Dominika Chalupská, Milan Dejmek, Alexandra Dvořáková, Michala Zgarbová, Michal Šála, Karel Chalupský, Petra Krafčíková, Tomáš Otava, Matúš Drexler, Eliška Procházková, Blanka Klepetářová, Milan Štefek, Ján Kozic, Helena Mertlíková-Kaiserová, Evzen Boura, Jan Weber, Radim Nencka
SARS-CoV-2 nsp14 methyltransferase inhibitors based on adenosine 5'-carboxamides.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Design, synthesis, and structure–activity relationship studies of 6H-benzo[b]indeno[1,2-d]thiophen-6-one derivatives as DYRK1A/CLK1/CLK4/haspin inhibitors

RSC Med. Chem., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4MD00537F, Research Article
Open Access
Abdelfattah Faouzi, Alexandre Arnaud, François Hallé, Jean Roussel, Mandy Aymard, Vincent Denavit, Cong Viet Do, Angélique Mularoni, Mohamed Salah, Ahmed ElHady, Thanh-Nhat Pham, Alexandre Bancet, Marc Le Borgne, Raphaël Terreux, Roland Barret, Matthias Engel, Thierry Lomberget
A series of sulfur-containing tetracycles was designed and evaluated for their ability to inhibit protein kinase DYRK1A, a target known to have several potential therapeutic applications including cancers, Down syndrome or Alzheimer's disease.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


546: Ryan Dahl and Deno

Ryan Dahl stops by to talk about Node, Deno, JavaScript, testing, V8, and thoughts around getting started with Deno.


603: Deno, React Alternatives, and Copilot Concerns with Triple Threat Josh Collinsworth

Josh (or Jsoh) stops by to talk about his work at Deno, recent blog posts on Copilot, why Svelte is awesome and React is not, Apple and PWA, and building word games on the web.


HMT forest land denotification: Forest Department issues notice to former and current officers


DON encapsulated carbon dot–vesicle conjugate in therapeutic intervention of lung adenocarcinoma by dual targeting of CD44 and SLC1A5

Nanoscale, 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4NR00426D, Paper
Afreen Zaman, Aparajita Ghosh, Anup Kumar Ghosh, Prasanta Kumar Das
HACD–TMAV, a carbon dot–vesicle conjugate, selectively delivered glutamine inhibitor DON to CD44-enriched cancer cells, inducing ROS triggered apoptosis by dual targeting CD44 and SLC1A5 through downregulation of PI3K/AKT/mTOR signalling cascade.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry