Steve Brenner - Signals (1985) [full album]

А вот это неиллюзорно шедевр
Steve Brenner - Signals (1985) [full album]

Типа имитация Tangerine Dream синхронного периода,
но сильно лучше, чем все, что они сделали после 1984,
причем записано (в домашней студии, насколько я понимаю)
на порядок чище и яснее, чем TD писали, со всеми их сотнями
тысяч долларов, вбуханных в аппаратуру.

Я долго тыкался в биографию автора, пытаясь выяснить,
1985 это не мистификация ли, так и не понял. В принципе,
что сейчас подобной ретрофутуристической музыки пишут
очень много, с реверансами в сторону 1970-х и 1980-х,
лепят на альбом фальшивую датировку, и выкладывают на ютюб,
зарабатывая миллионы прослушиваний.

Вообще Ютюб разрушил централизованную систему музыкальной
критики и прессы, раньше люди шли читать про группы в
Питчфорк или Wire, и покупали альбом, а сейчас тыкают
в рекоммендации Ютюба. Это породило с десяток новых жанров,
свободных от кураторства музкритика, с изобретенной
(и часто целиком фальсифицированной) историей. Походу
появилась масса "групп", датированных на 30-40 лет
раньше, чем на самом деле, и зачастую сгенерированных
через AI, с имитацией всякого ретро; наиболее смешной
образчик вот, с ним-то все яснее ясного


но вообще имитаций-мистификаций на ютюбе появилось
очень много, спасибо AI, и в основном оно весьма трудно распознается.

В любом случае, "Signals" Бреннера, безотносительно
к его аутентичности, совершенно прекрасен; особенно
если вы послушали весь доступный Танжерин Дрим и
желаете еще.



Scheierman records No. 17 Creighton's first triple-double since 1985 in 94-72 win over Georgetown

Baylor Scheierman recorded Creighton's first triple-double since 1985, Trey Alexander made his first five 3-pointers and finished with 26 points, and the 17th-ranked Bluejays rolled past Georgetown 94-72 Tuesday night.


Amazing Photos of the 1985 Tritan A2 Aerocar

Tritan Ventures from Ann Arbor, Michigan designed the A2, an aerodynamically advanced vehicle with a drag coefficient of 0.15 and stability from airfoils that produced a sail effect for added thrust. Constructed from fiberglass with a monocoque design, the lightweight 900-pound A2 was powered by a 440cc Syvaro rotary engine, delivering 30 horsepower and achieving […]


¡RESCATEN EL TITANIC!, de Clive Cussler (Javier Vergara, 1985)

¡Rescaten el Titanic!
Autor: Clive Cussler (1931-2020)
Título original: Raise the Titanic! (1976) Nº 3 en la serie “Dirk Pitt”
Traducción: Ariel Bignami
Editor: Javier Vergara Editor (Buenos Aires)
Fecha de edición: 1985-09
Descripción física: 389, 2 p.; 13,5x22 cm.
ISBN: 978-950-15-0056-1 (950-15-0056-X)
Estructura: preludio, 5 partes, 82 capítulos, “Ajuste de cuentas”
Información sobre impresión:
Esta edición terminó de imprimirse en la COMPAÑÍA IMPRESORA ARGENTINA S.A.
Alsina 2049/61 - Buenos Aires - Rep. Argentina en el mes de setiembre de 1985
Información de cubierta:
Información de contracubierta:
La acción del bestseller del año tiene lugar en 1988. El Proyecto Siciliano es el plan del siglo. Nada más importante desde la bomba atómica. Su éxito significará levantar una red protectora sobre todo el país, protegiéndolo de cualquier ataque exterior. Pero se necesita bizanio, carísimo elemento, que ya no se da en la naturaleza. El único bizanio que hay en el mundo está sepultado en el “Titanic”, hundido en 1912 y que yace en el fondo del mar, a más de dos millas de profundidad.

La crítica dijo:
“Extraordinario suspenso, salta de una emoción a otra, mantiene al lector tan cautivo, que nadie quiere que llegue el final”.
Publishers Weekly

¡Rescaten el Titanic! es suspenso en su mejor sentido. Será tal vez el éxito del año”.
San Francisco Chronicle

“Cussler imaginó con genio y creó con perfección”.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Un verdadero clásico en la literatura de espionaje y de aventura moderna, ¡Rescaten el Titanic! fue la tercera novela del escritor Clive Cussler sobre Dirk Pitt, agente de NUMA (National Underwater & Marine Agency), pero la primera que tuvo un gran éxito a nivel mundial, y que terminó por consolidar a la serie como una de las mejores del género, que ya va por el libro nº 27, The Corsican Shadow, publicado en 2023 por Dirk Cussler, hijo de Clive y continuador de sus novelas.
El presidente de EEUU autoriza y sostiene el “Proyecto Siciliano”, un esquema ultrasecreto funcionando a espaldas del Congreso y de la opinión pública, que busca dotar a su país de la invulnerabilidad frente a un posible ataque misilístico de la URSS. Para lograr su objetivo, necesita imperiosamente de bizanio, un mineral rarísimo que sólo pudo hallarse en el Ártico ruso. Se descubre que un cargamento de bizanio pudo haber sido transportado en el Titanic, famoso barco hundido en 1912. Contrareloj, se monta una operación dirigida por Dirk Pitt para llevarlo a la superficie y arrástralo hasta el puerto de Nueva York. Sin embargo, la KGB logró infiltrar a dos espías en el contingente de rescate, que recurren incluso al asesinato para malograr la misión. Sólo la poderosa mente de Pitt puede resolver este misterio y evitar una catástrofe.
Cussler crea a un héroe sólido, hecho a sí mismo, inteligente, intuitivo, seductor, misterioso. Un lobo solitario que sabe hacer su trabajo y que quiere lo mejor para su país. La novela tiene un fuerte espíritu de restauración post-Watergate. Más allá de los fallos, hasta de los delitos del pasado reciente, Pitt encarna la necesidad de que EEUU prosiga su lucha por la libertad y contra el imperio soviético. Hay una escena muy ilustrativa: la viuda de uno de los mineros que trabajaron en la búsqueda del bizanio a principios del siglo XX es contactada por la inteligencia norteamericana para que brinde alguna pista sobre dónde puede estar. Al principio se niega. Le dicen que tiene una llamada telefónica. Después de atender, pregunta emocionada si es cierto que el que la llamó fue el presidente de EEUU para pedirle su colaboración. Cussler reflota no sólo al Titanic, sino al sentimiento patriótico que su país tenía muy dañado a finales de los 70. Lo hace apelando tanto al cultivo de las viejas tradiciones de camaradería y de esfuerzo que crearon a la gran república del Norte, así como a la tecnología militar y marina, que tiene que priorizarse, incluso sobre las preocupaciones sociales. Cussler quiere ganar porque lo cree justo, y así lo demuestra en una gran novela de acción, de misterio y de pasión.

Ver mi entrada > Cine de espías: DIRK PITT



Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985 Preview


Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985 Preview
From Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985. A one hour award-winning documentary by Charles Croft which lets you share the intense sailing action aboard Don Street's 80 year old, 44 foot, engineless yawl, "Iolaire" during Antigua Sailing Week, 1985, Iolarie's final appearance in one of the world's top sailing events.
Built in 1905, Don had sailed and raced "Iolaire" throughout the Caribbean for forty years while he developed his famous Imray-Iolair charts and the first comprehensive cruising guides that opened up the Caribbean to modern sailors. Antigua Sailing Week races became an annual event for Street and Iolaire since the first regatta in 1957. In 1985, Street decided to retire Iolaire from racing and they both went out in style, finishing only 5 points out of first place at race week's end. This award-winning documentary shows you what Caribbean racing was like in its golden years when the skippers all new each other and racing was more fun than business.
Available at http://feeds.thesailingchannel.tv/~/557582042/0/thesailingchannel
Streaming Rental $4.99 | Download-to-Own (mp4) $9.99
Get The Complete Street - all 5 Don Street Videos for just $49.95

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985 Preview


Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985 Preview
From Don Street Antigua Race Week 1985. A one hour award-winning documentary by Charles Croft which lets you share the intense sailing action aboard Don Street's 80 year old, 44 foot, engineless yawl, "Iolaire" during Antigua Sailing Week, 1985, Iolarie's final appearance in one of the world's top sailing events.
Built in 1905, Don had sailed and raced "Iolaire" throughout the Caribbean for forty years while he developed his famous Imray-Iolair charts and the first comprehensive cruising guides that opened up the Caribbean to modern sailors. Antigua Sailing Week races became an annual event for Street and Iolaire since the first regatta in 1957. In 1985, Street decided to retire Iolaire from racing and they both went out in style, finishing only 5 points out of first place at race week's end. This award-winning documentary shows you what Caribbean racing was like in its golden years when the skippers all new each other and racing was more fun than business.
Available at https://feeds.feedblitz.com/~/557582042/0/thesailingchannel
Streaming Rental $4.99 | Download-to-Own (mp4) $9.99
Get The Complete Street - all 5 Don Street Videos for just $49.95

Brought to you by TheSailingChannel.TV



Heritage Commission Book of the Week: Pierre S. du Pont IV: Governor of Delaware 1977-1985

When Pete DuPont was elected governor in 1977, Delaware was facing and severe economic downturn, substantial budget deficits, and the second-highest unemployment rate in the nation. Despite these challenges, the DuPont administration would achieve long-lasting solutions to the State’s woes and improve the lives of Delaware’s citizens. Larry Nagengast’s history of the DuPont administration is […]


Rocky IV (1985) / starring, written and directed by Sylvester Stallone [DVD].

[U.K.] : Warner Bros, [2020]


1985 Tenth International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves [electronic journal].

IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated


From the archive: Coca-Cola changes its formula – 25 April 1985

25 April 1985: The new taste is said to be smoother, rounder and bolder, not to mention more harmonious

The hard-nosed men of the New York Stock Exchange yesterday made a snap judgment on the most sensational news in the mighty American soft drinks industry for 99 years. Without even trying the new, sweeter formula Coca-Cola, they backed the initial shock reaction of the amateurs: it tastes more like Pepsi.

By lunchtime yesterday Coca-Cola shares had taken another 1.50 cent pounding on top of the 1.60 they sustained in late trading after the new formula was officially unveiled on Monday, despite the assurances of Coke’s chairman, Mr Roberto Goizueta, that the new taste is smoother, rounder and bolder, not to mention more harmonious. Reporters disagreed.

Related: Milk Coke: another classic from the nation that invented Cheeky Vimto

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The day police bombed a city street: can scars of 1985 Move atrocity be healed?

Eleven people, including five children, died and a Philadelphia neighborhood burned down in the airstrike against a black liberation group. Now an effort at reconciliation is under way

Frank Powell, a Philadelphia police officer who in 1985 was chief of the city’s bomb disposal squad, remembers vividly the moment he was given his instructions. “Wow,” he recalls thinking. “You want me to do that?”

On 13 May 1985 Powell was handed an army-style green satchel containing a bomb made of C-4 plastic explosives of the sort widely deployed in Vietnam. He boarded a state police helicopter, and took up his position balanced precariously on the skids of the aircraft.

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1985 की जीत ने भारतीय क्रिकेट का भविष्य तय किया, टीम इंडिया ने खुद को साबित किया था

टीम इंडिया के कोच रवि शास्त्री ने पिछले दिनों कहा कि 1985 में वर्ल्ड चैम्पियनशिप ऑफ क्रिकेट जीतने वाली टीम विराट कोहली की वर्तमान वनडे टीम को हरा सकती है। यह बयान कुछ लोगों को विवादास्पद लग सकता है। 1980 के लोगों के लिए यह जीत विशेष थी। शास्त्री ने ऑलराउंड प्रदर्शन किया। श्रीकांत और जावेद मियांदाद को पीछे छोड़ते हुए शास्त्री प्लेयर ऑफ द सीरीज भी बने थे। शास्त्री को ऑडी कार मिली जो उस समय काफी चर्चित रही।

1983 वर्ल्ड से पहले टीम इंडिया का वनडे में प्रदर्शन अच्छा नहीं था। 1983 वर्ल्ड कप के फाइनल में विंडीज पर अप्रत्याशित जीत ने दुनिया काे अचंभित कर दिया। इसने कई युवा खिलाड़ियों को प्रेरणा दी। 1984 में टीम ने शारजाह में एशिया कप जीता। इसी जगह एक साल बाद रोथमैंस कप जीता। इन दोनों के बीच 1985 में वर्ल्ड चैम्पियनशिप की जीत शानदार थी।

भारतीय टीम कागजों पर मजबूत नहीं थी
इसने भारतीय क्रिकेट के भविष्य को तय किया। रंगीन कपड़ों में खेल रहे खिलाड़ी और टीवी पर कवरेज ने इसे और शानदार बनाया। टीम ने फाइनल में पाकिस्तान को हराया। टीम टूर्नामेंट में एक भी मुकाबला हारी ही नहीं। इसने साबित किया कि 1983 वर्ल्ड कप में मिली जीत अप्रत्याशित नहीं थी। शास्त्री की बात आंकड़ों से बेमेल खाती है। लेकिन 1983-1985 की टीम कागजों पर मजबूत नहीं थी लेकिन खिताब जीतने के मामले में आगे थी। जब तक विराट कोहली और उनकी टीम ऐसा नहीं कर सकती और भारतीय क्रिकेट इतिहास में अपनी छाप छोड़ सकती है। तब तक 1985 और 2020 की टीमों के बीच बात चलती रहेगी।

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भारतीय टीम ने 1985 वर्ल्ड चैम्पियनशिप के फाइनल में पाकिस्तान को हराया था। टीम टूर्नामेंट में एक भी मुकाबला हारी ही नहीं।


Various Artists - Diablos Del Ritmo – The Colombian Melting Pot 1960-1985

Every track is destined to fill a dancefloor with abandoned gyrations.


To win it all in 1985, Villanova had to do what it couldn't all season


This Napa Valley winery has been farmed organically since 1985

Nestled on a gently sloping segment of land on the quiet, western end of St. Helena, California, Spottswoode Estate contains a remarkable piece of environmental history. The property became one of the first vineyards in the Napa Valley to farm 100% organically in 1985, eventually evolving into a leader in sustainable farming for the famous wine-growing region.[...]


1985: Fifty Songs in Three Minutes

The Hood Internet brought us gloriously nostalgic mashups of the songs of 1979 and 1980. But they kept at it with wonderfully-edited songs from other years, too. Now they've expanded their repertoire and announced that another year will be added every Thursday. You can keep up with them in this playlist. Meanwhile, enjoy their latest mashup, the music of 1985 presented in three minutes. -via Metafilter


The incidence of driving under the influence of drugs, 1985 : an update of the state of knowledge / [Richard P. Compton and Theodore E. Anderson].

Springfield, Virginia : National Technical Information Service, 1985.


Administrative Tribunal Act, 1985

Administrative Tribunal Act, 1985


Celebrating 35 Years of the AJNR: March 1985 edition [35 YEARS AGO IN AJNR]


Ravi Shastri: Class of 1985 would trouble Virat Kohli's limited overs side

Ravi Shastri is convinced that the class of India's 1985 team, of which he was a vital cog, was such it could trouble even the current team led by Virat Kohli. Shastri was the key man back in 1985 when the team under Sunil Gavaskar won the World Championship of Cricket. He was hero of India's triumph in Australia and had won the famous Audi car for being 'player of the tournament'. He is still influential in India's cricket set up, sitting in head coach chair, having played a significant role in team's ascendancy in world cricket across formats.

"No question about that. They (team of 85) will give any team that India puts up in white ball cricket, a run for their money. That team of 85 will give this team a run for money," Shastri said during 'Sony Ten Pit Stop' show on channel's FB page. Shastri also has a firm belief that that the team of 1985 was qualitatively better than the side that won the 1983 World Cup because it was a perfect blend of youth and experience. "I go one step ahead and say the team of 1985 was a stronger team compared to 1983.

"You know, I was part of both teams, I played in the 1983 World Cup and 1985, when you look man to man, 80 per cent of that 83 team was still there, but then some of the youngsters that you got in there like a Sivaramakrishnan, Sadanand Vishwanath, Azharuddin, those kind of guys came in to add to the experience you already had of 83 (and it) was fantastic." Shastri said that winning Test series in Australia in 2018-19 for the first time in 71 years was special but when it came to white ball cricket, 85 was special.

"It is great to be part of those two teams, as a coach that series in Australia, is going to be very very special and hard to beat, because that team wasn't beaten in 71 years by any Asian team. "There have been plenty who have gone there, tried their best and everyone knows how tough it is to beat Australia in Australia in Test match cricket, but in white ball cricket you can't beat 1985 as a player. To win both is fantastic."

Shastri then shared a hilarious anecdote about a team meeting before the final against Pakistan. Shastri imitated what Kapil Dev said in his typical English. "Kapil said, 'if I win car, I keep 25 percent (by selling) and rest share. Jimmy came and (said) "Yaar jisko mila mila' (whoever gets it, gets it). When my turn came, I said, if I win it, I am keeping the car and I can only share the stepney," Shastri said in typical tongue-in-cheek manner.

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Buddies — a powerful Aids drama from 1985

Arthur J. Bressan’s re-released film has charm and poignancy


Easter Sunday evokes memories of the moment Bernhard Langer Lorded it at Augusta back in 1985

The most important day in the Christian calendar has often coincided with a joyous one for golf followers. This year, they should've been enjoying the 18th Masters staged on Easter Sunday.


Indian Cricket Team of 1985 Could Trouble Virat Kohli's Side in Limited Overs: Ravi Shastri

Shastri said that winning Test series in Australia in 2018-19 for the first time in 71 years was special but when it came to white ball cricket, 85 was special.


Dairy cattle production, 6th-10th May 1985 : venue, The Stephen Roberts Lecture Theatre, University of Sydney

University of Sydney. Post-Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science


Symposium and workshop on ultrasound, 12th-13th October, 1985 : venue, University Farm, Camden, New South Wales / organised and run by D. I. Bryden

University of Sydney. Post-Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science


Equine Exercise Physiology Seminar, together with notes of lectures by Dr. R. Rose, 14 December 1985 ; venue, The Stephen Roberts Lecture Theatre, University of Sydney

University of Sydney. Post-Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science


Black voices rise: African American artists at the Met, 1955-1985.

MEDIA PhonCD B5606 voi


Live at WOMAD 1985 / Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

MEDIA PhonCD F G7650.K467


26th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (sfcs 1985) [electronic journal].

IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated


Impurity control & disposal : proceedings of the CIM 15th Annual Hydrometallurgical meeting, held in conjunction with the CIM 24th Annual Conference of Metallurgists, Vancouver, Canada, 1985

Hydrometallurgical Meeting (15th : 1985 : Vancouver, B.C.)


University of South Florida yearbook. (1985)


Y.Z. Kami: works 1985-2018.

Rotch Library - N7289.K36 A4 2019


Transportation problems and needs in the aftermath of the 1985 Mexico City earthquake


Flatbed truck as homecoming float, circa 1985


Cheerleaders leading homecoming float, circa 1985


Aerial view toward Porta San Giovanni from Torre Grosso, with Via San Giovanni and adjacent houses (1985)


University of South Florida yearbook. (1985)


USF 25th (1985) anniversary oral history project


Remembering Steve Jobs’ NeXT, a computer company he founded in 1985


PHOTOS: 5 dead as massive 8.0 earthquake hits Mexico coast; strongest since 1985


On anniversary of 1985 tremblor, Mexico shaken by 7.1 earthquake, hundreds dead


India's 1985 team could trouble Virat's side in ODIs

Ravi Shastri has a firm belief that that the team of 1985 was qualitatively better than the side that won the 1983 World Cup because it was a perfect blend of youth and experience.