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HTML+TIME background color change

Using HTML+TIME to get IE5.5 and IE6 to have a background color change on hover.

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HTML+TIME Flylist Menu

Using the w3.org HTML+TIME to produce a flylist menu that works in IE browsers from IE5.5 upwards (and all other browsers).

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CSS3 Image Slide Menu

Using CSS3 to produce a horizontal image slide menu to rival any javascript version.

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CSS3 + TIME Sliding Panels Menu

Using CSS3, and a little TIME for Internet Explorer, to produce a vertical sliding menu to rival javascritp/jQuery.

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CSS3 Social Network Menu

Using CSS3 to produce a social network circle of icons.

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IE6 png fix for foreground images

Using just html and css with no extra markup to produce foreground png images

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CSS3 Slide down / Slide fly animation

Using CSS3 to produce an animated sliding dropdown flyout menu.

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CSS3 Animated Slideshow

Using CSS3 to animated a simple set of thumbnail images and their associated large image.

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CSS3 Left/Right Slide Menu

Using CSS3 to produce an animated left/right slide action.

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A new venture into HTML5 and CSS3

This site has been set up to explore the possibilities of using HTML5 with CSS.

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Image dropdown with tooltips

Using the no hacks float drop technique to produce an image dropdown menu with popup tooltips.

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Multi-column float/drop menu

Using the no hacks float drop technique to produce a multi-column dropdown menu.

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Pull-down droplist menu

A CSS only answer to javascript/jQuery pull-down information panels.

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Pull-down information panel

A CSS only answer to javascript/jQuery pull-down information panels (version 2).

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Drop List Menu

A Drop List Menu with curved corners and drop shadows.

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CSS3 slide down menu

Using CSS3 to produce a slide down menu.

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CSS + TIME flyout menu

Using Microsoft timeaction (TIME) instead of tables and conditional comments for IE6.

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Safari Mobile browser dropdown menu

A single level dropdown menu aimed at the Safari Mobile browser (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).

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Safari Mobile browser slide down menu

A single level slide down menu aimed at the Safari Mobile browser (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).

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CSS3 Slide Up/Down Gallery

A simple gallery which uses CSS3 to produce an up/down image slide animation.

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CSS3 Icon Slide Menu

Using CSS3 to animate an icon menu with associated text.

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Safari Mobile browser flyout menu

A multi-level flyout menu aimed at the Safari Mobile browser (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).

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Safari Mobile browser droplist menu with delay

A droplist menu with delay action aimed at the Safari Mobile browser (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).

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CSS3 Rotate/Enlarge Gallery

Using CSS3 to rotate, slide and enlarge a set of images.

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Safari Mobile browser flyout list

A flyout list menu with slide action aimed at the Safari Mobile browser (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).

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CSS3 Hover-to-Run slideshow

Using CSS3 to produce an animated slideshow run by hovering an icon.

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Safari Mobile browser flyout icons

A flyout set of social network icons with slide action aimed at the Safari Mobile browser (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).

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CSS3 Image Manipulation

Using CSS3 to animate a set of thumbnail images.

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CSS3 Photo Information panels

Using CSS3 to produce a set of sliding information panels for photo links.

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CSS3 Slide/Animation Pullup Menu

Using CSS3 to produce a sequence of image animations and a slide down sub menu system.

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Safari Mobile browser 'exploding' image links.

Using CSS3 to produce an expanding stack of image links, suitable for the iPad etc.

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CSS3 Expanding Slide Down Menu.

Using CSS3 to produce a set of expanding panels with slide down sub menus.

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CSS3 Book Shelf Menu.

Using CSS3 to produce a Book Shelf menu with animated books.

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CSS3 3D Rotating Card

Using CSS3 to rotate a card to see the reverse using 'perspective'. For Safari ONLY at the moment

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CSS3 Vertical Image Slide Menu.

Using CSS3 to produce a vertical sliding set of panels with menus.

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CSS3 Carousel Slideshow

Using CSS3 to produce a Carousel Slideshow. For Safari, Chrome, Opera and Safari v4 beta ONLY at the moment

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Image enlarger

Using the gerneral sibling selector to show enlarged sections of an image on hover.

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CSS3 3D Rollover Menu

Using CSS3 to produce a 3D Rollover Menu - for Safari ONLY at the moment.

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CSS3 3D Billboard

Using CSS3 with perspective to animate a three image billboard. For Safari ONLY at the moment

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CSS3 3D Carousel

Using CSS3 with perspective to animate carousel of slides with auto-run and slide enlarge. For Safari ONLY at the moment

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CSS3 3D Book

Using CSS3 with perspective to produce a book which has an open/close cover and 360 degree rotation. For Safari ONLY at the moment

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CSS3 3D Social Network Ring

Using CSS3 to produce a Rotating set of Social Network Icons - for Safari ONLY at the moment.

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CSS3 Carousel Slideshow - 'Click version'

Using CSS3 to produce a Carousel Slideshow. Animation for Safari, Chrome, Opera and Safari v4 beta ONLY at the moment. Now with a click action

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CSS ONLY click action multi-level menu

Using just CSS to produce a multi-level menu with a click action instead of the normal hover.

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CSS ONLY click action dropline menu

Continuing with the 'click' series to demonstrate a dropline menu with a click action instead of the normal hover.

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CSS ONLY click action flyout menu

The next in the 'click' series to demonstrate a flyout menu with a click action instead of the normal hover.

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CSS ONLY click action vertical slide menu

The next in the 'click' series to demonstrate a vertical slide menu with a click action instead of the normal hover.

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CSS3 'Hover/Click' Slideshow

Using CSS3 to produce a slideshow with a hover/click action and animation.

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A Flylist menu suitable for use on the iPad, iPhve and iPod Touch

A flyout list menu with top level links and a close menu icon for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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CSS Stacked Slideshow

Using CSS to produce an animated stack of images.