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CSS3 Parallax Scrolling

Using CSS3 to parallax scroll text.

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CSS3 'Drop Everything'

Using CSS3 to produce a multi purpose dropdown menu system that can contain any information.

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CSS3 3D Spheres

Using CSS3 to style different color square boxes into 3D spheres.

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CSS3 Infinite Zoom-In

In collaboration with Javier Román Cortés I have produced an infinite zoom-in set of images animated with nothing more than Safari CSS webkit styling. To celebrate 20 years of Photoshop.

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CSS3 Auto-run Slideshow

Using Webkit keyframes to produce an auto-run slideshow with pause facility using absolutely NO javascript. For Safari and Chrome at the moment.

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CSS3 Digital Timer

Using Webkit keyframes to produce an auto-run digital time to show how long you have been on a page.

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CSS3 Analogue Clock

Using Webkit keyframes to produce an analogue clock. A small javascript routine is used to set the correct time on page entry.

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Shadows revisited

Using Microsoft filter to produce a drop shadow for all versions of IE to match the css3 shadows of Firefox etc.

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Dropshadow/gradient fill menu for IE

Using Microsoft filter to produce a dropdown menu with drop shadows and gradient fill overlays

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Interactive Marquee for Safari and Chrome

Using CSS3 and keyframes to produce an interactive marquee

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Tower of Hanoi

The Tower of Hanoi puzzle in collaboration with Javier Román Cortés

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CSS3 Animated cubes

Using webkit keyframes to continuously anumate a set of cubes.

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CSS3 Click Gallery

Using CSS3 general sibling selector to produce a left/right click gallery.

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CSS3 Clickbox Gallery

Using CSS3 adjacent sibling selector to produce a Clickbox Gallery.

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ImageMap Revisited

Mapping of irregular shapes using just css. With hover effect and popup information panel.

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CSS Select List Menu

A CSS menu with current page override and graphic/information.

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Dropline menu with current page override

A CSS only dropline menu with current page selection and override when hovering other tabs.

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CSS3 Click Slideshow

Using CSS3 adjacent sibling selector to produce a Click Slideshow.

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CSS play - F.a.S.T.

How to fit images of unknown size into boxes of known size using just CSS.

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FaST Gallery.

Using FaST to create a gallery for any size images.

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CSS3 Smooth Zoom Icon Menu

Using CSS3 transitions to produce a smooth zoom on hover icon menu.

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CSS3 Text Overflow

Two methods to indicate text-overflow. One using CSS3 and the other using a small graphic.

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Image dropdown with rollovers

A single level dropdown with top level rollover images.

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CSS3 Sliced Rollover

Using CSS3 transitions and delay to produce a sliced image rollover 'poster' change.

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CSS3 Image Enlarger

Using CSS3 transitions to produce a smooth image enlarger.

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CSS3 Slideout Menu

Using CSS3 to produce a smooth slidout action for the top level and sub menus.

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CSS3 Single Level Slideout Menu

Using CSS3 to produce a smooth slidout for a single level menu with siding icons.

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CSS only drill-down menu

A CSS answer to the javascrpt drill-down menus.

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CSS playBOX - The Ultimate CSS Lightbox.

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CSS playBOX v2

CSS playBOX v2 - The Ultimate CSS Lightbox - with additional features.

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CSS Float/Drop image menu

A menu using the float/drop technique using background images with hover change and breadcrumb trail.

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CSS Float/Drop image menu version 2

Another menu using the float/drop technique using total background images with hover change and breadcrumb trail.

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Droplist Menu with flyout sub menus

A droplist menu with 1, 2 3 or 4 columns and flyout sub menus.

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CSS3 animated droplist menu

A CSS3 animated droplist menu with slide up/down and fade in/out for browsers that support transitions

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Float/Drop Menu Tutorial

A tutorial to explain how the float.drop menu system works.

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NEW! Inline/Dropdown menu system

A totally new method of producing a dropdown menu with variable width and NO hacks of any kind, just html and css.

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Inline/Dropline menu

A follow on from the dropdown menu this one is a dropline with variable width and NO hacks of any kind, just html and css.

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Inline/Flyout menu

To complete the set of inline menus this is the flyout version with variable width and NO hacks of any kind, just html and css.

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F.a.S.T Image Enlarger

Using the Fit and Shrink Technique to produce an image enlarger which does not need the image sizes to be defined.

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Flyline/Dropdown Menu with CSS3 animation

A flyline / dropdown menu with CSS3 enhancements for browsers that support animation.

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Slide Line Menu with CSS3 animation

A slide out menu with CSS3 enhancements for browsers that support animation.

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100% background Images using CSS3

How to style the background image using CSS3 to make it fit the container size.

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CSS3 Animated Tabs

Using CSS3 to produce an animated tabs menu with no images.

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Dropline with Overrun

A dropline menu with an overrun area and CSS3 enhancements.

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Dropdown with a twist

A dropdown menu with a twist and CSS3 enhancements.

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CSS3 Enhanced Photo Gallery

A simple photo gallery with CSS3 enhancements to rival javascript versions.

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CSS3 Enhanced Picture Gallery

A simple picture gallery with CSS3 enhancements and pictures of various sizes.

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CSS3 and time:animate sliding panels

A sliding panel demo using CSS3 and IE time:animate for smooth sliding action.

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timeAction Galleries for IE7 and IE8

A series of three galleries using timeAction for IE7 and IE8 only.

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HTML+TIME Dropdown Menu

Using the w3.org HTML+TIME to produce a dropdown menu that works in IE browsers from IE5.5 upwards (and all other browsers).