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A vertical slide with current page override.

A vertical sliding menu with current page styling and the ability to override the current page style when hovering other items.

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A CSS image map menu.

A CSS dropdown menu using an image map for the top level items with a rollover state, using just two images.

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A dropdown menu with current page override.

A dropdown menu with current page styling and the ability to override the current page style when hovering other items.

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A CSS gallery by numbers.

A CSS slide show using numbers with a hover/click state but with the controls only visible when reqired.

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Menu link text, png image replacement with rollover that degrades well with images off etc..

A method of replacing menu link text with rollover png images that works in IE6 and also degrades well when images are of and/or CSS is off.

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A peculiar IE bug that allows irregular image maps with PNG images

A method of creating irregular shaped image maps with ease exploiting an odd effect when using Microsofts AlphaImageLoader to render background PNG images. Only for IE though.

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A simple image dropdown menu

A simple method of replacing all text with images in a single level dropdown menu with rollover.

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A more complex image dropdown menu

A more complex method of replacing all text with images in a single level dropdown menu using individual png images.

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Previous/Next click gallery

A click gallery using 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons to navigate, in which the large image is permanently on screen until another image is chosen EVEN when refreshing the page. With descriptive text and linking option.

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Previous/Next preview click gallery

A click gallery using 'Previous' and 'Next' preview images to navigate, in which the large image is permanently on screen until another image is chosen EVEN when refreshing the page. With descriptive text and linking option.

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Gallery with sliding thumbnail images

A click gallery using a sliding set of thumbnail images to navigate. The large image is permanently on screen until another image is chosen EVEN when refreshing the page. With descriptive text and linking option.

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Gallery with vertical sliding thumbnail images

The previous gallery but with the thumbnails arranged vertically instead of horizontal.

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Image information dropdown menu

A dropdown menu using top level png images with the submenu used for image information.

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Multi-level, multi-line flyout menu

A simple multi-level flyout menu with fixed widths and multi-line text.

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Multi-level, multi-line dropdown menu

A dropdown version of the previous multi-line flyout menu

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Simple anywidth flyout menu with breadcrumb trail

A simple anywidth CSS flyout menu with an easy method of having a breadcrumb trail.

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Single level dropdown button menu

Using the no hacks dropdown system and a little extra styling to produce a dropdown button menu with highlight on hover.

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Multi-column flyout menu

A vertical flyout menu with multi column lists ans opacity.

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Re-styled no hacks dropdown/flyout menu

The no hacks, no javascript, no tables and no conditional comments dropdown/flyout menu restyled to work correctly in all browsers, with tabbing.

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No hacks multi level flyout menu

The no hacks, no javascript, no tables and no conditional comments flyout menu with tabbing.

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No hacks dropdown/flyout menu v2

The no hacks, no javascript, no tables and no conditional comments dropdown/flyout menu with png opacity background images.

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No hacks dropdown/flyout menu v3

Using the new multi-level menu system this has a better indication of the path taken through the menu structure.

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No hacks dropdown/flyout menu v4

A multi-level drop/fly menu using the new system and mouse clicks instead of hovers.

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No hacks dropdown/flyout menu v5

A multi-level drop/fly menu using the new system with manually adjusted widths for top and sub levels.

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No hacks dropdown/flyout menu v6

The previous menu with the ability to adjust the widths of all levels.

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No hacks dropdown/flyout menu v7

The previous menu with the ability to adjust the widths of all levels and center each level.

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No hacks flyout menu v2

A skeleton flyout menu with the path taken through the menu highlighted..

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No hacks dropdown/flyout menu v8

The multi level dropdown/flyout menu with the path through the menu highlighted.

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No hacks dropdown/flyout menu v9

A small restyle to make this menu system more robust and have an easy menu trail style.

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CSS play's 'Clickbox'

CSS play's 'Clickbox' version of Lightbox that now works in Safari(PC) and Google Chrome.

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No hacks dropdown/flyout - 'Snowstorm'

Back to the very basic styling to produce this no hacks dropdown/flyout menu.

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Using CSS play's 'Clickbox'

A practical use of CSS play's 'Clickbox'. A CSS only version of Lightbox that now works in Safari(PC) and Google Chrome.

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CSS play's 'Slideshow'

A revised and simplified 'Slideshow' that now eorks in Safari(PC) and Chrome.

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Totally NEW 'Push-Pull' sub line menu system

A dropline menu using a totally NEW method that requires NO hacks and works in all browsers. Also allows tabbing.

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'Pullover' sub line menu

Using the same NEW method as the previous menu to have the sub line appear above the top level links.

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Image dropdown menu - no hacks

Using the latest no hack system to have top level images and dropdown boxes cntaing images and text

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'Showup' sub line menu

Using the same NEW method as the previous menu to have the sub line appear above the top level links. This one has simpler styling.

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CSS3 slide menu

Using CSS3 styles to produce an animated slide down/up menu identical to javascript versions.

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CSS3 fade menu

Using CSS3 styles to produce an animated fade-in menu with curverd corners, drop shadows and gradient fills.

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CSS3 Photo Slide

Using CSS3 styles to produce a sliding photo gallery.

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CSS3 Zoom Gallery

Using CSS3 styles to produce a zoom/fade-in photo gallery.

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CSS3 Buttons

Using CSS3 styles to produce buttons without graphics and no extra markup.

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CSS3 Photo Info

Using CSS3 styles to produce a sliding information panel over images.

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Image Magnifier

The Image Magnifier of 2005 revisited to improve quality and make simpler and smoother.

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CSS3 fitted tabs

Using CSS3 styles to produce a tabs menu with no graphics and no extra markup

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CSS3 general sibling selector problem

Using CSS3 'general sibling' selector problems when using :hover in Safari and Chrome

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CSS3 slide up/down lists

Using CSS3 to produce a slide up/down multi column lists menu system

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CSS3 Animation

Using CSS3 selectors to animate a series of static images.

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CSS3 Can Roll

Using CSS3 selectors to animate two static images to give 3D effect.

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CSS3 Duff Roll

The previous demo adapted to have a continuous left to right rolling can.