opinion and polls

Show me more/less revisited

Using CSS3 and the latest discoveries and techniques to update this demonstrations.

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A Droplist menu suitable for use on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

A droplist menu with top level links and a close menu tab for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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Image Information Panels

Using CSS3 and the latest discoveries and techniques to have a click action image information panels.

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A pulldown panel with droplist menu suitable for use on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

A pulldown panel containing a droplist menu using just CSS and suitable for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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CSS click action vertical concertina menu

Another menu in the 'click' series to demonstrate a vertical concertina menu with a click action instead of the normal hover and working in IE6.

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An image fix for stay open sub menus on the iPad, iPhve and iPod Touch

Using an image to close any open sub menus on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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Another update to the css only lightbox style

Using the latest techniques to update the previous lightbox demos.

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A CSS3 animated drop down menu

Using CSS3 to produce an animated drop down menu that look like jQuery.

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A Circular menu squared

A circular menu with CSS3 enhancements.

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A CSS3 click multi-dropline menu

Using CSS3 to produce a click action dropline menu with multiple levels.

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A CSS3 gradient fill menu

Using CSS3 to produce a set of horizontal menus using gradient fills and inner/outer shadows.

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CSS3 Sliding Panels

Using CSS3 to animated a set of information panels of varying sizes.

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CSS3 Photo Corner Curls

Using CSS3 to give the impresssion of curled corner on images of any size.

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CSS3 Flower Power

Using CSS3 to produce a circular menu with petals on a flower.

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CSS Image Rotation

Using CSS to cycle though a set of images.

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CSS3 Playing Cards

Using CSS3 to produce a playing card animated menu.

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CSS3 Page Flip Animation

Using CSS3 to animate a page flip to show two inner pages.

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CSS3 Page Flip Animation with a twist

Using CSS3 to animate a page flip to show two inner pages with a little twist.

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CSS3 Page Flip Gallery

Using the CSS3 page flip routine to produce a page flip gallery.

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CSS3 Page Flip Book

Using the CSS3 page flip routine to produce a page flip book.

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CSS3 Resize

Demonstrations for the use of the 'resize' style.

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oneBox lightbox

Using :before/:after and content: together with the general sibling selector to produce a CSS only lightbox with minimal code.

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Content: 100 image gallery

Using :before/:after and content: together with the general sibling selector to produce a CSS only gallery of 100 images with all the image information in the stylesheet.

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An Anywidth Menu for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

Adapting the Anywidth dropdown/flyout menu to work on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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An Anywidth Menu version 2 for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

The previous menu modified to give a clearer indication of the 'CLOSE' tab for the iPad etc..

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A slide down menu for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

A single level slide down menu with a 'close' tab for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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A drop/fly menu for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

A multi level dropdown/flyout animated menu with a 'close' tab for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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CSS3 Keyframe Gallery

Using CSS3 Keyframes to produce an animated gallery, for Safari, Chrome and the New Firefox v5.

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CSS3 Icon Zoom Menu

Using only CSS to animate (zoom/fade/skew) a set of icon images.

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CSS3 Text Zoom Menu

Using only CSS to animate (zoom) a vertical menu list.

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CSS3 Keyframe 'Lightbox' Gallery

Using CSS3 Keyframes to produce an animated 'lightbox' type gallery, for Safari, Chrome and the New Firefox 5.

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CSS3 Meowww!

Using CSS3 to draw and animate a cat meowing, for Safari, Chrome and the New Firefox 5.

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CSS3 Reflections

Using CSS3 and SVG to produce 'reflections' for Firefox 4 and 5 (as well as Safari and Chrome).

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CSS3 LightBox Menu

Using only CSS to animate a 'LightBox' style droplist menu.

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CSS click droplist menu

A droplist menu with click action and click to close feature.

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CSS Round and Round circular menu

A circular icon menu with circular icon sub menus and animation.

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A droplist menu with slide action

A droplist menu with slidedown action and pushdown of the content beneath.

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CSS3 Left/Right Slide Gallery

Using CSS3 transitions to produce a left/right sliding gallery.

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A drop panel menu with multi-configurations

A drop panel menu with multiple configurations, rows, column, galleries flyout/dropdown sub menus, forms, suitable for the iPad, iPhone etc..

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CSS solid text with shadow

Using CSS3 to style text to make it look solid with a realistic shadow and no extra markup.

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CSS3 Headline Changer

Using CSS3 keyframes to animate a headline changer. Degrades well in browsers that do not support keyframes

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Animated image enlarger

An image enlarger with animation, title and descriptive text (which can contain links)..

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Focus on images

A method of applying :focus to images.

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Image click information panels

A show/hide information panels using click to open and close.

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Click action dropdown menu

A dropdown menu with click to open/close, suitable for the iPad etc..

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Three auto-run slideshows

Using transitions and keyframes with step() to prodcue three auto-run slideshows.

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CSS3 Tabs

Using CSS3 to style unordered list with iner/outer radius tabs.

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Slide out menu

A CSS3 animated slide out menu

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Click action concertina slide menu

A CSS3 vertical concertina menu with click to open/close and slide action. Suitable for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.

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Click action vertical slide menu with bug fixes for IE and iPad

A single level dropdown menu with clck action incorporating the latest bug fixes for IE and the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.