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Los Regalos Están Llegando, Pero . . .

Carta: 2Cor 6:16- 7:1, Evangelio Lc 7: 11-16 El Padre Nicholas predicó sobre cómo el amor de Dios es gratuito. Letter: 2Cor 6:16- 7:1, Gospel: Lk 7: 11-16 Father Nicholas preached on how God’s love is free.

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Escucha Bien Porque los Misterios Son Profundos

Carta: Tit 3: 8-15, Evangelio Lc 8:5-15 El Padre Nicholas predicó sobre las consecuencias de obrar correctamente y en fe . Letter: Tit 3: 8-15, Gospel: Lk 8: 5-15 Father Nicholas preached about the consequences of working correctly and in faith.

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El Premio Nos Espera

Carta: Gal 1: 11-19, Evangelio Lc 8: 41-56 El Padre Nicholas predicó sobre el premio celestial. Letter: Gal 1: 11-19, Gospel: Lk 8: 41-56 Father Nicholas preached about the heavenly prize.

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Llénate Con el Espíritu

Carta: Ef 2: 14-22, Evangelio Lc 10: 25-37 El Padre Nicholas predicó sobre llenarnos con el Espíritu de Dios y rechazar la maldad. Letter: Ef 2: 14-22, Gospel: Lk 10: 25-37 Father Nicholas preached about filling us with the Spirit of God and rejecting evil.

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Mantenga el Ritmo De Dios

Carta: Ef 4: 1-7, Evangelio Lc 12: 16-21 El Padre Nicholas predicó sobre escuchar la llamada de Dios. Letter: Ef 4: 1-7, Gospel: Lk 12: 16-21 Father Nicholas preached about listening to God’s call.

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Donde Está Tu Tesoro, Ahí Está Tu Corazón

Carta: Gál 3: 23-4:5, Evangelio Lc 18: 18- 27 El Diácono Alejandro predico sobre la conversión. Letter: Gal 3: 23-4:5, Gospel: Lk 18: 18-27 Deacon Alejandro preached about conversion.

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Recuerda Tu Propósito

Carta: Col 1:12-18, Evangelio Lc 18: 35-43 El Padre Nicholas predicó sobre evitar vanos apegos. Letter: Col 1:12-18, Gospel: Lk 18: 35-43 Father Nicholas preached about avoiding vain attachments.

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Enraizar Fuerte En El Señor

Carta: Heb 11: 9-10, 32-40, Evangelio Mt 1: 1-25 El Padre Nicholas predicó unirse a Cristo y hacer su voluntad. Letter: Heb 11: 9-10, 32-40, Gospel: Mt 1: 1-25 Father Nicholas preached to join Christ and do his will.

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Escuchar a Dios en el Silencio

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre guardar silencio en la oración para escuchar la voz de Dios. Father Nicholas preached on keeping silent in prayer to hear the voice of God.

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Dios Te Ama

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre cómo Dios se preocupa de nosotros. Father Nicholas preached on how God cares for us.

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La Salvación Depende de Cristo

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre cómo Jesucristo nos ha salvado.

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La Meta Es El Cielo

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre nuesta meta que es lograr estar con Dios en su reino. Father Nicholas preaches about our goal, which is to be with God in his kingdom.

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¿Cuál es Nuestra Vocación? / What is Our Vocation?

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre el llamado de Dios en nuestras vidas. Father Nicholas preached on the call of God in our lives.

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El Espíritu de la Verdad

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre rechazar el espiritu de la mentira y buscar y aceptar al Espíritu de Dios. Father Nicolás preached on rejecting the spirit of lies and seeking and accepting the Spirit of God.

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¿Conoces al Padre?

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre acercarse a la ayuda del Padre. Father Nicholas preached about reaching out to Father’s help.

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Busca la Santidad

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre buscar la santidad y pureza. Father Nicholas preached on seeking holiness and purity.

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Vale la Pena el Sacrificio

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre lo dificil del camino, pero que vale la pena el esfuerzo por la vida eterna. Father Nicholas preached about how difficult the road is, but that it is worth the effort for eternal life.

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Pecamos Pero No Perecemos

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre nuestra fragilidad humana y la misericordia de Dios. Father Nicolás preached on our human frailty and God’s mercy.

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La Lucha es Grande y el Premio También

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la lucha del cristiano para alcanzar la gloria. Father Nicholas preached on the Christian’s struggle to achieve glory.

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¿Por que Buscar a Dios?

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre el acercamiento a Dios para ser sanados. Father Nicholas preached on approaching God to be healed.

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Dios Promueve Nuestro Exito

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la ayuda de Dios cuando caemos. Father Nicholas preached about God’s help when we fall.

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Dios No Nos Abandona

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre cómo Dios busca nuestra salvación y cómo debemos esforzarnos para alcanzarla. Father Nicholas preached on how God seeks our salvation and how we should strive to achieve it.

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Por El Poder De Cristo Entraremos En El Paraíso

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre cómo Cristo conquistó el Paríso para nosotros. Father Nicholas preached on how Christ conquered Paradise for us.

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Lo Más Importante Es Quienes Somos

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la importancia del ser. Father Nicolás preached on the importance of being.

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Cristo Regresará

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre el regreso de Cristo, pero; ¿Estamos preparados? Father Nicolás preached on the return of Christ, but; We are prepared?

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El Rey de la Gloria

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre cómo darle gloria a Dios, regocijándonos de que Él está con nosotros. Father Nicholas preached on how to bring glory to God, rejoicing that He is with us.

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¿A Qué Dedicamos Nuestra Vida?

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre nuestra ocupación buscando lo eterno o lo temporal. Father Nicholas preached about our occupation looking for the eternal or the temporal.

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Nuestras Heridas Sanadas Por Cristo

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre cómo Dios nos sana. Father Nicholas preached on how God heals us.

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Recibir la Paz

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre cómo recibimos la paz de Dios. Father Nicholas preached on how we receive the peace of God.

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Dios es Grande

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la grandeza de Dios, su gran amor por la humanidad y su obra salvadora. Father Nicholas preached on the greatness of God, his great love for humanity and his saving work.

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Preparémonos para la Pascua

El Padre Nicolás predicó cómo debemos prepararnos para recibir a Cristo resucitado en nuestras vidas. Father Nicolás preached how we should prepare to receive the risen Christ in our lives.

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Estar Atentos

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre estar atento a la Palabra de Dios que nos proporciona vida en Cristo. Father Nicholas preached on being attentive to the Word of God that gives us life in Christ.

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La Oración Pura

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la oración auténtica. Father Nicholas preached on authentic prayer.

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La Vida del Espíritu

El Padre Nicolás predicó cómo luchar para vivir la vida del Espíritu. Father Nicolás preached how to fight to live the life of the Spirit.

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Discípulos de Cristo

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la recompensa de seguir a Cristo. Father Nicholas preached on the reward of following Christ.

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Compasión un Camino de Santidad

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre cómo la compasión nos puede ayudar a ser semejantes a Él. Father Nicholas preached on how compassion can help us become like Him.

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Be Always With Christ

Molly looks forward to 2016 with a personal desire to seek after Christ ahead of everything else.

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Come and Abide in Us

Prayer is an exercise in every day and every moment living according to Molly.

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Pray As You Can

Inspired by Fr. Thomas Hopko's "55 Maxims" Molly reflects on the practical aspects of prayer when you are at a loss for words.

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All For One, One For All

Living, praying, and eating together are elements of family life that can too often be ignored.

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Quiet Mind, Quiet Heart

Our minds get bombarded with unwelcome thoughts but what can we do with them? Molly shares what has been helpful to her.

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A Posture of Repentance

Molly suggests there is something very much related to the physical side of being spiritual.

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Go Home and Love Your Family

Loving our family as Christ loves our family gives us a tangible way to respond to hatred with love, to intolerance with compassion, to despair with hope, and to rashness and instability with steadfastness and self-control.

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Motherhood: Let It Break You But Don't Despair

Today's episode is taken from Molly's piece as a guest blog on The Orthodox Mama. With her eyes on the saints and years of raising her four children, Molly offers three big lessons she's learned about motherhood.

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Places So Lonely

As Great Lent approaches, Molly reflects on gluttony, passions, and the great fast.

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A New Song

Molly Sabourin returns to her podcast with a renewed sense of the preeminence of love in a world of discord and hate.

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On Practicing the Resurrection

Christ is risen! The foundational truth of our Orthodox theology. So, how do we practice that theology in everyday life? Moly Sabourin has a few thoughts for us to consider.

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An Instrument of Peace

Whether it's a cello solo on the streets of Mumbai or a random act of kindness in your community, we all can be instruments of peace.

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Greeting the Coming Day in Peace

Many begin their day praying that it will be greeted in peace. Molly Sabourin gives us a glimpse into her morning routine and the difference it can make in her outlook.

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Enter Yet Into the Quiet

Molly Sabourin presents a parable of sorts that came to her while she was taking a walk.