
Printing telegraphy: a new era begins.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5115.K64 1960


Text book on telegraph cable engineering / [Eastern Associated Telegraph Companies] ; edited by J.H. Stephens

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5481.E27 1925


Memorial of the family of Morse / compiled from the original records for the Hon. Asa Porter Morse by Harry Dutch Lord

Archives, Room Use Only - CS71.M885 L67 1896


Singing wires: the telephone in Alberta / Tony Cashman

Archives, Room Use Only - HE8868.A5 C37 1972


Catalogue of the Wheeler gift of books, pamphlets and periodicals in the library of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers / edited by William D. Weaver ; with introduction, descriptive and critical notes by Brother Potamian

Archives, Room Use Only - ZTK143.N532


The life story of Sir Charles Tilston Bright, civil engineer: with which is incorporated the story of the Atlantic cable, and the first telegraph to India and the colonies / by Charles Bright

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5611.B85 1910


The fundamentals of wireless and telegraphy for beginners.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5264.F86 1941


The history of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (1871-1931) / by Rollo Appleyard

Archives, Room Use Only - TK1.I42 1939


Submarine telegraphy / prepared by the Engineers of The Western Union Telegraph Company

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5626.W47 1920


McNeill's code: arranged to meet the requirements of mining, metallurgical and civil engineers; directors of mining, smelting and other companies; bankers; stock and share brokers; solicitors, accountants, financiers and general merchants: safety and

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7677.M6 M36 1905


Duplex and quadruplex telegraphy: instruction paper / prepared by the engineers of the Western Union Telegraph Company

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5521.A44 1917


The new general and mining telegraph code ...: alphabetically arranged for the use of mining companies, mining engineers, stockbrokers, financial agents, and trust and finance companies / by C. Algernon Moreing and Thomas Neal

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7677.M6 M67 1907


Modern electrical engineering / prepared under the editorship of Magnus Maclean

Archives, Room Use Only - TK145.M334 1919


Telegraphy and telephony with railroad applications / by Charles Stanley Rhoads ; a description of the fundamentals of telegraphy and telephony and of the organization, outside and inside plant, apparatus, circuits and methods of operation, engineering a

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.R46 1924


A history of inventions, discoveries, and origins / by John Beckmann ; translated from the German by William Johnston

Archives, Room Use Only - T15.B3813 1846


Telegraph repeaters: instruction paper / prepared by the Engineers of the Western Union Telegraph Company

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5571.W47 1918


District telegraph and time service: instruction paper / prepared by the Engineers of the Western Union Telegraph Company

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5263.W468 1917


History of the Engineering department / by E.C. Baker

Archives, Room Use Only - HE6935.B35 1939


London international telephone exchange: reproduced from the Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal of July, 1934 / by S. Birch and C.H. Hartwell

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6211.B57 1934


Pioneer inventions and pioneer patents: a lecture on patent law delivered to the senior engineering students of Purdue University of the classes of '22, '23, and '24 and previous classes / by Frank Keiper

Archives, Room Use Only - T223.Z1 K45 1924


On submerging telegraphic cables / by James Atkinson Longridge , M. Inst. C.E., and Charles Henry Brooks

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5671.L66 1858


Surat police detains Congress leaders for flagging off train for migrant workers


Places in History for August 10, 1861. Aerial Reconnaisance, Sewells Point, Virginia

Historic maps from the Library's collections documenting battles and campaigns of the Civil War, and other historical events.


Places in History for December 20, 1861: Drainsville, Virginia

Featuring historic maps from the Library's collections, "Places in History" documents battles and campaigns of the Civil War, as well as other historical events, by examining maps and their historical context.   The site sill be updated regularly with a selection of new maps, accompanied by captions, following the course of the Civil War in chronological order.

Click here to view the "Places in History" web site and Archive.


Kerala HC seeks Centre's response on plea challenging move to make Aarogya Setu app mandatory for govt, private sector employees


PHOTOS: IAF's Chinook begins operations in Siachen

The chopper was inducted into service in March last year.


Workers in Guj begin over 600-km trek home on foot

The labourers said there was no point in staying back in Gujarat without any income.


India begins lockdown 3.0; more cars, people on roads

Massive crowds thronged liquor stores, more vehicles plied on roads and cab-hailing platforms resumed services as India entered the third phase of the lockdown on Monday with further easing of curbs except in containment zones in the shadow of the highest rate of recovery yet from coronavirus.


FDR’s Brain Trust and the Beginning of the New Deal

In his search for a new national message during the 1932 presidential primary, FDR gathered around him a number of political, economic and legal scholars. The core of this group were Columbia University professors, who knew and trusted each other, and were willing to take risks and work long unpaid hours to promote a candidate that they believed could turn around a nation in crisis.

End Date: 
March 26th, 2010
Nov 6 2009 to Mar 26 2010
Teaser Image: 
Friday, November 6, 2009 to Friday, March 26, 2010
Start Date: 
Friday, November 6, 2009
Teaser Image Caption: 

Irving Browning Buy My Apples, 1929 Gelatin Silver Print New-York Historical Society, Gift of Irving Browning.

Although at first a casual circle, the group became tightly organized after FDR's nomination. After the election, they were publicly christened the "Brain Trust," and became the central component of the New Deal. This exhibition will focus on the three key members of the Brain Trust—Raymond Moley, Rexford Tugwell, and Adolph Berle—and two of the New Deal cabinet members with whom they worked to bring about FDR's radical changes—Frances Perkins and Harry Hopkins. Using contemporary photographs, cartoons, broadsides, articles and newsreels, this exhibition will be supplemented by audio reminisces from the collection of the Columbia University Oral History Research Office.



'I am bringing my son up all on my own with the art of giving...

'I am bringing my son up all on my own with the art of giving...


'I'm your longing for life': Kangana Ranaut pens down beauti...

'I'm your longing for life': Kangana Ranaut pens down beauti...


JavaScript engine fundamentals: Shapes and Inline Caches

This article describes some key fundamentals that are common to all JavaScript engines — and not just V8, the engine the authors work on. As a JavaScript developer, having a deeper understanding of how JavaScript engines work helps you reason about the performance characteristics of your code.


JavaScript engine fundamentals: optimizing prototypes

This article explains JavaScript engine optimization pipeline trade-offs, and describes how engines such as V8 speed up accesses to prototype properties. As a JavaScript developer, having a deeper understanding of how JavaScript engines work helps you reason about the performance characteristics of your code.


Union Health Ministry issues fresh guidelines for discharging COVID-19 patients


AMU's academic session to begin in August


OMCs' margins to take a hit post increase in taxes: Ind-Ra


Mixing and matching genes of marine and terrestrial origin in the biosynthesis of the mupirocin antibiotics

Chem. Sci., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9SC06192D, Edge Article
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Luoyi Wang, Zhongshu Song, Paul R. Race, James Spencer, Thomas J. Simpson, Matthew P. Crump, Christine L. Willis
Where the sea meets the land: the mupirocin biosynthetic gene cluster (BGC) from the terrestrial bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens was repurposed via a plug-and-play approach with heterologous genes from the marine strain that produces thiomarinol.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Online booking, home delivery of liquor to begin in West Bengal


TN moves SC challenging HC order to shut down liquor shops


Tamil Nadu approaches SC challenging Madras HC order of closing liquor shops


Longing for love and a square meal, Chennai's horses find both

The horses on Chennai's Marina beach were slowly starving to death because of the lockdown until Shiranee Pereira decided to take a hand.


Lifting of PDS Rice for the month of May begins

Lifting of PDS Rice for the month of May begins


Bringing Relevant Content into your Designs

October 6, 2015

Many important considerations impact software design. Business goals, user goals, user context, cultural considerations, platform paradigms, branding requirements, devices … the list goes on and on. While a primary focus for any software design effort should be the data or other content that’s being displayed, this keystone element is often given short shrift. This is unfortunate and shortsighted. Given the focus it your content will receive, it should be a primary consideration during the design process.

It is a common practice to represent data and content as “Lorem ipsum,” repeating data, or simply using “best case scenario” data. In reality, this isn’t what will be experienced in the final product. The data you have to work with can drastically affect the final design, and the design will influence the type, format, and presentation of data.

Infusing Real Content into Your Designs

Whether you’re more
By Juan Sanchez



Shaheen Bagh-type indefinite protest begins in Ludhiana


Punjab cancels holidays, leaves of staff engaged in managing COVID-19


Punjab NRI Affairs Minister thanks Centre for bringing back 113 Indians from Amsterdam


Amritsar temples following coronavirus lockdown as Navratri begins


COVID-19 : Punjab distilleries begins manufacturing sanitisers


Apologise for mismanaging pilgrims' return: Sukhbir to Amarinder