
Colombian Studio Shows How to Build Awesome, Cheap Furniture with Pipes, Wood and Wire

In this open source design project, Dos Uno shares cool, easy to make designs for chairs, tables and shelves using cheap readily available materials.


Photo: A fuzzy tropical flower with purple polka dots

Our commenters helped determine that the species of this cool tropical flower is Kohleria affinis.


Venture With Impact: Unique program combines coworking abroad with volunteering

This startup offers tailored volunteering experiences where participants can continue working remotely while abroad, in addition to volunteering their skills in local communities.


The remarkable history and healing power of honey

How did honey go from being the world's most important food to an undervalued afterthought?


Imagine a world reliant on robot bees to roam the fields and meadows

Welcome to your dystopian nightmare installment #4692.


700+ native bee species spiraling toward extinction

North American bees are at risk of disappearing thanks to severe habitat loss and increasing pesticide use, among other threats, new report reveals.


10 bee-friendly annual flowers

Make your garden attractive to bees by planting specific plants, but be sure they're organic and indigenous to your region.


How mushrooms might save the honey bee

In the fight against one of the honey bee’s nemesis, the varroa mite, scientists have found an ally in a widely-distributed mushroom.


How honeybees make the internet work

In defense of biomimicry and of scientific research with no foreseeable applications


London is looking to plant 9 million wildflowers

A new campaign is seeking to turn the city into a pollinator's playground by planting a wildflower for every resident.


These special bees craft nests from flower petals

The colorful papier-mache cocoons provide a safe haven for bringing baby bees into the world.


No substitute for bumblebees, study shows

Big fuzzy bumblebees do plants a favor, while smaller bee species steal pollen from plants with little in return


Restored church building has a growing congregation – of bees

ZGF builds interesting hives on the roof of a fascinating building.


Airbnb to Owe City Hotel Tax in San Francisco

The pioneering site that brokers accommodation in private homes must now pay city hotel tax in San Francisco, according to a new ruling. What does this mean for collaborative consumption?


5 Yoga Retreats We Want to Go on Now

From coastal getaways to desert hotspots, these retreats sooth the body and soul.


Summertime means heading to the shore, in both town and country

Katherine lives in rural Ontario. Margaret lives in New York City. The way they enjoy their summers is bound to be drastically different.


Globalized Beef, Palm Oil & Timber Corporations Now Main Cause of Tropical Deforestation

Confirming what previous studies have shown, new research from the Union of Concerned Scientists shows that the main threats to tropical forests are no longer from


How do they find horse meat in hamburger?

A relatively new test detected horse meat in European hamburger. We wonder: how do they test this? Could it happen in America? What happens to all the recalled food?


Organic, lab-grown hamburgers – only $330,000

Muscle-meat grown in a laboratory is no longer in the realm of science fiction, except for the price of an 'all-beef' patty.


Does anyone really know which diet is best for the environment?

The meat vs. veggies debate is a lot more complex than it seems at first glance.


How many showers would you skip to help the beef industry?

Would you go stinky for steak? By skipping 26 showers for every 4 oz hamburger you eat, you can offset the water used to produce it.


I ate how many trees for breakfast?

What nutrition labels do, and do not, tell us about what goes into our food


If cows could fly: What's in United Airlines' biofuel?

It turns out that it's probably beef fat.


Sonic's part-mushroom burger now available nationwide

Blending ground beef with mushrooms cuts both calories and carbon emissions. Oh, and lots of folks say it tastes better too.


Calling veggie substitutes "meat" is now illegal in Missouri

Guess which industry pushed that one through?


Yet another study shows that bike lanes boost business

A deeper look at Toronto's Bloor Street bike lanes finds more shoppers spending more money.


Why don't Americans wear helmets in the shower?

Way more people get traumatic injuries in the shower than they do on bikes, but almost nobody takes the most basic safety precautions.


How to ride your e-bike all winter

It's a little bit different from how you ride your bike, but not much.


How to keep your fridge clean and organized

Save time, money, and food by taking a structured approach.


How to declutter children's artwork

It's painful but necessary if you want to maintain an organized home.


How to Buy an Eco Friendly Mattress

Buying a mattress free of harmful chemicals and gentle on the environment is no easy task. A mattress expert weighs in.


Build your own transformer bed that turns into a desk

Graham Phakos did, with an interesting design that does everything the expensive Italian jobs do.


Why would people hang their babies out the windows in cages?

They were taught that their children needed fresh cool air in order to thrive. It would be pretty healthy for their carbon footprint too.


Modular multifunctional unit for small & narrow bedrooms

Handcrafted with softwood, natural oils and waxes, this furniture unit makes a tiny, narrow bedroom feel much bigger.


Good news! Wind power and this vulnerable bird species get along fine

Scientists find that wind power farms don't harm this at-risk species, a bit of surprise because other studies have shown that oil and gas development does affect prairie chickens.


Dutch wind turbine crowdfunded in just 13 hours

Crowdfunding the latest gizmo is one way to be an early adopter, but all you get out of it is a gadget. Crowdfunding a renewable energy project, on the other hand, could deliver clean energy to your home.


Dragonfly wind turbine aims to blend in, produce power in low wind conditions

While large wind turbines remain the dominant force in wind power, wider adoption may lie with small-scale turbines fit for urban and low wind conditions.


Hybrid rooftop wind and solar generator now available in U.S. for early adopters

The SolarMill, a 1.2 kW combination wind and solar energy system, will be sold in the U.S. for about $3000.


Owl wings inspire quieter wind turbine blades

Scientists are working to harness the secret of owls' silent flights to build quieter wind power technology.


Facebook 'likes' clean power, new Texas data center to be powered by 100% wind energy

All those cat pictures and viral videos won't harm the Earth.


Wind turbine technology stores excess wind power for when gusts turn to breezes

When wind speeds are higher than a turbine can effectively use, the extra energy is stored for when the wind slows.


Portable micro wind turbine prototype weighs 2 lbs and packs down to the size of an umbrella

Lightweight, collapsible, and quick to deploy, this little wind generator might be a viable off-grid portable power source in places where solar isn't appropriate.


How can people demand a "naturally green" environment and hate wind turbines?

There is either a giant contradiction here in Ontario's Prince Edward County or I am missing something.


Want to save the world? Start with your own neighborhood.

These 6 initiatives can build community, combat loneliness, and stretch resources.


How Lush is supporting cocoa butter farmers in the Congo

It's a mutually beneficial arrangement. Lush gets luxurious fair-trade cocoa butter, while farmers earn income in a low-risk way, not threatened by violence.


Thousands of children in Malawi are learning how to grow food at school

The Malawi Schools Permaculture Clubs, a recipient of the 2018 Lush Spring Prize, provides basic gardening kits and lesson packs to teachers in order to teach valuable agricultural skills.


Critically endangered mountain gorillas show impressive population increase

Mountain gorillas have become the only wild apes whose population numbers are known to be improving.


This is how you do it: 4 elephant poachers convicted in Congo

An increase in maximum sentences for wildlife crimes are being delivered by the Republic of Congo – here's how one gang's arrest and conviction went down.


How good were Neanderthals at hunting?

A new study investigates our ancient cousins' hunting abilities.


Green Gift Guide for Graduates (Slideshow)

Do you have a grad about to turn that tassel around, or leaving high school behind for the big wide world?