
Immigrant-Origin Adults without Postsecondary Credentials: A 50-State Profile

With immigrants and their U.S.-born children poised to be the main source of labor-force growth, these adults are an important target for efforts to build the skills of the U.S. workforce to meet the knowledge-based economy of tomorrow. This fact sheet and state data snapshots explore the characteristics of adults without an academic degree or professional credential, by immigrant generation, race/ethnicity, and more.


Expansion of legal migration opportunities for third-country nationals, particularly in middle- and low-skill sectors, holds potential but should not be oversold as migration management tool, new study cautions

BRUSSELS — While the European Union has called on Member States to expand channels for foreign workers as a way to meet labour market needs and potentially tackle spontaneous migration, they have struggled to deliver on this pledge. To date, policies have focused more on attracting high-skilled workers, but less attention has been paid to admission of low- or middle-skilled nationals. Policymakers would do well not to overestimate the potential of legal channels to reduce irregular migration.


Leveraging the Potential of Home Visiting Programs to Serve Immigrant and Dual Language Learner Families

Home visiting programs for young families are growing in popularity across the United States, and have demonstrated their effectiveness in supporting maternal health and child well-being. At the same time, more infants and toddlers are growing up in immigrant families and households where a language other than English is spoken. Why then are these children under-represented in these programs? This brief explores common barriers, ways to address them, and why it is important to do so.


Case Study: Potential Pitfalls of Using Hemoglobin A1c as the Sole Measure of Glycemic Control

Huy A. Tran
Jul 1, 2004; 22:141-143
Case Studies


The Potential of Group Visits in Diabetes Care

Andrew M. Davis
Apr 1, 2008; 26:58-62
Feature Articles


Therapeutic Inertia is a Problem for All of Us

Stephen Brunton
Apr 1, 2019; 37:105-106


This Essential Mineral Linked To COVID-19 Recovery

An essential mineral in the body have been linked to recovery of COVID-19 patients.

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How visualizing inferential uncertainty can mislead readers about treatment effects in scientific results

STANDARD ERRORS VS STANDARD DEVIATIONS Click to enlarge There’s an ancient haiku that goes: People confuse a well-estimated mean with a certain outcome Ok, that’s not true. But Jake Hofman, Dan Goldstein, and Jessica Hullman have a new paper (recently accepted at CHI 2020) about this. They bet you’ll think the results of their paper […]

The post How visualizing inferential uncertainty can mislead readers about treatment effects in scientific results appeared first on Decision Science News.


Deval Patrick, Obama Education Ally, Announces Presidential Run

A businessman, Patrick served two terms as governor of Massachusetts and has credited education with his own dramatic rise to success.


John Hickenlooper, Who Helped Start a Scholarship Program For Needy High School Students, Announces Presidential Run

Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, who helped initiate a shakeup of Denver Public Schools, has announced that he's running for president as a Democrat in 2020.


Big Ten shares plans for new league-wide mental health initiative

"This is a complex and stressful time in our society and the mental health and wellness of our Big Ten family is a critical component of our focus."


West Virginia signs deal with brand consultant ahead of college athletes' potential ability for endorsements

The NCAA is expected to formally approve rules changes that will allow athletes to get endorsement income in 2021.


Washington State Teachers Strike Over Salary Negotiations

Teachers in seven districts are striking for higher pay—and Seattle may be next.


Confiscation of assets : criminal asset confiscation proceedings for criminal lawyers : advice and negotiation / presented by Casey Isaacs, Caldicott Lawyers.


Costs and persons under a disability : the potential for a conflict of interest / presented by Master Norman, District Court of South Australia.


Obligations of executors to potential family provision claimants / paper presented by The Hon. Justice Samuel Doyle, Supreme Court of South Australia.


Essential Witness Preparation SLIDES - Michael Woods.


Realising the Potential : a review of the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme : a collaborative report researched and prepared by the Australian Government Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Australian Army / written by

In 2017 the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Australian Defence Force (Australian Army) undertook a joint review of the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme (AACAP) to assess its efficiency and effectiveness. The review found AACAP is a highly regarded and effective means of achieving positive environmental and primary health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities while providing valuable training outcomes for Army. AACAP's objectives align with the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) 'Closing the Gap' targets in Indigenous disadvantage and with the Australian Government's Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS). The report identified areas for potential improvement, recommending greater support for the sustainability of infrastructure and project investment, enhanced employment and training opportunities and strengthening of project governance.


She has her mother's laugh : the powers, perversions, and potential of heredity / Carl Zimmer.

Heredity -- Genetics.


Dementia is different : not just another ordinary illness / Ludomyr Mykyta.



The rise of network christianity : how independent leaders are changing the religious landscape / Brad Christerson and Richard Flory.

Pentecostalism -- History -- 21st century.


The forgotten creed : Christianity's original struggle against bigotry, slavery, and sexism / Stephen J. Patterson.

Bible. Galatians, III, 28 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc


The gospel of climate skepticism : why evangelical Christians oppose action on climate change / Robin Globus Veldman.

Climatic changes -- Effect of human beings on -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.


Live and laugh with dementia : the essential guide to maximizing quality of life / Lee-Fay Low.

Dementia -- Treatment.


Celestial bodies = Sayyidat al-qamar / Jokha Alharti ; translated by Marilyn Booth.

Sisters -- Fiction.


Book of beasts : the bestiary in the medieval world / edited by Elizabeth Morrison with the assistance of Larisa Grollemond.

Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval -- Themes, motives -- Exhibitions.


The Royal School of Needlework book of embroidery : a guide to essential stitches, techniques and projects.



Rape : from Lucretia to #metoo / Mithu Sanyal.



Proprioceptive receptor potentials of oscillatory form.



Die Gehirnerweichung der Irren (Dementia paralytica) fur Aerzte und Studirende / bearbeitet von Theodor Simon.

Hamburg : Wilhelm Mauke, 1871.


Die Hand und der Fuss. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Osteologie der Menschen, Affen und Beutelthiere / von Joh. Christian Gustav Lucae.

Frankfurt a. M. : C. Winter, 1865.


Die nervösen Krankheitserscheinungen der Lepra : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Differential-Diagnose : nach eignen auf einer Studienreise in Sarajevo und Constantinopel gesammelten Erfahrungen / von Max Laehr.

Berlin : G. Reimer, 1899.


Die Syphilis wahrend der Periode ihrer Initial- und Fruhformen und deren Behandlung : auf grund von Fournier's "Lecons sur la syphilis" / dargestellt von Emanuel Kohn.

Wien : L.W. Seidel, 1875.


Die Trinksitten, ihre hygienische und sociale Bedeutung : Ihre Beziehungen zur akademischen Jugend : eine Ansprache an die Enthaltsamkeits-Vereine der Studenten zu Christiania und Upsala ... / von August Forel.

Stuttgart : F. Enke, 1891.


Diet in infancy : the essential introduction to the study of disease in childhood / by A. Dingwall-Fordyce.

Edinburgh : W. Green, 1908.


Differential diagnosis of syphilitic and non-syphilitic affections of the skin, including tropical diseases : a survey for medical practioners and students / by George Pernet.

London : Adlard, 1904.


Epilepsie : folie épileptique / par Jules Christian.

Bruxelles : F. Hayez, 1890.


Where the Democratic Presidential Front-Runners Stand on Education

What would a new Democratic administration mean for education? We're getting a clearer idea as former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders emerge as top contenders for the nomination.


Constantia is reunited with her father, the emperor Tiberius II Constantinus, and given as bride to Ælla, king of Northumbria. Stipple engraving by F. Bartolozzi, 1799, after J.F. Rigaud.

London (Poets Gallery Fleet Street) : Publish'd ... by Thos. Macklin, Novr. 30. 1799.


The death of Saint Peter Martyr. Etching by V. Lefebvre, ca. 1682, after Titian.

Venetiis [Venice] : J. van Campen formis.


The head of Lucretia. Etching by P. Fidanza, 1785, after G. Cagnacci.

[Rome] : [Chez Bouchard et Gravier], [1785]


A skull placed on some old books, a Venetian drinking glass, playing cards, a cigarette stub, and six coins. Watercolour.


The device of the Emperor Charles V surrounding initials of the artist Pieter Coecke van Aelst. Process print, 1873.


People of Andros enjoying the pleasure of wine. Etching by or after G.A. Podestà after Titian.

[Rome?], [between 1600 and 1699]


Ducks sign Christian Djoos and Jani Hakanpaa to one-year, one-way deals

Ducks defensemen Christian Djoos and Jani Hakanpaa will stay with the team through the 2020-21 season after each signed a one-year, one-way contract extension.


Treatment process in methadone, residential, and outpatient drug free programs / Margaret Allison, Robert L. Hubbard, J. Valley Rachal.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1985.


Bayesian variance estimation in the Gaussian sequence model with partial information on the means

Gianluca Finocchio, Johannes Schmidt-Hieber.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 239--271.

Consider the Gaussian sequence model under the additional assumption that a fixed fraction of the means is known. We study the problem of variance estimation from a frequentist Bayesian perspective. The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for $sigma^{2}$ is biased and inconsistent. This raises the question whether the posterior is able to correct the MLE in this case. By developing a new proving strategy that uses refined properties of the posterior distribution, we find that the marginal posterior is inconsistent for any i.i.d. prior on the mean parameters. In particular, no assumption on the decay of the prior needs to be imposed. Surprisingly, we also find that consistency can be retained for a hierarchical prior based on Gaussian mixtures. In this case we also establish a limiting shape result and determine the limit distribution. In contrast to the classical Bernstein-von Mises theorem, the limit is non-Gaussian. We show that the Bayesian analysis leads to new statistical estimators outperforming the correctly calibrated MLE in a numerical simulation study.


On the predictive potential of kernel principal components

Ben Jones, Andreas Artemiou, Bing Li.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1--23.

We give a probabilistic analysis of a phenomenon in statistics which, until recently, has not received a convincing explanation. This phenomenon is that the leading principal components tend to possess more predictive power for a response variable than lower-ranking ones despite the procedure being unsupervised. Our result, in its most general form, shows that the phenomenon goes far beyond the context of linear regression and classical principal components — if an arbitrary distribution for the predictor $X$ and an arbitrary conditional distribution for $Yvert X$ are chosen then any measureable function $g(Y)$, subject to a mild condition, tends to be more correlated with the higher-ranking kernel principal components than with the lower-ranking ones. The “arbitrariness” is formulated in terms of unitary invariance then the tendency is explicitly quantified by exploring how unitary invariance relates to the Cauchy distribution. The most general results, for technical reasons, are shown for the case where the kernel space is finite dimensional. The occurency of this tendency in real world databases is also investigated to show that our results are consistent with observation.


Random distributions via Sequential Quantile Array

Annalisa Fabretti, Samantha Leorato.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1611--1647.

We propose a method to generate random distributions with known quantile distribution, or, more generally, with known distribution for some form of generalized quantile. The method takes inspiration from the random Sequential Barycenter Array distributions (SBA) proposed by Hill and Monticino (1998) which generates a Random Probability Measure (RPM) with known expected value. We define the Sequential Quantile Array (SQA) and show how to generate a random SQA from which we can derive RPMs. The distribution of the generated SQA-RPM can have full support and the RPMs can be both discrete, continuous and differentiable. We face also the problem of the efficient implementation of the procedure that ensures that the approximation of the SQA-RPM by a finite number of steps stays close to the SQA-RPM obtained theoretically by the procedure. Finally, we compare SQA-RPMs with similar approaches as Polya Tree.


Differential network inference via the fused D-trace loss with cross variables

Yichong Wu, Tiejun Li, Xiaoping Liu, Luonan Chen.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1269--1301.

Detecting the change of biological interaction networks is of great importance in biological and medical research. We proposed a simple loss function, named as CrossFDTL, to identify the network change or differential network by estimating the difference between two precision matrices under Gaussian assumption. The CrossFDTL is a natural fusion of the D-trace loss for the considered two networks by imposing the $ell _{1}$ penalty to the differential matrix to ensure sparsity. The key point of our method is to utilize the cross variables, which correspond to the sum and difference of two precision matrices instead of using their original forms. Moreover, we developed an efficient minimization algorithm for the proposed loss function and further rigorously proved its convergence. Numerical results showed that our method outperforms the existing methods in both accuracy and convergence speed for the simulated and real data.