cent H2OPE Centre hydrates young minds By www.news.gov.hk Published On :: Sun, 19 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0800 Children gain a valuable insight into Hong Kong’s waterworks by directing the flow of water at an attraction designed to emulate the water cycle at the Water Supplies Department’s brand new H2OPE Centre. They learn how rain passes through catchwaters in mountains and is filtered and distributed to people’s homes at the attraction, one of the 54 games or displays at the water education centre. Kids can also try their hand at a fishing simulator to learn about tips and advice on fishing in reservoirs and discover ways to recycle and save water at other exhibits of the 720-sq m centre, which opened in December. “It is extremely fun. We do not have this at school. I know how to save water now,” student Kim Lam said. “Usually, we sit in a classroom and answer questions. But now we can learn about water in Hong Kong by playing games. It is excellent,” fellow student Alan Zeng added. Children can also watch immersive videos at the centre’s 3D dome theatre. Deeper understandingThe department hopes the centre will raise public awareness about water conservation. “Its exhibits, live demonstrations and interactive games help visitors gain more insight into Hong Kong’s water resources,” Water Supplies Department Senior Engineer Irene Tong explained. People can also visit the city’s important waterworks facilities such as the Waterworks Heritage Trails and the High Island Reservoir in Sai Kung, by joining the department’s Excursion with Water Save Dave. Water Save Dave is the department’s mascot to help promote a water conservation culture in the community. Water Supplies Department Engineer Fion Chan said: “Water Save Dave is blue and shaped like a water drop to encourage us to cherish every single drop of water. “We hope that guided tours of waterworks facilities will raise the public’s awareness about water resources and conservation.” Full Article
cent Cool Met Stuff, composition of air, main gases, climate change, global warming, carbon dioxide concentration, fraction, atmosphere By www.hko.gov.hk Published On :: Do you know which main gases are contained in the composition of air? Under climate change and global warming, carbon dioxide ... Full Article I
cent Recent Australian wildfires made worse by logging By www.eurekalert.org Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 00:00:00 EDT (University of Queensland) Logging of native forests increases the risk and severity of fire and likely had a profound effect on the recent, catastrophic Australian bushfires, according to new research.In the wake of the country's worst forest fires in recorded history, University of Queensland researchers have been part of an international collaboration, investigating Australia's historical and contemporary land-use. Full Article
cent Fluorescent technique brings aging polymers to light By www.eurekalert.org Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 00:00:00 EDT (American Chemical Society) Modern society relies on polymers, such as polypropylene or polyethylene plastic, for a wide range of applications, from food containers to automobile parts to medical devices. However, like people, polymers age, and when they do, the materials become prone to cracking or breaking. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Central Science have developed a method to visualize variations in polymers that arise with age. Full Article
cent Iatrogenic Inpatient Hypoglycemia: Risk Factors, Treatment, and Prevention: Analysis of Current Practice at an Academic Medical Center With Implications for Improvement Efforts By spectrum.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2008-10-01 Gregory A. MaynardOct 1, 2008; 21:241-247Articles Full Article
cent A Novel Approach to Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: The Team Clinic Model By spectrum.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2015-02-01 Jennifer K. RaymondFeb 1, 2015; 28:68-71Care Innovations Full Article
cent Self-Management Goal Setting in a Community Health Center: The Impact of Goal Attainment on Diabetes Outcomes By spectrum.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2010-04-01 Daren R. AndersonApr 1, 2010; 23:97-105Feature Articles Full Article
cent Columbia-Harlem Small Business Development Center Is a Lifeline for Business Owners By www8.gsb.columbia.edu Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 00:00:00 -0400 The SBDC offers resources and guidance to Harlem’s small businesses amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Full Article
cent Cyber and International Law in the 21st Century By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 10:00:00 +0000 Research Event 23 May 2018 - 9:00am to 10:00am Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Rt Hon Jeremy Wright QC MP, Attorney General, UKChair: Elizabeth Wilmshurst CMG, Distinguished Fellow, Chatham House Cyber intrusions do not respect international borders. At this event, the attorney general will discuss how to apply and shape international law in order to ensure the rules-based international system can adapt to the threats – and opportunities – posed by cyber into the future. Department/project International Law Programme, International Law Discussion Group Full Article
cent A Quantitative Tri-fluorescent Yeast Two-hybrid System: From Flow Cytometry to In cellula Affinities By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2020-04-01 David CluetApr 1, 2020; 19:701-715Technological Innovation and Resources Full Article
cent How to remove unused devices from Sophos Central By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 18:17:03 +0000 We take you through the steps to clear your old devices from Sophos Central, so you've got more time to focus on the devices that matter. Full Article Corporate Security Tips SIEM SOAR Sophos Central Sophos Central API Sophos Security Team
cent Deterrence Perspectives in the 21st Century By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 09:36:23 +0000 The aim of this project is to provide a space to explore creative/disruptive ideas in order to make headway on perspectives concerning deterrence. This will encourage ‘responsible disruption’ in the nuclear field. Concerns about transatlantic security are high following the US 2018 Nuclear Posture Review and its interpretation of the Russian doctrine, the demise of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), the uncertainty surrounding the potential extension of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), and Russian deployment of Avangard hypersonic, nuclear-capable missile systems.Emerging technologies, especially quantum technologies, jeopardize the reliability of existing encryption measures. Some of the most sophisticated cyber attacks are already assisted by artificial intelligence. The possibility that nuclear weapons systems can be interfered with both during conflict and peacetime by these technologies, without the knowledge of the possessor state, raises questions on the reliability and integrity of these systems, with implications for military decision-making, particularly to deterrence policy.These issues and more indicate the changes in the security landscape that have a bearing on the future of nuclear deterrence.This project is supported by the Hiroshima Prefecture and Government of Ireland. Latest (1) Research paper Perspectives on Nuclear Deterrence in the 21st Century 20 April 2020 Research & Publications (1) Research paper Perspectives on Nuclear Deterrence in the 21st Century 20 April 2020 Full Article
cent Perspectives on Nuclear Deterrence in the 21st Century By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:32:28 +0000 20 April 2020 Nuclear deterrence theory, with its roots in the Cold War era, may not account for all eventualities in the 21st century. Researchers at Chatham House have worked with eight experts to produce this collection of essays examining four contested themes in contemporary policymaking on deterrence. Read online Download PDF Dr Beyza Unal Senior Research Fellow, International Security Programme @beyzaunal Google Scholar Yasmin Afina Research Assistant, International Security Programme @afinayasmin LinkedIn Dr Patricia Lewis Research Director, Conflict, Science & Transformation; Director, International Security Programme @PatriciaMary Dr John Borrie Associate Fellow, International Security Programme Google Scholar Dr Jamie Shea Associate Fellow, International Security Programme LinkedIn Peter Watkins Associate Fellow, International Security Programme LinkedIn Dr Maria Rost Rublee Associate Professor of International Relations, Monash University Cristina Varriale Research Fellow in Proliferation and Nuclear Policy, RUSI Dr Tanya Ogilvie-White Adjunct Senior Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University Dr Andrew Futter Associate Professor of International Politics, University of Leicester Christine Parthemore Chief Executive Officer, Council on Strategic Risks (CSR) 2020-04-20-NuclearDeterrence.jpeg Royal Navy Vanguard Class submarine HMS Vigilant returning to HMNB Clyde after extended deployment. The four Vanguard-class submarines form the UK's strategic nuclear deterrent force. Photo: Ministry of Defence. SummaryThis collection of essays explores, from the perspectives of eight experts, four areas of deterrence theory and policymaking: the underlying assumptions that shape deterrence practice; the enduring value of extended deterrence; the impact of emerging technologies; and the ‘blurring’ of the lines between conventional and nuclear weapons.Nuclear deterrence theory, with its roots in the Cold War era, may not account for all eventualities in security and defence in the 21st century, given the larger number of nuclear actors in a less binary geopolitical context. It is clear that a number of present factors challenge the overall credibility of ‘classical’ nuclear deterrence, meaning that in-depth analysis is now needed.Uncertainty as to the appetite to maintain the current nuclear weapons policy architecture looms large in discussions and concerns on global and regional security. The demise of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, doubts over the potential extension of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, heightened regional tensions in Northeast and South Asia, together with the current and likely future risks and challenges arising from global technological competition, making it all the more urgent to examine long-held assumptions in the real-world context.Extended deterrence practices differ from region to region, depending on the domestic and regional landscape. Increased focus on diplomatic capabilities to reduce risks and improve the long-term outlook at regional level, including by spearheading new regional arms-control initiatives, may be a viable way forward. Addressing the bigger picture – notably including, on the Korean peninsula, Pyongyang’s own threat perception – and the links between conventional and nuclear missile issues will need to remain prominent if long-term and concrete changes are to take hold.Most states have long held nuclear weapons to be ‘exceptional’: their use would represent a dramatic escalation of a conflict that must never be attained. Latterly, however, some officials and scholars have made the case that the impact of the use of a low-yield nuclear weapon would not be entirely distinct from that of a large-scale conventional attack. This blurring of lines between conventional and nuclear deterrence strips nuclear weapons of their exceptional nature, in a context in which states are faced with diverse, complex and concurrent threats from multiple potential adversaries that are able to synchronize non-military and military options, up to and including nuclear forces. The use of nuclear weapons risks becoming a ‘new normal’, potentially reducing the threshold for use – to cyberattacks, for example. This has direct implications for discussions around strategic stability. While emerging technologies may offer tremendous opportunities in the modernization of nuclear weapons, they also present major risks and destabilizing challenges. Artificial intelligence, automation, and other developments in the cyber sphere affect dynamics on both the demand and supply sides of the nuclear deterrence equation. States and alliance such as NATO must adapt their deterrence thinking in light of these technological developments, and define their primary purpose and priorities in this shifting security context. Resilience planning, adaptation to the evolving security environment, threat anticipation, and consistent crisis management and incident response – as well as thinking about the mitigation measures necessary to prevent conflict escalation should deterrence fail – will all be critical in upholding nuclear deterrence as both policy and practice. Department/project International Security Programme, Deterrence Perspectives in the 21st Century Full Article
cent Webinar: Federalism in a Fragmented State: Rethinking Decentralization in Yemen By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 07 Apr 2020 11:40:01 +0000 Research Event 15 April 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm Event participants Osamah Al Rawhani, Deputy Director, Sana’a Center for Strategic StudiesModerator: Nadim Houry, Executive Director, Arab Reform Initiative Yemen suffered from the excessive control of the central government prior to the current conflict. Federalism has been put forward by many Yemeni political parties since the National Dialogue Conference (NDC) as the supposed magic cure for this significant problem. Today, Yemen is more fragmented than ever, its state central institutions have been scattered and lack leadership and the state has lost most of its sovereignty. The prevailing narrative that decentralization through federalism is Yemen’s inevitable path post-conflict often fails to acknowledge that there are prerequisites for effective local governance, beyond political will. In a recent article, Osamah Al Rawhani addressed how the weakness of central state institutions is the key challenge to proceeding with federalism in Yemen and highlighted prerequisites and contextual factors that need to be addressed before reforming the structure of the state. He argued that the viability of decentralization relies on the presence of a functioning, representative central government that is capable of devolving power but also able to keep the state from further fragmentation. In this webinar, part of the Chatham House project on The Future of the State in the Middle East and North Africa, the article’s author will discuss recent developments in Yemen, where shifting frontlines and regional divisions are fragmenting the country in new ways. The speaker will explore alternative approaches to pursue the path of federalism that recognize the current realities and the critical need for strong central institutions. He will also survey the internal and external factors that must be considered to rebuild a stable state in Yemen.You can express your interest in attending by following this link. You will receive a Zoom confirmation email should your registration be successful. Alternatively, you can watch the event live on the MENA Programme Facebook page. Department/project Middle East and North Africa Programme, The Future of the State in the Middle East Reni Zhelyazkova Programme Coordinator, Middle East and North Africa Programme +44 (0)20 7314 3624 Email Full Article
Reni Zhelyazkova Programme Coordinator, Middle East and North Africa Programme +44 (0)20 7314 3624 Email
cent Evidence Against an Important Role of Plasma Insulin and Glucagon Concentrations in the Increase in EGP Caused by SGLT2 Inhibitors By diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2020-03-20T11:50:28-07:00 Sodium–glucose cotransport 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) lower plasma glucose but stimulate endogenous glucose production (EGP). The current study examined the effect of dapagliflozin on EGP while clamping plasma glucose, insulin, and glucagon concentrations at their fasting level. Thirty-eight patients with type 2 diabetes received an 8-h measurement of EGP ([3-3H]-glucose) on three occasions. After a 3-h tracer equilibration, subjects received 1) dapagliflozin 10 mg (n = 26) or placebo (n = 12); 2) repeat EGP measurement with the plasma glucose concentration clamped at the fasting level; and 3) repeat EGP measurement with inhibition of insulin and glucagon secretion with somatostatin infusion and replacement of basal plasma insulin and glucagon concentrations. In study 1, the change in EGP (baseline to last hour of EGP measurement) in subjects receiving dapagliflozin was 22% greater (+0.66 ± 0.11 mg/kg/min, P < 0.05) than in subjects receiving placebo, and it was associated with a significant increase in plasma glucagon and a decrease in the plasma insulin concentration compared with placebo. Under glucose clamp conditions (study 2), the change in plasma insulin and glucagon concentrations was comparable in subjects receiving dapagliflozin and placebo, yet the difference in EGP between dapagliflozin and placebo persisted (+0.71 ± 0.13 mg/kg/min, P < 0.01). Under pancreatic clamp conditions (study 3), dapagliflozin produced an initial large decrease in EGP (8% below placebo), followed by a progressive increase in EGP that was 10.6% greater than placebo during the last hour. Collectively, these results indicate that 1) the changes in plasma insulin and glucagon concentration after SGLT2i administration are secondary to the decrease in plasma glucose concentration, and 2) the dapagliflozin-induced increase in EGP cannot be explained by the increase in plasma glucagon or decrease in plasma insulin or glucose concentrations. Full Article
cent 3-year freedom from progression following 68GaPSMA PET CT triaged management in men with biochemical recurrence post radical prostatectomy. Results of a prospective multi-center trial. By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2019-11-01T13:36:36-07:00 Background: 68Ga PSMA PET CT (PSMA) is increasingly used in men with biochemical recurrence (BCR) post radical prostatectomy (RP), but its longer term prognostic / predictive potential in these men is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of PSMA PET for 3 year freedom from progression (FFP) in men with BCR post RP undergoing salvage radiotherapy (sRT). Methods: This prospective multi-center study enrolled 260 men between 2015 and 2017. Eligible patients were referred for PSMA with rising PSA following RP. Management following PSMA was recorded but not mandated. PSMA protocols were standardised across sites and reported prospectively. Clinical, pathological and surgical information, sRT, timing and duration of androgen deprivation (ADT), 3 year PSA results and clinical events were documented. FFP was defined as a PSA rise ≤ 0.2ng/mL above nadir post sRT, with no additional treatment. Results: The median PSA was 0.26ng/mL (IQR 0.15 - 0.59) and follow-up 38 months (IQR 31-43). PSMA was negative in 34.6% (90/260), confined to prostate fossa 21.5% (56/260), pelvic nodes 26.2% (68/260), and distant disease 17.7% (46/260). 71.5% (186/260) received sRT, 38.2% (71/186) to the fossa only, 49.4% (92/186) fossa + pelvic nodes and 12.4% (23/186) nodes alone/SBRT. PSMA was highly predictive of FFP at 3 years following sRT. Overall, FFP was achieved in 64.5% (120/186) of those who received sRT, 81% (81/100) with negative/fossa confined vs. 45% (39/86) for extra fossa disease (p<0.0001). On logistic regression PSMA was more independently predictive of FFP than established clinical predictors, including PSA, T-stage, surgical margin status or Gleason score (P < 0.002). 32% of men with a negative PSMA PET did not receive treatment. Of these, 66% (19/29) progressed, with a mean rise in PSA of 1.59ng/mL over the 3 years. Conclusion: PSMA PET result is highly predictive of FFP at 3 years in men undergoing sRT for BCR following RP. In particular, men with negative PSMA PET or disease identified as still confined to the prostate fossa demonstrate high FFP, despite receiving less extensive radiotherapy and lower rates of additional ADT than those with extra fossa disease. Full Article
cent Long term follow-up and outcomes of re-treatment in an expanded 50 patient single-center phase II prospective trial of Lutetium-177 (177Lu) PSMA-617 theranostics in metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2019-11-22T10:43:33-08:00 Objectives: Lutetium-177 (177Lu)-PSMA-617 (LuPSMA) is a radioligand with high affinity for prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) enabling targeted beta-irradiation of prostate cancer. We have previously reported favorable activity with low toxicity in a prospective phase II trial involving 30 men with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). We now report their longer-term outcomes including a 20 patient extension cohort and outcomes of subsequent systemic treatments following completion of trial therapy. Methods: 50 patients with PSMA-avid mCRPC who had progressed after standard therapies received up to 4 cycles of LuPSMA every 6 weeks. Endpoints included PSA response (PCWG2), toxicity (CTCAE v4.03), imaging response, patient-reported health-related quality of life (QoL), progression-free and overall survival. We also describe, as a novel finding, outcomes of men who subsequently progressed and had further systemic therapies, including LuPSMA. Results: 75 men were screened to identify 50 patients eligible for treatment. Adverse prognostic features of the cohort included short median PSA doubling time (2.3 months) and extensive prior treatment including prior docetaxel (84%), cabazitaxel (48%), and abiraterone and/or enzalutamide (90%). The mean administered radioactivity was 7.5 GBq/cycle. PSA decline ≥ 50% was achieved in 32 of 50 patients (64%, 95% CI 50-77%), including 22 patients (44%, 95% CI 30-59%) with ≥ 80% decrease. Of 27 patients with measurable soft tissue disease, 15 (56%) achieved an objective response by RECIST 1.1. The most common toxicities attributed to LuPSMA were self-limiting G1-2 dry mouth (66%), transient G1-2 nausea (48%), G3-4 thrombocytopenia (10%) and G3 anemia (10%). Brief pain inventory severity and interference scores decreased at all time points including at the 3 month follow-up with a decrease of -1.2 (95% CI -0.5 to -1.9, P = 0.001) and 1.0 (95% CI -0.2 to -0.18, P = 0.013), respectively. At a median follow-up of 31.4 months, median OS was 13.3 months (95% CI 10.5-18.7) with a significantly longer survival of 18.4 months (95% CI 13.8-23.8) in patients achieving a PSA decline ≥ 50%. At progression following prior response, further LuPSMA was administered to 15 (30%) patients (median 2 cycles commencing 359 days from enrolment) with PSA decline ≥ 50% in 11 patients (73%). 4 of 21 patients (19%) receiving other systemic therapies upon progression experienced PSA decline ≥ 50%. There were no unexpected adverse events with LuPSMA re-treatment. Conclusion: This expanded 50 patient cohort of men with extensive prior therapy confirms our earlier report of high response rates, low toxicity and improved QoL with LuPSMA radioligand therapy. Upon progression, re-challenge LuPSMA demonstrated higher response rates than other systemic therapies. Full Article
cent Pre-treatment 18F-FDG PET/CT Radiomics predict local recurrence in patients treated with stereotactic radiotherapy for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer: a multicentric study By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2019-12-05T10:37:41-08:00 Purpose: The aim of this retrospective multicentric study was to develop and evaluate a prognostic FDG PET/CT radiomics signature in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with stereotactic radiotherapy (SBRT). Material and Methods: Patients from 3 different centers (n = 27, 29 and 8) were pooled to constitute the training set, whereas the patients from a fourth center (n = 23) were used as the testing set. The primary endpoint was local control (LC). The primary tumour was semi-automatically delineated in the PET images using the Fuzzy locally adaptive Bayesian algorithm, and manually in the low-dose CT images. A total of 184 IBSI-compliant radiomic features were extracted. Seven clinical and treatment parameters were included. We used ComBat to harmonize radiomic features extracted from the four institutions relying on different PET/CT scanners. In the training set, variables found significant in the univariate analysis were fed into a multivariate regression model and models were built by combining independent prognostic factors. Results: Median follow-up was 21.1 (1.7 – 63.4) and 25.5 (7.7 – 57.8) months in training and testing sets respectively. In univariate analysis, none of the clinical variables, 2 PET and 2 CT features were significantly predictive of LC. The best predictive models in the training set were obtained by combining one feature from PET, namely information correlation 2 (IC2) and one from CT (Flatness), reaching a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 96%. Another model combining 2 PET features (IC2 and Strength), reached sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 88%, both with an undefined hazard ratio (HR) (p<0.001). The latter model obtained an accuracy of 0.91 (sensitivity 100%, specificity 81%), with a HR undefined (P = 0.023) in the testing set, however other models relying on CT radiomics features only or the combination of PET and CT features failed to validate in the testing set. Conclusion: We showed that two radiomic features derived from FDG PET were independently associated with LC in patients with NSCLC undergoing SBRT and could be combined in an accurate predictive model. This model could provide local relapse-related information and could be helpful in clinical decision-making. Full Article
cent PET/MRI versus PET/CT in whole-body staging: results from a unicenter observational study in 1003 subsequent examinations By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2019-12-05T10:37:42-08:00 Purpose: To investigate differences between positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MRI) and PET/computed tomography (PET/CT) in lesion detection and classification in oncological whole-body examinations and to investigate radiation exposure differences between both modalities. Material and Methods: In this prospective, single-center, observational study 1003 oncological examinations (918 patients, mean age 57.8±14.4y) were included. Patients underwent PET/CT and subsequent PET/MRI (149.8±49.7min after tracer administration). Examinations were reviewed by radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians in consensus. Additional findings, characterization of indetermiante findings in PETCT, missed findings in PET/MRI including their clinical relevance and effective dose of both modalities were investigated. McNemar’s test was used to compare lesion detection between both hybrid imaging modalities (p<0.001 indicating statistical significance). Results: Additional information in PET/MRI was reported in 26.3% (264/1003) of examinations compared to PET/CT (p<0.001). Of these, additional malignant findings were detected in 5.3% (53/1003), leading to a change in TNM-staging in 2.9% (29/1003) due to PET/MRI. Definite lesion classification of indeterminate PET/CT findings was possible in 11.1% (111/1003) with PET/MRI. In 2.9% (29/1003), lesions detected in PET/CT were not visible in PET/MRI. Malignant lesions were missed in 1.2% (12/1003) by PET/MRI leading to a change in TNM-staging in 0.5% (5/1003). The estimated mean effective-dose for whole-body PET/CT amounted to 17.6±8.7mSv in comparison to 3.6±1.4mSv in PET/MRI, resulting in a potential dose reduction of 79.6% (p<0.001). Conclusion: PET/MRI improves lesion detection and potentially reduces additional examinations in tumor staging. Especially younger patients may benefit from the clinically relevant dose reduction of PET/MRI compared to PET/CT. Full Article
cent Impact of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT on Staging and Management of Prostate Cancer Patients in Various Clinical Settings: A Prospective Single Center Study By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-01-10T04:59:09-08:00 The impact of prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) PET/CT on management of prostate cancer (PCa) patients with biochemical recurrence (BCR) is well-established. However, whether and how PSMA PET/CT affects the management of patients undergoing scans for other clinical indications remains unknown. The goal of this study was to determine the impact of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT on initial and subsequent management decisions in a cohort of PCa patients referred for various indications ("basket trial") excluding the two main classical indications: BCR and presurgical staging. Methods: This was a prospective study of 197 patients that aimed to determine the impact of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT on PCa stage and management. Indications for PSMA PET/CT were: initial staging of non-surgical candidates (30 patients) and re-staging after definitive treatment (n = 168). The re-staging cohort comprised: patients re-staged with known advanced metastatic disease (n = 103), after androgen deprivation therapy only (n = 16), after surgery with serum PSA levels <0.2 ng/ml (n = 13), after radiation therapy (RT) not meeting the Phoenix criteria (n = 22) and after other primary local treatments [i.e. high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), focal laser ablation, cryoablation, hyperthermia or irreversible electroporation] (n = 13). Patients with BCR and candidates for curative surgery were excluded. Impact on management was assessed using pre- and post-PET questionnaires completed by referring physicians, electronic chart review and/or patient telephone encounters. Results: PSMA PET/CT changed disease stage in 135/197 (69%) patients (38% up-stage, 30% down-stage and no changes in stage in 32%). Management was affected in 104/182 (57%) patients. Specifically, PSMA PET/CT impacted management of patients who were re-staged after RT without meeting the Phoenix criteria for BCR, after other definitive local treatments and with advanced metastatic disease in 13/18 (72%), 8/12 (67%) and 59/96 (61%), respectively. Conclusion: PSMA PET/CT has a profound impact on stage and management of PCa patients outside of the two main classical indications (BCR and presurgical staging) across all examined clinical scenarios. Full Article
cent Will SPECT/CT Cameras soon be able to display Absorbed Doses? Dosimetry from Single Activity Concentration Measurements. By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-01-10T04:59:09-08:00 Full Article
cent Demarcation of Sepsis-Induced Peripheral and Central Acidosis with pH-Low Insertion Cyclic (pHLIC) Peptide By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-01-31T13:36:41-08:00 Acidosis is a key driver for many diseases, including cancer, sepsis, and stroke. The spatiotemporal dynamics of dysregulated pH across disease remains elusive and current diagnostic strategies do not provide localization of pH alterations. We sought to explore if PET imaging using hydrophobic cyclic peptides that partition into the cellular membrane at low extracellular pH (denoted as "pHLIC") can permit accurate in vivo visualization of acidosis. Methods: Acid-sensitive cyclic peptide c[E4W5C] pHLIC was conjugated to bifunctional maleimide-NO2A and radiolabeled with copper-64 (t1/2 = 12.7 h). C57BL/6J mice were administered LPS (15 mg/kg) or saline (vehicle) and serially imaged with [64Cu]Cu-c[E4W5C] over 24 h. Ex vivo autoradiography was performed on resected brain slices and subsequently stained with cresyl violet to enable high-resolution spatial analysis of tracer accumulation. A non- pH-sensitive cell-penetrating control peptide (c[R4W5C]) was used to confirm specificity of [64Cu]Cu-c[E4W5C]. CD11b (macrophage/microglia) and TMEM119 (microglia) immunostaining was performed to correlate extent of neuroinflammation with [64Cu]Cu-c[E4W5C] PET signal. Results: [64Cu]Cu-c[E4W5C] radiochemical yield and purity was >95% and >99% respectively, with molar activity >0.925 MBq/nmol. Significantly increased [64Cu]Cu-c[E4W5C] uptake was observed in LPS-treated mice (vs. vehicle) within peripheral tissues including blood, lungs, liver, and small intestines (P < 0.001-0.05). Additionally, there was significantly increased [64Cu]Cu-c[E4W5C] uptake in the brains of LPS-treated animals. Autoradiography confirmed increased uptake in the cerebellum, cortex, hippocampus, striatum, and hypothalamus of LPS-treated mice (vs. vehicle). Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis revealed microglial/macrophage infiltrate, suggesting activation in brain regions containing increased tracer uptake. [64Cu]Cu-c[R4W5C] demonstrated significantly reduced uptake in the brain and periphery of LPS mice compared to the acid-mediated [64Cu]Cu-c[E4W5C] tracer. Conclusion: Here, we demonstrate that a pH-sensitive PET tracer specifically detects acidosis in regions associated with sepsis-driven pro-inflammatory responses. This study suggests that [64Cu]Cu-pHLIC is a valuable tool to noninvasively assess acidosis associated with both central and peripheral innate immune activation. Full Article
cent Digital Solid-State SPECT/CT Quantitation of Absolute 177Lu-Radiotracer Concentration: In Vivo/In Vitro Validation By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-02-28T13:52:17-08:00 The accuracy of lutetium-177 (177Lu) radiotracer concentration measurements using quantitative clinical software was determined by comparing in vivo results for a digital solid-state cadmium-zinc-telluride SPECT/CT (single photon emission computed tomography / x-ray computed tomography) system to in vitro sampling. First, image acquisition parameters were assessed for an International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) body phantom emulating clinical count rates loaded with a "lung" insert and 6 hot spheres with a 12:1 target-to-background ratio of 177Lu solution. Then, the data of 28 whole-body SPECT/CT scans of 7 patients who underwent 177Lu prostate membrane antigen (177Lu-PSMA) radioligand therapy was retrospectively analyzed. Three users analyzed SPECT/CT images for in vivo urinary bladder radiotracer uptake using quantitative software (Q.Metrix, GE Healthcare). In vitro radiopharmaceutical concentrations were calculated using urine sampling obtained immediately after each scan, scaled to standardized uptake values (SUVs). Any in vivo/in vitro identity relations were determined by linear regression (ideally slope=1, intercept=0), within a 95 % confidence interval (CI). Phantom results demonstrated lower quantitative error for acquisitions using the 113 keV 177Lu energy peak rather than including the 208 keV peak, given that only low-energy collimation was available in this camera configuration. In the clinical study, 24 in vivo/in vitro pairs were eligible for further analysis, having rejected 4 as outliers (via Cook’s distance calculations). All linear regressions (R2 ≥ 0.92, P<0.0001) provided identity in vivo/in vitro relations (95 % CI), with SUV averages from all users giving a slope of 1.03±0.09, an intercept of –0.25±0.64 g/mL, and an average residual difference of 20.4 %. Acquiring with the lower energy 177Lu energy peak, solid-state SPECT/CT imaging provides an accuracy to within ~20 % for in vivo urinary bladder radiotracer concentrations. This non-invasive in vivo quantitation method can potentially improve diagnosis, improve patient management and treatment response assessment, and provide data essential to 177Lu dosimetry. Full Article
cent Neuroendocrine Differentiation and Response toPSMA-Targeted Radioligand Therapy in Advanced Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: a Single-Center Retrospective Study By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-03-13T14:12:30-07:00 Introduction: Neuroendocrine differentiation is associated with treatment failure and poor outcome in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). We investigated the effect of circulating neuroendocrine biomarkers on the efficacy of PSMA-targeted radioligand therapy (RLT). Methods: Neuroendocrine biomarker profiles (progastrin-releasing peptide, neuron-specific enolase, and chromogranin-A) were analyzed in 50 patients commencing 177Lu-PSMA-617 RLT. The primary endpoint was PSA response in relation to baseline neuroendocrine marker profiles. Additional endpoints included progression-free survival. Tumor uptake on post-therapeutic scans, a known predictive marker for response, was used as control-variable. Results: Neuroendocrine biomarker profiles were abnormal in the majority of patients. Neuroendocrine biomarker levels did not predict treatment failure or early progression (P ≥ 0.13). By contrast, intense PSMA-ligand uptake in metastases predicted both treatment response (P = 0.0030) and reduced risk of early progression (P = 0.0111). Conclusion: Neuroendocrine marker profiles do not predict adverse outcome of RLT. By contrast, high ligand uptake was confirmed to be crucial for achieving tumor-response. Full Article
cent Moving towards multicenter therapeutic trials in ALS: feasibility of data pooling using different TSPO positron emission tomography (PET) radioligands. By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-04-03T15:14:37-07:00 Rationale: Neuroinflammation has been implicated in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and can be visualized using translocator protein (TSPO) radioligands. To become a reliable pharmacodynamic biomarker for ALS multicenter trials, some challenges have to be overcome. We aimed to investigate whether multicenter data pooling of different TSPO tracers (11C-PBR28 and 18F-DPA714) is feasible, after validation of an established 11C-PBR28 PET pseudoreference analysis technique for 18F-DPA714. Methods: 7 ALS-Belgium (58.9±6.7 years,5M) and 8 HV-Belgium (52.1±15.2 years,3M); and 7 ALS-US (53.4±9.8 years,5M) and 7 HV-US (54.6±9.6 years,4M) from a previously published study (1) underwent dynamic 18F-DPA714 (Leuven, Belgium) or 11C-PBR28 (Boston, US) PET-MR scans. For 18F-DPA714, volume of distribution (VT) maps were compared to standardized uptake value ratios (SUVR)40-60 calculated using the pseudoreference regions (1)cerebellum, (2)occipital cortex, and (3)whole brain without ventricles (WB-ventricles). Also for 11C-PBR28, SUVR60-90 using WB-ventricles were calculated. Results: In line with previous studies, increased 18F-DPA714 uptake (17.0±5.6%) in primary motor cortices was observed in ALS, as measured by both VT and SUVR40-60 approaches. Highest sensitivity was found for SUVRWB-ventricles (average cluster 21.6±0.1%). 18F-DPA714 VT ratio and SUVR40-60 results were highly correlated (r>0.8, p<0.001). A similar pattern of increased uptake (average cluster 20.5±0.5%) in primary motor cortices was observed in ALS with 11C-PBR28 using the SUVRWB-ventricles. Analysis of the 18F-DPA714 and 11C-PBR28 data together, resulted in a more extensive pattern of significant increased glial activation in the bilateral primary motor cortices. Conclusion: The same pseudoreference region analysis technique for 11C-PBR28 PET imaging can be extended towards 18F-DPA714 PET. Therefore, in ALS, standardized analysis across these two tracers enables pooling of TSPO PET data across multiple centers and increase power of TSPO as biomarker for future therapeutic trials. Full Article
cent FDG-PET assessment of malignant pleural mesothelioma: Total Lesion volume and Total Lesion Glycolysis; the central role of volume. By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-04-13T14:09:24-07:00 Cancer Survival is related to tumor volume. FDG PET measurement of tumor volume holds promise but is not yet a clinical tool. Measurements come in two forms: the total lesion volume (TLV) based on the number of voxels in the tumor and secondly the total lesion glycolysis (TLG) which is the TLV multiplied by the average SUL per voxel of the tumor (SUL is the standardize uptake value normalized for lean mass). In this study we measured tumor volume in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). METHODS: A threshold-based program in IDL was developed to measure tumor volume in FDG PET images. 19 patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) were studied before and after two cycles (6 weeks) of chemo-immunotherapy. Measurements included the total lesion volume (TLV), Total Lesion Glycolysis (TLG), the sum of the SULs in the tumor (SUL- total), a measure of total FDG uptake, and the average SUL per voxel. RESULTS: Baseline MPM volumes (TLV) ranged from 11 to 2610 cc. TLG values ranged from 32 to 8552 SUL-cc and were strongly correlated with TLV. While tumor volumes ranged over 3 orders of magnitude, the average SUL per voxel, SUL-average, stayed within a narrow range of 2.4 to 5.3 units. Thus, TLV was the major component of TLG while SUL-average was a minor component and was essentially constant. Further evaluation of SUL-average showed that in this cohort it’s two components SUL-total and tumor volume changed in parallel and were strongly correlated, r= 0.99, p<.01. Thus, whether the tumors were large or small, the FDG uptake as measured by SUL-total was proportional to the total tumor volume. Conclusion: TLG equals TLV multiplied by the average SUL per voxel, essentially TLV multiplied by a constant. Thus TLG, commonly considered a measure of "metabolic activity" in tumors, is also in this cohort a measure of tumor volume. The constancy of SUL per voxel is due to FDG uptake being proportional to tumor volume. Thus, in this study, the FDG uptake was also a measure of volume. Full Article
cent CXCR4-targeted positron emission tomography imaging of central nervous system B-cell lymphoma By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-04-24T14:33:41-07:00 C-X-C chemokine receptor 4 is a transmembrane chemokine receptor involved in growth, survival, and dissemination of cancer, including aggressive B-cell lymphoma. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the standard imaging technology for central nervous system involvement of B-cell lymphoma and provides high sensitivity but moderate specificity. Therefore, novel molecular and functional imaging strategies are urgently required. Methods: In this proof-of-concept study, 11 patients with lymphoma of the CNS (CNSL, n = 8 primary and n = 3 secondary involvement) were imaged with the CXCR4-directed positron emission tomography (PET) tracer 68Ga-Pentixafor. To evaluate the predictive value of this imaging modality, treatment response, as determined by MRI, was correlated with quantification of CXCR4 expression by 68Ga-Pentixafor PET in vivo before initiation of treatment in 7 of 11 patients. Results: 68Ga-Pentixafor-PET showed excellent contrast characteristics to the surrounding brain parenchyma in all patients with active disease. Furthermore, initial CXCR4 uptake determined by PET correlated with subsequent treatment response as assessed by MRI. Conclusion: 68Ga-Pentixafor-PET represents a novel diagnostic tool for central nervous system lymphoma with potential implications for theranostic approaches as well as response and risk assessment. Full Article
cent Unexplained Hyperthyroglobulinemia in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Patients Indicates Radioiodine Adjuvant Therapy: A Prospective Multicenter Study By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-05-01T11:16:58-07:00 Background: The management for totally thyroidectomized differentiated thyroid cancer (TT-DTC) patients with unexplained hyperthyroglobulinemia remains indeterminate due to evidence scarcity. This multicenter study aimed at prospectively evaluating the response to radioiodine (131I) adjuvant therapy (RAT) and its potential role in risk stratification and causal clarification. Methods: TT-DTC patients with stimulated serum thyroglobulin (Tgoff) levels > 10 ng/mL but no structurally evident disease were consecutively enrolled in five tertiary care institutions. After the administration of 5.55 GBq of 131I, the risk of presence of persistent/recurrent/metastatic DTC (prmDTC) was compared to that before RAT. The causes of hyperthyroglobulinemia were explored and the response to RAT was assessed 6-12 months post RAT. The change in suppressed thyroglobulin (Tgon) level was reported. Results: A cohort of 254 subjects with a median Tgoff of 27.1 ng/mL was enrolled for the analyses. Immediately after RAT, low-, intermediate-, and high-risk were identified in 5.9%, 88.6%, and 5.5% patients, respectively, with no significant difference in risk stratification compared with that before RAT (P = 0.952). During the follow-up (median, 10.6 months), hyperthyroglobulinemia was ultimately attributed to thyroid remnant, biochemical disease, and structural/functional disease in 17.3%, 54.3%, and 28.3% of subjects, respectively. In addition, excellent, indeterminate, biochemical incomplete, and structural/functional incomplete responses were achieved in 18.1%, 27.2%, 36.2%, and 18.5% of patients, respectively. Notably, distribution for either cause of hyperthyroglobulinemia or response to RAT was comparable among the three postoperative risk groups. Tgon levels in patients who merely received RAT declined significantly over time. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that over 90% of TT-DTC patients with unexplained hyperthyroglobulinemia are stratified as intermediate-high risk, and RAT using 5.55 GBq of 131I reveals biochemical/functional/structural disease and yields non-structural/functional incomplete response in more than 80% patients, suggesting TT-DTC patients with unexplained hyperthyroglobulinemia as explicit candidates for RAT. Full Article
cent Amyloid PET in Dementia Syndromes: A Chinese Multicenter Study By jnm.snmjournals.org Published On :: 2020-05-08T13:18:58-07:00 Cerebral β-amyloid deposits and regional glucose metabolism assessed by positron emission tomography (PET) are used to distinguish between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementia syndromes. In the present multicenter study, we estimated the prevalence of β-amyloid deposits on PET imaging in a wide variety of dementia syndromes and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) within a memory clinic population. Methods: Of the 1193 consecutive patients with cognitive impairment (CI) who received combined 18F-AV45 and/or 11C-PIB PET, 960 were diagnosed with AD, 36 with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 5 with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), 144 with MCI, 29with vascular dementia (VaD), 4 with corticobasal syndrome (CBS) and 15 with unclassifiable dementia. Baseline clinical diagnoses were independently established without access to PET imaging results. ApoE genotype analysis was performed in CI patients and 231 gender- and age-matched controls. Results: Of the 1193 CI patients, 860 (72.1%) were amyloid-positive. The prevalence of amyloid positivity in AD and MCI patients was 86.8% (833/960) and 9.7% (14/144), respectively. In FTD patients, the prevalence of β-amyloid deposits was 5.6% (2/36). In the 4 CBS patients, two were amyloid-positive. Three of the 5 DLB patients showed amyloid positivity, as did 6 of the 29 VaD (20.7%) patients. The ApoE4 allele frequency was significantly increased in amyloid-positive CI patients (30.5%) as compared with other amyloid-negative CI patients (14%) or controls (7.3%). Conclusion: Amyloid imaging may potentially be the most helpful parameter for differential diagnosis in dementia, particularly to distinguish between AD and FTD. Amyloid PET can be used in conjunction with the ApoE4 allele genetic risk test for amyloid deposits. Full Article
cent Central and Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa: The Potential of Investment Partnerships for Mutual Benefit By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 08:54:39 +0000 31 October 2019 Trade between Central and Eastern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa has increased significantly in the last decade and a half. There is a strong case to be made for greater economic re-engagement, especially in terms of investment, that has the potential to support inclusive growth in both regions. Read online Download PDF Damir Kurtagic Former Academy Robert Bosch Fellow, Africa Programme @kurtagic_damir LinkedIn recycled-containerboard-warehouse_mondi_poland.jpg Recycled containerboard warehouse, Mondi Group, Poland. Photo: Mondi Group. SummaryThere are growing economic links between the economies of Central and Eastern Europe and sub-Saharan Africa in terms of both trade and investment. However, while trade has picked up significantly from pre-EU accession levels, investment has not increased to the same extent.Contrary to common assumption, investment flows are not solely from Central and Eastern Europe to sub-Saharan Africa. In reality, the largest investment flow between the two blocs occurs in the opposite direction – from South Africa into Central and Eastern Europe.Sub-Saharan Africa can benefit from a greater commercial relationship focused on attracting sustainable investment from Central and Eastern Europe. For this to happen, commercial strategies towards Central and Eastern European countries need to be put in place before strategy can be reinforced by greater diplomatic and informational support.For many sub-Saharan African governments, there is no overall targeted approach to attracting Central and Eastern European investors. A notable exception is South Africa, where departments have been established at provincial government level to specifically target investment from Central and Eastern Europe.Sub-Saharan African governments expect Central and Eastern European private-sector investment to result not only in job creation, but also to bring spillover benefits such as the transfer of skills and knowledge to domestic industries.Each sub-Saharan African country, in accordance with its individual circumstances, will need to adopt a discrete mix of administrative reform (particularly aimed at cutting red tape), as well as infrastructural and other policies that improve the business environment and generate investor confidence.Much of the private sector in Central and Eastern Europe is somewhat hesitant to invest in sub-Saharan Africa on a greater scale. Many companies are most comfortable operating within their domestic environment; when they invest abroad, it tends to be in the ‘neighbourhood’ with which they are already familiar. Perceptions of risk are often compounded by popular misperceptions and generalizations about sub-Saharan Africa.Central and Eastern European countries stand to gain from a deeper investment relationship. While greater engagement with sub-Saharan Africa has already been pursued by some countries, most of them focus on trade. Institutional support to companies from Central and Eastern Europe (both public and private) has evolved to a degree, but is still not comprehensive. Information for companies interested in investing is either lacking or not shared in an efficient way. And the greatest challenge is ensuring top-level political engagement.EU membership offers clear opportunities for Central and Eastern European countries to invest sustainably and responsibly in sub-Saharan Africa. Not only is financial support forthcoming, through innovative EU financial instruments, but the availability of information relevant to business and the EU’s extensive diplomatic presence in Africa should help to alleviate some of the concerns of Central and Eastern European investors. Department/project Africa Programme, Foreign Relations and Africa’s Agency in the International System, Inclusive Economic Growth, Governance and Technology Full Article
cent Central & Eastern Europe and Africa Engagement: Labour Mobility and Policy in East Africa By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 08 Jan 2020 12:35:01 +0000 Research Event 15 January 2020 - 10:00am to 12:30pm Nairobi, Kenya Strengthened links between the states of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are emerging marked by growth in diplomatic representation, trade and economic ties and supporting networks.Against this backdrop, labour migration within and from the CEE and East Africa sub-regions are a key policy area with significant potential for shared learning and cooperation. For both regions, migration trends in recent years have evolved as a result of a diverse range of interactions among public, private and civil society actors and at local, national, regional and international levels. Unpacking such interactions and their political and geographical specificities is essential to effective engagement and cooperation within and between the regions on issues of labour migration and their management.This roundtable brainstorming workshop will provide a platform for stakeholders based in East Africa to discuss the way in which different actors and agencies in the region influence and shape labour migration processes and policy responses.This event is supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung. Event attributes Chatham House Rule Department/project Africa Programme, Foreign Relations and Africa’s Agency in the International System, Inclusive Economic Growth, Governance and Technology Fergus Kell Projects Assistant, Africa Programme + 44 (0) 20 7314 3671 Email Full Article
cent The Central African Republic: Security, Development and Responding to the Humanitarian Situation By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 11:00:02 +0000 Invitation Only Research Event 3 February 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Denise Brown, United Nations Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in the Central African RepublicChair: Ben Shepherd, Consulting Fellow, Africa Programme, Chatham House With two-thirds of the country’s population estimated to be in need of humanitarian aid and one-quarter either internally displaced or living as refugees in neighbouring countries, the Central African Republic (CAR) continues to face serious and complex humanitarian challenges. The country’s forthcoming presidential elections scheduled for December 2020 risk inflaming CAR’s volatile security situation particularly with the return of former leader, François Bozizé, ousted by the Séléka rebel coalition leader, Michel Djotodia, who has also returned from exile.At this event, Denise Brown will discuss CAR’s current security, humanitarian and development situations and the role of actors such as the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). She will also discuss prospects for much-needed governance reform and reconciliation.Attendance at this event is by invitation only. Event attributes Chatham House Rule Department/project Africa Programme, Elections and political systems, Central and East Africa Hanna Desta Programme Assistant, Africa Programme Email Full Article
cent Decentralization and Cross-border Integration in the Horn of Africa By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 15:10:01 +0000 Research Event 4 February 2020 - 5:00pm to 6:15pm Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Mohamed Guleid, Chief Executive Officer, Frontier Counties Development CouncilNuradin Dirie, Chair, Puntland Presidential Advisory CouncilAden Abdi, Horn of Africa Programme Director, Conciliation ResourcesChair: Dr Zahbia Yousuf, Senior Research Advisor, Saferworld The interdependence of communities across the Horn of Africa results from social, familial, linguistic and cultural ties that cross territorial borders. Such linkages are reinforced by established patterns of movement and trade, often leading to stronger political and social connections between communities on either side of borders, than with their respective national capitals. States in the region are increasingly being challenged by demands for decentralization and more effective local governance. Improved understanding of the complexity of sub-national and cross-border political and economic contexts will be required to meet these demands and support enhanced governance so that challenges such as marginalization, intercommunal conflict and more equitable sharing of resources can be effectively addressed.At this event, speakers will examine some of the key subnational and cross-border relations in the Horn of Africa. They will also discuss initiatives and stakeholders needed to support common solutions to building peace, furthering development and bolstering inclusive growth and integration. THIS EVENT IS NOW FULL AND REGISTRATION HAS CLOSED. Department/project Africa Programme, African Peace and Security, Foreign Relations and Africa’s Agency in the International System, Horn of Africa Sahar Eljack Programme Administrator, Africa Programme + 44 (0) 20 7314 3660 Email Full Article
cent Concentration Determination of >200 Proteins in Dried Blood Spots for Biomarker Discovery and Validation [Technological Innovation and Resources] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2020-03-01T00:05:26-08:00 The use of protein biomarkers as surrogates for clinical endpoints requires extensive multilevel validation including development of robust and sensitive assays for precise measurement of protein concentration. Multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) is a well-established mass-spectrometric method that can be used for reproducible protein-concentration measurements in biological specimens collected via microsampling. The dried blood spot (DBS) microsampling technique can be performed non-invasively without the expertise of a phlebotomist, and can enhance analyte stability which facilitate the application of this technique in retrospective studies while providing lower storage and shipping costs, because cold-chain logistics can be eliminated. Thus, precise, sensitive, and multiplexed methods for measuring protein concentrations in DBSs can be used for de novo biomarker discovery and for biomarker quantification or verification experiments. To achieve this goal, MRM assays were developed for multiplexed concentration measurement of proteins in DBSs. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was found to have a median total coefficient of variation (CV) of 18% for 245 proteins, whereas the median LLOQ was 5 fmol of peptide injected on column, and the median inter-day CV over 4 days for measuring endogenous protein concentration was 8%. The majority (88%) of the assays displayed parallelism, whereas the peptide standards remained stable throughout the assay workflow and after exposure to multiple freeze-thaw cycles. For 190 proteins, the measured protein concentrations remained stable in DBS stored at ambient laboratory temperature for up to 2 months. Finally, the developed assays were used to measure the concentration ranges for 200 proteins in twenty same sex, same race and age matched individuals. Full Article
cent A Quantitative Tri-fluorescent Yeast Two-hybrid System: From Flow Cytometry to In cellula Affinities [Technological Innovation and Resources] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2020-04-01T00:05:32-07:00 We present a technological advancement for the estimation of the affinities of Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) in living cells. A novel set of vectors is introduced that enables a quantitative yeast two-hybrid system based on fluorescent fusion proteins. The vectors allow simultaneous quantification of the reaction partners (Bait and Prey) and the reporter at the single-cell level by flow cytometry. We validate the applicability of this system on a small but diverse set of PPIs (eleven protein families from six organisms) with different affinities; the dissociation constants range from 117 pm to 17 μm. After only two hours of reaction, expression of the reporter can be detected even for the weakest PPI. Through a simple gating analysis, it is possible to select only cells with identical expression levels of the reaction partners. As a result of this standardization of expression levels, the mean reporter levels directly reflect the affinities of the studied PPIs. With a set of PPIs with known affinities, it is straightforward to construct an affinity ladder that permits rapid classification of PPIs with thus far unknown affinities. Conventional software can be used for this analysis. To permit automated analysis, we provide a graphical user interface for the Python-based FlowCytometryTools package. Full Article
cent Centrelink blocks 60,000 calls a day, blames smartphone apps By www.smh.com.au Published On :: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 07:05:35 GMT Centrelink blocked 22m phone calls last year, with smartphone apps blamed for inflating the figures. Full Article
cent Centrelink apologises for web welfare shutdown By www.smh.com.au Published On :: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 22:35:03 GMT Centrelink clients around Australia are furious over missing payments. Full Article
cent Centrelink's IT meltdown hits the disability pension By www.smh.com.au Published On :: Mon, 21 Dec 2015 21:45:06 GMT Centrelink's tech woes disrupts Disability Pension medical crackdown. Full Article
cent Centrelink wrongly hits 70,000 families with bills for up to $726 By www.smh.com.au Published On :: Thu, 07 Jan 2016 07:49:06 GMT Computer glitch blamed as welfare agency hits tens of thousands with bills for money that is not owed. Full Article
cent Centrelink apologises for new privacy breach By www.smh.com.au Published On :: Sat, 05 Nov 2016 06:37:10 GMT Rookie email error shares hundred of email addresses – twice. Full Article
cent Centrelink debt debacle shows government is unprepared for digital revolution By www.smh.com.au Published On :: Mon, 06 Feb 2017 13:15:00 GMT The public service needs to embrace partnerships if it's to harvest big data's massive yields. Full Article
cent Construction of mega new IT data storage centre under way in Fyshwick By www.smh.com.au Published On :: Sun, 27 Aug 2017 14:00:00 GMT Fyshwick is set to get another massive IT data storage facility from 2018. Full Article
cent Interpretation of data underlying the link between CCD and an invertebrate iridescent virus [Invited] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2011-01-04T08:41:21-08:00 No abstract Full Article
cent Perspectives on Nuclear Deterrence in the 21st Century By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:32:28 +0000 20 April 2020 Nuclear deterrence theory, with its roots in the Cold War era, may not account for all eventualities in the 21st century. Researchers at Chatham House have worked with eight experts to produce this collection of essays examining four contested themes in contemporary policymaking on deterrence. Read online Download PDF Dr Beyza Unal Senior Research Fellow, International Security Programme @beyzaunal Google Scholar Yasmin Afina Research Assistant, International Security Programme @afinayasmin LinkedIn Dr Patricia Lewis Research Director, Conflict, Science & Transformation; Director, International Security Programme @PatriciaMary Dr John Borrie Associate Fellow, International Security Programme Google Scholar Dr Jamie Shea Associate Fellow, International Security Programme LinkedIn Peter Watkins Associate Fellow, International Security Programme LinkedIn Dr Maria Rost Rublee Associate Professor of International Relations, Monash University Cristina Varriale Research Fellow in Proliferation and Nuclear Policy, RUSI Dr Tanya Ogilvie-White Adjunct Senior Fellow, Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University Dr Andrew Futter Associate Professor of International Politics, University of Leicester Christine Parthemore Chief Executive Officer, Council on Strategic Risks (CSR) 2020-04-20-NuclearDeterrence.jpeg Royal Navy Vanguard Class submarine HMS Vigilant returning to HMNB Clyde after extended deployment. The four Vanguard-class submarines form the UK's strategic nuclear deterrent force. Photo: Ministry of Defence. SummaryThis collection of essays explores, from the perspectives of eight experts, four areas of deterrence theory and policymaking: the underlying assumptions that shape deterrence practice; the enduring value of extended deterrence; the impact of emerging technologies; and the ‘blurring’ of the lines between conventional and nuclear weapons.Nuclear deterrence theory, with its roots in the Cold War era, may not account for all eventualities in security and defence in the 21st century, given the larger number of nuclear actors in a less binary geopolitical context. It is clear that a number of present factors challenge the overall credibility of ‘classical’ nuclear deterrence, meaning that in-depth analysis is now needed.Uncertainty as to the appetite to maintain the current nuclear weapons policy architecture looms large in discussions and concerns on global and regional security. The demise of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, doubts over the potential extension of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, heightened regional tensions in Northeast and South Asia, together with the current and likely future risks and challenges arising from global technological competition, making it all the more urgent to examine long-held assumptions in the real-world context.Extended deterrence practices differ from region to region, depending on the domestic and regional landscape. Increased focus on diplomatic capabilities to reduce risks and improve the long-term outlook at regional level, including by spearheading new regional arms-control initiatives, may be a viable way forward. Addressing the bigger picture – notably including, on the Korean peninsula, Pyongyang’s own threat perception – and the links between conventional and nuclear missile issues will need to remain prominent if long-term and concrete changes are to take hold.Most states have long held nuclear weapons to be ‘exceptional’: their use would represent a dramatic escalation of a conflict that must never be attained. Latterly, however, some officials and scholars have made the case that the impact of the use of a low-yield nuclear weapon would not be entirely distinct from that of a large-scale conventional attack. This blurring of lines between conventional and nuclear deterrence strips nuclear weapons of their exceptional nature, in a context in which states are faced with diverse, complex and concurrent threats from multiple potential adversaries that are able to synchronize non-military and military options, up to and including nuclear forces. The use of nuclear weapons risks becoming a ‘new normal’, potentially reducing the threshold for use – to cyberattacks, for example. This has direct implications for discussions around strategic stability. While emerging technologies may offer tremendous opportunities in the modernization of nuclear weapons, they also present major risks and destabilizing challenges. Artificial intelligence, automation, and other developments in the cyber sphere affect dynamics on both the demand and supply sides of the nuclear deterrence equation. States and alliance such as NATO must adapt their deterrence thinking in light of these technological developments, and define their primary purpose and priorities in this shifting security context. Resilience planning, adaptation to the evolving security environment, threat anticipation, and consistent crisis management and incident response – as well as thinking about the mitigation measures necessary to prevent conflict escalation should deterrence fail – will all be critical in upholding nuclear deterrence as both policy and practice. Department/project International Security Programme, Deterrence Perspectives in the 21st Century Full Article
cent Kazakhstan: Reaching Out to Central Asian Neighbours By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Wed, 04 Dec 2019 10:21:03 +0000 4 December 2019 Annette Bohr Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme Despite its regional outreach, Kazakhstan’s diplomatic priority will remain Russia, China, and Europe. 2019-12-04-Kaz.jpg Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Kazakh Majilis Chairman Nurlan Nigmatulin and ex-president Nursultan Nazarbayev at an inauguration ceremony in parliament. Photo: Pavel AleksandrovTASS via Getty Images. Leaders of the resource-rich Central Asian region have the propensity to remain in power until mortality dictates otherwise. Much like the UK and Brexit, however, few wanted to see Central Asia’s longest reigning ruler, Kazakhstan’s septuagenarian president Nursultan Nazarbayev, crash out without a deal.The sudden departure of the country’s official leader of the nation with no clear succession plan could have led to investment chaos, intra-elite fighting and the unravelling in a matter of months of a system he had built over decades, à la Uzbekistan following the death of long-serving autocrat Islam Karimov in 2016.In order to avoid just such a ‘no-deal’ scenario and ensure the continuity of his policies, in March Nazarbayev carefully choreographed his own resignation and the election of a hand-picked successor, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, while retaining plum positions and powers for himself.Tokayev’s assumption of the presidency was accompanied by protesters in the streets, increasing wealth inequality, rising Sinophobia among rank-and-file Kazakhstanis, a hard-to-kick economic dependence on oil revenues and a lack of clarity as to which leader—the old or the new president—would actually be calling the shots. But, amidst this plethora of concerns, as argued in a recent Chatham House report, Kazakhstan: Tested by Transition, one bright spot has been the tangible growth of intra-Central Asian cooperation, with the Nazarbayev-Tokayev ruling duo appearing eager to improve the regional dialogue.Kazakhstan has long shaped its identity as a Eurasian state that has acted as more of an intermediary between Russia and Central Asia than as an integral part of the Central Asian region. But since 2017, in particular, Kazakhstan has been increasingly looking for opportunities to boost hitherto weak cooperation with its Central Asian neighbours. While this is first and foremost owing to the liberalization of Uzbekistan’s large market, there are other factors at work that get less airplay.One such factor is a perceptible disentangling from the Kremlin’s policy directions as Kazakhstan has come to view Russia’s foreign policy as increasingly neo-colonial. The example of the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union is in many respects more off-putting than inspiring, and Nur-Sultan does not want to be locked tightly into the union’s economic orbit. And in distancing itself slightly from Moscow in order to limit Russian leverage in its affairs, Nur-Sultan has shown itself to be more open to Central Asian regional initiatives.As part of the leadership’s plan to offset oil dependence, Kazakhstan aspires to become the transport, telecommunications and investment hub for Eurasian integration. The intense focus on connectivity and the development of logistical arteries and infrastructure could have the knock-on effect of boosting trade within the Central Asian region and reducing transit times, which are currently greater than in most other parts of the globe.In addition, demographic trends and educational shifts that favour ethnic Kazakhs, together with a growing ethno-nationalist narrative, have allowed the state’s leadership to identify more closely with Kazakhstan’s common Central Asian heritage and, by extension, a common Central Asian region—although Kazakhstan’s leadership still remains eager to demonstrate that the country is not just another ‘stan’. The coming to power of President Mirziyoyev in Uzbekistan appears to have made Kazakhstan more aware of the interconnectedness of the two countries in terms of geographical location and potential economic complementarities, as well as culture and history.Not least, there is a growing recognition among the Central Asian states themselves—including isolationist Turkmenistan to a degree—that deepening regional trade is mutually beneficial, especially given the constraints associated with Russia’s economic problems. The strengthening of Kazakhstan’s ties with Uzbekistan has slowly kick-started regional cooperation as a whole: trade turnover between the Central Asian states in 2018 grew by 35 per cent on the previous year.But both Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are keen to stress that there is no discussion of integration or institutionalization, not least because previous attempts at integration have been overtaken by Russia, leaving Central Asia without its own coordinating body.The official consensus in Kazakhstan is that Uzbekistan’s economic reforms after years of isolation will spur ‘a healthy rivalry’ and ultimately boost Kazakhstan’s own economy, in so far as the competition for foreign investment will require both countries to work harder to improve their respective business and regulatory environments.At the unofficial level, however, some Kazakhstani analysts view Uzbekistan’s rise as potentially unprofitable, given the possible diversion of some investments and market activity from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan. Moreover, Uzbekistan has the advantage of having undergone a clear change of executive, while it remains unclear which developments await Kazakhstan once First President Nazarbayev leaves the scene for good.It can certainly be argued that Uzbekistan does pose a potential threat in the long-term to Kazakhstan’s entrenched position as Central Asia’s economic powerhouse: Uzbekistan’s population is one-and-a-half times bigger, even if its nominal GDP is three times smaller. Uzbekistan has a bigger market and a well-developed industrial sector, and is already the regional leader in terms of security. But it is not as though the world’s interest is moving from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan; rather, Uzbekistan is in the process of trying to catch up.Despite this relatively upbeat picture, Kazakhstan’s combined trade with the other Central Asian states accounts for less than 5 per cent of its total volume of foreign trade—a figure that cannot begin to equal its trade with Russia, China, and Europe. As a result, Kazakhstan will continue to give greater importance to positioning itself as a global player than as a regional leader.This article was originally published in The Diplomat. Full Article
cent Analysing the Recent Changes in Russia By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 06 Feb 2020 16:15:01 +0000 Invitation Only Research Event 17 February 2020 - 10:30am to 12:00pm Chatham House | 10 St James's Square | London | SW1Y 4LE Event participants Leonid Gozman, President, Perspective Foundation The scale of the changes in Russia’s political system is yet to be fully understood, as new suggestions for revising the constitution appear almost daily. This event will discuss the risks of President Putin’s 15 January announcement, and what strategies Russia’s non-systemic opposition might now deploy in response. Event attributes Chatham House Rule Department/project Russia and Eurasia Programme, Russia's Domestic Politics Anna Morgan Administrator, Ukraine Forum +44 (0)20 7389 3274 Email Full Article
cent Functional recombinant apolipoprotein A5 that is stable at high concentrations at physiological pH [Methods] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2020-02-01T00:05:23-08:00 APOA5 is a low-abundance exchangeable apolipoprotein that plays critical roles in human triglyceride (TG) metabolism. Indeed, aberrations in the plasma concentration or structure of APOA5 are linked to hypertriglyceridemia, hyperchylomicronemia, myocardial infarction risk, obesity, and coronary artery disease. While it has been successfully produced at low yield in bacteria, the resulting protein had limitations for structure-function studies due to its low solubility under physiological buffer conditions. We hypothesized that the yield and solubility of recombinant APOA5 could be increased by: i) engineering a fusion protein construct in a codon optimized expression vector, ii) optimizing an efficient refolding protocol, and iii) screening buffer systems at physiological pH. The result was a high-yield (25 mg/l) bacterial expression system that produces lipid-free APOA5 soluble at concentrations of up to 10 mg/ml at a pH of 7.8 in bicarbonate buffers. Physical characterization of lipid-free APOA5 indicated that it exists as an array of multimers in solution, and far UV circular dichroism analyses show differences in total α-helicity between acidic and neutral pH buffering conditions. The protein was functional in that it bound and emulsified multilamellar dimyristoyl-phosphatidylcholine vesicles and could inhibit postprandial plasma TG accumulation when injected into C57BL/6J mice orally gavaged with Intralipid. Full Article
cent Effects of omega-O-acylceramide structures and concentrations in healthy and diseased skin barrier lipid membrane models [Research Articles] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2020-02-01T00:05:23-08:00 Ceramides (Cers) with ultralong (~32-carbon) chains and -esterified linoleic acid, composing a subclass called omega-O-acylceramides (acylCers), are indispensable components of the skin barrier. Normal barriers typically contain acylCer concentrations of ~10 mol%; diminished concentrations, along with altered or missing long periodicity lamellar phase (LPP), and increased permeability accompany an array of skin disorders, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and ichthyoses. We developed model membranes to investigate the effects of the acylCer structure and concentration on skin lipid organization and permeability. The model membrane systems contained six to nine Cer subclasses as well as fatty acids, cholesterol, and cholesterol sulfate; acylCer content—namely, acylCers containing sphingosine (Cer EOS), dihydrosphingosine (Cer EOdS), and phytosphingosine (Cer EOP) ranged from zero to 30 mol%. Systems with normal physiologic concentrations of acylCer mixture mimicked the permeability and nanostructure of human skin lipids (with regard to LPP, chain order, and lateral packing). The models also showed that the sphingoid base in acylCer significantly affects the membrane architecture and permeability and that Cer EOP, notably, is a weaker barrier component than Cer EOS and Cer EOdS. Membranes with diminished or missing acylCers displayed some of the hallmarks of diseased skin lipid barriers (i.e., lack of LPP, less ordered lipids, less orthorhombic chain packing, and increased permeability). These results could inform the rational design of new and improved strategies for the barrier-targeted treatment of skin diseases. Full Article
cent Model systems for studying the assembly, trafficking, and secretion of apoB lipoproteins using fluorescent fusion proteins [Research Articles] By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2020-03-01T00:06:33-08:00 apoB exists as apoB100 and apoB48, which are mainly found in hepatic VLDLs and intestinal chylomicrons, respectively. Elevated plasma levels of apoB-containing lipoproteins (Blps) contribute to coronary artery disease, diabetes, and other cardiometabolic conditions. Studying the mechanisms that drive the assembly, intracellular trafficking, secretion, and function of Blps remains challenging. Our understanding of the intracellular and intraorganism trafficking of Blps can be greatly enhanced, however, with the availability of fusion proteins that can help visualize Blp transport within cells and between tissues. We designed three plasmids expressing human apoB fluorescent fusion proteins: apoB48-GFP, apoB100-GFP, and apoB48-mCherry. In Cos-7 cells, transiently expressed fluorescent apoB proteins colocalized with calnexin and were only secreted if cells were cotransfected with microsomal triglyceride transfer protein. The secreted apoB-fusion proteins retained the fluorescent protein and were secreted as lipoproteins with flotation densities similar to plasma HDL and LDL. In a rat hepatoma McA-RH7777 cell line, the human apoB100 fusion protein was secreted as VLDL- and LDL-sized particles, and the apoB48 fusion proteins were secreted as LDL- and HDL-sized particles. To monitor lipoprotein trafficking in vivo, the apoB48-mCherry construct was transiently expressed in zebrafish larvae and was detected throughout the liver. These experiments show that the addition of fluorescent proteins to the C terminus of apoB does not disrupt their assembly, localization, secretion, or endocytosis. The availability of fluorescently labeled apoB proteins will facilitate the exploration of the assembly, degradation, and transport of Blps and help to identify novel compounds that interfere with these processes via high-throughput screening. Full Article
cent Obesity Reduces Maternal Blood Triglyceride Concentrations by Reducing Angiopoietin-like Protein 4 Expression in Mice By diabetes.diabetesjournals.org Published On :: 2020-02-12T14:26:05-08:00 To ensure fetal lipid supply, maternal blood triglyceride (TG) concentrations are robustly elevated during pregnancy. Interestingly, a lower increase in maternal blood TG concentrations has been observed in some obese mothers. We have shown that high-fat (HF) feeding during pregnancy significantly reduces maternal blood TG levels. Therefore, we performed this study to investigate if and how obesity alters maternal blood TG levels. Maternal obesity was established by prepregnant HF feeding (ppHF), which avoided the dietary effect during pregnancy. We found that maternal blood TG concentrations in ppHF dams were not only remarkably lower than control dams, but the TG peak occurred earlier during gestation. Hepatic TG production and intestinal TG absorption were unchanged in ppHF dams, but systemic lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity was increased, suggesting that increased blood TG clearance contributes to the decreased blood TG concentrations in ppHF dams. Although significantly higher levels of UCP1 protein were observed in iBAT of ppHF dams, Ucp1 gene deletion did not restore blood TG concentrations in ppHF dams. Expression of the angiopoietin-like protein 4 (ANGPTL4), a potent endogenous LPL inhibitor, was significantly increased during pregnancy. However, the pregnancy-induced elevation of blood TG was almost abolished in Angptl4-/- dams. Compared with control dams, Angptl4 mRNA levels were significantly lower in iBAT, gWAT and livers of ppHF dams. Importantly, ectopic overexpression of ANGPTL4 restored maternal blood TG concentrations in ppHF dams. Together, these results indicate that ANGPTL4 plays a vital role in increasing maternal blood TG concentrations during pregnancy. Obesity impairs the rise of maternal blood TG concentrations by reducing ANGPTL4 expression in mice. Full Article