
First ever porous liquid shows promise for carbon capture

Up until now, only solid materials have offered the ability to capture materials using the filtering power of pores


This Swiss facility is sucking carbon dioxide out of the air for growing veggies (Video)

Run on waste heat, this commercial facility is the first of its kind in the world, extracting CO2 from the air and piping it to a greenhouse farm to grow veggies.


CO2 doesn't know borders, but we are shipping embodied carbon all over the world

Brad Plumer looks at the issue of "outsourced pollution."


Happy 10th Birthday, Bitcoin. Now go away before you fry us all.

The Bitcoin is the Hummer of speculative vehicles; let's hope it doesn't make it to its Bar Mitzvah.


Global Economy Expanded More Slowly Than Expected in 2011

Without a more comprehensive vision of economic health and better ways to measure it, we are flying blind on a path to economic decline and collapse.


Growth in World Contraceptive Use Stalling; 215 Million Women’s Needs Still Unmet

Satisfying the world’s unmet need for contraception would dramatically reduce population growth, easing pressure on natural resources.


Population Growth Takes Just Five Hours to Fill Wrigley Field

How to slow it? Access to voluntary family planning for all women. It more than pays for itself, reducing unwanted pregnancies, abortions, unplanned births... And helps reduce humanity's environmental impact.


Full Planet, Empty Plates: Chapter 2. The Ecology of Population Growth

The most recent U.N. demographic projections show world population growing to 9.3 billion by 2050, an addition of 2.3 billion people.


Can we prevent a food breakdown?

As food supplies have tightened, a new geopolitics of food has emerged—a world in which the global competition for land and water is intensifying and each country is fending for itself.


U.S. birth rate has dropped to lowest in 30 years

Demographers are complaining, but Americans have many good reasons for not wanting so many kids.


Why is the world's population growing faster than expected?

If the latest projections prove to be accurate, we need to plan for about a 10% increase in the needed supply of food, drinking water, and energy, and in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050.


UN revises population projections downward

Annual growth will soon be negative everywhere except Africa.


How many books is your social media habit replacing?

The number is probably far higher than you think.


Help crowdfund solar for affordable housing

The Bay Area needs affordable housing. And it needs clean energy. A new campaign supports both.


Scientists created mutant bacteria that collect solar power on cloudy days

Move over, regular solar panels.


Cheers! Solar farm cider powers up

Buying products from solar farms is just one more way to support clean energy.


UK now has more renewables capacity than fossil fuels

The country's onward march of low carbon energy shows no signs of stopping.


Coal-fired power plant to become solar-powered village

Now that's progress...


How many solar panels does it take to fill up a hydrogen car?

Stanford scientists figure out a way to get hydrogen out of seawater. Does this matter?


All of Patagonia's waterproof shells are now recycled and Fair Trade

Can we hear them saying, "I told you so!" to the rest of the outdoor gear industry?


Quote of the Day: Bucky Fuller on How We Live

Allison Arieff reviews the Buckminster Fuller retrospective at the Whitney. She writes "His brain was constantly consumed with the serious issues of his day —


Experimental flatpack pavilion pops up into dome made of metal pillows

Combining computer-aided parametric design and the design principles of tensegrity (tensional integrity), this experimental pavilion tests the boundaries of building a stronger structure with less material.


Celebrate Pi Day tomorrow at precisely 3.141592653 (about 9:30 AM)

Tomorrow, real men eat quiche (cheese pi).


Reviewer of Bucky Fuller's Dymaxion car is stunned. At how bad it is.

Those of us who love everything Bucky are stunned too.


Scientists call for more trees, fewer cows, to restore climate

First we have to declare 'peak livestock', then eat less beef and more beans.


Dogs know if you’re happy or mad, and that makes them special

New research reveals the first solid evidence that an animal (other than humans) can distinguish emotional expressions in another species.


The power of 'puppy dog eyes' explained

The gaze between human and dog can share physiological properties similar to that of mother and infant, a new study finds.


How dogs could save the avocado industry

Dogs have been trained to sniff out a devastating avocado tree disease before it becomes fatal – and they are really, really good at it.


How the Drought Affected Earth’s Mass and Gravitational Pull

The drought was so bad it made our region a little lighter.


Egg Maps and Green Routes Create Vegetable Tourism in the Incredible Edible Town Todmorden

Todmorden is a town that embraced the local food movement by growing their own fruit and veg anywhere in public spaces. They also have an Egg Map and a Green Route for the Vegetable Tourists!


NOAA's new interactive map shows all the vegetation on the planet

This new map uses satellite technology to display the world's vegetation, and can be used for everything from weather predictions to deciding best land use practices.


Gorgeous high-res map shows Earth's wind patterns in amazing detail

The movement of air around the planet is fascinating, and has never been more clear thanks to this map. The modeling system used to make it can simulate worldwide weather at remarkable detail.


Satellite maps show hidden geothermal energy sites around the world

A satellite that ran out of fuel two years ago is now giving scientists a huge wealth of data.


See how the world’s cities will look with rising oceans

3D maps created by Climate Central show how sea level rise could change some familiar cityscapes.


Low-cost water filter alerts users when water is safe to drink

This little solar powered device can take the guesswork out of SODIS water treatment, showing when the resulting water is safe to drink.


Thermal power plants use 4x more water than all US residents, solar PV doesn't need a drop

As you can see in the satellite photos above, California is experiencing a massive drought over most of the state. The most visible aspect from space is the snow cover (or lack thereof) over the Sierra Nevada mountain range


5 nuts not grown in California

National almond, walnut and pistachio crops are very thirsty, and predominantly grown in drought-stricken California; if you’re looking for alternatives, consider these.


Climate change could bring stronger winds, more wind power

A 1.5-degrees-Celsius warmer world would bring bigger gusts of wind more regularly.


Reflective paint, free water, medical training: How Indian authorities slashed heat deaths 90%

We are by no means helpless in the face of climate change.


Study shows that climate change is really bad for your health

Along with climate-killing CO2, there are a lot of people-killing pollutants. Perhaps we should change our message.


Why global warming won't curtail big snowstorms

The harshest snowstorms along the Eastern Seaboard will remain as frequent in a warming world.


A remarkable video of the ever elusive snow leopard

Ever wonder what it would look like to be in the maw of a snow leopard? Wonder no more.


7 things to know about the amazing fruit bat quarters

New quarters are coming and they star FRUIT BATS!


How do we stop Antarctica from melting?

It's either billions of dollars in polar engineering, a rapid cut in emissions now, or an all-of-the-above strategy.


China thinks it's a developing country now

The largest greenhouse gas emitter wants wiggle room when it comes to cutting emissions.


Pesticidal Proteins (Bt) From GM Corn Plants Are Now Common In Midwest Streams

Common sense tells us that, following corn harvest, fragments of corn cobs, leaves, stalks, silk, and pollen may be blown by the wind or carried across the land


How can we deal with the Asian Carp invasion?

A major report just released offers expensive technological solutions. We reivew options ranging from barriers to bow-hunting.


Meat and plastic sales are slowly dropping, survey finds

As environmental awareness spreads, shoppers are making different choices.


How to save the planet in three simple steps

In a new video, Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot explain that we must use nature to fix our broken climate.


Before 1965, low CO2 levels were steady for 2.5 million years

Humans have never lived with the high CO2 atmospheric conditions of the last 60 years, according to a new study.