
The Week in Animal News: Long Lost Cat Comes Home, Animals Bathing, and More (Slideshow)

A Colorado family that had long ago given up on finding their cat got some incredible news this week, when Willow was found in New York City -- five years later and 1,800 miles from home.


When Will Solar Be Cost Competitive in Your Town? Interactive Map Helps Visualize Grid Parity

Solar grid parity will vary from city to city. A new interactive map helps show how it will spread.


Mobile coworking bus lets professionals work, hike, bike & surf (Video)

This renovated bus is a mobile coworking space that brings location-independent professionals out into the great outdoors, combining work with a hike, a bike trip or a surf ride on the waves.


Coburn Vows to Block Senate Resolution Honoring Rachel Carson

This coming Sunday would've been Silent Spring author and environmental hero Rachel Carson's 100th birthday. In recognition of Carson's contributions to the creation of the modern environmental movement, Sen. Benjanmin L. Cardin (D-MD) has announced his


Tiny solar cells placed under the skin could power pacemakers and other implants

A typical pacemaker could be powered by solar cells as small as 3.6 square centimeters, which could be implanted under the skin, thereby avoiding the need for periodic battery replacements.


No more dental fillings? Drug found to stimulate tooth regrowth

Researchers have found that an Alzheimer's drug triggers dentine regrowth, eliminating need for fillings.


How a 14th century manuscript could solve our antibiotic crisis

Researchers are poring over an important medieval medical text with 360 recipes, many of which might have successfully fought infection long before modern science.


This high-tech, grow-it-yourself medical cannabis kit is as easy as using an app

Seedo, creators of automated consumer grow labs, will shortly plant a seed in the U.S. medical marijuana market.


3D printing grows up, heals wounds by printing skin

Scientists have created a mobile bioprinter that when filled with a patient's cells, prints skin directly into a wound.


Another study shows that supplements don’t work, may cause harm

Getting enough nutrients from food reduces risk of death, not the same could be said for nutrients in pill form. And in fact, some supplements were linked to increased risk of death.


16th-century text shows ginkgo seeds can fight skin infections

Inspired by a centuries-old text on traditional Chinese medicine, a young researcher has found that seeds from the gingko tree could prove helpful for acne, psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.


How vets used fish skin to help save sweet Stella after a fire

Fighting for her life after narrowly escaping a horrible house fire, doctors used sustainable fish skin grafts on the Rottweiler's burns to help save her life.


Bon Appétit writers show how they use up old food

A pinch of ingenuity can transform sad-looking ingredients into something desirable.


How to pack the best food for travel

Whether you're in a plane, train, or car, it's important always to have good snacks.


Free cookbook shows how to slash food waste

Packed with smart advice, this downloadable PDF is full of delicious recipes that can save you money and hassle.


Quick-thinking obstetrician delivers a drowning baby moose to safety

"It was cool to be in the right place at the right time," says Dr. Sciascia.


Views of the River Thames by artists, showing its changing nature

The River Thames has inspired artists throughout the ages; here's a modern take on it.


Self-powered fish tag tracks fish for as long as they swim

Long-living fish can now be tracked for their whole lives with a single tag.


It's not just self-driving cars, it is a whole New Mobility Now

A new study looks at how AVs are part of a much bigger picture of how we get around.


How will self-driving cars affect our cities? Two views

Phil Levin thinks it will change real estate completely; Christian Wolmar thinks it is ludicrous tech nerd fantasy.


Uber's fatal crash shows we should fix our cities, not our cars

People are being killed every day and the problem is the design of our streets as much as the cars and drivers.


Two transportation tragedies show how it is time to put pedestrians first

On National Walking Day, a look at how putting cars first kills people who walk and drive.


Volvo's 360c is a rethink of how autonomous vehicles might be used

They are going to be a lot more than just cars that drive themselves.


$80 billion has been spent on self-driving cars with nothing to show for it.

We are wasting too much time, energy and money on autonomous vehicles. We know what to do and it's not AVs.


If hackers shut down cars in New York City, would anyone notice?

Researchers at Georgia Tech warn that there is a risk that self-driving cars might be hacked and cause gridlock.


Dow Chemical Partners with Algenol Biofuels to Build Pilot Biorefinery

Though it was announced over two weeks ago, perhaps because of Exxon's backing of Synthetic Genomics, Dow Chemical's backing of Algenol Biofuels is getting a bit more play. Together they will develop a pilot-scale algae


Palm Oil Biodiesel, Now With 2000% the Emissions of Fossil Fuels

Can we just all put palm oil biodiesel produced on deforested peatlands to rest already: A new report from the United Nations Environment Programme shows that biodiesel production under these


Willie Smits on Regrowing the Indonesian Rainforest and Harvesting Biofuels

Image: Casajuntoalrio Willie Smits long ago abandoned the customary role of the microbiologist. After working in the Indonesian rainforest for three decades (and marrying a tribal queen), he has taken it upon himself to regrow the delicate ecosystems


The Best Green Cars and Technology From Michelin's 2010 Challenge Bibendum Show

French tire giant Michelin recently held its 10th Challenge Bibendum, this time in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The event is a chance for Michelin to rally industry players around the flag of sustainable mobility and the future of the automobile. Here's me loo


The Best Green Cars and Technology From Michelin's 2010 Challenge Bibendum Show (Slideshow)

This year, French tire giant Michelin (yes, the Michelin that made the tires on your car) held its 10th Challenge Bibendum event, this time in Rio de Janeiro. If you've never heard of this thing, don't kick yourself,


How to Improve Food Security by Reducing Grain Demand

After several decades of Lrapid rise in world grain yields, it is now becoming more difficult to raise land productivity fast enough to keep up with the demands of a growing, increasingly affluent, population.


First Iowa Cellulosic Ethanol Plant Gets $105m Loan Guarantee From DoE

If it seems like you've read a variation of the above headline before you're not wrong, and as much as anything it's a sign of the rock road cellulosic ethanol and biofuels in general have had in the past few years. The details: The Department of


Outdoor preschools are now legal in Washington state

The unprecedented move means that these schools will have greater access to funding and registrations.


San Jose’s "Green Vision" Initiative Means Low-Impact Sleep, Eat and Play is Easy in Silicon Valley

Here's a one-stop green guide to traveling in San Jose, from hotels to a night on the town.


Throwaway Economy Headed for Junk Heap of History

The challenge is to re-evaluate the materials we consume and the way we manufacture products so as to cut down on waste.


How Rob Hopkins Gave Up on Giving Up On Flying

When rob Hopkins watched "An Inconvenient Truth", he vowed never to fly again. When he watched "Chasing Ice", he decided to get back on a plane. Here's why.


Ed Sheeran's popular song, The Shape of You, now has an environmental version

Global Citizen changed the lyrics to include a strong anti-food waste message, and the result is both entertaining and informative.


Bitcoin mining is using as much power as 5,699,560 American households.

It creates as much CO2 as a million transatlantic flights. Why isn't this a bigger deal?


Is it really safe to eat food grown in urban gardens?

Between the industrial waste, rats, and lead dust floating around, I wasn't sure if I should start an urban garden. The question took me to an unexpected place.


The problem with how men think about masculinity

A new study found men think society expects them to conform to stereotypes ... but how right are they?


Should cities be allowed to ban Little Free Libraries?

There are reasonable limits on what people can do on their properties. But this goes too far.


Should you "neither a borrower nor a lender be"? (Survey)

That was the advice of Shakespeare's Polonius, but then there is the sharing economy. Which is it?


Coworking is a great idea, but can WeWork survive?

Sharing resources and renting just what you need is green, but not much of a business model.


Nice shades: 24 storey Passive House tower built in Manhattan

ZH architects faced a lot of serious challenges here, and came up with innovative solutions.


Master Plan for new community in Bergen is seriously low carbon

It's got all three: low transportation energy, low embodied carbon, low operating energy.


UK government refuses to crack down on fast fashion

It has rejected recommendations that could divert some of the 300,000 tonnes of clothing that go to landfill each year.


Wearable electronics could someday be powered by body heat

A new lightweight thermoelectric generator has been developed at NC State, which may be able to power small health sensors or other small wearable devices.


Tesla owners are mining bitcoins with free power from charging stations, but most are mined with coal

Bitcoin mining uses so much power that it may well turn into an environmental disaster.


Time to throw out your smoke detector and get a new one

Pull out the ionization detectors and go photoelectric.


Can You Spot TreeHugger in this Google 'Search Story' About Solar Power in Michigan? (Video)

Don't Blink or You'll Miss It! Google has created a series of video ads called "Search Stories". They're basically short vignettes showing some cool projects that were made possible by people finding the right information (using Google, of course). The