dg How Lyft and Uber can improve transit agency budgets By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 05:00:00 +0000 The emergence of ride-hailing companies like Uber and Lyft seems to pose a direct challenge to the nation’s overburdened and underfunded transit agencies, potentially siphoning off patrons most able to pay full fare. Yet, amid competition, there exists a real opportunity for collaboration in providing mobility to the agencies’ neediest customers. American public transit needs… Full Article
dg Shooting for the moon: An agenda to bridge Africa’s digital divide By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Fri, 07 Feb 2020 18:45:34 +0000 Africa needs a digital transformation for faster economic growth and job creation. The World Bank estimates that reaching the African Union’s goal of universal and affordable internet coverage will increase GDP growth in Africa by 2 percentage points per year. Also, the probability of employment—regardless of education level—increases by 6.9 to 13.2 percent when fast… Full Article
dg Bridging the Social Security Divide: Lessons From Abroad By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Executive Summary Efforts by President George W. Bush to promote major reforms in the Social Security retirement program have not led to policy change, but rather to increased polarization between the two parties. And the longer we wait to address Social Security’s long-term funding problem, the bigger and more painful the changes will need to… Full Article
dg The President's 2015 R&D Budget: Livin' with the blues By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:30:00 -0400 On March 4, President Obama submitted to Congress his 2015 budget request. Keeping with the spending cap deal agreed last December with Congress, the level of federal R&D will remain flat; and, when discounted by inflation, it is slightly lower. The requested R&D amount for 2015 is $135.4 billion, only $1.7 billion greater than 2014. If we discount from this 1.2% increase the expected inflation of 1.7% we are confronting a 0.5% decline in real terms. Reaction of the Research Community The litany of complaints has started. The President’s Science and Technology Advisor, John Holdren said to AAAS: “This budget required a lot of tough choices. All of us would have preferred more." The Association of American Universities, representing 60 top research universities, put out a statement declaring that this budget does “disappointingly little to close the nation’s innovation deficit,” so defined by the gap between the appropriate level of R&D investment and current spending. What’s more, compared to 2014, the budget request has kept funding for scientific research roughly even but it has reallocated about $250 million from basic to applied research (see Table 1). Advocates of science have voiced their discontent. Take for instance the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology that has called the request a “disappointment to the research community” because the President’s budget came $2.5 billion short of their recommendations. The President’s Research and Development Budget 2015 Source: OMB Budget 2015 These complaints are fully expected and even justified: each interest group must defend their share of tax-revenues. Sadly, in times of austerity, these protestations are toothless. If they were to have any traction in claiming a bigger piece of the federal discretionary pie, advocates would have to make a comparative case showing what budget lines must go down to make room for more R&D. But that line of argumentation could mean suicide for the scientific community because it would throw it into direct political contest with other interests and such contests are rarely decided by the merits of the cause but by the relative political power of interest groups. The science lobby is better off issuing innocuous hortatory pronouncements rather than picking up political fights that it cannot win. Thus, the R&D slice is to remain pegged to the size of the total budget, which is not expected to grow, in the coming years, more than bonsai. The political accident of budget constraints is bound to change the scientific enterprise from within, not only in terms of the articulation of merits—which means more precise and compelling explanations for the relative importance of disciplines and programs—but also in terms of a shrewd political contest among science factions. Authors Walter D. Valdivia Full Article
dg Building the SDG economy: Needs, spending, and financing for universal achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Mon, 21 Oct 2019 18:56:39 +0000 Pouring several colors of paint into a single bucket produces a gray pool of muck, not a shiny rainbow. Similarly, when it comes to discussions of financing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), jumbling too many issues into the same debate leads to policy muddiness rather than practical breakthroughs. For example, the common “billions to trillions”… Full Article
dg Implementing the SDGs, the Addis Agenda, and Paris COP21 needs a theory of change to address the “missing middle.” Scaling up is the answer. By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Tue, 01 Dec 2015 09:09:00 -0500 So we’ve almost reached the end of the year 2015, which could go down in the history of global sustainable development efforts as one of the more significant years, with the trifecta of the approval of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the agreement on the Addis Agenda on Financing for Development (FfD) and the (shortly to be completed) Paris COP21 Climate Summit. Yet, all will depend on how the agreements with their ambitious targets are implemented on the ground. Effective implementation will require a theory of change—a way to think about how we are to get from “here” in 2015 to “there” in 2030. The key problem is what has very appropriately been called by some “the missing middle,” i.e., the gap between the top-down global targets on the one hand and the bottom-up development initiatives, projects, and programs that are supported by governments, aid agencies, foundations, and social entrepreneurs. One way to begin to close this gap is to aim for scaled-up global efforts in specific areas, as is pledged in the Addis Agenda, including efforts to fight global hunger and malnutrition, international tax cooperation and international cooperation to strengthen capacities of municipalities and other local authorities, investments and international cooperation to allow all children to complete free, equitable, inclusive and quality early childhood, primary and secondary education, and concessional and non-concessional financing. Another way is to develop country-specific national targets and plans consistent with the SDG, Addis, and COP21 targets, as is currently being done with the assistance of the United Nations Development Program’s MAPS program. This can provide broad guidance on policy priorities and resource mobilization strategies to be pursued at the national level and can help national and international actors to prioritize their interventions in areas where a country’s needs are greatest. However, calling for expanded global efforts in particular priority areas and defining national targets and plans is not enough. Individual development actors have to link their specific projects and programs with the national SDG, Addis, and COP21 targets. They systematically have to pursue a scaling-up strategy in their areas of engagement, i.e., to develop and pursue pathways from individual time-bound interventions to impact at a scale in a way that will help achieve the global and national targets. A recent paper I co-authored with Larry Cooley summarizes two complementary approaches of how one might design and implement such scaling-up pathways. The main point, however, is that only the pursuit of such scaling-up pathways constitutes a meaningful theory of change that offers hope for effective implementation of the new global sustainable development targets. Fortunately, over the last decade, development analysts and agencies have increasingly focused on the question of how to scale up impact of successful development interventions. Leading the charge, the World Bank in 2004, under its president Jim Wolfensohn, organized a high-level international conference in Shanghai in cooperation with the Chinese authorities on the topic of scaling up development impact and published the associated analytical work. However, with changes in the leadership at the World Bank, the initiative passed to others in the mid-2000s, including the Brookings Institution, ExpandNet (a group of academics working with the World Health Organization), Management Systems International (MSI), and Stanford University. They developed analytical frameworks for systematically assessing scalability of development initiatives and innovations, analyzed the experience with more or less successful scaling-up initiatives, including in fragile and conflict-affected states, and established networks that bring together development experts and practitioners to share knowledge. By now, many international development agencies (including GIZ, JICA, USAID, African Development Bank, IFAD and UNDP), foundations (including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation) and leading development NGOs (including Heifer International, Save the Children and the World Resources Institute), among others, have focused on how best to scale up development impact, while the OECD recently introduced a prize for the most successful scaling-up development initiatives. The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) is perhaps the most advanced among the agencies, having developed a systematic operational approach to the innovation-learning-scaling-up cycle. In a collaborative effort with the Brookings Institution, IFAD reviewed its operational practices and experience and then prepared operational design and evaluation guidelines, which can serve as a good example for other development agencies. The World Bank, while yet to develop a systematic institution-wide approach to the scaling-up agenda, is exploring in specific areas how best to pursue scaled-up impact, such as in the areas of mother and child health, social enterprise innovation, and the “science of delivery.” Now that the international community has agreed on the SDGs and the Addis Agenda, and is closing in on an agreement in Paris on how to respond to climate change, it is the right time to bridge the “missing middle” by linking the sustainable development and climate targets with effective scaling-up methodologies and practices among the development actors. In practical terms, this requires the following steps: Developing shared definitions, analytical frameworks, and operational approaches to scaling up among development experts; Developing sectoral and sub-sectoral strategies at country level that link short- and medium-term programs and interventions through scaling-up pathways with the longer-term SDG and climate targets; Introducing effective operational policies and practices in the development agencies in country strategies, project design, and monitoring and evaluation; Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships around key development interventions with the shared goal of pursuing well-identified scaling-up pathways focused on the achievement of the SDGs and climate targets; Developing incentive schemes based on the growing experience with “challenge funds” that focus not only on innovation, but also on scaling up, such as the recently established Global Innovation Fund; and Further building up expert and institutional networks to share experience and approaches, such as the Community of Practice on Scaling Up, recently set up by MSI and the Results for Development Institute. Authors Johannes F. Linn Full Article
dg How to meet SDG and climate goals: Eight lessons for scaling up development programs By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Tue, 10 May 2016 09:30:00 -0400 To achieve the desired outcomes of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the global targets from the Paris COP21 Climate Summit by 2030, governments will have to find ways to meet the top-down objectives with bottom-up approaches. A systematic focus on scaling up successful development interventions could serve to bridge this gap, or what’s been called the “missing middle.” However, the question remains how to actually address the challenge of scaling up. When Arna Hartmann, adjunct professor of international development, and I first looked at the scaling up agenda in development work in the mid-2000s, we concluded that development agencies were insufficiently focused on supporting the scaling up of successful development interventions. The pervasive focus on one-off projects all too often resulted in what I’ve come to refer to as “pilots to nowhere.” As a first step to fix this, we recommended that each aid organization carry out a review to be sure to focus effectively on scaling up. The institutional dimension is critical, given their role in developing and implementing scaling up pathways. Of course, individuals serve as champions, designers, and implementers, but experience illustrates that if individuals lack a strong link to a supportive institution, scaling up is most likely to be short-lived and unsustainable. “Institutions” include many different types of organizations, such as government ministries and departments, private firms and social enterprises, civil society organizations, and both public and private external donors and financiers. The Brookings book “Getting to Scale: How to Bring Development Solutions to Millions of Poor People” explores the opportunities and challenges that such organizations face, on their own or, better yet, partnering with each other, in scaling up the development impact of their successful interventions. Eight lessons in scaling up Over the past decade I have worked with 10 foreign aid institutions—multilateral and bilateral agencies, as well as big global non-governmental organizations—helping them to focus systematically on scaling up operational work and developing approaches to do so. There are common lessons that apply across the board to these agencies, with one salutary example being the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) which has tackled the scaling up agenda systematically and persistently. Following are eight takeaway lessons I gleaned from my work with IFAD: Look into the “black box” of institutions. It is not enough to decide that an institution should focus on and support scaling up of successful development interventions. You actually need to look at how institutions function in terms of their mission statement and corporate strategy, their policies and processes, their operational instruments, their budgets, management and staff incentives, and their monitoring and evaluation practices. Check out the Brookings working paper that summarizes the results of a scaling up review of the IFAD. Scaling needs to be pursued institution-wide. Tasking one unit in an organization with innovation and scaling up, or creating special outside entities (like the Global Innovation Fund set up jointly by a number of donor agencies) is a good first step. But ultimately, a comprehensive approach must be mainstreamed so that all operational activities are geared toward scaling up. Scaling up must be championed from the top. The governing boards and leadership of the institutions need to commit to scaling up and persistently stay on message, since, like any fundamental institutional change, effectively scaling up takes time, perhaps a decade or more as with IFAD. The scaling up process must be grown within the institution. External analysis and advice from consultants can play an important role in institutional reviews. But for lasting institutional change, the leadership must come from within and involve broad participation from managers and staff in developing operational policies and processes that are tailored to an institution’s specific culture, tasks, and organizational structure. A well-articulated operational approach for scaling up needs to be put in place. For more on this, take a look at a recent paper by Larry Cooley and I that reviews two helpful operational approaches, which are also covered in Cooley’s blog. For the education sector, the Center for Universal Education at Brookings just published its report “Millions Learning,” which provides a useful scaling up approach specifically tailored to the education sector. Operational staffs need to receive practical guidance and training. It is not enough to tell staff that they have to focus on scaling up and then give them a general framework. They also need practical guidance and training, ideally tailored to the specific business lines they are engaged in. IFAD, for example, developed overall operational guidelines for scaling up, as well as guidance notes for specific area of engagement, including livestock development, agricultural value chains, land tenure security, etc. This guidance and training ideally should also be extended to consultants working with the agency on project preparation, implementation, and evaluation, as well as to the agency’s local counterpart organizations. New approaches to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) have to be crafted. Typically the M&E for development projects is backward looking and focused on accountability, narrow issues of implementation, and short-term results. Scaling up requires continuous learning, structured experimentation, and innovation based on evidence, including whether the enabling conditions for scaling up are being established. And it is important to monitor and evaluate the institutional mainstreaming process of scaling up to ensure that it is effectively pursued. I’d recommend looking at how the German Agency for International Development (GIZ) carried out a corporate-wide evaluation of its scaling up experience. Scaling up helps aid organizations mobilize financial resources. Scaling up leverages limited institutional resources in two ways: First, an organization can multiply the impact of its own financial capacity by linking up with public and private agencies and building multi-stakeholder coalitions in support of scaling up. Second, when an organization demonstrates that it is pursuing not only one-off results but also scaled up impact, funders or shareholders of the organization tend to be more motivated to support the organization. This certainly was one of the drivers of IFAD’s successful financial replenishment consultation rounds over the last decade. By adopting these lessons, development organizations can actually begin to scale up to the level necessary to bridge the missing middle. The key will be to assure that a focus on scaling up is not the exception but instead becomes ingrained in the institutional DNA. Simply put, in designing and implementing development programs and projects, the question needs to be answered, “What’s next, if this intervention works?” Authors Johannes F. Linn Full Article
dg Why Bridgegate proves we need fewer hacks, machines, and back room deals, not more By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2015 15:30:00 -0400 I had been mulling a rebuttal to my colleague and friend Jon Rauch’s interesting—but wrong—new Brookings paper praising the role of “hacks, machines, big money, and back room deals” in democracy. I thought the indictments of Chris Christie’s associates last week provided a perfect example of the dangers of all of that, and so of why Jon was incorrect. But in yesterday’s L.A. Times, he beat me to it, himself defending the political morality (if not the efficacy) of their actions, and in the process delivering a knockout blow to his own position. Bridgegate is a perfect example of why we need fewer "hacks, machines, big money, and back room deals" in our politics, not more. There is no justification whatsoever for government officials abusing their powers, stopping emergency vehicles and risking lives, making kids late for school and parents late for their jobs to retaliate against a mayor who withholds an election endorsement. We vote in our democracy to make government work, not break. We expect that officials will serve the public, not their personal interests. This conduct weakens our democracy, not strengthens it. It is also incorrect that, as Jon suggests, reformers and transparency advocates are, in part, to blame for the gridlock that sometimes afflicts our American government at every level. As my co-authors and I demonstrated at some length in our recent Brookings paper, “Why Critics of Transparency Are Wrong,” and in our follow-up Op-Ed in the Washington Post, reform and transparency efforts are no more responsible for the current dysfunction in our democracy than they were for the gridlock in Fort Lee. Indeed, in both cases, “hacks, machines, big money, and back room deals” are a major cause of the dysfunction. The vicious cycle of special interests, campaign contributions and secrecy too often freeze our system into stasis, both on a grand scale, when special interests block needed legislation, and on a petty scale, as in Fort Lee. The power of megadonors has, for example, made dysfunction within the House Republican Caucus worse, not better. Others will undoubtedly address Jon’s new paper at length. But one other point is worth noting now. As in foreign policy discussions, I don’t think Jon’s position merits the mantle of political “realism,” as if those who want democracy to be more democratic and less corrupt are fluffy-headed dreamers. It is the reformers who are the true realists. My co-authors and I in our paper stressed the importance of striking realistic, hard-headed balances, e.g. in discussing our non-absolutist approach to transparency; alas, Jon gives that the back of his hand, acknowledging our approach but discarding the substance to criticize our rhetoric as “radiat[ing] uncompromising moralism.” As Bridgegate shows, the reform movement’s “moralism" correctly recognizes the corrupting nature of power, and accordingly advocates reasonable checks and balances. That is what I call realism. So I will race Jon to the trademark office for who really deserves the title of realist! Authors Norman Eisen Image Source: © Andrew Kelly / Reuters Full Article
dg Taking the long view: Budgeting for investments in human capital By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Mon, 08 Feb 2016 13:42:00 -0500 Tomorrow, President Obama unveils his last budget, and we’re sure to see plenty of proposals for spending on education and skills. In the past, the Administration has focused on investments in early childhood education, community colleges, and infrastructure and research. From a budgetary standpoint, the problem with these investments is how to capture their benefits as well as their costs. Show me the evidence First step: find out what works. The Obama Administration has been emphatic about the need for solid evidence in deciding what to fund. The good news is that we now have quite a lot of it, showing that investing in human capital from early education through college can make a difference. Not all programs are successful, of course, and we are still learning what works and what doesn’t. But we know enough to conclude that investing in a variety of health, education, and mobility programs can positively affect education, employment, and earnings in adulthood. Solid investments in human capital For example: 1. Young, low-income children whose families move to better neighborhoods using housing vouchers see a 31 percent increase in earnings; 2. Quality early childhood and school reform programs can raise lifetime income per child by an average of about $200,000, for at an upfront cost of about $20,000; 3. Boosting college completion rates, for instance via the Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) in the City University of New York, leads to higher earnings. Underinvesting in human capital? If such estimates are correct (and we recognize there are uncertainties), policymakers are probably underinvesting in such programs because they are looking at the short-term costs but not at longer-term benefits and budget savings. First, the CBO’s standard practice is to use a 10-year budget window, which means long-range effects are often ignored. Second, although the CBO does try to take into account behavioral responses, such as increased take-up rates of a program, or improved productivity and earnings, it often lacks the research needed to make such estimates. Third, the usual assumption is that the rate of return on public investments in human capital is less than that for private investment. This is now questionable, especially given low interest rates. Dynamic scoring for human capital investments? A hot topic in budget politics right now is so-called “dynamic scoring.” This means incorporating macroeconomic effects, such as an increase in the labor force or productivity gains, into cost estimates. In 2015, the House adopted a rule requiring such scoring, when practicable, for major legislation. But appropriations bills are excluded, and quantitative analyses are restricted to the existing 10-year budget window. The interest in dynamic scoring is currently strongest among politicians pushing major tax bills, on the grounds that tax cuts could boost growth. But the principles behind dynamic scoring apply equally to improvements in productivity that could result from proposals to subsidize college education, for example—as proposed by both Senator Sanders and Secretary Clinton. Of course, it is tough to estimate the value of these potential benefits. But it is worth asking whether current budget rules lead to myopia in our assessments of what such investments might accomplish, and thus to an over-statement of their “true” cost. Authors Beth AkersIsabel V. Sawhill Image Source: © Jonathan Ernst / Reuters Full Article
dg Revisiting the budget outlook: An update after the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 13:00:30 +0000 The Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO’s) latest federal budget projections (CBO 2019b), released in August, contain two major changes from their previous projections, which were issued in May (CBO 2019a). First, the new projections incorporate the effects of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 (BBA19), which substantially raised discretionary spending (as it is defined in CBO’s… Full Article
dg Trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see: Four take-aways from CBO’s new budget outlook By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Mon, 03 Feb 2020 14:00:59 +0000 The Congressional Budget Office's new Budget and Economic Outlook provides a useful update on the state of the economy and the budget. While the headline news is the return of trillion-dollar annual deficits, there is much more to consider. Here are four take-aways from the latest projections: 1. Interest rates have fallen and will remain… Full Article
dg Bridging the immigration divide: Forging a bipartisan policy on visas for STEM graduates By webfeeds.brookings.edu Published On :: Fri, 06 Mar 2015 14:34:26 +0000 The “brain drain” caused by current immigration laws discourages foreign students who’ve obtained a degree in the United States from remaining here to pursue employment or entrepreneurial opportunities, and in the process enhance U.S. growth and competitiveness. Finding common ground on immigration reform is a challenge in today’s polarized political atmosphere, and the need for… Full Article
dg Don't judge a supermarket for empty shelves, it might be fighting food waste By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 09:08:10 -0500 Sorry, shoppers, but empty supermarket shelves could be a good thing. Full Article Living
dg A major U.S. utility company just pledged to go carbon-free for the first time in American history By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 06 Dec 2018 09:00:00 -0500 Are the tables finally starting to turn? Full Article Business
dg Tesco pledges to help consumers waste less food By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 24 May 2013 09:25:00 -0400 The British grocery giant hopes to prevent food waste. Full Article Business
dg The top 10 gadget stories of the year By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 10:16:49 -0500 Hydroponics systems, electricity-free appliances and more caught your attention in 2015. Full Article Technology
dg Temporary bamboo bridge replaces tourist attraction in Thailand By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 07:06:00 -0400 floating bridge is described as "a magnificent piece of engineering." Full Article Design
dg After the big Northridge earthquake, a mysterious cloud appeared above LA – here's what it was By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 03 Apr 2019 16:02:54 -0400 Calls came into emergency centers and even the Griffith Observatory from LA residents who described seeing a “giant silvery cloud.” Full Article Science
dg Australia Stepping Back From The Coal-Fired Edge By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 15:50:44 -0400 Climate change is powerfully symbolized by severe drought. Extended, widespread drought can make potable water scarce. Desalination plants are energy intensive and expensive to build and run: the several recently build or planned for Australia may Full Article Business
dg Artist Creates Cloud Making Machine to Test Geoengineering "Limits of Knowledge" By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 07:15:00 -0500 Inspired by geoengineering techniques, an artist creates a personal cloud-forming machine to make a point. Full Article Design
dg U.S. and China pledge their commitments to fighting climate change at UN Summit in New York By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 23:07:31 -0400 Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon called upon heads of state to make “bold” announcements at today’s Climate Summit. Full Article Science
dg Heath Ledger's Green Music VIdeo, Lady Gaga's No-Fur Policy, and More By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 07 Aug 2009 11:42:42 -0400 The Heath Ledger-directed Modest Mouse video for "King Rat," released Tuesday, follows the animated adventures of a ship helmed by whales on the hunt for humans--harpoons and all.Ledger developed the video to draw attention to Full Article Living
dg How the Extinction Rebellion built the best Garden Bridge By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 30 Apr 2019 13:47:47 -0400 No complex masterplans, they simply deleted the cars and invited the public to come and play. Full Article Design
dg Physicist's hyperrealistic origami art bridges nature, math and science (Video) By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 07:00:00 -0400 Believe it or not, these folded works of wonder are created from a single sheet of paper -- no cuts, no glue. Full Article Living
dg Micro Fuel Cell Made from Glass Could Power Our Gadgets By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 30 Nov 2012 11:07:49 -0500 The tiny fuel cell is long-lasting, low-cost and could power our tablets and smartphones with clean energy. Full Article Technology
dg UPP fuel cell gadget charger: Personal portable power from hydrogen (Review) By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 14:03:05 -0400 This small hydrogen fuel cell charger promises a week of clean power for your gadgets. But is it ready for prime time? Full Article Technology
dg Toxic Sludge Floods Hungarian Villages, Killing Two By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 17:38:32 -0400 It sounds like a plot-line from a bad 1950's sci-fi movie, but unfortunately there's nothing fiction about it. Several towns in western Hungary were flooded today with a toxic red sludge after the waste product from Full Article Business
dg The Week in Pictures: Toxic Industrial Sludge Covers Hungarian Villages, Solar Panels on the White House, and More (Slideshow) By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Oct 2010 10:04:54 -0400 A state of emergency has been declared in Hungary where four people are dead, 120 injured and six missing as torrents of red toxic sludge, the byproduct of bauxite refining for aluminum, burst from a containment pond and poured through six villages in Full Article TreeHugger Exclusives
dg Designer's awesome secret studio is suspended under bridge By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 25 Aug 2017 08:00:00 -0400 Ephemeral and unexpected, this outdoor workspace is intended as an urban refuge. Full Article Design
dg Leo's most important role yet? DiCaprio pledges $7 million to ocean conservation projects By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 14:50:47 -0400 This is DiCaprio going back to his first love, in a way, as before becoming an actor, he thought about becoming a marine biologist. Full Article Science
dg Mion's Floodgate Takes Recycling In Its Stride By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:16:54 -0400 Two years ago when Mion footwear won an ecodesign award we described them as something "you might expect the Jetsons to wear on the weekends." And we wanted the company to be more overt in their green product design. With their new models they've Full Article Living
dg In praise of the dumb fridge By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 18 May 2016 12:33:50 -0400 A smart fridge might well make you fatter and poorer. Full Article Design
dg Irish Passive House gets built on a budget By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 03 Mar 2016 10:48:51 -0500 A quantity surveyor deals with construction costs for a living, and shows how it's done. Full Article Design
dg HydroBee charges your gadgets with hydropower By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 07:00:00 -0500 Just float the device in a river or stream and soon enough you'll have enough juice to charge a smartphone, GPS or other device. Full Article Technology
dg Power-generating insole lets you charge your gadgets with your steps By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 09:26:38 -0400 The removable insole that's now on Kickstarter can fit into almost any kind of shoe. Full Article Technology
dg Teen inventor creates a coffee mug to power your gadgets By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 07:00:00 -0400 The same inventor who brought us the body heat-powered flashlight is at it again. Full Article Technology
dg On MNN: Don't pack away that standing desk, a bridge to New Jersey and a few Boomer Alerts By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 10:05:48 -0400 A really interesting housing project and a look back at Canadian Thanksgiving Full Article Living
dg This solar briefcase will charge your phone, laptop, and a host of other gadgets By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 07 Feb 2017 14:23:34 -0500 Another large-sized solar charger and battery system is about to hit the market, as an off-grid solar generator in a briefcase. Full Article Technology
dg RIP Gillis Lundgren, father of the modern flatpack and the Billy Bookcase By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 13:36:14 -0400 The bookcase was designed on a napkin because "Ideas are perishable" Full Article Design
dg The Bay Bridge shines in the light of 25,000 LEDs By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 07 Mar 2013 11:52:00 -0500 Stanley Jevons was right; develop a more efficient technology and people will figure out ways to use it that in the end, consume more energy Full Article Technology
dg Thomas Heatherwick's amazing pedestrian bridges rock and roll By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Tue, 03 Nov 2015 12:40:23 -0500 Because bridges are for people. Full Article Design
dg Check this map to see if you live near Enbridge's controversial Line 9 oil pipeline By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:00:00 -0400 Experts have predicted a "high risk" of rupture on this aging oil pipeline that has recently been approved to bring Alberta tar sands crude to Eastern Canada. Full Article Business
dg 40+ gadgets in your pocket, without the e-waste By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 09 May 2013 15:54:26 -0400 E-waste is a big problem, but there is also a counter-trend that helps fight it. Full Article Technology
dg Judge allows California to require cancer warning on Monsanto's Roundup By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 15 Mar 2017 11:08:57 -0400 A judge has ruled against Monsanto; company complains that it would drive some customers away. Unsealed documents add to drama. Full Article Business
dg Everybody is against Enbridge on Haida Gwaii By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 25 Jun 2015 11:43:12 -0400 You can see the opposition to the big pipe from the tar sands on every house and every stop sign. Full Article Business
dg Creative Recycling: Thieves Steal An Entire Bridge By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 11:09:21 -0400 Ambitious thieves spend a month torching apart a Pennsylvania bridge Full Article Business
dg Morocco pledges to ax fossil fuel subsidies By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 10 Jun 2015 06:20:21 -0400 A level playing field for renewables is about to get a step closer, at least in Morocco. Full Article Energy
dg We've already spent nature's budget for the year, 6 days earlier than last year By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 11:55:41 -0400 Today is Earth Overshoot Day, but it's not exactly something we should be celebrating. It's actually a wakeup call for humanity. Full Article Science
dg MIT creates super accurate solar potential map of Cambridge By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 09:33:38 -0400 The mapping technology will eventually be used to get precise solar power potential information for any location around the world. Full Article Technology
dg Garden Bridge fiasco wasted £53m By www.treehugger.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 12:08:01 -0500 An object lesson in how not to do city-building. Full Article Design