2019.10.4 stylevoice

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2019.12.16iron style




☆2019.12.30 style




歌合 乱舞狂乱2019




歌合 乱舞狂乱2019




歌合 乱舞狂乱2019in宮城




2019年 『感謝』




ehoradote: Conte de printemps (1990) Éric Rohmer interiores


Conte de printemps (1990) Éric Rohmer



Мурманск в 1920 году

Сто лет тому назад - 13 марта 1920 года Красная армия освободила Мурманск от американо-английских интервентов. С севера полностью прогнали и белогвардейцев. Гражданская война здесь закончилась. Планы военной интервенции, ее еще называли Северной русской кампанией, стали составляться в 1917 году. Уже тогда в русской армии начались мятежи и дезертирство. А после Великой октябрьской социалистической революции большевики заговорили о выходе из Первой мировой войны и начали вести переговоры с Германией. Западные же державы хотели восстановления восточного фронта. А тут еще Германия высадила десант в Финляндии. Появилась угроза захвата немцами стратегически важных портов Кольского полуострова и создания там баз для подводных лодок. Союзники нашли повод - предложили Мурманскому совету помощь в охране складов с военным имуществом. В Мурманске и Архангельске скопились миллионы тонн военных грузов, и Антанта беспокоилась, что их может захватить Германия. В совете, при поддержке Троцкого, согласились. Интервенты стали наращивать свою группировку на Кольском полуострове. 6 марта 1918 года в Мурманске высадился десант морской пехоты английского линейного корабля "Глори" ( https://o-murmansk.ru/history/events/12-murmansk-v-1920-godu.html ). Это стало началом интервенции. Советское правительство потребовало вывести войска, но в ответ Мурманский совет разорвал все отношения с Москвой. Войска Антанты и белогвардейцы построили специальные каторжные лагеря сначала на Мудьюге, а затем на Иоканьге. В них помещали большевиков и местных жителей. 2 августа 1918 года с помощью эскадры из 17 военных кораблей уже в Архангельске высадился 9-тысячный отряд Антанты. К этому времени здесь свергли советскую власть. Кстати, во время Северной кампании союзники впервые применили одновременно авиационную бомбардировку и бомбардировку с судов. Это произошло недалеко от Архангельска - у острова Мудьюг. Но, как отмечают историки, войска Красной армии были более организованными, и не только на суше. В короткие сроки сформированный речной флот, не имевший крупных судов, успешно противодействовал интервентам, постепенно выводя из строя иностранные корабли. С наступлением морозов Красная армия начала готовить наступление. 11 ноября 1918 года прошла кровавая битва за деревню Тулгас. И именно в этот день завершилась Первая мировая война. В войсках интервентов упал моральный дух. Не все хотели воевать и погибать за белое движение. К тому же в Великобритании проходили массовые забастовки под лозунгами "Руки прочь от России". И войска Антанты приняли решение об эвакуации. К 27 сентября 1919 года последний британский корабль покинул Архангельск. Здесь в феврале 1920 года вспыхнуло восстание. Освобожденные из тюрем политические заключенные вместе с военными помешали белым увести часть кораблей, подводную лодку "Св. Георгий", ледокол "Святогор". 20 февраля красные войска заняли Архангельск. 23 февраля части Красной Армии из-под Петрозаводска перешли в наступление вдоль Мурманской железной дороги, 25 февраля освободили станцию Медвежья Гора, 2 марта - станцию Сорока, 9 марта - Кандалакшу. 13 марта дивизия вступила в Мурманск. На этом организованное сопротивление на севере закончилось.


Teddy's Speech by Gryffinclaw_31 [G]

Six-year-old Teddy Lupin was feeling unnaturally nervous. One-shot Teddy's speech for his primary school about his parents, or people like his parents. R&R!


2019-2020 Novel Coronavirus outbreak: mathematics of epidemics, and what it can and cannot tell us (Nicolas Jewell)

At the most recent MSRI board of trustees meeting on Mar 7 (conducted online, naturally), Nicolas Jewell (a Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics at Berkeley, also affiliated with the Berkeley School of Public Health and the London School of Health and Tropical Disease), gave a presentation on the current coronavirus epidemic entitled “2019-2020 Novel Coronavirus […]


Polymath proposal: clearinghouse for crowdsourcing COVID-19 data and data cleaning requests

After some discussion with the applied math research groups here at UCLA (in particular the groups led by Andrea Bertozzi and Deanna Needell), one of the members of these groups, Chris Strohmeier, has produced a proposal for a Polymath project to crowdsource in a single repository (a) a collection of public data sets relating to […]


Outfits for Denver Pop Culture Convention 2019 Maxi Dresses & Purple!

Here are all the outfits I wore in Denver recently. I was mostly pleased that I managed to wear the right clothes for the weather... always a risk when packing. And never easy with an event of a Comic Con size.

Day One: Black with Pink Print Maxi Dress from eShakti 

Hat was made for me by a fan.
Dress is from eShakti. Yes it has pockets! (Remember you can make many of their dresses into a maxi dress if you like.)
Leather gloves are vintage. Similar on Amazon.

Day Two: Blue Pattern Maxi Dress

Maxi dress on sale from Nordstrom Rack.
Mesh gloves from Amazon.
Teapot Bag from Amazon.
Turban hat from Amazon.
Sunglasses from Amazon.

Day Three: Purple Pattern Pleated Day Dress

Day dress is vintage 1970s.
Mesh gloves from Amazon.
Teapot Bag from Amazon.
Turban hat from Amazon.
Sunglasses from Amazon

Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Reticence Extras: CP3 Straw Hats of the 1890s for Primrose in the Custard Protocol Series by Gail Carriger

Went to the Degas exhibit a little while ago, Fashionable Reader. Here's a retrospective on some of the straw hats of the 1890s that I saw there. These may, or may not, show up on Primrose in the forthcoming Custard Protocol book.

Image taken by Gail Carriger, do not share without attribution

Made me think of Ivy...

Image taken by Gail Carriger, do not share without attribution

Image taken by Gail Carriger, do not share without attribution
Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Gail Carriger's Tour of the New Office + Writing Q&A

Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Sample Gail Carriger's Meat Cute Audiobook!

Listen to a sample of Gail Carriger's audiobook, Meat Cute: The Hedgehog Incident.

Available many platforms here or from Gail directly here.

Alexia Tarabotti attends what appears to be a very dull London party,
until the new werewolf Alpha turns up, is unconscionably rude to her,
and sits on a hedgehog.

Don't miss this charming novelette featuring the very first encounter
between the Parasolverse's most popular power couple, preternatural
Alexia and supernatural Lord Conall Maccon.

Look out for cheeky appearances from other much beloved characters, not
to mention the strategic application of a certain wicker chicken.

Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Sample Gail Carriger's Romancing the Inventor Audiobook!

Listen to a sample of Gail Carriger's Audiobook Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella
You can find this audiobook here: https://gailcarriger.com/youtube_RTI
Parlormaid seeks scientist! 
From New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger comes a delightful lesbian Victorian romance featuring a maid bent on seducing an imprisoned cross-dressing inventor. 
Imogene Hale is a lowly parlormaid with a soul-crushing secret. Desperate to understand her own desires, she takes work at a local vampire hive, only to fall in love with the amazing lady inventor the vampires are keeping in their potting shed. 
Genevieve Lefoux is heartsick, lonely, brilliant, and French. With culture, class, and the lady herself set against the match, can Imogene and her duster win Genevieve’s heart, or will the vampires suck both of them dry? 
Set in Carriger’s popular steampunk Parasolverse, it’s full of class prejudice, elusive equations, and paranormal creatures taking tea.
Retro Rack is also on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to produce this blog without sponsors.


Sample GL Carriger's The 5th Gender Audiobook!

Retro Rack is now mainly on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts, and you can do the same. Or you can follow me on my regular blog for historical fashion posts, or join my newsletter, The Chirrup, for insider trading information.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to blog without sponsors.


Gail Carriger's Poison or Protect Audiobook!

Sample Gail Carriger's Audiobook Poison or Protect! 

You can find POISON OR PROTECT: A Delightfully Deadly Novella here: https://gailcarriger.com/youtube_PoP 
A sexy assassin, a Scotsman, and two lobsters attend a Victorian house party.

New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger brings you a charming story of love and espionage set in her popular Parasolverse. 
Lady Preshea Villentia, the Mourning Star, has four dead husbands and a nasty reputation. Fortunately, she looks fabulous in black. What society doesn’t know is that all her husbands were marked for death by Preshea’s employer. And Preshea has one final assignment. 
t was supposed to be easy, a house party with minimal bloodshed. Preshea hadn’t anticipated Captain Gavin Ruthven – massive, Scottish, quietly irresistible, and… working for the enemy.

In a battle of wits, Preshea may risk her own heart – a terrifying prospect, as she never knew she had one. 
May contain plaid, dainty sandwiches, and the strategic application of leather gloves. 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Outlander in this charming story from the author of the Parasol Protectorate books. Perfect for fans of Ilona Andrews, Lindsay Buroker, or Diana Gabaldon.

From the author of the Finishing School series, featuring deadly ladies of quality, this story stands alone but you can find out what happened to the next generation in Reticence. 
 Delicate Sensibilities? 
Contains men pleasing women, and ladies who know what they want and ask for it, sometimes in detail.

Retro Rack is now mainly on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts, and you can do the same. Or you can follow me on my regular blog for historical fashion posts, or join my newsletter, The Chirrup, for insider trading information.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to blog without sponsors.


Gail Carriger's Defy or Defend Launch Outfits

Retro Rack is now mainly on facebook where I post additional images and fashion thoughts, and you can do the same. Or you can follow me on my regular blog for historical fashion posts, or join my newsletter, The Chirrup, for insider trading information.

You can shop my recommendations via the following lists:
Steampunk, Retro Jewelry, Makeup, Retro Clothes, Lifestyle

Product links on this blog are usually to Amazon using my associate code. At no additional cost to you this means I get a slight kick back if you make a purchase. Thank you! This allows me to continue to blog without sponsors.





International Unicorn Day -- April 9, 2020

This Thursday (4/9), eighteen authors (including yours truly!) will be doing live readings to celebrate International Unicorn Day!!! At 10:30am ET, I'll be on Facebook Live on my author page here: https://www.facebook.com/sarahbethdurst

And I may be wearing a unicorn onesie... 

Hope you'll join me!  And feel free to invite along any unicorns who want to listen too!  I'll be reading from my kids book, THE GIRL WHO COULD NOT DREAM, which features the winged unicorn Glitterhoof.

For the full schedule of the day's events, visit: https://www.internationalunicornday.com/events

#OperationStoryTime #InternationalUnicornDay


RACE THE SANDS Book Necklace Countdown: Book 9

I'm counting down to the publication of my 20th book, RACE THE SANDS, out 4/21, by sharing pics of each #booknecklace my husband gave me to celebrate each of my prior books...

Book 9 (YA): CHASING POWER, an Indiana-Jones-style adventure about a girl with telekinesis and a boy who can teleport. Three magic stones play a key role in the story, so my #booknecklace (and earrings) contain three stones, possibly magical.

This book was so much fun to write! Kayla, the protagonist, has a minor power -- the ability to lift small (and only small) objects with her mind. Her true strength is her cleverness. I loved thinking up ways for her to have a big effect with a small amount of magic.


RACE THE SANDS Book Necklace Countdown: Book 19

I'm counting down to the publication of my 20th book, RACE THE SANDS, out 4/21, by sharing pics of each #booknecklace my husband gave me to celebrate each of my prior books...

Book 19 (MG): SPARK is my newest book for kids. It's about a girl and her lightning dragon (a storm beast), and how even the quietest voice can change the world. My #booknecklace is a lightning bolt, and I wore it so much that I broke the chain.

I wrote SPARK for all the quiet kids out there. But it's not about a quiet kid who learns to be loud. It's about a quiet kid who discovers that she's strong exactly as she is. She doesn't have to change herself to change the world.

I also wrote it because I not-so-secretly want my own lightning dragon.....



はい。こんばんわ。大晦日になりましたね。今年ももう間も無く、2019年…かなり走り抜いた一年になりました笑本当に走り抜いたな…いやいやこれからシンフォニアに向けてさらに走りますが。そんな訳で今年も振り返りたいと思います!ちょっと長くなると思いますが。まずは恒例のD-roomですね。毎年毎年本当にありがとうございました!12年間も続けられたのは皆さまとゲストさんのおかげです!今年で一度お休みは致しますがまたやれたら嬉しいなと思っております。その時は是非是非^ ^改めて思うけど私1人のイベントにこん


Респиратор 3м 9925

Для обеспечения защиты от сварочных аэрозолей и мелкодисперсной пыли (хлопковой, угольной, мучной и пр.) необходимо купить респиратор 3м 9925. Кроме того, изделие рекомендуется использовать при работе с нагревом металла, возникающим при его обработке (например, во время пайки, литья, резке и иных операциях). Устройство респиратора 3м 9225 Изделие представляет собой полумаску, оборудованную клапаном выдоха, функция которая […]


You don't have to attend every fight you're invited to

My week has been stressful. They called Thursday and offered me the half-time job. They needed to know that day -- we haven't heard back on the lucrative job James has applied for, so I declined, citing the fact that I'm the only breadwinner and James hasn't heard back about the job he was waiting to hear from (I didn't mention to the HR person that it's a job at my same employer, because it's probably not her fault they're lagging on his job, and I'm not an asshole). She wanted to know when I'd know, and I said, "Well, I was supposed to know two weeks ago, so I mean, soon, I hope, but no guarantees."

She called me back an hour later and offered to give me a week to decide (because they actually don't want the other two people who interviewed, is my surmise), so yeah, rollercoaster day on Thursday.

And then a student's mom called and cussed me out for like half an hour. I don't take that stuff personally, but it does wear on me. My co-workers marvelled over and over about how calm I stayed, and I said (and I meant it), "She was frustrated. That's understandable. And I don't have to attend every fight I'm invited to," which became a theme for the week.

My mom got in a fracas with another member of her senior center, and I shared my week's theme with her. I think she felt a little chastised, but she also seemed to latch onto the theme as a potential sanity saver.

And then today at the donut shop, I accidentally passed up another person who was waiting to pay (because I followed the person who gave me our donuts to the register and didn't notice the other person who was standing away from the registers at the window. She berated me for many minutes about how rude I was, and how I should give a bitch some space, and how in America, we call this White Privilege, and and and... I just apologized, didn't engage beyond that, (felt frankly detached and mildly amused -- not sure what that says about me) and then once she'd left, the cashier apologized to me for the customer.

Me: "Nah, she's not wrong. I didn't see her, but I did cut in front of her."

I mean, I don't like being yelled at, or having people behave in ways that I perceive as rude towards me, but I'm not gonna fault someone for standing up for their space when I've violated it, so long as they're not hitting me or something. Not a fight I need to get into; not a hill I'm gonna die on.

So yeah, stressful week for many reasons, but not something that's gonna ruin my Saturday, which will now be completed by spending many many many hours writing and catching up on webcomics.

And how are YOU, dear ones?



In which you skip this because other people's drama is exhausting

I want to write this, but I don't want anyone to feel compelled to read it, so here, have some cut tags!

Work stress )

MtY stress )

MtE stress )

Mom stress )

I'm thinking of getting therapy just to have someone to talk to about all the stress. The good thing (honest, I see it as a good thing) is that most of the stress is basically external to me -- my days are generally easy and pleasant, and everyone who's not me may be melting down, but all my stress is in the way of a contact low, as it were. Other than being in a sandwich-generation holding pattern (when will the next phase of my life begin? no one knows), things are pretty good. I'm making more money than I ever have, I love my work, I get lots of downtime to read and hang out with James and mom, and my health is better than it's been in years. So yeah, if the universe could just leave my loved ones in peace, that'd be great.



Update: COVID-19 version

Just emailed this to a family member and thought I'd put it here for my later reference:

Thanks for the update. Sorry for being brief before. They closed my school to move to online instruction (and UCSD; and most or all the K-12s; I don't know about SDSU yet). We're off for at least two weeks, and they'll let us know for sure on the 23rd if we're going back on the 30th. They're paying us, thank goodness (and thank labor unions), and they've given me remote access so I can work from home, which I'm happy about.

Mom has finally gotten it in her head that this is serious, so she's bowed out of her big weekly bridge game, which is actually illegal here now -- more than 10 elderly people or more than 250 people, period, is outlawed.

Today, I'm taking it easy except for a visit from the kid and some work-from-home stuff that's not difficult. For the next two-plus weeks, I plan to read a lot, write a lot, and play cards with mom, who will develop cabin fever pretty quickly. We stocked up on necessaries last weekend, so we've decided that barring actual urgency (not, like, "I want ice cream" urgency, that is), we're not going to shop at all during my break. This will be harder for mom, as you can imagine.

My baby brother (he will be 48 this week -- a mere embryo! -- is near ground zero in Washington State, but so far, his family is okay. He's worried about his wife's grandparents, who are quite old and quite ill. He (my brother) is in management at the cable company there, and he's just making sure his installers keep their distance, etc.

Love you, and hope to see you soon. Don't touch your face. :-)


  • working for myself


News From GenCon 2019

When Chris and I were at GenCon this year, we had the chance to sit down with a few of our favorite publishers for some 1 on 1 interviews and get information on upcoming releases from their catalog. I wanted to share some of this info with you guys to aid you in planning your board game purchases. 

Japanime Games

Domina Anthology featuring Argot, Miraris, and Pralaya (2019 4th quarter or 2020 1st quarter expected Kickstarter delivery then retail release) .
This anthology of games from Japanime is illustrated by Qtonagi and features games originally released by Domina from 2015-2017. Argoat is a worker placement game in which players travel trough the land looking for pieces to get to Eden and escape the nightmare of their current reality (bonus – it’s colorblind friendly). Pralaya is  competitive press your luck set collection game reminiscent of Forbidden Island in which your island is sinking and you must collect relics and pay the boatman to get off the island before it sinks. Miraris is a competitive bidding social game in which a row of cards equal to the number of players is established. All players choose a card from their hand and then all chosen cards are revealed simultaneously and placed in numerical order in a new row above the existing row of cards. Players get to claim the card from the initial row located underneath their number. If more than 1 player has revealed the same number, none of them get to claim a card. Also, there are secret objectives involved. Note: Japanime is taking pre-orders for the Domina Anthology on the Kickstarter page here: https://japanimegames.pledgemanager.com/projects/domina-anthology-featuring-pralaya-miraris-and-arg/participate/

Tanto Cuore 10th Anniversary Edition (coming to Kickstarter in the near term. Exact date TBD).

Core Connection: Rise of Atlantis (straight to retail release 2020 1st quarter). Atlantis is rising and player must stop robots from taking over. Tableau building game. Pre-order here: https://japanimegames.com/products/core-connection-rise-of-atlantis

Finally, while details are still tightly under wraps, Japanime did let me in on the news that they are developing some non anime board games centered on themes of Japan such as Japanese cuisine. These will be a mix of Kickstarter and straight to retail offerings in 2020 and beyond.

Calliope Games

Ship Shape (out now; released at GenCon). This game, designed by Rob Daviau, centers on strategically arranging crates in the hull of a cargo ship in a attempt to earn the most victory points.
Scoring is based on what you can see in the hold when viewing directly from above. The game includes friendly catch-up mechanisms. The story goes that Rob had a loose idea in mind for a packing game but it wasn’t fully developed until after Calliope approached him and asked him to design a game for their audience (Calliope focuses exclusively on family friendly gateway games that can be played in under an hour and accommodate 2-6 players) .

Tsuro (originally released 10 years ago; Calliope still enjoys healthy sales of the game that started it all; expect to see 10th Anniversary press and promos forthcoming).

Spymaster (estimated retail release 2019 3rd quarter). Players take on the role of spy agency chiefs attempting to accomplish their missions.

Everyone Loves a Parade (estimated retail release 2019 3rd quarter). In this dice rolling game, players compete to create the best parade float.

Tsuro: Phoenix Rising (estimated retail release 2019 4th quarter). 3rd and latest release in Tsuro line.


Paris New Eden (will be released at Essen 2019). In this medium-weight worker placement dice game, players navigate a post-apocalyptic Paris landscape, attempting to use survivors to rebuild the city.

Kolossol Games

Omen: Heir to the Dunes (coming to Kickstarter 2019 3rd quarter). This is the latest release in the Omen series. A standalone expansion,  it’s the largest edition to the series since Omen: Reign of War that was released in 2011. It is set in ancient Egypt and introduces factions and structures.

Almanac (coming to Kickstarter date TBD) is a choose your own adventure system resource management game.

Renegade Game Studios

There are so many recently released and upcoming games coming out from Renegade that I’m going to break them down by quarter.

Recently Released

Proving Grounds is the first release in the solo hero series. These are immersive narrative dice games designed for solo mode. A novella or graphic novel is include with each release for full engagement.

Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated (not to be confused with the Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated - Upper Management Pack that is also out now). This game introduces legacy elements into Clank! . Players can create a franchise of the Aquisitions Incorporated company and steer the franchise in a direction toward victory.

2019 3rd Quarter

The Aquicorn Cove Board Game is based on a graphic novel. It has an environmental theme and features water dwelling unicorns. It’s a step up in complexity from the Tea Dragon Society card game but still family friendly and features a bit of the press your luck mechanism.

ClipCut Parks is a twist on the roll and write genre. It’s a roll and cut game and includes the required scissors. Players compete to build parks.

Gates of Delirium is the latest game from the designers of Lotus (Jordan and Mandy Goddard). Players take on the role of investigators exploring a map and trying to keep gates that hold back horrible monsters (from the H.P. Lovecraft universe of creatures) from opening. At least that’s what they do while they are sane. Actions available to players differ based on their mental state of sane or insane. When players are insane, they work to open the gates. Note: We had the chance to play this with one of the designers overseeing and available to answer questions at Renegade Rally during GenCon and I LOVED IT. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy and get it on the table to give you guys a more thorough report.

2019 4th Quarter

Paladins of the West Kingdom is the second strategy game in the West Kingdom trilogy. It ships to Kickstarter backers in the 3rd quarter of 2019 but won’t be available in retail stores until the 4th quarter. This one will be a heavier game than Architects and features engine building as a path to victory.

Clank! In! Space!: Cyber Station 11 is the latest expansion for Clank in Space. I don’t have a lot of details on this upcoming release but I assume if you’ve been a fan of the previous CIS expansions, this one will not disappoint.

2020 1st Quarter

Fox in the Forest Duet. The follow up to the widely popular 2 player trick taking game Fox in the Forest, this new release is a cooperative trick taking game for 2 players.

Eternal: Chronicles of the Throne is a player vs player deck builder currently available from Renegade. The second title in the series will be released in the 1st quarter of 2020 with organized play kits for in store play also available.

Warp’s Edge by Scott Almes will be the second release in the solo hero series I described above.

In development for 2020 and beyond (no specific quarter details given)

Vampire: the MasqueradeChapters is a narrative role playing board game for up to 4 players.
It includes detailed miniatures and you can track the Kickstarter launch here: http://www.vampirethemasquerade-chapters.com//

Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. Ok, so there is a detailed description of this upcoming release on the Renegade web site as well as on BGG but they lost me at Power Rangers so I couldn’t find the motivation to go look this up.

Gods of Metal RPG. I don’t have many details on this title but the slideshow presentation during the Renegade Rally was quite impressive. There a decent overlap between heavy metal music fans and RPG fans and Renegade has that intersection on the Venn diagram in mind with this release. What I do know is that you’re definitely going to want to curate a kick-ass soundtrack to play alongside this.

Wardlings RPG. In partnership with WizKids, every character has a familiar who whisks them away when their life is in danger (no death=kid-friendly). When a character is whisked away they wake up the next morning in their bed a year older. Eventually characters age out of the thematic setting and can be shifted to a standard D&D RPG.  This RPG was actually first announced back in March and the press release has more details.

Finally, there is a new title coming out set in the Scott Pilgrim universe featuring minis. There aren’t a lot of details available on it but if you loved the graphic novel or the 2010 movie, my guess is you will want to be all over this.



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Page 9 of the third chapter of Starfighter.


NEWS: We'll be at Otakon 2012!

I will be in the Otakon AA at tables S01 and S02 with my buddies, Lochi and Cucoo! The Teahouse ladies will also be right next to us, so it will be a big NSFW party!

Here's our table spot!

I'll be selling everything in the Starfighter shop, INCLUDING CHAPTER 02! The t-shirts are restocked and there's some new prints, plus a beautiful new Starfighter icon neckalce - so look out for those!

(I'll also try to attend the Homestuck draw party!) Please come say hello if you're visiting the AA- I really love meeting readers and I hope to see you!♥ -Hamlet


NEWS: We'll be at Otakuthon 2012!

I'll be at OTAKUTHON in Montreal, Canada, this weekend!

Here's the con site!

I'll be at table #244 in the Exhibition Hall! I'll be selling everything in the Starfighter shop, INCLUDING CHAPTER 02, plus a beautiful new Starfighter icon neckalce!

ALSO! I'll be doing a late night 18+ panel scheduled for Saturday at 11PM, in the room “Panel 7” which is room #524AB!

I hope to see you there! -Hamlet



Page 19 of the third chapter of Starfighter.


NEWS: We'll be at Yaoi-Con 2012!

I'll be at YAOI-CON this weekend!

My table will be in the Dealer's Room this year! I'll be selling all the usuals to be found in the site shop - plus necklaces and sticker sheets!

I'll also be doing a SPECIAL PANEL at 6pm on Saturday! Filled with prizes, some smutty sketches, and shameless flirting.

Meeting readers is seriously the best thing ever and I hope I get to see you, if you're attending! -Hamlet



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Page 39 of the third chapter of Starfighter.



Page 49 of the third chapter of Starfighter.



Page 59 of the third chapter of Starfighter.


NEWS: We'll be at Otakon 2013!

I WILL BE AT OTAKON! IN THE AA! We'll have some copies of Coven, as well as my new witch zine Devil's Dance!

I hope to see you there, MY LIEGE! -Hamlet



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Page 79 of the third chapter of Starfighter.