
Just ending pollution from car exhaust could add three weeks to your life

Switching from fossil fuel powered cars could save 45,000 lives per year and on its own almost solve climate change


Just what we needed dept: A $25 standing desk

Is that a cheap standing desk, or an expensive cardboard box? Hard to tell.


New study confirms that adjustable standing desks make you happier, healthier and more productive

Because people gotta move.


Just what we needed dept: A bacon vending machine

One was recently installed at an Ohio university. Is this the message one wants to give to students there?


Remember the girl hit by car while on Facetime? The driver just got charged.

Turns out he was doing 46 miles per hour in a 25 mile-per-hour zone. But let's all blame the girl for distracted walking!


Retractible stairs make buildings accessible just like magic

This is a big problem in old buildings: providing universal access without ruining the look of the building.


I just switched to "green" gas from Bullfrog Power

We used to be able to justify burning a bit of fossil gas, but we cannot anymore.


Just Cashews: They're Nuts to Fight For Justice

We apologize for the bad pun in the title, sometimes it's just hard to resist. Fair trade is a familiar concept to our readers. Aside from writing about well-known fair trade commodities like chocolate and coffee, we've also seen posts on everything


Kenya adjusts to life without plastic bags

No more plastic bags means a return to old-fashioned ways of packaging and carrying goods -- not necessarily a bad thing!


Hero: Fukushima's ex-chief who spent 6 months at the station after the disaster just died of cancer

Masao Yoshida, one of the Fukushima 50 who stayed behind at the earthquake and tsunami-struck power plant after the other employees evacuated, has just died from esophageal cancer.


Nuclear fusion reactor in just five years?

MIT design cuts fusion reactor down to a size that would be more cost effective and could be built in five years


At just $5, this solar lamp is the most affordable in the world

When is the last time that a $5 gadget literally changed your life?


Why did people build houses "that just leak heat out"?

They really didn't have a choice, and they insulated their bodies, not their houses.


There's more to being comfortable and productive than just temperature

A study suggests we should turn up the heat; it's not so simple.


MECCANO: Not just for kids anymore. Now you can furnish your home with it.

There is a whole new line of furniture that you can build, just like the toy.


EDIT: "Design is not just about aesthetics, but also about finding solutions to complex problems."

A new exhibition in Toronto looks at sustainable development.


Tim DeChristopher Barred From "Social Justice" Work While in Halfway House

Tim had planned on working at a Salt Lake City Unitarian church doing social outreach. That is, until the Federal Bureau of Prisons decided that wasn't a "safe" occupation for the climate activist.


Marathon Refinery Fire in Detroit Another Sign of Environmental Injustice

Last Saturday's Marathon Oil refinery explosion and fire was yet another dangerous, polluting event in a string of environmental injustices to plague the residents of the 48217 zip code in Detroit


The 20th anniversary of the environmental justice executive order

On February 11, 1994, President Bill Clinton signed an executive order designed to bring about environmental justice.


Here's how to reverse teen sleep problems in just a week

A new study shows how adolescents quickly improved their sleep time and quality in just one week's time.


A tribe in India just sent us this letter about tigers

The indigenous Chenchu people say they know the real way to save India's tigers.


An Adjustable Book Shelf Lets You Put Your Own Spin On Your Living Room

From South Korean design studio DesignJoo comes the Giro One, the piece that lets you put your own spin on your shelves, lighting, and side tables. The concept is simple: shelves can be added and their height adjusted by spinning them


Did scientists just solve the mystery of the pyramids?

For thousands of years, people have wondered how these monuments in Egypt were made.


An entire country just divested from fossil fuels

This is beginning to get real.


Facebook now lets you donate to charities with just a couple clicks

Non-profit organizations can now use the site to run fundraising campaigns and the simplicity could make a big impact.


Scientists just discovered billions of organisms underneath the land and sea

Not in the ocean. Below it.


It's not just self-driving cars, it is a whole New Mobility Now

A new study looks at how AVs are part of a much bigger picture of how we get around.


Why do electric cars look just like.... cars?

Why doesn't form follow function?


Why scientific proof isn't always needed to justify concerns

The Guardian's Kara Moses asks, "Do we need conclusive scientific proof to become concerned about an issue?" I think not, because sometimes even conclusive proof isn't enough for government and society to act.


Tallest timber tower in Sweden is about a lot more than just wood

From the green roof down to the electric boat, there are so many interesting aspects of sustainable design.


Scientists just uncovered ancient signs of child labor

Kids have been digging in salt mines for thousands of years.


This professor just got arrested for making climate change graffiti

Governments aren't paying attention to scientific research, but maybe crime will get people's attention.


Mass timber construction is about more than just storing carbon

It also can put people back to work and save our forests.


Cory Doctorow has a vision of "resilience and joyful thriving through and after a just climate transition"

Unless, of course, TINA gets in the way.


Just what we needed dept: a BMW with paint so black, it's almost invisible

No "do the bright thing" for cars; instead, the BMW X6 designed to "look particularly menacing."


Population Growth Takes Just Five Hours to Fill Wrigley Field

How to slow it? Access to voluntary family planning for all women. It more than pays for itself, reducing unwanted pregnancies, abortions, unplanned births... And helps reduce humanity's environmental impact.


Just add water and sunlight to these gold stars to create renewable energy

In a double breakthrough, scientists find a material four times more efficient at making hydrogen by photocatalysis and demonstrate how to make it at low temperature


75 percent of Venice just went underwater

That's more underwater than usual.


Michigan bans bans on plastic bags, takeout food containers, styrofoam cups and just about anything else

Restaurants win; Great Lakes lose.


Should your kitchen have a recirculating or a direct-exhaust hood? I am exhausted just thinking about it

It is a real problem when designing energy efficient homes, and it seems that there is no good solution except ordering in.


It's Not Just Asian Carp: U.S. Identifies 40 High-Risk Species

Concerned about Asian carp? Meet the invasive cousins, you might say, of the monster fish. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has released a white paper on 40 high-risk species to watch out for,


'BPA-free' plastics often uses Bisphenol-S ... which might be just as bad

From one problem to the next...


Economical and efficient "Energy Positive" house built in Wales, just in time for standards to be killed by government

It could of been a great prototype for affordable efficient housing across Britain.


This app is just what you need to fight food waste

Businesses can list surplus food and customers buy it at a discount.


Split design on sit-stand adjustable height desk lets you do both (Video)

This modern work desk lets more than one person sit and stand -- at the same time.


The hard tiny hooks of a cat’s tongue are just one of its many wonders

Among other remarkable features, a cat’s tongue is covered in little spines, turning it into the world’s most magical hairbrush.


Still no justice for young conservationist killed by turtle poachers in Costa Rica

A couple weeks ago, Jairo Mora Sandoval, a 26-year-old conservationist, was kidnapped by sea turtle poachers in Costa Rica. He was bound, beaten, and shot in the head. His body was found on the beach the next day.


Jake Dyson introduces lamp that adjusts for the daylight where you live

The LightCycle follows our circadian rhythms via your phone and GPS.


Is Canada's Justin Trudeau a climate hypocrite?

Or is it all a big political show?


What just a week of junk food can do to your brain

Indulging in a Western-style diet for 7 days impaired the brain function in healthy young people and made them want to overeat, researchers find.