tent Developing a Conceptual Framework for Evaluation of E-Content of Virtual Courses: E-Learning Center of an Iranian University Case Study By Published On :: Full Article
tent UTAUT Model for Blended Learning: The Role of Gender and Age in the Intention to Use Webinars By Published On :: Full Article
tent A Learning Analytics Approach for Evaluating the Impact of Interactivity in Online Video Lectures on the Attention Span of Students By Published On :: 2017-12-25 Aim/Purpose: As online video lectures rapidly gain popularity in formal and informal learning environments, one of their main challenges is student retention. This study investigates the influence of adding interactivity to online video lectures on students’ attention span. Background: Interactivity is perceived as increasing the attention span of learners and improving the quality of learning. However, interactivity may be regarded as an interruption, which distracts students. Furthermore, adding interactive elements to online video lectures requires additional investment of various resources. Therefore, it is important to investigate the impact of adding interactivity to online video lectures on the attention span of learners. Methodology: This study employed a learning analytics approach, obtained data from Google Analytics, and analyzed data of two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that were developed by the Open University of Israel in order to make English for academic purposes (EAP) courses freely accessible. Contribution: The paper provides important insights, based on quantitative empirical research, on: integrating interactive elements in online videos; the impact of video length; and differences between two groups of advanced and basic learners. Furthermore, it demonstrates how learning analytics may be used for improving instructional design. Findings: The findings suggest that interactivity may increase the attention span of learners, as measured by the average online video lecture viewing completion percentage, before and after the addition of interactivity. However, when the lecture is longer than about 15 minutes, the completion percentages decrease, even after adding interactive elements. Recommendations for Practitioners: Adding interactivity to online video lectures and controlling their length is expected to increase the attention span of learners. Recommendation for Researchers: Learning analytics is a powerful quantitative methodology for identifying ways to improve learning processes. Impact on Society: Providing practical insights on mechanisms for increasing the attention span of learners is expected to improve social inclusion. Future Research: Discovering further best practices to improve the effectiveness of online video lectures for diverse learners. Full Article
tent IJELL Volume 14, 2018 – Table of Contents By Published On :: 2018-02-17 Table of Contents of the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning Full Article
tent IJELL Volume 15, 2019 – Table of Contents By Published On :: 2019-01-20 Table of Contents of the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning Full Article
tent Changing Multitasking Intention with Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) By Published On :: 2021-07-11 Aim/Purpose: This article aimed to design and evaluate a pedagogical technique for altering students’ classroom digital multitasking behaviors. The technique we designed and evaluated is called course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE). With this technique, the students wrote a research article based on a multitasking experiment that the instructor conducted with the students. The students conducted a literature review, developed their own research questions, they analyzed experiment data, and presented results. This study evaluated the how the CURE contributed to student multitasking behavior change. Background: Multitasking is defined as doing more than one thing at a time. Multitasking is really the engagement in individual and discrete tasks that are performed in succession. Research showed that students multitasked very often during courses. Researchers indicated that this was a problem especially for online teaching, because when students went online, they tended to multitask. Extant research indicated that digital multitasking in class harmed student performance. Multiple studies suggested that students who multitasked spent more time finishing their tasks and made more mistakes. Regardless of students’ gender or GPA, students who multitasked in class performed worse and got a lower grade than those who did not. However, little is known about how to change students’ digital multitasking behaviors. In this study, we used the transtheoretical model of behavior change to investigate how our pedagogical technique (CURE) changed students’ digital multitasking behaviors. Methodology: Using a course-based undergraduate research experience design, a new classroom intervention was designed and evaluated through a content analysis of pre- and post-intervention student reflections. As part of the course-based undergraduate research experience design, the students conducted a literature review, developed their own research questions, they analyzed experiment data, and presented results. This study evaluated the how teaching using a course-based undergraduate research experience contributed to student multitasking behavior change. Transtheoretical model of behavior change was used to investigate how our pedagogical technique changed students’ digital multitasking behaviors. Contribution: The paper described how teaching using a course-based undergraduate research experience can be used in practice. Further, it demonstrated the utility of this technique in changing student digital multitasking behaviors. This study contributed to constructivist approaches in education. Other unwanted student attitudes and behaviors can be changed using this approach to learning. Findings: As a result of CURE teaching, a majority of students observed the negative aspects of multitasking and intended to change their digital multitasking behaviors. Sixty-one percent of the participants experienced attitude changes, namely increased negative attitude towards multitasking in class. This is important because research found that while both students and instructors believed off-task technology use hinders learning, their views differed significantly, with more instructors than students feeling strongly that students’ use of technology in class is a problem. Moreover, our study showed that with teaching using CURE, it is possible to move the students on the ladder of change as quickly as within one semester (13 weeks). Seventy-one percent of the students reported moving to a higher stage of change post-intervention. Recommendations for Practitioners: Faculty wishing to curb student digital multitasking behaviors may conduct in-class experimentation with multitasking and have their students write a research report on their findings. Course-based undergraduate research experiences may make the effects of digital multitasking more apparent to the students. The students may become more aware of their own multitasking behaviors rather than doing them habitually. This technique is also recommended for those instructors who would like to introduce academic careers as a potential career option to their students. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should explore changing other unwanted undergraduate student behaviors with course-based undergraduate experiences. Researchers may use the transtheoretical model of change to evaluate the effectiveness of techniques used to change behaviors. Impact on Society: The negative outcomes of digital multitasking are not confined to the classroom. Digital multitasking impacts productivity in many domains. If techniques such as those used in this article become more common, changes in multitasking intentions could show broad improvements in productivity across many fields. Future Research: This paper constitutes a pilot study due to the small convenience sample that is used for the study. Future research should replicate this study with larger and randomized samples. Further investigation of the CURE technique can improve its effectiveness or reduce the instructor input while attaining the same behavioral changes. Full Article
tent IJELL Volume 16, 2020 – Table of Contents By Published On :: 2020-06-24 Table of Contents of the Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Skills and Lifelong Learning Full Article
tent Multimedia Content Analysis and Indexing for Filtering and Retrieval Applications By Published On :: Full Article
tent An Attention Economy Perspective on the Effectiveness of Incomplete Information By Published On :: Full Article
tent Student Interaction with Content in Online and Hybrid Courses: Leading Horses to the Proverbial Water By Published On :: Full Article
tent Testing a Model of Users’ Web Risk Information Seeking Intention By Published On :: Full Article
tent Decision Confidence, Information Usefulness, and Information Seeking Intention in the Presence of Disconfirming Information By Published On :: Full Article
tent Genetic-linked Inattentiveness Protects Individuals from Internet Overuse: A Genetic Study of Internet Overuse Evaluating Hypotheses Based on Addiction, Inattention, Novelty-seeking and Harm-avoidance By Published On :: 2016-06-17 The all-pervasive Internet has created serious problems, such as Internet overuse, which has triggered considerable debate over its relationship with addiction. To further explore its genetic susceptibilities and alternative explanations for Internet overuse, we proposed and evaluated four hypotheses, each based on existing knowledge of the biological bases of addiction, inattention, novelty-seeking, and harm-avoidance. Four genetic loci including DRD4 VNTR, DRD2 Taq1A, COMT Val158Met and 5-HTTLPR length polymorphisms were screened from seventy-three individuals. Our results showed that the DRD4 4R/4R individuals scored significantly higher than the 2R or 7R carriers in Internet Addiction Test (IAT). The 5-HTTLPR short/short males scored significantly higher in IAT than the long variant carriers. Bayesian analysis showed the most compatible hypothesis with the observed genetic results was based on attention (69.8%), whereas hypotheses based harm-avoidance (21.6%), novelty-seeking (7.8%) and addiction (0.9%) received little support. Our study suggests that carriers of alleles (DRD4 2R and 7R, 5-HTTLPR long) associated with inattentiveness are more likely to experience disrupted patterns and reduced durations of Internet use, protecting them from Internet overuse. Furthermore, our study suggests that Internet overuse should be categorized differently from addiction due to the lack of shared genetic contributions. Full Article
tent Printable Table of Contents: InformingSciJ, Volume 20, 2017 By Published On :: 2016-12-07 Table of contents for Volume 20 of Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2017. Full Article
tent Printable Table of Contents: InformingSciJ, Volume 21, 2018 By Published On :: 2018-03-26 Table of contents for Volume 21 of Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2018. Full Article
tent Printable Table of Contents: Informing Science Journal, Volume 22, 2019 By Published On :: 2019-04-11 Table of Contents for Volume 22 of Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2019 Full Article
tent Printable Table of Contents: Informing Science Journal, Volume 23, 2020 By Published On :: 2020-01-26 Table of Contents for Volume 23 of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2020. Full Article
tent Printable Table of Contents: Informing Science Journal, Volume 24, 2021 By Published On :: 2020-12-31 Table of Contents for Volume 24 of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2021 Full Article
tent Printable Table of Contents: Informing Science Journal, Volume 25, 2022 By Published On :: 2022-01-10 Table of Contents for Volume 25 of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2022 Full Article
tent Addiction Potential among Iranian Governmental Employees: Predicting Role of Perceived Stress, Job Security, and Job Satisfaction By Published On :: 2023-05-11 Aim/Purpose: To explore the incidence of addiction potential within the Iranian public working population, describing how many Iranian public employees fall within the diagnostic categories of low, moderate, and high addiction potential. Also, to investigate the predicting role of occupational variables such as perceived stress, job security, and job satisfaction on addiction potential and belonging to low, moderate, and high addiction potential diagnostic categories. Background: Substance addiction among employees can lead to several negative consequences at the individual and organizational levels. Also, it is the fourth cause of death in Iran. However, few studies have been conducted on the topic among employees, and non among Iranian employees. Methodology: The study participants were 430 employees working in governmental offices of the North Khorasan province, Iran. Descriptive statistical analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were conducted to explore the incidence of addiction potential within the analyzed population and to investigate whether occupational variables such as perceived stress, job security, and job satisfaction predicted low, moderate, or high addiction potential. Contribution: This paper suggests that perceived stress might act as a risk factor for developing addiction, whereas job security and job satisfaction might be protective factors against the likelihood of addiction development. Findings: More than half of the sample showed moderate to high addiction potential. Perceived stress was positively related to addiction potential. Job security and job satisfaction were negatively related to addiction potential. Recommendation for Researchers: When addressing the topic of substance addiction, researchers should focus on the preventative side of investigating it; that is, addiction risk rather than already unfolded addiction. Also, researchers should be mindful of the cultural context in which studies are conducted. Future Research: Future research might investigate other relevant occupational predictors in relation to employee addiction potential, such as leadership style, work-life balance, and worktime schedule, or expand on the relevant causal chain by including personality traits such as neuroticism. Full Article
tent The Impact of Vocabulary Preteaching and Content Previewing on the Listening Comprehension of Arabic-Speaking EFL Learners By Published On :: 2023-02-22 Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of pre-listening activities on Arabic-speaking EFL learners’ comprehension of spoken texts. Background: This study aims to contribute to the current research and to increase our understanding about the effectiveness of pre-listening activities. Specifically, this study seeks to clarify some of the research in this area that seems to be incongruent. Methodology: The study investigates two widely implemented activities in second language (L2) classrooms: vocabulary preteaching and content previewing. Ninety-three native-Arabic speaking EFL learners, whose proficiently levels were beginner, intermediate, or advanced, were randomly assigned to a control group or one of three experimental groups: the vocabulary-only (VO) group, content-only (CO) group, or vocabulary + content (VC) group. Each of the experimental groups received one of the treatments to determine which pre-listening activity was more effective and whether additional pre-listening activities yield additional comprehension. Listening comprehension of the aural text was measured by a test comprising 13 multiple-choice and true-false questions. Contribution: The present study provided additional explanations regarding the long-standing contradicting results about vocabulary preteaching and content previewing. Findings: The results showed that pre-listening activities had a positive impact on Arabic-speaking EFL learners’ listening comprehension, with the VO group significantly increasing their scores on the posttest compared to those of the control or other groups. Vocabulary preteaching was particularly beneficial for more advanced learners. With regard to which pre-listening activity contributed the most to better listening comprehension, vocabulary preteaching was the most effective. Content previewing did not increase comprehension for the CO group and had no additional benefit for the VC group. Recommendation for Researchers: This paper recommends that researchers explore new pre-listening activities that have never studied. Future research should be extended to include other nations and contextual situations to extend our knowledge about the effect of pre-listening activities. As far as listening comprehension can only be achieved when listeners are attentive and engaged, the listening text should be interesting and the lexical coverage of the listening text should be appropriate for all participants. Future Research: The results are to be interpreted carefully because they are limited by the students’ L2 proficiency, demographic, and cultural backgrounds (i.e., first language (L1) proficiency, age, gender, Middle Eastern culture). Results might be quite different if the study was conducted with different populations who have different life and language learning experiences (Vandergrift & Baker, 2015). Therefore, the results of this study indicate there is much room for improvement and a need for further research. Full Article
tent The Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support (POS) and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Job Motivation, Affective and Normative Commitment By Published On :: 2023-02-22 Aim/Purpose: The study aims to examine the mediating role of job motivation and affective and normative commitment on the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and job turnover intention. Background: POS refers to employees’ beliefs and perceptions concerning the extent to which the organization values their contributions, cares about their well-being, and fulfils their socio-emotional needs. To date, research has shown that employee turnover is a complex construct resulting from the interplay of both individual and organizational variables, such as motivation and climate. Methodology: Cross-sectional data were collected from 143 employees of an Italian industrial company. Paper-and-pencil questionnaires were used to assess respondents’ POS, job motivation, affective and normative organizational commitment, and turnover intentions. Contribution: Specifically, in this research, we aim at examining (i) the indirect effect of POS on turnover intention via (ii) job motivation and (iii) normative and affective commitment. Findings: Results show that high POS is associated with high levels of job motivation and affective and normative commitment, which in turn are negatively linked to turnover intentions. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should not lose sight of the importance of studying and delving into the concept of turnover intention given that, from an organizational point of view, losing personnel means losing competencies, which need to be replaced through assessment, selection, training, and development, processes that are often challenging and expensive. Future Research: Future research should further investigate the role of motivation and commitment, other than additional variables, for POS and turnover intention. Longitudinal studies and further testing are required to verify the causal processes stemming from our model. Future research could consider linking employees’ self-reported measures with objective data concerning turnover rates. Full Article
tent Printable Table of Contents: Informing Science Journal, Volume 26, 2023 By Published On :: 2022-12-17 Table of Contents for Volume 26 of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2023 Full Article
tent Predictors of Digital Entrepreneurial Intention in Kuwait By Published On :: 2024-07-22 Aim/Purpose: This study aims to explore students’ digital entrepreneurial intention (DEI) in Kuwait. Specifically, the aim is twofold: (i) to identify and examine the factors influencing and predicting students’ DEI, and (ii) to validate a model of DEI. Background: The advent of modern digital technologies has provided entrepreneurs with many opportunities to establish and expand their firms through online platforms. Although the existing literature on DEI has explored various factors, certain factors that could be linked to DEI have been neglected, and others have not been given sufficient attention. Nonetheless, there has been little research on students’ DEI, particularly in Kuwait. Methodology: To fulfill the research’s aims, a study was conducted using a quantitative method (a survey of 305 students at a non-profit university in Kuwait). Contribution: This study aimed to fill the research gap on the limited DEI research among Kuwait’s students. Several recommendations were suggested to improve the DEI among students in Kuwait. Findings: The study identified five factors that could influence an individual’s intention to engage in digital entrepreneurship. These factors include self-perceived creativity, social media use, risk-taking and opportunity recognition, digital entrepreneurship knowledge, and entrepreneurial self-perceived confidence. Significant solid correlations were between all five identified factors and DEI. However, only self-perceived creativity and entrepreneurial self-perceived confidence were identified as significant positive predictors of DEI among undergraduates in Kuwait. Nevertheless, the main contributor to this intention was the students’ self-perceived confidence as entrepreneurs. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should conduct further longitudinal studies to understand better the dynamic nature of DEI and execution. Future Research: Additional research is required to utilize probability sampling approaches and increase the sample size for more generalizable findings. Full Article
tent Printable Table of Contents: Informing Science Journal, Volume 27, 2024 By Published On :: 2024-02-03 Table of Contents for Volume 27 of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 2024 Full Article
tent Vision Transformer with Key-Select Routing Attention for Single Image Dehazing By search.ieice.org Published On :: Lihan TONG,Weijia LI,Qingxia YANG,Liyuan CHEN,Peng CHEN, Vol.E107-D, No.11, pp.1472-1475We present Ksformer, utilizing Multi-scale Key-select Routing Attention (MKRA) for intelligent selection of key areas through multi-channel, multi-scale windows with a top-k operator, and Lightweight Frequency Processing Module (LFPM) to enhance high-frequency features, outperforming other dehazing methods in tests. Publication Date: 2024/11/01 Full Article
tent RTAC Large Lasercut MOLLE Backpack w/ Pistol Retention System $20.99 75%+ OFF! CODE By www.ammoland.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 15:05:02 +0000 RTAC Large Lasercut MOLLE Backpack with a Pistol Retention System is not just $20.99 after a sale and coupon code at check out. That is 75%+ off... Full Article Gun Deals Ammunition Depot Back Packs Daily Gun Deals Tactical Gear
tent Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) By www.pss.org.sg Published On :: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 05:15:22 +0000 Full Article
tent Malaysia monitoring developments in US for potential changes in policies: Rafizi By thesun.my Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 12:25:00 GMT KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s government is monitoring developments in the United States for potential changes in policies as a new administration prepares to take office in Washington, said Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli.He said that given the influence the US has on the global economy, any country in the world would conduct some level of due diligence on the impacts a change in the US administration might bring.“That is part and parcel of planning. While we await the next few announcements, we will observe how the Trump administration will impact the global economy and ours,” he told reporters after the Sesi Libat Urus Industri Rancangan Malaysia Ke-13 today.Rafizi said Malaysia must be nimble and agile to react and respond to any geopolitical and international developments that may arise from a change in administration, not only in the US but in any of its large trading partners. “And the US is a very large trading partner for us,” he pointed out.However, Rafizi noted that many of Malaysia’s plans concerning semiconductors and energy transition are driven by domestic needs and are largely structural. “That means it’s something we have to go through to prepare our industry and economy to be more robust. So in that sense, I think all the key reforms that need to be done still have to be done.”Additionally, he said, Malaysia’s 13th Malaysia Plan will include initiatives to position the country as a global provider of a comprehensive artificial intelligence-driven data centre ecosystem. “The government’s focus has always been to tap into the opportunities presented by the data centre boom.”Rafizi emphasised that Malaysia aims to avoid simply attracting data centre without integrating into the data centre value chain and supply chain. “We have been working on a few catalytic interventions to create the ecosystem.”Rafizi said that by the end of this decade, Malaysia aims to participate in the entire data centre value chain, first benefiting from existing and future data centers in the country. “But more importantly, for us to begin exporting our own data centers around the world.”For the 13th Malaysia Plan that is being prepared, Rafizi said, the Ministry of Economy is not only holding engagement sessions with state governments but also ensuring that it includes input from key strategic industries. The sessions focus on the electronics, aerospace and automotive industries, and the process will continue to align government and industry planning. “The main goal is to transition our industries from assembly-based to innovation and creation-based industries,” Rafizi said. Full Article Hayatun Razak
tent Anwar’s Egypt visit unlocks RM4.8 billion in export potential - MITI By thesun.my Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 02:52:30 GMT KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s official visit to Egypt has bolstered Malaysia-Egypt bilateral relations, unlocking RM4.8 billion (US$1.1 billion) in potential export opportunities for Malaysia, according to the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI).MITI stated that this export potential was largely generated through a roundtable meeting attended by 60 industry and business leaders from 47 Egyptian firms and key business associations, as well as 40 representatives from 20 Malaysian companies.“During the session, productive discussions between Malaysian and Egyptian companies identified export potential worth RM4.8 billion (US$1.1 billion), particularly in high-value sectors such as automotive, chemicals, oleochemicals and renewable energy,” MITI said in a statement.Egyptian companies also expressed interest in investment opportunities in Malaysia, particularly in medical devices and pharmaceuticals, MITI added.The official visit took place from Nov 10-12, 2024.In a bilateral meeting during the visit, MITI Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz and Egypt’s Minister of Investment and International Trade Hassan El Khatib agreed to reactivate the Malaysia-Egypt Joint Trade and Investment Committee (JTIC). Malaysia will host the second JTIC Meeting in early 2025, focusing on collaboration in the semiconductor sector, renewable energy, the halal industry and digital transformation.The two ministers further agreed that Malaysia’s Investment Development Board (MIDA) and Egypt’s General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI) should sign a memorandum of understanding to enhance bilateral investment relations.To support Malaysian exporters’ access to North African and Arab markets, MITI noted that Malaysia’s trade office in Cairo, managed by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), was upgraded in January 2024, offering improved market access and export support services.Meanwhile, national carmaker Proton has expanded into the Egyptian market with a local assembly plant.Assembly activities began with the first delivery of Proton’s completely knocked down (CKD) vehicles in September 2024, and sales are expected to start in January 2025, with a target of 16,000 units for the period 2024–2026, MITI reported.Bilateral trade between Malaysia and Egypt from January to September 2024 rose 21.4% year-on-year to RM3.0 billion (US$648 million), compared to RM2.4 billion (US$545.5 million) in the same period last year. Egypt was Malaysia’s fifth-largest trading partner in Africa in 2023.Tengku Zafrul said MITI is confident this bilateral relationship will continue to grow, positively impacting the economy and supporting the objectives of the New Malaysian Industrial Master Plan (NIMP) by 2030.“MITI and its agencies will take prompt follow-up action to ensure that all agreed initiatives are implemented efficiently,” he added. Full Article BERNAMA
tent Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Requesting removal of content from our index By googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com Published On :: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 15:54:13 +0000 Tags: google openscholar tools Full Article
tent Patents Nintendo Suing Palworld Over Confirmed, But, Damn, This Suit Is Weird By www.techdirt.com Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 03:39:00 +0000 If you’ve followed along with our coverage on the hit video game Palworld, developed by Pocketpair, you will know that Nintendo and the Pokémon Co. has sued Pocketpair for patent infringement. Prior to the suit, there had been a ton of speculation that a lawsuit would be filed, but that it would be a copyright […] Full Article 1 nintendo pocketpair pokemon company palworld patents pokemon
tent Bangladesh's Saint Martin's Island - a potential flashpoint By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Tue, 10 Sep 24 22:18:52 +0500 The island's close vicinity to significant marine lanes in the Bay of Bengal has piqued the interest of global powers. Full Article Opinion
tent Medvedev has to 'block the noise' after temper tantrum and moves back into contention at ATP Finals By www.washingtontimes.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 11:45:48 -0500 Daniil Medvedev was able to "block the noise" following a temper tantrum in his previous match and moved back into contention at the ATP Finals with a 6-2, 6-4 victory over Alex de Minaur on Tuesday. Full Article
tent Nature-Based Solutions: Innovation potential for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Europe By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 16:30:00 +0300 On Tuesday 30 September 2014, the European Parliament Intergroup on "Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development", in collaboration with the European Commission and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), organised a full day conference entitled: "Nature-Based Solutions: Innovation potential for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in Europe." Bringing together 140 participants including representatives from the European Institutions, local and regional authorities, research institutes, NGOs and International organisations, as well as private sector representatives, this conference aimed at promoting the solutions that nature can offer in tackling major challenges, such as climate change and natural disasters, in ensuring food security to an increasing population, in protecting the health of European citizens, and the conservation of biodiversity in the EU and at the global level. The speakers, panellists and participants in the audience all agreed that using nature to tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time can be cost-effective, can help safeguard the environment and halt biodiversity loss, and can provide numerous economic and social benefits by creating jobs and growth and by stimulating innovation. Read more and find results from the conference here. Full Article News
tent Europe for GEOSS: EU BON attracts high level attention at the GEO XII Plenary in Mexico City By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 10:37:00 +0200 The GEO-XII Plenary and Ministerial Summit, as well as many associated meetings and events were hosted by the Mexican Government and took place in Mexico City from 9 to 13 November 2015. The five-day event brought together GEO member countries and organizations, as well as scientists and stakeholders from across the world to debate the next decade for GEO, and to discuss the latest developments in Earth Observation technologies and applications. The GEO-XII Plenary approved the GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2025, and the Summit endorsed a Mexico City Declaration (see: http://www.earthobservations.org/geo12.php). Mexican music and folklore performances at the hosted conference dinner at GEO-XII; Credit: Hannu Saarenmaa EU BON participated at GEO-XII and was represented at the European Commission Stand "Europe for GEOSS" with a poster and a short video clip. A real highlight was the visit by the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas. During his short visit, the Commissioner took specific interest in the project and spent some time discussing EU BON's relevance with the coordinator and his staff. The EC stand "Europe for GEOSS" at GEO-XII, and discussions on EU BON with Commissioner Carlos Moedas; Credits: Jose Miguel Rubio Iglesias (left), Helmut Staudenrausch (right) EU BON was also presented during a dedicated side event entitled "The GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON): Enhancing Biodiversity Observations and Products for User Needs". The project’s key products were introduced by the project coordinator Christoph Häuser and the workpackage 2 leader Hannu Saarenmaa. Full Article News
tent Potential of satellite remote sensing to monitor species diversity By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Mon, 04 Apr 2016 18:07:00 +0300 The importance of measuring species diversity as an indicator of ecosystem health has been long recognized and it seems that satellite remote sensing (SRS) has proven to be one of the most cost-effective approaches to identify biodiversity hotspots and predict changes in species composition. What is the real potential of SRS and what are the pitfalls that need to be avoided to achieve the full potential of this method is the topic of a new research, published in the journal Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. The new study, supported by the FP7 funded EU project EU BON takes the assessment of diversity in plant communities as a case study. Showing the difficulties to achieve high results by relying only on field data, the paper discusses the advantages of SRS methods. "In contrast to field-based methods, SRS allows for complete spatial coverages of the Earth's surface under study over a short period of time. Furthermore, it provides repeated measures, thus making it possible to study temporal changes in biodiversity," explains Dr. D. Rocchini from Fondazione Edmund Mach, lead author and WP deputy leader / task leader in EU BON. "In our research we provide a concise review of the potential of satellites to help track changes in plant species diversity, and provide, for the first time, an overview of the potential pitfalls associated with the misuse of satellite imagery to predict species diversity. " Traditionally, assessment of biodiversity at local and regional scales relies on the one hand on local diversity, or the so called alpha-diversity, and on the other, on species turnover, or beta-diversity. Only in combination of these two measures can lead to an estimate of the whole diversity of an area. While the assessment of alpha-diversity is relatively straightforward, calculation of beta-diversity could prove to be quite challenging. This is where increased collaboration between the remote sensing and biodiversity communities is needed in order to properly address future challenges and developments. The new research shown the high potential of remote sensing in biodiversity studies while also identifying the challenges underpinning the development of this interdisciplinary field of research. "Further sensitivity studies on environmental parameters derived from remote sensing for biodiversity mapping need to be undertaken to understand the pitfalls and impacts of different data collection processes and models. Such information, however, is crucial for a continuous global biodiversity analysis and an improved understanding of our current global challenges."concludes Dr. Rocchini. Original Source: Rocchini, D., Boyd, D. S., Féret, J.-B., Foody, G. M., He, K. S., Lausch, A., Nagendra, H., Wegmann, M., Pettorelli, N. (2016), Satellite remote sensing to monitor species diversity: potential and pitfalls. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 2: 25-36. doi: 10.1002/rse2.9 Full Article News
tent ECOPOTENTIAL Workshop "SPACED: Using Earth Observations to Protect Natural Landscapes" By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Thu, 07 Dec 2017 10:33:00 +0200 The ECOPOTENTIAL H2020 project, focusing its activities on blending Earth Observations from remote sensing, field measurements, data analysis and modeling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services, is organizing this workshop in Brussels on the 10th of January 2018, from 9.00 to 17:30. The main objective of the workshop is to prospect the state-of-the-art of Remote Sensing as a Sentinel tool to monitor, characterize and understand the state, ongoing changes and effectiveness of conservation and management actions of natural landscapes and to facilitate an open debate among scientists and the involved Institutions. This workshop is part of the multiple events organized by the ECOPOTENTIAL Project on the week of 9th-12th of January 2018, starting on Jan 9th with the opening of the photo-exhibition with the same title, on display at the European Parliament. Registration: http://ves.cat/emIm Agenda: http://www.ecopotential-project.eu/images/ecopotential/img_news/Spaced-workshop-AGENDA-Jan-10-2018.pdf Event's website: http://www.ecopotential-project.eu/2015-08-19-15-19-05/2015-10-16-13-48-29/205-spaced-using-earth-observations-to-protect-natural-landscapes.html Full Article News
tent Kick-off meeting of ECOPOTENTIAL By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2015 16:32:00 +0300 The official kick-off meeting of the EU funded Horizon 2020 project ECOPOTENTIAL will take place on 25-26 June 2015 in the ancient Valentino Castle on the bank of the Po river in Torino, Italy. The main objective of this project led by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) is to making Earth Observation and Monitoring Data usable for ecosystem modelling and services. This will also be done in selected Protected Areas in Europe, with a strong focus on mountain ecosystems, including a specific pilot site in the Carpathians. The project will make an important contribution to the work of the Group on Earth Observation (GEOSS) as well as UNEP Live. More information and agenda to follow. Full Article Events
tent ECOPOTENTIAL General meeting and General Assembly By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 16:09:00 +0300 The Second ECOPOTENTIAL General Scientific Meeting and General Assembly of Partners will take place in Heraklion, Crete, from May 16th to May 19th, kindly hosted by the ECOPOTENTIAL Partner FORTH. The General Meeting is aimed at a comprehensive presentation and discussion about the research activities, highlighting the status of the project, the main results, the critical points and the future perspectives. The Scientific advisors will give lectures and will participate to the discussion. Main topics will be The Essential Variables, the Status of Remote Sensing data, in situ data and modelling, the Virtual Laboratory Platform, the research on changes over Protected Areas and future projections, as well as the issues related to cross scale interactions. More information here. Full Article Events
tent Potential of remote sensing to predict species invasions - a modeling perspective By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 12:06:20 +0200 Full Article Events