
Determinants of Intent to Continue Using Online Learning: A Tale of Two Universities


The Potential for Facebook Application in Undergraduate Learning: A Study of Jordanian Students

The purpose of this paper was to explore the current and potential use of Facebook for learning purposes by Jordanian university students. The paper attempted to compare such use with other uses of Facebook. Further, the paper investigated Jordanian university students’ attitudes towards using Facebook as a formal academic tool, through the use of course-specific Facebook groups. To that end, quantitative data were collected from a sample of 451 students from three Jordanian public universities. Findings indicated that the vast majority of Jordanian students had Facebook accounts, which echoes its popularity amongst Jordanian youth compared to other types of online social networking sites. While both “social activities” and “entertainment” were the primary motivators for Jordanian students to create and use Facebook accounts, a growing number of them were using Facebook for academic purposes too. Further, Jordanian students had a positive attitude toward the use of “Facebook groups” as an educational tool for specific courses, and under specific conditions. Based on its findings, the paper provides suggestions for Jordanian higher institutions to invest in the application of Facebook as a formal academic tool.


Intention to Use and Satisfaction of e-Learning for Training in the Corporate Context

Together, the fields of education and information technology have identified the need for an online solution to training. The introduction of e-learning has optimised the learning process, allowing organisations to realise the many advantages that e-learning offers. The importance of user involvement in the success of e-learning makes it imperative that the forces driving intention to use e-learning and satisfaction thereof be determined. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between the metrics influencing intention to use and the satisfaction of using e-learning in companies. The results of a survey distributed amongst a South African software development company’s customer base revealed that the 94 respondents have positive enjoyment and self-efficacy levels, and low computer anxiety levels. Correlation analysis revealed significant relationships between enjoyment and self-efficacy and between enjoyment and satisfaction. Companies should therefore ensure that users enjoy using e-learning as it can directly influence satisfaction and self-efficacy.


Factors Affecting Re-usage Intentions of Virtual Communities Supporting Cosmetic Products

Aim/Purpose: This study uses a cosmetic virtual community (VC) as the research context and the UTAUT model as the theoretical structure aim to explore factors affecting the re-usage intentions of VC members. Background: The Internet use rate of VC was up to 50%, thereby implying that VC gained the attention of Internet users. Therefore, operating a VC will be an effective way to communicate with customers. However, to maintain an existing member is more efficient than creating a new one. As such, understanding determinants of VC members’ re-use intentions becomes important for firms. Methodology: Through an online survey, 276 valid responses were gathered. The collected data were examined by performing confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modelling procedures, as well as the moderator analysis. Contribution: This study shows the importance in the context of online cosmetics-related VC, which was rarely explored before. We provide issues for future research, despite the accumulated academic literature related to UTAUT and VC. Findings: Results show that only performance expectancy and social influence significantly affecting re-usage intentions and only gender has moderating effects on the path from performance expectancy to VC re-use intention and from trust to VC re-use intention. Recommendations for Practitioners : This study found that users emphasized performance expectancy most of all. A cosmetic product-related VC should introduce products abundantly, offer useful information, and help people accomplish tasks quickly and productively. Recommendation for Researchers: Future researchers may use our findings to conduct further positivist research in the area of social influence using different subjects and research contexts.


To Read or Not to Read: Modeling Online Newspaper Reading Satisfaction and Its Impact on Revisit Intention and Word-Of-Mouth

Aim/Purpose: In this research, we examined the influence of the information system (IS) quality dimensions proposed by Wixom and Todd on reading satisfaction of online newspaper readers in Bangladesh, especially the readers’ intention to revisit and recommendations through electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). Background: We identified the top 50 most visited websites, of which 13 were online newspapers, although their ranking among Bangladesh online newspapers varies from month to month. The literature illustrates that, despite the wide availability of online news portals and the fluctuations in frequency of visits, little is known about the factors that affect the satisfaction, word-of-mouth, and frequency of visits of readers. An understanding of reader satisfaction will help to gain richer insights into the phenomenon of readers’ intention to revisit and recommendation by eWOM. Stakeholders of online newspapers can then focus on those factors to increase visits to their websites, which will help them attract online advertisements from different organisations. Methodology: Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, from 217 people who responded to the survey. We used SmartPLS 3 to analyze the data collected, as it is based on second-generation analysis, which in turn is based on structural equation modeling (SEM). Contribution: This research explores the impacts of technological dimensions on readers’ satisfaction, as most of the previous research has focused on cultural or social dimensions. Findings: The results supported all of the hypothesized relationships between technological dimensions and reader satisfaction with online newspapers, except for one. The first, information, was predicted with accuracy and completeness, while the second object-based belief, system quality, was predicted by its accessibility, flexibility, reliability, and timeliness. Overall, quality factors influencing readers’ satisfaction were shown to lead to word-of-mouth revisit intentions. Our proposed model was empirically tested and has contributed to a nascent body of knowledge about readers’ revisit intentions and eWOM recommendations regarding online newspapers. It was also shown that strong satisfaction leads to higher revisit intention and eWOM. Recommendations for Practitioners: To keep the users satisfied, online newspapers need to focus on improving information quality (IQ) and system quality (SQ). If they do this well, they will be rewarded with higher revisit intention and recommendations by eWOM. Recommendation for Researchers: This study extends Oh’s customer loyalty model by integrating the Wixom-Todd model. This study reinforces an alternative rationale of the construct satisfaction. Future Research: We ignored negative stimulus like technostress, which can have an impact on satisfaction. In future, we will test the relationship between technostress and its impact on online newspaper reading.


IJIKM Volume 13, 2018 – Table of Contents


The Role of Job Satisfaction in Turnover and Turn-away Intention of IT Staff in South Africa

Aim/Purpose: This study forms part of the World IT Project, which aims to gain a deeper understanding of individual, personal and organisational factors influencing IT staff in a modern, work environment. The project also aims to provide a global view that complements the traditional American/Western view. The purpose of this study is to investigate and report on some of these factors, in particular, the role that job satisfaction has in turnover intention (i.e., changing jobs within the IT industry) and turn-away intention (i.e., moving to another industry other than IT) in South Africa. Background: Several studies have reported on the importance of an employee’s job satisfaction to organisation success, and the various factors that influence it. Most studies on job satisfaction adopted a Westernised and not a global view. Very few empirical studies have been conducted on job satisfaction of IT workers in South Africa. This paper reports on the individual, personal and organisational factors that influence the job satisfaction of IT staff in South Africa. Methodology: The study uses statistical analysis of survey data acquired through the World IT Project. Both online and paper based questionnaires were used. A sample size of 301 respondents was obtained from the survey, which was conducted over a period of 6 months during 2017. The factors that influence IT job satisfaction were analysed using correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and discriminant analysis. The factors investigated were employee and organisational demographics, aspects of occupational culture, and various job-related individual issues. Contribution: This paper presents the only study focused specifically on turnover and turn-away intention amongst IT staff in South Africa. The final proposed model, grounded in the empirical dataset, clearly shows job satisfaction as a strong mediating construct explaining most of the variance in the IT professional’s intention to leave the organisation (i.e. their turnover intention) and the industry (i.e. their turn-away intention). Findings: The findings revealed that there was a significant correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention as well as between job satisfaction and turn-away intention of IT staff. Perceived professional self-efficacy, strain and experience were also highly correlated with turnover intention. Professional self-efficacy was also significantly correlated with turn-away intention. Based on the analyses that were conducted, a research model is presented that shows the relationships between the various antecedents of turnover and turn-away intention. Recommendations for Practitioners: Managers in organisations dealing with the shortage of IT skills can use the model to plan interventions to reduce IT staff turnover rates by focussing on addressing the identified individual issues such as strain, job (in)security and work load as well as the personal value and IT occupational culture issues. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers in the field of IT staff recruitment and management can find value for their research in the proposed refined model of IT job satisfaction and turnover intention. Future research could possibly replicate the study in other countries or could focus on different factors. Impact on Society: IT skills play a crucial role in society today and are therefore in high demand. However, this demand is not being satisfied by the current rate of supply. Research into what factors influence IT staff to leave the organisation or the industry can assist managers with improving their employee relations and job conditions so as to reduce this turnover and increase organisations’ and society’s competitiveness and economic growth. Future Research: It would be interesting to determine if the findings are similar for a sample of smaller organisations and/or younger IT employees since this study focussed on larger organisations and more experienced staff. Future research could also compare the findings of South African organisations with those in other countries.


IJIKM Volume 14, 2019 – Table of Contents


IJIKM Volume 15, 2020 – Table of Contents

Table of Contents for Volume 15, 2020, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management


Students’ Continuance Intention to Use Moodle: An Expectation-Confirmation Model Approach

Aim/Purpose: This study aims at investigating the factors that influence students’ continuous intention to use Moodle, as an exemplar of learning management systems (LMSs), in the post-adoption phase. Background: Higher education institutions (HEIs) have invested heavily in learning management systems (LMSs), such as Moodle and BlackBoard, as these systems enhance students’ learning and improve their interactions with the educational systems. While most studies on LMSs have focused on the pre-adoption or acceptance phases of this technology, the determinant factors that influence students’ continuance intention to use LMSs have received less attention in the information systems (IS) literature. Methodology: The theoretical model for this study was primarily drawn from the expectation-confirmation model (ECM). A total of 387 Kuwaiti students, from a private American University in the State of Kuwait, participated in this study. Partial least squares (PLS) was employed to analyze the data. Contribution: This study contributes to the existing scientific knowledge in different ways. First, this study extends the expectation confirmation model (ECM) by integrating factors that are important to students’ continuous intention to use LMSs, including system interactivity, effort expectancy, attitude, computer anxiety, self-efficacy, subjective norms, and facilitating conditions. Second, this study adds on a Kuwaiti literature context by focusing on the continuous intention to use LMSs, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first study that extends and empirically assesses the applicability of the ECM in the LMSs context in a developing country – Kuwait. Third, this study conceptually and empirically differentiates between satisfaction and attitude, as two separate affect constructs, which were taken as interchangeable factors in ECM, and were disregarded by a large number of prior ECM studies concerned with continuous use intention. Finally, this study aims to assist HEIs, faculty members, and systems’ developers in understanding the main factors that influence students’ continuance use intention of LMSs. Findings: While subjective norms were not significant, the results mainly showed that students’ continuous intention to use Moodle is significantly influenced by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, attitude, satisfaction, self-efficacy and facilitating conditions. The study’s results also confirmed that satisfaction and attitude are two conceptually and empirically different constructs, conflicting with the views that these constructs can be taken as interchangeable factors in the ECM. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study offers several useful practical implications. First, given the significant influence of system interactivity on performance expectancy and satisfaction, faculty members should modify their teaching approach by enabling communication and interaction among instructors, students, and peers using the LMS. Second, given the significant influence of performance expectancy, satisfaction, and attitude on continuous intention to use the LMS, HEIs should conduct training programs for students on the effective use of the LMS. This would increase students’ awareness regarding the usefulness of the LMS, enhance their attitude towards the LMS, and improve their satisfaction with the system. Third, given the significant role of effort expectancy in influencing performance expectancy, attitude, and students’ continuous intention to use Moodle, developers and system programmers should design the LMS with easy to use, high quality, and customizable user interface. This, in turn, will not only motivate students’ performance expectancy, but will also influence their attitude and continuous intention to use the system. Recommendation for Researchers: This study conceptually and empirically differentiates between satisfaction and attitude, as two separate affect constructs, which were taken as interchangeable factors in ECM and were disregarded by a large number of prior ECM studies concerned with continuous use intention. Hence, it is recommended that researchers include these two constructs in their research models when investigating continuous intention to use a technology. Impact on Society: This study could be used in other countries to compare and verify the results. Additionally, the research model of this study could also be used to investigate other LMSs, such as Blackboard. Future Research: This study focused on how different factors affected students’ continuous intention to use Moodle but did not consider all determinants of successful system, such as system quality, information quality, and instructional as well as course content quality. Thus, future research should devote attention to the effects of these quality characteristics of LMS.


Modelling End Users’ Continuance Intention to Use Information Systems in Academic Settings: Expectation-Confirmation and Stress Perspective

Aim/Purpose: The main aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence the continuance intention of use of innovative systems by non-academic employees of a private university and associated academic institutions in Bangladesh. Background: The targeted academic institutions have introduced many new online services aimed at improving students’ access to information and services, including a new online library, ERP or online forum, and the jobs-tracking system (JTS). This research is focused only on the JTS for two reasons. First, it is one of the most crucial systems for the Daffodil Family, as it enables efficient working across many institutes spread across the country and abroad. Second, it is employed in a wide variety of organisational institutes, not just the university. This study aims to discover negative factors that lead to a decrease in users’ intentions to continue using the system. The ultimate goal is to improve the motivation among administrative staff to use technology-related innovation by reducing or eliminating the problems. Methodology: G* power analysis was employed to determine the expected sample size. A questionnaire survey was conducted of 211 users of a new job tracking system from a private university in Bangladesh, to collect data for testing the suggested research model. The data was analysed using the structural equation technique, which is a powerful multivariate analysis mechanism. Contribution: This research contributes to the body of literature and helps better understand users’ continuance intention in the post-implementation phase of the JTS. It complements the micro-level examinations of continuance intention of using IT, by building on our understanding of the phenomenon at the individual level. Specifically, this study examines the role of technostress where organisations invest in IT to make their users more comfortable with innovative and new technologies like the JTS. Findings: This research develops a theoretical advancement of the expectation-confirmation theory, with implications for IT managers and senior management dealing with IT-related behaviour. All proposed hypotheses were supported. Specifically, the predictors of exhaustion – work overload, work–life balance, and role ambiguity – are significant. The core factors for satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and confirmation, are also found to be significant. Finally, satisfaction and exhaustion significantly influence continuance intention, in both positive and negative ways. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study gives an idea about some of the difficulties that people face when implementing new and innovative IT, particularly in academia in Bangladesh. It offers insights into strategies the management may want to follow when implementing new technology like the JTS. This study suggests strategies to increase satisfaction and reduce technostress among new users to enhance organisational support for change. Recommendation for Researchers: Methodologically, the study provides researchers about the technique that reduces the threat of the common method bias. First, it created a psychological separation between criterion and predictor variables. Second, the threat of common method variance was actively controlled by modelling a latent method factor and by using marker variables that researchers can use in their work. This study complements the micro-level examinations of continuance intention of using IT by building on our understanding of the phenomenon at the individual level. Researchers can extend this model by integrating other theories. Impact on Society: The findings of the study indicate that work overload, work–life conflict, and role ambiguity create tiredness, leading to lower user satisfaction with the system. Perceived usefulness and confirmation have an increasingly similar effect on users’ satisfaction with the system and their subsequent continuance intention. These findings tell university administrators what measures they should take to improve continuance intention of using innovative technology. Future Research: Future studies could conceptualise a five-factor personality model from the personal perspective of users. This model can also be extended by including the dimensions of absorptive capacity, i.e., the dynamic capabilities of users. Absorptive capacity of understanding, assimilating, and applying might influence the user’s perception of usefulness and confirmation of using JTS.


IJIKM Volume 16, 2021 – Table of Contents

Table of Contents for Volume 16, 2021, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management


The Relationship Between Critical Success Factors, Perceived Benefits, and Usage Intention of Mobile Knowledge Management Systems in the Malaysian Semiconductor Industry

Aim/Purpose: This study examined the relationship between critical success factors (CSFs), perceived benefits, and usage intention of Mobile Knowledge Management Systems (MKMS) via an integrated Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Information Systems Success Model (ISSM). Background: This study investigates the CSFs (i.e., Strategic Leadership, Employee Training, System Quality, and Information Quality) that impact the usage intention of KMS in mobile contexts which have been neglected. Since users normally consider the usefulness belief in a system before usage, this study examines the role of perceived benefits as a mediator between the CSFs and usage intention. Methodology: A survey-based research approach in the Malaysian semiconductor industry was employed via an integrated model of TAM and ISSM. At a response rate of 59.52%, the findings of this study were based on 375 usable responses. The data collected was analyzed using the Partial Least Squares with SmartPLS 3.0. Contribution: This study contributes to the body of knowledge in the areas of mobile technology acceptance and knowledge management. Specifically, it helps to validate the integrated model of TAM and ISSM with the CSFs from knowledge management and information system. In addition, it provides the would-be adopters of MKMS with valuable guidelines and insights to consider before embarking on the adoption stage. Findings: The findings suggest that Employee Training and Information Quality have a positive significant relationship with Perceived MKMS Benefits. On the contrary, Strategic Leadership, System Quality, and Perceived User-friendliness showed an insignificant relationship with Perceived MKMS Benefits. Additionally, Employee Training and Information Quality have an indirect relationship with MKMS Usage Intention which is mediated by Perceived MKMS Benefits. Recommendations for Practitioners: The findings are valuable for managers, engineers, KM practitioners, KM consultants, MKMS developers, and mobile device producers to enhance MKMS usage intention. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers would be able to conduct more inter-disciplinary studies to better understand the relevant issues concerning both fields – knowledge management and mobile computing disciplines. Additionally, the mediation effect of TAM via Perceived Usefulness (i.e., perceived MKMS benefits) on usage intention of MKMS should be further investigated with other CSFs. Future Research: Future studies could perhaps include other critical factors from both KM and IS as part of the external variables. Furthermore, Perceived Ease of Use (i.e., Perceived User-friendly) should be tested as a mediator in the future, together with Perceived Usefulness (i.e., perceived MKMS Benefits) to compare which would be a more powerful predictor of usage intention. Moreover, it may prove interesting to find out how the research framework would fit into other industries to verify the findings of this study for better accuracy and generalizability.


Traits Contributing to the Promotion of the Individual’s Continuance Usage Intention and Perceived Value of M-University Services

Aim/Purpose: This study aims to examine the roles of key traits of m-university services and their users in promoting two crucial post-adoption outcomes of these services; namely, continuance usage intention and perceived value. Background: M-university (i.e., a university providing services via mobile technologies) has gained a great interest in the higher education sector as a driver of new business models and innovative service offerings. However, its assessment has been greatly overlooked, especially in evaluating the factors that drive the stakeholders’ continuance intention to use it and the determinants of its post-adoption perceived value. Consequently, research efforts undertaking such assessment facets empirically are highly required. Methodology: An integrated research model that enables such assessment was developed and evaluated using a quantitative research methodology. Accordingly, data were collected using a formulated closed-ended survey questionnaire. The target population consisted of the academic staff of a Saudi public university that has witnessed an extensive adoption of m-university services. The obtained data (i.e., 207 fully completed responses) were evaluated using the structural equation modeling approach. Contribution: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that gains the chance to provide the research community and m-service providers with new knowledge and understanding about the predictors that drive the continuance usage intention and value of m-university services. Findings: The findings showed that all of the examined traits of m-university services and their users (i.e., reliability, usability, customization, self-efficacy, and involvement) are having positive roles in promoting the continuance intention to use these services, while only two traits (i.e., reliability and involvement) contribute significantly to augmenting the perceived value. Recommendations for Practitioners: The study recommends developing effective design and implementation specifications that strengthen the contributions of the examined traits in the post-adoption stage of m-university services. Recommendation for Researchers: Further studies should be devoted to addressing the notable need to assess the factors influencing the adoption of m-university services, as well as to explore which ones are having significant roles in the attainment of post-adoption outcomes. Impact on Society: The empirical insights provided by the present study are essential for both university stakeholders and mobile service providers in their endeavors to improve the key aspects of the anticipated post-adoption outcomes of the provided services. Future Research: Further empirical investigations are needed to examine the roles of more m-university services and user traits in achieving a broad range of post-adoption outcomes of such services.


The Extended TRA Model for the Assessment of Factors Driving Individuals’ Behavioral Intention to Use Cryptocurrency

Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the factors driving individuals’ behavioral intention to use cryptocurrency in Saudi Arabia using the extended TRA model. Background: Despite the great potential of cryptocurrencies and the exponential growth of cryptocurrency use throughout the world, scholarly research on this topic remained scarce. Whereas prior studies are mostly done in developed countries or specific cultural contexts, limiting the generalizability of their results, they mainly used technology adoption models that cannot fully explain the acceptance of new technology involved with financial transactions such as cryptocurrency and provided contradictory evidence. Entire regions have been excluded from the research on this topic, including Saudi Arabia which has a high potential to increase the volume of cryptocurrency use. Methodology: This study extends the theory of reasoned action (TRA) with the factors from technology adoption models that proved relevant for this topic, namely perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, perceived innovativeness, and perceived risk with three sub-factors: security, financial, and privacy risk. Data are collected using a quantitative research methodology from 181 respondents residing in Saudi Arabia and then analyzed by several methods, including exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modeling (SEM). Contribution: This study contributes to the scientific knowledge by extending the TRA model with a range of factors from the technology adoption field, thus enabling the analysis of this topic from human, financial, and technology perspectives and providing additional empirical evidence on the factors that previously either provided contradictory evidence or were not explored in this field. This research also provides the first empirical data on this topic in Saudi Arabia and enables further research on the topic and a comparison of the results. The study also contributes to practice by enhancing the actual understanding of the phenomena and providing valuable information and recommendations for governments, investors, merchants, developers, and the general population. Findings: The study found attitude, subjective norm, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, personal innovativeness, privacy risk, and financial risk as significant predictors of the intention to use cryptocurrencies, whereas the influence of security risk was not found to be significant in Saudi Arabia. Recommendations for Practitioners: Using this study’s results, governments can create appropriate legal frameworks, developers can design fewer complex platforms, and merchants may create appropriate campaigns that emphasize the benefits of cryptocurrency use and transpire trust in cryptocurrency transactions by enhancing the factors with a positive impact, such as usefulness, enjoyment, and personal innovativeness while reducing concerns of potential users regarding the risky factors. By promoting a positive user experience, they can also improve attitudes and social norms towards cryptocurrencies, thus further stimulating the interest in their use. Recommendation for Researchers: As this study validated the influence of factors from technology, financial, and human-related fields, researchers may follow this approach to ensure a comprehensive analysis of this complex topic, especially as privacy risk was never examined in this context, while personal innovativeness, perceived enjoyment, financial, and security risk were explored in just a few studies. It is also recommended that researchers explore the impact of each part of subjective norms: social media, friends, and family, as well as how information on the benefits of cryptocurrencies affects the perception of the factors included. Impact on Society: Understanding the factors affecting cryptocurrency use can help utilize the full potential of cryptocurrencies, especially their benefits for developing countries reflected in safe, speedy, and low-cost financial transactions with no need for an intermediary. The research model of this study could also be used to investigate this topic in other contexts to discover similarities and differences, as well as to investigate other information systems. Future Research: Future studies should test this research model in similar and different contexts to determine whether its validity and study results depend on cultural and contextual factors. They can also include different or additional variables, or use mixed methods, as interviews would augment the comprehension of this topic. Future studies may also explore whether the impact of variables would remain the same if circumstances changed or use cases expanded, and how the preferences of the target population would change within a longitudinal time frame.


IJIKM Volume 17, 2022 – Table of Contents

Table of Contents for Volume 17, 2022, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management


Investigating Factors Affecting the Intention to Use Mobile Health from a Holistic Perspective: The Case of Small Cities in China

Aim/Purpose: This study aims to develop a comprehensive conceptual framework that incorporates personal characteristics, social context, and technological features as significant factors that influence the intention of small-city users in China to use mobile health. Background: Mobile health has become an integral part of China’s health management system innovation, the transformation of the health service model, and a necessary government measure for promoting health service parity. However, mobile health has not yet been widely adopted in small cities in China. Methodology: The study utilized a quantitative approach whereby web-based questionnaires were used to collect data from 319 potential users in China using China’s health management system. The data was analyzed using the PLS-SEM (the partial least squares-structural equation modeling) approach. Contribution: This study integrates the protection motivation theory (PMT), which compensates for the limitations of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology theory (UTAUT) and is a re-examination of PMT and UTAUT in a small city context in China. Findings: The findings indicate that attitude and perceived vulnerability in the personal characteristic factors, social influence and facilitating conditions in the social context factors, and performance expectancy in the technological feature factors influence users’ intention to use mobile health in small cities in China. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study provides feasible recommendations for mobile health service providers, medical institutions, and government agencies based on the empirical results. Recommendation for Researchers: As for health behavior, researchers should fully explain the intention of mobile health use in terms of holism and health behavior theory. Impact on Society: This study aims to increase users’ intention to use mobile health in small cities in China and to maximize the social value of mobile health. Future Research: Future research should concentrate on the actual usage behavior of users and simultaneously conduct a series of longitudinal studies, including studies on continued usage behavior, abandonment behavior, and abandoned-and-used behavior.


Determinants of the Intention to Use Big Data Analytics in Banks and Insurance Companies: The Moderating Role of Managerial Support

Aim/Purpose: The aim of this research paper is to suggest a comprehensive model that incorporates the technology acceptance model with the task-technology fit model, information quality, security, trust, and managerial support to investigate the intended usage of big data analytics (BDA) in banks and insurance companies. Background: The emergence of the concept of “big data,” prompted by the widespread use of connected devices and social media, has been pointed out by many professionals and financial institutions in particular, which makes it necessary to assess the determinants that have an impact on behavioral intention to use big data analytics in banks and insurance companies. Methodology: The integrated model was empirically assessed using self-administered questionnaires from 181 prospective big data analytics users in Moroccan banks and insurance firms and examined using partial least square (PLS) structural equation modeling. The results cover sample characteristics, an analysis of the validity and reliability of measurement models’ variables, an evaluation of the proposed hypotheses, and a discussion of the findings. Contribution: The paper makes a noteworthy contribution to the BDA adoption literature within the finance sector. It stands out by ingeniously amalgamating the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with Task-Technology Fit (TTF) while underscoring the critical significance of information quality, trust, and managerial support, due to their profound relevance and importance in the finance domain. Thus showing BDA has potential applications beyond the finance sector. Findings: The findings showed that TTF and trust’s impact on the intention to use is considerable. Information quality positively impacted perceived usefulness and ease of use, which in turn affected the intention to use. Moreover, managerial support moderates the correlation between perceived usefulness and the intention to use, whereas security did not affect the intention to use and managerial support did not moderate the influence of perceived ease of use. Recommendations for Practitioners: The results suggest that financial institutions can improve their adoption decisions for big data analytics (BDA) by understanding how users perceive it. Users are predisposed to use BDA if they presume it fits well with their tasks and is easy to use. The research also emphasizes the importance of relevant information quality, managerial support, and collaboration across departments to fully leverage the potential of BDA. Recommendation for Researchers: Further study may be done on other business sectors to confirm its generalizability and the same research design can be employed to assess BDA adoption in organizations that are in the advanced stage of big data utilization. Impact on Society: The study’s findings can enable stakeholders of financial institutions that are at the primary stage of big data exploitation to understand how users perceive BDA technologies and the way their perception can influence their intention toward their use. Future Research: Future research is expected to conduct a comparison of the moderating effect of managerial support on users with technical expertise versus those without; in addition, international studies across developed countries are required to build a solid understanding of users’ perceptions towards BDA.


Content-Rating Consistency of Online Product Review and Its Impact on Helpfulness: A Fine-Grained Level Sentiment Analysis

Aim/Purpose: The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of review consistency between textual content and rating on review helpfulness. A measure of review consistency is introduced to determine the degree to which the review sentiment of textual content conforms with the review rating score. A theoretical model grounded in signaling theory is adopted to explore how different variables (review sentiment, review rating, review length, and review rating variance) affect review consistency and the relationship between review consistency and review helpfulness. Background: Online reviews vary in their characteristics and hence their different quality features and degrees of helpfulness. High-quality online reviews offer consumers the ability to make informed purchase decisions and improve trust in e-commerce websites. The helpfulness of online reviews continues to be a focal research issue regardless of the independent or joint effects of different factors. This research posits that the consistency between review content and review rating is an important quality indicator affecting the helpfulness of online reviews. The review consistency of online reviews is another important requirement for maintaining the significance and perceived value of online reviews. Incidentally, this parameter is inadequately discussed in the literature. A possible reason is that review consistency is not a review feature that can be readily monitored on e-commerce websites. Methodology: More than 100,000 product reviews were collected from Amazon.com and preprocessed using natural language processing tools. Then, the quality reviews were identified, and relevant features were extracted for model training. Machine learning and sentiment analysis techniques were implemented, and each review was assigned a consistency score between 0 (not consistent) and 1 (fully consistent). Finally, signaling theory was employed, and the derived data were analyzed to determine the effect of review consistency on review helpfulness, the effect of several factors on review consistency, and their relationship with review helpfulness. Contribution: This research contributes to the literature by introducing a mathematical measure to determine the consistency between the textual content of online reviews and their associated ratings. Furthermore, a theoretical model grounded in signaling theory was developed to investigate the effect on review helpfulness. This work can considerably extend the body of knowledge on the helpfulness of online reviews, with notable implications for research and practice. Findings: Empirical results have shown that review consistency significantly affects the perceived helpfulness of online reviews. The study similarly finds that review rating is an important factor affecting review consistency; it also confirms a moderating effect of review sentiment, review rating, review length, and review rating variance on the relationship between review consistency and review helpfulness. Overall, the findings reveal the following: (1) online reviews with textual content that correctly explains the associated rating tend to be more helpful; (2) reviews with extreme ratings are more likely to be consistent with their textual content; and (3) comparatively, review consistency more strongly affects the helpfulness of reviews with short textual content, positive polarity textual content, and lower rating scores and variance. Recommendations for Practitioners: E-commerce systems should incorporate a review consistency measure to rank consumer reviews and provide customers with quick and accurate access to the most helpful reviews. Impact on Society: Incorporating a score of review consistency for online reviews can help consumers access the best reviews and make better purchase decisions, and e-commerce systems improve their business, ultimately leading to more effective e-commerce. Future Research: Additional research should be conducted to test the impact of review consistency on helpfulness in different datasets, product types, and different moderating variables.


Factors Influencing User’s Intention to Adopt AI-Based Cybersecurity Systems in the UAE

Aim/Purpose: The UAE and other Middle Eastern countries suffer from various cybersecurity vulnerabilities that are widespread and go undetected. Still, many UAE government organizations rely on human-centric approaches to combat the growing cybersecurity threats. These approaches are ineffective due to the rapid increase in the amount of data in cyberspace, hence necessitating the employment of intelligent technologies such as AI cybersecurity systems. In this regard, this study investigates factors influencing users’ intention to adopt AI-based cybersecurity systems in the UAE. Background: Even though UAE is ranked among the top countries in embracing emerging technologies such as digital identity, robotic process automation (RPA), intelligent automation, and blockchain technologies, among others, it has experienced sluggish adoption of AI cybersecurity systems. This selectiveness in adopting technology begs the question of what factors could make the UAE embrace or accept new technologies, including AI-based cybersecurity systems. One of the probable reasons for the slow adoption and use of AI in cybersecurity systems in UAE organizations is the employee’s perception and attitudes towards such intelligent technologies. Methodology: The study utilized a quantitative approach whereby web-based questionnaires were used to collect data from 370 participants working in UAE government organizations considering or intending to adopt AI-based cybersecurity systems. The data was analyzed using the PLS-SEM approach. Contribution: The study is based on the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) framework, widely used in information security research. However, it extends this model by including two more variables, job insecurity and resistance to change, to enhance its predictive/exploratory power. Thus, this research improves PMT and contributes to the body of knowledge on technology acceptance, especially in intelligent cybersecurity technology. Findings: This paper’s findings provide the basis from which further studies can be conducted while at the same time offering critical insights into the measures that can boost the acceptability and use of cybersecurity systems in the UAE. All the hypotheses were accepted. The relationship between the six constructs (perceived vulnerability (PV), perceived severity (PS), perceived response efficacy (PRE), perceived self-efficacy (PSE), job insecurity (JI), and resistance to change (RC)) and the intention to adopt AI cybersecurity systems in the UAE was found to be statistically significant. This paper’s findings provide the basis from which further studies can be conducted while at the same time offering critical insights into the measures that can boost the acceptability and use of cybersecurity systems in the UAE. Recommendations for Practitioners: All practitioners must be able to take steps and strategies that focus on factors that have a significant impact on increasing usage intentions. PSE and PRE were found to be positively related to the intention to adopt AI-based cybersecurity systems, suggesting the need for practitioners to focus on them. The government can enact legislation that emphasizes the simplicity and awareness of the benefits of cybersecurity systems in organizations. Recommendation for Researchers: Further research is needed to include other variables such as facilitating conditions, AI knowledge, social influence, and effort efficacy as well as other frameworks such as UTAUT, to better explain individuals’ behavioral intentions to use cybersecurity systems in the UAE. Impact on Society: This study can help all stakeholders understand what factors can increase users’ interest in investing in the applications that are embedded with security. As a result, they have an impact on economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic. Future Research: Future research is expected to investigate additional factors that can influence individuals’ behavioral intention to use cybersecurity systems such as facilitating conditions, AI knowledge, social influence, effort efficacy, as well other variables from UTAUT. International research across nations is also required to build a larger sample size to examine the behavior of users.


The Perspectives of University Academics on Their Intention to Purchase Green Smartphones in Sri Lanka

Aim/Purpose: Most people use their phones for work and communication. Businesses today require sustainable mobile phones to limit the environmental impact of mobile phones. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a green product uses less energy. Green smartphones need low radiation emission, are made from recyclable materials, and are designed to last longer than typical smartphones. Further, the manufacturing process needs to have a low environmental impact. The present study aims to identify the influence of variables (such as Green Awareness, Environmental Concern, Altruism, and Willingness to Pay) on green smartphone purchase intention among academics in the Sri Lankan higher education sector. Background: With the swift technological advances, almost everyone has begun to use smartphones. Simultaneously, smartphone manufacturers have begun to release cutting-edge smartphone models to the general public. As a result, it has generated a significant amount of e-waste for the environment. As a result, therefore, the sustainability of green smartphones has become a major societal concern in the developed world, but this is not yet true in the developing world Methodology: The study used a qualitative research method in which the authors attempted to acquire primary data by conducting in-depth interviews with academics from the Sri Lankan higher education sector using a semi-structured interview guide. Eight interviews were conducted, audio recorded, and word-to-word transcribed for content analysis. Researchers used content analysis to determine the presence, meanings, and linkages of specific words, themes, or concepts. Contribution: The findings provide important environmental insights for smartphone makers and society, such as introducing waste reduction programs and energy-saving practices and creating awareness among people to change their consumption patterns. The study will provide valuable insights into the green smartphone phone purchasing intentions of academics in a developing country, especially helping green smartphone producers and marketers construct effective tactics with the insight of the current study based on university faculty members’ viewpoints. Findings: The current study’s findings revealed that academics acknowledge the need for environmental protection with an awareness of the green concept and environmental concerns. According to the interviews, most participants intended to move from their present smartphone to an ecologically friendly phone, as they explained on altruism. This implies that even academics in underdeveloped countries are worried about environmental issues and have shown a more robust understanding of these issues and how environmentally aware individuals’ activities may assist the earth’s sustainability. Further, academics have a willingness to pay for a green smartphone. Recommendations for Practitioners: Academics prioritize environmental conservation when making purchases. This implies that manufacturers and enterprises should focus on developing and in- novating more environmentally friendly products. Recommendation for Researchers: Using only academics as a sample approach is severely limited if the study’s population comprises people with various qualities. Nevertheless, this study presented only four independent variables, and more factors impacting green smartphone purchasing intention may exist. As a result, it is proposed that future research consider other factors. Impact on Society: It was discovered that most participants displayed altruism in their product purchases, implying that policymakers must strengthen the moral practice of concern for the welfare and happiness of other humans, even in developing countries. Future Research: A further in-depth study focusing on many perspectives such as limits and motivations for purchasing green products in various socioeconomic groups with varying moderating factors such as gender, education, rural-urban, and so on would be advantageous. Individual (emotions, habits, perceived behavioral control, trust, values, personal norm, knowledge) and situational (availability, product attributes, subjective norm, brand, eco-labeling) variables should be included in future research.


Factors Impacting the Behavioral Intention to Use Social Media for Knowledge Sharing: Insights from Disaster Relief Practitioners

Aim/Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that impact the behavioral intention to use social media (SM) for knowledge sharing (KS) in the disaster relief (DR) context. Background: With the continuing growth of SM for KS in the DR environment, disaster relief organizations across the globe have started to realize its importance in streamlining their processes in the post-implementation phase. However, SM-based KS depends on the willingness of members to share their knowledge with others, which is affected by several technological, social, and organizational factors. Methodology: A survey was conducted in Somalia to gather primary data from DR practitioners, using purposive sampling as the technique. The survey collected 214 valid responses, which were then analyzed with the PLS-SEM approach. Contribution: The study contributes to an understanding of the real-life hurdles faced by disaster relief organizations by expanding on the C-TAM-TPB model with the inclusion of top management support, organizational rewards, enjoyment in helping others, knowledge self-efficacy, and interpersonal trust factors. Additionally, it provides useful recommendations to managers of disaster relief organizations on the key factors to consider. Findings: The findings recorded that perceived usefulness, ease of use, top management support, enjoyment in helping others, knowledge self-efficacy, and interpersonal trust were critical factors in determining behavioral intention (BI) to use SM-based KS in the DR context. Furthermore, the mediator variables were attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Recommendations for Practitioners: Based on the research findings, it was determined that management should create different discussion forums among the disaster relief teams to ensure the long-term use of SM-based KS within DR organizations. They should also become involved in the discussions for disaster-related knowledge such as food supplies, shelter, or medical relief that disaster victims need. Disaster relief managers should consider effective and adequate training to enhance individual knowledge and self-efficacy since a lack of training may increase barriers and difficulties in using SM for KS during a DR process. Recommendation for Researchers: The conceptual model, further empirically investigated, can be employed by other developing countries in fostering acceptance of SM for KS during disaster relief operations. Impact on Society: Disaster relief operations can be facilitated using social media by considering the challenges DR practitioners face during emergencies. Future Research: In generalizing this study’s findings, other national or global disaster relief organizations should consider, when applying and testing, the research instruments and proposed model. The researchers may extend this study by collecting data from managers or administrators since they are different types of users of the SM-based KS system.


A Model Predicting Student Engagement and Intention with Mobile Learning Management Systems

Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a comprehensive model that predicts students’ engagement with and intent to continue using mobile-Learning Management Systems (m-LMS). Background: m-LMS are increasingly popular tools for delivering course content in higher education. Understanding the factors that affect student engagement and continuance intention can help educational institutions to develop more effective and user-friendly m-LMS platforms. Methodology: Participants with prior experience with m-LMS were employed to develop and evaluate the proposed model that draws on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Task-Technology Fit (TTF), and other related models. Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to evaluate the model. Contribution: The study provides a comprehensive model that takes into account a variety of factors affecting engagement and continuance intention and has a strong predictive capability. Findings: The results of the study provide evidence for the strong predictive capability of the proposed model and supports previous research. The model identifies perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, interactivity, compatibility, enjoyment, and social influence as factors that significantly influence student engagement and continuance intention. Recommendations for Practitioners: The findings of this study can help educational institutions to effectively meet the needs of students for interactive, effective, and user-friendly m-LMS platforms. Recommendation for Researchers: This study highlights the importance of understanding the antecedents of students’ engagement with m-LMS. Future research should be conducted to test the proposed model in different contexts and with different populations to further validate its applicability. Impact on Society: The engagement model can help educational institutions to understand how to improve student engagement and continuance intention with m-LMS, ultimately leading to more effective and efficient mobile learning. Future Research: Additional research should be conducted to test the proposed model in different contexts and with different populations to further validate its applicability.


The Influence of Big Data Management on Organizational Performance in Organizations: The Role of Electronic Records Management System Potentiality

Aim/Purpose: The use of digital technology, such as an electronic records management system (ERMS), has prompted widespread changes across organizations. The organization needs to support its operations with an automation system to improve production performance. This study investigates ERMS’s potentiality to enhance organizational performance in the oil and gas industry. Background: Oil and gas organizations generate enormous electronic records that lead to difficulties in managing them without any system or digitalization procedure. The need to use a system to manage big data and records affects information security and creates several problems. This study supports decision-makers in oil and gas organizations to use ERMS to enhance organizational performance. Methodology: We used a quantitative method by integrating the typical partial least squares (SEM-PLS) approach, including measurement items, respondents’ demographics, sampling and collection of data, and data analysis. The SEM-PLS approach uses a measurement and structural model assessment to analyze data. Contribution: This study contributes significantly to theory and practice by providing advancements in identity theory in the context of big data management and electronic records management. This study is a foundation for further research on the role of ERMS in operations performance and Big Data Management (BDM). This research makes a theoretical contribution by studying a theory-driven framework that may serve as an essential lens to evaluate the role of ERMS in performance and increase its potentiality in the future. This research also evaluated the combined impacts of general technology acceptance theory elements and identity theory in the context of ERMS to support data management. Findings: This study provides an empirically tested model that helps organizations to adopt ERMS based on the influence of big data management. The current study’s findings looked at the concerns of oil and gas organizations about integrating new technologies to support organizational performance. The results demonstrated that individual characteristics of users in oil and gas organizations, in conjunction with administrative features, are robust predictors of ERMS. The results show that ERMS potentiality significantly influences the organizational performance of oil and gas organizations. The research results fit the big ideas about how big data management and ERMS affect respondents to adopt new technologies. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study contributes significantly to the theory and practice of ERMS potentiality and BDM by developing and validating a new framework for adopting ERMS to support the performance and production of oil and gas organizations. The current study adds a new framework to identity theory in the context of ERMS and BDM. It increases the perceived benefits of using ERMS in protecting the credibility and authenticity of electronic records in oil and gas organizations. Recommendation for Researchers: This study serves as a foundation for future research into the function and influence of big data management on ERMS that support the organizational performance. Researchers can examine the framework of this study in other nations in the future, and they will be able to analyze this research framework to compare various results in other countries and expand ERMS generalizability and efficacy. Impact on Society: ERMS and its impact on BDM is still a developing field, and readers of this article can assist in gaining a better understanding of the literature’s dissemination of ERMS adoption in the oil and gas industry. This study presents an experimentally validated model of ERMS adoption with the effect of BDM in the oil and gas industry. Future Research: In the future, researchers may be able to examine the impact of BDM and user technology fit as critical factors in adopting ERMS by using different theories or locations. Furthermore, researchers may include the moderating impact of demographical parameters such as age, gender, wealth, and experience into this study model to make it even more robust and comprehensive. In addition, future research may examine the significant direct correlations between human traits, organizational features, and individual perceptions of BDM that are directly related to ERMS potentiality and operational performance in the future.


Factors Affecting Individuals’ Behavioral Intention to Use Online Capital Market Investment Platforms in Indonesia

Aim/Purpose: This study aims to examine the ten factors from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) theories in order to analyze behavioral intentions to use the Indonesian online capital market investment platforms and the effect of behavioral intentions on actual usage. Background: The potential growth of capital market investors in Indonesia is large, and the low use of the Internet for investment purposes makes it necessary for stakeholders to understand the factors that affect people’s intentions to invest, especially through online platforms. Several previous studies have explained the intention to use online investment platforms using the TAM and TPB theories. This study tries to combine TAM, TPB, and UTAUT theories in analyzing behavioral intentions to use an online capital market investment platform in Indonesia. Methodology: The research approach employed is a mixed method, particularly explanatory research, which employs quantitative methods first, followed by qualitative methods. Data were collected by conducting interviews and sending online surveys. This study was successful in collecting information on the users of online capital market investment platforms in Indonesia from 1074 respondents, which was then processed and analyzed using Covariance-Based Structural Equation Modeling (CB-SEM) with the IBM AMOS 26.0 application. Contribution: This study complements earlier theories like TAM, TPB, and UTAUT by looking at the intention to use online capital market investment platforms from technological, human, and environmental viewpoints. This study looks at the intention to use the online capital market investing platform as a whole rather than separately depending on investment instruments. This study also assists practitioners including regulators, the government, developers, and investors by offering knowledge of the phenomena and factors that can increase the capital market’s investment intention in Indonesia. Findings: Attitudes, perceived ease of use, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm, and national pride were found to be significant predictors of the intention to use online investment platforms in Indonesia, whereas perceived usefulness, perceived risk, perceived trust, perceived privacy, and price value were not. Recommendations for Practitioners: All practitioners must be able to take steps and strategies that focus on factors that have a significant impact on increasing usage intentions. The government can enact legislation that emphasizes the simplicity and convenience of investment, as well as launch campaigns that encourage people to participate in economic recovery by investing in the capital market. Meanwhile, the developers are concentrating on facilitating the flow of investment transactions through the platform, increasing education and awareness of the benefits of investing in the capital market, and providing content that raises awareness that investing in the capital market can help to restore the national economy. Recommendation for Researchers: Further research is intended to include other variables such as perceived benefits and perceived security, as well as other frameworks such as TRA, to better explain individuals’ behavioral intentions to use online capital investment platforms. Impact on Society: This study can help all stakeholders understand what factors can increase Indonesians’ interest in investing in the capital market, particularly through online investment platforms. This understanding is expected to increase the number of capital market participants and, as a result, have an impact on economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic. Future Research: Future research is expected to investigate additional factors that can influence individuals’ behavioral intention to use an online capital market investment platform, such as perceived benefits and perceived security, as well as the addition of control variables such as age, gender, education, and income. International research across nations is also required to build a larger sample size in order to examine the behavior of investors in developing and developed countries and acquire a more thorough understanding of the online capital market investment platform.


IJIKM Volume 18, 2023 – Table of Contents

Table of Contents for Volume 18, 2023, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management


Investigating the Determinants of Online Shopping Repurchase Intention in Generation Z Customers in India: An Exploratory Study

Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the factors that affect the repurchase intentions of Generation Z consumers in India’s online shopping industry, focusing on combining the Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) and Extended Technology Acceptance Model (E-TAM). The aim is to understand the intricate behaviors that shape technology adoption and sustained usage, which are essential for retaining customers in e-commerce. Background: Social media and other online platforms have significantly influenced daily life and become essential communication tools owing to technological advancements. Online shopping is no exception, offering a range of product choices, information, and convenience compared with traditional commerce. Indian retailers recognize this trend as an opportunity to promote their brands through e-shopping platforms, leading to increased competition. Generation Z comprises 32% of the world’s population and is a significant emerging customer base in India. Numerous studies have been conducted to study customers’ repurchase intention in the online shopping domain, but few studies have explicitly focused on Generation Z as a customer base. This study aims to comprehensively understand the topic and investigate the variables that impact consumers’ online repurchase intention by examining their post-adoption behavioral processes. Methodology: The study employed a quantitative research design with structural equation modeling using AMOS to analyze responses from 410 participants. This method thoroughly examined hypotheses regarding factors affecting repurchase intention (security, ease of use, privacy, and internet self-efficacy) and the mediating role of e-satisfaction. Contribution: This study makes a unique contribution to the field of e-commerce by focusing on Generation Z in India, a rapidly growing demographic in the e-commerce industry. The results on the mediating role of e-satisfaction have significant implications for e-retailers seeking to enhance customer retention strategies and gain a competitive edge in the market. Findings: The research findings underscore the significant influence of security, ease of use, and internet self-efficacy on repurchase intentions, with e-satisfaction playing a pivotal role as a mediating factor. Notably, while privacy concerns did not directly impact repurchase intentions, they displayed considerable influence when mediated by e-satisfaction, highlighting the intricate interplay between these variables in the context of online shopping, which is the unique finding of this study. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study has several significant implications for practitioners. Effectively addressing computer-related individual differences, such as computer self-efficacy, is crucial for boosting online customers’ repurchase intention. For instance, if an e-retailer intends to target Generation Z customers, they should collaborate with IT professionals and develop various computer literacy programs on online streaming platforms, such as YouTube. These programs will enhance target customers’ confidence in online shopping portals and increase their online repeat purchases. Additionally, practitioners should strive to improve the online shopping experience by making the portal user-friendly. Generation Z is accustomed to a fast Internet experience, so they prefer that the process of completing online transactions is swift with fewer clicks. The search for products, payments, and redress should not be tedious. Furthermore, the primary objective of the e-retailer should be to satisfy customers, as satisfied customers repeat their purchases and increase overall profitability. Recommendation for Researchers: The current study was conducted in the Delhi-NCR region of India, and its findings could serve as a basis for future research. For instance, the scale devised in this study could be utilized to examine the impact of cash-on-delivery as a payment method on purchase intention across the country. Alternatively, a comparative analysis could be conducted to compare cash-on-delivery effects in various countries. Impact on Society: The study’s findings enable stakeholders in the online shopping industry to comprehend the post-adoption behavior of Generation Z users and augment existing literature by establishing a correlation between determinants that impact repurchase intention and e-satisfaction, which serves as a mediator. Future Research: This study examines the factors that impact the propensity of Generation Z shoppers to engage in repeat online purchases. This study focuses on India, where the Generation Y (millennial) customer base is also substantial within the online shopping market. Future research could compare the shopping habits of Generation Z and Generation Y customers, as the latter may place greater importance on privacy and security. Additional studies could broaden the scope of this research and explore the comparative viewpoints of both generations. Also, it would be advantageous to conduct in-depth interviews and longitudinal studies to acquire a more in-depth comprehension of the evolving digitalization of shopping.


Investigating Intention to Invest in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending Platforms Among the Bottom 40 Group in Malaysia

Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the intention to invest in online peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms among the bottom 40% (B40) Malaysian households by income. Background: The B40 group citizens earn less than USD 1,096.00 (i.e., RM 4,850.00) in monthly household income, thereby possessing relatively small capital investments suitable for online P2P lending. Methodology: Drawing on the technology acceptance model (TAM), this research developed and tested the relevant hypotheses with data collected from 216 respondents. The partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique was employed to analyse the collected data. Contribution: This study contributes to the body of knowledge on financial inclusion by demonstrating the relevance of modified TAM in explaining the intention to invest in online P2P lending platforms among investors with lower disposable income (i.e., the B40 group in Malaysia). Findings: The findings revealed that information quality, perceived risk, and perceived ease of use are relevant to B40 investment intention in P2P online lending platforms. However, contrary to expectations, trust and financial literacy are insignificant predictors of B40 investment intention. Recommendations for Practitioners: The P2P lending platform operators could enhance financial inclusion among the B40 group by ensuring borrowers provide sufficient, relevant, and reliable information with adequate security measures to minimise risk exposure. The financial regulators should also conduct periodic audits to ensure that the operators commit to enhancing information quality, platform security, and usability. Recommendation for Researchers: The intention to invest in online P2P lending platforms among the B40 group could be enhanced by improving information quality and user experience, addressing perceived risks, reassessing trust-building strategies and financial literacy initiatives, and adopting holistic, interdisciplinary approaches. These findings suggest targeted strategies to enhance financial inclusion and investment participation among B40 investors. Impact on Society: The study’s findings hold significant implications for financial regulators and institutions, such as the Securities Commission Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, commercial and investment banks, and insurance companies. By focusing on these key determinants, policymakers can design targeted interventions to improve the accessibility and attractiveness of P2P lending platforms for B40 investors. Enhanced information quality and ease of use can be mandated through regulatory frameworks, while effective risk communication and mitigation strategies can be developed to build investor confidence. These measures can collectively promote financial growth and inclusion, supporting broader economic development goals. Future Research: Future research could expand the sample size to consider older B40 individuals across different countries and use a longitudinal survey to assess the actual investment decision of the B40 investors.


The Influence of Ads’ Perceived Intrusiveness in Geo-Fencing and Geo-Conquesting on Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Customers’ Attitudes

Aim/Purpose: This study focuses on two targeting strategies of out-store Location-Based Mobile Advertising (LBMA): the geo-fencing strategy (i.e., targeting customers who are near the focal store) and the geo-conquesting strategy (i.e., targeting those who are near competitors’ stores to visit the focal store). To the authors’ knowledge, no previous studies have compared the perceived intrusiveness of advertisements (ads) in geo-fencing and geo-conquesting settings, despite the accumulating literature on out-store LBMA. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine which targeting strategy is more effective in terms of reducing the perception of ads’ intrusiveness and increasing positive customers’ attitudes and purchase intention. Background: The intrusive nature of LBMA is perceived negatively by some customers, impacting their attitudes toward the ad, purchase intention, and even their perception of the brand. Therefore, identifying the targeting strategy under which ads are perceived as less intrusive is essential. Additionally, brick-and-mortar clothing stores in Jordan are facing challenges due to the rise of online shopping and increased competition from nearby stores. Thus, examining geo-fencing and geo-conquesting might tackle these challenges and encourage local clothing retailers to adopt these strategies. Methodology: A quantitative method was used in this study. A between-subjects experimental design was used to collect the data using a scenario-based survey distributed to Jordanians aged 18 to 45. A total of 531 responses were collected. After excluding those who do not belong to the targeted age group and those who did not pass the manipulation check, 406 responses were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 28 and the Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) software version 26 to conduct Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Contribution: This work offers valuable contributions by investigating the impact of the perceived intrusiveness of ads on purchase intention in the contexts of geo-fencing and geo-conquesting, which has not been studied before. Additionally, it fills a gap by examining this phenomenon in Jordan, a developing country in which attitudes toward LBMA have not been previously explored. Findings: The results revealed that location-based mobile ads sent under a geo-fencing strategy are perceived as less intrusive than those sent under a geo-conquesting strategy. In addition, customers’ attitudes fully mediate the relationship between intrusiveness and purchase intention only under the geo-fencing strategy. Ultimately, neither of the strategies is more effective in terms of increasing positive customer attitudes and purchase intentions in the context of clothing retail stores in Jordan. Recommendations for Practitioners: Clothing retailers in Jordan should consider adopting geo-fencing and geo-conquesting strategies to boost purchase intentions and tackle industry challenges. Additionally, to increase purchase intentions with geo-fencing, practitioners should focus on fostering positive customer attitudes toward ads, as simply perceiving them as less intrusive is not sufficient to drive purchase intention without the mediating effect of positive attitudes. Recommendation for Researchers: This research is crucial for academics and researchers as geolocation technology and LBMA are expected to advance significantly in the future. Researchers can investigate this topic through a randomized field experiment, followed by a research questionnaire to collect data from a real-world setting. Impact on Society: Utilizing LBMA is essential for local clothing retail stores that are trying to effectively reach and connect with their customers because searching the Internet for local goods and services is done primarily on mobile devices. Indeed, this study revealed that customers in both settings (i.e., geo-fencing and geo-conquesting) reported a high intention to visit the promoting store and to purchase from the advertised product category. Future Research: Future research can apply this topic to different industries and cultural contexts, as the results may vary across industries and regions. Moreover, future research could build on this study by investigating additional constructs, such as product category involvement, customization, and content type of the message (e.g., informative, entertaining).


Unraveling Knowledge-Based Chatbot Adoption Intention in Enhancing Species Literacy

Aim/Purpose: This research investigated the determinant factors influencing the adoption intentions of Chatsicum, a Knowledge-Based Chatbot (KBC) aimed at enhancing the species literacy of biodiversity students. Background: This research was conducted to bridge the gap between technology, education, and biodiversity conservation. Innovative solutions are needed to empower individuals with knowledge, particularly species knowledge, in preserving the natural world. Methodology: The study employed a quantitative approach using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and sampled 145 university students as respondents. The research model combined the Task-Technology Fit (TTF) framework with elements from the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI), including relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and observability. Also, the model introduced perceived trust as an independent variable. The primary dependent variable under examination was the intention to use the KBC. Contribution: The findings of this research contribute to a deeper understanding of the critical factors affecting the adoption of the KBC in biodiversity education and outreach, as studies in this context are limited. This study provides valuable insights for developers, educators, and policymakers interested in promoting species literacy and leveraging innovative technologies by analyzing the interplay of TTF and DOI constructs alongside perceived trust. Ultimately, this research aims to foster more effective and accessible biodiversity education strategies. Findings: TTF influenced all DOI variables, such as relative advantage, compatibility, observability, and trust positively and complexity negatively. In conclusion, TTF strongly affected usage intention indirectly. However, relative advantage, complexity, and observability insignificantly influenced the intention to use. Meanwhile, compatibility and trust strongly affected the use intention. Recommendations for Practitioners: Developers should prioritize building and maintaining chatbots that are aligned with the tasks, needs, and goals of the target users, as well as establishing trust through the assurance of information accuracy. Educators could develop tailored educational interventions that resonate with the values and preferences of diverse learners and are aligned closely with students’ learning needs, preferences, and curriculum while ensuring seamless integration with the existing educational context. Conservation organizations and policymakers could also utilize the findings of this study to enhance their outreach strategies, as the KBC is intended for students and biodiversity laypeople. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should explore the nuances of relationships between TTF and DOI, as well as trust, and consider the potential influence of mediating and moderating variables to advance the field of technology adoption in educational contexts. Researchers could also explore why relative advantage, complexity, and observability did not significantly impact the usage intention and whether specific user segments or contextual factors influence these relationships. Impact on Society: This research has significant societal impacts by improving species literacy, advancing technology in education, and promoting conservation efforts. Species knowledge could raise awareness regarding biodiversity and the importance of conservation, thereby leading to more informed and responsible citizens. Future Research: Future works should address the challenges and opportunities presented by KBCs in the context of species literacy enhancement, for example, interventions or experiments to influence the non-significant factors. Furthermore, longitudinal studies should investigate whether user behavior evolves. Ultimately, examining the correlation between species literacy, specifically when augmented by chatbots, and tangible conservation practices is an imperative domain in the future. It may entail evaluating the extent to which enhanced knowledge leads to concrete measures promoting biodiversity preservation.


Continued Usage Intention of Mobile Learning (M-Learning) in Iraqi Universities Under an Unstable Environment: Integrating the ECM and UTAUT2 Models

Aim/Purpose: This study examines the adoption and continued use of m-learning in Iraqi universities amidst an unstable environment by extending the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) and Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) models. The primary goal is to address the specific challenges and opportunities in Iraq’s higher education institutions (HEIs) due to geopolitical instability and understand their impact on student acceptance, satisfaction, and continued m-learning usage. Background: The research builds on the growing importance of m-learning, especially in HEIs, and recognizes the unique challenges faced by institutions in Iraq, given the region’s instability. It identifies gaps in existing models and proposes extensions, introducing the variable “civil conflicts” to account for the volatile context. The study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of m-learning acceptance in conflict-affected regions and provide insights for improving m-learning initiatives in Iraqi HEIs. Methodology: To achieve its objectives, this research employed a quantitative survey to collect data from 399 students in five Iraqi universities. PLS-SEM is used for the analysis of quantitative data, testing the extended UTAUT2 and ECM models. Contribution: The study’s findings are expected to contribute to the development of a nuanced understanding of m-learning adoption and continued usage in conflict-affected regions, particularly in the Iraqi HEI context. Findings: The study’s findings may inform strategies to enhance the effectiveness of m-learning initiatives in Iraqi HEIs and offer insights into how education can be supported in regions characterized by instability. Recommendations for Practitioners: Educators and policymakers can benefit from the research by making informed decisions to support education continuity and quality, particularly in conflict-affected areas. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers can build upon this study by further exploring the adoption and usage of m-learning in unstable environments and evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed model extensions. Impact on Society: The research has the potential to positively impact society by improving access to quality education in regions affected by conflict and instability. Future Research: Future research can expand upon this study by examining the extended model’s applicability in different conflict-affected regions and assessing the long-term impact of m-learning initiatives on students’ educational outcomes.


Impact of User Satisfaction With E-Government Services on Continuance Use Intention and Citizen Trust Using TAM-ISSM Framework

Aim/Purpose: This study investigates the drivers of user satisfaction in e-government services and its influence on continued use intention and citizen trust in government. It employs the integration of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Information System Success Model (ISSM). Background: Electronic government, transforming citizen-state interactions, has gained momentum worldwide, including in India, where the aim is to leverage technology to improve citizen services, streamline administration, and engage the public. While prior research has explored factors influencing citizen satisfaction with e-government services globally, this area of study has been relatively unexplored in India, particularly in the post-COVID era. Challenges to widespread e-government adoption in India include a large and diverse population, limited digital infrastructure in rural areas, low digital literacy, and weak data protection regulations. Additionally, global declines in citizen trust, attributed to economic concerns, corruption, and information disclosures, further complicate the scenario. This study seeks to investigate the influence of various factors on user satisfaction and continuance usage of e-government services in India. It also aims to understand how these services contribute to building citizens’ trust in government. Methodology: The data were collected by utilizing survey items on drivers of e-government services, user satisfaction, citizen trust, and continuance use intention derived from existing literature on information systems and e-government. Responses from 501 Indian participants, collected using an online questionnaire, were analyzed using PLS-SEM. Contribution: This study makes a dual contribution to the e-government domain. First, it introduces a comprehensive research model that examines factors influencing users’ satisfaction and continuance intention with e-government services. The proposed model integrates the TAM and ISSM. Combining these models allows for a comprehensive examination of e-government satisfaction and continued intention. By analyzing the impact of user satisfaction on continuance intention and citizen trust through an integrated model, researchers and practitioners gain insights into the complex dynamics involved. Second, the study uncovers the effects of residential status on user satisfaction, trust, and continuance intention regarding e-government services. Findings reveal disparities in the influence of system and service quality on user satisfaction across different user segments. Researchers and policymakers should consider these insights when designing e-government services to ensure user satisfaction, continuance intention, and the building of citizen trust. Findings: The findings indicate that the quality of information, service, system, and perceived usefulness play important roles in user satisfaction with e-government services. All hypothesized paths were significant, except for perceived ease of use. Furthermore, the study highlights that user satisfaction significantly impacts citizen trust and continuance use intention. Recommendations for Practitioners: The findings suggest that government authorities should focus on delivering accurate, comprehensive, and timely information in a secure, glitch-free, and user-friendly digital environment. Implementing an interactive and accessible interface, ensuring compatibility across devices, and implementing swift query resolution mechanisms collectively contribute to improving users’ satisfaction. Conducting awareness and training initiatives, providing 24×7 access to online tutorials, helpdesks, technical support, clear FAQs, and integrating AI-driven customer service support can further ensure a seamless user experience. Government institutions should leverage social influence, community engagement, and social media campaigns to enhance user trust. Promotional campaigns, incentive programs, endorsements, and user testimonials should be used to improve users’ satisfaction and continuance intention. Recommendation for Researchers: An integrated model combining TAM and ISSM offers a robust approach for thoroughly analyzing the diverse factors influencing user satisfaction and continuance intention in the evolving digitalization landscape of e-government services. This expansion, aligning with ISSM’s perspective, enhances the literature by demonstrating how user satisfaction impacts continuance usage intention and citizen trust in e-government services in India and other emerging economies. Impact on Society: Examining the factors influencing user satisfaction and continuance intention in e-government services and their subsequent impact on citizen trust carries significant societal implications. The findings can contribute to the establishment of transparent and accountable governance practices, fostering a stronger connection between governments and their citizens. Future Research: There are several promising avenues to explore to enhance future research. Expanding the scope by incorporating a larger sample size could enable a more thorough analysis. Alternatively, delving into the performance of specific e-government services would offer greater precision, considering that this study treats e-government services generically. Additionally, incorporating in-depth interviews and longitudinal studies would yield a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamic evolution of digitalization.


IJIKM Volume 19, 2024 – Table of Contents

Table of Contents for Volume 19, 2024, of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management


Data as a potential path for the automotive aftersales business to remain active through and after the decarbonisation

This study aims to identify and understand the perspectives of automotive aftersales stakeholders regarding current challenges posed by decarbonisation strategies. It examines potential responses that the automotive aftersales business could undertake to address these challenges. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with automotive industry experts from Europe and Latin America. This paper focuses primarily on impacts of decarbonisation upon automotive aftersales and the potential role of data in that business. Results show that investment in technology will be a condition for businesses that want to remain active in the industry. Furthermore, experts agree that incumbent manufacturers are not filling the technology gap that the energy transition is creating in the automotive sector, a consequence of which will be the entrance of new players from other sectors. The current aftersales businesses will potentially lose bargaining control. Moreover, policy makers are seen as unreliable leaders of the transition agenda.


A Study of the Design and Evaluation of a Learning Object and Implications for Content Development


Printable Table of Contents: IJELLO Volume 1, 2005


Printable Table of Contents: IJELLO Volume 2, 2006


Meta-Data Application in Development, Exchange and Delivery of Digital Reusable Learning Content


Printable Table of Contents: IJELLO Volume 3, 2007


Printable Table of Contents: IJELLO Volume 4, 2008


Initial Development of a Learners’ Ratified Acceptance of Multibiometrics Intentions Model (RAMIM)


Applications of Semantic Web Technology to Support Learning Content Development


Printable Table of Contents: IJELLO Volume 5, 2009


The Effect of Procrastination on Multi-Drafting in a Web-Based Learning Content Management Environment


Development and Validation of a Model to Investigate the Impact of Individual Factors on Instructors’ Intention to Use E-learning Systems


Printable Table of Contents: IJELLO Volume 6, 2010


Teachers for "Smart Classrooms": The Extent of Implementation of an Interactive Whiteboard-based Professional Development Program on Elementary Teachers' Instructional Practices


Printable Table of Contents: IJELLO Volume 7, 2011


The Resonance Factor: Probing the Impact of Video on Student Retention in Distance Learning


Printable Table of Contents: IJELLO Volume 8, 2012