
An embedding of the Morse boundary in the Martin boundary. (arXiv:2004.14624v2 [math.GR] UPDATED)

We construct a one-to-one continuous map from the Morse boundary of a hierarchically hyperbolic group to its Martin boundary. This construction is based on deviation inequalities generalizing Ancona's work on hyperbolic groups. This provides a possibly new metrizable topology on the Morse boundary of such groups. We also prove that the Morse boundary has measure 0 with respect to the harmonic measure unless the group is hyperbolic.


Complete reducibility: Variations on a theme of Serre. (arXiv:2004.14604v2 [math.GR] UPDATED)

In this note, we unify and extend various concepts in the area of $G$-complete reducibility, where $G$ is a reductive algebraic group. By results of Serre and Bate--Martin--R"{o}hrle, the usual notion of $G$-complete reducibility can be re-framed as a property of an action of a group on the spherical building of the identity component of $G$. We show that other variations of this notion, such as relative complete reducibility and $sigma$-complete reducibility, can also be viewed as special cases of this building-theoretic definition, and hence a number of results from these areas are special cases of more general properties.


Lagrangian geometry of matroids. (arXiv:2004.13116v2 [math.CO] UPDATED)

We introduce the conormal fan of a matroid M, which is a Lagrangian analog of the Bergman fan of M. We use the conormal fan to give a Lagrangian interpretation of the Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson cycle of M. This allows us to express the h-vector of the broken circuit complex of M in terms of the intersection theory of the conormal fan of M. We also develop general tools for tropical Hodge theory to prove that the conormal fan satisfies Poincar'e duality, the hard Lefschetz theorem, and the Hodge-Riemann relations. The Lagrangian interpretation of the Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson cycle of M, when combined with the Hodge-Riemann relations for the conormal fan of M, implies Brylawski's and Dawson's conjectures that the h-vectors of the broken circuit complex and the independence complex of M are log-concave sequences.


On the exterior Dirichlet problem for a class of fully nonlinear elliptic equations. (arXiv:2004.12660v3 [math.AP] UPDATED)

In this paper, we mainly establish the existence and uniqueness theorem for solutions of the exterior Dirichlet problem for a class of fully nonlinear second-order elliptic equations related to the eigenvalues of the Hessian, with prescribed generalized symmetric asymptotic behavior at infinity. Moreover, we give some new results for the Hessian equations, Hessian quotient equations and the special Lagrangian equations, which have been studied previously.


Differentiating through Log-Log Convex Programs. (arXiv:2004.12553v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

We show how to efficiently compute the derivative (when it exists) of the solution map of log-log convex programs (LLCPs). These are nonconvex, nonsmooth optimization problems with positive variables that become convex when the variables, objective functions, and constraint functions are replaced with their logs. We focus specifically on LLCPs generated by disciplined geometric programming, a grammar consisting of a set of atomic functions with known log-log curvature and a composition rule for combining them. We represent a parametrized LLCP as the composition of a smooth transformation of parameters, a convex optimization problem, and an exponential transformation of the convex optimization problem's solution. The derivative of this composition can be computed efficiently, using recently developed methods for differentiating through convex optimization problems. We implement our method in CVXPY, a Python-embedded modeling language and rewriting system for convex optimization. In just a few lines of code, a user can specify a parametrized LLCP, solve it, and evaluate the derivative or its adjoint at a vector. This makes it possible to conduct sensitivity analyses of solutions, given perturbations to the parameters, and to compute the gradient of a function of the solution with respect to the parameters. We use the adjoint of the derivative to implement differentiable log-log convex optimization layers in PyTorch and TensorFlow. Finally, we present applications to designing queuing systems and fitting structured prediction models.


Triangles in graphs without bipartite suspensions. (arXiv:2004.11930v2 [math.CO] UPDATED)

Given graphs $T$ and $H$, the generalized Tur'an number ex$(n,T,H)$ is the maximum number of copies of $T$ in an $n$-vertex graph with no copies of $H$. Alon and Shikhelman, using a result of ErdH os, determined the asymptotics of ex$(n,K_3,H)$ when the chromatic number of $H$ is greater than 3 and proved several results when $H$ is bipartite. We consider this problem when $H$ has chromatic number 3. Even this special case for the following relatively simple 3-chromatic graphs appears to be challenging.

The suspension $widehat H$ of a graph $H$ is the graph obtained from $H$ by adding a new vertex adjacent to all vertices of $H$. We give new upper and lower bounds on ex$(n,K_3,widehat{H})$ when $H$ is a path, even cycle, or complete bipartite graph. One of the main tools we use is the triangle removal lemma, but it is unclear if much stronger statements can be proved without using the removal lemma.


Convergent normal forms for five dimensional totally nondegenerate CR manifolds in C^4. (arXiv:2004.11251v2 [math.CV] UPDATED)

Applying the equivariant moving frames method, we construct convergent normal forms for real-analytic 5-dimensional totally nondegenerate CR submanifolds of C^4. These CR manifolds are divided into several biholomorphically inequivalent subclasses, each of which has its own complete normal form. Moreover it is shown that, biholomorphically, Beloshapka's cubic model is the unique member of this class with the maximum possible dimension seven of the corresponding algebra of infinitesimal CR automorphisms. Our results are also useful in the study of biholomorphic equivalence problem between CR manifolds, in question.


Finite dimensional simple modules of $(q, mathbf{Q})$-current algebras. (arXiv:2004.11069v2 [math.RT] UPDATED)

The $(q, mathbf{Q})$-current algebra associated with the general linear Lie algebra was introduced by the second author in the study of representation theory of cyclotomic $q$-Schur algebras. In this paper, we study the $(q, mathbf{Q})$-current algebra $U_q(mathfrak{sl}_n^{langle mathbf{Q} angle}[x])$ associated with the special linear Lie algebra $mathfrak{sl}_n$. In particular, we classify finite dimensional simple $U_q(mathfrak{sl}_n^{langle mathbf{Q} angle}[x])$-modules.


Automorphisms of shift spaces and the Higman--Thomspon groups: the one-sided case. (arXiv:2004.08478v2 [math.GR] UPDATED)

Let $1 le r < n$ be integers. We give a proof that the group $mathop{mathrm{Aut}}({X_{n}^{mathbb{N}}, sigma_{n}})$ of automorphisms of the one-sided shift on $n$ letters embeds naturally as a subgroup $mathcal{h}_{n}$ of the outer automorphism group $mathop{mathrm{Out}}(G_{n,r})$ of the Higman-Thompson group $G_{n,r}$. From this, we can represent the elements of $mathop{mathrm{Aut}}({X_{n}^{mathbb{N}}, sigma_{n}})$ by finite state non-initial transducers admitting a very strong synchronizing condition.

Let $H in mathcal{H}_{n}$ and write $|H|$ for the number of states of the minimal transducer representing $H$. We show that $H$ can be written as a product of at most $|H|$ torsion elements. This result strengthens a similar result of Boyle, Franks and Kitchens, where the decomposition involves more complex torsion elements and also does not support practical extit{a priori} estimates of the length of the resulting product.

We also give new proofs of some known results about $mathop{mathrm{Aut}}({X_{n}^{mathbb{N}}, sigma_{n}})$.


Equivalence of classical and quantum completeness for real principal type operators on the circle. (arXiv:2004.07547v3 [math.AP] UPDATED)

In this article, we prove that the completeness of the Hamilton flow and essential self-dajointness are equivalent for real principal type operators on the circle. Moreover, we study spectral properties of these operators.


Hessian quotient equations on exterior domains. (arXiv:2004.06908v2 [math.AP] UPDATED)

It is well-known that a celebrated J"{o}rgens-Calabi-Pogorelov theorem for Monge-Amp`ere equations states that any classical (viscosity) convex solution of $det(D^2u)=1$ in $mathbb{R}^n$ must be a quadratic polynomial. Therefore, it is an interesting topic to study the existence and uniqueness theorem of such fully nonlinear partial differential equations' Dirichlet problems on exterior domains with suitable asymptotic conditions at infinity. As a continuation of the works of Caffarelli-Li for Monge-Amp`ere equation and of Bao-Li-Li for $k$-Hessian equations, this paper is devoted to the solvability of the exterior Dirichlet problem of Hessian quotient equations $sigma_k(lambda(D^2u))/sigma_l(lambda(D^2u))=1$ for any $1leq l<kleq n$ in all dimensions $ngeq 2$. By introducing the concept of generalized symmetric subsolutions and then using the Perron's method, we establish the existence theorem for viscosity solutions, with prescribed asymptotic behavior which is close to some quadratic polynomial at infinity.


On the Asymptotic $u_0$-Expected Flooding Time of Stationary Edge-Markovian Graphs. (arXiv:2004.03660v4 [math.PR] UPDATED)

Consider that $u_0$ nodes are aware of some piece of data $d_0$. This note derives the expected time required for the data $d_0$ to be disseminated through-out a network of $n$ nodes, when communication between nodes evolves according to a graphical Markov model $overline{ mathcal{G}}_{n,hat{p}}$ with probability parameter $hat{p}$. In this model, an edge between two nodes exists at discrete time $k in mathbb{N}^+$ with probability $hat{p}$ if this edge existed at $k-1$, and with probability $(1-hat{p})$ if this edge did not exist at $k-1$. Each edge is interpreted as a bidirectional communication link over which data between neighbors is shared. The initial communication graph is assumed to be an Erdos-Renyi random graph with parameters $(n,hat{p})$, hence we consider a emph{stationary} Markov model $overline{mathcal{G}}_{n,hat{p}}$. The asymptotic "$u_0$-expected flooding time" of $overline{mathcal{G}}_{n,hat{p}}$ is defined as the expected number of iterations required to transmit the data $d_0$ from $u_0$ nodes to $n$ nodes, in the limit as $n$ approaches infinity. Although most previous results on the asymptotic flooding time in graphical Markov models are either emph{almost sure} or emph{with high probability}, the bounds obtained here are emph{in expectation}. However, our bounds are tighter and can be more complete than previous results.


$L^p$-regularity of the Bergman projection on quotient domains. (arXiv:2004.02598v2 [math.CV] UPDATED)

We relate the $L^p$-mapping properties of the Bergman projections on two domains in $mathbb{C}^n$, one of which is the quotient of the other under the action of a finite group of biholomorphic automorphisms. We use this relation to deduce the sharp ranges of $L^p$-boundedness of the Bergman projection on certain $n$-dimensional model domains generalizing the Hartogs triangle.


Output feedback stochastic MPC with packet losses. (arXiv:2004.02591v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

The paper considers constrained linear systems with stochastic additive disturbances and noisy measurements transmitted over a lossy communication channel. We propose a model predictive control (MPC) law that minimizes a discounted cost subject to a discounted expectation constraint. Sensor data is assumed to be lost with known probability, and data losses are accounted for by expressing the predicted control policy as an affine function of future observations, which results in a convex optimal control problem. An online constraint-tightening technique ensures recursive feasibility of the online optimization and satisfaction of the expectation constraint without bounds on the distributions of the noise and disturbance inputs. The cost evaluated along trajectories of the closed loop system is shown to be bounded by the optimal predicted cost. A numerical example is given to illustrate these results.


Set-Theoretical Problems in Asymptology. (arXiv:2004.01979v3 [math.GN] UPDATED)

In this paper we collect some open set-theoretic problems that appear in the large-scale topology (called also Asymptology). In particular we ask problems about critical cardinalities of some special (large, indiscrete, inseparated) coarse structures on $omega$, about the interplay between properties of a coarse space and its Higson corona, about some special ultrafilters ($T$-points and cellular $T$-points) related to finitary coarse structures on $omega$, about partitions of coarse spaces into thin pieces, and also about coarse groups having some extremal properties.


Tori Can't Collapse to an Interval. (arXiv:2004.01505v3 [math.DG] UPDATED)

Here we prove that under a lower sectional curvature bound, a sequence of manifolds diffeomorphic to the standard $m$-dimensional torus cannot converge in the Gromov-Hausdorff sense to a closed interval.


Set theoretic Yang-Baxter & reflection equations and quantum group symmetries. (arXiv:2003.08317v3 [math-ph] UPDATED)

Connections between set theoretic Yang-Baxter and reflection equations and quantum integrable systems are investigated. We show that set theoretic $R$-matrices are expressed as twists of known solutions. We then focus on reflection and twisted algebras and we derive the associated defining algebra relations for $R$-matrices being Baxterized solutions of the $A$-type Hecke algebra ${cal H}_N(q=1)$. We show in the case of the reflection algebra that there exists a "boundary" finite sub-algebra for some special choice of "boundary" elements of the $B$-type Hecke algebra ${cal B}_N(q=1, Q)$. We also show the key proposition that the associated double row transfer matrix is essentially expressed in terms of the elements of the $B$-type Hecke algebra. This is one of the fundamental results of this investigation together with the proof of the duality between the boundary finite subalgebra and the $B$-type Hecke algebra. These are universal statements that largely generalize previous relevant findings, and also allow the investigation of the symmetries of the double row transfer matrix.


The Shearlet Transform and Lizorkin Spaces. (arXiv:2003.06642v2 [math.FA] UPDATED)

We prove a continuity result for the shearlet transform when restricted to the space of smooth and rapidly decreasing functions with all vanishing moments. We define the dual shearlet transform, called here the shearlet synthesis operator, and we prove its continuity on the space of smooth and rapidly decreasing functions over $mathbb{R}^2 imesmathbb{R} imesmathbb{R}^ imes$. Then, we use these continuity results to extend the shearlet transform to the space of Lizorkin distributions, and we prove its consistency with the classical definition for test functions.


Weak-strong uniqueness for an elastic plate interacting with the Navier Stokes equation. (arXiv:2003.04049v2 [math.AP] UPDATED)

We show weak-strong uniqueness and stability results for the motion of a two or three dimensional fluid governed by the Navier-Stokes equation interacting with a flexible, elastic plate of Koiter type. The plate is situated at the top of the fluid and as such determines the variable part of a time changing domain (that is hence a part of the solution) containing the fluid. The uniqueness result is a consequence of a stability estimate where the difference of two solutions is estimated by the distance of the initial values and outer forces. For that we introduce a methodology that overcomes the problem that the two (variable in time) domains of the fluid velocities and pressures are not the same. The estimate holds under the assumption that one of the two weak solutions possesses some additional higher regularity. The additional regularity is exclusively requested for the velocity of one of the solutions resembling the celebrated Ladyzhenskaya-Prodi-Serrin conditions in the framework of variable domains.


$5$-rank of ambiguous class groups of quintic Kummer extensions. (arXiv:2003.00761v2 [math.NT] UPDATED)

Let $k ,=, mathbb{Q}(sqrt[5]{n},zeta_5)$, where $n$ is a positive integer, $5^{th}$ power-free, whose $5-$class group is isomorphic to $mathbb{Z}/5mathbb{Z} imesmathbb{Z}/5mathbb{Z}$. Let $k_0,=,mathbb{Q}(zeta_5)$ be the cyclotomic field containing a primitive $5^{th}$ root of unity $zeta_5$. Let $C_{k,5}^{(sigma)}$ the group of the ambiguous classes under the action of $Gal(k/k_0)$ = $<sigma>$. The aim of this paper is to determine all integers $n$ such that the group of ambiguous classes $C_{k,5}^{(sigma)}$ has rank $1$ or $2$.


Surface Effects in Superconductors with Corners. (arXiv:2003.00521v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)

We review some recent results on the phenomenon of surface superconductivity in the framework of Ginzburg-Landau theory for extreme type-II materials. In particular, we focus on the response of the superconductor to a strong longitudinal magnetic field in the regime where superconductivity survives only along the boundary of the wire. We derive the energy and density asymptotics for samples with smooth cross section, up to curvature-dependent terms. Furthermore, we discuss the corrections in presence of corners at the boundary of the sample.


Co-Seifert Fibrations of Compact Flat Orbifolds. (arXiv:2002.12799v2 [math.GT] UPDATED)

In this paper, we develop the theory for classifying all the geometric fibrations of compact, connected, flat $n$-orbifolds, over a 1-orbifold, up to affine equivalence. We apply our classification theory to classify all the geometric fibrations of compact, connected, flat $2$-orbifolds, over a 1-orbifold, up to affine equivalence. This paper is an essential part of our project to give a geometric proof of the classification of all closed flat 4-manifolds.


Solitary wave solutions and global well-posedness for a coupled system of gKdV equations. (arXiv:2002.09531v2 [math.AP] UPDATED)

In this work we consider the initial-value problem associated with a coupled system of generalized Korteweg-de Vries equations. We present a relationship between the best constant for a Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality and a criterion for the existence of global solutions in the energy space. We prove that such a constant is directly related to the existence problem of solitary-wave solutions with minimal mass, the so called ground state solutions. To guarantee the existence of ground states we use a variational method.


Three-point Functions in $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM at Finite $N_c$ and Background Independence. (arXiv:2002.07216v2 [hep-th] UPDATED)

We compute non-extremal three-point functions of scalar operators in $mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills at tree-level in $g_{YM}$ and at finite $N_c$, using the operator basis of the restricted Schur characters. We make use of the diagrammatic methods called quiver calculus to simplify the three-point functions. The results involve an invariant product of the generalized Racah-Wigner tensors ($6j$ symbols). Assuming that the invariant product is written by the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, we show that the non-extremal three-point functions satisfy the large $N_c$ background independence; correspondence between the string excitations on $AdS_5 imes S^5$ and those in the LLM geometry.


Willems' Fundamental Lemma for State-space Systems and its Extension to Multiple Datasets. (arXiv:2002.01023v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Willems et al.'s fundamental lemma asserts that all trajectories of a linear system can be obtained from a single given one, assuming that a persistency of excitation condition holds. This result has profound implications for system identification and data-driven control, and has seen a revival over the last few years. The purpose of this paper is to extend Willems' lemma to the situation where multiple (possibly short) system trajectories are given instead of a single long one. To this end, we introduce a notion of collective persistency of excitation. We will then show that all trajectories of a linear system can be obtained from a given finite number of trajectories, as long as these are collectively persistently exciting. We will demonstrate that this result enables the identification of linear systems from data sets with missing data samples. Additionally, we show that the result is of practical significance in data-driven control of unstable systems.


Stationary Gaussian Free Fields Coupled with Stochastic Log-Gases via Multiple SLEs. (arXiv:2001.03079v3 [math.PR] UPDATED)

Miller and Sheffield introduced a notion of an imaginary surface as an equivalence class of pairs of simply connected proper subdomains of $mathbb{C}$ and Gaussian free fields (GFFs) on them under conformal equivalence. They considered the situation in which the conformal transformations are given by a chordal Schramm--Loewner evolution (SLE). In the present paper, we construct processes of GFF on $mathbb{H}$ (the upper half-plane) and $mathbb{O}$ (the first orthant of $mathbb{C}$) by coupling zero-boundary GFFs on these domains with stochastic log-gases defined on parts of boundaries of the domains, $mathbb{R}$ and $mathbb{R}_+$, called the Dyson model and the Bru--Wishart process, respectively, using multiple SLEs evolving in time. We prove that the obtained processes of GFF are stationary. The stationarity defines an equivalence relation between GFFs, and the pairs of time-evolutionary domains and stationary processes of GFF will be regarded as generalizations of the imaginary surfaces studied by Miller and Sheffield.


EMSx: A Numerical Benchmark for Energy Management Systems. (arXiv:2001.00450v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Inserting renewable energy in the electric grid in a decentralized manneris a key challenge of the energy transition. However, at local scale, both production and demand display erratic behavior, which makes it delicate to match them. It is the goal of Energy Management Systems (EMS) to achieve such balance at least cost. We present EMSx, a numerical benchmark for testing control algorithms for the management of electric microgrids equipped with a photovoltaic unit and an energy storage system. EMSx is made of three key components: the EMSx dataset, provided by Schneider Electric, contains a diverse pool of realistic microgrids with a rich collection of historical observations and forecasts; the EMSx mathematical framework is an explicit description of the assessment of electric microgrid control techniques and algorithms; the EMSx software EMSx.jl is a package, implemented in the Julia language, which enables to easily implement a microgrid controller and to test it. All components of the benchmark are publicly available, so that other researchers willing to test controllers on EMSx may reproduce experiments easily. Eventually, we showcase the results of standard microgrid control methods, including Model Predictive Control, Open Loop Feedback Control and Stochastic Dynamic Programming.


Linear Convergence of First- and Zeroth-Order Primal-Dual Algorithms for Distributed Nonconvex Optimization. (arXiv:1912.12110v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

This paper considers the distributed nonconvex optimization problem of minimizing a global cost function formed by a sum of local cost functions by using local information exchange. We first propose a distributed first-order primal-dual algorithm. We show that it converges sublinearly to the stationary point if each local cost function is smooth and linearly to the global optimum under an additional condition that the global cost function satisfies the Polyak-{L}ojasiewicz condition. This condition is weaker than strong convexity, which is a standard condition for proving the linear convergence of distributed optimization algorithms, and the global minimizer is not necessarily unique or finite. Motivated by the situations where the gradients are unavailable, we then propose a distributed zeroth-order algorithm, derived from the proposed distributed first-order algorithm by using a deterministic gradient estimator, and show that it has the same convergence properties as the proposed first-order algorithm under the same conditions. The theoretical results are illustrated by numerical simulations.


Quasistatic evolution for dislocation-free finite plasticity. (arXiv:1912.10118v2 [math.AP] UPDATED)

We investigate quasistatic evolution in finite plasticity under the assumption that the plastic strain is compatible. This assumption is well-suited to describe the special case of dislocation-free plasticity and entails that the plastic strain is the gradient of a plastic deformation map. The total deformation can be then seen as the composition of a plastic and an elastic deformation. This opens the way to an existence theory for the quasistatic evolution problem featuring both Lagrangian and Eulerian variables. A remarkable trait of the result is that it does not require second-order gradients.


Data-driven parameterizations of suboptimal LQR and H2 controllers. (arXiv:1912.07671v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

In this paper we design suboptimal control laws for an unknown linear system on the basis of measured data. We focus on the suboptimal linear quadratic regulator problem and the suboptimal H2 control problem. For both problems, we establish conditions under which a given data set contains sufficient information for controller design. We follow up by providing a data-driven parameterization of all suboptimal controllers. We will illustrate our results by numerical simulations, which will reveal an interesting trade-off between the number of collected data samples and the achieved controller performance.


Regularized vortex approximation for 2D Euler equations with transport noise. (arXiv:1912.07233v2 [math.PR] UPDATED)

We study a mean field approximation for the 2D Euler vorticity equation driven by a transport noise. We prove that the Euler equations can be approximated by interacting point vortices driven by a regularized Biot-Savart kernel and the same common noise. The approximation happens by sending the number of particles $N$ to infinity and the regularization $epsilon$ in the Biot-Savart kernel to $0$, as a suitable function of $N$.


A homotopy BV algebra for Yang-Mills and color-kinematics. (arXiv:1912.03110v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)

Yang-Mills gauge theory on Minkowski space supports a Batalin-Vilkovisky-infinity algebra structure, all whose operations are local. To make this work, the axioms for a BV-infinity algebra are deformed by a quadratic element, here the Minkowski wave operator. This homotopy structure implies BCJ/color-kinematics duality; a cobar construction yields a strict algebraic structure whose Feynman expansion for Yang-Mills tree amplitudes complies with the duality. It comes with a `syntactic kinematic algebra'.


Eigenvalues of the Finsler $p$-Laplacian on varying domains. (arXiv:1912.00152v4 [math.AP] UPDATED)

We study the dependence of the first eigenvalue of the Finsler $p$-Laplacian and the corresponding eigenfunctions upon perturbation of the domain and we generalize a few results known for the standard $p$-Laplacian. In particular, we prove a Frech'{e}t differentiability result for the eigenvalues, we compute the corresponding Hadamard formulas and we prove a continuity result for the eigenfunctions. Finally, we briefly discuss a well-known overdetermined problem and we show how to deduce the Rellich-Pohozaev identity for the Finsler $p$-Laplacian from the Hadamard formula.


Unbounded Kobayashi hyperbolic domains in $mathbb C^n$. (arXiv:1911.05632v2 [math.CV] UPDATED)

We first give a sufficient condition, issued from pluripotential theory, for an unbounded domain in the complex Euclidean space $mathbb C^n$ to be Kobayashi hyperbolic. Then, we construct an example of a rigid pseudoconvex domain in $mathbb C^3$ that is Kobayashi hyperbolic and has a nonempty core. In particular, this domain is not biholomorphic to a bounded domain in $mathbb C^3$ and the mentioned above sufficient condition for Kobayashi hyperbolicity is not necessary.


Locally equivalent Floer complexes and unoriented link cobordisms. (arXiv:1911.03659v4 [math.GT] UPDATED)

We show that the local equivalence class of the collapsed link Floer complex $cCFL^infty(L)$, together with many $Upsilon$-type invariants extracted from this group, is a concordance invariant of links. In particular, we define a version of the invariants $Upsilon_L(t)$ and $ u^+(L)$ when $L$ is a link and we prove that they give a lower bound for the slice genus $g_4(L)$. Furthermore, in the last section of the paper we study the homology group $HFL'(L)$ and its behaviour under unoriented cobordisms. We obtain that a normalized version of the $upsilon$-set, introduced by Ozsv'ath, Stipsicz and Szab'o, produces a lower bound for the 4-dimensional smooth crosscap number $gamma_4(L)$.


Universal Covers of Finite Groups. (arXiv:1910.11453v2 [math.GR] UPDATED)

Motivated by quotient algorithms, such as the well-known $p$-quotient or solvable quotient algorithms, we describe how to compute extensions $ ilde H$ of a finite group $H$ by a direct sum of isomorphic simple $mathbb{Z}_p H$-modules such that $H$ and $ ilde H$ have the same number of generators. Similar to other quotient algorithms, our description will be via a suitable covering group of $H$. Defining this covering group requires a study of the representation module, as introduced by Gasch"utz in 1954. Our investigation involves so-called Fox derivatives (coming from free differential calculus) and, as a by-product, we prove that these can be naturally described via a wreath product construction. An important application of our results is that they can be used to compute, for a given epimorphism $G o H$ and simple $mathbb{Z}_p H$-module $V$, the largest quotient of $G$ that maps onto $H$ with kernel isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of $V$. For this we also provide a description of how to compute second cohomology groups for the (not necessarily solvable) group $H$, assuming a confluent rewriting system for $H$. To represent the corresponding group extensions on the computer, we introduce a new hybrid format that combines this rewriting system with the polycyclic presentation of the module.


A one-loop exact quantization of Chern-Simons theory. (arXiv:1910.05230v2 [math-ph] UPDATED)

We examine Chern-Simons theory as a deformation of a 3-dimensional BF theory that is partially holomorphic and partially topological. In particular, we introduce a novel gauge that leads naturally to a one-loop exact quantization of this BF theory and Chern-Simons theory. This approach illuminates several important features of Chern-Simons theory, notably the bulk-boundary correspondence of Chern-Simons theory with chiral WZW theory. In addition to rigorously constructing the theory, we also explain how it applies to a large class of closely related 3-dimensional theories and some of the consequences for factorization algebras of observables.


Khintchine-type theorems for values of subhomogeneous functions at integer points. (arXiv:1910.02067v2 [math.NT] UPDATED)

This work has been motivated by recent papers that quantify the density of values of generic quadratic forms and other polynomials at integer points, in particular ones that use Rogers' second moment estimates. In this paper we establish such results in a very general framework. Namely, given any subhomogeneous function (a notion to be defined) $f: mathbb{R}^n o mathbb{R}$, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition on the approximating function $psi$ for guaranteeing that a generic element $fcirc g$ in the $G$-orbit of $f$ is $psi$-approximable; that is, $|fcirc g(mathbf{v})| le psi(|mathbf{v}|)$ for infinitely many $mathbf{v} in mathbb{Z}^n$. We also deduce a sufficient condition in the case of uniform approximation. Here, $G$ can be any closed subgroup of $operatorname{ASL}_n(mathbb{R})$ satisfying certain axioms that allow for the use of Rogers-type estimates.


Compact manifolds of dimension $ngeq 12$ with positive isotropic curvature. (arXiv:1909.12265v4 [math.DG] UPDATED)

We prove the following result: Let $(M,g_0)$ be a compact manifold of dimension $ngeq 12$ with positive isotropic curvature. Then $M$ is diffeomorphic to a spherical space form, or a compact quotient manifold of $mathbb{S}^{n-1} imes mathbb{R}$ by diffeomorphisms, or a connected sum of a finite number of such manifolds. This extends a recent work of Brendle, and implies a conjecture of Schoen in dimensions $ngeq 12$. The proof uses Ricci flow with surgery on compact orbifolds with isolated singularities.


Topology Identification of Heterogeneous Networks: Identifiability and Reconstruction. (arXiv:1909.11054v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

This paper addresses the problem of identifying the graph structure of a dynamical network using measured input/output data. This problem is known as topology identification and has received considerable attention in recent literature. Most existing literature focuses on topology identification for networks with node dynamics modeled by single integrators or single-input single-output (SISO) systems. The goal of the current paper is to identify the topology of a more general class of heterogeneous networks, in which the dynamics of the nodes are modeled by general (possibly distinct) linear systems. Our two main contributions are the following. First, we establish conditions for topological identifiability, i.e., conditions under which the network topology can be uniquely reconstructed from measured data. We also specialize our results to homogeneous networks of SISO systems and we will see that such networks have quite particular identifiability properties. Secondly, we develop a topology identification method that reconstructs the network topology from input/output data. The solution of a generalized Sylvester equation will play an important role in our identification scheme.


Monochromatic Equilateral Triangles in the Unit Distance Graph. (arXiv:1909.09856v2 [math.CO] UPDATED)

Let $chi_{Delta}(mathbb{R}^{n})$ denote the minimum number of colors needed to color $mathbb{R}^{n}$ so that there will not be a monochromatic equilateral triangle with side length $1$. Using the slice rank method, we reprove a result of Frankl and Rodl, and show that $chi_{Delta}left(mathbb{R}^{n} ight)$ grows exponentially with $n$. This technique substantially improves upon the best known quantitative lower bounds for $chi_{Delta}left(mathbb{R}^{n} ight)$, and we obtain [ chi_{Delta}left(mathbb{R}^{n} ight)>(1.01446+o(1))^{n}. ]


On boundedness, gradient estimate, blow-up and convergence in a two-species and two-stimuli chemotaxis system with/without loop. (arXiv:1909.04587v4 [math.AP] UPDATED)

In this work, we study dynamic properties of classical solutions to a homogenous Neumann initial-boundary value problem (IBVP) for a two-species and two-stimuli chemotaxis model with/without chemical signalling loop in a 2D bounded and smooth domain. We successfully detect the product of two species masses as a feature to determine boundedness, gradient estimates, blow-up and $W^{j,infty}(1leq jleq 3)$-exponential convergence of classical solutions for the corresponding IBVP. More specifically, we first show generally a smallness on the product of both species masses, thus allowing one species mass to be suitably large, is sufficient to guarantee global boundedness, higher order gradient estimates and $W^{j,infty}$-convergence with rates of convergence to constant equilibria; and then, in a special case, we detect a straight line of masses on which blow-up occurs for large product of masses. Our findings provide new understandings about the underlying model, and thus, improve and extend greatly the existing knowledge relevant to this model.


Multitype branching process with nonhomogeneous Poisson and generalized Polya immigration. (arXiv:1909.03684v2 [math.PR] UPDATED)

In a multitype branching process, it is assumed that immigrants arrive according to a nonhomogeneous Poisson or a generalized Polya process (both processes are formulated as a nonhomogeneous birth process with an appropriate choice of transition intensities). We show that the renormalized numbers of objects of the various types alive at time $t$ for supercritical, critical, and subcritical cases jointly converge in distribution under those two different arrival processes. Furthermore, some transient moment analysis when there are only two types of particles is provided. AMS 2000 subject classifications: Primary 60J80, 60J85; secondary 60K10, 60K25, 90B15.


Convolutions on the complex torus. (arXiv:1908.11815v3 [math.RA] UPDATED)

"Quasi-elliptic" functions can be given a ring structure in two different ways, using either ordinary multiplication, or convolution. The map between the corresponding standard bases is calculated and given by Eisenstein series. A related structure has appeared recently in the computation of Feynman integrals. The two approaches are related by a sequence of polynomials with interlacing zeroes.


Integrability of moduli and regularity of Denjoy counterexamples. (arXiv:1908.06568v4 [math.DS] UPDATED)

We study the regularity of exceptional actions of groups by $C^{1,alpha}$ diffeomorphisms on the circle, i.e. ones which admit exceptional minimal sets, and whose elements have first derivatives that are continuous with concave modulus of continuity $alpha$. Let $G$ be a finitely generated group admitting a $C^{1,alpha}$ action $ ho$ with a free orbit on the circle, and such that the logarithms of derivatives of group elements are uniformly bounded at some point of the circle. We prove that if $G$ has spherical growth bounded by $c n^{d-1}$ and if the function $1/alpha^d$ is integrable near zero, then under some mild technical assumptions on $alpha$, there is a sequence of exceptional $C^{1,alpha}$ actions of $G$ which converge to $ ho$ in the $C^1$ topology. As a consequence for a single diffeomorphism, we obtain that if the function $1/alpha$ is integrable near zero, then there exists a $C^{1,alpha}$ exceptional diffeomorphism of the circle. This corollary accounts for all previously known moduli of continuity for derivatives of exceptional diffeomorphisms. We also obtain a partial converse to our main result. For finitely generated free abelian groups, the existence of an exceptional action, together with some natural hypotheses on the derivatives of group elements, puts integrability restrictions on the modulus $alpha$. These results are related to a long-standing question of D. McDuff concerning the length spectrum of exceptional $C^1$ diffeomorphisms of the circle.


Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence from a topological point of view. (arXiv:1908.06542v2 [math.RA] UPDATED)

In this paper, we provide some topological criteria for the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for $A$ in terms of the poset $({ m P. spec A}, subseteq)$ and the symplectic leaf or core stratification on its maximal spectrum. In particular, we prove that the Zariski topology of the Poisson prime spectrum and of each symplectic leaf or core can detect the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for any complex affine Poisson algebra. Moreover, we generalize the weaker version of the Poisson Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for a complex affine Poisson algebra proved in [J. Bell, S. Launois, O.L. S'anchez, and B. Moosa, Poisson algebras via model theory and differential algebraic geometry, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), 19(2017), no. 7, 2019-2049] to the general context of a commutative differential algebra.


Infinite dimensional affine processes. (arXiv:1907.10337v3 [math.PR] UPDATED)

The goal of this article is to investigate infinite dimensional affine diffusion processes on the canonical state space. This includes a derivation of the corresponding system of Riccati differential equations and an existence proof for such processes, which has been missing in the literature so far. For the existence proof, we will regard affine processes as solutions to infinite dimensional stochastic differential equations with values in Hilbert spaces. This requires a suitable version of the Yamada-Watanabe theorem, which we will provide in this paper. Several examples of infinite dimensional affine processes accompany our results.


A stand-alone analysis of quasidensity. (arXiv:1907.07278v8 [math.FA] UPDATED)

In this paper we consider the "quasidensity" of a subset of the product of a Banach space and its dual, and give a connection between quasidense sets and sets of "type (NI)". We discuss "coincidence sets" of certain convex functions and prove two sum theorems for coincidence sets. We obtain new results on the Fitzpatrick extension of a closed quasidense monotone multifunction. The analysis in this paper is self-contained, and independent of previous work on "Banach SN spaces". This version differs from the previous version because it is shown that the (well known) equivalence of quasidensity and "type (NI)" for maximally monotone sets is not true without the monotonicity assumption and that the appendix has been moved to the end of Section 10, where it rightfully belongs.


Nonlinear stability of explicit self-similar solutions for the timelike extremal hypersurfaces in R^{1+3}. (arXiv:1907.01126v2 [math.AP] UPDATED)

This paper is devoted to the study of the singularity phenomenon of timelike extremal hypersurfaces in Minkowski spacetime $mathbb{R}^{1+3}$. We find that there are two explicit lightlike self-similar solutions to a graph representation of timelike extremal hypersurfaces in Minkowski spacetime $mathbb{R}^{1+3}$, the geometry of them are two spheres. The linear mode unstable of those lightlike self-similar solutions for the radially symmetric membranes equation is given. After that, we show those self-similar solutions of the radially symmetric membranes equation are nonlinearly stable inside a strictly proper subset of the backward lightcone. This means that the dynamical behavior of those two spheres is as attractors. Meanwhile, we overcome the double roots case (the theorem of Poincar'{e} can't be used) in solving the difference equation by construction of a Newton's polygon when we carry out the analysis of spectrum for the linear operator.


Representations of the Infinite-Dimensional $p$-Adic Affine Group. (arXiv:1906.08964v2 [math.RT] UPDATED)

We introduce an infinite-dimensional $p$-adic affine group and construct its irreducible unitary representation. Our approach follows the one used by Vershik, Gelfand and Graev for the diffeomorphism group, but with modifications made necessary by the fact that the group does not act on the phase space. However it is possible to define its action on some classes of functions.