math Toric Sasaki-Einstein metrics with conical singularities. (arXiv:2005.03502v1 [math.DG]) By Published On :: We show that any toric K"ahler cone with smooth compact cross-section admits a family of Calabi-Yau cone metrics with conical singularities along its toric divisors. The family is parametrized by the Reeb cone and the angles are given explicitly in terms of the Reeb vector field. The result is optimal, in the sense that any toric Calabi-Yau cone metric with conical singularities along the toric divisor (and smooth elsewhere) belongs to this family. We also provide examples and interpret our results in terms of Sasaki-Einstein metrics. Full Article
math Continuity in a parameter of solutions to boundary-value problems in Sobolev spaces. (arXiv:2005.03494v1 [math.CA]) By Published On :: We consider the most general class of linear inhomogeneous boundary-value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations of an arbitrary order whose solutions and right-hand sides belong to appropriate Sobolev spaces. For parameter-dependent problems from this class, we prove a constructive criterion for their solutions to be continuous in the Sobolev space with respect to the parameter. We also prove a two-sided estimate for the degree of convergence of these solutions to the solution of the nonperturbed problem. Full Article
math On completion of unimodular rows over polynomial extension of finitely generated rings over $mathbb{Z}$. (arXiv:2005.03485v1 [math.AC]) By Published On :: In this article, we prove that if $R$ is a finitely generated ring over $mathbb{Z}$ of dimension $d, dgeq2, frac{1}{d!}in R$, then any unimodular row over $R[X]$ of length $d+1$ can be mapped to a factorial row by elementary transformations. Full Article
math Solving equations in dense Sidon sets. (arXiv:2005.03484v1 [math.CO]) By Published On :: We offer an alternative proof of a result of Conlon, Fox, Sudakov and Zhao on solving translation-invariant linear equations in dense Sidon sets. Our proof generalises to equations in more than five variables and yields effective bounds. Full Article
math Derivatives of normal Jacobi operator on real hypersurfaces in the complex quadric. (arXiv:2005.03483v1 [math.DG]) By Published On :: In cite{S 2017}, Suh gave a non-existence theorem for Hopf real hypersurfaces in the complex quadric with parallel normal Jacobi operator. Motivated by this result, in this paper, we introduce some generalized conditions named $mathcal C$-parallel or Reeb parallel normal Jacobi operators. By using such weaker parallelisms of normal Jacobi operator, first we can assert a non-existence theorem of Hopf real hypersurfaces with $mathcal C$-parallel normal Jacobi operator in the complex quadric $Q^{m}$, $m geq 3$. Next, we prove that a Hopf real hypersurface has Reeb parallel normal Jacobi operator if and only if it has an $mathfrak A$-isotropic singular normal vector field. Full Article
math Characteristic Points, Fundamental Cubic Form and Euler Characteristic of Projective Surfaces. (arXiv:2005.03481v1 [math.DG]) By Published On :: We define local indices for projective umbilics and godrons (also called cusps of Gauss) on generic smooth surfaces in projective 3-space. By means of these indices, we provide formulas that relate the algebraic numbers of those characteristic points on a surface (and on domains of the surface) with the Euler characteristic of that surface (resp. of those domains). These relations determine the possible coexistences of projective umbilics and godrons on the surface. Our study is based on a "fundamental cubic form" for which we provide a closed simple expression. Full Article
math $k$-Critical Graphs in $P_5$-Free Graphs. (arXiv:2005.03441v1 [math.CO]) By Published On :: Given two graphs $H_1$ and $H_2$, a graph $G$ is $(H_1,H_2)$-free if it contains no induced subgraph isomorphic to $H_1$ or $H_2$. Let $P_t$ be the path on $t$ vertices. A graph $G$ is $k$-vertex-critical if $G$ has chromatic number $k$ but every proper induced subgraph of $G$ has chromatic number less than $k$. The study of $k$-vertex-critical graphs for graph classes is an important topic in algorithmic graph theory because if the number of such graphs that are in a given hereditary graph class is finite, then there is a polynomial-time algorithm to decide if a graph in the class is $(k-1)$-colorable. In this paper, we initiate a systematic study of the finiteness of $k$-vertex-critical graphs in subclasses of $P_5$-free graphs. Our main result is a complete classification of the finiteness of $k$-vertex-critical graphs in the class of $(P_5,H)$-free graphs for all graphs $H$ on 4 vertices. To obtain the complete dichotomy, we prove the finiteness for four new graphs $H$ using various techniques -- such as Ramsey-type arguments and the dual of Dilworth's Theorem -- that may be of independent interest. Full Article
math On the connection problem for the second Painlev'e equation with large initial data. (arXiv:2005.03440v1 [math.CA]) By Published On :: We consider two special cases of the connection problem for the second Painlev'e equation (PII) using the method of uniform asymptotics proposed by Bassom et al.. We give a classification of the real solutions of PII on the negative (positive) real axis with respect to their initial data. By product, a rigorous proof of a property associate with the nonlinear eigenvalue problem of PII on the real axis, recently revealed by Bender and Komijani, is given by deriving the asymptotic behavior of the Stokes multipliers. Full Article
math A note on Penner's cocycle on the fatgraph complex. (arXiv:2005.03414v1 [math.GT]) By Published On :: We study a 1-cocycle on the fatgraph complex of a punctured surface introduced by Penner. We present an explicit cobounding cochain for this cocycle, whose formula involves a summation over trivalent vertices of a trivalent fatgraph spine. In a similar fashion, we express the symplectic form of the underlying surface of a given fatgraph spine. Full Article
math Sums of powers of integers and hyperharmonic numbers. (arXiv:2005.03407v1 [math.NT]) By Published On :: In this paper, we derive a formula for the sums of powers of the first $n$ positive integers that involves the hyperharmonic numbers and the Stirling numbers of the second kind. Then, using an explicit representation for the hyperharmonic numbers, we generalize this formula to the sums of powers of an arbitrary arithmetic progression. Moreover, as a by-product, we express the Bernoulli polynomials in terms of the hyperharmonic polynomials and the Stirling numbers of the second kind. Full Article
math Removable singularities for Lipschitz caloric functions in time varying domains. (arXiv:2005.03397v1 [math.CA]) By Published On :: In this paper we study removable singularities for regular $(1,1/2)$-Lipschitz solutions of the heat equation in time varying domains. We introduce an associated Lipschitz caloric capacity and we study its metric and geometric properties and the connection with the $L^2$ boundedness of the singular integral whose kernel is given by the gradient of the fundamental solution of the heat equation. Full Article
math A closer look at the non-Hopfianness of $BS(2,3)$. (arXiv:2005.03396v1 [math.GR]) By Published On :: The Baumslag Solitar group $BS(2,3)$, is a so-called non-Hopfian group, meaning that it has an epimorphism $phi$ onto itself, that is not injective. In particular this is equivalent to saying that $BS(2,3)$ has a quotient that is isomorphic to itself. As a consequence the Cayley graph of $BS(2,3)$ has a quotient that is isomorphic to itself up to change of generators. We describe this quotient on the graph-level and take a closer look at the most common epimorphism $phi$. We show its kernel is a free group of infinite rank with an explicit set of generators. Full Article
math Semiglobal non-oscillatory big bang singular spacetimes for the Einstein-scalar field system. (arXiv:2005.03395v1 [math-ph]) By Published On :: We construct semiglobal singular spacetimes for the Einstein equations coupled to a massless scalar field. Consistent with the heuristic analysis of Belinskii, Khalatnikov, Lifshitz or BKL for this system, there are no oscillations due to the scalar field. (This is much simpler than the oscillatory BKL heuristics for the Einstein vacuum equations.) Prior results are due to Andersson and Rendall in the real analytic case, and Rodnianski and Speck in the smooth near-spatially-flat-FLRW case. Similar to Andersson and Rendall we give asymptotic data at the singularity, which we refer to as final data, but our construction is not limited to real analytic solutions. This paper is a test application of tools (a graded Lie algebra formulation of the Einstein equations and a filtration) intended for the more subtle vacuum case. We use homological algebra tools to construct a formal series solution, then symmetric hyperbolic energy estimates to construct a true solution well-approximated by truncations of the formal one. We conjecture that the image of the map from final data to initial data is an open set of anisotropic initial data. Full Article
math Maximum of Exponential Random Variables, Hurwitz's Zeta Function, and the Partition Function. (arXiv:2005.03392v1 [math.PR]) By Published On :: A natural problem in the context of the coupon collector's problem is the behavior of the maximum of independent geometrically distributed random variables (with distinct parameters). This question has been addressed by Brennan et al. (British J. of Math. & CS. 8 (2015), 330-336). Here we provide explicit asymptotic expressions for the moments of that maximum, as well as of the maximum of exponential random variables with corresponding parameters. We also deal with the probability of each of the variables being the maximal one. The calculations lead to expressions involving Hurwitz's zeta function at certain special points. We find here explicitly the values of the function at these points. Also, the distribution function of the maximum we deal with is closely related to the generating function of the partition function. Thus, our results (and proofs) rely on classical results pertaining to the partition function. Full Article
math Minimum pair degree condition for tight Hamiltonian cycles in $4$-uniform hypergraphs. (arXiv:2005.03391v1 [math.CO]) By Published On :: We show that every 4-uniform hypergraph with $n$ vertices and minimum pair degree at least $(5/9+o(1))n^2/2$ contains a tight Hamiltonian cycle. This degree condition is asymptotically optimal. Full Article
math Filtered expansions in general relativity II. (arXiv:2005.03390v1 [math-ph]) By Published On :: This is the second of two papers in which we construct formal power series solutions in external parameters to the vacuum Einstein equations, implementing one bounce for the Belinskii-Khalatnikov-Lifshitz (BKL) proposal for spatially inhomogeneous spacetimes. Here we show that spatially inhomogeneous perturbations of spatially homogeneous elements are unobstructed. A spectral sequence for a filtered complex, and a homological contraction based on gauge-fixing, are used to do this. Full Article
math Clear elements and clear rings. (arXiv:2005.03387v1 [math.AC]) By Published On :: An element in a ring $R$ is called clear if it is the sum of unit-regular element and unit. An associative ring is clear if every its element is clear. In this paper we defined clear rings and extended many results to wider class. Finally, we proved that a commutative B'ezout domain is an elementary divisor ring if and only if every full matrix order 2 over it is nontrivial clear. Full Article
math A reducibility problem for even Unitary groups: The depth zero case. (arXiv:2005.03386v1 [math.RT]) By Published On :: We study a problem concerning parabolic induction in certain p-adic unitary groups. More precisely, for $E/F$ a quadratic extension of p-adic fields the associated unitary group $G=mathrm{U}(n,n)$ contains a parabolic subgroup $P$ with Levi component $L$ isomorphic to $mathrm{GL}_n(E)$. Let $pi$ be an irreducible supercuspidal representation of $L$ of depth zero. We use Hecke algebra methods to determine when the parabolically induced representation $iota_P^G pi$ is reducible. Full Article
math A theory of stacks with twisted fields and resolution of moduli of genus two stable maps. (arXiv:2005.03384v1 [math.AG]) By Published On :: We construct a smooth moduli stack of tuples consisting of genus two nodal curves, line bundles, and twisted fields. It leads to a desingularization of the moduli of genus two stable maps to projective spaces. The construction of this new moduli is based on systematical application of the theory of stacks with twisted fields (STF), which has its prototype appeared in arXiv:1906.10527 and arXiv:1201.2427 and is fully developed in this article. The results of this article are the second step of a series of works toward the resolutions of the moduli of stable maps of higher genera. Full Article
math A regularity criterion of the 3D MHD equations involving one velocity and one current density component in Lorentz. (arXiv:2005.03377v1 [math.AP]) By Published On :: In this paper, we study the regularity criterion of weak solutions to the three-dimensional (3D) MHD equations. It is proved that the solution $(u,b)$ becomes regular provided that one velocity and one current density component of the solution satisfy% egin{equation} u_{3}in L^{frac{30alpha }{7alpha -45}}left( 0,T;L^{alpha ,infty }left( mathbb{R}^{3} ight) ight) ext{ with }frac{45}{7}% leq alpha leq infty , label{eq01} end{equation}% and egin{equation} j_{3}in L^{frac{2eta }{2eta -3}}left( 0,T;L^{eta ,infty }left( mathbb{R}^{3} ight) ight) ext{ with }frac{3}{2}leq eta leq infty , label{eq02} end{equation}% which generalize some known results. Full Article
math Type space functors and interpretations in positive logic. (arXiv:2005.03376v1 [math.LO]) By Published On :: We construct a 2-equivalence $mathfrak{CohTheory}^ ext{op} simeq mathfrak{TypeSpaceFunc}$. Here $mathfrak{CohTheory}$ is the 2-category of positive theories and $mathfrak{TypeSpaceFunc}$ is the 2-category of type space functors. We give a precise definition of interpretations for positive logic, which will be the 1-cells in $mathfrak{CohTheory}$. The 2-cells are definable homomorphisms. The 2-equivalence restricts to a duality of categories, making precise the philosophy that a theory is `the same' as the collection of its type spaces (i.e. its type space functor). In characterising those functors that arise as type space functors, we find that they are specific instances of (coherent) hyperdoctrines. This connects two different schools of thought on the logical structure of a theory. The key ingredient, the Deligne completeness theorem, arises from topos theory, where positive theories have been studied under the name of coherent theories. Full Article
math Constructions of new matroids and designs over GF(q). (arXiv:2005.03369v1 [math.CO]) By Published On :: A perfect matroid design (PMD) is a matroid whose flats of the same rank all have the same size. In this paper we introduce the q-analogue of a PMD and its properties. In order to do that, we first establish new cryptomorphic definitions for q-matroids. We show that q-Steiner systems are examples of q-PMD's and we use this matroid structure to construct subspace designs from q-Steiner systems. We apply this construction to S(2, 13, 3; q) Steiner systems and hence establish the existence of subspace designs with previously unknown parameters. Full Article
math A Schur-Nevanlinna type algorithm for the truncated matricial Hausdorff moment problem. (arXiv:2005.03365v1 [math.CA]) By Published On :: The main goal of this paper is to achieve a parametrization of the solution set of the truncated matricial Hausdorff moment problem in the non-degenerate and degenerate situation. We treat the even and the odd cases simultaneously. Our approach is based on Schur analysis methods. More precisely, we use two interrelated versions of Schur-type algorithms, namely an algebraic one and a function-theoretic one. The algebraic version, worked out in our former paper arXiv:1908.05115, is an algorithm which is applied to finite or infinite sequences of complex matrices. The construction and discussion of the function-theoretic version is a central theme of this paper. This leads us to a complete description via Stieltjes transform of the solution set of the moment problem under consideration. Furthermore, we discuss special solutions in detail. Full Article
math Converging outer approximations to global attractors using semidefinite programming. (arXiv:2005.03346v1 [math.OC]) By Published On :: This paper develops a method for obtaining guaranteed outer approximations for global attractors of continuous and discrete time nonlinear dynamical systems. The method is based on a hierarchy of semidefinite programming problems of increasing size with guaranteed convergence to the global attractor. The approach taken follows an established line of reasoning, where we first characterize the global attractor via an infinite dimensional linear programming problem (LP) in the space of Borel measures. The dual to this LP is in the space of continuous functions and its feasible solutions provide guaranteed outer approximations to the global attractor. For systems with polynomial dynamics, a hierarchy of finite-dimensional sum-of-squares tightenings of the dual LP provides a sequence of outer approximations to the global attractor with guaranteed convergence in the sense of volume discrepancy tending to zero. The method is very simple to use and based purely on convex optimization. Numerical examples with the code available online demonstrate the method. Full Article
math Gaussian invariant measures and stationary solutions of 2D Primitive Equations. (arXiv:2005.03339v1 [math.PR]) By Published On :: We introduce a Gaussian measure formally preserved by the 2-dimensional Primitive Equations driven by additive Gaussian noise. Under such measure the stochastic equations under consideration are singular: we propose a solution theory based on the techniques developed by Gubinelli and Jara in cite{GuJa13} for a hyperviscous version of the equations. Full Article
math Strong maximum principle and boundary estimates for nonhomogeneous elliptic equations. (arXiv:2005.03338v1 [math.AP]) By Published On :: We give a simple proof of the strong maximum principle for viscosity subsolutions of fully nonlinear elliptic PDEs on the form $$ F(x,u,Du,D^2u) = 0 $$ under suitable structure conditions on the equation allowing for non-Lipschitz growth in the gradient terms. In case of smooth boundaries, we also prove the Hopf lemma, the boundary Harnack inequality and that positive viscosity solutions vanishing on a portion of the boundary are comparable with the distance function near the boundary. Our results apply to weak solutions of an eigenvalue problem for the variable exponent $p$-Laplacian. Full Article
math Maximum dissociation sets in subcubic trees. (arXiv:2005.03335v1 [math.CO]) By Published On :: A subset of vertices in a graph $G$ is called a maximum dissociation set if it induces a subgraph with vertex degree at most 1 and the subset has maximum cardinality. The dissociation number of $G$, denoted by $psi(G)$, is the cardinality of a maximum dissociation set. A subcubic tree is a tree of maximum degree at most 3. In this paper, we give the lower and upper bounds on the dissociation number in a subcubic tree of order $n$ and show that the number of maximum dissociation sets of a subcubic tree of order $n$ and dissociation number $psi$ is at most $1.466^{4n-5psi+2}$. Full Article
math A remark on the Laplacian flow and the modified Laplacian co-flow in G2-Geometry. (arXiv:2005.03332v1 [math.DG]) By Published On :: We observe that the DeTurck Laplacian flow of G2-structures introduced by Bryant and Xu as a gauge fixing of the Laplacian flow can be regarded as a flow of G2-structures (not necessarily closed) which fits in the general framework introduced by Hamilton in [4]. Full Article
math Asymptotics of PDE in random environment by paracontrolled calculus. (arXiv:2005.03326v1 [math.PR]) By Published On :: We apply the paracontrolled calculus to study the asymptotic behavior of a certain quasilinear PDE with smeared mild noise, which originally appears as the space-time scaling limit of a particle system in random environment on one dimensional discrete lattice. We establish the convergence result and show a local in time well-posedness of the limit stochastic PDE with spatial white noise. It turns out that our limit stochastic PDE does not require any renormalization. We also show a comparison theorem for the limit equation. Full Article
math On the Incomparability of Systems of Sets of Lengths. (arXiv:2005.03316v1 [math.AC]) By Published On :: Let $H$ be a Krull monoid with finite class group $G$ such that every class contains a prime divisor. We consider the system $mathcal L (H)$ of all sets of lengths of $H$ and study when $mathcal L (H)$ contains or is contained in a system $mathcal L (H')$ of a Krull monoid $H'$ with finite class group $G'$, prime divisors in all classes and Davenport constant $mathsf D (G')=mathsf D (G)$. Among others, we show that if $G$ is either cyclic of order $m ge 7$ or an elementary $2$-group of rank $m-1 ge 6$, and $G'$ is any group which is non-isomorphic to $G$ but with Davenport constant $mathsf D (G')=mathsf D (G)$, then the systems $mathcal L (H)$ and $mathcal L (H')$ are incomparable. Full Article
math Linear independence of generalized Poincar'{e} series for anti-de Sitter $3$-manifolds. (arXiv:2005.03308v1 [math.SP]) By Published On :: Let $Gamma$ be a discrete group acting properly discontinuously and isometrically on the three-dimensional anti-de Sitter space $mathrm{AdS}^{3}$, and $square$ the Laplacian which is a second-order hyperbolic differential operator. We study linear independence of a family of generalized Poincar'{e} series introduced by Kassel-Kobayashi [Adv. Math. 2016], which are defined by the $Gamma$-average of certain eigenfunctions on $mathrm{AdS}^{3}$. We prove that the multiplicities of $L^{2}$-eigenvalues of the hyperbolic Laplacian $square$ on $Gammaackslashmathrm{AdS}^{3}$ are unbounded when $Gamma$ is finitely generated. Moreover, we prove that the multiplicities of extit{stable $L^{2}$-eigenvalues} for compact anti-de Sitter $3$-manifolds are unbounded. Full Article
math Augmented Valuation and Minimal Pair. (arXiv:2005.03298v1 [math.AC]) By Published On :: Let $(K, u)$ be a valued field, the notions of emph{augmented valuation}, of emph{limit augmented valuation} and of emph{admissible family} of valuations enable to give a description of any valuation $mu$ of $K [x]$ extending $ u$. In the case where the field $K$ is algebraically closed, this description is particularly simple and we can reduce it to the notions of emph{minimal pair} and emph{pseudo-convergent family}. Let $(K, u )$ be a henselian valued field and $ar u$ the unique extension of $ u$ to the algebraic closure $ar K$ of $K$ and let $mu$ be a valuation of $ K [x]$ extending $ u$, we study the extensions $armu$ from $mu$ to $ar K [x]$ and we give a description of the valuations $armu_i$ of $ar K [x]$ which are the extensions of the valuations $mu_i$ belonging to the admissible family associated with $mu$. Full Article
math Fourier transformation and stability of differential equation on $L^1(Bbb{R})$. (arXiv:2005.03296v1 [math.FA]) By Published On :: In the present paper by the Fourier transform we show that every linear differential equations of $n$-th order has a solution in $L^1(Bbb{R})$ which is infinitely differentiable in $Bbb{R} setminus {0}$. Moreover the Hyers-Ulam stability of such equations on $L^1(Bbb{R})$ is investigated. Full Article
math An alternate definition of the Parry measure. (arXiv:2005.03282v1 [math.DS]) By Published On :: In this paper, we give an alternate definition of the well-known Parry measure on an aperiodic subshift of finite type using correlation between the forbidden words. We use the concept of the local escape rate to obtain this definition. We also compute Perron eigenvectors corresponding to the Perron root of the associated adjacency matrix. Full Article
math Lorentz estimates for quasi-linear elliptic double obstacle problems involving a Schr"odinger term. (arXiv:2005.03281v1 [math.AP]) By Published On :: Our goal in this article is to study the global Lorentz estimates for gradient of weak solutions to $p$-Laplace double obstacle problems involving the Schr"odinger term: $-Delta_p u + mathbb{V}|u|^{p-2}u$ with bound constraints $psi_1 le u le psi_2$ in non-smooth domains. This problem has its own interest in mathematics, engineering, physics and other branches of science. Our approach makes a novel connection between the study of Calder'on-Zygmund theory for nonlinear Schr"odinger type equations and variational inequalities for double obstacle problems. Full Article
math On a kind of self-similar sets with complete overlaps. (arXiv:2005.03280v1 [math.DS]) By Published On :: Let $E$ be the self-similar set generated by the {it iterated function system} {[ f_0(x)=frac{x}{eta},quad f_1(x)=frac{x+1}{eta}, quad f_{eta+1}=frac{x+eta+1}{eta} ]}with $etage 3$. {Then} $E$ is a self-similar set with complete {overlaps}, i.e., $f_{0}circ f_{eta+1}=f_{1}circ f_1$, but $E$ is not totally self-similar. We investigate all its generating iterated function systems, give the spectrum of $E$, and determine the Hausdorff dimension and Hausdorff measure of $E$ and of the sets which contain all points in $E$ having finite or infinite different triadic codings. Full Article
math Smooth non-projective equivariant completions of affine spaces. (arXiv:2005.03277v1 [math.AG]) By Published On :: In this paper we construct an equivariant embedding of the affine space $mathbb{A}^n$ with the translation group action into a complete non-projective algebraic variety $X$ for all $n geq 3$. The theory of toric varieties is used as the main tool for this construction. In the case of $n = 3$ we describe the orbit structure on the variety $X$. Full Article
math The conjecture of Erd"{o}s--Straus is true for every $nequiv 13 extrm{ mod }24$. (arXiv:2005.03273v1 [math.NT]) By Published On :: In this short note we give a proof of the famous conjecture of Erd"{o}s-Straus for the case $nequiv13 extrm{ mod } 24.$ The Erd"{o}s--Straus conjecture states that the equation $frac{4}{n}=frac{1}{x}+frac{1}{y}+frac{1}{z}$ has positive integer solutions $x,y,z$ for every $ngeq 2$. It is open for $nequiv 1 extrm{ mod } 12$. Indeed, in all of the other cases the solutions are always easy to find. We prove that the conjecture is true for every $nequiv 13 extrm{ mod } 24$. Therefore, to solve it completely, it remains to find solutions for every $nequiv 1 extrm{ mod } 24$. Full Article
math Generalized log-sum inequalities. (arXiv:2005.03272v1 [math.FA]) By Published On :: In information theory, the so-called log-sum inequality is fundamental and a kind of generalization of the non-nagativity for the relative entropy. In this paper, we show the generalized log-sum inequality for two functions defined for scalars. We also give a new result for commutative matrices. In addition, we demonstrate further results for general non-commutative positive semi-definite matrices. Full Article
math Pointwise densities of homogeneous Cantor measure and critical values. (arXiv:2005.03269v1 [math.DS]) By Published On :: Let $Nge 2$ and $ hoin(0,1/N^2]$. The homogenous Cantor set $E$ is the self-similar set generated by the iterated function system [ left{f_i(x)= ho x+frac{i(1- ho)}{N-1}: i=0,1,ldots, N-1 ight}. ] Let $s=dim_H E$ be the Hausdorff dimension of $E$, and let $mu=mathcal H^s|_E$ be the $s$-dimensional Hausdorff measure restricted to $E$. In this paper we describe, for each $xin E$, the pointwise lower $s$-density $Theta_*^s(mu,x)$ and upper $s$-density $Theta^{*s}(mu, x)$ of $mu$ at $x$. This extends some early results of Feng et al. (2000). Furthermore, we determine two critical values $a_c$ and $b_c$ for the sets [ E_*(a)=left{xin E: Theta_*^s(mu, x)ge a ight}quad extrm{and}quad E^*(b)=left{xin E: Theta^{*s}(mu, x)le b ight} ] respectively, such that $dim_H E_*(a)>0$ if and only if $a<a_c$, and that $dim_H E^*(b)>0$ if and only if $b>b_c$. We emphasize that both values $a_c$ and $b_c$ are related to the Thue-Morse type sequences, and our strategy to find them relies on ideas from open dynamics and techniques from combinatorics on words. Full Article
math The Quantum Twistor Bundle. (arXiv:2005.03268v1 [math.QA]) By Published On :: We investigate the quantum twistor bundle constructed as a $U(1)$-quotient of the quantum instanton bundle of Bonechi, Ciccoli and Tarlini. It is an example of a locally trivial noncommutative bundle fulfilling conditions of the framework recently proposed by Brzezi'nski and Szyma'nski. In particular, we give a detailed description of the corresponding $C^*$-algebra of 'continuous functions' on its noncommutative total space. Furthermore, we analyse a different construction of a quantum instanton bundle due to Landi, Pagani and Reina, find a basis of its polynomial algebra and discover an intriguing and unexpected feature of its enveloping $C^*$-algebra. Full Article
math A Note on Cores and Quasi Relative Interiors in Partially Finite Convex Programming. (arXiv:2005.03265v1 [math.FA]) By Published On :: The problem of minimizing an entropy functional subject to linear constraints is a useful example of partially finite convex programming. In the 1990s, Borwein and Lewis provided broad and easy-to-verify conditions that guarantee strong duality for such problems. Their approach is to construct a function in the quasi-relative interior of the relevant infinite-dimensional set, which assures the existence of a point in the core of the relevant finite-dimensional set. We revisit this problem, and provide an alternative proof by directly appealing to the definition of the core, rather than by relying on any properties of the quasi-relative interior. Our approach admits a minor relaxation of the linear independence requirements in Borwein and Lewis' framework, which allows us to work with certain piecewise-defined moment functions precluded by their conditions. We provide such a computed example that illustrates how this relaxation may be used to tame observed Gibbs phenomenon when the underlying data is discontinuous. The relaxation illustrates the understanding we may gain by tackling partially-finite problems from both the finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional sides. The comparison of these two approaches is informative, as both proofs are constructive. Full Article
math The Congruence Subgroup Problem for finitely generated Nilpotent Groups. (arXiv:2005.03263v1 [math.GR]) By Published On :: The congruence subgroup problem for a finitely generated group $Gamma$ and $Gleq Aut(Gamma)$ asks whether the map $hat{G} o Aut(hat{Gamma})$ is injective, or more generally, what is its kernel $Cleft(G,Gamma ight)$? Here $hat{X}$ denotes the profinite completion of $X$. In the case $G=Aut(Gamma)$ we denote $Cleft(Gamma ight)=Cleft(Aut(Gamma),Gamma ight)$. Let $Gamma$ be a finitely generated group, $ar{Gamma}=Gamma/[Gamma,Gamma]$, and $Gamma^{*}=ar{Gamma}/tor(ar{Gamma})congmathbb{Z}^{(d)}$. Denote $Aut^{*}(Gamma)= extrm{Im}(Aut(Gamma) o Aut(Gamma^{*}))leq GL_{d}(mathbb{Z})$. In this paper we show that when $Gamma$ is nilpotent, there is a canonical isomorphism $Cleft(Gamma ight)simeq C(Aut^{*}(Gamma),Gamma^{*})$. In other words, $Cleft(Gamma ight)$ is completely determined by the solution to the classical congruence subgroup problem for the arithmetic group $Aut^{*}(Gamma)$. In particular, in the case where $Gamma=Psi_{n,c}$ is a finitely generated free nilpotent group of class $c$ on $n$ elements, we get that $C(Psi_{n,c})=C(mathbb{Z}^{(n)})={e}$ whenever $ngeq3$, and $C(Psi_{2,c})=C(mathbb{Z}^{(2)})=hat{F}_{omega}$ = the free profinite group on countable number of generators. Full Article
math On the Gorenstein property of the Ehrhart ring of the stable set polytope of an h-perfect graph. (arXiv:2005.03259v1 [math.CO]) By Published On :: In this paper, we give a criterion of the Gorenstein property of the Ehrhart ring of the stable set polytope of an h-perfect graph: the Ehrhart ring of the stable set polytope of an h-perfect graph $G$ is Gorenstein if and only if (1) sizes of maximal cliques are constant (say $n$) and (2) (a) $n=1$, (b) $n=2$ and there is no odd cycle without chord and length at least 7 or (c) $ngeq 3$ and there is no odd cycle without chord and length at least 5. Full Article
math An Issue Raised in 1978 by a Then-Future Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Order": Does the Endomorphism Poset of a Finite Connected Poset Tell Us That the Poset Is Connected?. (arXiv:2005.03255v1 [math.CO]) By Published On :: In 1978, Dwight Duffus---editor-in-chief of the journal "Order" from 2010 to 2018 and chair of the Mathematics Department at Emory University from 1991 to 2005---wrote that "it is not obvious that $P$ is connected and $P^P$ isomorphic to $Q^Q$ implies that $Q$ is connected," where $P$ and $Q$ are finite non-empty posets. We show that, indeed, under these hypotheses $Q$ is connected and $Pcong Q$. Full Article
math Cohomological dimension of ideals defining Veronese subrings. (arXiv:2005.03250v1 [math.AC]) By Published On :: Given a standard graded polynomial ring over a commutative Noetherian ring $A$, we prove that the cohomological dimension and the height of the ideals defining any of its Veronese subrings are equal. This result is due to Ogus when $A$ is a field of characteristic zero, and follows from a result of Peskine and Szpiro when $A$ is a field of positive characteristic; our result applies, for example, when $A$ is the ring of integers. Full Article
math A Chance Constraint Predictive Control and Estimation Framework for Spacecraft Descent with Field Of View Constraints. (arXiv:2005.03245v1 [math.OC]) By Published On :: Recent studies of optimization methods and GNC of spacecraft near small bodies focusing on descent, landing, rendezvous, etc., with key safety constraints such as line-of-sight conic zones and soft landings have shown promising results; this paper considers descent missions to an asteroid surface with a constraint that consists of an onboard camera and asteroid surface markers while using a stochastic convex MPC law. An undermodeled asteroid gravity and spacecraft technology inspired measurement model is established to develop the constraint. Then a computationally light stochastic Linear Quadratic MPC strategy is presented to keep the spacecraft in satisfactory field of view of the surface markers while trajectory tracking, employing chance based constraints and up-to-date estimation uncertainty from navigation. The estimation uncertainty giving rise to the tightened constraints is particularly addressed. Results suggest robust tracking performance across a variety of trajectories. Full Article
math Approximate Performance Measures for a Two-Stage Reneging Queue. (arXiv:2005.03239v1 [math.PR]) By Published On :: We study a two-stage reneging queue with Poisson arrivals, exponential services, and two levels of exponential reneging behaviors, extending the popular Erlang A model that assumes a constant reneging rate. We derive approximate analytical formulas representing performance measures for the two-stage queue following the Markov chain decomposition approach. Our formulas not only give accurate results spanning the heavy-traffic to the light-traffic regimes, but also provide insight into capacity decisions. Full Article
math Packing of spanning mixed arborescences. (arXiv:2005.03218v1 [math.CO]) By Published On :: In this paper, we characterize a mixed graph $F$ which contains $k$ edge and arc disjoint spanning mixed arborescences $F_{1}, ldots, F_{k}$, such that for each $v in V(F)$, the cardinality of ${i in [k]: v ext{ is the root of } F_{i}}$ lies in some prescribed interval. This generalizes both Nash-Williams and Tutte's theorem on spanning tree packing for undirected graphs and the previous characterization on digraphs which was given by Cai [in: Arc-disjoint arborescences of digraphs, J. Graph Theory 7(2) (1983), 235-240] and Frank [in: On disjoint trees and arborescences, Algebraic Methods in Graph Theory, Colloquia Mathematica Soc. J. Bolyai, Vol. 25 (North-Holland, Amsterdam) (1978), 159-169]. Full Article
math Non-relativity of K"ahler manifold and complex space forms. (arXiv:2005.03208v1 [math.CV]) By Published On :: We study the non-relativity for two real analytic K"ahler manifolds and complex space forms of three types. The first one is a K"ahler manifold whose polarization of local K"ahler potential is a Nash function in a local coordinate. The second one is the Hartogs domain equpped with two canonical metrics whose polarizations of the K"ahler potentials are the diastatic functions. Full Article