
Michigan development program not a pretty site

Taxpayers lose with poorly designed site preparation program


TR?ICTIO Invoicing System development approaches the finish line

As some of you already know, the TR?ICTIO Invoicing System is a simple invoicing platform focusing on freelance translators. I have been developing the system for about 12 months and after extensive personal testing and actual use in my business, as … Continue reading


WSO2Con Barcelona 2014 in just one more week!

Time flies when you're having fun .. the conference is now just a week away and the advance team is flying in today. If you've ever been to one of our conferences you know what an awesome event it is - Barcelona is going to notch it up again with a really cool Internet of Things platform for attendees (built with our own products of course - plus soldering irons and acid baths).

Hope to see you there!

Learn more about industry trends, being a Connected Business, the WSO2 story, and much more through our esteemed panel of keynote speakers at WSO2Con EU 2014.
Alan Clark
Director of Industry Initiatives, Emerging Standards and Open Source
Chairman of the Board
Serves as the chairman of the board at OpenStack. Alan has developed a reputation in fostering the creation, growth, awareness, and adoption of open source and open standards across the technology sector. He will explore the evolution of open source cloud platforms in enabling the Connected Business.
James Governor
Principal Analyst and Co-Founder
Leads coverage in the enterprise applications space, assisting with application development, integration middleware, and systems management issues. He also has served as an industry expert for television and radio segments with media such as the BBC. James will examine how open source middleware contributes to the Connected Business.
Luca Martini
Distinguished Engineer
Leads the Cisco virtualization strategy in two major areas: mobility and home broadband access. He has been involved in the Internet engineering task force (IETF) for the past 15 years, contributing to many IETF standards. Luca will discuss the role of intelligent orchestration and how it is more than simply a Web services engine.
Paul Fremantle
Co-Founder & CTO
Paul co-founded WSO2 in 2005 in order to reinvent the way enterprise middleware is developed, sold, delivered, and supported through an open source model. In his current role as CTO, he spearheads WSO2's overall product strategy.
Sanjiva Weerawarana Ph. D
Founder, Chairman & CEO
Sanjiva has been involved with open source for many years and is an active member of the Apache Software Foundation. He was the original creator of Apache SOAP and has been part of Apache Axis, Apache Axis2 and most Apache Web services projects. He founded WSO2 after having spent nearly 8 years in IBM Research, where he was one of the founders of the Web services platform. During that time, he co-authored many Web services specifications including WSDL, BPEL4WS, WS-Addressing, WS-RF and WS-Eventing.
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Guillaume Kasbarian félicite Elon Musk tout juste nommé ministre par Trump, la gauche s’insurge

Apres la nomination d'Elon Musk a la tete d'un ministere de l'Efficacite gouvernementale, le ministre de la Fonction publique francais a exprime sa << hate >> de << partager les meilleures pratiques >>.


Developing a Mobile Collaborative Tool for Business Continuity Management

We describe the design of a mobile collaborative tool that helps teams managing critical computing infrastructures in organizations, a task that is usually designated Business Continuity Management. The design process started with a requirements definition phase based on interviews with professional teams. The elicited requirements highlight four main concerns: collaboration support, knowledge management, team performance, and situation awareness. Based on these concerns, we developed a data model and tool supporting the collaborative update of Situation Matrixes. The matrixes aim to provide an integrated view of the operational and contextual conditions that frame critical events and inform the operators' responses to events. The paper provides results from our preliminary experiments with Situation Matrixes.


Managing Mechanisms for Collaborative New-Product Development in the Ceramic Tile Design Chain

This paper focuses on improving the management of New-Product Development (NPD) processes within the particular context of a cluster of enterprises that cooperate through a network of intra- and inter-firm relations. Ceramic tile design chains have certain singularities that condition the NPD process, such as the lack of a strong hierarchy, fashion pressure or the existence of different origins for NPD projects. We have studied these particular circumstances in order to tailor Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) tools and some other management mechanisms to fit suitable sectoral reference models. Special emphasis will be placed on PLM templates for structuring and standardizing projects, and also on the roles involved in the process.


Rule of Law on the Go: New Developments of Mobile Governance

This paper offers an overview of the emerging domain of mobile governance as an offspring of the broader landscape of e-governance. Mobile governance initiatives have been deployed everywhere in parallel to the development of crowdsourced, open source software applications that facilitate the collection, aggregation, and dissemination of both information and data coming from different sources: citizens, organizations, public bodies, etc. Ultimately, mobile governance can be seen as a tool to promote the rule of law from a decentralized, distributed, and bottom-up perspective.


Leveraging Web 2.0 in New Product Development: Lessons Learned from a Cross-company Study

The paper explores the application of Web 2.0 technologies to support product development efforts in a global, virtual and cross-functional setting. It analyses the dichotomy between the prevailing hierarchical structure of CAD/PLM/PDM systems and the principles of the Social Web under the light of the emerging product development trends. Further it introduces the concept of Engineering 2.0, intended as a more bottom up and lightweight knowledge sharing approach to support early stage design decisions within virtual and cross-functional product development teams. The lessons learned collected from a cross-company study highlight how to further developblogs, wikis, forums and tags for the benefit of new product development teams, highlighting opportunities, challenges and no-go areas.


Ontology-based User Interface Development: User Experience Elements Pattern

The user experience of any software or website consists of elements from the conceptual to the concrete level. These elements of user experience assist in the design and development of user interfaces. On the other hand, ontologies provide a framework for computable representation of user interface elements and underlying data. This paper discusses strategies of introducing ontologies at different user interface layers adapted from user experience elements. These layers range from abstract levels (e.g. User needs/Application Objectives) to concrete levels (e.g. Application User Interface) in terms of data representation. The proposed ontological framework enables device independent, semi-automated GUI construction which we will demonstrate at a personal information management example.


Trump et Poutine auraient discuté de la guerre en Ukraine, "une pure fiction", selon le Kremlin

Trump et Poutine auraient discuté de la guerre en Ukraine, "une pure fiction", selon le Kremlin


Donald Trump confie à Elon Musk et Vivek Ramaswamy "l'efficacité gouvernementale"

Donald Trump confie à Elon Musk et Vivek Ramaswamy "l'efficacité gouvernementale"


Attention, votre airfryer pourrait produire une substance cancérigène dans vos aliments selon une étude - Yahoo Actualités

  1. Attention, votre airfryer pourrait produire une substance cancérigène dans vos aliments selon une étude  Yahoo Actualités
  2. 3 bonnes raisons de choisir un Airfryer en 2024  La Provence
  3. Nos 30 recettes rapides et faciles au Airfryer, du plat de résistance au dessert  Le Figaro
  4. Les air fryers sont-ils dangereux pour la santé ? Une étude lance l'alerte  Allo Docteurs
  5. Airfryer : attention aux acrylamides potentiellement cancérigènes  Pourquoi Docteur ?


Trump says Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy will lead the Department of Government Efficiency - The Globe and Mail

  1. Trump says Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy will lead the Department of Government Efficiency  The Globe and Mail
  2. Why is Elon Musk becoming Donald Trump's efficiency adviser?  BBC.com
  3. Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will lead new 'Department of Government Efficiency' in Trump administration  CTV News
  4. George Conway: Musk, Ramaswamy to lead ‘nonexistent department’  The Hill


Insurrection à Washington - Assaut du Capitole: culpabilité pour l'homme photographié dans le bureau de Nancy Pelosi

(Belga) Un Américain, qui avait été immortalisé les pieds sur une table dans le bureau de la cheffe démocrate Nancy Pelosi lors de l'assaut sur le Capitole, a été reconnu coupable lundi de plusieurs délits.

Après une courte délibération, les jurés ont déclaré Richard Barnett, 62 ans, coupable, entre autres, d'entrave à une procédure officielle, vol et intrusion dans un bâtiment officiel avec une arme dangereuse (un bâton de marche capable d'envoyer des décharges électriques). Le 6 janvier 2021, il avait envahi, comme des centaines de partisans de l'ex-président républicain Donald Trump, le siège du Congrès au moment où les élus certifiaient la victoire du démocrate Joe Biden à la présidentielle. Il avait été photographié par l'AFP dans le bureau de la cheffe de la chambre des représentants, Nancy Pelosi, les pieds sur un meuble. Le cliché avait fait le tour du monde et permis à la police de l'interpeller rapidement. Selon le dossier d'accusation, ce partisan de la mouvance complotiste Qanon avait laissé un message insultant à la démocrate et volé une enveloppe qu'elle avait signée. Pendant son procès, il s'était montré défiant, assurant avoir été "poussé à l'intérieur" du Capitole par la foule. Sa peine sera prononcée en mai. En attendant, il reste assigné à résidence avec un bracelet électronique. En deux ans d'enquête, plus de 950 participants à cette attaque ont été arrêtés, et près de 200 condamnés à des peines de prison. (Belga)


Un moindre taux de cellules commerciales vides dans le centre-ville carolo selon la Ville

(Belga) Le taux de cellules commerciales vides dans le centre-ville carolo est tendanciellement à la baisse, a indiqué lundi soir lors du conseil communal de la Ville de Charleroi Babette Jandrain, l'échevine carolo du Commerce en réponse à une question qui lui était adressée.

Selon l'élue, qui a indiqué reprendre les chiffres de l'Association de Management du Centre-Ville (AMCV), le taux actuel de cellules commerciales vides dans l'intra-ring carolo est de 29% contre 33,6% en 2020. Et ce malgré le Covid et la crise énergétique qui ont mis en difficulté l'activité commerciale dans les grandes villes. Si le taux de cellules commerciales vides reste élevé à Charleroi, il n'en reste pas moins que la situation a tendance à s'améliorer, a indiqué Babette Jandrain. Les chiffres donnés par l'échevine ont été constatés par la conseillère communale du PTB Sofie Merckx, évoquant une situation de "désolation" concernant le quartier de la Ville Basse et interrogeant par ailleurs la volonté de la Ville de faire de certaines cellules vides des logements. (Belga)


Elon Musk se défend au tribunal d'accusations "scandaleuses" sur des tweets de 2018

Elon Musk a tenté de montrer lundi au tribunal que ses fameux tweets de 2018, sur sa volonté de sortir Tesla de la Bourse, n'avaient rien de trompeurs ou de frauduleux, contrairement aux accusations d'investisseurs qui disent avoir perdu des millions de dollars à cause du milliardaire.

Le patron de Tesla -- et de Twitter, depuis fin octobre -- a assuré qu'il n'avait "jamais" cherché à tromper les investisseurs, et que l'accusation de fraude était "scandaleuse".

Il avait créé la stupeur le 7 août 2018 en affirmant qu'il voulait retirer son groupe automobile de la Bourse au prix de 420 dollars par action, puis en assurant que le financement était "sécurisé".

"Je ne disais pas que c'était fait, je disais simplement que je l'envisageais, que j'y pensais. Et qu'à mon avis le financement était sécurisé", a déclaré Elon Musk à la barre, dans le tribunal de San Francisco où a lieu le procès.

La semaine dernière, le principal avocat des plaignants, Nicholas Porritt, avait accusé le dirigeant d'avoir "menti" et d'être responsable des pertes des investisseurs.

Le titre avait bondi dans la foulée des tweets très inhabituels (et le Nasdaq avait temporairement suspendu le cours de l'action Tesla), avant de décliner les jours suivants. Des articles de presse avaient fini par révéler que le patron n'avait pas vraiment les fonds.

Tesla était restée cotée en Bourse.

A travers ses questions, Nicholas Porritt a cherché à montrer qu'Elon Musk n'avait pas réalisé les consultations appropriées, et ne disposait pas ni des éléments nécessaires, ni de l'autorité pour faire une annonce aussi fracassante, surtout sur Twitter, et surtout pendant que les marchés étaient ouverts.

- "M. Tweet" -

L'avocat a mis en avant des échanges acerbes le 12 août 2018 entre le milliardaire et Yasir Al-Rumayyan, le directeur du fonds souverain saoudien, qui s'était engagé "catégoriquement" et "sans hésitation" à financer l'opération, selon Elon Musk.

"Le financement n'était pas vraiment sécurisé, n'est-ce pas?", a demandé M Porritt.

Yasir Al-Rumayyan a fait du "rétropédalage", a rétorqué le patron de Tesla.

Il a assuré qu'il avait de toute façon la possibilité de vendre ses actions de son autre fleuron, SpaceX, "l'entreprise non cotée la plus valorisée des Etats-Unis".

"Cela m'aurait brisé le cœur (de les vendre), mais je l'aurais fait si besoin", a-t-il déclaré, évoquant comment il avait dû se séparer d'actions de Tesla pour racheter Twitter l'année dernière.

Costume sombre, chemise blanche et cravate, il est apparu hésitant, ne se souvenant pas de nombreux emails et détails, et répondant souvent à côté des questions pour répéter à l'envie les messages qu'il voulait faire passer au jury.

Au point de faire perdre patience à l'avocat des investisseurs. "Nous avons passé toute une journée ensemble à Austin, vous vous en souvenez M. Tweet?!", a lancé Nicholas Porritt, avant de corriger pour "M. Musk".

- "Karma" -

L'accusation est aussi revenue sur le prix proposé par Elon Musk, 420 dollars par action. Aux Etats-Unis, les chiffres 4 et 20 accolés sont associés à la consommation de cannabis. Quand le milliardaire a proposé de racheter Twitter au printemps dernier, il a choisi un prix de 54,20 dollars par action.

"Avez-vous arrondi à 420 en guise de blague à l'attention de votre petite amie?", a demandé Nicholas Porritt.

"Ce n'était pas une blague, cela représentait une prime de 20% au-dessus du prix de l'action", a répondu Elon Musk, reconnaissant cependant qu'il y a "un certain karma autour de 420".

"Pas sûr que ce soit un bon ou un mauvais karma à ce stade", a-t-il encore plaisanté.

Son avocat Alex Spiro l'a ensuite aidé à dresser le portrait d'un immigré parti de rien, venu aux Etats-Unis - "là où les grandes choses sont possibles" - après une enfance "malheureuse" en Afrique du Sud, selon les mots du milliardaire.

"On m'a traité de fou à de nombreuses reprises", a déclaré Elon Musk après avoir énuméré les entreprises qu'il a cofondées.

Mais "à ce stade je crois que j'ai levé plus d'argent que quiconque dans l'histoire", s'est-il vanté, attribuant sa réussite à son "honnêteté" à l'égard des investisseurs.

Le procès doit durer trois semaines. Dans une précédente décision liée à cette affaire, un juge avait estimé que le fameux tweet de 2018 pouvait être considéré comme "faux et trompeur".

Le gendarme boursier américain, la SEC, avait de son côté obligé Elon Musk à céder la présidence du conseil d'administration, à payer une amende et à faire pré-approuver par un juriste ses tweets directement liés à l'activité de Tesla.


Sept morts dans une double fusillade en Californie, selon des médias américains

(Belga) Sept personnes ont été tuées lundi lors d'une double fusillade près de San Francisco, en Californie, ont indiqué les médias américains sur la base des déclarations de la police locale.

Le suspect a été arrêté, a annoncé sur Twitter le bureau du shérif du comté de San Mateo, qui comprend la ville de Half Moon Bay où ont eu lieu les drames. "Il n'y a plus de danger pour la population à cette heure", a-t-il assuré. Les deux fusillades sont intervenues dans des exploitations agricoles proches l'une de l'autre, ont précisé les médias. Cette nouvelle tuerie intervient moins de 48 heures après qu'un tireur a tué 11 personnes dans un club de danse près de Los Angeles. (Belga)


Selon Le Canard enchaᅵnᅵ, le gouvernement Castex est le plus coᅵteux de l'histoire de la Ve Rᅵpublique (185 millions d'euros par an)

L'information est passï¿œe inaperï¿œue mais elle ne manque pas de sel. Alors que la gestion de la crise du covid-19 par le gouvernement est trï¿œs contestï¿œe (au retard dans la livraison de masques s'ajoute...


The Impact of Physics Open Educational Resources (OER) on the Professional Development of Bhutanese Secondary School Physics Teachers


Trends and development of workplace mindfulness for two decades: a bibliometric analysis

This systematic literature study employed bibliometric analysis to identify workplace mindfulness-related methods and practices in literature published from 2000 to 2020 by leading nations, institutions, journals, authors, and keywords. We also assessed the impact of workplace mindfulness research papers. Scopus analysis tools provided a literature report for 638 Scopus articles used in the study. Using VOSviewer, leading nations, institutions, articles, authors, journals, and keyword co-occurrence network maps were constructed. PRISMA was used to identify 56 publications to recognise workplace mindfulness literature's significant achievements. The research's main contribution is a deep review of neurological mindfulness and psychological measuring tools as workplace mindfulness tool categories. The study is the first to use the PRISMA technique to capture the essential contributions of workplace mindfulness papers from 2000 to 2020.


Towards a set of guidelines for software development in start-ups

Software start-ups generally use development practices that are adapted to their agile and innovative environment. However, these practices, although consolidated, may not be the best ones for a specific context. This paper aims to present a set of guidelines for software development in start-ups. It also aims to show the results of three studies to validate and refine the proposed guidelines: a confirmatory survey, a focus group, and an expert panel. The participants were actors from both the industry and the academia. The results revealed that the guidelines obtained a positive perception from the participants of both contexts. Based on their approval, we can infer that those guidelines can increase the quality of products generated by start-ups and the chances of success for these organisations. Besides, the need for some improvements has been identified, and they will be implemented in the next version of the guidelines.


Developing digital health policy recommendations for pandemic preparedness and responsiveness

Disease pandemics, once thought to be historical relics, are now again challenging healthcare systems globally. Of essential importance is sufficiently investing in preparedness and responsiveness, but approaches to such investments vary significantly by country. These variations provide excellent opportunities to learn and prepare for future pandemics. Therefore, we examine digital health infrastructure and the state of healthcare and public health services in relation to pandemic preparedness and responsiveness. The research focuses on two countries: South Africa and the USA. We apply case analysis at the country level toward understanding digital health policy preparedness and responsiveness to a pandemic. We also provide a teaching note at the end for use in guiding students in this area to formulate digital health policy recommendations for pandemic preparedness and responsiveness.


Applying a multiplex network perspective to understand performance in software development

A number of studies have applied social network analysis (SNA) to show that the patterns of social interaction between software developers explain important organisational outcomes. However, these insights are based on a single network relation (i.e., uniplex social ties) between software developers and do not consider the multiple network relations (i.e., multiplex social ties) that truly exist among project members. This study reassesses the understanding of software developer networks and what it means for performance in software development settings. A systematic review of SNA studies between 1990 and 2020 across six digital libraries within the IS and management science domain was conducted. The central contributions of this paper are an in-depth overview of SNA studies to date and the establishment of a research agenda to advance our knowledge of the concept of multiplexity on how a multiplex perspective can contribute to a software developer's coordination of tasks and performance advantages.


From Requirements to Code: Issues and Learning in IS Students’ Systems Development Projects


Using Wikis to Enhance Website Peer Evaluation in an Online Website Development Course: An Exploratory Study


Accelerating Software Development through Agile Practices - A Case Study of a Small-scale, Time-intensive Web Development Project at a College-level IT Competition


A Database Practicum for Teaching Database Administration and Software Development at Regis University


Developing Cross-Cultural Awareness in IT: Reflections of Australian and Chinese Students


A Template-Based Short Course Concept on Android Application Development


Professional Development in Higher Education: A Model for Meaningful Technology Integration

While many institutions provide centralized technology support for faculty, there is a lack of centralized professional development opportunities that focus on simultaneously developing instructors’ technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) in higher education. Additionally, there are few professional development opportunities for faculty that continue throughout the practice of teaching with technology. We propose a model of continuing professional development that provides instructors with the ability to meaningfully integrate technology into their teaching practices through centralized support for developing TPACK. In doing so, we draw upon several theoretical frameworks and evidence based practices.


Learning by Doing: How to Develop a Cross-Platform Web App

As mobile devices become prevalent, there is always a need for apps.  How hard is it to develop an app especially a cross-platform app? The paper shares an experience in a project involved the development of a student services web app that can be run on cross-platform mobile devices.  The paper first describes the background of the project, the clients, and the proposed solution.  Then, it focuses on the step-by-step development processes and provides the illustration of written codes and techniques used.  The goal is for readers to gain an understanding on how to develop a mobile-friendly web app.  The paper concludes with teaching implications and offers thoughts for further development.  


Penetration Testing Curriculum Development in Practice

As both the frequency and the severity of network breaches have increased in recent years, it is essential that cybersecurity is incorporated into the core of business operations. Evidence from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012) indicates that there is, and will continue to be, a severe shortage of cybersecurity professionals nationwide throughout the next decade. To fill this job shortage we need a workforce with strong hands-on experience in the latest technologies and software tools to catch up with the rapid evolution of network technologies. It is vital that the IT professionals possess up-to-date technical skills and think and act one step ahead of the cyber criminals who are constantly probing and exploring system vulnerabilities. There is no perfect security mechanism that can defeat all the cyber-attacks; the traditional defensive security mechanism will eventually fail to the pervasive zero-day attacks. However, there are steps to follow to reduce an organization’s vulnerability to cyber-attacks and to mitigate damages. Active security tests of the network from a cyber-criminal’s perspective can identify system vulnerabilities that may lead to future breaches. “If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. But if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of hundred battles” (Sun, 2013). Penetration testing is a discipline within cybersecurity that focuses on identifying and exploiting the vulnerabilities of a network, eventually obtaining access to the critical business information. The pentesters, the security professionals who perform penetration testing, or ethical hackers, break the triad of information security - Confidentiality, Integrity, and Accountability (CIA) - as if they were a cyber-criminal. The purpose of ethical hacking or penetration testing is to know what the “enemy” can do and then generate a report for the management team to aid in strengthening the system, never to cause any real damages. This paper introduces the development of a penetration testing curriculum as a core class in an undergraduate cybersecurity track in Information Technology. The teaching modules are developed based on the professional penetration testing life cycle. The concepts taught in the class are enforced by hands-on lab exercises. This paper also shares the resources that are available to institutions looking for teaching materials and grant opportunities to support efforts when creating a similar curriculum in cybersecurity.


Beyond Coursework: Developing Communities in an Online Program of Study

The nexus between paid work and study is important. Developing opportunities to facilitate this link is a key part of good course design especially in postgraduate programs. Strong communities of practice can also assist with improving links between research and practice. The online study environment affords some challenges to achieving these goals. The current study proposes that offering formalised interaction points— synchronous or asynchronous— during online study, is critical to facilitating the link between work and study. Twenty-five graduates of a postgraduate program were interviewed to explore their experiences of an online program of study. Three key themes emerged and are described in this paper: engaging with study, building a new framework for my practice, and implementing changes to my practice. Online learning programs need to embed opportunities for interaction that are meaningful and allow for development of ideas and discussion, aiming to take learning beyond the program of study.


Browser App Approach: Can It Be an Answer to the Challenges in Cross-Platform App Development?

Aim/Purpose: As smartphones proliferate, many different platforms begin to emerge. The challenge to developers as well as IS educators and students is how to learn the skills to design and develop apps to run on cross-platforms. Background: For developers, the purpose of this paper is to describe an alternative to the complex native app development. For IS educators and students, the paper provides a feasible way to learn and develop fully functional mobile apps without technical burdens. Methodology: The methods used in the development of browser-based apps is prototyping. Our proposed approach is browser-based, supports cross-platforms, uses open-source standards, and takes advantage of “write-once-and-run-anywhere” (WORA) concept. Contribution: The paper illustrates the application of the browser-based approach to create a series of browser apps without high learning curve. Findings: The results show the potentials for using browser app approach to teach as well as to create new apps. Recommendations for Practitioners : Our proposed browser app development approach and example would be useful to mobile app developers/IS educators and non-technical students because the source code as well as documentations in this project are available for downloading. Future Research: For further work, we discuss the use of hybrid development framework to enhance browser apps.


The Development of Computational Thinking in Student Teachers through an Intervention with Educational Robotics

Aim/Purpose: This research aims to describe and demonstrate the results of an intervention through educational robotics to improve the computational thinking of student teachers. Background: Educational robotics has been increasing in school classrooms for the development of computational thinking and digital competence. However, there is a lack of research on how to prepare future teachers of Kindergarten and Elementary School in the didactic use of computational thinking, as part of their necessary digital teaching competence. Methodology: Following the Design-Based Research methodology, we designed an intervention with educational robots that includes unplugged, playing, making and remixing activities. Participating in this study were 114 Spanish university students of education. Contribution: This research helps to improve the initial training of student teachers, especially in the field of educational robotics. Findings: The student teachers consider themselves digital competent, especially in the dimensions related to social and multimedia aspects, and to a lesser extent in the technological dimension. The results obtained also confirm the effectiveness of the intervention through educational robotics in the development of computational thinking of these students, especially among male students. Recommendations for Practitioners: Teacher trainers could introduce robotics following these steps: (1) initiation and unplugged activities, (2) gamified activities of initiation to the programming and test of the robots, (3) initiation activities to Scratch, and (4) design and resolution of a challenge. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers could examine how interventions with educational robots helps to improve the computational thinking of student teachers, and thoroughly analyze gender-differences. Impact on Society: Computational thinking and robotics are one of the emerging educational trends. Despite the rise of this issue, there are still few investigations that systematize and collect evidence in this regard. This study allows to visualize an educational intervention that favors the development of the computational thinking of student teachers. Future Research: Researchers could evaluate not only the computational thinking of student teachers, but also their didactics, their ability to teach or create didactic activities to develop computational thinking in their future students.


Using Design-Based Research to Layer Career-Like Experiences onto Software Development Courses

Aim/Purpose: This research aims to describe layering of career-like experiences over existing curriculum to improve perceived educational value. Background: Feedback from students and regional businesses showed a clear need to increase student’s exposure to career-like software development projects. The initial goal was to develop an instructor-optional project that could be used in a single mid-level programming course; however, the pilot quickly morphed into a multi-year study examining the feasibility of agile projects in a variety of settings. Methodology: Over the course of four years, an agile project was honed through repeated Design Based Research (DBR) cycles of design, implementation, testing, communication, and reflective analysis. As is common with DBR, this study did not follow single methodology design; instead, analysis of data coupled with review of literature led to exploration and testing of a variety of methodologies. The review phase of each cycle included examination of best practices and methodologies as determined by analysis of oral and written comments, weekly journals, instructor feedback, and surveys. As a result of participant feedback, the original project was expanded to a second project, which was tested in another Software Engineering (SE) course. The project included review and testing of many academic and professional methodologies, such as Student Ownership of Learning, Flipped Classroom, active learning, waterfall, agile, Scrum, and Kanban. The study was homogenous and quasi-experimental as the population consisted solely of software engineering majors taking required courses; as based on validity of homogenous studies, class sizes were small, ranging from 8 to 20 students. Close interactions between respondents and the instructor provided interview-like settings and immersive data capture in a natural environment. Further, the iterative development practices of DBR cycles, along with the inclusion of participants as active and valued stakeholders, was seen to align well with software development practitioner practices broadly known as agile. Contribution: This study is among the first to examine layering a career-like software development project on top of a course through alteration of traditional delivery, agile development, and without supplanting existing material. Findings: In response to industry recommendations for additional career-like experiences, a standalone agile capstone-like project was designed that could be layered over an existing course. Pilot data reflected positive perceptions of the project, although students did not have enough time to develop a working prototype in addition to completing existing course materials. Participant feedback led to simultaneous development of a second, similar project. DBR examination of both projects resulted in a simplified design and the ability to develop a working prototype, if and only if the instructor was willing to make adjustments to delivery. After four years, a solution was developed that is both stable and flexible. The solution met the original charge in that it required course delivery, not course material, to be adjusted. It is critical to note that when a working prototype is desired, a portion of the lecture should be flipped allowing more time for guided instruction through project-focused active learning and study group requirements. The results support agile for standalone software development projects, as long as passive delivery methods are correspondingly reduced. Recommendations for Practitioners: Based on the findings, implementation of a career-like software development project can be well received as long as active learning components are also developed. Multiple cycles of DBR are recommended if future researchers wish to customize instructional delivery and develop complex software development projects. Programming instructors are recommended to explore hybrid delivery to support development of agile career-like experiences. Small class sizes allowed the researchers to maintain an interview-like setting throughout the study and future studies with larger classes are recommended to include additional subject matter experts such as graduate students as interaction with a subject matter expert was highly valued by students. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers are recommended to further examine career-like software development experiences that combine active learning with agile methods; more studies following agile and active learning are needed to address the challenges faced when complex software development is taught in academic settings. Further testing of standalone agile project development has now occurred in medium sized in person classes, online classes, independent studies, and creative works research settings; however, further research is needed. Future research should also examine the implementation of agile projects in larger class sizes. Increasing class size should be coupled with additional subject matter experts such as graduate students. Impact on Society: This study addresses professional recommendations for development of agile career-like experiences at the undergraduate level. This study provides empirical evidence of programming projects that can be layered over existing curriculum, with no additional cost to the students. Initial feedback from local businesses and graduates, regarding agile projects with active learning, has been positive. The area business that refused to hire our underprepared SE graduates has now hired several. Future Research: Future research should explore layering agile projects over a broader range of software development courses. Feedback from hiring professionals and former students has been positive. It is also recommended that DBR be used to develop career-like experiences for online programming courses.


Generating a Template for an Educational Software Development Methodology for Novice Computing Undergraduates: An Integrative Review

Aim/Purpose: The teaching of appropriate problem-solving techniques to novice learners in undergraduate software development education is often poorly defined when compared to the delivery of programming techniques. Given the global need for qualified designers of information technology, the purpose of this research is to produce a foundational template for an educational software development methodology grounded in the established literature. This template can be used by third-level educators and researchers to develop robust educational methodologies to cultivate structured problem solving and software development habits in their students while systematically teaching the intricacies of software creation. Background: While software development methodologies are a standard approach to structured and traceable problem solving in commercial software development, educational methodologies for inexperienced learners remain a neglected area of research due to their assumption of prior programming knowledge. This research aims to address this deficit by conducting an integrative review to produce a template for such a methodology. Methodology: An integrative review was conducted on the key components of Teaching Software Development Education, Problem Solving, Threshold Concepts, and Computational Thinking. Systematic reviews were conducted on Computational Thinking and Software Development Education by employing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) process. Narrative reviews were conducted on Problem Solving and Threshold Concepts. Contribution: This research provides a comprehensive analysis of problem solving, software development education, computational thinking, and threshold concepts in computing in the context of undergraduate software development education. It also synthesizes review findings from these four areas and combines them to form a research-based foundational template methodology for use by educators and researchers interested in software development undergraduate education. Findings: This review identifies seven skills and four concepts required by novice learners. The skills include the ability to perform abstraction, data representation, decomposition, evaluation, mental modeling, pattern recognition, and writing algorithms. The concepts include state and sequential flow, non-sequential flow control, modularity, and object interaction. The teaching of these skills and concepts is combined into a spiral learning framework and is joined by four development stages to guide software problem solving: understanding the problem, breaking into tasks, designing, coding, testing, and integrating, and final evaluation and reflection. This produces the principal finding, which is a research-based foundational template for educational software development methodologies. Recommendations for Practitioners: Focusing introductory undergraduate computing courses on a programming syllabus without giving adequate support to problem solving may hinder students in their attainment of development skills. Therefore, providing a structured methodology is necessary as it equips students with essential problem-solving skills and ensures they develop good development practices from the start, which is crucial to ensuring undergraduate success in their studies and beyond. Recommendation for Researchers: The creation of educational software development methodologies with tool support is an under-researched area in undergraduate education. The template produced by this research can serve as a foundational conceptual model for researchers to create concrete tools to better support computing undergraduates. Impact on Society: Improving the educational value and experience of software development undergraduates is crucial for society once they graduate. They drive innovation and economic growth by creating new technologies, improving efficiency in various industries, and solving complex problems. Future Research: Future research should concentrate on using the template produced by this research to create a concrete educational methodology adapted to suit a specific programming paradigm, with an associated learning tool that can be used with first-year computing undergraduates.


A novel IoT-enabled portable, secure automatic self-lecture attendance system: design, development and comparison

This study focuses on the importance of monitoring student attendance in education and the challenges faced by educators in doing so. Existing methods for attendance tracking have drawbacks, including high costs, long processing times, and inaccuracies, while security and privacy concerns have often been overlooked. To address these issues, the authors present a novel internet of things (IoT)-based self-lecture attendance system (SLAS) that leverages smartphones and QR codes. This system effectively addresses security and privacy concerns while providing streamlined attendance tracking. It offers several advantages such as compact size, affordability, scalability, and flexible features for teachers and students. Empirical research conducted in a live lecture setting demonstrates the efficacy and precision of the SLAS system. The authors believe that their system will be valuable for educational institutions aiming to streamline attendance tracking while ensuring security and privacy.


Development and validation of scale to measure minimalism - a study analysing psychometric assessment of minimalistic behaviour! Consumer perspective

This research aims to establish a valid and accurate measurement scale and identify consumer-driven characteristics for minimalism. The study has employed a hybrid approach to produce items for minimalism. Expert interviews were conducted to identify the items for minimalism in the first phase followed by consumer survey to obtain their response in second phase. A five-point Likert scale was used to collect the data. Further, data was subjected to reliability and validity check. Structural equation modelling was used to test the model. The findings demonstrated that there are five dimensions by which consumers perceive minimalism: decluttering, mindful consumption, aesthetic choices, financial freedom, and sustainable lifestyle. The outcome also revealed a high correlation between simplicity and well-being. This study is the first to provide a reliable and valid instrument for minimalism. The results will have several theoretical and practical ramifications for society and policymakers. It will support policymakers in gauging and encouraging minimalistic practices, which enhance environmental performance and lower carbon footprint.


Exploring the impact of monetary policy on sustainable development with mediation of e-banking services and moderation of financial risk awareness

Monetary policy is essential for sustainable growth where effective monetary policies can improve investment, employment, and consumption by fostering a balanced and resilient economy. However, sustainable development is vital for harmonising economic growth, social equity, and environmental preservation. A number of factors have been discussed in the literature that impact sustainable development. However, this study explicitly tries to investigate the nexus among the monetary policy (MP) toward sustainable development (SD) with the mediation of e-banking services (e-BS) and moderation of financial risk management (FRM) from China drawing on stakeholder theory. It discovered a significant connection between monetary policy and sustainable development along with sub-dimensions of SD. Likewise, this study confirmed a positive mediating influence of e-BS between monetary policy and sustainable development. Finally, the study additionally ensured a positive moderation of financial risk between monetary policy and sustainable development, respectively. These outcomes bestow several interesting insights into monetary policy, e-banking services, financial risk management, and sustainable development.


Entrepreneurship vs. mentorship: an analysis of leadership modes on sustainable development with moderation of innovation management

This study explores the connection between mentorship and sustainable development (SD) within three major perspectives of sustainable development, such as social, environmental, and economic perspectives from China. Second, the study revealed the relationship between entrepreneurship and SD. Third, a moderation influence of innovation management (IM) was observed among the proposed nexuses of mentorship, entrepreneurship, and SD. To this end, a total of 535 questionnaires were eventually utilised with the support of SmartPLS and the structure equation modelling (SEM) approach. A positive connection was confirmed between mentorship and SD. The outcome uncovered a positive correlation between entrepreneurship and SD. In addition, a moderation of IM was found between mentorship, entrepreneurship, and SD. The study enlists several interesting lines about mentorship, entrepreneurship, and IM that might help to improve SD in terms of social, environmental, and economic perspectives. Besides, the study provides various implications for management and states the weaknesses along with the future directions for worldly researchers.


National ICT policy challenges for developing countries: a grounded theory informed literature review

This paper presents a review of the literature on the challenges of national information and communication technology (ICT) policies in the context of African countries. National ICT policies have been aligned with socio-development agendas of African countries. However, the policies have not delivered the expected outcomes due to many challenges. Studies have been conducted in isolation to highlight the challenges in the policy process. The study used grounded theory informed literature review to holistically analyse the problems in the context of African countries. The results were categorised in the typology of the policy process to understand the challenges from a broad perspective. The problems were categorised into agenda setting, policy formulation, legal frameworks, implementation and evaluation. In addition, there were constraints related to policy monitoring in the policy phases and imbalance of power among the policy stakeholders. The review suggests areas of further research.


Logical Soft Systems Methodology for Education Programme Development


Do Project Manager’s Utilise Potential Customers in E-Commerce Developments?


Insights into Using Agile Development Methods in Student Final Year Projects


The SWIMS CD-ROM Pilot: Using Community Development Principles and Technologies of the Information Society to Address Identified Informational Needs


Behavioural Issues in Software Development: The Evolution of a New Course Dealing with the Psychology of Computer Programming