
With Cash to Spend, States Throw Down Big Bucks for K-12 Finance Studies

At least three states in the last few months have forked over half a million dollars or more for comprehensive studies of their K-12 finance system, a politically fraught process.


Oregon Considers Ethnic Studies Standards

Oregon is the latest state to consider adding an ethnic studies curriculum.


Former Oregon kicker Aidan Schneider details the day his passion for football died

It was subtle and unexpected move for Schneider, but it was the right one.


Former Maryland coach Roy Lester dies after contracting coronavirus

Lester coached at Maryland from 1969-71. He was 96.


Roy Lester, former Maryland football coach, dies at 96

Roy Lester, who sandwiched a disappointing three-year stint as Maryland's football coach between a highly successful career at the high school level, has died. Lester's daughter, Amy Lester Greco, said on a Facebook post that her father died Sunday in Rockville, Maryland, due to complications from the new coronavirus. Lester made a name for himself in Maryland during a 10-year run at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville during which the Rockets went unbeaten six times and had an 86-10-1 record.


Frida : chosen to die, destined to live / Frida Umuhoza.

Tells the true, dramatic story of life amid the horror of genocide, but more importantly of how a woman's life was utterly transformed by the power to forgive and love her enemies. Amazingly, in the midst of the traumas Frida found Christ. Her story is for all those who have gone through life-shattering experiences and are unable to forgive.


Feed the Hike : Sustaining your hike with mind, body and diet.


Newstart allowance : is it time to raise it? / research undertaken by The South Australian Centre for Economic Studies, University of Adelaide ; funded by the Independent Research Fund.

This paper assesses whether the Newstart Allowance for unemployed people should be increased. It investigates the relationship of the Newstart Allowance to Average Weekly Earnings, the Federal Minimum Wage, and Australian poverty lines, and considers the typical the duration of unemployment and long term unemployment, duration of time on income support, overseas allowances, cost of living, and a comparison with policy makers' remuneration. It finds that the value of the allowance has eroded since it was first set and that unemployment for many is not a transitional situation, and concludes that an increase is warranted to bridge the gap to the poverty line.


All the boats on the ocean : how government subsidies led to global overfishing / Carmel Finley.

Fishery management -- United States -- History -- 20th century.


The DASH diet Mediterranean solution : the best eating plan to control your weight and improve your health for life / Marla Heller, MS, RD.

Hypertension -- Diet therapy -- Recipes.


Warndu mai good food : introducing native Australian ingredients to your kitchen / Damien Coulthard & Rebecca Sullivan ; forewords by Bruce Pascoe & Dale Tilbrook.

Wild plants, Edible.


Celestial bodies = Sayyidat al-qamar / Jokha Alharti ; translated by Marilyn Booth.

Sisters -- Fiction.


The missing pages : the modern life of a medieval manuscript from genocide to justice / Heghnar Zeitlian Watenpaugh.

Tʻoros Ṛoslin, active 13th century.


Book of beasts : the bestiary in the medieval world / edited by Elizabeth Morrison with the assistance of Larisa Grollemond.

Illumination of books and manuscripts, Medieval -- Themes, motives -- Exhibitions.


Nobody's soldier : the life of Andrii Antonenko : an autobiography / as told to Peter Antonenko.

Antonenko, Andrii, 1922-


Historical Dietary Guidance Digital Collection

The Historical Dietary Guidance Digital Collection (HDGDC) combines more than 900 documents on diet and nutrition published by the U.S. Government , representing more than 100 years of history. Materials in this collection include historical nutrition education materials, such as posters, recipes, and radio transcripts, as well as current nutrition education materials reviewed by the Dietary Guidance Review Committee.


Portable local studies project update for NSW public libraries

The local studies portable collecting project assists NSW public libraries in collecting local stories through oral hist


For Educators Who Died on the Job, Small Town Offers Big Commemoration

A little-known monument in Emporia, Kan., which recently received federal recognition, will add 10 new names to the list of teachers and support staff who’ve died on the job.


Des lésions trophiques consécutives aux maladies du système nerveux : these ... / par X. Arnozan.

Paris : V. Adrien Delahaye, 1880.


Des maladies de la France dans leurs rapports avec les saisons, ou, Histoire médicale et meteorologique de la France. [t. 1] / par le Docteur Fuster.

Paris : Dufart, 1840.


Des maladies de l'encéphale et de la moelle épinière / par Jean Abercrombie, ouvrage traduit de l'anglais et augmenté de notes très nombreuses, par A.N. Gendrin.

A Paris : Germer-Bailliere ; A Londres : J.-B. Bailliere, 1835.


Des maladies de l'utérus, ou de la matrice / par M. Nauche.

Paris : chez Gabon, Croullebois, l'auteur, 1816.


Des maladies des ovaires et de l'ovariotomie / par E. Koeberle.

Londres : J.-B. Baillière, 1878.


Des maladies du cerveau et de l'innervation d'après Auguste Comte / par M. G. Audiffrent.

Paris : E. Leroux, 1874.


Des maladies du coeur / par S. Botkin.

Paris : Germer Bailliere, 1870.


Des maladies foetales qui peuvent faire obstacle à l'accouchement : thèse ... / par Alphonse Herrgott.

Paris : O. Doin, 1878.


Des maladies mentales et nerveuses : pathologie, médecine légale, administration de asiles d’aliénés, etc. / par E. Billod.

Paris : G. Masson, 1882.


Des maladies simulées et des moyens de les reconnaître / par Edmond Boisseau.

Paris : Bailliere, 1870.


Des stations médicales dans les maladies des enfants; climatothérapie, hydrothérapie, eaux minérales, bains de mer / par Le Dr E. Perier.

Paris : Rueff, 1896.


Des tachycardies : étude clinique et physiologique / par Lucien Larcena.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1891.


Des vésanies, ou maladies mentales / par J.-R. Jacquelin-Dubuisson.

Paris : chez l'auteur, 1816.


Des vices de conformation de l'utérus et du vagin et des moyens d'y remédier / par Leon Le Fort.

Paris : Delahaye, 1863.


Description des causes et des effets de la maladie connue sous le nom de diabetes / par M. Pharamond.

Paris : Gabon, 1829.


Diagnostic et traitement des maladies du coeur / par Constantin Paul.

Paris : Asselin et Houzeau, 1887.


Diagnostik der Harnkrankheiten : zehn Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Pathologie der Harnwege / von C. Posner.

Berlin : Hirschwald, 1902.


Diatetik im alterthum : Eine historische Studie / von Julian Marcuse ... Mit einem vorwort von Dr. E.V. Leyden.

Stuttgart : Enke, 1899.


Diatetisches Handbuch für Ärzte und Studierende / von Dr. med. Woltering.

Berlin : Heuser, 1890-1892.


Dictionnaire de médecine et de thérapeutique médicale et chirurgicale : comprenant le résumé de toute la médecine et de toute la chirurgie, les indications thérapeutiques de chaque maladie, la médecine opératoi

Paris : G. Bailliere, 1873.


Did Christ die of a broken heart?

[Edinburgh] : [publisher not identified], [1862]


Die Abstinenz der Geisteskranken und ihre Behandlung : für Anstalt und Praxis dargestellt / von Hermann Pfister.

Stuttgart : Enke, 1899.


Die accessorischen Geschlechtsdrusen der Wirbeltiere, mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Menschen / von Rudolf Disselhorst.

Wiesbaden : J.F. Bergmann, 1897.


Die Achsenzug-Zangen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tarnier'schen Zangen eine geburtshülfliche Abhandlung. / von Prof. Dr. Lahs.

Stuttgart : F. Enke, 1881.


Die acute Entzundung des hautigen Labyrinthes des Ohres (Otitis labyrinthica s. intima) irrthumlich fur Meningitis cerebro-spinalis epidemica gehalten : fur praktische Aerzte dargestellt / von R. Voltolini.

Breslau : E. Morgenstern, 1882.


Die acute Phosphor-Vergiftung : mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Pathologie und Physiologie experimentell / bearbeitet von Ph. Munk und E. Leyden.

Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1865.


Die acute Pneumonie, und ihre sichere Heilung mit Quecksilberchlorür ohne Blutentziehung / eine Monographie von Max Wittich.

Erlangen : F. Enke, 1850.


Die Aetiologie der alteren und modernen Ophthalmologie in ihrer besonderen Bedeutung fur die Therapie / von Wilhelm Manz.

Freiburg : H.M. Poppen, 1886.


Die Aetiologie und das Wesen der akuten eitrigen Entzundung / von Albert Kronacher.

Jena : G. Fischer, 1890.


Die aeussere Nase : eine anatomisch-anthropologische Studie / von Oskar Hovorka, edl. von Zderas.

Wien : A. Holder, 1893.


Die Affenmenschen Carl Vogts / von Albert Schumann.

Leipzig : W. Engelmann, 1868.


Die allgemeine chirurgische Pathologie und Therapie : in einundfünfzig Vorlesungen : ein Handbuch für Studirende und Aerzte / von Theodor Billroth und Alex. v. Winiwarter.

Berlin : G. Reimer, 1893.