
DIY :: How to make my mix sound professional (Reply)

The best thing I can say is: learn about sound. Learn about frequencies, which ones sound like what and do what to the overall mix. Whether or not to use a low or high pass filter on something. Fiddle with EQs for hours. And more importantly, get criticism. It's the easiest way to learn what sound to look out for, and such. And most importantly of all: Practice. Mix till your ears bleed. (from the time spent listening to the same song, not due to the terrible mix :P) Mixing is one of my strong suits, but most of it is just being able to hear the song, and make the adjustments that I want, to be able to make the necessary changes and just know what needs to be done.


DIY :: How to make my mix sound professional (Reply)



DIY :: How to make my mix sound professional (Reply)

That's a very good point- I started with a Mac LC, EZVision and an M1, with the only audio manipulation being Hypercard. I got good at customizing patches and finding seamless loop points manually just to get what I could out of what I had, with mastering being 1/4"-to-RCA from the headphone jack on the M1 to AUX IN on the cassette player, or the same thing with 1/8" adapter for the 'puter sound files. Then I'd record and bounce these cassette tracks to my 4-track, with final routing from 4-track's headphone-out back to the cassette. Ugly stuff, but that's what I had to work with...


DIY :: How to make my mix sound professional (Reply)

This is a very good point. I think that it's easy to keep adding new gear, and thus miss the richness of existing gear and software. I like to work with more limited software sometimes, so that I can feel as if I am exploiting it to its fullness.


DIY :: How to make my mix sound professional (Reply)

Ive been making music for couple of years now but still cant figure out why my mix doesnt sound professional. Im I doing something wrong? This is the link to my tracks http://www.ourmedia.org/node/300488 Someone please help me out. The first thing I noticed was the lack of higher frequencies in your mix... My mixes always end up being bass heavy (because I suck horribly) so I can see we both have the same problem... There's is (however) an over-abundance of frequency-fighting in your track... A lot of distorted things competing for my attention (at least in my ears). Dunno if any of this has been helpful, but we could all learn things...so hopefully you'll have advice for me in the future ;-) Good luck, and we me luck too! -Joel


DIY :: How to make my mix sound professional (Reply)

This is a useful thread. Im just in the middle of mixing a new ccmixter-based song and its just not coming together for me. The tweakheadz and hometracked sites are great. A couple other useful sites: tips and techniques at gearslutz - http://www.gearslutz.com/board/tips-techniques/168409-tips-techniques.html ; Live tips - http://www.ableton.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=27120 ; general EQ reference - http://www.idmforums.com/showthread.php?t=11466 Im definitely going to get the mix Im working on up here, I need some blunt advice.


DIY :: How to make my mix sound professional (Reply)

OK, I uploaded Hollywood Picture Book (feat Calendar Girl and Kaer Trouz) and entered a pluggy plug for comments over this weekend.


Borth Audio Releases Free Typewriter Sounds For NI Kontakt

Borth Audio has released Typewriter, a free sound library add-on for the Native Instruments Kontakt sampler. As the name suggests, Typewriter features a set of audio samples of an actual typewriter. This includes the sounds of typing, individual keys being pressed (Spacebar, Shift, and Caps Lock), levers, and various paper noises(feed, eject, crumple, tear). Six-octave [...]

View post: Borth Audio Releases Free Typewriter Sounds For NI Kontakt


Get 96% OFF iZotope Music Maker’s Bundle @ Plugin Boutique

Plugin Boutique is running a no-brainer 96% OFF deal on the Music Maker’s Bundle by iZotope. The bundle includes eight popular iZotope plugins like Stutter Edit, Break Tweaker, Iris 2, Ozone Elements, and more. iZotope Music Maker’s Bundle contains all four Elements plugins from iZotope (Ozone Elements, Neutron Elements, Nectar Elements, and Rx Elements, along [...]

View post: Get 96% OFF iZotope Music Maker’s Bundle @ Plugin Boutique


The Sounds Of An Old Van – Bedford Rascal Free Sample Pack

Sourc Sync has released Bedford Rascal, a free sample pack featuring the sounds of an old Bedford van. The sample pack contains a collection of percussive sounds, squeaky noises, and processed loops. These were all made by banging, hitting, and otherwise “mistreating” an old van. All samples are provided in WAV format and the library [...]

View post: The Sounds Of An Old Van – Bedford Rascal Free Sample Pack


Free Crystal Glass Sound Library By Andreas T. (Kontakt + WAV)

Andreas T. Music has released Crystal Glass, a free melodic percussion sound library for Native Instruments Kontakt (also includes WAV samples). You can now play melodies using a virtual set of crystal glass. Add the sparkly chimes of crystal glasses to your music and use them as the lead instrument or for layering on top [...]

View post: Free Crystal Glass Sound Library By Andreas T. (Kontakt + WAV)


“Me uní a 'Los Danieles', porque quiero defender la prensa independiente”

El periodista colombiano Daniel Samper Pizano escribirá su columna cuando quiera y cuando pueda


Aerolíneas estarían vendiendo tiquetes de junio en adelante: Supertransporte

El superintendente de transporte afirmó que será el presidente Iván Duque quien finalmente, avale el reinicio de operación de vuelos


"Pico del Covid-19 debería llegar a finales de junio": MinSalud


Iglesia Católica suspende 19 sacerdotes por presuntos actos de abuso sexual


"Venezolanos en todo el mundo quieren recuperar la libertad de su país": J.J. Rendón


Los antivacunas no están en cuarentena


Kerry Team Seeks to Join Fight to Get Ohio County to Recount

Sen. John F. Kerry's presidential campaign asked an Ohio judge Tuesday to allow it to join a legal fight there over whether election officials in one county may sit out the state's impending recount.


A Recount by Hand in Wash.

The closest governor's race in Washington state history lurched forward Friday, as state Democrats announced they had raised enough money to start a third count, this one by hand, of nearly 3 million ballots.


Voter Turnout Is Light in Louisiana House Runoffs

A trickle of voters across southern Louisiana turned out Saturday to vote in runoffs for two bitterly contested House races.


New Recount Underway in Wash. State

A recount by hand of 2.9 million votes began Wednesday to determine the winner of the closest gubernatorial race in state history.


Ohio Recount Narrows Bush's Victory Margin

Election officials finished the presidential recount in Ohio on Tuesday, with the final tally shaving about 300 votes off President Bush's six-figure margin of victory in the state that gave him a second term.


Ohio Election Chief Sought Illegal Funds

The state's chief elections officer, accused of mishandling the presidential vote in November, sent a fundraising letter for his 2006 gubernatorial campaign that was accompanied by a request for illegal contributions.


New Food Pyramid Unveiled

The federal government unveiled a makeover of this well-known icon that emphasizes eating a variety of food, including healthful fat, and underscores physical activity.


UN-Sicherheitsrat: Maas prangert nationale Alleingänge an

Bei einer Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrats hat Außenminister Maas mehr Rückhalt für internationalen Gremien gefordert. Nationalismus münde in Zerstörung, warnte er anlässlich des Endes des Zweiten Weltkrieges vor 75 Jahren. Von A. Passenheim.


Reisebeschränkungen: Wo Urlaub bald möglich sein könnte

Zahlreiche Länder lockern nach und nach ihre Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Coronavirus-Pandemie. Das weckt Hoffnungen auf einen Sommerurlaub im Ausland. Ein Überblick, wohin die Reise vielleicht bald gehen kann.


Bahn: Gewerkschaft rechnet mit langsamer Erholung

Jahrelang fuhr die Bahn Fahrgastrekorde ein. Mit der Corona-Krise kam der Einbruch. Viele Kunden kämen so schnell nicht zurück, glaubt der Chef der Gewerkschaft EVG, Hommel. Das liege vor allem am Rückgang von Dienstreisen.


Coronavirus: Wie sinnvoll sind Obergrenze und Tests?

Fast täglich gibt es neue Erkenntnisse zum Coronavirus. Wie sinnvoll ist die 50er-Obergrenze der Lockerungsmaßnahmen? Wie funktionieren Antikörpertests? Wann kommt die Tracing-App? Ein Überblick von Dominik Lauck.


Esther Bejarano im Interview: "Es war eine Befreiung für alle"

Russische und US-Soldaten verbrannten ein Bild Hitlers, sie spielte dazu Akkordeon - so erinnert sich Esther Bejarano an das Kriegsende. Als Auschwitz-Überlebende kritisiert sie die aktuellen politischen Geschehnisse scharf.


Der Bundesliga-Fahrplan für die Rest-Saison

82 Spiele in 43 Tagen, zwei englische Wochen und dann noch der DFB-Pokal - der Fahrplan für die Fortsetzung der wegen der Corona-Pandemie unterbrochenen Bundesliga-Saison nimmt Gestalt an.


Folgen von Covid-19-Erkrankung: Magier Roy Horn gestorben

Weltbekannt wurde Roy Horn als Teil des Duos "Siegfried & Roy" - vor allem durch deren Auftritte mit weißen Tigern und Löwen. Nun ist er im Alter von 75 Jahren an den Folgen von Covid-19 gestorben. Von Julia Kastein.


Deutschland- und Weltkarte mit Coronavirus-Fällen

Wie viele bestätigte Coronavirus-Fälle gibt es? Die interaktiven Karten geben einen aktuellen Überblick für Deutschland und die Welt. Sie zeigen auch an, wie viele Menschen gestorben und wie viele genesen sind.


USA sorgen für Eklat um UN-Resolution

Eine Corona-Resolution bringt den UN-Sicherheitsrat an den Rand eines diplomatischen Debakels. Die USA und China streiten über die WHO, ein Kompromiss droht zu scheitern. Entwicklungsminister Müller spricht von einem fatalen Signal.


Corona in Frankreich: Virus-Angst, Wut auf die Regierung

Freude über die Lockerung der Ausgangssperre? In Frankreich haben viele eher Angst davor. Und anders als in anderen Ländern wächst in der Krise auch das Vertrauen in die politisch Verantwortlichen nicht. Warum ist das so? Von Martin Bohne.


Militärparade in Belarus: Dicht gedrängt und ohne Mundschutz

Trotz Warnungen vor Infektionsgefahr mit dem Coronavirus hat Belarus den 75. Jahrestag des Siegs über das nationalsozialistische Deutschland gefeiert. Tausende Soldaten zogen durch Minsk. Kritik kam von der WHO und Russland.


Corona in Schlachthöfen: Kritik an Sammelunterkünften

Nachdem bei Hunderten Schlachthof-Mitarbeitern das Coronavirus nachgewiesen wurde, fordern mehrere Politiker Konsequenzen. Sie kritisieren vor allem die beengten Wohnverhältnisse der meist osteuropäischen Arbeiter.


Corona-Maßnahmen: Bischöfe verbreiten Verschwörungstheorien

Mehrere katholische Bischöfe kritisieren die Corona-Maßnahmen und greifen dabei auf weitverbreitete Verschwörungstheorien zurück. Sie sehen den "Auftakt einer Weltregierung". Die Deutsche Bischofskonferenz übt scharfe Kritik.


Dezmon Patmon, the lone WSU Cougar taken in the NFL draft, goes to Indianapolis in sixth round

On the heels of three productive seasons at WSU’s “Z” wide receiver spot, Patmon was chosen by the Indianapolis Colts in the sixth round, and with the 212th overall pick, of the 2020 NFL draft.


Isaiah Stewart announces he’s leaving Washington Huskies to enter NBA draft

On Wednesday, Stewart announced he's leaving Washington and entering the NBA draft where he's expected to be selected in the first round.


Canadian provinces allow locked-down households to pair up — threatening hurt feelings all around

While jurisdictions around the world begin to relax coronavirus restrictions, a handful are pioneering a novel — and potentially fraught — approach: The double bubble. In Canada they're doing it in Newfoundland, Labrador and New Brunswick.


Coronavirus takes a toll in Sweden’s immigrant community

STOCKHOLM (AP) — The flight from Italy was one of the last arrivals that day at the Stockholm airport. A Swedish couple in their 50s walked up and loaded their skis into Razzak Khalaf’s taxi. It was early March and concerns over the coronavirus were already present, but the couple, both coughing for the entire […]


Russian volunteers search for fallen World War II soldiers

KHULKHUTA, Russia (AP) — Crouching over the sun-drenched soil, Alfred Abayev picks up a charred fragment of a Soviet warplane downed in a World War II battle with advancing Nazi forces. “You can see it was burning,” he says, pointing at the weathered trace of a red star. Abayev and members of his search team […]


Thursday was Seattle area’s warmest day since September, and the forecast looks mostly sunny. Remember these guidelines if you go outside.

The high hit 67 degrees at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport as of 4 p.m. Thursday, marking the warmest day since the area reached 69 degrees on Sept. 26, 2019. If you're tempted to go outside and enjoy the sunshine, remember to stay away from other people and wear the proper gear.


Coronavirus pandemic triggers a wave of self-sufficiency around Seattle: Vegetable gardens, urban chickens are in-demand

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, many local plant nurseries say there’s been a run on seeds as people all over Seattle take to gardening to grow food and provide solace during an uncertain time.


Seattle area is in for chillier weekend weather before sunny skies return

The cold weather system from Canada that had forecasters predicting unseasonable cold and light snow in the Puget Sound lowlands has shifted west, changing the weekend forecast, according to the National Weather Service in Seattle. That doesn’t mean we won’t get some cold, rainy weather, wind and possibly a flake or two, but the impacts […]


Sunny, beautiful weather is here this week! Getting outside can relieve stress — just stay away from other people

If self-isolating or social-distancing to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus has been stressful, you can get a much-needed mental-health boost by getting some sunshine, exercise and fresh air -- as long as you stay away from others.


Thursday was Seattle area’s warmest day since September, and the forecast looks mostly sunny. Remember these guidelines if you go outside.

The high hit 67 degrees at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport as of 4 p.m. Thursday, marking the warmest day since the area reached 69 degrees on Sept. 26, 2019. If you're tempted to go outside and enjoy the sunshine, remember to stay away from other people and wear the proper gear.


Temperatures and pollen counts both predicted to rise this week in Seattle area

Masks may not help protect you from pollen, but they'll protect others from your sneezes, which is more important than ever during this coronavirus pandemic.


Rainy, windy, cloudy, sunny: This week’s Seattle weather forecast has something for everyone

Here comes a straight week of small weather systems marching across the Puget Sound, one right after the other, each bringing scattered showers with sun breaks, according to the National Weather Service of Seattle.


Hundreds of lightning strikes put on a show over Western Washington

The National Weather Service in Seattle counted about 250 reports of cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. "It made for a pretty good show for us," meteorologist Dana Felton said.