
AltCarExpo: Not just for alt-car fans

The free AltCarExpo will give Southern Californians a look at the latest greener cars -- and car-free modes of transport.

  • Arts & Culture


Los Angeles Auto Show preview: Hot hatches, hybrids and electric vehicles

The LA show, opening this week, features some intriguing green concept cars...headed for production. Are you ready for a compact hybrid Lexus, a 170-mpg VW and


Why dark sky tourism is catching on

We chat with astrotourism specialist Valerie Stimac, and author of 'Dark Skies,' about the best places to gaze into the beauty of the heavens.


The best skywatching moments of January

From a wolf moon eclipse to multiple SpaceX Starlink launches, here's what not to miss in the January 2020 night sky.


This plan proves the open kitchen should die

Everyone spends all their time in open kitchens. Here's why they should get out of there.


Too much TV is bad for your health, and older people are watching it more than ever

Older people are watching more television than ever — about 4.5 hours a day — and more than any other group.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Watch: Tips for getting the most out of the farmers market

MSNBC offers some useful tips for making a trip to the local farmers market more productive.


An ecosystem reborn: Restoring the Petitcodiac River

After a 42-year battle, the Petitcodiac River flows freely again.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Watch: How do solar panels work?

Learn how solar panels convert the sun’s rays into energy in this DOE video.


Watch: Energy efficiency at Luther College

The College's partnership with Decorah, Iowa is featured in this DOE video.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


Fisker misses $10M payment, is bankruptcy imminent?

Luxury automaker Fisker has officially missed a $10 million payment to the Department of Energy. Is a bankruptcy filing next?


Why we should ditch leaf blowers

Leaf blowers are a powerful way to get leaves out of your lawn, but they contribute to both air and noise pollution.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Is the ketchup packet the new straw?

How much of a difference can small changes, like recyclable ketchup packets, make?


Watch the reactions when people are told they're beautiful

These before-and-after shots perfectly capture the moment a compliment is received.

  • Arts & Culture


A record number of condor chicks hatched in the Southwest this year

California condors hatch at Zion and Grand Canyon national parks, pushing their numbers beyond 500.


Why we can't stop watching the Decorah eagles

The bald eagles of the Decorah and Decorah North nests in Iowa are the stars of two webcams that let us follow along with their daily drama.


Watch a flock of starlings fly across a beautiful Irish sunset

Video shows a majestic murmuration of starlings flying across a beautiful Irish sky.


Watch a massive bald eagle take off from a Boston street in slow motion

A massive bald eagle is filmed in slow motion taking off from a street in Melrose, near Boston.


Watch Tian Tian the panda roll in the snow

Tian Tian the giant panda from the Smithsonian National Zoo had a grand time rolling around in the snow dropped by Winter Storm Jonas.


Meet Boyan Slat, the garbage patch kid

The 20-year-old wunderkind's impossible dream of cleaning up ocean plastic is becoming a reality.


Survey: Dutch consumer sentiment during the coronavirus crisis

Dutch consumers are concerned about the duration of the COVID-19 crisis and its consequences for the Dutch economy and public health.

  • Marketing & Sales Insights


Why Dutch parents drop their kids in the woods

Definitely not helicopter parenting, some Dutch kids get "dropped" in the woods at night to learn independence.


How to watch the northern lights from the comfort of home

Watch the northern lights from home, courtesy of through their live camera in Canada.


Catching up on green jobs news

The NAACP on the green economy, a CEO search at Veterans Green Jobs, and Indiana's green jobs future.


Are solar power and agave farming a match made in heaven?

Deserts have a lot of sun, but not much water. That's why researchers are advocating combined solar and agave farms.


Africa gets its first people-powered soccer pitch

Although solar panels do most of the heavy lifting, so to speak.

  • Research & Innovations


Watch: Powering a car with biomass

Connecticut inventor and tinkerer Dave Nichols thinks cars should run on biomass. He just might just be on to something.


What is switchgrass?

Ethanol from switchgrass, a perennial plant traditionally used for foraging and decoration, promises to be among the next big biofuel breakthroughs marketed as


A rare illness meets its match

Sheryl Grossman has one of the rarest diseases on Earth and may not live to see 50. In spite of this, or perhaps because of it, this woman battling Bloom's Synd

  • Fitness & Well-Being


First 'tree lobsters' born in the U.S. hatch at San Diego Zoo

The breeding of these extremely rare, enormous insects is one of the most inspiring stories in the history of conservation.


She may sidestep the Einstein references, but this theoretical physicist is one to watch

Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski, who built and flew her own plane at 14, just earned a Ph.D. from Harvard and she's proof of the growing power of the STEM push.

  • Research & Innovations


Why watching 'Sesame Street' with your kids makes them learn more

The series, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this month, has the highest number of adult-child coviewing experiences of any children’s show.


Watch these rescue pups pick out their Christmas presents

A Rehoming Center in Ireland celebrates Christmas with adoptable dogs by allowing them to pick their own present from donated toys.


Wolf puppies play fetch, surprising researchers

Wolf puppies pick up on human cues and can catch and return balls.


A deaf and blind poodle found her way home after escaping from a hawk's clutches

A tiny poodle named Porschia not only escaped a hawk's clutches, but made it back home again.


Watch water bubbles become snow globes

A photographer in Montana filmed bubbles freezing in winter weather, and they resemble snow globes.

  • Climate & Weather


Watch as much-needed rain pours through Western Australia

Video shows rainstorms rolling over Western Australia, dumping rain on areas affected by bushfires.

  • Climate & Weather


GE Ecomagination Series: Mitch Tyson, CEO of Advanced Electron Beams

Welcome to the GE Ecomagination CEO Series, where each month we share the inside story of how GE is helping find, fund, and develop innovative technologies that

  • Sustainable Business Practices


Watch: Al Gore hits Comedy Central

Al Gore has the radical idea that more of our decisions should be made based on facts and reason.

  • Climate & Weather


Watch: Casting doubt on climate change

An excerpt from the Climate Reality Project compares today's argument about climate change to the '60s argument over cigarettes.

  • Climate & Weather


The new Apple Watch 4 is a boon for boomers

It's not just a watch, it is a whole new communications platform.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


Baby birds communicate with each other before they even hatch

When faced with danger, embryos warn each other from inside their egg.


[Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.]<br />MHPS Receives Order from China's Baotou Steel for Two Blast Furnace Gas-fired Gas Turbine Combined Cycle (GTCC) Power Generating Units

・ High-efficiency power generating units built on M701S (DA) X series gas turbines effectively utilize steelworks gas emissions ・ Third order from Baotou Steel Group, reflecting strong confidence of MHPS' technology


[Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.]<br />MHPS Receives Order from Taiwan Power Company for Steam Turbine Facilities for the Datan Power Plant -- Equipment to Convert the Unit 7 Natural Gas-fired Simple Cycle Generator to a GTCC System --

・ Combined cycle operations scheduled to begin in November 2023 ・ Total plant output to increase 50%, from the current 600 MW to 900 MW


Franconia Notch State Park: A user&#39;s guide

This New Hampshire gem is a four-season recreational hub with hiking in the summer and snow skiing in the winter. (Bonus: It's easy to get to, thanks to access

  • Wilderness & Resources


Mount Mitchell State Park: A user&#39;s guide

Mount Mitchell State Park, about 35 miles northeast of Asheville, North Carolina, is a place of superlatives. The namesake peak is the tallest east of the Missi

  • Wilderness & Resources


For Food Day, watch this must-see documentary

'Food for Thought, Food for Life' addresses how we think about, produce and choose what we eat. The 22-minute film will be free to view starting October 24.


World Central Kitchen still serving up hope in Puerto Rico

World Central Kitchen founded by Chef José Andrés has served over 3 million meals since Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico, and it's not done yet.


Dutch inventor launches ocean cleanup mission

Boyan Slat’s system has arrived at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and it's already collecting plastic.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Students perform emotional haka dance in memory of Christchurch mosque victims

The haka is a traditional Maori routine performed at many ceremonies in New Zealand. Here, two groups respond to the terrorist attack on 2 New Zealand mosques.

  • Arts & Culture