iss Programs can completely ignore NTFS permissions By Published On :: 2020-04-21T02:46:57-05:00 Full Article
iss Stripe introduces global card support, card self-issuing, and revenue engine improvements By Published On :: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 14:06:00 +0200 US-based payment technology company Stripe has introduced global... Full Article
iss ACI provides new payment features within ACI Issuer By Published On :: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:53:00 +0200 US-based payment systems company ACI has developed a... Full Article
iss Impact of landfill caps on leachate emissions ??? an Austrian case study By Published On :: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 11:50:44 +0100 Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, which consist of everyday consumer items, are potential long-term sources of emissions that could threaten the environment and human health if they are not managed carefully after closure. New research has presented a methodology to estimate future emission levels for closed MSW landfills and the impact of different aftercare strategies. Full Article
iss Plastic litter in the marine environment: key issues and possible solutions By Published On :: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 11:03:18 GMT International agreements to reduce plastic use are needed to address plastic litter in the marine environment, as well as increased public awareness of the problem, according to scientists at a workshop on the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive held in Italy in 2013. The issues discussed at the workshop have been summarised in a recent research paper. Full Article
iss Shifts in the microbiome impact tissue repair and regeneration By Published On :: Sun, 28 Aug 2016 10:06:24 +0000 Researchers at the Stowers Institute have established a definitive link between the makeup of the microbiome, the host immune response, and an organism's ability to heal itself. read more Full Article Health & Medicine
iss Electric fans may exacerbate heat issues for seniors, study finds By Published On :: Tue, 06 Sep 2016 19:37:09 +0000 Using electric fans to relieve high levels of heat and humidity may, surprisingly, have the opposite effect for seniors, a study by UT Southwestern Medical Center heart specialists suggests. read more Full Article Health & Medicine
iss Comparing N2O emissions from organic and mineral fertilisers By Published On :: Thu, 2 Jul 2009 13:53:01 +0100 A recent study compares the effects of organic, ‘natural’ fertilisers, such as compost, with mineral, synthetic fertilisers, such as urea, on N2O emissions from Mediterranean soil. It suggests that there is little difference between the fertilisers, but that pig slurry offers the best overall balance in terms of emissions and crop yield. Full Article
iss Reducing GHG emissions from livestock By Published On :: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 15:36:14 +0100 Reducing meat and dairy consumption would help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from farming. A recent study describes the "ecological leftovers" approach to reducing livestock-related GHGs, which assumes that a sustainable number of livestock can be calculated on the basis of available marginal land, unsuitable for other purposes, and available agricultural by-products, which could be used as feed. Full Article
iss What's missing from biofuel production standards? By Published On :: Thu, 6 May 2010 12:30:41 +0100 A number of standards and initiatives exist to minimise the negative environmental impacts of growing crops for biofuels. New research has reviewed these standards and recommended minimally acceptable criteria in the areas of biodiversity, agricultural practices, and mitigation of indirect land-use change. Full Article
iss Carbon emissions linked to rise in hay fever and asthma in Europe By Published On :: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:45:35 +0100 Pollen allergy is a common cause of allergic respiratory diseases such as hay fever and asthma. A recent continent-wide study suggests that rising carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions over the last 30 years may be increasing pollen counts especially in European cities, which could have serious consequences for public health. Full Article
iss Non-CO2 emissions should not be overlooked By Published On :: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 13:56:14 GMT A new study by European researchers highlights the important contribution of greenhouse gases (GHGs) other than carbon dioxide to climate change and suggests policy measures to help reduce their impact. The study provides improved estimates of the current GHG balance of Europe, taking nitrous oxide and methane into account. Full Article
iss Urea fertilisation of the sea for CO2 removal: Issues for consideration By Published On :: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 11:57:39 +0100 One method that has been proposed for removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is to ‘fertilise’ the ocean to encourage phytoplankton (algae) blooms. A recent study has outlined the environmental, legal and social implications of large-scale fertilisation of the sea with urea in the Sulu Sea off the coast of the Philippines. Full Article
iss Reframing climate change as a public health issue By Published On :: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 18:09:08 +0100 Communication about climate change could benefit from reframing it as a public health issue, according to new research. A health perspective could make climate change more relevant and understandable to the public, whilst information about the health benefits of mitigation policy could provide a positive vision for the future. Full Article
iss Public not equipped to manage personal carbon emissions By Published On :: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 12:46:26 +0100 Although the public are largely aware of climate change, their understanding of how they produce and manage carbon is generally not sufficient to lead to changes in behaviour and lifestyle, according to a recent study. The researchers therefore recommend policy action to increase the ‘carbon capability’ of the general public. Full Article
iss GHG emissions from shale greater than conventional gas, coal or oil By Published On :: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 11:54:05 +0100 Over a 20-year time period, the greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint of shale gas is greater than that of coal, oil or conventional gas, according to a recent study. Methane emissions make up most of this footprint. This suggests that substituting conventional fossil fuels with shale gas may not have the desired effect to mitigate climate warming in the short-term. Full Article
iss Innovative ways to reduce CO2 emissions from the cement industry By Published On :: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 15:45:51 +0100 Technological advances in European cement production could reduce energy consumption by up to 10% and CO2 emissions by 4%, according to a new analysis. The research suggests that initial costs of some of the pending technological improvements could be recouped in as little as a year. Full Article
iss High atmospheric CO2 levels stimulate GHG emissions from soil By Published On :: Thu, 10 Nov 2011 16:34:06 GMT Rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is likely to cause some soils to release large quantities of two potent greenhouse gases (GHGs), nitrous oxide and methane, according to a recent analysis. The results suggest that the contribution of soils and terrestrial ecosystems to slow climate change has been overestimated. Full Article
iss Thawing permafrost could lead to higher carbon emissions By Published On :: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 15:25:38 GMT Permafrost and wetlands in high latitudes could switch from carbon sink to carbon source by the end of the century, according to a recent study. Using a model of terrestrial ecosystems that showed how carbon is stored and released in soils at high latitudes, researchers revealed that climate change could cause these soils to release much more carbon than previously predicted. Full Article
iss Households responsible for 25% of EU GHG emissions, says report By Published On :: Thu, 16 Feb 2012 12:11:14 GMT A different picture of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be achieved if responsibility for emissions from different economic sectors is placed with the end energy users, according to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA). This approach makes sectors such as households responsible for many emissions that would otherwise be attributed to the energy industry. Full Article
iss GHG policy should cover 'upstream' electric vehicle emissions By Published On :: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:38:13 +0100 Regulators should establish a process to consider the full lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of electric vehicles, according to a new US study. This would help ensure that vehicle emissions regulations are placed on a sound scientific basis, manufacturers continue to improve the efficiency of electric vehicles, and the full benefit of regulations to limit GHG emissions from vehicles are realised, say the researchers. Full Article
iss New cloud computing network could cut GHG emissions from ICT By Published On :: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 11:37:15 GMT The growing use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services is producing an increasing amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. New research has proposed a network model spanning Europe, USA and Canada that uses ‘cloud computing’ to supply renewable energy to IT data centres. Full Article
iss Decommissioning is a significant part of nuclear power’s GHG impact By Published On :: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 9:23:19 GMT The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced during the decommissioning phase of nuclear power plants may have been underestimated in previous assessments, new research suggests. The study estimated that the decommissioning process for a German plant resulted in 1 651 265 tonnes of CO2 (or equivalent) emissions, or 0.825 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per tonne of waste. While the researchers acknowledge that impact is highly dependent on the unique characteristics of each decommissioning project, these results raise questions as to whether this phase has been accurately assessed in earlier research. Full Article
iss Peak warming effects of today’s CO2 emissions may be as soon as 10 years from now By Published On :: Thu, 11 June 2015 9:23:19 GMT The benefits of CO2 cuts made now, such as avoided floods and droughts, will be felt within the lifetimes of most people alive today, new research indicates. The study’s authors say their work dispels myths that the main effects of CO2 emissions will not be felt for many decades. They estimate that it could take 10 years for the maximum warming effects of a one-off CO2 emission to occur. Full Article
iss Internet tools for research dissemination: a climate-change case study By Published On :: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 09:12:34 GMT Modern technologies have provided new ways for communities to engage with climate change. This study investigated the role of Internet-based tools in disseminating the findings of a climate change research project in Canada and provides insights on how best to use the Internet to communicate the outcomes of scientific research. Full Article
iss Framing issues locally can be persuasive in climate change communication By Published On :: Thu, 07 Apr 2016 09:12:34 GMT Messages that focus on the local impacts of climate change are among the most effective at reaching people who are generally dismissive of climate science, according a recent survey of Australian residents. The questionnaire asked participants about their attitudes and beliefs about climate change. Participants were shown a range of messages related to climate change adaptation, and then asked how much each message motivated them to take action. Presentations that contained local impacts, specific advice and negative emotive content were found to be the most effective. Full Article
iss Management of rice paddy fields affects greenhouse gas emissions By Published On :: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 09:30:23 GMT How rice paddy fields are managed significantly influences the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs), a recent study concludes. Permanently flooded soils release more methane than soils that are flooded and then dried between production periods, for example. In general, the researchers recommend growing other crops in dried soil between production cycles, as well as limiting nitrogen fertilisers, to minimise the release of methane and nitrous oxide. Full Article
iss ‘Carbon law’ could lead to zero global emissions by 2050 By Published On :: Thur, 22 May 2018 9:23:19 GMT Researchers have proposed a global roadmap for decarbonisation over the coming decades. The roadmap is based on the idea of a simple heuristic, described by the researchers as ‘carbon law’, of halving carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions every decade from 2020 to 2050. The researchers say that, if combined with the development of new technologies and efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from land use, this target could lead to a carbon-neutral global economy by 2050. Full Article
iss No-tillage systems linked to reduced soil N2O emissions in Mediterranean agroecosystems By Published On :: Thur, 10 Dec 2019 11:23:19 GMT Most emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) are linked to the use of nitrogen (N) fertiliser in agriculture, highlighting a need for agricultural management practices that reduce emissions while maintaining agronomic productivity. A new study has assessed the long-term impact of conventional tillage (CT — where soil is prepared for agriculture via mechanical agitation) and no-tillage (NT) systems on soil N2O emissions and crop productivity in rain-fed Mediterranean conditions. The findings show that, over a period of 18 years, mean yield-scaled (i.e. per unit grain yield) soil N2O emissions (YSNE) were 2.8 to 3.3 times lower under NT than CT. The researchers therefore recommend NT as a suitable strategy by which to balance agricultural productivity with lower soil N2O emissions in rain-fed Mediterranean agroecosystems. Full Article
iss Future emissions from metal production can only be cut by circular economy By Published On :: Thur, 21 Feb 2019 11:23:19 GMT The most effective way to lower the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with metal production is to pursue a circular economy for the material in the long term, says a recent study. This century will see a high demand for seven major metals; the resultant overall environmental impact is expected to outweigh any environmental savings that may result from greener production processes or an increased use of renewable energy. Full Article
iss Stricter regulations reduce GHG emissions from waste By Published On :: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 12:06:29 +0100 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from municipal solid waste (MSW) in the UK are about five times greater than those of Germany, according to a recent study. To compare this figure with transport emissions, this difference would be equivalent to removing 1.2 million cars from UK roads. Full Article
iss Impact of landfill caps on leachate emissions – an Austrian case study By Published On :: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 12:07:30 +0100 Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, which consist of everyday consumer items, are potential long-term sources of emissions that could threaten the environment and human health if they are not managed carefully after closure. New research has presented a methodology to estimate future emission levels for closed MSW landfills and the impact of different aftercare strategies. Full Article
iss Household food waste: an individual and national issue By Published On :: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 09:12:03 GMT The main factors affecting household food waste in the EU have been identified by an analysis of the 2013 Flash Eurobarometer survey (n.388). On an individual level, the main factors include age, gender, income and environmental attitudes. On the national level, the most significant factor is median disposable income. The authors suggest their results could help develop campaigns targeted at groups that generate the most household waste. Full Article
iss The Turkish shipbreaking industry: review of environmental, health and safety issues By Published On :: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 09:12:34 GMT Turkey is a major ship recycling centre and is the largest OECD member country with a significant ship recycling industry. In this study, researchers reviewed the environmental, health and safety issues surrounding the Turkish shipbreaking industry, its compliance with environmental regulations and its ability to claim ‘green recycling’. Full Article
iss New system to convert food waste into fertiliser for greenhouse use gives potential 95% reduction in CO2 emissions By Published On :: Thur, 15 Dec 2016 9:23:19 GMT A new method of processing food waste into fertiliser has been outlined in a recent study. The process uses a digester system with microorganisms to break down organic waste into fertiliser. The resultant fertiliser was used in a low-energy greenhouse to produce a range of food crops. The method is a potential way to utilise food waste and reduce the energy consumption of food production as part of a circular economy. Full Article
iss Processing London’s local food waste in an anaerobic digester avoids 3.9 tonnes of GHG emissions By Published On :: Thur, 21 Feb 2018 9:23:19 GMT Analysis of the operation of a novel, micro-scale anaerobic digester has shown that this technology could provide a useful means of processing food waste in urban areas. The study found that the digester, located in London and fed mainly with local food waste, avoided 3.9 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, while providing biogas for cooking, heat and power. Anaerobic digestion on this scale could play a part in reducing the amount of food waste that goes to landfill1 and contribute to the circular economy. Full Article
iss Pune labour commissioner asks Wipro to respond to complaint on employee salary cuts By Published On :: 2020-05-09T14:02:22+05:30 NITES, said that this went against the government guidelines of not firing people or cutting salaries during the pandemic. Full Article
iss What next for effective emission and air quality targets? By Published On :: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 12:07:32 +0100 European policies have eliminated the most visible and harmful effects of air pollution, but current rates of emissions still pose a threat to the environment and to human health. A new study has assessed the policy scope to make further environmental improvements by applying the GAINS (Greenhouse gas-Air pollution Interactions and Synergies) model. Full Article
iss New cloud computing network could cut GHG emissions from ICT By Published On :: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 11:55:44 GMT The growing use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) services is producing an increasing amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. New research has proposed a network model spanning Europe, USA and Canada that uses ‘cloud computing’ to supply renewable energy to IT data centres. Full Article
iss Startup issue... how to fix? By Published On :: 2020-04-27T09:29:18-05:00 Full Article
iss Low-carbon technologies key to meeting EU emissions targets By Published On :: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 9:23:19 GMT While energy-efficiency gains are needed to lower Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions, low-carbon technologies are also crucial if we are to meet ambitious EU emissions targets in the long term, new comparative research concludes. Full Article
iss Changes in European sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and CO2 emissions since 1960 By Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) have fallen significantly across Europe since 1960. According to recent research, this is caused by a combination of factors including improved energy efficiency, a changing fuel mix and specific emission control measures. At the same time CO2 emissions have only increased moderately, mainly due to improvements in energy efficiency. Full Article
iss Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock: what are the costs? By Published On :: Thu, 03 Mar 2016 09:12:34 GMT The livestock sector is estimated to contribute 14.5% of all global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This study estimated the costs of reducing emissions from ruminant livestock using five different practices. The findings will help policymakers to understand the cost effectiveness of different interventions in the sector, and the contribution that different policies could make to addressing climate change. Full Article
iss Greenhouse gas emissions from household consumption mapped across the EU By Published On :: Thur, 25 Jan 2018 9:23:19 GMT An inventory of carbon footprints has been developed for 177 regions across 27 EU Member States. The map is the first to quantify greenhouse gas emissions associated with household consumption across the EU. It reveals significant regional differences based on income, household size and urban versus rural living. Full Article
iss 'I miss you so much': How Twitter is broadening the conversation on death and mourning By Published On :: Sun, 21 Aug 2016 10:02:40 +0000 Death and mourning were largely considered private matters in the 20th century, with the public remembrances common in previous eras replaced by intimate gatherings behind closed doors in funeral parlors and family homes. read more Full Article Psychology & Sociology
iss Links between obesity, physical activity, transport and CO2 emissions By Published On :: Wed, 7 Nov 2012 14:58:37 GMT A new UK study suggests that there are associations between obesity, physical activity, and levels of CO2 emissions from transport. These associations seem mostly to reflect the fact that obese people tend to travel longer distances by motorised forms of travel. They may also partly reflect less ‘active travel’ by bicycle or walking by obese people. Full Article
iss Air traffic management to balance CO2 emissions and noise pollution By Published On :: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 12:01:52 GMT Speed constraints for aircraft are put in place, at some airports, to minimise noise pollution in local areas, however, such practices can be very fuel-inefficient. New research has now shown that relaxing departure speed limits could substantially reduce CO2 emissions, while maintaining acceptable noise levels. Full Article
iss Green innovations could cut carbon emissions from road projects by a third By Published On :: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 08:18:14 GMT Carbon emissions from Dutch road networks could be reduced by almost a third if more innovative materials and processes were used, a new study suggests. Researchers assessed the potential benefits associated with 10 innovations in road construction and maintenance, and compared them to conventional materials and processes. Full Article
iss Greenhouse gas emissions associated with long-distance travel By Published On :: Thu, 10 Dec 2015 09:12:03 GMT Long-distance travelling accounts for a significant number of miles travelled per person, but estimates of its greenhouse gas emissions are lacking. Using data from Belgium and the Netherlands, this study estimates that long-distance journeys account for 40–50% of total mileage and 50% of greenhouse gas emissions of all people transport in Western Europe. Full Article
iss Hidden carbon emissions from trade offsets impacts of reforestation By Published On :: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 11:27:11 +0100 Countries that appear to have reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through reforestation may have simply “displaced” the emissions to another country, by increasing their imports of food, timber and wood. A new EU study highlights the need to recognise this ‘loophole’ in ongoing emission targets. Full Article