
Mitigating the negative economic impact of Brexit

Ahead of the referendum on Brexit, the OECD was anticipating a significant decrease in economic growth if the decision to leave the EU were taken (Kierzenkowski et al., 2016). As the UK economy has started to slow down, OECD projections remain remarkably valid so far.


Consumer Prices, OECD - Updated: 7 November 2017

OECD annual inflation nudges up to 2.3% in September 2017


Composite Leading Indicators (CLI), OECD, November 2017

OECD CLIs continue to point to stable growth momentum


Switzerland: Sustain high levels of well-being by boosting productivity growth

The Swiss economy has shown considerable resilience to shocks, but economic growth remains slow, and per capita income levels still hover at levels attained before the global economic crisis. Further reforms are needed to restore productivity growth, boost incomes and ensure that today’s high living standards and levels of well-being are passed on to future generations, according to a new report from the OECD.


Zombie firms and weak productivity

Building on a large volume of cross-country research, the OECD project on “Exit Policies and Productivity Growth” presents new evidence on policies affecting the exit and restructuring of weak firm and the channels through which they shape aggregate productivity growth.


GDP Growth - Third quarter of 2017, OECD

OECD GDP growth slows to 0.6% in third quarter of 2017


Structural policy indicators database for economic research (SPIDER)

The database contains indicators capturing structural policies (including institutions, framework condition policies and policies specifically related to labour markets and drivers of productivity and investment such as trade, skills and innovation).


Austria’s digital transition: the diffusion challenge

Austria’s transition to a digital economy and society is slower than in other high-income small open European economies.


Inclusive labour markets in the digital era: the case of Austria

Digitalisation is one of the megatrends affecting societies and labour markets, alongside demographic change and globalisation.


Raising living standards and supporting investment by boosting skills in Slovenia

Higher living standards and well-being, as well as convergence with more advanced economies, will depend on achieving higher productivity, which in turn would be boosted by more investment in capital.


Breaking the shackles: zombie firms, weak banks and depressed restructuring in Europe

This paper explores the connection between “zombie” firms (firms that would typically exit in a competitive market) and bank health and the consequences for aggregate productivity in 11 European countries.


Urbanisation and Household Consumption in China

This paper focusses on the link between urbanisation and consumption behaviour in China.


Reviving productive investment in Estonia

Since the crisis, Estonia has experienced one of the most pronounced declines in the ratio of non-residential investment to GDP in the OECD.


Getting the most out of trade in Estonia

Estonia is highly integrated into the global trade system: it exports approximately 80% of GDP and around half of domestic employment is sustained by foreign demand.


How self-sorting affects migrants’ labour market outcomes

Assuming that immigrants select destinations according to absolute returns to their observable and unobservable human capital, I present a human capital model of migration accounting for taxes, transfers and limited portability of skills.


Moving up the global value chain in Latvia

Stronger integration in global value chains would speed up economic convergence to advanced OECD economies and raise living standards.


Labour market and collective bargaining in Iceland: sharing the spoils without spoiling the shares

Iceland has high living standards, low poverty, high inclusiveness and one of the most sustainable pension systems.


OECD sees global economy strengthening, but says further policy action needed to catalyse the private sector for stronger and more inclusive growth

OECD sees global economy strengthening, but says further policy action needed to catalyse the private sector for stronger and more inclusive growth


The fiscal projection framework in long-term scenarios

The paper describes the fiscal framework used in long-term economic scenarios, with some emphasis on revisions made since the 2013 vintage of the long-term model.


Aggregate multi-factor productivity: measurement issues in OECD countries

This paper analyses for 34 OECD countries the extent to which the calculation of aggregate multi-factor productivity (MFP) is sensitive to alternative parameterisations.


The quantification of structural reforms: extending the framework to emerging market economies

This paper estimates and quantifies the impact of structural reforms on per capita income for a large set of OECD and non-OECD countries.


Consumer Prices, OECD - Updated: 5 December 2017

OECD annual inflation down to 2.2% in October 2017, as energy price inflation slows


Zombie firms and weak productivity: what role for policy?

Weak productivity growth is a major problem afflicting most societies. It curbs growth in incomes and endangers the sustainability of social security systems. An important, but often ignored, source of the productivity slowdown is the increasing prevalence of weakly productive firms and, among them, “zombie firms” – in essence firms that would typically exit or be forced to restructure in a competitive market.


Composite Leading Indicators (CLI), OECD, December 2017

Stable growth momentum going forward in the OECD area


Capital-embodied technological progress and obsolescence: how do they affect investment behaviour?

This paper analyses how technological progress embodied in capital goods raises productivity and income, while at the same time it can modify the allocation of consumption, investment and the capital stock.


The middle income plateau: trap or springboard?

The mixed growth performance of emerging market economies has revived angst about a "middle-income trap".


Ensuring a dynamic skills-training and life-long learning system in Switzerland

Switzerland makes more use of its human resources than most other OECD countries. Labour force participation is high and the unemployment rate low for most segments of society.


Boosting productivity in Switzerland

Swiss GDP per capita stands amongst the top OECD performers. However, to face medium-term challenges productivity developments will be key to allow the country to maintain its enviable position.


The distribution of taxable income and fiscal benefits in Spain: new evidence from personal income tax returns (2002-2011)

The personal tax system has a large influence on incentives to work, save and invest and hence growth. At the same time it is a key policy lever for income redistribution.


G20 GDP Growth - Third quarter of 2017, OECD

G20 GDP growth steady at 1.0% in third quarter of 2017


Norway should strengthen its capacity to thrive in a changing world

The Norwegian economy is performing well, despite low oil prices. Further reforms will be needed to diversify the economy, improve public spending efficiency and ensure that today’s high levels of income, well-being and equality are passed on to future generations, according to a new report from the OECD.


Export and productivity in global value chains – comparative evidence from Latvia and Estonia

This paper investigates the effect of export entry on productivity, employment and wages of Latvian and Estonian firms in the context of global value chain (GVC).


Lowering barriers to entrepreneurship and promoting small business growth in South Africa

Lowering high levels of unemployment and inequality are amongst the largest challenges facing South Africa.


Deepening regional integration within the Southern African Development Community (SADC)

Deepening regional integration within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) will raise potential growth for all member countries.


Making the business environment more supportive of productivity in Belgium

A favourable business environment is crucial to boosting Belgium’s productivity and inclusiveness and to sustain improvements in long-term economic prosperity.


Raising and mobilising skills to boost productivity and inclusiveness in Belgium

A highly educated and skilled workforce has been an important driver of productivity performance and prosperity in Belgium.


The effects of the tax mix on inequality and growth

Can reforms that shift the balance among different taxes in the revenue mix lastingly influence the overall prosperity of an economy and the distribution of income across households?


Income redistribution through taxes and transfers across OECD countries

Redistribution is quantified as the relative reduction in market income inequality achieved by personal income taxes, employees’ social security contributions and cash transfers, based on household-level micro data.


Norway’s economy, a need to ensure policies can cope with upcoming challenges

In its latest Economic Survey for Norway , the OECD underscores the importance of policy facilitating transition away from oil-related activities and helping businesses seize opportunities from digitalisation and globalisation, through providing i) macroeconomic and financial stability, and ii) improvements to structural-policy settings.


Switzerland’s productivity puzzle: Being a leader and an underperformer

Switzerland is among the leaders in many global rankings including on R&D, innovation, infrastructure, universities and competitiveness. It is well integrated in global value chains, specialised in some high-value-added activities and home of many large multinationals. These factors should contribute to high, and rising, labour productivity.


Consumer Prices, OECD - Updated: 9 January 2018

OECD annual inflation picks up to 2.4% in November 2017


France: Promoting economic opportunities and well-being in poor neighbourhoods

Thanks to a highly developed welfare state, poverty is moderate on average in France, but – as in other countries – highly concentrated in some neighbourhoods.


France: Improving the efficiency of the health-care system

France’s health-care system offers high-quality care. Average health outcomes are good, public satisfaction with the health-care system is high, and average household out-of-pocket expenditures are low.


Reducing regional disparities in productivity in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom displays large regional disparities in productivity compared to most other OECD countries, with a large gap between London and most other regions.


Improving productivity and job quality of low-skilled workers in the United Kingdom

More than a quarter of adults in the United Kingdom have low basic skills, which has a negative impact on career prospects, job quality and productivity growth.


Contributions to GDP growth: third quarter 2017, Quarterly National Accounts, OECD

Slower private consumption and investment weigh down on OECD GDP growth in third quarter of 2017


Composite Leading Indicators (CLI), OECD, January 2018

Composite leading indicators continue to point to stable growth momentum in the OECD area


Vacancy for Economist, OECD Economics Department

Vacancy for Economist, OECD Economics Department


Vacancy for Senior Economist, OECD Economics Department

Vacancy for Senior Economist, OECD Economics Department


Income redistribution through taxes and transfers across OECD countries

Many OECD countries have been facing a prolonged period of low growth and stagnating income of the poorest. This challenges governments’ fiscal redistribution, all the more so in a context where new forms of work are calling into question the effectiveness of traditional social safety nets and population ageing is putting pressure on public finances.