nation Overcoming School Failure: Spanish National Report May 2011 By Published On :: Wed, 01 Jun 2011 00:00:00 GMT The objective of this report is to describe the progress of the Spanish education system as regards policies towards equity and inclusion and towards reducing school failure in the past five years, taking as a reference the OECD’s Report (2007): No more failures: Ten Steps to Equity in Education. Full Article
nation Reviews of National Policies for Education: Tertiary Education in Colombia 2012 By Published On :: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 18:53:00 GMT In Colombia, the beginning of a new century has brought with it a palpable feeling of optimism. Colombians and visitors sense that the country’s considerable potential can be realised, and education is rightly seen as crucial to this process. As opportunities expand, Colombians will need new and better skills to respond to new challenges and prospects. Full Article
nation Getting internationalisation right - by Andreas Schleicher Deputy Director for Education and Skills, Special Advisor on Education Policy to the OECD's Secretary General By Published On :: Thu, 07 Feb 2013 16:58:00 GMT The exceptional turnout at the 2013 OECD/Japan Seminar in Tokyo this week, where over 300 participants from over 20 countries discussed global strategies for higher education, shows that the seminar had exactly the right agenda at exactly the right time. I asked myself how many people would have turned up had this seminar been held five years ago; or whether five years ago, Japan would have ventured to take the lead on this theme. Full Article
nation 2013 International Summit on the Teaching Profession By Published On :: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 16:28:00 GMT 2013 International Summit on the Teaching Profession Full Article
nation Secretary-General at the International Summit on the Teaching Profession (The Netherlands, 13th - 14th March 2013) By Published On :: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 12:34:00 GMT The Secretary-General, Mr. Angel Gurría, will visit The Netherlands on 13th and 14th of March 2013, to attend the 2013 International Summit on the Teaching Profession. He will also go to The Hague and hold a bilateral meeting with Mr. Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Finance Minister. Full Article
nation Synergies for Better Learning: An International Perspective on Evaluation and Assessment By Published On :: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 10:30:00 GMT How can assessment and evaluation policies work together more effectively to improve student outcomes in primary and secondary schools? This report provides an international comparative analysis and policy advice to countries on how evaluation and assessment arrangements can be embedded within a consistent framework to improve the quality, equity and efficiency of school education. Full Article
nation OECD report on vocational training in Austria calls for continued diversity and increased co-ordination By Published On :: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 15:19:00 GMT There are few OECD countries where vocational education and training (VET) is held in such high regard or takes so many forms as in Austria. Some 60 percent of young Austrians aged between 25 and 34 have completed a VET course below tertiary level (vocational school or technical college). Full Article
nation Advanced vocational training in Germany provides sought-after skills but needs compulsory standards in teaching and examination By Published On :: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 10:15:00 GMT The transition from school to work in Germany is remarkably smooth. An excellent vocational education and training (VET) system ensures that young people are well-prepared when they enter the labour market and can find jobs that match their qualifications. Full Article
nation Education Indicators in Focus 14 - How is international student mobility shaping up? By Published On :: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 11:34:00 GMT Between 2000 and 2011, the number of international students has more than doubled. Today, almost 4.5 million tertiary students are enrolled outside their country of citizenship. Full Article
nation Competitions: the secret to developing and measuring skills? (Interview with David Hoey, Chief Executive Officer of WorldSkills International) By Published On :: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 16:45:00 GMT David Hoey, Chief Executive Officer of WorldSkills International spoke to us of the international skills extravaganza (WorldSkills Leipzig 2013) going on now, between 2-7 July. Full Article
nation International Summit on the Teaching Profession - 28 and 29 March 2014, Wellington New Zealand. By Published On :: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:09:00 GMT The three questions that this Summit will focus on are: How can high quality teachers and leaders be attracted into and retained in schools of the greatest need? What are the levers for achieving equity in increasingly devolved education systems? How are learning environments created that meet the needs of all children and young people? Full Article
nation The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) - 2013 Results By Published On :: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:51:00 GMT This publication offers insights and advice to teachers and school leaders on how they can improve teaching and learning in their schools. It is both a guide through TALIS and a handbook for building excellence into teaching. Full Article
nation TALIS - The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey By Published On :: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 11:23:00 GMT TALIS, Teaching and Learning International Survey, Teachers, Teaching, Survey, school leaders, learning environments, results, main report, schools, teaching in focus, classroom, questionnaires, data TALIS, LAUNCH,OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey,teaching,learning,international survey,survey,oecd Full Article
nation Re-shaping Teacher Careers in Chile - Selected International Evidence By Published On :: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:00:00 GMT The quality of an education system today shapes the economic and social prosperity of the country tomorrow. Chile has embarked on wide-ranging reform to improve the quality and equity of its education system on several fronts, including early childhood education and care (ECEC), school funding, student selection, school governance, teacher career pathways, vocational education and training (VET) and tertiary education. Full Article
nation Education Policy Outlook International Conference 2015 By Published On :: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 10:47:00 GMT The conference will be interactive and results-oriented. The format will be designed to foster opportunities for meaningful discussion and dialogue among participants, national representatives, international organisation representatives and experts. We will ask most participants to take an active role in the conference Full Article
nation International Summit on the Teaching Profession (29-30 March 2015 Banff, Alberta, Canada) By Published On :: Sun, 29 Mar 2015 11:30:00 GMT ISTP 2015 will be held in Banff, Alberta, on March 29–30, 2015, and will bring together education ministers and leaders of teachers’ unions and associations from a number of high-performing and rapidly improving education systems. Full Article
nation Is international academic migration stimulating scientific research and innovation? (OECD Education&Skills Today Blog) By Published On :: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 13:58:00 GMT Today, around 5 million students study and do research in a country other than their own, attracted by the quality of overseas universities and willing to complement their education portfolio with international experience. Full Article
nation Education Indicators in Focus No. 39 - The internationalisation of doctoral and master's studies By Published On :: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 13:59:00 GMT One in ten students at the master’s or equivalent level is an international student in OECD countries, rising to one in four at the doctoral level. Full Article
nation 7th International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) (Edinburgh, Scotland 30-31 March, 2017) By Published On :: Tue, 07 Mar 2017 13:46:00 GMT Since its inaugural edition in 2011 in New York City, the ISTP has become an important forum for open and constructive exchange on effective teacher policies and practices. It assembles governments and teacher organisations from a number of high-performing and rapidly improving school systems, as certified by recent results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Full Article
nation Education Indicators in Focus No. 51 - Tuition fee reforms and international mobility By Published On :: Mon, 15 May 2017 11:48:00 GMT In most countries with available data, public educational institutions charge different tuition fees for national and foreign students enrolled in the same programme. In Australia, Austria, Canada, New Zealand and the United States, foreign students pay on average about twice or more the tuition fees charged to national students. Full Article
nation Who benefits when international students pay higher tuition fees? (OECD Education Today Blog) By Published On :: Mon, 15 May 2017 11:53:00 GMT In 2014, over 3 million students in OECD countries – more than double the amount in 2000 – were studying outside their country of citizenship. Full Article
nation Education reform in Wales: A national mission (OECD Education Today Blog) By Published On :: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 12:23:00 GMT It’s an exciting time for education in Wales. This was noted by the OECD earlier this year, when it recognised that government and sector are working closely together with a commitment to improvements that are “visible at all levels of the education system”. Full Article
nation Is the growth of international student mobility coming to a halt? (OECD Education Today Blog) By Published On :: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 11:50:00 GMT Higher education is one of the most globally integrated systems of the modern world. There still are important barriers to the international recognition of degrees or the transfer of credits, but some of the basic features of higher education enjoy global convergence and collaboration. Full Article
nation TopClass Podcast Episode 2: Listen to the teacher! The Teaching and Learning International Survey By Published On :: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:24:00 GMT The Teaching and Learning International Survey (otherwise known as TALIS) is a survey conducted every five years that asks teachers and school leaders from around the world about the working conditions and the learning environment in their schools. Full Article
nation Confused about what to watch during lockdown? LetsOTT might be your destination [Exclusive] By Published On :: Sun, 10 May 2020 11:18:03 +0530 During an exclusive conversation with International Business Times, India, founder of LetsOTT, Sunita Kumar shared her ideas about the co-existing nature of theatrical releases and OTT releases. Full Article
nation International conference: Building quality jobs in the recovery (Dublin, Ireland) By Published On :: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 00:00:00 GMT This international conference reviewed and drew lessons from successful past experiences and innovative solutions available today to identify how labour market policy, skills development and training policies can contribute to sustainable employment creation. Full Article
nation Korea: a strong national urban strategy could drive resilient economic growth By Published On :: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 00:00:00 GMT Korea has weathered the shocks triggered by the global recession and its economy is recovering more quickly and vigorously than most other OECD countries. Full Article
nation Report: An international benchmarking analysis of public Programmes for High-growth firms By Published On :: Sun, 17 Mar 2013 15:54:00 GMT High-growth firms (HGFs) – firms able to grow fast over a short period of time – contribute to most new jobs in advanced economies. Full Article
nation Brazil: better co-ordination needed to support sustained and equitable growth By Published On :: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 18:30:00 GMT Brazil’s economic growth has been supported in recent years by important government investment and social programmes that mobilise resources across the country. These programmes could help Brazil to meet its goals of sustaining economic growth and fostering social development, while reducing regional disparities. Full Article
nation International Roundtable for Cities By Published On :: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 17:42:00 GMT This International Roundtable will provide a platform for policy dialogue on addressing the challenges of ageing societies. Full Article
nation Global trade: International freight transport to quadruple by 2050 By Published On :: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:00:00 GMT In the face of shifting global trade patterns, international freight transport volumes will grow more than fourfold (factor 4.3) by 2050. Average transport distance across all modes will increase 12%, according to the latest ITF Transport Outlook. Full Article
nation OECD-Lisbon city International Roundtable for Cities: Exchanging cities' experiences on resilience By Published On :: Thu, 19 May 2016 09:51:00 GMT This event to be held on 21 June 2016 in Lisbon, Portugal, will discuss the preliminary findings of the OECD project "Resilient Cities" and share cities' experience on enhancing resilience. Full Article
nation National Urban Policies and Habitat III By Published On :: Tue, 24 May 2016 09:33:00 GMT The OECD has been selected to co-lead one of the ten policy units contributing Habitat III taking place in Quito, Ecuador from 17-20 October 2016. Full Article
nation 2nd International Conference on National Urban Policy By Published On :: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 12:59:00 GMT The Second International Conference on National Urban Policy was held in Paris France on 15-16 May 2017. The conference was a joint initiative of the OECD, UN Habitat and Cities Alliance. Full Article
nation OECD project on subnational indicators for Tunisia By Published On :: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 18:24:00 GMT The OECD is working with Tunisia to develop a system of subnational indicators. Full Article
nation 9th International Summer School for community and local development in Latin America and the Caribbean By Published On :: Mon, 23 Jul 2018 09:07:00 GMT The School is organising specialised courses on socio-economic development and creating an international platform to exchange experiences and knowledge between public officers and practitioners from OECD member and non member countries that deals with cooperation and local development issues. Full Article
nation The IOMC Toolbox was launched at the 3rd International Conference on Chemicals Management By Published On :: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 15:07:00 GMT The IOMC Toolbox is an internet-based tool that enables countries to identify the most relevant and efficient tools to address specific national problems in chemicals management. Developed by the IOMC, this proof-of-concept focuses on a national management scheme for pesticides, an occupational health and safety system as well as a chemical accidents prevention, preparedness and response system for major hazards. Full Article
nation Reports to support efforts in the framework of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management By Published On :: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:11:00 GMT The OECD/UNEP Global PFC group has published two new reports to support efforts in the framework of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) to improve information sharing at a global level on perfluorinated chemistries. Full Article
nation International Uniform ChemicaL Information Database (IUCLID) By Published On :: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 16:09:00 GMT This report outlines the customisation opportunities for IUCLID version 6. It also gives an overview of what IUCLID offers to regulatory bodies and industry as a key application to record, store, maintain and exchange data on chemicals. IUCLID is used in a variety of countries and regulatory contexts, therefore the report describes to which extent it is customisable to facilitate the management of chemical data across these contexts. Full Article
nation Immigration stirs up passions of national identity By Published On :: Sun, 29 Jan 2017 18:57:16 GMT Whatever his short-term plans, Trump wants a radical tightening of US border policy Full Article
nation International model reveals what Prince Andrew REALLY did inside Jeffrey Epstein's New York mansion By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 23:51:11 +0100 Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein arranged for three young women to meet Prince Andrew at his notorious New York mansion, a former model involved in Epstein's inner circle claimed last night. Full Article
nation Qantas and Jetstar have slashed NINETY per cent of their international flights due to coronavirus By Published On :: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 02:19:27 GMT Qantas and Jetstar have slashed 90 per cent of their international flights. The cuts would initially be in place from the end of March until the end of May this year. Full Article
nation Chinese minister says nation's health system has 'shortcomings' By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 17:15:02 GMT Deputy director of China's National Health Commission Li Bin said that reforms are underway to improve the country's disease prevention and control mechanisms. Full Article
nation Gmr/Hyderabad International ... vs Aera And Ors on 4 March, 2020 By Published On :: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0530 2. The Appellate Tribunal at the relevant time could not take up the appeals because of vacancies in its composition and therefore, the appellant approached the Hon'ble High Court of Hyderabad through a writ petition bearing WP No.22474/2014 to challenge the impugned Tariff Order dated 24.02.2014 and also to seek its suspension/stay. The High Court issued notices and by an order passed on 26.11.2014 it also directed the Registry to requisition/eall for the records of the present appeal. The Appellate Tribunal was also directed to send the records of this appeal which was accordingly sent within time. It may be noted that the High Court did not transfer the appeal to itself but only requisitioned the records. When the Appellate Tribunal began to function, then in the presence of learned counsel for the appellant, vide order dated 26.11.2015, it held that since the Hon'ble High Court has decided to examine the correctness and validity of the impugned Tariff Order challenged in the present appeal, the appeal has been rendered mfructuous. Full Article
nation Delhi International Airport Ltd vs Airport Economic Regulatory ... on 20 March, 2020 By Published On :: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 00:00:00 +0530 2. The other appeal (No.7of 2013) has been preferred by Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) which has challenged the legality etc. of a subsequent Order No.30/2012-13 dated 28.12.2012 issued by AERA in exercise of powers under Section 13(1)(b) of the AERA Act read with Section 22A of the Airports Authority of India Act 1994(AAI Act) to re-determine the amount of DF at IGI Airport, New 4 Delhi. By this order AERA reviewed the earlier DF Order dated 14.11.2011 in a small measure, reduced the rate of DF w.e.f. 01.01.2013 and extended the levy period upto April, 2016 subject to further review. The FIA, it appears, had challenged the earlier DF order dated 14.11.2011 also. Its stand is that levy of DF to bridge the funding gap for IGI Airport is contrary to law and the relevant agreements which cast a duty upon DIAL to arrange for funds for development of the Airport. It is also pleaded that the project cost has been blown-up beyond realistic proportions and AERA has failed to exercise the required level of scrutiny which would have kept the final project cost at a reasonable and permissible level. Full Article
nation National Green Tribunal Bar ... vs Union Of India Ors on 29 September, 2014 By Published On :: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:00:00 +0530 National Green Tribunal Bar Association Through the Secretary Trikoot II Bikaji Cama Palace New Delhi .....Applicant Versus 1. Union of India Through Secretary Ministry of Environment & Forest Prayavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 2. State of Uttranchal Through Chief Secretary Department of Environment and Forest Uttranchal Secretariat, Dehradun Uttrakhand- 248006 3. Divisional Forest Officer IT Cell, PCCF Office, 87-Rajpur Road, Dehradun, Uttrakhand-248001 4. VS Sidhu IPS Officer Police Officers Colony Kishanpur, Dehradun Uttrakhand-24800 .....Respondents Counsel for Applicant: Full Article
nation Krishan Kant Singh Anr vs National Ganga River Basin ... on 16 October, 2014 By Published On :: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:00:00 +0530 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Swatanter Kumar (Chairperson) Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.S. Nambiar (Judicial Member) Hon'ble Dr. D.K. Agrawal (Expert Member) Hon'ble Dr. R.C. Trivedi (Expert Member) Dated: October 16, 2014 1. Whether the judgment is allowed to be published on the net? 2. Whether the judgment is allowed to be published in the NGT Reporter? JUSTICE SWATANTER KUMAR, (CHAIRPERSON) The first applicant in this application claims to be a public spirited person who has been working in the field of environment conservation. The second applicant is an organisation working in the field of environment across the country. Both these applicants raise a specific substantial question relating to environment with respect to water pollution in the River Ganga, particularly, between Garh Mukteshwar and Narora, due to discharge of highly toxic and harmful effluents. It is alleged that highly toxic and 4 harmful effluents are being discharged by the respondent units into the Sambhaoli drain/Phuldera drain that travels along with the Syana Escape Canal which finally joins River Ganga. These units had constructed underground pipelines for such discharge. According to the applicants, Simbhaoli Sugar Mills was established in 1933 and presently is operating three sugar mills and three distilleries in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The total crushing capacity of all three complexes is of 20100 TCD. The unit at Simbhaoli alone has a crushing capacity of 9500 TCD. In just outside the premises of this sugar mill, untreated effluents are being discharged into the drain which finally joins the River Ganga. The other unit, Gopalji Dairy which is producing milk and milk products of different kinds, also discharges untreated effluents in the same Simbhaoli drain. The contamination from discharge of trade effluents is so high that it not only pollutes the Syana Escape canal and the River Ganga but also threatens the life of endangered aquatic species such as dolphins, turtles and other aquatic life. It has also polluted the groundwater of villages from where it passes through, like Bauxar, Jamalpur, Syana, Bahadurgarh, Alampur, Paswada and Nawada village. It is the submission of the applicant that the Gangetic Dolphin is a highly endangered species and is listed in Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. It is also submitted that the WWF India has come out with a report on Ganges and has recorded the finding that a large number of factories like sugar, chemicals, 5 fertilizers, small-scale engineering etc. located at the bank of the river, discharge their effluents directly into the River Ganga and pollute the river to a considerable extent. It is estimated that nearly 260 million litres of industrial waste-water, largely untreated, is discharged by these units while the other major pollution inputs include runoff from the agricultural fields. It is submitted that more than 6 million tonnes of chemical fertilizers and 9,000 tonnes of pesticides are used annually within the basin. The dumping of untreated effluents has also been reported in several newspapers many times and one of the news article published in India Today dated 19th July, 2010 titled as "Ganga Chokes as Sugar Mills Dump Wastes" reported that Simbhaoli Sugar Mills has been rushing its poisonous industrial waste directly into the River. As a result thereof, the colour of green water is black and it stinks around the year. Several large fishes have died and four of the buffaloes of the villagers died after they drank the drain water. Full Article
nation Krishan Kant Singh Anr vs National Ganga River Basin ... on 16 October, 2014 By Published On :: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:00:00 +0530 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Swatanter Kumar (Chairperson) Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.S. Nambiar (Judicial Member) Hon'ble Dr. D.K. Agrawal (Expert Member) Hon'ble Dr. R.C. Trivedi (Expert Member) Dated: October 16, 2014 1. Whether the judgment is allowed to be published on the net? 2. Whether the judgment is allowed to be published in the NGT Reporter? JUSTICE SWATANTER KUMAR, (CHAIRPERSON) The first applicant in this application claims to be a public spirited person who has been working in the field of environment conservation. The second applicant is an organisation working in the field of environment across the country. Both these applicants raise a specific substantial question relating to environment with respect to water pollution in the River Ganga, particularly, between Garh Mukteshwar and Narora, due to discharge of highly toxic and harmful effluents. It is alleged that highly toxic and 4 harmful effluents are being discharged by the respondent units into the Sambhaoli drain/Phuldera drain that travels along with the Syana Escape Canal which finally joins River Ganga. These units had constructed underground pipelines for such discharge. According to the applicants, Simbhaoli Sugar Mills was established in 1933 and presently is operating three sugar mills and three distilleries in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The total crushing capacity of all three complexes is of 20100 TCD. The unit at Simbhaoli alone has a crushing capacity of 9500 TCD. In just outside the premises of this sugar mill, untreated effluents are being discharged into the drain which finally joins the River Ganga. The other unit, Gopalji Dairy which is producing milk and milk products of different kinds, also discharges untreated effluents in the same Simbhaoli drain. The contamination from discharge of trade effluents is so high that it not only pollutes the Syana Escape canal and the River Ganga but also threatens the life of endangered aquatic species such as dolphins, turtles and other aquatic life. It has also polluted the groundwater of villages from where it passes through, like Bauxar, Jamalpur, Syana, Bahadurgarh, Alampur, Paswada and Nawada village. It is the submission of the applicant that the Gangetic Dolphin is a highly endangered species and is listed in Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. It is also submitted that the WWF India has come out with a report on Ganges and has recorded the finding that a large number of factories like sugar, chemicals, 5 fertilizers, small-scale engineering etc. located at the bank of the river, discharge their effluents directly into the River Ganga and pollute the river to a considerable extent. It is estimated that nearly 260 million litres of industrial waste-water, largely untreated, is discharged by these units while the other major pollution inputs include runoff from the agricultural fields. It is submitted that more than 6 million tonnes of chemical fertilizers and 9,000 tonnes of pesticides are used annually within the basin. The dumping of untreated effluents has also been reported in several newspapers many times and one of the news article published in India Today dated 19th July, 2010 titled as "Ganga Chokes as Sugar Mills Dump Wastes" reported that Simbhaoli Sugar Mills has been rushing its poisonous industrial waste directly into the River. As a result thereof, the colour of green water is black and it stinks around the year. Several large fishes have died and four of the buffaloes of the villagers died after they drank the drain water. Full Article
nation Krishan Kant Singh Anr vs National Ganga River Basin ... on 16 October, 2014 By Published On :: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:00:00 +0530 Hon'ble Mr. Justice Swatanter Kumar (Chairperson) Hon'ble Mr. Justice M.S. Nambiar (Judicial Member) Hon'ble Dr. D.K. Agrawal (Expert Member) Hon'ble Dr. R.C. Trivedi (Expert Member) Dated: October 16, 2014 1. Whether the judgment is allowed to be published on the net? 2. Whether the judgment is allowed to be published in the NGT Reporter? JUSTICE SWATANTER KUMAR, (CHAIRPERSON) The first applicant in this application claims to be a public spirited person who has been working in the field of environment conservation. The second applicant is an organisation working in the field of environment across the country. Both these applicants raise a specific substantial question relating to environment with respect to water pollution in the River Ganga, particularly, between Garh Mukteshwar and Narora, due to discharge of highly toxic and harmful effluents. It is alleged that highly toxic and 4 harmful effluents are being discharged by the respondent units into the Sambhaoli drain/Phuldera drain that travels along with the Syana Escape Canal which finally joins River Ganga. These units had constructed underground pipelines for such discharge. According to the applicants, Simbhaoli Sugar Mills was established in 1933 and presently is operating three sugar mills and three distilleries in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The total crushing capacity of all three complexes is of 20100 TCD. The unit at Simbhaoli alone has a crushing capacity of 9500 TCD. In just outside the premises of this sugar mill, untreated effluents are being discharged into the drain which finally joins the River Ganga. The other unit, Gopalji Dairy which is producing milk and milk products of different kinds, also discharges untreated effluents in the same Simbhaoli drain. The contamination from discharge of trade effluents is so high that it not only pollutes the Syana Escape canal and the River Ganga but also threatens the life of endangered aquatic species such as dolphins, turtles and other aquatic life. It has also polluted the groundwater of villages from where it passes through, like Bauxar, Jamalpur, Syana, Bahadurgarh, Alampur, Paswada and Nawada village. It is the submission of the applicant that the Gangetic Dolphin is a highly endangered species and is listed in Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. It is also submitted that the WWF India has come out with a report on Ganges and has recorded the finding that a large number of factories like sugar, chemicals, 5 fertilizers, small-scale engineering etc. located at the bank of the river, discharge their effluents directly into the River Ganga and pollute the river to a considerable extent. It is estimated that nearly 260 million litres of industrial waste-water, largely untreated, is discharged by these units while the other major pollution inputs include runoff from the agricultural fields. It is submitted that more than 6 million tonnes of chemical fertilizers and 9,000 tonnes of pesticides are used annually within the basin. The dumping of untreated effluents has also been reported in several newspapers many times and one of the news article published in India Today dated 19th July, 2010 titled as "Ganga Chokes as Sugar Mills Dump Wastes" reported that Simbhaoli Sugar Mills has been rushing its poisonous industrial waste directly into the River. As a result thereof, the colour of green water is black and it stinks around the year. Several large fishes have died and four of the buffaloes of the villagers died after they drank the drain water. Full Article
nation Punjab National Bank vs Atmanand Singh on 6 May, 2020 By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 00:00:00 +0530 1. Leave granted. 2. This appeal takes exception to the judgment and order dated 23.2.2017 passed by the Division Bench of the High Court of Judicature at Patna1 in Letters Patent Appeal (LPA) No. 310/2009, whereby, the LPA filed by the appellants came to be dismissed while affirming the decision of the learned single Judge, dated 10.2.2009 in allowing the Civil Writ Jurisdiction Case (CWJC) No. 867/1999. Signature Not Verified Digitally signed by DEEPAK SINGH Date: 2020.05.06 16:03:08 IST Reason: 1 For short, “the High Court” 2 3. The Division Bench took note of the relevant background facts necessitating filing of writ petition by the respondent No. 1 for a direction to the appellantBank to pay his lawful admitted claims in terms of agreement dated 27.5.1990 (Annexure 5(b) appended to the writ petition) and also to deposit the incometax papers with immediate effect. The Division Bench has noted as follows: “4. The facts of the case is that the writ petitioner had taken a term loan of Rs.10,000/ from the Bank by way of financial assistance to run a business in the name of “Sanjeev Readymade Store” from Haveli Kharagpur Branch of Punjab National Bank in the district of Munger. The writ petitioner was paid the said sum of Rs.10,000/ in two instalments of Rs.4,000/ on 21.07.1984 and Rs.6,000/ on 01.10.1984. The writ petitioner had yet another savings account in the same branch of the respondentsbank. However, on 14.02.1990, the term loan with interest had mounted upto a figure of Rs.13,386/. In 1989, the writ petitioner, who is Respondent no. 2 in the appeal, was granted two cheques of Rs.5,000/ each by the Circle Officer, Haveli Kharagpur under the Earthquake Relief Fund. The said two cheques were deposited with the Bank for encashment in the other savings account, but instead, were transferred to the loan account. This was done without any authorization of the writ petitioner and without direction of any competent authority. Some time thereafter, the writ petitioner’s son was afflicted by cancer, which required immediate treatment at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. In order to meet the expenses of the treatment, writ petitioner sold 406 bhars of gold jewellery of his wife’s “stridhan” and received Rs.14,93,268/. He approached the branch of the respondentsbank with a sum of Rs.14,93,000/ on 04.08.1989 for issuance of two bank drafts, one in his name and the another in the name of his wife. The then Accountant, Mr. T.K. Palit showed his inability to prepare the drafts on the ground of shortage of staff on that day and requested the writ petitioner to deposit the amount in the savings account No. 1020 in the said 3 branch. The Accountant, after receipt of the money, transferred total amount of Rs.15,03,000/ to the loan account, whereas in the loan account upto 14.02.1990 outstanding dues of principal and interest was only Rs.13,386/. The writ petition made grievance before the Branch Manager of the said branch and also filed representations before the Bank authorities. Thereafter, the writ petitioner approached the District Magistrate, Sri Nanhe Prasad, who ordered the then Circle Officer, Haveli Kharagpur, District Munger, Sri Binod Kumar Singh to make a detailed enquiry into the matter and report. Accordingly, a Misc. Case No. 4 (DW 1) PNB/198990 was initiated and in those proceedings, various officials of the Punjab National Bank, including the then Branch Manager, District Coordination Officer of the Punjab National Bank and the Accountant of the Bank were examined from time to time and reports were submitted to the District Magistrate, Munger. Several witnesses were examined even by the District Magistrate, Munger. There were officers from the Regional Office of the Punjab National Bank, one of them being Sri Tej Narain Singh, the Regional Manager of the Punjab National Bank, Regional Office, PatnaB also deposed making reference of what had transpired to the Zonal Office of the Bank. On the basis of these statements, which were recorded by the Circle Officer and / or by the then District MagistratecumCollector, Munger, Sri Gorelal Prasad Yadav, the matter proceeded. The basic assertion of the writ petitioner having been found correct and the liability having been accepted by the respondentsbank, it was reduced to an agreement dated 27.05.1990, which is Annexure5B to the writ application between the parties. The agreement was signed by one and all in presence of the Circle Officer and the overall supervision of the District Magistrate. It was duly recorded in writing that the bank had received the deposit amounting to Rs.15,03,000/ as per deposits made on 02.08.1989, 04.08.1989 and 04.10.1989. It was also recorded that the total term loan and the liability of the writ petitioner up to 14.02.1990 came to Rs.13,386/ only and the amount of Rs. 14,89,614/ of the writ petitioner would be kept in the Fixed Deposit of the bank and shall be paid with interest by September, 1997. The writ application was filed, when the bank refused to honour this agreement. In support of the writ application, certified copies of the entire proceedings, depositions as had been obtained by the writ petitioner in the year 1990 were annexed.” 4 The appellantBank contested the said writ petition and raised objections regarding the maintainability of the writ petition and disputed the money claim set up by the respondent No. 1 on the basis of alleged contractual agreement dated 27.5.1990. The appellantBank denied the allegation of transfer of proceeds of two cheques of Rs.5,000/ (Rupees five thousand only) each, allegedly received by the respondent No. 1 from the district authorities, to the loan account. The Bank also denied the allegation of deposit of Rs.14,93,000/ (Rupees fourteen lakhs ninetythree thousand only) by the respondent No. 1 in his Savings Fund Account No. 1020 or transfer of the said amount in his loan account. Further, on receipt of complaint from the respondent No. 1, the Regional Manager of the appellantBank instituted an internal enquiry conducted by Mr. N.K. Singh, Manager, Inspection and Complaints, E.M.O., Patna, who in his report dated 23.11.1998 noted that the respondent No. 1 had been paid the proceeds of two cheques of Rs.5,000/ (Rupees five thousand only) each in cash and there is no record about the deposit of Rs.14,93,000/ (Rupees fourteen lakhs ninety three thousand only) in his account with the concerned Branch. The appellantBank explicitly denied the genuineness and existence 5 of the documents annexed to the writ petition and asserted that the same are forged, fabricated and manufactured documents. The Bank also placed on record that the respondent No. 1 had filed similar writ petition against another bank, namely, the Munger Jamui Central Cooperative Bank Limited being CWJC No. 4353/1993, which was eventually dismissed on 7/3.7.1995, as the claim set up by the respondent No. 1 herein in the said writ petition was stoutly disputed by the concerned Bank. Full Article