
Crystal structure of N-terminally hexahistidine-tagged Onchocerca volvulus macrophage migration inhibitory factor-1

N-terminally hexahistidine-tagged O. volvulus macrophage migration inhibitory factor-1 has a unique jellyfish-like structure with the prototypical macrophage migration inhibitory factor trimer as the `head' and a C-terminal extension as the `tail'.


AnACor2.0: a GPU-accelerated open-source software package for analytical absorption corrections in X-ray crystallography

Analytical absorption corrections are employed in scaling diffraction data for highly absorbing samples, such as those used in long-wavelength crystallography, where empirical corrections pose a challenge. AnACor2.0 is an accelerated software package developed to calculate analytical absorption corrections. It accomplishes this by ray-tracing the paths of diffracted X-rays through a voxelized 3D model of the sample. Due to the computationally intensive nature of ray-tracing, the calculation of analytical absorption corrections for a given sample can be time consuming. Three experimental datasets (insulin at λ = 3.10 Å, thermolysin at λ = 3.53 Å and thaumatin at λ = 4.13 Å) were processed to investigate the effectiveness of the accelerated methods in AnACor2.0. These methods demonstrated a maximum reduction in execution time of up to 175× compared with previous methods. As a result, the absorption factor calculation for the insulin dataset can now be completed in less than 10 s. These acceleration methods combine sampling, which evaluates subsets of crystal voxels, with modifications to standard ray-tracing. The bisection method is used to find path lengths, reducing the complexity from O(n) to O(log2 n). The gridding method involves calculating a regular grid of diffraction paths and using interpolation to find an absorption correction for a specific reflection. Additionally, optimized and specifically designed CUDA implementations for NVIDIA GPUs are utilized to enhance performance. Evaluation of these methods using simulated and real datasets demonstrates that systematic sampling of the 3D model provides consistently accurate results with minimal variance across different sampling ratios. The mean difference of absorption factors from the full calculation (without sampling) is at most 2%. Additionally, the anomalous peak heights of sulfur atoms in the Fourier map show a mean difference of only 1% compared with the full calculation. This research refines and accelerates the process of analytical absorption corrections, introducing innovative sampling and computational techniques that significantly enhance efficiency while maintaining accurate results.


Grazing-incidence small-angle neutron scattering at high pressure (HP-GISANS): a soft matter feasibility study on grafted brush films

Grazing-incidence small-angle neutron scattering (GISANS) under pressure (HP-GISANS) at the solid (Si)–liquid (D2O) interface is demonstrated for the pressure-induced lateral morphological characterization of the nanostructure in thin (<100 nm) soft matter films. We demonstrate feasibility by investigating a hydrophobic {poly[(2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5-octafluoro)pentyl methacrylate]} (POFPMA)–hydrophilic {poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate]} (PDMAEMA) brush mixture of strong incompatibility between the homopolymers, anchored on Si, at T = 45°C for two pressures, P = 1 bar and P = 800 bar. Our GISANS results reveal nanostructural rearrangements with increasing P, underlining P-induced effects in tethered polymer brush layers swollen with bulk solvent.


Small-angle scattering and dark-field imaging for validation of a new neutron far-field interferometer

The continued advancement of complex materials often requires a deeper understanding of the structure–function relationship across many length scales, which quickly becomes an arduous task when multiple measurements are required to characterize hierarchical and inherently heterogeneous materials. Therefore, there are benefits in the simultaneous characterization of multiple length scales. At the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a new neutron far-field interferometer is under development that aims to enable a multi-scale measurement combining the best of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and neutron imaging and tomography. Spatially resolved structural information on the same length scales as SANS (0.001–1 µm) and ultra-small-angle neutron scattering (USANS, 0.1–10 µm) will be collected via dark-field imaging simultaneously with regular attenuation radiography (>10 µm). The dark field is analogous to the polarization loss measured in spin-echo SANS (SESANS) and is related to isotropic SANS through a Hankel transform. Therefore, we use this close relationship and analyze results from SANS, USANS, SESANS and dark-field imaging of monodisperse spheres as a validation metric for the interferometry measurements. The results also highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these neutron techniques for both steady-state and pulsed neutron sources. Finally, we present an example of the value added by the spatial resolution enabled by dark-field imaging in the study of more complex heterogeneous materials. This information would otherwise be lost in other small-angle scattering measurements averaged over the sample.


Improving the reliability of small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering measurements of anisotropic precipitates in metallic alloys using sample rotation

Nanometric precipitates in metallic alloys often have highly anisotropic shapes. Given the large grain size and non-random texture typical of these alloys, performing small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) measurements on such samples for determining their characteristics (typically size and volume fraction) results in highly anisotropic and irreproducible data. Rotations of flat samples during SAXS/WAXS acquisitions are presented here as a solution to these anisotropy issues. Two aluminium alloys containing anisotropic precipitates are used as examples to validate the approach with a −45°/45° angular range. Clear improvements can be seen on the SAXS I(q) fitting and the consistency between the different SAXS/WAXS measurements. This methodology results in more reliable measurements of the precipitate's characteristics, and thus allows for time- and space-resolved measurements with higher accuracy.


The smearing function for a multi-slit very small angle neutron scattering instrument

Besides traditional pinhole geometry, the multi-slit very small angle neutron scattering instrument (MS-VSANS) at the China Spallation Neutron Source also utilizes a multi-slit collimation system to focus neutrons. Using the special focusing structures, the minimum scattering vector magnitude (q) can reach 0.00028 Å−1. The special structures also lead to a significantly different smearing function. By comparing the results of theoretical calculations with experimental data, we have validated the feasibility of a smearing method based on a mature theory for slit smearing. We use the weight-averaged intensity of neutron wavelength as a representative to evaluate the effect from a broad wavelength distribution, concentrating on the effect from the geometry of the multi-slit structures and the detector. The consistency of the theoretical calculation of the smearing function with experimental VSANS scattering profiles for a series of polystyrene standards of different diameters proves the feasibility of the smearing method. This marks the inaugural use of real experimental data from an instrument employing a multi-slit collimation system.


Sheet-on-sheet fixed target data collection devices for serial crystallography at synchrotron and XFEL sources

Serial crystallography (SX) efficiently distributes over many crystals the radiation dose absorbed during diffraction data acquisition, enabling structure determination of samples at ambient temperature. SX relies on the rapid and reliable replacement of X-ray-exposed crystals with fresh crystals at a rate commensurate with the data acquisition rate. `Solid supports', also known as `fixed targets' or `chips', offer one approach. These are microscopically thin solid panes into or onto which crystals are deposited to be individually interrogated by an X-ray beam. Solid supports are generally patterned using photolithography methods to produce a regular array of features that trap single crystals. A simpler and less expensive alternative is to merely sandwich the microcrystals between two unpatterned X-ray-transparent polymer sheets. Known as sheet-on-sheet (SOS) chips, these offer significantly more versatility. SOS chips place no constraint on the size or size distribution of the microcrystals or their growth conditions. Crystals ranging from true nanocrystals up to microcrystals can be investigated, as can crystals grown in media ranging from low viscosity (aqueous solution) up to high viscosity (such as lipidic cubic phase). Here, we describe our two SOS devices. The first is a compact and lightweight version designed specifically for synchrotron use. It incorporates a standard SPINE-type magnetic base for mounting on a conventional macromolecular crystallography goniometer. The second and larger chip is intended for both X-ray free-electron laser and synchrotron use and is fully compatible with the fast-scanning XY-raster stages developed for data collection with patterned chips.


Influence of device configuration and noise on a machine learning predictor for the selection of nanoparticle small-angle X-ray scattering models

Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a widely used method for nanoparticle characterization. A common approach to analysing nanoparticles in solution by SAXS involves fitting the curve using a parametric model that relates real-space parameters, such as nanoparticle size and electron density, to intensity values in reciprocal space. Selecting the optimal model is a crucial step in terms of analysis quality and can be time-consuming and complex. Several studies have proposed effective methods, based on machine learning, to automate the model selection step. Deploying these methods in software intended for both researchers and industry raises several issues. The diversity of SAXS instrumentation requires assessment of the robustness of these methods on data from various machine configurations, involving significant variations in the q-space ranges and highly variable signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) from one data set to another. In the case of laboratory instrumentation, data acquisition can be time-consuming and there is no universal criterion for defining an optimal acquisition time. This paper presents an approach that revisits the nanoparticle model selection method proposed by Monge et al. [Acta Cryst. (2024), A80, 202–212], evaluating and enhancing its robustness on data from device configurations not seen during training, by expanding the data set used for training. The influence of SNR on predictor robustness is then assessed, improved, and used to propose a stopping criterion for optimizing the trade-off between exposure time and data quality.


Symmetries and symmetry-generated averages of elastic constants up to the sixth order of nonlinearity for all crystal classes, isotropy and transverse isotropy

Algebraic expressions for averaging linear and nonlinear stiffness tensors from general anisotropy to different effective symmetries (11 Laue classes elastically representing all 32 crystal classes, and two non-crystalline symmetries: isotropic and cylindrical) have been derived by automatic symbolic computations of the arithmetic mean over the set of rotational transforms determining a given symmetry. This approach generalizes the Voigt average to nonlinear constants and desired approximate symmetries other than isotropic, which can be useful for a description of textured polycrystals and rocks preserving some symmetry aspects. Low-symmetry averages have been used to derive averages of higher symmetry to speed up computations. Relationships between the elastic constants of each symmetry have been deduced from their corresponding averages by resolving the rank-deficient system of linear equations. Isotropy has also been considered in terms of generalized Lamé constants. The results are published in the form of appendices in the supporting information for this article and have been deposited in the Mendeley database.


Finback: a web-based data collection system at SSRF biological macromolecular crystallography beamlines

An integrated computer software system for macromolecular crystallography (MX) data collection at the BL02U1 and BL10U2 beamlines of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility is described. The system, Finback, implements a set of features designed for the automated MX beamlines, and is marked with a user-friendly web-based graphical user interface (GUI) for interactive data collection. The Finback client GUI can run on modern browsers and has been developed using several modern web technologies including WebSocket, WebGL, WebWorker and WebAssembly. Finback supports multiple concurrent sessions, so on-site and remote users can access the beamline simultaneously. Finback also cooperates with the deployed experimental data and information management system, the relevant experimental parameters and results are automatically deposited to a database.


A thermal deformation optimization method for cryogenically cooled silicon crystal monochromators under high heat load

A method to optimize the thermal deformation of an indirectly cryo-cooled silicon crystal monochromator exposed to intense X-rays at a low-emittance diffraction-limited synchrotron radiation source is presented. The thermal-induced slope error of the monochromator crystal has been studied as a function of heat transfer efficiency, crystal temperature distribution and beam footprint size. A partial cooling method is proposed, which flattens the crystal surface profile within the beam footprint by modifying the cooling contact area to optimize the crystal peak temperature. The optimal temperature varies with different photon energies, which is investigated, and a proper cooling strategy is obtained to fulfil the thermal distortion requirements over the entire photon energy range. At an absorbed power up to 300 W with a maximum power density of 44.8 W mm−2 normal incidence beam from an in-vacuum undulator, the crystal thermal distortion does not exceed 0.3 µrad at 8.33 keV. This method will provide references for the monochromator design on diffraction-limited synchrotron radiation or free-electron laser light sources.


Developing an in situ LED irradiation system for small-angle X-ray scattering at B21, Diamond Light Source

Beamline B21 at the Diamond Light Source synchrotron in the UK is a small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) beamline that specializes in high-throughput measurements via automated sample delivery systems. A system has been developed whereby a sample can be illuminated by a focused beam of light coincident with the X-ray beam. The system is compatible with the highly automated sample delivery system at the beamline and allows a beamline user to select a light source from a broad range of wavelengths across the UV and visible spectrum and to control the timing and duration of the light pulse with respect to the X-ray exposure of the SAXS measurement. The intensity of the light source has been characterized across the wavelength range enabling experiments where a quantitative measure of dose is important. Finally, the utility of the system is demonstrated via measurement of several light-responsive samples.


Investigation of fast and efficient lossless compression algorithms for macromolecular crystallography experiments

Structural biology experiments benefit significantly from state-of-the-art synchrotron data collection. One can acquire macromolecular crystallography (MX) diffraction data on large-area photon-counting pixel-array detectors at framing rates exceeding 1000 frames per second, using 200 Gbps network connectivity, or higher when available. In extreme cases this represents a raw data throughput of about 25 GB s−1, which is nearly impossible to deliver at reasonable cost without compression. Our field has used lossless compression for decades to make such data collection manageable. Many MX beamlines are now fitted with DECTRIS Eiger detectors, all of which are delivered with optimized compression algorithms by default, and they perform well with current framing rates and typical diffraction data. However, better lossless compression algorithms have been developed and are now available to the research community. Here one of the latest and most promising lossless compression algorithms is investigated on a variety of diffraction data like those routinely acquired at state-of-the-art MX beamlines.


L3-edge X-ray spectroscopy of rhodium and palladium compounds

L3-edge high-energy-resolution fluorescence-detection X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra for palladium and rhodium compounds are presented, with focus on their electronic structures. The data are compared with transmission XANES spectra recorded at the K-edge. A correlation between the absorption edge energy and the metal ion oxidation state is not observed. Despite the different filling of the 4d orbitals and different local coordination, the Rh and Pd compounds show remarkably similar spectral shapes. Calculation of the density of states and of the L3-XANES data reproduce the experimental results.


In situ photodeposition of ultra-small palladium particles on TiO2

In situ and operando investigation of photocatalysts plays a fundamental role in understanding the processes of active phase formation and the mechanisms of catalytic reactions, which is crucial for the rational design of more efficient materials. Using a custom-made operando photocatalytic cell, an in situ procedure to follow the formation steps of Pd/TiO2 photocatalyst by synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is proposed. The procedure resulted in the formation of ∼1 nm Pd particles with a much narrower size distribution and homogeneous spreading over TiO2 support compared with the samples generated in a conventional batch reactor. The combination of in situ XAS spectroscopy with high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the formation of single-atom Pd(0) sites on TiO2 as the initial step of the photodeposition process. Palladium hydride particles were observed for all investigated samples upon exposure to formic acid solutions.


VUV absorption spectra of water and nitrous oxide by a double-duty differentially pumped gas filter

The differentially pumped rare-gas filter at the end of the VUV beamline of the Swiss Light Source has been adapted to house a windowless absorption cell for gases. Absorption spectra can be recorded from 7 eV to up to 21 eV photon energies routinely, as shown by a new water and nitrous oxide absorption spectrum. By and large, the spectra agree with previously published ones both in terms of resonance energies and absorption cross sections, but that of N2O exhibits a small shift in the { ilde{f D}} band and tentative fine structures that have not yet been fully described. This setup will facilitate the measurement of absorption spectra in the VUV above the absorption edge of LiF and MgF2 windows. It will also allow us to carry out condensed-phase measurements on thin liquid sheets and solid films. Further development options are discussed, including the recording of temperature-dependent absorption spectra, a stationary gas cell for calibration measurements, and the improvement of the photon energy resolution.


A 1D imaging soft X-ray spectrometer for the small quantum systems instrument at the European XFEL

A 1D imaging soft X-ray spectrometer installed on the small quantum systems (SQS) scientific instrument of the European XFEL is described. It uses movable cylindrical constant-line-spacing gratings in the Rowland configuration for energy dispersion in the vertical plane, and Wolter optics for simultaneous 1D imaging of the source in the horizontal plane. The soft X-ray fluorescence spectro-imaging capability will be exploited in pump–probe measurements and in investigations of propagation effects and other nonlinear phenomena.


Investigating the missing-wedge problem in small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography across real and reciprocal space

Small-angle-scattering tensor tomography is a technique for studying anisotropic nanostructures of millimetre-sized samples in a volume-resolved manner. It requires the acquisition of data through repeated tomographic rotations about an axis which is subjected to a series of tilts. The tilt that can be achieved with a typical setup is geometrically constrained, which leads to limits in the set of directions from which the different parts of the reciprocal space map can be probed. Here, we characterize the impact of this limitation on reconstructions in terms of the missing wedge problem of tomography, by treating the problem of tensor tomography as the reconstruction of a three-dimensional field of functions on the unit sphere, represented by a grid of Gaussian radial basis functions. We then devise an acquisition scheme to obtain complete data by remounting the sample, which we apply to a sample of human trabecular bone. Performing tensor tomographic reconstructions of limited data sets as well as the complete data set, we further investigate and validate the missing wedge problem by investigating reconstruction errors due to data incompleteness across both real and reciprocal space. Finally, we carry out an analysis of orientations and derived scalar quantities, to quantify the impact of this missing wedge problem on a typical tensor tomographic analysis. We conclude that the effects of data incompleteness are consistent with the predicted impact of the missing wedge problem, and that the impact on tensor tomographic analysis is appreciable but limited, especially if precautions are taken. In particular, there is only limited impact on the means and relative anisotropies of the reconstructed reciprocal space maps.


A new dual-thickness semi-transparent beamstop for small-angle X-ray scattering

An innovative dual-thickness semi-transparent beamstop designed to enhance the performance of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments is introduced. This design integrates two absorbers of differing thicknesses side by side into a single attenuator, known as a beamstop. Instead of completely stopping the direct beam, it attenuates it, allowing the SAXS detector to measure the transmitted beam through the sample. This approach achieves true synchronization in measuring both scattered and transmitted signals and effectively eliminates higher-order harmonic contributions when determining the transmission light intensity through the sample. This facilitates and optimizes signal detection and background subtraction. This contribution details the theoretical basis and practical implementation of this solution at the SAXS station on the 1W2A beamline at the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility. It also anticipates its application at other SAXS stations, including that at the forthcoming High Energy Photon Source, providing an effective solution for high-precision SAXS experiments.


A second crystalline modification of 2-{3-methyl-2-[(2Z)-pent-2-en-1-yl]cyclo­pent-2-en-1-yl­idene}hydrazinecarbo­thio­amide

A second crystalline modification of the title compound, C12H19N3S [common name: cis-jasmone thio­semicarbazone] was crystallized from tetra­hydro­furane at room temperature. There is one crystallographic independent mol­ecule in the asymmetric unit, showing disorder in the cis-jasmone chain [site-occupancy ratio = 0.590 (14):0.410 (14)]. The thio­semicarbazone entity is approximately planar, with the maximum deviation from the mean plane through the N/N/C/S/N atoms being 0.0463 (14) Å [r.m.s.d. = 0.0324 Å], while for the five-membered ring of the jasmone fragment, the maximum deviation from the mean plane through the carbon atoms amounts to 0.0465 (15) Å [r.m.s.d. = 0.0338 Å]. The mol­ecule is not planar due to the dihedral angle between these two fragments, which is 8.93 (1)°, and due to the sp3-hybridized carbon atoms in the jasmone fragment chain. In the crystal, the mol­ecules are connected by N—H⋯S and C—H⋯S inter­actions, with graph-set motifs R22(8) and R21(7), building mono-periodic hydrogen-bonded ribbons along [010]. A Hirshfeld surface analysis indicates that the major contributions for the crystal cohesion are H⋯H (67.8%), H⋯S/S⋯H (15.0%), H⋯C/C⋯H (8.5%) and H⋯N/N⋯H (5.6%) [only non-disordered atoms and those with the highest s.o.f. were considered]. This work reports the second crystalline modification of the cis-jasmone thio­semicarbazone structure, the first one being published recently [Orsoni et al. (2020). Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 8681–8697] with the crystals obtained in ethanol at 273 K.



The title complex, [PdCl2(C9H13N)2], comprises a single mol­ecule in the asymmetric unit. The PdII atom is tetra­coordinated by two N atoms from two trans-aligned organic ligands and two Cl ligands, forming a square-planar metal coordination environment. The distances from the ortho-H atoms on the phenyl ring to the central PdII atom fall within the range 4.70–5.30 Å, precluding any significant intra­molecular Pd⋯H inter­actions.


Bis(2-hy­droxy-2,3-di­hydro-1H-inden-1-aminium) tetra­chlorido­palladate(II) hemihydrate

A new square-planar palladium complex salt hydrate, (C9H12NO)2[PdCl4]·0.5H2O, has been characterized. The asymmetric unit of the complex salt comprises two [PdCl4]2− dianions, four 2-hy­droxy-2,3-di­hydro-1H-inden-1-aminium cations, each derived from (1R,2S)-(+)-1-amino­indan-2-ol, and one water mol­ecule of crystallization. In the crystal, a two-dimensional layer parallel to (001) features a number of O—H⋯O, N—H⋯O, O—H⋯Cl and N—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds.


(2,2'-Bi­pyridine-κ2N,N')(4,4'-dimeth­oxy-2,2'-bipyridine-κ2N,N')palladium(II) bis­(tri­fluoro­meth­anesulfonate)

In the title complex salt, [Pd(C10H8N2)(C12H12N2O2)](CF3SO3)2, the palladium(II) atom is fourfold coordinated by two chelating ligands, 2,2'-bi­pyridine and 4,4'-dimeth­oxy-2,2'-bi­pyridine, in a distorted square-planar environment. In the crystal, weak π–π stacking inter­actions between the 2,2'-bi­pyridine rings [centroid-to-centroid distances = 3.8984 (19) Å] and between the 4,4'-dimeth­oxy-2,2'-bi­pyridine rings [centroid-to-centroid distances = 3.747 (18) Å] contribute to the alignment of the complex cations in columns parallel to the b-axis direction.


(SC,RS)-Bromido­(N-{4-methyl-1-[(4-methyl­phenyl)sul­fan­yl]­pentan-2-yl}-N'-(pyridin-2-yl)imidazol-2-yl­idene)palladium(II) bromide

The mol­ecule of the title NCNHCS pincer N-heterocyclic carbene palladium(II) complex, [PdBr(C21H25N3S)]Br, exhibits a slightly distorted square-planar coordination at the palladium(II) atom, with the five-membered chelate ring nearly planar. The six-membered chelate ring adopts an envelope conformation. Upon chelation, the sulfur atom becomes a stereogenic centre with an RS configuration induced by the chiral carbon of the precursor imidazolium salt. There are intra­molecular C—H⋯Br—Pd hydrogen bonds in the structure. The two inter­stitial Br atoms, as the counter-anion of the structure, are both located on crystallographic twofold axes and are connected to the complex cations via C—H⋯·Br hydrogen bonds.



The PdII complex bis­{(S)-(−)-N-[(biphenyl-2-yl)methyl­idene]1-(4-meth­oxy­phen­yl)ethanamine-κN}di­chlorido­palladium(II), [PdCl2(C22H21NO)2], crystallizes in the monoclinic Sohncke space group P21 with a single mol­ecule in the asymmetric unit. The coordination environment around the palladium is slightly distorted square planar. The N—Pd—Cl bond angles are 91.85 (19), 88.10 (17), 89.96 (18), and 90.0 (2)°, while the Pd—Cl and Pd—N bond lengths are 2.310 (2) and 2.315 (2) Å and 2.015 (2) and 2.022 (6) Å, respectively. The crystal structure features inter­molecular N—H⋯Cl and intramolecular C—H⋯Pd inter­actions, which lead to the formation of a supramolecular framework structure.


trans-Di­aqua­tetra­kis­(tetra­hydro­furan-κO)iron(II) μ-carbonyl-tetra­deca­carbonyl­tetra­chlorido-μ-di­methyl­silanediolato-tetra­galliumtetra­iron(7 Ga–Fe)(Fe–Fe) tetra­hydro&#

The title compound, [Fe(C4H8O)4(H2O)2][Fe4Ga4(C2H6O2Si)Cl4(CO)15]·4C4H8O, consists of an iron(II) cation octa­hedrally coordinated by two water mol­ecules (trans) with four tetra­hydro­furans (THF) at equatorial sites. Two additional THF mol­ecules are hydrogen bonded to each of the water mol­ecules. The dianion of the title compound is an organometallic butterfly complex with a dimethyl siloxane core and two iron-gallium fragments. The lengths of the iron to gallium metal–metal bonds range from 2.3875 (6) to 2.4912 (6) Å.



The title compound, [RuGa2Cl6(C7H8)(CO)2] or [(CO)2(GaCl2)(η6-toluene)Ru]+[GaCl4]−, was isolated from the reaction of Ga2Cl4 with di­phenyl­silanediol in toluene, followed by the addition of Ru3(CO)12. The compound contains a ruthenium–gallium metal–metal bond with a length of 2.4575 (2) Å.


Using cocrystals as a tool to study non-crystallizing mol­ecules: crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and com­putational study of the 1:1 cocrystal of (E)-N-(3,4-di­fluoro­phen­yl)-1-(pyridin-4-yl)methanimine and acetic

Using a 1:1 cocrystal of (E)-N-(3,4-di­fluoro­phen­yl)-1-(pyridin-4-yl)methanimine with acetic acid, C12H8F2N2·C2H4O2, we investigate the influence of F atoms introduced to the aromatic ring on promoting π–π inter­actions. The cocrystal crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1. Through crystallographic analysis and com­putational studies, we reveal the mol­ecular arrangement within this co­crystal, demonstrating the presence of hydrogen bonding between the acetic acid mol­ecule and the pyridyl group, along with π–π inter­actions between the aromatic rings. Our findings highlight the importance of F atoms in promoting π–π inter­actions without necessitating full halogenation of the aromatic ring.


Synthesis, spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization of various cymantrenyl thio­ethers [Mn{C5HxBry(SMe)z}(PPh3)(CO)2]

Starting from [Mn(C5H4Br)(PPh3)(CO)2] (1a), the cymantrenyl thio­ethers [Mn(C5H4SMe)(PPh3)(CO)2] (1b) and [Mn{C5H4–nBr(SMe)n}(PPh3)(CO)2] (n = 1 for com­pound 2, n = 2 for 3 and n = 3 for 4) were obtained, using either n-butyllithium (n-BuLi), lithium diiso­propyl­amide (LDA) or lithium tetra­methyl­piperidide (LiTMP) as base, followed by electrophilic quenching with MeSSMe. Stepwise consecutive reaction of [Mn(C5Br5)(PPh3)(CO)2] with n-BuLi and MeSSMe led finally to [Mn{C5(SMe)5}(PPh3)(CO)2] (11), only the fifth com­plex to be reported containing a perthiol­ated cyclo­penta­dienyl ring. The mol­ecular and crystal structures of 1b, 3, 4 and 11 were determined and were studied for the occurrence of S⋯S and S⋯Br inter­actions. It turned out that although some inter­actions of this type occurred, they were of minor importance for the arrangement of the mol­ecules in the crystal.


How to grow crystals for X-ray crystallography

Growing high-quality crystals remains a necessary part of crystallography and many other techniques. This article tabulates and describes several techniques and variations that will help individuals grow high-quality crystals in preparation for crystallographic techniques and other endeavors, such as form screening. The discussion is organized to focus on low-tech approaches available in any laboratory.


2,4-Di­aryl­pyrroles: synthesis, characterization and crystallographic insights

Three 2,4-di­aryl­pyrroles were synthesized starting from 4-nitro­butano­nes and the crystal structures of two derivatives were analysed. These are 4-(4-meth­oxy­phen­yl)-2-(thio­phen-2-yl)-1H-pyrrole, C15H13NOS, and 3-(4-bromo­phen­yl)-2-nitroso-5-phenyl-1H-pyrrole, C16H11BrN2O. Although pyrroles without sub­stituents at the α-position with respect to the N atom are very air sensitive and tend to polymerize, we succeeded in growing an adequate crystal for X-ray diffraction analysis. Further derivatization using sodium nitrite afforded a nitrosyl pyrrole derivative, which crystallized in the triclinic space group Poverline{1} with Z = 6. Thus, herein we report the first crystal structure of a nitrosyl pyrrole. Inter­estingly, the co-operative hydrogen bonds in this NO-substituted pyrrole lead to a trimeric structure with bifurcated halogen bonds at the ends, forming a two-dimensional (2D) layer with inter­stitial voids having a radius of 5 Å, similar to some reported macrocyclic porphyrins.


Crystal structures of two unexpected products of vicinal di­amines left to crystallize in acetone

Herein we report the crystal structures of two ben­zo­di­az­e­pines obtained by reacting N,N'-(4,5-di­amino-1,2-phenyl­ene)bis­(4-methyl­ben­zene­sul­fon­am­ide) (1) or 4,5-(4-methyl­ben­zene­sul­fon­am­ido)­ben­zene-1,2-diaminium dichloride (1·2HCl) with acetone, giving 2,2,4-trimethyl-8,9-bis­(4-methyl­ben­zene­sul­fon­am­ido)-2,3-di­hydro-5H-1,5-ben­zo­di­az­e­pine, C26H30N4O4S2 (2), and 2,2,4-tri­methyl-8,9-bis­(4-methyl­ben­zene­sul­fon­am­ido)-2,3-di­hydro-5H-1,5-ben­zo­di­az­e­pin-1-ium chloride 0.3-hydrate, C26H31N4O4S2+·Cl−·0.3H2O (3). Compounds 2 and 3 were first obtained in attempts to recrystallize 1 and 1·2HCl using acetone as solvent. This solvent reacted with the vicinal di­amines present in the mol­ecular structures, forming a 5H-1,5-ben­zo­di­az­e­pine ring. In the crystal structure of 2, the seven-membered ring of ben­zo­di­az­e­pine adopts a boat-like conformation, while upon protonation, observed in the crystal structure of 3, it adopts an envelope-like conformation. In both crystalline com­pounds, the tosyl­amide N atoms are not in resonance with the arene ring, mainly due to hy­dro­gen bonds and steric hindrance caused by the large vicinal groups in the aromatic ring. At a supra­molecular level, the crystal structure is maintained by a combination of hy­dro­gen bonds and hydro­phobic inter­actions. In 2, amine-to-tosyl N—H⋯O and amide-to-imine N—H⋯N hy­dro­gen bonds can be observed. In contrast, in 3, the chloride counter-ion and water mol­ecule result in most of the hy­dro­gen bonds being of the amide-to-chloride and ammonium-to-chloride N—H⋯Cl types, while the amine inter­acts with the tosyl group, as seen in 2. In conclusion, we report the synthesis of 1, 1·2HCl and 2, as well as their chemical characterization. For 2, two synthetic methods are described, i.e. solvent-mediated crystallization and synthesis via a more efficient and cleaner route as a polycrystalline material. Salt 3 was only obtained as presented, with only a few crystals being formed.


Methods in mol­ecular photocrystallography

Over the last three decades, the technology that makes it possible to follow chemical processes in the solid state in real time has grown enormously. These studies have important implications for the design of new functional materials for applications in optoelectronics and sensors. Light–matter inter­actions are of particular importance, and photocrystallography has proved to be an important tool for studying these inter­actions. In this technique, the three-dimensional structures of light-activated mol­ecules, in their excited states, are determined using single-crystal X-ray crystallography. With advances in the design of high-power lasers, pulsed LEDs and time-gated X-ray detectors, the increased availability of synchrotron facilities, and most recently, the development of XFELs, it is now possible to determine the structures of mol­ecules with lifetimes ranging from minutes down to picoseconds, within a single crystal, using the photocrystallographic technique. This review discusses the procedures for conducting successful photocrystallographic studies and outlines the different methodologies that have been developed to study structures with specific lifetime ranges. The com­plexity of the methods required increases considerably as the lifetime of the excited state shortens. The discussion is supported by examples of successful photocrystallographic studies across a range of timescales and emphasises the importance of the use of com­plementary analytical techniques in order to understand the solid-state processes fully.


The challenges of growing great crystals – or at least good enough ones!


Introducing the Best practice in crystallography series



Photocrystallography – common or exclusive?



Deep residual networks for crystallography trained on synthetic data

The use of artificial intelligence to process diffraction images is challenged by the need to assemble large and precisely designed training data sets. To address this, a codebase called Resonet was developed for synthesizing diffraction data and training residual neural networks on these data. Here, two per-pattern capabilities of Resonet are demonstrated: (i) interpretation of crystal resolution and (ii) identification of overlapping lattices. Resonet was tested across a compilation of diffraction images from synchrotron experiments and X-ray free-electron laser experiments. Crucially, these models readily execute on graphics processing units and can thus significantly outperform conventional algorithms. While Resonet is currently utilized to provide real-time feedback for macromolecular crystallography users at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, its simple Python-based interface makes it easy to embed in other processing frameworks. This work highlights the utility of physics-based simulation for training deep neural networks and lays the groundwork for the development of additional models to enhance diffraction collection and analysis.


The High-Pressure Freezing Laboratory for Macromolecular Crystallography (HPMX), an ancillary tool for the macromolecular crystallography beamlines at the ESRF

This article describes the High-Pressure Freezing Laboratory for Macromolecular Crystallography (HPMX) at the ESRF, and highlights new and complementary research opportunities that can be explored using this facility. The laboratory is dedicated to investigating interactions between macromolecules and gases in crystallo, and finds applications in many fields of research, including fundamental biology, biochemistry, and environmental and medical science. At present, the HPMX laboratory offers the use of different high-pressure cells adapted for helium, argon, krypton, xenon, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane. Important scientific applications of high pressure to macromolecules at the HPMX include noble-gas derivatization of crystals to detect and map the internal architecture of proteins (pockets, tunnels and channels) that allows the storage and diffusion of ligands or substrates/products, the investigation of the catalytic mechanisms of gas-employing enzymes (using oxygen, carbon dioxide or methane as substrates) to possibly decipher intermediates, and studies of the conformational fluctuations or structure modifications that are necessary for proteins to function. Additionally, cryo-cooling protein crystals under high pressure (helium or argon at 2000 bar) enables the addition of cryo-protectant to be avoided and noble gases can be employed to produce derivatives for structure resolution. The high-pressure systems are designed to process crystals along a well defined pathway in the phase diagram (pressure–temperature) of the gas to cryo-cool the samples according to the three-step `soak-and-freeze method'. Firstly, crystals are soaked in a pressurized pure gas atmosphere (at 294 K) to introduce the gas and facilitate its inter­actions within the macromolecules. Samples are then flash-cooled (at 100 K) while still under pressure to cryo-trap macromolecule–gas complexation states or pressure-induced protein modifications. Finally, the samples are recovered after depressurization at cryo-temperatures. The final section of this publication presents a selection of different typical high-pressure experiments carried out at the HPMX, showing that this technique has already answered a wide range of scientific questions. It is shown that the use of different gases and pressure conditions can be used to probe various effects, such as mapping the functional internal architectures of enzymes (tunnels in the haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA) and allosteric sites on membrane-protein surfaces, the interaction of non-inert gases with proteins (oxygen in the hydrogenase ReMBH) and pressure-induced structural changes of proteins (tetramer dissociation in urate oxidase). The technique is versatile and the provision of pressure cells and their application at the HPMX is gradually being extended to address new scientific questions.


From femtoseconds to minutes: time-resolved macromolecular crystallography at XFELs and synchrotrons

Over the last decade, the development of time-resolved serial crystallography (TR-SX) at X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) and synchrotrons has allowed researchers to study phenomena occurring in proteins on the femtosecond-to-minute timescale, taking advantage of many technical and methodological breakthroughs. Protein crystals of various sizes are presented to the X-ray beam in either a static or a moving medium. Photoactive proteins were naturally the initial systems to be studied in TR-SX experiments using pump–probe schemes, where the pump is a pulse of visible light. Other reaction initiations through small-molecule diffusion are gaining momentum. Here, selected examples of XFEL and synchrotron time-resolved crystallography studies will be used to highlight the specificities of the various instruments and methods with respect to time resolution, and are compared with cryo-trapping studies.


AlphaFold-assisted structure determination of a bacterial protein of unknown function using X-ray and electron crystallography

Macromolecular crystallography generally requires the recovery of missing phase information from diffraction data to reconstruct an electron-density map of the crystallized molecule. Most recent structures have been solved using molecular replacement as a phasing method, requiring an a priori structure that is closely related to the target protein to serve as a search model; when no such search model exists, molecular replacement is not possible. New advances in computational machine-learning methods, however, have resulted in major advances in protein structure predictions from sequence information. Methods that generate predicted structural models of sufficient accuracy provide a powerful approach to molecular replacement. Taking advantage of these advances, AlphaFold predictions were applied to enable structure determination of a bacterial protein of unknown function (UniProtKB Q63NT7, NCBI locus BPSS0212) based on diffraction data that had evaded phasing attempts using MIR and anomalous scattering methods. Using both X-ray and micro-electron (microED) diffraction data, it was possible to solve the structure of the main fragment of the protein using a predicted model of that domain as a starting point. The use of predicted structural models importantly expands the promise of electron diffraction, where structure determination relies critically on molecular replacement.


Efficient in situ screening of and data collection from microcrystals in crystallization plates

A considerable bottleneck in serial crystallography at XFEL and synchrotron sources is the efficient production of large quantities of homogenous, well diffracting microcrystals. Efficient high-throughput screening of batch-grown microcrystals and the determination of ground-state structures from different conditions is thus of considerable value in the early stages of a project. Here, a highly sample-efficient methodology to measure serial crystallography data from microcrystals by raster scanning within standard in situ 96-well crystallization plates is described. Structures were determined from very small quantities of microcrystal suspension and the results were compared with those from other sample-delivery methods. The analysis of a two-dimensional batch crystallization screen using this method is also described as a useful guide for further optimization and the selection of appropriate conditions for scaling up microcrystallization.


Mononuclear binding and catalytic activity of europium(III) and gadolinium(III) at the active site of the model metalloenzyme phosphotriesterase

Lanthanide ions have ideal chemical properties for catalysis, such as hard Lewis acidity, fast ligand-exchange kinetics, high coordination-number preferences and low geometric requirements for coordination. As a result, many small-molecule lanthanide catalysts have been described in the literature. Yet, despite the ability of enzymes to catalyse highly stereoselective reactions under gentle conditions, very few lanthanoenzymes have been investigated. In this work, the mononuclear binding of europium(III) and gadolinium(III) to the active site of a mutant of the model enzyme phosphotriesterase are described using X-ray crystallography at 1.78 and 1.61 Å resolution, respectively. It is also shown that despite coordinating a single non-natural metal cation, the PTE-R18 mutant is still able to maintain esterase activity.


A database overview of metal-coordination distances in metalloproteins

Metalloproteins are ubiquitous in all living organisms and take part in a very wide range of biological processes. For this reason, their experimental characterization is crucial to obtain improved knowledge of their structure and biological functions. The three-dimensional structure represents highly relevant information since it provides insight into the interaction between the metal ion(s) and the protein fold. Such interactions determine the chemical reactivity of the bound metal. The available PDB structures can contain errors due to experimental factors such as poor resolution and radiation damage. A lack of use of distance restraints during the refinement and validation process also impacts the structure quality. Here, the aim was to obtain a thorough overview of the distribution of the distances between metal ions and their donor atoms through the statistical analysis of a data set based on more than 115 000 metal-binding sites in proteins. This analysis not only produced reference data that can be used by experimentalists to support the structure-determination process, for example as refinement restraints, but also resulted in an improved insight into how protein coordination occurs for different metals and the nature of their binding interactions. In particular, the features of carboxylate coordination were inspected, which is the only type of interaction that is commonly present for nearly all metals.


Identifying and avoiding radiation damage in macromolecular crystallography

Radiation damage remains one of the major impediments to accurate structure solution in macromolecular crystallography. The artefacts of radiation damage can manifest as structural changes that result in incorrect biological interpretations being drawn from a model, they can reduce the resolution to which data can be collected and they can even prevent structure solution entirely. In this article, we discuss how to identify and mitigate against the effects of radiation damage at each stage in the macromolecular crystal structure-solution pipeline.


A small step towards an important goal: fragment screen of the c-di-AMP-synthesizing enzyme CdaA

CdaA is the most widespread diadenylate cyclase in many bacterial species, including several multidrug-resistant human pathogens. The enzymatic product of CdaA, cyclic di-AMP, is a secondary messenger that is essential for the viability of many bacteria. Its absence in humans makes CdaA a very promising and attractive target for the development of new antibiotics. Here, the structural results are presented of a crystallographic fragment screen against CdaA from Listeria monocytogenes, a saprophytic Gram-positive bacterium and an opportunistic food-borne pathogen that can cause listeriosis in humans and animals. Two of the eight fragment molecules reported here were localized in the highly conserved ATP-binding site. These fragments could serve as potential starting points for the development of antibiotics against several CdaA-dependent bacterial species.


Deep-learning map segmentation for protein X-ray crystallographic structure determination

When solving a structure of a protein from single-wavelength anomalous diffraction X-ray data, the initial phases obtained by phasing from an anomalously scattering substructure usually need to be improved by an iterated electron-density modification. In this manuscript, the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for segmentation of the initial experimental phasing electron-density maps is proposed. The results reported demonstrate that a CNN with U-net architecture, trained on several thousands of electron-density maps generated mainly using X-ray data from the Protein Data Bank in a supervised learning, can improve current density-modification methods.