
Cats, PJs, alien eyes unwelcome as work video calling boom prompts new etiquette

(This March 17 story corrects stock symbol of Zoom to ZM.O, not ZOOM.PK in the last paragraph)


Pro-China and democratic lawmakers scuffle in Hong Kong legislature

Rival lawmakers scuffled in Hong Kong's legislature on Friday in a row over electing the chairman of a key committee, a fresh sign of rising political tension as the coronavirus pandemic tapers off in the Chinese-ruled city. Francesca Lynagh reports.


Slovenian cyclists stage anti-government coronavirus protest

Thousands of cyclists took over streets in the center of the Slovenian capital Ljubljana on Friday evening to protest against the government of Prime Minister Janez Jansa and the restrictions it has imposed to fight the coronavirus.


Slovenian cyclists stage anti-government coronavirus protest

Thousands of cyclists took over streets in the center of the Slovenian capital Ljubljana on Friday evening to protest against the government of Prime Minister Janez Jansa and the restrictions it has imposed to fight the coronavirus.


Duchess Kate launches photo project to capture lockdown Britain

Kate, Britain's Duchess of Cambridge, launched a project on Thursday to encourage Britons to submit pictures of their daily lives during lockdown. Edward Baran reports.


London's "temples of gastronomy" improvise to survive COVID-19

Andrew Wong knew from an early age that running a restaurant required improvisation, having watched his parents steer their London Chinese restaurant through nearly 30 years of good times and bad.


Belgian chefs lay down jackets to protest at lockdown

Hundreds of chefs' jackets were laid down in the center of Brussels on Thursday to highlight the plight of hotels, restaurants and cafes that have been shuttered for nearly two months during the coronavirus outbreak.


Cricket: India ready for quarantine in Australia to help tour proceed - official

India captain Virat Kohli and his team mates would be ready to spend two weeks in quarantine in Australia if that helped the tour go ahead as planned later this year, a top official of the Indian board has said.


Protesters demand closure of LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh after toxic gas leak

Villagers placed the bodies of three victims of a deadly gas leak from an LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh at the gates of the site on Saturday, and demanded the factory be shut down immediately and its top management arrested.


Migrant workers throw stones at police in Gujarat in protest against lockdown

Hundreds of migrant workers in Gujarat have clashed for a second day with authorities, hurling stones at police trying to enforce a lockdown to stem the spread of coronavirus.


Honor 9X vs Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy M30s: कीमत, फीचर्स और स्पेसिफिकेशंस की तुलनाखुद पता लगाइए नए साल में कौन—सा फोन खरीदने में है आपका फायदा

यदि आप 15 हजार रुपए के आसपास की रेंज में सबसे अच्छा स्मार्टफोन खरीदना चाहते हैं, तो आपके पास कई विकल्प मौजूद हैं। इन दिनों कई स्मार्टफोन कंपनियों ने मिड-रेंज सेगमेंट में कई लेटेस्ट फोन उतारे हैं। स्पेसिफिकेशंस को देखें तो हर फोन की अपनी खूबियां हैं और कमियां भी। ऐसे में आप खुद तुलना कर पता लगा सकते हैं कि आपको अपनी जरूरत के आधार पर कौन—सा फोन चुनना चाहिए। यहां हम आपकी सुविधा के लिए Honor 9X, Redmi Note 8 Pro और Samsung Galaxy M30s की तुलना कर रहे हैं, जो कि मिड—रेंज में बहुत ही बढ़िया स्मार्टफोन्स हैं। जानते हैं इनमें कौन-सा फोन आपकी जरूरतों के अनुसार बेहतर विकल्प साबित हो सकता है—

Honor 9X vs Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy M30s: कीमत
जहां Redmi Note 8 Pro 17 अक्टूबर, 2019 तथा Samsung Galaxy M30s 9 नवंबर, 2019 को भारतीय बाजार में लॉन्च हुए, वहीं Honor 9X हाल ही 14 जनवरी, 2020 को भारतीय मार्केट में लॉन्च हुआ है। कीमत में तुलना करें तो HONOR 9X के शुरुआती 4GB रैम मॉडल की कीमत 13,999 रुपए है। वहीं Redmi Note 8 Pro 14,999 रुपए तथा Samsung Galaxy M30s 13,999 रुपए की शुरुआती कीमत के साथ बाजार में उपलब्ध है।

Honor 9X vs Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy M30s: डिजाइन और डिस्प्ले
HONOR 9X में 3डी कर्व्ड प्लास्टिक डिजाइन है, जिसमें ग्लॉस टेक्सचर और राउंडेड एजेज हैं। सफायर ब्लू वेरियंट में लाइट के संपर्क में एक्स पैटर्न बहुत ही खूबसूरती के साथ नजर आता है। वहीं Redmi Note 8 Pro में ग्लास फिनिश तथा Samsung Galaxy M30s में प्लास्टिक फिनिश डिजाइन दिया गया है। HONOR 9X में 6.59-इंच का पॉप—अप डिस्प्ले है। जी हां, आपने सही पढ़ा! इतनी कम कीमत पर पहली बार आपको फ्रंट पॉप—अप कैमरा Honor 9X के साथ मिल रहा है। वहीं, Redmi Note 8 Pro में 6.53 इंच का ड्र्यू—ड्रॉप डिस्प्ले दिया गया है और Samsung Galaxy M30s में 6.4 इंच का यू ड्रॉप डिस्प्ले है। तीनों ही फोन्स में आपको 91 प्रतिशत या उससे अधिक का स्क्रीन टु बॉडी रेशियो मिलता है। इसके अलावा इन तीनो ही फोन्स में आपको पीछे की ओर फिंगरप्रिंट स्कैनर दिए गए हैं।

Honor 9X vs Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy M30s: परफॉरमेंस
परफॉरमेंस के मामले में HONOR 9X किरिन 710 प्रोसेसर और ओक्टाकोर सीपीयू के साथ दिया जा रहा है। इसमें 4GB/6GB रैम और 128GB स्टोरेज दी गई हैं, जो इसे फास्ट फोन बनाते हैं।
Redmi Note 8 Pro हेलियो G90T और Samsung Galaxy M30s एग्जाइनॉस 9611 प्रोसेसर पर रन करते हैं। HONOR का दावा है कि उसका होमग्रोन किरिन 710 प्रोसेसर स्मार्टफोन्स में फास्ट परफॉर्मेन्स की सभी जरूरतों को पूरा करता है और इसीलिए गेमर्स का फेवरेट है।

Honor 9X vs Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy M30s: कैमरा
HONOR 9X में 16MP का AI pop-up कैमरा दिया गया है, जो सॉफ्ट लाइट, बटरफ्लाइ लाइट, स्कैटर्ड लाइट, स्टेज लाइट जैसे आठ अलग—अलग मोड्स पर बखूबी काम करता है। इसमें इंटेलिजेंट फॉल डिटेक्शन, डाउनलोड प्रेशर प्रोटेक्शन और डस्ट तथा स्प्लैश प्रोटेक्टशन भी दिया गया है। यानी फोन के गिरने पर आपका कैमरा बचा रहता है और दबाव, धूल व पानी के छींटों का भी कैमरे पर ज्यादा असर नहीं होता। इसके अलावा HONOR 9X में AI-इनेबल्ड ट्रिपल रियर कैमरा सेटअप भी दिया गया हैं। इसमें 48MP प्राइमरी लेंस, 8MP सुपर वाइड लेंस और 2MP डेप्थ सेंसर दिया गया हैं। इसके एआइ फीचर से यह 22 अलग—अलग श्रेणियों के 500 से अधिक परिदृश्यों की सही पहचान कर सकता है।

Redmi Note 8 Pro में 20MP का ड्र्यू—ड्रॉप फ्रंट कैमरा दिया गया है, वहीं 64(GM1)+8+2+2MP का रेअर कैमरा सैटअप है। इसी तरह Samsung Galaxy M30s में भी ट्रिपल रियर कैमरा सेटअप मौजूद हैं। इसमें 48MP प्राइमरी लेंस, 8MP अल्ट्रा-वाइड लेंस और 5MP डेप्थ सेंसर दिया गया है। इसका फ्रंट या सेल्फी कैमरा 16MP का है।

Honor 9X vs Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy M30s: जरूरत के अनुसार फैसला
अगर आप एक बढ़िया कैमरा और परफॉर्मेंस वाला स्टाइलिश फोन तलाश रहे हैं तो HONOR 9X से अच्छा फोन इस प्राइस रेंज में नहीं मिलेगा। HONOR 9X में आपको फ्रंट कैमरा 16MP का मिलेगा, जो पॉप—अप के साथ हर किसी को अपना दीवाना बना लेगा। जबकि आपको Redmi Note 8 Pro और Samsung Galaxy M30s में पॉप अप कैमरा नहीं मिलेंगे। इसके अलावा Honor 9X का 6.59 इंच का डिस्प्ले साइज भी बाकी दो फोन से ज्यादा है। इसके अलावा आपको रोम या स्टोरेज स्पेस भी HONOR 9X में 128 जीबी की मिलेगी। जबकि Redmi Note 8 Pro और Samsung Galaxy M30s के शुरुआती फोन्स में यह 64 जीबी ही है।
Honor 9X का किरिन 710 प्रोसेसर Redmi Note 8 Pro के हेलियो G90T और Samsung Galaxy M30s के एक्जाइनॉस 9611 प्रोसेसर से परफॉर्मेंस के मामले में बेहतर है। किरिन 710 प्रोसेसर के साथ HONOR 9X में गेमिंग का अनुभव भी इन दोनो ही फोन्स से बेहतर है।

डालते हैं एक नजर, तीनों फोन्स के तुलनात्मक आंकड़ों पर—

Honor 9X

Redmi Note 8 Pro

Samsung Galaxy M30s

लॉन्च की तारीख

14 जनवरी, 2020

17 अक्टूबर, 2019

9 नवंबर, 2019


13999/ 16999

14999/ 15999/17999

13999/ 16999





ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम

एंड्रॉइड 9.0

एंड्रॉइड 9.0

एंड्रॉइड 9.0

डिस्प्ले आकार

6.59" पॉप—अप

6.53 ड्र्यू—ड्रॉप

6.4 U ड्रॉप






Kirin 710

Helio G90T

Exynos 9611

फ्रंट कैमरा

16MP पॉप—अप

20MP ड्र्यू—ड्रॉप

16M ड्र्यू—ड्रॉप

रेअर कैमरा












चार्जिंग टाइप




फिंगरप्रिंट अनलॉक

पीछे की ओर

पीछे की ओर

पीछे की ओर

स्क्रीन रेशिओ




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Honor 9X vs Redmi Note 8 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy M30s


Cricket: India ready for quarantine in Australia to help tour proceed - official

India captain Virat Kohli and his team mates would be ready to spend two weeks in quarantine in Australia if that helped the tour go ahead as planned later this year, a top official of the Indian board has said.


Protesters demand closure of LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh after toxic gas leak

Villagers placed the bodies of three victims of a deadly gas leak from an LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh at the gates of the site on Saturday, and demanded the factory be shut down immediately and its top management arrested.


Migrant workers throw stones at police in Gujarat in protest against lockdown

Hundreds of migrant workers in Gujarat have clashed for a second day with authorities, hurling stones at police trying to enforce a lockdown to stem the spread of coronavirus.


Pfizer to outsource some drug production, focus on coronavirus vaccine

Pfizer Inc said on Friday it is in talks to shift more of its medicine production to outside contractors as it prepares for large-scale production of an experimental vaccine to prevent COVID-19, should it prove safe and effective.


China approves Novartis' multiple sclerosis treatment Mayzent

Chinese regulators have approved Novartis' Mayzent to treat relapsing multiple sclerosis in adults, the Swiss drug maker said in a statement on Saturday.


Cricket: India ready for quarantine in Australia to help tour proceed - official

India captain Virat Kohli and his team mates would be ready to spend two weeks in quarantine in Australia if that helped the tour go ahead as planned later this year, a top official of the Indian board has said.


Barca win women's title as Spanish non-professional leagues declared over

Barcelona's women's team were officially declared champions of Spain's Liga Iberdrola on Friday after the national soccer federation's executive committee agreed to end all non-professional competitions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Cricket-India ready for quarantine in Australia to help tour proceed: official

India captain Virat Kohli and his team mates would be ready to spend two weeks in quarantine in Australia if that helped the tour go ahead as planned later this year, a top official of the Indian board has said.


Cricket-Restarting game should not compromise its quality, says England's Root

England test captain Joe Root is keen to play international cricket this summer but not by compromising on quality of the game or its intensity, the 29-year-old has said.


Venezuela's top prosecutor requests extradition of U.S. veteran accused in plot

Venezuela's Chief Prosecutor Tarek Saab said on Friday his office had requested the detention and extradition of U.S. military veteran Jordan Goudreau and two Venezuelans accused of involvement in a failed armed incursion earlier this week.


Seven killed in protests over food distribution in Afghanistan, local MP says

Seven people were killed when protesters angry over what they see as unfair food aid distribution during the coronavirus pandemic clashed with police in Afghanistan's western Ghor province on Saturday, according to a local member of parliament.


Protesters demand closure of LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh after toxic gas leak

Villagers placed the bodies of three victims of a deadly gas leak from an LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh at the gates of the site on Saturday, and demanded the factory be shut down immediately and its top management arrested.


China releases five prominent labour rights activists

Five prominent labour activists have returned to their homes more than a year after they were arrested in coordinated raids in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, according to people close to them and a Hong Kong-based rights group.


People for Animals in Pune to set up camps to promote veganism

PFA has been working for issues like cruelty against animals and in the next 10 days, they will make people understand the concept of veganism and how it prevents hurting animals.


Ahmedabad: Booze bottles prompt BJ Medical College to lock terrace doors

Sources in the hospital had accused the students of using the alcohol bottles and dumping the same on the terrace


Top sports news: La Liga to resume from June 20? BCCI treasurer provides update on AUS vs IND series & more

Here are the top stories of May 8, 2020.


Coronavirus: Sachin Tendulkar provides financial help to 4000 underprivileged families amid lockdown

Mumbai, the financial capital of the country, has become the hotbed of the coronavirus spread in the state where the number of cases has crossed the 12,000-mark and the death toll is over 460.


Over 1500 migrants gather in Mumbai's Bandra to protest against lockdown extension

To control the situation, police resorted to lathi-charge, following which the crowd was dispersed.


Day after migrant workers flood Bandra, self-proclaimed labour leader arrested for threatening protest

Thousands of labourers from other states assembled near Bandra railways station on the last day of the 21-day lockdown to go to their native cities and villages as a rumour of special trains spread.


COVID-19: BMC to probe viral video showing patients lying next to dead bodies at Sion hospital

As COVID-19 cases in Mumbai continue to spike, civic body BMC on Thursday constituted a committee to investigate a viral video that showed pateints lying next to dead bodies at the city's Sion Hospital.


Govt signs $500 million project with AIIB to deal with COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project is being financed by the World Bank and AIIB in the amount of $1.5 billion, of which $1.0 billion will be provided by World Bank and $500 million will be provided by AIIB.


Asim Riaz-Himanshi Khurrana approached for 'Nach Baliye', she confirms

Asim Riaz and Himanshi Khurrana met on the sets of 'Bigg Boss 13' and have been together since


Vizag Gas Leak: Ex-Andhra CM Chandrababu Naidu writes to PM Modi, urges scientific probe

"The company claims that the gas leaked out was Styrene, however, there were conflicting reports of other toxic gases being present there, it needs to be investigated...," Naidu's letter to the Prime Minister states


Japan's Defense Ministry to ramp up UFO encounter protocols after Pentagon releases footage

The three videos show what was encountered by pilots during training flights in 2004 and 2015.


WHO says US has not provided evidence to back up its claims of COVID-19 originating from Chinese lab in Wuhan

For context, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had earlier this week claimed that there is more than enormous evidence to suggest that the coronavirus originated from the virology laboratory in Wuhan.


US President Donald Trump slams Lincoln Project Republicans for COVID-19 ad, calls them 'losers'

Trump had told the media that the country has already 'flattened the curve', and it is ready for a 'phased and gradual reopening' even though coronavirus cases and deaths shows no sign of stopping.


COVID-19 patient treated with plasma therapy at Delhi hospital shows improvement

In convalescent plasma therapy, antibodies from the blood of patients who have recovered from COVID-19 are used to treat severely infected patients.


Delhi Police team returns after facing protest at DMC chairman Zafarul Islam Khan's residence

Local sources said that a police team arrived to raid Khan's residence just before Iftar, but were forced to return after a crowd gathered outside his home.


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