
Sub-par global growth and slowdown in emerging economies requires a shift in policy action

Economic recovery is progressing in the world’s advanced economies, but stagnating world trade and deteriorating conditions in financial markets are curbing growth prospects in many of the major emerging economies, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Outlook.


Emerging market slowdown and drop in trade clouding global outlook

A further sharp downturn in emerging market economies and world trade has weakened global growth to around 2.9% this year - well below the long-run average – and is a source of uncertainty for near term prospects, says the OECD.


Do environmental policies affect global value chains? A new perspective on the pollution haven hypothesis

Using a gravity model of bilateral trade in manufacturing industries for selected OECD and BRIICS countries over 1990s-2000s, this paper studies how exports are related to national environmental policies.


Tougher environmental laws do not hurt export competitiveness – OECD study

Countries that implement stringent environmental policies do not lose export competitiveness when compared against countries with more moderate regulations, according to a new OECD study that examines trade in manufactured goods between advanced and emerging economies.


Reforming benefits in Lithuania to generate a double dividend: Making work pay while better protecting the jobless

Inequality measures in Lithuania (like in Estonia and Latvia) are high. To an important extent this is related to the high risk of poverty for non-working individuals and to the low rewards to work. Therefore, increasing the quality of jobs, ensuring that the most vulnerable have access to employment and providing adequate income support for those that have lost their job are key for making labour markets and the economy more inclusive.


New OECD indicators trace productivity growth slowdown pre- and post- crisis

Productivity growth – the central driver of rising economic output and material living standards – has been slowing in many advanced and emerging economies in the wake of the crisis, according to new data released today in the OECD Compendium of Productivity Indicators.


Regulations in services sectors and their impact on downstream industries: the OECD 2013 REGIMPACT indicator

This document presents the new 2013 set of the OECD Regulatory Impact (REGIMPACT) indicator. It measures the impact of regulatory barriers to competition in non-manufacturing sectors on all industries, through intermediate inputs.


The contribution of weak investment to the productivity slowdown

Concerns around weak productivity growth are everywhere these days. As the latest OECD Economic Outlook notes, since the mid-2000s, productivity growth has been markedly lower than at any other time since the 1950s.


Tackling the productivity paradox: The OECD Global Forum on Productivity

The nexus of slowing productivity growth and rising inequality is capturing the attention of policymakers and researchers. The productivity slowdown, its causes, and the link with inclusiveness will be discussed on 7-8 July in Lisbon at the first Annual Conference of the new Global Forum on Productivity, which was created by the OECD in collaboration with a number of Member and non-Member countries.


Tackling the three main challenges in Costa Rica: fiscal reform, reverting the slowdown in productivity and reducing inequality

Costa Rica’s economic, social and environmental achievements are impressive. It has succeeded in combining rising living standards, virtually universal health care, pension and primary education systems with sustainable use of natural resources.


Does Fiscal Decentralisation Foster Regional Convergence?

Across the OECD, GDP per capita is converging. In contrast, regional disparities – or differences in GDP per capita across jurisdictions – are rising, mainly as a result of widening productivity differences. Fiscal decentralisation could help reduce them again. According to new OECD research, assigning more ownsource revenue to sub-national governments dampens regional GDP disparities and underpins regional convergence.


Cardiac arrest or dizzy spell: Why is world trade so weak, what can policy do about it?

World trade growth was rapid in the two decades prior to the global financial crisis but has halved subsequently.


Tax reforms, more efficient public spending and better public governance, keys to consolidating Indonesia’s strong economic progress

Indonesia has undergone an extraordinary transformation over the past two decades, benefiting from strong growth that has lifted millions out of poverty and allowed important progress in areas such as health and education. But low levels of public spending and tax revenue are undermining the quality of social services and exacerbating infrastructure gaps, according to the OECD.


Funding priority spending will become increasingly challenging in Indonesia

As described in the 2016 OECD Economic Survey of Indonesia, economic growth is expected to pick up over the course of 2016 and into 2017. Despite persistently weak external conditions, confidence is returning, with inflation moderating, a stable rupiah and government investment in infrastructure gathering pace.


How do policies influence GDP tail risks?

This paper explores the relationship between policy settings and extreme positive and negative growth events, what we call GDP tail risks, using quantile regression methods.


How do policies influence GDP tail risks?

This paper explores the relationship between policy settings and extreme positive and negative growth events, what we call GDP tail risks, using quantile regression methods.


How do product market regulations affect workers? Evidence from the network industries

Knowing who gains and loses from regulatory reform is important for understanding the political economy of reform. Using micro-level data from 26 countries, this paper studies how regulatory reform of network industries, a policy priority in many advanced economies, influences the labour market situation of workers in network industries.


Incentivising lending to SMEs with the Funding for Lending Scheme: some evidence from bank-level data in the United Kingdom

This study explores the effectiveness of the incentive mechanisms embedded within the UK’s Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS) for banks’ to expand their supply of lending to medium sized enterprises (SMEs).


Incentivising lending to SMEs with the Funding for Lending Scheme: some evidence from bank-level data in the United Kingdom

This study explores the effectiveness of the incentive mechanisms embedded within the UK’s Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS) for banks’ to expand their supply of lending to medium sized enterprises (SMEs)


Does growth lead to inequality? It depends.

Widespread increases in inequality over the past three decades have raised the question of whether growth in itself is a driver of income inequality.


Mexico’s reforms are paying off, but there is much left to do

The government has rolled out major structural reforms since 2012 aimed at improving growth, well-being and income distribution. The initial wave of reforms, kicked-off by the multi-partisan political commitments in the Pacto por México, led to notable progress across a range of areas and put Mexico at the forefront of reformers among OECD countries.


The Best vs. the Rest: The Global Productivity Slowdown Hides an Increasing Performance Gap across Firms

Well-known global companies such as Google, Apple and Amazon of the digital era as well as more traditional ones of the likes of BMW, L’Oreal and Nestlé have recorded impressive productivity gains over the 2000s as they created more and more revenue per employee. At the same time, aggregate productivity growth in the OECD – that reflects the performance of all businesses not just the few most successful ones – has stagnated.


The business climate has improved in Indonesia, but this is no time for complacency

The government has put a heavy emphasis on improving the business climate, thereby promoting a competitive, innovative and dynamic private business sector.


Doing well by doing good: The role of Mexico's firms in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth

The private sector can be a strategic partner in the pursuit of sustainable and inclusive growth, with the ability to have a profound impact, particularly in areas such as climate change, inclusiveness, equality and good governance.


Does everybody enjoy Pura Vida? Decomposing income inequality in Costa Rica

Despite strong economic growth, Costa Rica’s income inequality has increased in the past decade, in stark contrast with other Latin American countries.


Continued slowdown in productivity growth weighs down on living standards

The slowdown in productivity growth - already underway before the crisis – combined with sluggish investment, continued to undermine rises in economic output and material living standards in recent years in many of the world’s economies, according to a new report released today by the OECD.


Do government transfers reduce poverty in China? Micro evidence from five regions

This paper estimates urban and rural poverty rates across five Chinese administrative regions (Shanghai, Liaoning, Guangdong, Henan and Gansu) in 2014 using representative household level data from the China Family Panel Studies survey.


United Kingdom: Maintain close ties with EU to meet challenges of Brexit

The U.K. economy has weakened in the aftermath of the decision to leave the European Union. Maintaining close ties with the EU and implementing policies to boost productivity will be crucial for maintaining future living standards, according to a new report from the OECD.


Capital-embodied technological progress and obsolescence: how do they affect investment behaviour?

This paper analyses how technological progress embodied in capital goods raises productivity and income, while at the same time it can modify the allocation of consumption, investment and the capital stock.


Reducing regional disparities in productivity in the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom displays large regional disparities in productivity compared to most other OECD countries, with a large gap between London and most other regions.


Improving productivity and job quality of low-skilled workers in the United Kingdom

More than a quarter of adults in the United Kingdom have low basic skills, which has a negative impact on career prospects, job quality and productivity growth.


How do you improve the durability of a Celtic Tiger?

The Irish economy is booming and is expected to continue expanding at healthy rates over the next few years.


Investment as a transmission mechanism from weak demand to weak supply and the post-crisis productivity slowdown

Current weak labour productivity growth in many OECD countries reflects historically weak contributions from both total factor productivity (TFP) growth and capital deepening.


Does public spending foster inclusive growth in your country?

Governments today need to balance the policy goals of boosting economic growth and improving equity when making budget decisions. How can public spending choices promote inclusive growth? What can be learned from previous spending decisions in times of crisis?


How does finance influence labour market outcomes? A review of empirical studies

This paper reviews empirical research on finance and labour markets.


Who are the beneficiaries of the structural funds and the cohesion fund and how does the cohesion policy impact firm-level performance?

This paper exploits a new database that is unique in its scale and scope containing detailed information on over two million projects carried out by one million firms that benefited from the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund in 25 EU member countries during the multi-annual financial framework 2007-2013.


Sectoral and regional distribution of export shocks: What do two hundred thousand UK firm observations say?

This study explores the impact of export shocks on firms and re-aggregates results to derive distributional effects on sectors and regions.


Further reforms will promote a more inclusive and resilient Indonesian economy

A steady economic expansion in Indonesia is boosting living standards, curbing poverty and offering millions of people greater access to public services.


To what extent do policies contribute to self-employment?

Using cross-country time series panel regressions for the last two decades, this paper seeks to identify the main policy and institutional factors that explain the share of selfemployment across European countries.


United Kingdom Core Inflation Rate

Core consumer prices in the United Kingdom increased 1.60 percent in March of 2020 over the same month in the previous year. Core Inflation Rate in the United Kingdom averaged 1.64 percent from 1997 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 3.70 percent in April of 2011 and a record low of -0.10 percent in June of 2000. In the United Kingdom, the core inflation rate tracks changes in prices that consumers pay for a basket of goods which excludes some volatile price items. This page provides - United Kingdom Core Inflation Rate - actual values, historical data, forecast, chart, statistics, economic calendar and news.


Brasil: é preciso melhorar a coordenação para apoiar o crescimento sustentado e equitativo

Nos últimos anos, o crescimento econômico do Brasil teve o apoio de importantes investimentos e programas sociais do governo, que mobilizaram recursos em todo o país. Esses programas podem ajudar o Brasil a atingir seus objetivos de crescimento econômico sustentado e promover o desenvolvimento social, reduzindo as disparidades regionais.


OCDE lança Índice para uma Vida melhor no Brasil ao lado de Pelé e às vésperas do pontapé inicial da Copa do Mundo

Hoje, a OCDE lança no Brasil, e na presença da lenda do futebol Pelé, o Índice para uma Vida Melhor totalmente em português. Este é o sexto idioma em que o site está disponível e a tradução permite que a OCDE alcance mais de 240 milhões de falantes de português ao redor do mundo.


América Latina: enfrentando o duplo desafio da desigualdade e baixa produtividade para melhorar a qualidade de vida

A educação, a proteção social e o empreendedorismo estão entre as áreas em que são necessárias ações prioritárias para acelerar o crescimento e combater as desigualdades econômicas na América Latina, de acordo com a OCDE.


Um elevador social quebrado? Como promover a mobilidade social: Como o Brasil compara?

Um elevador social quebrado? Como promover a mobilidade social: Como o Brasil compara?


Abuse of authority provisions adopted by the Senate raise concerns over Brazil’s capacity to ensure independence of prosecutors and judges in fighting corruption

The OECD Working Group on Bribery reaffirms the importance of the independence of prosecutors and judges and is concerned that Brazil’s achievements in fighting corruption may be seriously jeopardised by recent legislative developments.


Estadísticas-tributarias-ALC: principales resultados para Brasil

La recaudación tributaria sobre PIB de Brasil en 2018 (33.1%) estuvo por encima del promedio de ALC (23.1%)¹ en la publicación de este año de las Estadísticas tributarias en América Latina y el Caribe en 10.0 puntos porcentuales y por debajo del promedio de la OCDE (34.3%).


Tackling Turkey’s external and domestic macroeconomic imbalances

Effective macroeconomic and structural policies helped Turkey bounce back quickly and strongly from the global crisis, with annual growth averaging close to 9% over 2010-11


Indonesia should improve governance, productivity and tax collection to promote inclusive growth

Indonesia has improved its macro-economic and structural policies over the last 15 years. Its economy, with strong and stable growth rates of 5–6.6%, is catching up with other countries in the region and allowing Indonesia to focus on its development agenda.


Improving the tax system in Indonesia

Indonesia has come a long way in improving its tax system over the last decade, both in terms of revenues raised and administrative efficiency. Nonetheless, the tax take is still low, given the need for more spending on infrastructure and social protection.


Responding to the crisis: what are OECD countries doing to strengthen their public finances?

OECD countries are intensifying their fiscal consolidation efforts, introducing additional measures and extending the time horizon to implement them. Most have announced fiscal consolidation of more than 3% of GDP over the period 2009-15, according to the OECD’s Restoring Public Finances 2012.