
Towards an international framework for investment facilitation

Many governments seek to promote and facilitate inward investments that they expect will benefit their economy. This paper looks at the merits of an international framework to facilitate investment in support of sustainable and inclusive growth.


The digital economy, multinational enterprises and international investment policy

This paper examines the implications of digitalisation and digital technologies for international investment and investment policy, with a particular focus on digital policies relating to national security and digital policies directed at business operations.


Examen des statistiques d'investissements directs internationaux au Maroc

L’OCDE a mis au point un cadre pour l’évaluation de la qualité des statistiques macroéconomiquesqui se concentre sur sept dimensions de la qualité : la pertinence, la précision, la crédibilité, l’actualité, l’accessibilité, l’interprétabilité et la cohérence. Le présent rapport utilise ce cadre pour évaluer les statistiques d’IDI du Maroc.


OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises National Contact Point Peer Reviews: Chile

Governments adhering to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are required to set up a National Contact Point (NCP) that functions in a visible, accessible, transparent and accountable manner. This report contains a peer review of the Chilean NCP, mapping its strengths and accomplishments and also identifying opportunities for improvement.


OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises National Contact Point Peer Reviews: France

Governments adhering to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are required to set up a National Contact Point that functions in a visible, accessible, transparent and accountable manner. This report contains a peer review of the French NCP, mapping its strengths and accomplishments and also identifying opportunities for improvement.


OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises National Contact Point Peer Reviews: Germany

Governments adhering to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are required to set up a National Contact Point (NCP) that functions in a visible, accessible, transparent and accountable manner. This report contains a peer review of the German NCP, mapping its strengths and accomplishments and also identifying opportunities for improvement.


Facilitating social dialogue under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

This study explores the role of the National Contact Points in dealing with cases relating to the implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises with a particular focus on labour issues and social dialogue.


OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: a Glass Half Full

20 June 2018 - This Liber Amicorum was prepared for Roel Nieuwenkamp. It offers a wide-ranging and comprehensive message to governments, business, civil society organisations and other stakeholders to collectively widen and deepen the adherence and practice of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises worldwide.


Multinational enterprises in domestic value chains

Based on the OECD Analytical AMNE database, this paper analyses the domestic linkages of MNE affiliates in host economies in order to get better insights in the role MNEs play across countries.


Annual reports on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

The annual reports on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises provide an account of the actions the adhering governments have taken over the previous 12 months to enhance the contribution of the guidelines to the improved functioning of the global economy.


Drivers of divestment decisions of multinational enterprises

Divestment by multinational enterprises is an important yet understudied phenomenon. The few available estimates indicate that about a fifth of all foreign affiliates are divested every five years. This working paper presents the findings from a novel cross-country firm-level dataset with financial and ownership information.


International community continues making major progress to end tax evasion

The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes published today 9 new peer review reports, including a Phase 1 Supplementary Report for Switzerland, demonstrating continuing progress toward implementation of the international standard for exchange of information on request.


Iceland: Better coordination among authorities needed to tackle foreign bribery, says OECD

Iceland must do more to ensure its law enforcement authorities are coordinated and adequately resourced to investigate and prosecute economic and financial crime, including foreign bribery, says the OECD in a new report.


Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)- Country profile - Iceland

Country profiles highlight some key findings from TALIS 2013 for individual countries and economies


Universal Service Policies in the Context of National Broadband Plans (OECD Digital Economy Paper 203)

This report discusses the main areas in which national strategies to expand broadband networks affect universal service objectives, proposes criteria to rethink the terms of universal service policies, and shares the latest developments across a selected group of OECD countries.


International Mobile Roaming Agreements

This report explores principles that could form the basis for good practices in the establishment of international mobile roaming (IMR) agreements between two or more countries. Given the cross-country nature of IMR services and, especially, the fact that wholesale prices are determined by foreign operators outside the jurisdiction of domestic regulators, international co-operation is vital to address the challenges in roaming markets.


International Cables, Gateways, Backhaul and International Exchange Points

This report focuses on the development of backhaul and cross-border networks, which enable local networks to connect to the wider Internet. To connect their networks to others around the world, operators need access to regional and international high-speed networks. The level of investment required in these networks varies and can be very different from region to region.


Insights blog: Time to terminate termination charges on international calls?

A new OECD report finds empirical evidence that imposing mandatory higher charges for the completion (termination) of international inbound traffic suppresses demand. Moreover, governments that impose higher termination charges do not see their revenues increase proportionately.


Developments In International Mobile Roaming

The objective of this report is to provide an overview of progress made in the implementation of the Recommendation to determine whether any further action is necessary in this area.


Pensions: Sweden needs an independent committee to oversee National Pension Funds

Sweden should establish an independent committee of experts to oversee its National Pension Funds and set a clear, measurable financial objective for investments to ensure their long-term viability, according to a new OECD report.


High-level seminar on capital flow management and liberalisation: the role of international co-operation

This seminar aimed to advance shared understandings on policies to make the most of cross-border capital flows in support of growth and development and on the value of international co-operation, including the OECD Codes of Liberalisation, in the current context of serious global financial turbulence.


2nd International Meeting on Terrorism Risk Insurance

Paris, 5 December 2012: This conference addressed the evolution of the terrorism threat and whether current insurance solutions adequately answer the needs of market players in an ever changing risk context.


3rd International Meeting on Terrorism Risk Insurance

Washington DC, 10 September 2014: This meeting addressed the evolution of the terrorism threat, the availability and affordability of terrorism risk insurance, the financial liability of governments and short and long-term perspectives.


Economic stagnation compounds demographic pressure on pension systems, says OECD

Low growth, low interest rates and low returns on investment linked to the slow global economy are now compounding the problems of population ageing for both public and private pension systems, according to a new OECD report.


OECD/INFE International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy Competencies

This report contains the results of an international data collection survey that measured the financial literacy and financial inclusion of adults. A total of 51,650 adults aged 18 to 79 from 30 countries and economies participated in the survey.


Responsible business conduct for institutional investors: Key considerations for due diligence under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Promoting responsible business conduct in the financial sector is vital to building a sustainable global economy. This paper will help institutional investors implement the due diligence recommendations of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in order to prevent or address adverse impacts related to human and labour rights, the environment, and corruption in their investment portfolios.


Can better international co-operation help build a fairer global economy?

Drawing on data presented in the 2017 OECD Business and Finance Outlook, this article looks at some of the forces influencing recent economic developments and asks what can be done to ensure a “fairer” global economy.


Increased international co-operation on financial and corporate issues essential to making globalisation work for all

Globalisation has failed to create a level playing field in trade, investment and corporate behaviour, being one of the factors contributing to a backlash against openness in many countries and a decline in confidence in government institutions.


International Seminar on Pension Supervision and Regulation 2018

23 February 2018, Dublin - This event focussed on how to build better retirement by ensuring value for money, implementing automatic enrolment and designing retirement pay-outs.


IOPS International Conference on Pension Supervision and Regulation 2019

7 March 2019 - The International Conference on Pension Supervision and Regulation this year will focus on Options for creating sustainable pension systems in emerging markets and will take place in New Delhi, India.


Interview with Georges Lemaître, OECD international migration expert, on recent migration trends in the European Union.

Interview with Georges Lemaître, OECD international migration expert, on recent migration trends in the European Union.


International Migration Day, Tuesday 18 December

International Migration Day, Tuesday 18 December


Second report of the Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas

The second report of the Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas was launched at the OAS, Washington on January 17 2013


OECD work on Employment, Social Protection and International Migration

An overview of OECD work on Employment, Social Protection and International Migration.


International Migrants Day, Wednesday 18 December

At the occasion of the International Migrants Day on Wednesday 18 December, the OECD raises attention on the issue of discrimination against immigrants and their children in OECD countries.


Discrimination and poor job prospects hit children of immigrants

The children of immigrants continue to face major difficulties integrating in OECD countries, especially in the European Union, where their poor educational outcomes leave many struggling to find work, according to a new OECD/EU report.


Immigration in OECD Countries - 5th Annual International Conference - Call for Papers

Immigration in OECD Countries - 5th Annual International Conference - Call for Papers


Comprehensive and co-ordinated international response needed to tackle refugee crisis

OECD countries are facing an unprecedented refugee crisis and the situation requires a comprehensive and co-ordinated international response to address the immediate needs of asylum seekers and the longer-term challenge of helping them integrate. This is the main message of two new OECD documents, the 2015 International Migration Outlook and a Policy Brief on the Refugee Crisis.


Better international co-ordination could lead to more worldwide benefits from migration

Perspectives on Global Development 2017: International Migration in a Shifting World shows that while the share of global migrants originating from developing countries has remained fairly stable at around 80% over the last 20 years, the share of developing country migrants heading to high-income countries has jumped from 36% to 51% of the world total.


Cambodia needs to integrate migration into sectoral and national development strategies, says new joint OECD Development Centre – CDRI report

Emigration is a significant and growing phenomenon for Cambodia. Between 2000 and 2015, the number of Cambodians abroad increased by about 160%, from around half a million to 1.2 million people. The country would benefit from strengthening its whole-of-government approach to making migration an integral part of its overall development strategies.


The Dominican Republic stands to benefit from integrating migration further into sectoral and national development strategies, says new joint OECD Development Centre – UNIBE report

The Dominican Republic stands to benefit from integrating migration further into sectoral and national development strategies, says new joint OECD Development Centre – UNIBE report


The OECD calls on France to modernise and strengthen the co-ordination of labour immigration

In a new report, the OECD says that France should modernise and strengthen the co-ordination of labour immigration in order to attract foreign talent and align itself more closely with the needs of the labour market.


7th Annual OECD-CEPII International Conference on Immigration in OECD Countries on 11-12 December 2017

7th Annual OECD-CEPII International Conference on Immigration in OECD Countries on 11-12 December 2017


Continuous Reporting System on International Migration in the Americas (SICREMI)

SICREMI is an initiative of the Organization of American States (OAS) that aims to contribute to the promotion and development of public policies that lead to improved migration management in the Americas through the facilitation of dialogue, cooperation, institutional strengthening and access to information.


The International Forum on Migration Statistics

The first International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) will showcase the most innovative research and initiatives to measure population mobility and generate timely statistics. This unique Forum, co-organised by the OECD, IOM and UNDESA, will also create synergies between all stakeholders and perspectives, with representatives from 'origin', ‘transit’ and 'host' countries of migrants.


Mekorot, the National Water Company of Israel

Today, management of water resources is one of the major challenges confronting Israel. Accelerated population growth - along with economic growth - has placed additional pressure on Israel's limited water resources but the country is at the forefront of green innovations for water management.&l


International Conference on Joining Forces to Develop Smart, Cost-Effective Urban Water Utilities, Tel Aviv

The Government of Israel and the OECD co-organised an international conference on "Joining Forces to Develop Smart, Cost-Effective Urban Water Utilities: Policy, Economics, Environment, Regulation and Technologies" on 23 October 2013, in Tel Aviv.


Is there a Need for Cooperation on National Climate Change Policies?

Climate policy and competitiveness issues have created a new need for international co-ordination, beyond the scope of our current frameworks. There is no need to trade economic growth for environmental stringency. Environmentally stringent policies are an incentive for greater efficiencies which leading edge companies can easily achieve.


National Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Practices in Monitoring and Evaluation

Developing countries are increasingly moving towards more strategic national policies and plans, the effectiveness of which will depend upon proper assessment of a given country’s vulnerability to climate change. This report draws upon emerging monitoring and evaluation practices across developed and developing countries to identify four tools that countries can draw upon in their own assessment frameworks.


Much better use can and must be made of taxes to help reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, concluded the participants of the 6th Global International Tax Dialogue conference

Taxes are potentially among the most effective ways of cutting pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, but they are currently – with very few exceptions – underused; and even where used, they are frequently designed in a sub-optimal way.