
Learning from Martyrs, Confessors, and All the Saints

Like the Saints, our path to holiness will be through the daily struggle to be faithful in small ways that few will notice or celebrate.


The Third Rome III: The Possessor Controversy and Its Consequences

In this episode, Fr. John discusses an important and fateful development in the history of Russian Christendom before modern times, the Possessor Controversy.


St. George: Linking Legend with Historical Lessons

We read the stories of the Holy Martyr George (celebrated this Sunday April 23, along with St. Thomas Sunday) in the light of Job, Isaiah and Revelation 12, seeing him as a mirror to our victorious Lord, who cleansed the chaotic waters of all that lurked there, and trampled down death by death.


Saint Maximus the Confessor

"Saint Maximus the Confessor," from The Lives of Our Saints, Illustrated Biographies Book 8 (Spiritual Fragrance Publishing, 2012) Available from Spiritual Fragrance Publishing.


New Eve, New Passover, New Life

At a recent retreat in Denver, Fr. Chad gave two timely lectures coinciding with recent feasts of the Nativity of the Theotokos and the Exaltation of the Precious and Life Giving Cross. We have broken it up into four podcasts, and here is part 1.


New Eve, New Passover, New Life - Part 2

At a recent retreat in Denver, Fr. Chad gave two timely lectures coinciding with recent feasts of the Nativity of the Theotokos and the Exultation of the Precious and Life Giving Cross. We have broken it up into four podcasts, and here is part 2.


New Eve, New Passover, New Life - Part 3

Fr. Chad begins his second lecture, but our third part of his talks, at St. Mark's in Denver. St. Mark's is a Western Rite parish in the Antiochian Archdiocese.


New Eve, New Passover, New Life - Part 4

Here is the 4th and final part of this series delivered at St. Mark's in Denver.


Honorary Doctorate for Professor Christos Yannaras

St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary confers an honorary doctorate on Christos Yannaras at its 2010 Fall Academic Convocation.


Starting and Growing an Orthodox Parish: Lessons from America

What can be learned from the Orthodox Mission to Alaska? How should the spirit of the early Church in the Roman empire inspire the life of a new parish? Saint Vladimir’s Seminary President Fr. Chad Hatfield offered insights and practical advice on mission planting at Holy Theophany Russian Orthodox Church in Bergen, Norway on December 6, 2019. The talk was organized in part by St. Vladimir's Alumnus Fr. Theodor Svane (’15) and the parish Fr. Theodore serves, Annunciation of the Holy Virgin Mary Orthodox Mission Parish, also in Bergen.


Beginning to Pray:  Lesson 1

Dn. Michael begins a new series discussing the book Beginning to Pray by Anthony Bloom.


Beginning to Pray:  Lesson 2

Dn. Michael continues his discussion of Anthony Bloom's book, Beginning to Pray. He emphasizes the importance of humility when approaching our Lord in prayer.


Beginning to Pray:  Lesson 3

Dn. Michael discusses chapter 3 of Anthony Bloom's book, Beginning to Pray . He borrows Nike's slogan and urges all of us, when it comes to prayer, to "Just Do It."


Beginning to Pray:  Lesson 4

Dn. Michael continues his discussion of Anthony Bloom's book, Beginning to Pray . This week he looks at chapter 4.


Beginning to Pray:  Lesson 5

Dn. Michael concludes his study of Anthony Bloom's book, Beginning to Pray.


On the Incarnation - Lesson 1: In Defense of Old Books

Dn. Michael begins a new series on living "in, but not of" the world. He is using four texts from the St. Vladimir's Popular Patristics series. This week he covers C.S. Lewis's introduction to the St. Athanasius work On the Incarnation.


On the Incarnation - Lesson 2: St. Athanasius

Joel Miller stands in for Dn. Michael and continues the series "In But Not Of." In today's lesson, Joel teaches on the life of St. Athanasius.


On the Incarnation - Lesson 3:  Creation and Fall

Dn. Michael continues his series," In But Not Of," and discusses chapter one of On the Incarnation.


On the Incarnation - Lesson 4: God Pursues Us

Dn. Michael discusses chapter two in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson four in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation - Lesson 5:  Lost

Dn. Michael discusses chapter three in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson five in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation - Lesson 6

Dn. Michael discusses chapter four in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson six in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation - Lesson 7

Dn. Michael discusses chapter five in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson seven in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation: Lesson 8

Dn. Michael discusses chapter six in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson eight in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation: Lesson 9

Guest lecturer Joel Miller discusses chapter seven of St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson nine in Dn. Michael's series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation: Lesson 10

Dn. Michael discusses chapter eight in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson ten in his series "In But Not Of."


On the Incarnation: Lesson 11

Dn. Michael concludes his discussion of St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson eleven in his series "In But Not Of."


More Lessons from the Wall

What does The Rule of St. Benedict have to say to an Orthodox mission in 21st-century Toronto?


Lessons from a Space

Dn. Pawel, the prefect of the Lived Theology School Program, discusses the narthex of St. John the Compassionate Mission and its meaning.


A Lesson in Compassion

Fr. Roberto shares about Joe, an example of someone who feels deeply the struggles of others and has compassion for them.


On Wearing Cassocks and Other Good Habits

So, what’s the deal with clerical dress and monastic habits? Do they really matter?


Can Intercessory Prayers Be Done At Home?


Lessons from the Lepers

Fr. Christopher says, "God works miracles by His power and when material objects are used these become channels of grace."


Lessons by the Pool

Fr. Gregory preaches on the story of the Paralytic in the Gospel lesson.


Cognitive Dissonance

What comes to mind when you hear the term "cognitive dissonance"? Today Dr. Rossi shows how this reality is active in our lives as Orthodox Christians.


Lessons from St. Irenaeus

In this episode, Dr. Rossi interviews St. Vladimir's student Tracy Gustilo about St. Irenaeus.


Lessons from Fr. Zosima

Dr. Rossi takes some pages out of Brothers Karamazov and Dostoyevsky's character Fr. Zosima to help us learn how to live and love.


Lessons from St. Silouan the Athonite

Dr. Albert Rossi reflects on one of his favorite saints, St. Silouan the Athonite. The book Dr. Rossi references, Saint Silouan the Athonite, is available through the Ancient Faith Store.


St. Maximos the Confessor

Dr. Albert Rossi interviews Fr. Joshua Lollar on the influence of St. Maximos the Confessor for us today.


The Spiritual Testament of Priest Confessor Sergius of Kasimov

We talk with Claire Brandenburg, Manager of the Heavenly Ladder Bookstore in Taos, New Mexico, about a new CD featuring the writings of Archpriest Sergius of Kasimov.


Meet Chick-Fil-A President Tim Tassopoulos

Did you know that the President and COO of the Chick-Fil-A restaurant chain is an Orthodox Christian? Meet Tim Tassopoulos who in 2016 was tapped by the Cathy family to head the day-to-day operations.


The Orthodox Christian Deaf Association

Bobby Maddex interviews Fr. Jason and Savannah Foster, founders of the new Orthodox Christian Deaf Association, or OCDA.


Dr. Andrei Psarev, Professor at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary

Bobby Maddex, the Director of Digital Media for Ancient Faith Ministries speaks with Dr. Andrei Psarev, a professor of Russian church history and Canon Law at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary. Dr. Psarev shares about his new project; This Day in the History of the Orthodox Church. Please visit for more information.


Intercessory Prayer


Lessons From the Paralytic


Crying Out! A Lesson in Prayer

Those blind men knew how to use their lungs and they certainly knew how to pray. Matthew 9: 27-35


5 Lessons From My Newest Startup

Our newest product BreezeDoc did $60,093+ in 40 days. It’s our 4th product in the last 3 years on track to generate $1m in revenue in ~12 months. Last week, I sat down with David Kelly, the General Manager for AppSumo Originals to share exactly how we ideate, build, test, and launch products. The goal […]

The post 5 Lessons From My Newest Startup appeared first on Noah Kagan.


Copywriting for Startups: 7 Lessons To Drive Conversions

Effective copywriting is your secret weapon for driving conversions. With strategic word choice (based on voice of customer data) and a clear understanding of your target audience, you can craft copy that not only grabs attention but actively encourages action. Here's how...

The post Copywriting for Startups: 7 Lessons To Drive Conversions appeared first on Coaching and training to scale your copywriting business, plus programs for new copywriters, startups, and marketers.


The most important entrepreneurial lesson I've learned.

I've enjoyed recreational fishing since I was a kid. Over the years I've had the chance to fish and associate with some top anglers, and I've noticed something about them - they don't waste time in an unproductive location. If...


Trump beats Slessor to set up NI Open final against Wilson

Judd Trump will meet Kyren Wilson in the Northern Ireland Open decider after easing to a 6-0 semi-final win over Elliot Slessor in Belfast.


Professional Squash Association