spa Billie Jean King Cup and Davis Cup encourage donations for Spanish flood recovery efforts By Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 08:53:13 -0500 With the finals of the Billie Jean King Cup and Davis Cup set to be played in Malaga, Spain, this month, the International Tennis Federation is making a donation to the Spanish Red Cross to support relief and recovery efforts for the recent catastrophic flooding in the country. Full Article
spa Space Sonification By Published On :: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 18:18:30 -0000 They have access to the collected astronomical data of the world’s most powerful space telescopes, and they’re stuck at home in quarantine. Here’s what they’re doing: Scientists Jenn Kotler, Clara Brasseur, and Scott Fleming have been using their time in isolation to design a radically new way of understanding the dynamics of the cosmos. Inspired by a blind colleague halfway around the planet, Australian astrophysicist Garry Foran, they’re pioneering a new method to study the motion of the universe, through sound. Curious to learn more about their work? Check out this link and this link Full Article MAST Archive Space Telescope Science Institute astronomy astrophysics space sonification
spa NASA astronauts won't say which one of them got sick after almost eight months in space By Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 15:48:49 -0500 Three NASA astronauts whose prolonged space station mission ended with a trip to the hospital last month declined to say Friday which one of them was sick. Full Article
spa NASA astronauts won't say which one of them got sick after almost 8 months in space By Published On :: Sat, 09 Nov 2024 04:35:59 -0500 Three NASA astronauts whose prolonged space station mission ended with a trip to the hospital last month declined to say Friday which one of them was sick. Full Article
spa Catalogna. Gli indipendentisti ancora in carcere. La Spagna torna al Franchismo? By Published On :: Fri, 16 Mar 2018 20:30:00 +0100 FARO DI ROMA 10-03-2018 Mario Castellano Le ultime notizie dalla Catalogna riferiscono che neanche la sessione del Parlamento della Generalità programmata per lunedì prossimo eleggerà il nuovo Presidente, destinato a succedere a Puigdemont. E’ tuttavia importante considerare la candidatura avanzata dalla maggioranza indipendentista: si tratta di Jordi Sanchez, capo di uno dei due movimenti sorti nella società civile che, affiancando i Partiti favorevoli all’autodeterminazione, sono stati protagonisti della mobilitazione popolare culminata nel referendum dello scorso 1 dicembre. Sanchez si trova in prigione a Madrid, privato della libertà e per giunta deportato in uno Stato straniero che occupa ed opprime il suo Paese. La sua posizione dal punto di vista penale è inoltre diversa da quella del Presidente Puigdemont, e dei suoi Ministri, sia in esilio, sia incarcerati in Spagna. Mentre infatti questi ultimi, dal punto di vista delle Autorità di Madrid, avrebbero attentato alla integrità territoriale dello Stato, Sanchez è responsabile soltanto di un delitto di opinione, consistente nell’aver sostenuto il diritto dei Catalani all’autodeterminazione. Permane dunque, ed anzi si aggrava, la situazione aberrante determinata dall’emissione dei mandati di cattura contro i dirigenti indipendentisti: per la prima volta dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale – e per quanto riguarda i Paesi Iberici dopo la fine delle dittature franchista e salazarista tra il 1974 ed il 1975 – in Europa Occidentale vengono private della libertà alcuni cittadini che non hanno commesso nessuna azione violenta, limitandosi a svolgere una attività politica considerata altrove perfettamente legale. Anche ammesso che l’indizione del referendum, l’accoglimento dei suoi risultati e la proclamazione dell’Indipendenza risultassero degli atti legislativi ed amministrativi illegittimi, ciò non determina di per sé – in un uno Stato di Diritto – alcuna responsabilità penale a carico delle persone fisiche incorporate negli organi di un Ente Pubblico che li hanno adottati. Per giunta, le Autorità di Madrid ritengono che tali atti non siano annullabili, bensì nulli, in quanto esorbitano – secondo la loro opinione – dall’insieme delle competenze dei soggetti di Diritto Pubblico. Qui si rivela una contraddizione manifesta nella posizione degli organi dello Stato spagnolo: mentre un atto illegittimo produce i propri effetti fino a quando viene deciso il suo annullamento, un atto nullo non produce – per definizione – nessun effetto giuridico. E’ naturalmente possibile che l’emanazione di un atto amministrativo determini la consumazione di un reato, ma la violazione della legge penale in tanto sussiste in quanto precisamente la situazione giuridica è stata modificata, il che però non avviene nel caso di un atto nullo. In conclusione, dunque, delle due l’una: se l’atto emanato dagli organi della Generalità è nullo, non si può configurare nessun reato; se invece sussiste una responsabilità penale, ciò significa che l’atto ha prodotto degli effetti giuridici. In tal caso, però, l’indipendenza della Catalogna verrebbe paradossalmente riconosciuta dagli organi giurisdizionali dello Stato spagnolo. Gli indipendentisti di Barcellona sono comunque impegnati con Madrid – come abbiamo già scritto – in un braccio di ferro che durerà molto a lungo, dando luogo ad un contenzioso giuridico che coinvolge altri Stati. Abbiamo già scritto che la Catalogna ha vinto un’importante battaglia giudiziaria, ingaggiata nel Belgio, dove Puigdemont è riparato con una parte dei suoi Ministri dopo essere stato colpito da un mandato di cattura internazionale emesso dall’Autorità Giudiziaria spagnola. L’esecuzione di tale atto da parte di uno Stato straniero di tale deve essere decisa dalla sua Autorità Giudiziaria, che deve semplicemente valutare se il reato imputato alla persona colpita dal mandato di cattura è considerato tale anche in base alle proprie norme. E’ chiaro che a questo punto Puigdemont rischiava di essere estradato, non potendo in alcun caso i Giudici belgi valutare nel merito la sua asserita responsabilità penale. Gli Avvocati fiamminghi del Presidente della Generalità, i quali non avevano nella vicenda giudiziaria soltanto un interesse professionale, ma erano anche intenzionati ad asserire la piena legalità e la piena legittimità di una eventuale dichiarazione di indipendenza delle Fiandre, hanno compiuto a questo punto una mossa vincente, consistente nel presentare domanda di asilo politico al Belgio. L’esame di questa istanza non spetta all’Autorità Giudiziaria, bensì agli organi del Potere Esecutivo, benché l’interessato possa impugnare il suo rigetto davanti alla Giurisdizione Amministrativa. L’asilo politico, in base alle Convenzioni Internazionali sottoscritte dal Belgio, viene concesso anche alle persone ricercate dalla Giustizia del Paese di origine se la loro condanna in sede penale, ovvero il provvedimento restrittivo della libertà personale, risultano determinati anche parzialmente da motivazioni politiche. Per evitare che le Autorità di Bruxelles accertassero la sussistenza di tale tale situazione, la Spagna ha ritirato il mandato di cattura internazionale, non solo subendo una umiliazione in Europa, ma anche riconoscendo implicitamente che Puigdemont era un perseguitato politico. Questo riporta il Paese iberico alla condizione in cui si trovava al tempo di Franco, quando era tenuto fuori dalla porta dell’Europa. Il cammino iniziato con la morte del “Caudillo” subisce dunque una regressione preoccupante. Ora, con la prospettata elezione di Sanchez alla Presidenza della Generalità, i Catalani hanno intrapreso una nuova battaglia giuridica. Se l’esponente della società civile viene scarcerato, la Spagna ammette implicitamente che egli è un Capo di Stato: ciò non significa di per sé riconoscere l’Indipendenza della Catalogna quale soggetto di Diritto Internazionale, ma si ammette che la Generalità è un soggetto membro di una Confederazione, vale a dire uno Stato. Ammettendo il principio per cui la Spagna è una Confederazione, affermato dal Re Juan Carlos in moltissimi discorsi ufficiali, si riconosce implicitamente il diritto della Generalità di sciogliere i suoi vincoli con Madrid. Qualora invece Sanchez fosse trattenuto in prigione, verrebbe impedita la normale attività di un soggetto di Diritto Pubblico, e in tal caso, la Spagna non potrebbe più essere considerata uno Stato di Diritto. Dal punto di vista politico, si deve riconoscere che i Catalani stanno giocando molto bene la loro partita: in primo luogo, la dichiarazione di sovranità adottata a suo tempo dal Parlamento di Barcellona non è mai stata ritrattata, ed inoltre la Generalità tratta alla pari con la Spagna in qualità di Stato indipendente. Che cosa succederebbe se il Presidente della Repubblica Italiana fosse trattenuto in prigione a Parigi dalle Autorità francesi? Come minimo, si aprirebbe un contenzioso internazionale. Si potrà obiettare che l’Italia è uno Stato indipendente, mentre la Catalogna non lo è ancora, ma è proprio questa la ragione per cui Barcellona sta deliberatamente aggravando il proprio conflitto con Madrid, sapendo che le decisioni assunte dal Belgio hanno già modificato un rapporto di forze destinato comunque ad evolvere ulteriormente. Nel frattempo, la Generalità continua ad esercitare le competenze legislative ed amministrative che comunque la Spagna le riconosce, affermando però che la dichiarazione di Indipendenza è tuttora pienamente vigente. Può Madrid impedire questo esercizio della sovranità? Naturalmente non può farlo, salvo negare la vigenza della propria stessa Costituzione e dello Statuto della Generalità. Il braccio di ferro è destinato a continuare, e noi continueremo a commentarne i vari episodi dal punto di vista giuridico. Resta fermo comunque che la Liguria – come ha affermato solennemente con voto unanime il Consiglio Comunale di Genova – sostiene il diritto dei fratelli catalani ad esercitare l’autodeterminazione. Full Article
spa INDIPENDENTISMO E LIBERTÀ D’ESPRESSIONE. Spagna: una questione di giustizia irrisolta e multiforme By Published On :: Sun, 13 May 2018 19:15:00 +0200 AFFARI INTERNAZIONALI 3 Maggio 2018 ELENA MARISOL BRANDOLINI Da alcuni mesi, in Spagna la giustizia occupa la scena mediatica. È successo con la vicenda catalana, in cui il ricorso ai tribunali e alla legalità ha sostituito la politica fin dal principio. Poi si è compreso che si trattava solo della punta dell’iceberg e quello che c’era sotto è venuto a galla un po’ alla volta. Si è visto allora che la giustizia spagnola presenta vari problemi. Sul piano della legislazione, come dimostra il recente caso della sentenza nei confronti degli uomini della ‘Manada’, autori di violenza sessuale, ma puniti per il reato di abuso, differenza prevista nel codice penale. O nella legislazione anti-terrorista, che ha così tanto ampliato il campo di applicazione per cui ora “tutto è Eta”: una rissa da bar che coinvolge due poliziotti della Guardia Civil, la canzone di un rapper, l’interruzione del transito su un’autostrada. Sul terreno dell’ordinamento, con istituti come l’Audiencia Nacional erede del tribunale franchista e quindi inesistente altrove. Su quello infine della debole separazione fra i poteri dello Stato, con una tendenza alla ‘giudiziarizzazione’ della politica e con il rischio di farne il mezzo di competizione tra i partiti della destra spagnola. A farne le spese è la libertà d’espressione A farne le spese è la libertà di espressione che la sezione spagnola di Amnesty International segnala essersi ridotta. Perciò la censura si allarga, rasentando il ridicolo nel sequestro di fischietti e magliette di colore giallo nella finale di calcio della Copa del Rey. A farne le spese sono le persone che rischiano il carcere, stanno per finirci o ci sono da tempo, imputate di delitti che non hanno commesso. E’ il caso di rappers, utenti delle reti sociali, comici, militanti di movimenti. E’ il caso dei nove prigionieri politici catalani in regime di carcerazione preventiva: Oriol Junqueras, Dolors Bassa, Carme Forcadell, Quim Forn, Raül Romeva, Josep Rull, Jordi Turull, e i Jordis, Jordi Sánchez e Jordi Cuixart, leader del movimento indipendentista, in cella da oltre sei mesi per avere convocato una manifestazione sotto il dipartimento di Economia. Contro l’indipendentismo, il giudice istruttore Llarena del Tribunal Supremo ha costruito un vero e proprio teorema accusatorio, teso a dimostrare l’uso della violenza nei fatti occorsi nell’autunno 2017, per cui 13 dei 25 imputati nella macro-causa lo sono per ribellione, delitto punito con 25-30 di carcere. La violenza, pur se non esercitata direttamente dagli accusati, sarebbe quella da questi indotta nel comportamento della polizia spagnola il giorno del referendum per farne rispettare il divieto, o quella che si sarebbe potuta determinare per la presenza intimidatoria di un grande assembramento di persone il 20 settembre. Un’imputazione per un delitto inesistente, a detta di diversi giuristi stranieri e di alcuni spagnoli; contestata da Amnesty International che critica il regime di carcerazione preventivo in cui si trovano i Jordis. Per la semplice ragione che è mancante del suo presupposto, la violenza appunto, poiché il movimento indipendentista catalano è sempre stato pacifico e di massa. La processione dei capi d’accusa Tanto che la giustizia spagnola starebbe meditando un’eventuale riconsiderazione di questa imputazione attribuita ad alcuni degli esiliati, fino a sostituirla con l’accusa di sedizione, che prevede pene inferiori. Questo, in attesa di riuscire a dimostrare il delitto di malversazione di fondi pubblici, di cui sono accusati tutti i componenti dell’ex-governo per il referendum. Considerando che la Generalitat aveva il bilancio controllato dal governo spagnolo fin dal 2015 e commissariato negli ultimi giorni del settembre scorso. Contraddizione che ha aperto un inedito conflitto tra il ministro del Tesoro Montoro, che deve mostrarsi commissario efficiente, e il giudice Llarena, che teme di vedere compromesso l’altro aspetto del suo impianto processuale. Per entrambi i delitti la giustizia spagnola ha infatti chiesto l’estradizione degli imputati esiliati: di Carles Puigdemont, prima a Bruxelles e ora in libertà condizionata in Germania, di Clara Ponsatí in libertà condizionata nel Regno Unito, di Toni Comín in libertà condizionata a Bruxelles e di Marta Rovira rifugiatasi in Svizzera, imputati di ribellione; di Lluís Puig e Meritxell Serret a Bruxelles accusati di malversazione; mentre per Anna Gabriel non c’è richiesta di estradizione dalla Svizzera, perché imputata di disobbedienza. Il movimento indipendentista si è sempre appellato a una mediazione europea senza successo, perché la Commissione ha continuato a sostenere che si tratta di una questione interna allo Stato spagnolo. La strategia di Puigdemont è stata quella d’internazionalizzare il conflitto, per evidenziare il carattere politico della persecuzione giudiziaria. Il suo arresto in Germania e quello successivo di altri cinque dirigenti dell’indipendentismo hanno suscitato più di una perplessità nelle opinioni pubbliche europee e sui media internazionali. Il tribunale tedesco non ha riconosciuto gli estremi di violenza per l’estradizione di Puigdemont; la giustizia britannica si è presa del tempo per esaminare le carte relative all’imputata Ponsatí; in Belgio, la giustizia sta istruendo la richiesta relativa agli altri imputati; la Svizzera ha già detto che non concederà estradizioni per ragioni politiche. E il Comitato dei Diritti Umani dell’Onu, sollecitato da Jordi Sánchez perché era stato impedito a presentarsi come candidato a president della Generalitat, raccomanda che ne siano garantiti i diritti politici. Una vicenda tutta spagnola su cui peserà il giudizio di almeno altri quattro paesi europei. Full Article
spa Job alert: Two positions at Estación Biológica de Doñana (Spain) By Published On :: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 17:28:00 +0200 Estación Biológica de Doñana seeks applicants for two positions with the following profiles. 1. Telecommunication Engineer or similar to work in the EU project Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON) The main tasks will be: To validate the application of data architecture to data from testing sites, looking for accessibility to stakeholders. To assist validate EUBON tools for the analysis and interpretation of data from the web server. Candidate should catalyze the understanding between informatics and biologists, understanding data architecture, protocols for data warehouse and metadata registry and catalogue while keeping the ability of understanding requirements from both scientist and managers. Previous professional experience on biodiversity datasets, systematic protocols of data entrance (e.g. cybertracker software), data management (e.g. mysql), data mining and data patterns (e.g. Clementine software, neural networks) and web portals will be valued. Period: Abril 2013- December 2016 Salary: 40000-45000 € per year before taxes Candidates should send a curriculum vitae and contact details of two referencence persons to Carlos Rodríguez before March 15th. 2. Informatics engineer or similar to work in the EU project Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network (EU BON) He/she will be the person in charge of data architecture that will guide the development, integration, and interoperability efforts within the project starting from the information architectures of relevant infrastructures such as GBIF; LTER, GOESS, GEOBON, LifeWatch, and INSPIRE. The architecture will highlight the relevant components of registry, portal, semantic mediation, workflows, and e-services. The task will address heterogeneity of projects and networks by ensuring that the developments of the project can be migrated to permanent infrastructures. He/she will be leading the creation of the European Biodiversity Data portal as the main GEOBON information hub. It is required to be fluent in English, being able of attend several international meetings and report the activity of the team. Period: April 2013-February 2015 Salary: 40000-45000€ per year before taxes Candidates should send a curriculum vitae and contact details of two reference persons to Carlos Rodríguez before March 15th. Full Article News
spa Postdoctoral position on species and population dynamics at Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC), Spain By Published On :: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 11:39:00 +0300 Funded by the "Severo Ochoa" Excellence Program awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Doñana Biological Station ( seeks a Postdoctoral fellow for two-years with a potential extension of one year with the aim of analyzing temporal trends of species distribution and abundance in the Doñana natural area (SW Spain), and their relation with environmental pressures such as climate change, land-use change, and water quality. Period for application: From 5th July to 5th August, 2013. For more information please see the pdf file below. Full Article News
spa EU BON WP3/WP4 kick-off meeting, Solsona, Spain By Published On :: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 16:37:00 +0200 A joint EU BON WP3-WP4 meeting took place on 25-27 November 2013 in Solsona, Spain. The main aim of the meeting was to officially kick off WP3 and provide forum for discussion of the planned work. The two work packages were presented with their main aims, scope and objectives. The place of the two work packages in the broader framework of EU BON, and the cross-links between the two, were also discussed. In the following interview Hannu Saarenmaa and Klaus Henle share insights from the meeting: 1) WP3 ‘Improving tools and methods for data analysis and interface’ and WP 4 ‘Link environment to biodiversity: analyses of patterns, processes and trends’ are two of the core work packages in EU BON that are expected to accumulate a lot of genuine data and develop new tools for data analysis and interface. Can you explain in short what will your main activities involve? HS: I can contribute to the project and these WPs a large-scale modelling technology from the BioVeL project that can process hundreds of species. This would be an engine to compute the first real Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBV). KH: Our main activities will involve an analysis how available effort is best allocated in time and space to optimize results from monitoring. We will further assess how different sources of uncertainty influence conclusions derived from the analysis of monitroing data 2) What were the main results of the meeting in terms of the planned work and WP management? HS: It was proposed to set up an EBV Task Force across the EU BON project. If we can do that, it would really give a thrust for the project. If we could pick up the Database of Monitoring Schemes from the EUMON project, as discussed, that would give us access to some large datasets. KH: One main result was the identification of the concrete responsibilities (e.g. data provision, data analysis for terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity) within the workpackage and to identify explicitly links to other workpackages. 3) What novelty will the work in these two work packages bring and what will the major results be? HS: If they can create a new Ecological Niche Modelling algorithm that can also deal with spatial patterns, that would be interesting. Such a model actually exists in MigClim, but it is not yet widely used. KH: We will get recommendations how monitoring can be optimized and a more comprehensive understanding of changes in biodiversity and their underlying causes 4) What are the immediate planned activities and when can the first results be expected? KH: The most immediate planned activities it the screening of potentially available data needed for the analysis 5) How will the WP3/4 interact with GEO BON? HS: The proposed EBV Task Force would need to interface very closely with GEO BON. KH: We are engaged directly with key members of GEO-BON; e.g. we have regular meetings with Henrique Perreira. Full Article News
spa Despatch from the field: New species discovery, description and data sharing in less than 30 days By Published On :: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 16:35:00 +0200 Researchers and the public can now have immediate access to data underlying discovery of new species of life on Earth, under a new streamlined system linking taxonomic research with open data publication. The partnership paves the way for unlocking and preserving a wealth of 'small data' backing up research conclusions, which often become lost within a few years of an article's publication in an academic journal. In the first example of the new collaboration in action, the Biodiversity Data Journal carries a peer-reviewed description of a new species of spider discovered during a field course in Borneo just one month ago. At the same time, the data showing location of the spider's occurrence in nature are automatically harvested by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), and richer data such as images and the species description are exported to the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). This contrasts with an average 'shelf life' of twenty-one years between field discovery of a new species and its formal description and naming, according to a recent study in Current Biology. A group of scientists and students discovered the new species of spider during a field course in Borneo, supervised by Jeremy Miller and Menno Schilthuizen from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, based in Leiden, the Netherlands. The species was described and submitted online from the field to the Biodiversity Data Journal through a satellite internet connection, along with the underlying data . The manuscript was peer-reviewed and published within two weeks of submission. On the day of publication, GBIF and EOL have harvested and included the data in their respective platforms. The new workflow established between GBIF, EOL and Pensoft Publishers' Biodiversity Data Journal, with the support of the Swiss NGO Plazi, automatically exports treatment and occurrence data into a Darwin Core Archive, a standard format used by GBIF and other networks to share data from many different sources. This means GBIF can extract these data on the day of the article's publication, making them immediately available to science and the public through its portal and web services, further enriching the biodiversity data already freely accessible through the GBIF network. Similarly, the information and multimedia resources become accessible via EOL's species pages. One of the main purposes of the partnership is to ensure that such data remain accessible for future use in research. A recent study published in Current Biology found that 80 % of scientific data are lost in less than 10 years following their creation. Donald Hobern, GBIF's Executive Secretary, commented: "A great volume of extremely important information about the world's species is effectively inaccessible, scattered across thousands of small datasets carefully curated by taxonomic researchers. I find it very exciting that this new workflow will help preserve these 'small data' and make them immediately available for re-use through our networks." "Re-use of data published on paper or in PDF format is a huge challenge in all branches of science", said Prof. Lyubomir Penev, managing director of Pensoft and founder of the Biodiversity Data Journal. "This problem has been tackled firstly by our partners from Plazi who created a workflow to extract data from legacy literature and submit it to GBIF. The workflow currently launched by GBIF, EOL and the Biodiversity Data Journal radically shortens the way from publication of data to their sharing and re-use and makes the whole process cost efficient", added Prof. Penev. The elaboration of the workflow from BDJ and Plazi to GBIF through Darwin Core Archive was supported by the EU-funded project EU BON (Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network, grant No 308454). The basic concept has been initially discussed and outlined in the course of the pro-iBiosphere project (Coordination and policy development in preparation for a European Open Biodiversity Knowledge Management System, addressing Acquisition, Curation, Synthesis, Interoperability and Dissemination, grant No 312848). Original source: Miller J, Schilthuizen M, Burmester J, van der Graaf L, Merckx V, Jocqué M, Kessler P, Fayle T, Breeschoten T, Broeren R, Bouman R, Chua W, Feijen F, Fermont T, Groen K, Groen M, Kil N, de Laat H, Moerland M, Moncoquet C, Panjang E, Philip A, Roca-Eriksen R, Rooduijn B, van Santen M, Swakman V, Evans M, Evans L, Love K, Joscelyne S, Tober A, Wilson H, Ambu L, Goossens B (2014) Dispatch from the field: ecology of micro web-building spiders with description of a new species. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1076. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1076 Full Article News
spa EU BON and the European Space Agency: Earth Observations to support biodiversity monitoring By Published On :: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 15:28:00 +0300 The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 20 Member States. How is EU BON connected to space research? As a speaker at the EU BON General Meeting, which took place on Crete between 30 March - 3 April 2014, Marc Paganini of the European Space Agency explains the collaboration between ESA and GEO BON, and how EU BON is involved. In the following interview he continues the topic: Marc Paganini (left) and Dirk Schmeller (right) at the EU BON General Meeting 2014 1) For most of the general public space and biodiversity research hardly have anything to do with each other, can you explain how the European Space Agency (ESA) and the idea of remote sensing communities make these two meet? It is widely recognized that in-situ observations available on biological diversity are very scarce for most of the Earth’s ecosystems and are often insufficient for determining precisely the global status and trends of biodiversity worldwide. In most cases, satellite Earth Observations do not provide a direct measurement of biodiversity but, if properly used with ground collection of biodiversity data and species and habitat modeling, remote sensing can become an important and essential component of biodiversity monitoring systems. There are multiple cases where remote sensing is often the only instrument that can offer large scale monitoring, as for example in highly variable ecosystems such as wetlands or in remote areas that can hardly be monitored by field campaigns. The recent and future evolution of the portfolio of EO satellites offers huge potential for increasing the use of EO products into biodiversity monitoring systems. The lack of data continuity has always been a barrier for the biodiversity community to invest in EO technology. A commitment from Space Agencies to provide sustained observations on the long term is a strong incentive for the biodiversity community to invest in Space. The Sentinel series of the European Copernicus program, together with the freely available data from other space agencies such as the Landsat family of the US Geological Survey, will bring unprecedented long-term continuity of observations for the biodiversity community. In that context, free and open data policy to taxpayer-funded satellite remote sensing imagery is becoming a "de facto" standard amongst Space Agencies and a unique opportunity for the biodiversity community to use widely EO products to monitor biodiversity trends. 2) How is the ESA involved with the aims of EU BON, where do the two initiatives intersect? ESA and many other Space Agencies are becoming more and more committed in helping the biodiversity community at large, in improving their capacity to use remote sensing data for monitoring biodiversity trends. First there is a coordinated action from all Space Agencies through the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) and its involvement in the Group of Earth Observation (GEO). The GEO is a voluntary partnership of governments and international organizations who engaged jointly in developing a comprehensive, coordinated and sustained system of observations of the Earth with the ultimate objective to enhance scientifically-sound decision making. Biodiversity is one of the primary societal benefit areas of GEO and is addressed by the GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON). CEOS is actively involved in GEO BON, principally through the participation to its steering committee of the European, US and German Space Agencies, namely ESA, NASA and DLR. Since EU BON is the principal European contribution to GEO BON, and has, amongst its objectives, the aim to integrate biodiversity data from ground observations to remote sensing information, ESA is directly concerned by the EU BON development in using remote sensing for terrestrial, freshwater and marine realms. Second, ESA has its own EO application development programs, and funds a wide range of Research & Development projects for biodiversity and ecosystem services. In that context, ESA has established close relationships with the European Environment Agency (EEA) but also with the secretariats and scientific bodies of major Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Ramsar Convention on wetlands. The findings of the ESA-funded EO projects on biodiversity and ecosystem services are highly relevant to EU BON. It is therefore expected that the ESA and EU BON activities in relation to the use of RS for biodiversity monitoring will offer some convergence of evidence showcases for the whole biodiversity community. 3) How do you see the future of collaboration with EU BON? The high potential for satellite Earth Observations to support biodiversity monitoring is growing but is yet to be fully realised. The recent efforts of GEO BON, supported by the GEO Plenary and the CBD Conference of the Parties, to define a set of minimum essential observational requirements to monitor biodiversity trends will give considerable impetus for space agencies and for the remote sensing community to focus their work on a small set of well defined EO products that will serve the needs of the biodiversity community at large. In that context ESA is firmly engaged in supporting the development of these emerging Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs). EU BON together with ESA can be pioneers in the early development and demonstration. Full Article News
spa Postdoctoral position on Biological Invasions at Doñana Biological Station (Spain) By Published On :: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 09:41:00 +0300 Funded by the "Severo Ochoa" Excellence Program awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Doñana Biological Station ( seeks a Postdoctoral fellow for two-years with the aim to conduct research in the field of Biological Invasions. EBD-CSIC is interested to examine the multifaceted causes and consequences of biological invasions, a key component of global change. The ultimate goal is to improve our knowledge of the factors that influence the success and impacts of invasions by plants and vertebrates. For this purpose, we investigate species traits conferring invasive potential, the vulnerability of ecosystems to be invaded, and the sensitivity of native biodiversity to invasions under different environmental conditions and scenarios of global change. Deadline for interested applicants: 17th June-17th July, 2014 Please see attached file for more details (download, pdf) Full Article News
spa European Space Agency's call for proposals: Data User Element INNOVATOR By Published On :: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 10:38:00 +0300 European Space Agency (ESA) has released its call for proposals for the next projects in the Data User Element (DUE) INNOVATOR arena. Projects are expected to contributed to various international efforts, and CliC and the Cryosphere in a Changing Climate Grand Challenge are specifically mentioned. We encourage those of you interested in submitting a proposal to consider tying your efforts to some of the ongoing and developing CliC activities. The full call for proposals can be downloaded here. The DUE INNOVATOR III will consist in a suite of up to 12 projects of maximum two year time duration and of value up to 200 K euro each. The DUE INNOVATOR III projects will give to the end-users, industry and research communities the opportunity to develop and demonstrate innovative Earth Observation (EO) services and products using existing ESA, ESA third-party mission and other EO datasets. These original projects, if successful, may constitute future large scale activities within the Agency's Data User Element (DUE) programme. The DUE INNOVATOR III application areas and service themes are open, but require a targeted end-user community that will directly benefit from these new services and products. At least one end-user entity shall be actively involved in each DUE INNOVATOR III project and will be responsible for providing the detailed service and product requirements, as well as support the interpretation and validation of the service products, and assess the adequacy of and benefits of the service. Each project will be carried out up to 24 months and will consist of three phases: - Specification and demonstration; - Implementation and validation; - Evaluation and evolution scenario. EO topics already covered by past or ongoing projects within the ESA DUP/DUE, EOMD, GSE, EU Framework Programmes or National programmes will not be considered for funding. Spanish Tenderers are advised that although Spain is participating in EOEP-4, its contribution is already earmarked for specific elements in EOEP-4 aiming at ensuring continuity with activities stemming from the previous period. Therefore, for this ITT, entities which have their registered office in Spain are not entitled to take part in a bidding consortium, either as Prime Contract or as subcontractor. Full Article News
spa Earth Observation for Ecosystems Monitoring in Space and Time: A Special Issue in Remote Sensing By Published On :: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 10:58:00 +0300 A new EU BON acknowledging special issue "Earth Observation for Ecosystems Monitoring in Space and Time: A Special Issue in Remote Sensing" published in the open access journal Remote Sensing provides a collection of important researchers in the field, as well as the most challenging aspects of the application of remote sensing to study ecosystems. The special issue represents a stimulating discussion concerning innovative techniques/approaches that are based on remote sensing data, which are used for the study of ecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales. Research scientists and other subject matter experts submitted innovative and challenging papers that showed advances in several topics: - estimating the spatial distribution of plant species richness by Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and hyperspectral data, - assessing habitat quality of forest corridor based on NDVI, - applying remote sensing to study (marine) coral ecosystems, - identifying ecosystem functional types, - distinguishing between different forest trunk size classes from remote sensing, - detecting changes in forest patterns, - applying light use efficiency models to estimate vegetation productivity, - classifying grassland successional stages by airborne hyperspectral images - proposing monitoring programs of grasslands based on multi-temporal optical and radar satellite images, - estimating the potential of remote sensing to capture field-based plants phenology. Original Source: Rocchini, D. (2015). Earth observation for ecosystems monitoring in space and time: a special issue in Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing, 7: 8102-8106. [IF: 3.180] [DOI | PDF] The full collection of papers can be found here: Full Article News
spa Nature commentary: Agree on biodiversity metrics to track from space By Published On :: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 15:56:00 +0300 A new commentary "Environmental science: Agree on biodiversity metrics to track from space" published in Nature looks at why conservation and space agencies should agree on a definitive set of biodiversity variables and ways in which these will be tracked from space, to address conservation targets. The paper is a result of two Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) workshops which took place earlier this year. Global biodiversity loss is intensifying. But it is hard to assess progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets for 2011–20 set by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Target 5, for instance, aims to halve global deforestation rates by 2020; but reliable indicators for deforestation that can be monitored remotely have not been developed or agreed on. National biodiversity monitoring programmes differ widely, most data sets are inconsistent, and few data are shared openly. Read more on the topic in the original commentary article. Full Article News
spa MUSE talk: "Biodiversity from space: old theories, new frontiers" By Published On :: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 10:03:00 +0200 On December 2 EU BON partner Duccio Rocchini, the Edmund Mach Foundation, gave a talk "Biodiversity from space: old theories, new frontiers" at MUSE, who recently joined the list of EU BON associated partners. The talk was aimed at explaining how to protect the Earth's biodiversity through the use of images from space. Introduction from the talk; Credit: Duccio Rocchini Satellite images, space station, drones: does this have to do with biodiversity? Duccio Rocchini, researcher at the Department of Molecular Ecology and Biodiversity of the Edmund Mach Foundation explain how biodiversity can benefit from it. In his research Rocchini tries to understand how to monitor biodiversity and its changes in space and time, through the use of satellite images. Such images may in fact help to identify spots in biodiversity and provide basic data for developing models of distribution of species at risk. Full Article News
spa New EU BON article looks into incorporating spatial autocorrelation in rarefaction methods By Published On :: Mon, 16 May 2016 18:46:00 +0300 A new EU BON acknowledged article looks at the recently introduced in scientific literature methods for constructing Spatially Explicit Rarefaction (SER) and their implication for ecologists and conservation biologist. The research was published in the journal Ecological Indicators. Abstract: Recently, methods for constructing Spatially Explicit Rarefaction (SER) curves have been introduced in the scientific literature to describe the relation between the recorded species richness and sampling effort and taking into account for the spatial autocorrelation in the data. Despite these methodological advances, the use of SERs has not become routine and ecologists continue to use rarefaction methods that are not spatially explicit. Using two study cases from Italian vegetation surveys, we demonstrate that classic rarefaction methods that do not account for spatial structure can produce inaccurate results. Furthermore, our goal in this paper is to demonstrate how SERs can overcome the problem of spatial autocorrelation in the analysis of plant or animal communities. Our analyses demonstrate that using a spatially-explicit method for constructing rarefaction curves can substantially alter estimates of relative species richness. For both analyzed data sets, we found that the rank ordering of standardized species richness estimates was reversed between the two methods. We strongly advise the use of Spatially Explicit Rarefaction methods when analyzing biodiversity: the inclusion of spatial autocorrelation into rarefaction analyses can substantially alter conclusions and change the way we might prioritize or manage nature reserves. Original Source: Bacaro, G., Altobelli, A., Camelletti, M., Ciccarelli, D., Martellos, S., Palmer, M.W., Ricotta, C., Rocchini, D., Scheiner, S.M., Tordoni, E., Chiarucci, A. (2016). Incorporating spatial autocorrelation in rarefaction methods: implications for ecologists and conservation biologists. Ecological Indicators, 69: 233-238. [5years-IF: 3.494] doi: Full Article News
spa ECOPOTENTIAL Workshop "SPACED: Using Earth Observations to Protect Natural Landscapes" By Published On :: Thu, 07 Dec 2017 10:33:00 +0200 The ECOPOTENTIAL H2020 project, focusing its activities on blending Earth Observations from remote sensing, field measurements, data analysis and modeling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services, is organizing this workshop in Brussels on the 10th of January 2018, from 9.00 to 17:30. The main objective of the workshop is to prospect the state-of-the-art of Remote Sensing as a Sentinel tool to monitor, characterize and understand the state, ongoing changes and effectiveness of conservation and management actions of natural landscapes and to facilitate an open debate among scientists and the involved Institutions. This workshop is part of the multiple events organized by the ECOPOTENTIAL Project on the week of 9th-12th of January 2018, starting on Jan 9th with the opening of the photo-exhibition with the same title, on display at the European Parliament. Registration: Agenda: Event's website: Full Article News
spa Big data from Space By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 10:15:00 +0200 The European Space Agency in Frascati is organising a "Big data from Space" event to address the barriers that hamper an effective use of large volumes of Earth observation data. The event will focus on issues associated with the organisation and delivery of large volumes of contemporary and historical Earth observations, either space-based or from ground (including ubiquitous information-sensing mobile devices, aerial sensory technologies, wireless sensor networks). Full Article Events
spa 2nd LifeWatch e-Infrastructure Construction Operational Meeting ICT CORE and distributed construction operations, Granada, Spain By Published On :: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 10:17:00 +0200 The 2nd LifeWatch e-Infrastructure meeting will take part on 3 - 4 February 2014 in Granada, Spain. During the two days of the meeting " e-Infrastructure Construction Operational Meeting ICT CORE and distributed construction operations" Eu BON will be presented by Christoph Häuser who will talk on "The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES), and The Group on Earth Observations / Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON): Synergies with LifeWatch". Hannu Saarenmaa will also chair the first Working Session: LifeWatch ICT requirements. Full Article Events
spa Space - the final frontier for biodiversity monitoring By Published On :: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:27:00 +0300 The ZSL Institute of Zoology is organizing a one day symposim "Space - the final frontier for biodiversity monitoring?" to take place on 29 April 2016. The event will bring together leading experts in biodiversity monitoring and satellite remote sensing to discuss ways to better capitalise on this technology to monitor biological diversity globally. For more information on participation and logistics, please visit the official event 's page. Full Article Events
spa How dare Spain of all nations try to lecture Britain about democracy By Published On :: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 22:00:00 +0100 Spain has threatened to block the Brexit deal if it does not get a veto over how any future trade deal applies to Gibraltar (pictured) AFP /Getty Images DAILY MAIL 22-11-2018 By STEPHEN GLOVER Theresa May already has enough problems on her hands with the Democratic Unionist Party and Tory Brexiteers proclaiming they will vote against her deal in the Commons next month. Just when she least needed another set of anxieties, the Spanish government has tossed a potentially lethal grenade in her direction. It is threatening to scupper the Brexit agreement because it is unhappy with a section of the draft withdrawal agreement concerning Gibraltar. At the same time, its foreign minister, Josep Borrell, has let fly by suggesting that Brexit could split apart the United Kingdom. He claims to be ‘very much more worried’ about the unity of the UK than of Spain. And, in a move bound to cheer Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP, he says Spain has dropped its historic opposition to Scotland joining the EU as an independent country. Madrid had hitherto tried to discourage nationalists in Catalonia by insisting that it would block Scottish membership of the Union. I must say that, on the eve of Sunday’s planned EU summit, none of this is very friendly or helpful. By announcing that Scotland would be welcomed with open arms, Mr Borrell seems almost to be willing the disintegration of the United Kingdom. What is the Spanish government playing at? Gibraltar has of course long been a bone of contention, with Madrid laying claim to the Rock, which was ceded to Britain in 1713. Here one must say, with all possible courtesy, that Spain’s obsession with Gibraltar sometimes verges on the deranged. In a 1967 referendum, 99.6 per cent of Gibraltar’s citizens voted to remain British. In 2002, a proposal for joint sovereignty was rejected by 98 per cent of Gibraltarians. Some people might have got the message by now that pretty well everyone in the tiny territory would prefer to stay British, thank you very much. But a succession of testosterone-driven Spanish politicians will not listen. One of the ironies of this story, so grotesque that it is hard not to be amused, is that Madrid vehemently defends its right to retain two historic enclaves in Morocco, called Ceuta and Melilla. The Moroccan government periodically grumbles about this anomaly. Spain’s sovereignty over Ceuta and Melilla is, to its way of thinking, beyond reproach, even though it’s not at all clear that all the inhabitants of the two enclaves are joyful subjects. But Gibraltar, whose people are thoroughly happy being British, should belong to Spain. Get it? All this has blown up because Gibraltar will leave the EU on March 29 next year along with the UK, though it should be said that 96 per cent of its citizens voted Remain on an 82 per cent turnout. However, there’s no evidence that any of them are hankering after rule from Madrid. Why is the Spanish government so upset? Because it believes that Article 184 of the draft withdrawal agreement implies that the future of the territory will be decided by the EU and the UK, without Spain necessarily being involved. This is a case of paranoia. Spain is certain to be consulted by both parties, and is constantly talking about Gibraltar with the British Government. The truth is that politicians in Madrid are puffing out their chests with characteristic machismo. I would be surprised if they do upset the deal, though one can’t be sure. In a narrow sense, this is a squabble about virtually nothing, since, as I have said, Spain will continue to be included in discussions. But the outburst reminds us just how fixated all Spanish governments (the present one is Left-wing) are on Gibraltar, and how weak is their adherence to democratic principles. So far as Madrid is concerned, Gibraltar should be Spanish because it is part of the Spanish mainland, and was inveigled by Perfidious Albion a very long time ago. It seems hardly to weigh with them that the vast majority of people in the territory understandably see themselves as British. In this view of things, sovereignty has its roots in land, not in the hearts of citizens. This idea was perfectly demonstrated last autumn, when the Catalan government in Barcelona decided to call a referendum on independence, which resulted in a large Leave majority on a relatively small turnout. Arguably, the Catalan nationalists overplayed their hand. But nothing can excuse the response of the Madrid Government. Its police bludgeoned and assaulted defenceless voters who were simply trying to exercise their democratic right. Some 900 people were said to be injured. After the vote, the Spanish government summarily dissolved the Catalan Parliament and arrested leading Catalan politicians. President Puigdemont and others managed to escape to Belgium, but were forced to flee to Germany after Madrid issued European arrest warrants alleging crimes of rebellion and sedition. These warrants have now been suspended but Puigdemont and his colleagues dare not return to Spain for fear that they will be arrested and thrown into jail. None of this sounds very civilised, does it? And so when Josep Borrell says that he thinks Spain will remain a united state for longer than the United Kingdom, I can’t help shaking my head in disbelief. Spain — which, let’s face it, is a very young democracy, though of course a great country — refused to allow a referendum on independence in Catalonia. When the Catalans went ahead and held one of their own, the Spanish state cracked down on them in a pretty brutal way. By contrast, Westminster — a very much older democracy — acceded to the SNP’s request for a referendum on independence in 2014. No one can doubt that if a majority of the Scottish people had voted to leave the UK, their wish would have been honoured. The Spanish way, pretty openly endorsed by Brussels, was to rely on coercion. The British way, at any rate in the 21st century, was to rely on persuasion and open debate, and to accept the powerful democratic idea that people should be governed with their consent. Only a fool would deny that the United Kingdom faces challenges to its survival as a unitary state. But I venture to suggest that consent is likely to keep it together longer than Spain will be held together by force. What has happened in Catalonia is that a long-established longing for independence has been quelled, but it has not been extinguished. Sooner or later it will rise again. What will politicians in Madrid then do? As for Gibraltar, in the unlikely event of a majority of its people ever wanting to exchange their British citizenship for Spanish, I have no doubt that their desire would be granted. It is partly the sure knowledge that it would be that makes them want to stay British. How we flagellate ourselves at the moment during these wrangles over Brexit. We are said to be the laughing stock of Europe. Our democracy is spoken of as dysfunctional. Many of us feel a bit down in the dumps. But when I look at Spain, and hear its foreign minister cheerfully prophesying the break-up of the United Kingdom; when I see Spanish politicians casting avaricious eyes on the Rock of Gibraltar — why, then I am still very glad to be British. Full Article
spa Spain: 2 Catalan Separatists Start Hunger Strike in Prison By Published On :: Sun, 02 Dec 2018 21:45:00 +0100 NYT By The Associated Press Dec. 1, 2018 BARCELONA, Spain — Two leaders of Catalonia's separatist movement who have spent the last year in prison started a hunger strike on Saturday to protest what they claim is the unfair treatment by Spanish courts. Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Turull, regional lawmakers in northeastern Catalonia, said in a statement distributed by the Catalan government that "we will never give up on our right to a fair trial." Spain's government responded by saying that they and other separatist leaders will be treated just like any other citizens brought before the law. The government led by Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said in a statement that "like all citizens who are subject to and protected by the rule of law, the separatist leaders will receive a fair trial." Sanchez and Turull are two of nine separatist leaders who are in pre-trial custody for their role in an illegal secession attempt by Catalonia's leaders last year. Spain's state prosecutors will pursue charges of rebellion against both, asking for sentences of 17 years for Sanchez and 16 years for Turull. Sanchez and Turull are being held in a prison near Barcelona, the largest city in the Catalonia region. They have been kept behind bars with authorities saying they pose a risk of continuing to push for secession and fleeing Spain like other separatist leaders, including former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont. The trial is expected to start in the coming months. Catalonia's current separatist leaders insist they won't desist in their effort to break away from the rest of Spain. Election results and polls show that the 7.5 million resident of the wealthy Catalonia region are roughly equally divided by the secession issue. Full Article
spa Spaniens Richter tanzen nach der Pfeife der Politiker By Published On :: Sun, 16 Dec 2018 10:30:00 +0100 Wegen fragwürdiger Anklagen, Urteile und Ernennungen gerät die spanische Justiz zunehmend ins Zwielicht. Die politischen Parteien haben zu grossen Einfluss auf die Ernennung der Richter. «Gerechtigkeit!» Spaniens Justiz gerät ins Zwielicht, etwa durch die Kehrtwende des obersten Gerichts im Fall der Grundbuchgebühren. (Bild: Susana Vera / Reuters) NZZ Ute Müller 13.12.2018. Dass die spanische Justiz langsam arbeitet und völlig überlastet ist, ist allseits bekannt. Dass aber die politischen Parteien Einfluss bis in die obersten Richtergremien haben, war den Bürgern lange Zeit nur wenig bewusst. Doch das änderte sich jüngst mit der Ernennung des Vorsitzenden des Generalrats der Justiz (Consejo General del Poder Judicial). Das Gremium entscheidet über die Besetzung der wichtigsten Richterposten im Land. Kaum war bekanntgeworden, dass Manuel Marchena, ein konservativer Richter an Spaniens oberstem Gerichtshof, zum Vorsitzenden dieses Rats gekürt werden sollte, drang Jubel aus dem Senat. Ignacio Cosido, der Sprecher der konservativen Fraktion in der kleinen Parlamentskammer, liess seine 146 Amtskollegen per Whatsapp wissen, dass man mit Marchenas Ernennung Einfluss auf die Prozesse gegen korrupte Politiker in den eigenen Reihen erlangen werde, denn man könne jetzt die Strafkammer des obersten Gerichts «von hinten kontrollieren». Die Textnachricht wurde der Zeitung «El Español» zugespielt, ein Aufschrei ging durch die gesamte Medienlandschaft. Kuhhandel zwischen Parteien Auch aus den Reihen der Richter wurde Kritik laut. Ramón Trillo, ehemaliger Vorsitzender einer der Kammern des obersten Gerichtshofs, rügte, dass die Richter immer mehr am Gängelband der Politik geführt würden. Die Verflechtung zwischen Richtern und Parteien beeinträchtige das Ansehen der Justiz. In der Tat ist die Auswahl der 20 Richter des Generalrats der Justiz eine Art Kuhhandel zwischen den führenden Parteien. Wenn das rechte Lager den Präsidenten stellen darf, dann dürfen die Linken die Mehrheit, nämlich 11 der Richter, ernennen und umgekehrt. So stand es klipp und klar in der Textnachricht von Cosido. Marchena blieb nichts anderes übrig, als seine Ernennung zum Präsidenten des Generalrats der Justiz abzulehnen. Dafür will er nun an seinem brisantesten Fall weiterarbeiten, nämlich am Prozess gegen den ehemaligen katalanischen Vizeregierungschef Oriol Junqueras und 17 weitere katalanische Separatisten. Der Prozess soll im Januar beginnen. Junqueras, der seit über einem Jahr in Untersuchungshaft sitzt, liess bereits über seinen Anwalt mitteilen, dass er Marchena wegen Befangenheit ablehnen werde. Eine Gruppe von vier Mitangeklagten folgte diesem Schritt. Marchena sei der Protagonist eines Paktes, der darauf abziele, die spanische Justiz zu kontrollieren, hiess es zur Begründung. Die offenkundige Nähe zu einer bestimmten politischen Gruppierung lasse Zweifel an seiner Neutralität bei diesem Prozess aufkommen. Die Angeklagten stützten ihren Befangenheitsantrag unter anderem auf die Textnachricht von Cosido. Umstrittener Vorwurf der Rebellion Für die inhaftierten Katalanen sieht es nicht günstig aus. In der Anklageschrift von Pablo Llarena, ebenfalls einem konservativen Magistraten des obersten Gerichtshofs, wird der Vorwurf erhoben, die katalanischen Politiker hätten eine «Rebellion» angezettelt, um die Unabhängigkeit ihrer Region zu erreichen. Llarena wirft ihnen im Weiteren zivilen Ungehorsam und die Veruntreuung öffentlicher Mittel bei der Durchführung der illegalen Volksabstimmung für die Loslösung Kataloniens von Spanien vor. Im Ausland hat man keine «Rebellion» erkannt. Die Behörden in vier europäischen Ländern haben Auslieferungsgesuche der spanischen Justiz gegen den ehemaligen katalanischen Regierungschef Carles Puigdemont und einige seiner Getreuen deshalb abgelehnt. Auch in Spanien regt sich Unmut über die Art, wie die Justiz den Katalonien-Konflikt behandelt. Vor einigen Tagen unterzeichneten 300 namhafte spanische Juristen und Verfassungsrechtler ein Manifest, in dem sie einen Prozess wegen «Rebellion» gegen die katalanischen Unabhängigkeitsbefürworter als «Irrtum» bezeichneten und die Freilassung der katalanischen Politiker verlangten. Der Untersuchungsrichter und die Staatsanwaltschaft hätten sich bei ihren Anschuldigungen auf den Artikel 472 des Strafgesetzbuchs gestützt, der die Anwendung von Gewalt mit Einsatz von Feuerwaffen oder Sprengstoff voraussetze. Dies sei aber mitnichten der Fall gewesen. «In dubio pro banco» Für grösste Empörung sorgte kürzlich auch ein umstrittenes Urteil beziehungsweise eine abrupte Kehrtwende des obersten Gerichtshofs. Ein Entscheid zu den Grundbuchgebühren bei Hypothekarverträgen fiel zuerst zugunsten der Bankkunden aus, kurz darauf wurde er ins Gegenteil korrigiert. Den Banken wurden damit Rückzahlungen an die Kunden in Höhe von mehreren Milliarden Euro erspart. «In dubio pro banco» (im Zweifel für die Bank), höhnten die Medien. «Mit diesem Urteil stehen wir da, als ob wir nach der Pfeife der Banken tanzen würden», räumte Nicolás Maurandi ein, einer der 28 Richter am obersten Gerichtshof. Blamiert hat sich Spaniens Rechtsprechung auch im Ausland. So urteilte der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte in Strassburg im November, dass der baskische Politiker Arnaldo Otegi, der einst als Anwalt für Mitglieder der baskischen Terrororganisation ETA arbeitete, keinen fairen Prozess erhalten habe. Die spanische Justiz muss nun ein gegen ihn verhängtes Berufsverbot überprüfen. Spanien ist allerdings nicht das einzige Land, dessen Urteile von europäischen Gerichten kassiert werden. Das gleiche Gericht verhängte eine Geldbusse von 14 400 Euro gegen Spanien, weil spanische Richter zwei jugendliche Katalanen zu einer Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt hatten; die beiden hatten bei einer Demonstration ein Bild des früheren Königs Juan Carlos verbrannt. Die belgischen Behörden wiederum nahmen einen mallorquinischen Rapper namens Josep Miquel Arenas in Schutz, weil er wegen Majestätsbeleidigung sowie der «Verherrlichung» von ETA-Verbrechen für drei Jahre hinter Gitter gehen sollte. Der unter dem Künstlernamen Valtonyc bekannte 25-Jährige kann weiterhin nicht nach Spanien reisen, ohne festgenommen zu werden. Unabhängigkeit nicht gewährleistet Die Staatengruppe gegen Korruption (Greco), eine Unterorganisation des Europarats, monierte in ihrem letzten Bericht die undurchsichtigen politischen Geschäfte bei der Ernennung von Richtern. Sie empfahl, mindestens die Hälfte der Richter sollte von den Kollegen ernannt werden und nicht vom Parlament oder vom Senat. Die unselige Praxis reiche bis in die Provinzen Spaniens und müsse dringend korrigiert werden. Die Greco vermisst auch objektive Kriterien bei der Kandidatenauswahl. Die zwölf Mitglieder des spanischen Verfassungsgerichts müssen nicht einmal Richter sein, es genügt, dass sie eine juristische Laufbahn eingeschlagen haben. Vier der Mitglieder des Verfassungsgerichts, das sich mit den heikelsten gesellschaftlichen Themen befasst, werden vom Parlament ernannt, vier vom Senat, zwei von der Regierung und nur zwei vom obersten Richtergremium. Es verwundert nicht, dass Spanien bei den jährlichen Umfragen über die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz immer einen der hintersten Ränge belegt. Full Article
spa Earth Observation for Ecosystems Monitoring in Space and Time: A Special Issue in Remote Sensing By Published On :: Wed, 08 Jul 2015 12:11:24 +0300 Full Article Events
spa Earlier breeding, lower success: does the spatial scale of climatic conditions matter in a migratory passerine bird? By Published On :: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 15:16:08 +0200 Full Article Events
spa Incorporating spatial autocorrelation in rarefaction methods: implications for ecologists and conservation biologists By Published On :: Mon, 16 May 2016 14:46:08 +0300 Full Article Events
spa 3rd EU BON Stakeholder Roundtable (Granada, Spain): Biodiversity data workflow from data mobilization to practice. EU BON Workshop Report By Published On :: Wed, 01 Jun 2016 16:27:10 +0300 Full Article Events
spa Cartograms tool to represent spatial uncertainty in species distribution By Published On :: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 15:36:37 +0200 Full Article Events
spa A confirmed observation of Oxalis dillenii in Spain. By Published On :: Thu, 06 Apr 2017 17:19:52 +0300 Full Article Events
spa Assessing relative variable importance across different spatial scales: a two-dimensional wavelet analysis By Published On :: Wed, 19 Apr 2017 15:12:09 +0300 Full Article Events
spa Spind: a package for computing spatially corrected accuracy measures By Published On :: Wed, 19 Apr 2017 15:34:58 +0300 Full Article Events
spa The Invisible - Rispah By Published On :: Tue, 29 May 2012 00:00:00 +0100 A set of contemplation and catharsis, maintaining its emotional grip for a long time. Full Article
spa SpaceX launches rescue mission for 2 NASA astronauts who are stuck in space until next year By Published On :: Sun, 29 Sep 2024 23:13:59 +0000 By the time they return, Needham native Suni Williams and fellow astronaut Butch Wilmore will have logged more than eight months in space. The post SpaceX launches rescue mission for 2 NASA astronauts who are stuck in space until next year appeared first on Full Article News Business National News Science Technology World News
spa NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft will scour Jupiter moon for the ingredients for life By Published On :: Sun, 13 Oct 2024 12:51:00 +0000 It won’t search for life, but rather determine whether conditions there could support it. The post NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft will scour Jupiter moon for the ingredients for life appeared first on Full Article News National News Science
spa Safe spaces By Published On :: Sat, 20 Apr 2019 01:30:00 +0000 Migrant families are being released to communities around the US. They often have no money and no support. Volunteers are stepping in to help. Also: the White House is considering a plan that would send immigrants to so-called sanctuary cities; climate refugees arrive in a small city in the state of Georgia; a peek inside a KGB Spy Museum in New York City, and the Turkish embassy in Washington DC was once a place to hear jazz legends. (Image: A sign welcomes arrivals at the Refugee Coffee Shop in Clarkston, Georgia. Credit:Jason Margolis) Full Article
spa Needham native on International Space Station says she’s healthy after media report that she’s dropped weight By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 01:01:58 +0000 “My body has changed a little bit, but I weigh the same.” The post Needham native on International Space Station says she’s healthy after media report that she’s dropped weight appeared first on Full Article News Local News Massachusetts News National News World News
spa A Black Face In An Evangelical Space By Published On :: Fri, 22 Jun 2018 15:29:05 -0500 There are very clear lines drawn for a Black person in White evangelical spaces that are not often addressed. Speaking openly about these realities can be hopeful, yet tricky and difficult; however, the call, for me, is very missional and fully aligns with the ministry of the disciples after Christs’ commissioning. I don't speak for all Black people who operate in these spaces, but I believe that my experiences and relationships, coupled with the research I've conducted in this area, allow me to bring a broad perspective to certain realities surrounding this subject matter. (Note that when I refer to evangelical churches, I'm referring to predominantly white churches, thus the exclusion of the language, engagement with black churches and vernacular used within the Black church.) I, like many of my Black friends, fall in love with the new language, liturgies and sermon content occupied by the evangelical church. In modern evangelical churches, there is great pride in the authority of Scripture, accurate hermeneutics and appropriate exegesis of Scripture. At times, there are historical facts and liturgies presented that are not always found in Black churches. When I began attending and working at my first evangelical church, this new language and preaching style became very attractive to me. I felt my love for this new experience grow as I continued to learn. Consequently, to my detriment, I grew further away from my own culture. I started to feel that everything I loved about church, while growing up in the Black church, was a lie. For a short season, I grew bitter, hurt and angry with the Black church because I felt they kept from me the truths and historical facts that I began learning in the evangelical church. My frustration with the specific lens through which the church communicated and the lifestyle that was promoted grew as well. Boy, was I wrong. As I gained more influence within the [evangelical] church and increased my knowledge and understanding of God, I started seeing the gaps in my church, and the church as a whole. I later enrolled in seminary and it changed my life. I will never forget watching a sermon by Dr. Tony Evans where he stated that he was one of only four Black’s to attend the Dallas Theological Seminary in the 1980’s, and that those four were some of the first to attend in DTS history. I found this information inexcusable and devastating, and it affirmed what I've known my entire life - Black churches were not holding anything back from me; they didn't have access to the same information as their white counterparts. This realization began shifting my view of my culture and my Black church experience. The idea of Black people not being able to attend “accredited” seminaries until the nineteen-eighties became a real issue and tension for me. It also brought a greater appreciation for the Black church and its ability to have such powerful services and accurate sermon content. This reflects the narrative of not only the church, but our dearest America. Many of us grew up being taught that America was built so that equality for all human beings could be attained. We have a certain historical view of Christianity; however, if we take a closer look at history, we'll learn that many of our brothers and sisters failed us in this regard. The tricky part that comes with this is diving deep into motives while highlighting the gaps within not only the country, but the evangelical church. The church, historically, segregated congregations based on preferences. To this day, churches continue to segregate, and have zero conviction about it. Many white evangelical churches adhere and fully affirm the work of Martin Luther and the Reformation while also ignoring the ramifications of this movement. While I believe Luther’s work was great and indeed needed during sixteenth century, I do, however, realize that many evangelicals overlook the other parts of Luther. We often think of Luther as the great catalyst of the Reformation, the re-discoverer of the doctrine of justification by faith and the one who stood up to a corrupt Roman Catholic Church, but we fail to acknowledge his overlook on the importance of reconciliation and the equality of all mankind. Condemnation, bondage and hierarchy were prevalent then and because it was not addressed during the Reformation period, it damaged, and continues to damage many people. The language of the Reformation and Luther's work is exclusively used in evangelical churches. This highlights not only a historical tension, but the difficulties that come with it. There is no denying the good in Luther's work; however, it's made the journey of forward progression more challenging. The difficult challenge and frustration that I find hard for many of my white friends to grasp, is the need to repent for their beliefs and inattentional blindness acquired while growing up. Inattentional blindness, as Walter Bruggerman states, is known as perceptual blindness. It's due to a lack of attention that is not associated with any vision defects or deficits. In other words, it means missing or negating to perceive what is right in front of you. Working in white spaces and getting white people to see the oppression they cause, theologically, is quite difficult. Many evangelicals, if they're being honest, approach oppression as Black employers would call a 'misnomer.' They often negate the real pain and frustration that Black's endure because they choose to be colorblind and fail to see hierarchy and white supremacy as a great cause for concern. As a result, tensions arise at some point with Black’s who grew up in different denominations or church environments. Although, this may not always be the case for those who grew up in suburban white culture and those adopted into a white family. Despite having affirmation from peers, congregants and certain church leaders, I was viewed as a liability because of my theology prior to working in the evangelical church. All that I attained while growing up in the Black church would ultimately keep me from excelling higher within the evangelical church. By limiting my role in leadership while still allowing me a certain level of influence, they'd do just enough to keep my voice quiet. This would, however, keep the church from ultimately becoming diverse. I began asking my church hard questions in an attempt to understand why they wanted to be diverse. I came to learn that my perception was accurate in that the church didn't want diversity in leadership; they only wanted it in certain areas like entertainment (worship) and family ministry - departments that were merely limited to freedoms of expression and custodial services. While many white parishioners would deny that this is their intention, I would argue that it is and point them to the term 'inattentional blindness.' Many say that there are systems in place to protect the unity of the church and that if someone disagrees, they should “seek God’s call elsewhere,” meanwhile, making this situation very difficult for Black’s who operate in White evangelical spaces as they live with these realities and tensions. To say that the gospel is inclusive and that you want diversity while failing to accept the culture within the Black people that are hired negates their perspectives, giftings and who they are in Christ. I want to send a message to my evangelical friends: It's important to remember that sound hermeneutics, appropriate exegesis and historical content is very subjective. I'm afraid that many evangelical churches explicitly view the interpretation of these principles as absolutes. To view these principles dualistically or as absolutes is not only dangerous, but quite damaging. Churches that practice communion should be reminded of its meaning, power and purpose - to unite and remind us all of the work of Christ. It's purpose is ultimately to bring us together. Diversity should not be viewed as a threat, but as a gift from God. Moreover, there needs to be a clear understanding that God has not given us all the same gift(s). I believe that Black's do more than add value to diversity and that Black culture itself is indeed diverse. Black people and culture are embedded in every continent, and this is not only our nature -- it's our gift. As Black people, we are a strong race that knows how to persevere, and there are many things that can be learned from us. It's important that we, the church, reject the notion that black people are a threat, unable to be trusted in leadership; a lie that America taught us. I recently held a conversation at my house with a diverse group of friends who came together to talk about these very things. Many of them were surprised by the stories shared by Black people who felt discouraged and faced the same challenges I endured while working at a White church. That night, we all encouraged each other. We rebuked anger, frustration and hurt. We broke bread together to be reminded of our union. It's time for us all to seek the kingdom and stop building our city. It's time for us to stop feeling threatened by different perspectives and start embracing the gifts that are all essential to a healthy body. It's time to truly embrace our duty to love. Full Article
spa Is it time to say goodbye to the BMI? Statins cost effective and linked to better health outcomes in older people, Brie Spaghetti with Tomatoes and Basil By Published On :: Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:11:43 +0000 This week Zorba and Karl discuss a new replacement proposed for BMI, and they talk about the effectiveness of statins for older people. Plus, they share a healthy recipe for […] Full Article Food Health
spa From Debt and Despair to a Life of Financial Freedom By Published On :: Friday, September 11, 2020 - 1:00pm Rhonda Bell dreamt of a better financial future. She felt stuck working two jobs with irregular hours. “And I had to do both jobs even to have just enough. I remember one time when I out of work; I just dug around my house for change ended, and I up finding like, in change, $13.76. I was able to buy groceries; I had no food. I just really wanted a career. I wanted the Lord to bless me with something stable.” When friends encouraged Rhonda to go into healthcare, she prayed about it. She believed... Full Article
spa 38 - How to Discipline Your Team ... is spanking still allowed? By Published On :: Wed, 17 Jul 2019 16:21:57 +0000 Today we talk through that terrible, horrible, uncomfortable word; Discipline. How do you effectively correct or discipline your team when/if it’s needed? Should it really come down to that? Oh boy. James and Dustin dig deep into the realities of this topic within our worship teams and how to make sure we are the best we can be. ----------------- The Worship Podcast is powered by All About Worship in partnership with WeAreWorship. This episode also features Song Capture. Subscribe to the podcast: You can also connect with The Worship Podcast on social media: The Worship Podcast on Facebook The Worship Podcast on Instagram The Worship Podcast on Twitter Full Article
spa Knauf Insulation Wins EPA Grant to Advance Product Transparency and Sustainability By Published On :: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 12:00:00 -0400 Knauf has been awarded a $3.28 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to improve its Life Cycle Assessments and Environmental Product Declarations. The grant will allow Knauf to provide accurate and reliable information, helping industry professionals make informed, eco-friendly choices and contribute to a more sustainable built environment. Full Article
spa Patrick Webb: Spanish Natural Cement By Published On :: Tue, 01 Oct 2019 00:00:00 -0400 I’ve been using natural cements and natural hydraulic limes in the traditional plastering craft for many years. However, I never had the opportunity to visit a quarry where the unique limestones used to produce them are mined. Full Article
spa Labour's council insourcing proposal sparks fears among charities By Published On :: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 15:16:45 +0100 Voluntary sector providers of local authority services say ideology must not hamper effective service provision Full Article Policy and Politics
spa Acoustical Blades for Exposed Structure Spaces By Published On :: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 13:17:00 -0500 Armstrong Ceiling & Wall Systems has expanded its portfolio of acoustical solutions for exposed structure spaces with the introduction of SoundScapes Blades. Full Article
spa Bayer Offers Program in Spanish By Published On :: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 10:51:00 -0400 Bayer MaterialScience LLC now offers its Applicator Fundamentals Program in Spanish. Full Article
spa Kingspan Director Presents at Two Meetings By Published On :: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 10:20:06 -0400 Kingspan Insulated Panels North America has announced that its Director of Sustainability and Environment, Paul Bertram Jr. Full Article
spa How Architectural Ceilings Transformed the UCLA Health Center Lobby Space By Published On :: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:00 -0400 In the bustling world of health care, every detail matters, especially when it comes to creating spaces that promote healing and comfort. UCLA Health Center, renowned for its commitment to excellence in patient care, recently underwent a remarkable transformation. Full Article
spa Safe guidelines for use: Space heaters By Published On :: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Winter is coming, or so whispers that chill of cold air making its way through your office. To keep warm, you may be considering using a portable space heater at your desk. Before you plug it in, know that portable electric space heaters can present a “major workplace safety hazard,” according to Electrical Safety Foundation International. Full Article
spa Study analyzes top stressors for 911 dispatchers By Published On :: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 00:00:00 -0400 Montreal – Emergency dispatchers who work at 911 call centers face a variety of physical and mental challenges in a high-stress environment, according to a study conducted by scientific research organization IRSST. Full Article