expe The Effect of Perceived Expected Satisfaction with Electronic Health Records Availability on Expected Satisfaction with Electronic Health Records Portability in a Multi-Stakeholder Environment By Published On :: 2016-04-12 A central premise for the creation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) is ensuring the portability of patient health records across various clinical, insurance, and regulatory entities. From portability standards such as International Classification of Diseases (ICD) to data sharing across institutions, a lack of portability of health data can jeopardize optimal care and reduce meaningful use. This research empirically investigates the relationship between health records availability and portability. Using data collected from 168 medical providers and patients, we confirm the positive relationship between user perceptions of expected satisfaction with EHR availability and the expected satisfaction with portability. Our findings contribute to more informed practice by understanding how ensuring the availability of patient data by virtue of enhanced data sharing standards, device independence, and better EHR data integration can subsequently drive perceptions of portability across a multitude of stakeholders. Full Article
expe An Empirical Examination of Customers’ Mobile Phone Experience and Awareness of Mobile Banking Services in Mobile Banking in Saudi Arabia By Published On :: 2017-11-29 Aim/Purpose: This work aims to understand why a disparity between the popularity of smart phones and the limited adoption of m-banking exists. Accordingly, this study investigates factors that affect a person’s decision to adopt m-banking services. Such an investigation seeks to determine if and to what extent customers’ mobile phone experience as well as their awareness of m-banking services influence their intention to use such services? Background: This study developed a conceptual model to determine the influence that users’ mobile phone experience as well as users’ awareness of m-banking services had on users’ behavioral intention to use m-banking in Saudi Arabia. Methodology: The quantitative method used to collect data was a survey questionnaire tech-nique. A questionnaire with non-structured (close-ended) questions was formulated. A random sample, targeting banking customers in Saudi Arabia, was selected. This study collected data using a cross-sectional survey. Of those surveyed, 389 provided valid responses eligible for data analysis. SPSS v.22 was used to analyze the data. Contribution: This study produced helpful results and a new m-banking conceptual model. The developed conceptual model focused integrally on users’ awareness and experience as antecedents of m-banking adoption and highlighted the im-portance of differentiating between measuring the users’ characteristics in adopting e-banking in general and m-banking services in particular. In addition, this type of model has the ability to synthesize new control variables as well as to study technology acceptance in developing countries. This study, based on an extended UTAUT model, set out to discover what factors might affect customers’ intentions to use m-banking in Saudi Arabia. Findings: The results show that service awareness has a direct effect on performance and effort expectancy, but not on perceived risk. Moreover, mobile phone experience fails to impact the relationships in the same hypothesized direction. As anticipated, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and perceived risk have direct and significant effects on behavioral intentions to use m-banking. However, customer awareness fails to impact the relationships of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and perceived risk on behavioral intentions to use m-banking. Recommendations for Practitioners: Banks should target customers by distributing useful information and applying measures to increase acceptance. Banks need to introduce something imaginative to convince bank customers to abandon existing service channels and adopt m-banking services. Banks should make m-banking services the easiest service for conducting bank transactions and/or help customers conduct transactions that they cannot do any other way. Recommendation for Researchers: Other factors, such as trust, culture, and/or credibility should be investigated along with user’s awareness and experience factors in m-banking services. There is a need to focus on a specific type of m-banking. Thus, it may be fruitful to study the adoption of different systems of m-banking services. Impact on Society: This study suggests that m-banking services should be designed and built based on a deep understanding of customers’ needs using extensive testing to assure that applications and sites function well in a mobile setting. Future Research: Future researchers should apply the conceptual model developed in this study in different settings, different countries, and to different technologies. Full Article
expe Millennial Experience with Online Food Home Delivery: A Lesson from Indonesia By Published On :: 2019-09-19 Aim/Purpose: To examine millennial satisfaction towards online food delivery services, including e-service quality, food quality, and perceived value as the determinants and behavioral intention as the consequence. Background: Among the generational cohorts, millennials are a demanding target group for many retailers, including restaurants. Despite many studies examining millennial behavior in the restaurant context, almost no research on millennial attitudes and behavior in the context of online food home delivery service can be found. Methodology: For this research, 332 millennials completed a self-administered survey in Indonesia. To assess the associations between satisfaction and its determinants and consequences, this study employs Partial Least Square modeling. Contribution: This research extends existing knowledge of millennial satisfaction toward online food delivery service by highlighting that food quality, e-service quality and perceived value are the main determinants of satisfaction for online food purchasing among millennials. Further, this study offers support for the spillover theory in the online food home delivery service from millennial perspective. Findings: This study uncovers the important direct dual influences of e-service quality and food quality on millennial satisfaction with online food delivery services. Further, this study notes that e-service and food quality also have an indirect influence on satisfaction via perceived value. Moreover, satisfied millennial customers are more likely to re-purchase, recommend to others, and re-purchase at an increased price. Recommendations for Practitioners: For small and medium restaurants, it is suggested that they need to focus solely on their core business of providing food. If they want to offer an e-service, they should develop strategic cooperation with one or more online service providers. Recommendation for Researchers: Millennials tend to repurchase, recommend, and be willing to pay more in the future extends the existing models that look at the associations among quality, satisfaction and behavioral intention. Thus, in online restaurant purchasing services, both e-service quality and food quality should be included in the future research models. Impact on Society: This study could help restaurant industries to increase their business performance and, indirectly, impact on society as a whole by providing high quality food, employment opportunities, and tax revenues. Future Research: Future researchers can reassess the model in different countries and/or with other generation cohorts as well as including other variables such as trust, image, involvement, as well as socio-demographic factors. Full Article
expe Agile Self-selecting Teams Foster Expertise Coordination By Published On :: 2019-04-16 Aim/Purpose: This paper aims to discuss the activities involved in facilitating self-selecting teams for Agile software development projects. This paper also discussed how these activities can influence the successful expertise coordination in Agile teams. Background: Self-selecting teams enable Agile team members to choose teams based on whom they prefer to work with. Good team bonding allows Agile team members to rely on each other in coordinating their expertise resources effectively. This is the focal point where expertise coordination is needed in Agile teams. Methodology: This study employed Grounded Theory by interviewing 48 Agile practitioners from different software organizations mainly based in New Zealand. This study also carried out several sessions of observations and document analysis in conjunction with interviews. Contribution: This study contributes to the body of knowledge by identifying the way self-selecting teams support expertise coordination. Findings: Our findings indicated that the activities involved tend to influence the successful expertise coordination in Agile teams. Self-selecting teams are essential to supporting expertise coordination by increasing inter-dependencies between Agile team members, ensuring a diverse range of knowledge and skills in teams. Recommendations for Practitioners: The self-selecting team activities can be used as a guideline for Agile software organizations in forming self-selecting teams in the fastest and most efficient way. It is vital for management to facilitate the process of self-selecting teams in order to optimize successful expertise coordination. Recommendation for Researchers: There is potential for further Grounded Theory research to explore more activities and strategies involved in self-selecting teams. Impact on Society: Self-selecting teams in Agile software developments projects tend to boost the productivity of software development. Future Research: Several hypotheses can be tested through a deductive approach in future studies. Full Article
expe Students’ Continuance Intention to Use Moodle: An Expectation-Confirmation Model Approach By Published On :: 2021-08-08 Aim/Purpose: This study aims at investigating the factors that influence students’ continuous intention to use Moodle, as an exemplar of learning management systems (LMSs), in the post-adoption phase. Background: Higher education institutions (HEIs) have invested heavily in learning management systems (LMSs), such as Moodle and BlackBoard, as these systems enhance students’ learning and improve their interactions with the educational systems. While most studies on LMSs have focused on the pre-adoption or acceptance phases of this technology, the determinant factors that influence students’ continuance intention to use LMSs have received less attention in the information systems (IS) literature. Methodology: The theoretical model for this study was primarily drawn from the expectation-confirmation model (ECM). A total of 387 Kuwaiti students, from a private American University in the State of Kuwait, participated in this study. Partial least squares (PLS) was employed to analyze the data. Contribution: This study contributes to the existing scientific knowledge in different ways. First, this study extends the expectation confirmation model (ECM) by integrating factors that are important to students’ continuous intention to use LMSs, including system interactivity, effort expectancy, attitude, computer anxiety, self-efficacy, subjective norms, and facilitating conditions. Second, this study adds on a Kuwaiti literature context by focusing on the continuous intention to use LMSs, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first study that extends and empirically assesses the applicability of the ECM in the LMSs context in a developing country – Kuwait. Third, this study conceptually and empirically differentiates between satisfaction and attitude, as two separate affect constructs, which were taken as interchangeable factors in ECM, and were disregarded by a large number of prior ECM studies concerned with continuous use intention. Finally, this study aims to assist HEIs, faculty members, and systems’ developers in understanding the main factors that influence students’ continuance use intention of LMSs. Findings: While subjective norms were not significant, the results mainly showed that students’ continuous intention to use Moodle is significantly influenced by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, attitude, satisfaction, self-efficacy and facilitating conditions. The study’s results also confirmed that satisfaction and attitude are two conceptually and empirically different constructs, conflicting with the views that these constructs can be taken as interchangeable factors in the ECM. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study offers several useful practical implications. First, given the significant influence of system interactivity on performance expectancy and satisfaction, faculty members should modify their teaching approach by enabling communication and interaction among instructors, students, and peers using the LMS. Second, given the significant influence of performance expectancy, satisfaction, and attitude on continuous intention to use the LMS, HEIs should conduct training programs for students on the effective use of the LMS. This would increase students’ awareness regarding the usefulness of the LMS, enhance their attitude towards the LMS, and improve their satisfaction with the system. Third, given the significant role of effort expectancy in influencing performance expectancy, attitude, and students’ continuous intention to use Moodle, developers and system programmers should design the LMS with easy to use, high quality, and customizable user interface. This, in turn, will not only motivate students’ performance expectancy, but will also influence their attitude and continuous intention to use the system. Recommendation for Researchers: This study conceptually and empirically differentiates between satisfaction and attitude, as two separate affect constructs, which were taken as interchangeable factors in ECM and were disregarded by a large number of prior ECM studies concerned with continuous use intention. Hence, it is recommended that researchers include these two constructs in their research models when investigating continuous intention to use a technology. Impact on Society: This study could be used in other countries to compare and verify the results. Additionally, the research model of this study could also be used to investigate other LMSs, such as Blackboard. Future Research: This study focused on how different factors affected students’ continuous intention to use Moodle but did not consider all determinants of successful system, such as system quality, information quality, and instructional as well as course content quality. Thus, future research should devote attention to the effects of these quality characteristics of LMS. Full Article
expe Modelling End Users’ Continuance Intention to Use Information Systems in Academic Settings: Expectation-Confirmation and Stress Perspective By Published On :: 2021-08-07 Aim/Purpose: The main aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence the continuance intention of use of innovative systems by non-academic employees of a private university and associated academic institutions in Bangladesh. Background: The targeted academic institutions have introduced many new online services aimed at improving students’ access to information and services, including a new online library, ERP or online forum, and the jobs-tracking system (JTS). This research is focused only on the JTS for two reasons. First, it is one of the most crucial systems for the Daffodil Family, as it enables efficient working across many institutes spread across the country and abroad. Second, it is employed in a wide variety of organisational institutes, not just the university. This study aims to discover negative factors that lead to a decrease in users’ intentions to continue using the system. The ultimate goal is to improve the motivation among administrative staff to use technology-related innovation by reducing or eliminating the problems. Methodology: G* power analysis was employed to determine the expected sample size. A questionnaire survey was conducted of 211 users of a new job tracking system from a private university in Bangladesh, to collect data for testing the suggested research model. The data was analysed using the structural equation technique, which is a powerful multivariate analysis mechanism. Contribution: This research contributes to the body of literature and helps better understand users’ continuance intention in the post-implementation phase of the JTS. It complements the micro-level examinations of continuance intention of using IT, by building on our understanding of the phenomenon at the individual level. Specifically, this study examines the role of technostress where organisations invest in IT to make their users more comfortable with innovative and new technologies like the JTS. Findings: This research develops a theoretical advancement of the expectation-confirmation theory, with implications for IT managers and senior management dealing with IT-related behaviour. All proposed hypotheses were supported. Specifically, the predictors of exhaustion – work overload, work–life balance, and role ambiguity – are significant. The core factors for satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and confirmation, are also found to be significant. Finally, satisfaction and exhaustion significantly influence continuance intention, in both positive and negative ways. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study gives an idea about some of the difficulties that people face when implementing new and innovative IT, particularly in academia in Bangladesh. It offers insights into strategies the management may want to follow when implementing new technology like the JTS. This study suggests strategies to increase satisfaction and reduce technostress among new users to enhance organisational support for change. Recommendation for Researchers: Methodologically, the study provides researchers about the technique that reduces the threat of the common method bias. First, it created a psychological separation between criterion and predictor variables. Second, the threat of common method variance was actively controlled by modelling a latent method factor and by using marker variables that researchers can use in their work. This study complements the micro-level examinations of continuance intention of using IT by building on our understanding of the phenomenon at the individual level. Researchers can extend this model by integrating other theories. Impact on Society: The findings of the study indicate that work overload, work–life conflict, and role ambiguity create tiredness, leading to lower user satisfaction with the system. Perceived usefulness and confirmation have an increasingly similar effect on users’ satisfaction with the system and their subsequent continuance intention. These findings tell university administrators what measures they should take to improve continuance intention of using innovative technology. Future Research: Future studies could conceptualise a five-factor personality model from the personal perspective of users. This model can also be extended by including the dimensions of absorptive capacity, i.e., the dynamic capabilities of users. Absorptive capacity of understanding, assimilating, and applying might influence the user’s perception of usefulness and confirmation of using JTS. Full Article
expe Predicting Key Predictors of Project Desertion in Blockchain: Experts’ Verification Using One-Sample T-Test By Published On :: 2022-10-04 Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the critical predictors affecting project desertion in Blockchain projects. Background: Blockchain is one of the innovations that disrupt a broad range of industries and has attracted the interest of software developers. However, despite being an open-source software (OSS) project, the maintenance of the project ultimately relies on small core developers, and it is still uncertain whether the technology will continue to attract a sufficient number of developers. Methodology: The study utilized a systematic literature review (SLR) and an expert review method. The SLR identified 21 primary studies related to project desertion published in Scopus databases from the year 2010 to 2020. Then, Blockchain experts were asked to rank the importance of the identified predictors of project desertion in Blockchain. Contribution: A theoretical framework was constructed based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) constructs; personal, behavior, and environmental predictors and related theories. Findings: The findings indicate that the 12 predictors affecting Blockchain project desertion identified through SLR were important and significant. Recommendations for Practitioners: The framework proposed in this paper can be used by the Blockchain development community as a basis to identify developers who might have the tendency to abandon a Blockchain project. Recommendation for Researchers: The results show that some predictors, such as code testing tasks, contributed code decoupling, system integration and expert heterogeneity that are not covered in the existing developer turnover models can be integrated into future research efforts. Impact on Society: This study highlights how an individual’s design choices could determine the success or failure of IS projects. It could direct Blockchain crypto-currency investors and cyber-security managers to pay attention to the developer’s behavior while ensuring secure investments, especially for crypto-currencies projects. Future Research: Future research may employ additional methods, such as a meta-analysis, to provide a comprehensive picture of the main predictors that can predict project desertion in Blockchain. Full Article
expe An integrated framework for the alignment of stakeholder expectations with student learning outcomes By www.inderscience.com Published On :: 2024-03-06T23:20:50-05:00 In this paper, two hypothetical frameworks are proposed through the application of quality function deployment (QFD) to integrate the current institutional level and program level student learning focus areas with the relevant institutional and program specific stakeholder expectations. A generic skillset proficiency expected of all the graduating students at the institutional level by the stakeholders is considered in the first QFD application example and a program specific knowledge proficiency expected at the program level by the stakeholders is considered in the second QFD application example. Operations management major/option is considered for illustration purposes at the program level. In addition, an assurance of learning based approach rooted in continuous improvement philosophy is proposed to align the stakeholder expectations with the relevant student learning outcomes at different learning tiers. Full Article
expe Building a Framework to Support Project-Based Collaborative Learning Experiences in an Asynchronous Learning Network By Published On :: Full Article
expe Experiences and Opinions of E-learners: What Works, What are the Challenges, and What Competencies Ensure Successful Online Learning By Published On :: Full Article
expe How Do Students View Asynchronous Online Discussions As A Learning Experience? By Published On :: Full Article
expe Lifelong Learning at the Technion: Graduate Students’ Perceptions of and Experiences in Distance Learning By Published On :: Full Article
expe CAPTCHA: Impact on User Experience of Users with Learning Disabilities By Published On :: 2016-12-26 CAPTCHA is one of the most common solutions to check if the user trying to enter a Website is a real person or an automated piece of software. This challenge-response test, implemented in many Internet Websites, emphasizes the gaps between accessibility and security on the Internet, as it poses an obstacle for the learning-impaired in the reading and comprehension of what is presented in the test. Various types of CAPTCHA tests have been developed in order to address accessibility and security issues. The objective of this study is to investigate how the differences between various CAPTCHA tests affect user experience among populations with and without learning disabilities. A questionnaire accompanied by experiencing five different tests was administered to 212 users, 60 of them with learning disabilities. Response rates for each test and levels of success were collected automatically. Findings suggest that users with learning disabilities have more difficulties in solving the tests, especially those with distorted texts, have more negative attitudes towards the CAPTCHA tests, but the response time has no statistical difference from users without learning disabilities. These insights can help to develop and implement solutions suitable for many users and especially for population with learning disabilities. Full Article
expe Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Facilitating Conditions as Factors Influencing Smart Phones Use for Mobile Learning by Postgraduate Students of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria By Published On :: 2018-07-05 Aim/Purpose: This study examines the influence of Performance Expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), and Facilitating Conditions (FC) on the use of smart phones for mobile learning by postgraduate students in University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Background: Due to the low level of mobile learning adoption by students in Nigeria, three base constructs of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model were used as factors to determine smart phone use for mobile learning by the postgraduate students in the University of Ibadan. Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive survey research design of the correlational type, the two-stage random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 217 respondents, and a questionnaire was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics (frequency counts, percentages, mean, and standard deviation), test of norm, and inferential statistics (correlation and regression analysis) were used to analyze the data collected. Contribution: The study empirically validated the UTAUT model as a model useful in predicting smart phone use for mobile learning by postgraduate students in developing countries. Findings: The study revealed that a significant number of postgraduate students used their smart phones for mobile learning on a weekly basis. Findings also revealed a moderate level of Performance Expectancy (???? =16.97), Effort Expectancy (???? =12.57) and Facilitating Conditions (???? =15.39) towards the use of smart phones for mobile learning. Results showed a significant positive relationship between all the independent variables and use of smart phones for mobile learning (PE, r=.527*; EE, r=.724*; and FCs, r=.514*). Out of the independent variables, PE was the strongest predictor of smart phone use for mobile learning (β =.189). Recommendations for Practitioners: Librarians in the university library should organize periodic workshops for postgraduate students in order to expose them to the various ways of using their smart phones to access electronic databases. Recommendation for Researchers: There is a need for extensive studies on the factors influencing mobile technologies adoption and use in learning in developing countries. Impact on Society: Nowadays, mobile learning is increasingly being adopted over conventional learning systems due to its numerous benefits. Thus, this study provides an insight into the issues influencing the use of smart phones for mobile learning by postgraduate students from developing countries. Future Research: This study utilized the base constructs of the UTAUT model to determine smart phone use for mobile learning by postgraduate students in a Nigerian university. Subsequent research should focus on other theories to ascertain factors influencing Information Technology adoption and usage by students in developing countries. Full Article
expe Changing Multitasking Intention with Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) By Published On :: 2021-07-11 Aim/Purpose: This article aimed to design and evaluate a pedagogical technique for altering students’ classroom digital multitasking behaviors. The technique we designed and evaluated is called course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE). With this technique, the students wrote a research article based on a multitasking experiment that the instructor conducted with the students. The students conducted a literature review, developed their own research questions, they analyzed experiment data, and presented results. This study evaluated the how the CURE contributed to student multitasking behavior change. Background: Multitasking is defined as doing more than one thing at a time. Multitasking is really the engagement in individual and discrete tasks that are performed in succession. Research showed that students multitasked very often during courses. Researchers indicated that this was a problem especially for online teaching, because when students went online, they tended to multitask. Extant research indicated that digital multitasking in class harmed student performance. Multiple studies suggested that students who multitasked spent more time finishing their tasks and made more mistakes. Regardless of students’ gender or GPA, students who multitasked in class performed worse and got a lower grade than those who did not. However, little is known about how to change students’ digital multitasking behaviors. In this study, we used the transtheoretical model of behavior change to investigate how our pedagogical technique (CURE) changed students’ digital multitasking behaviors. Methodology: Using a course-based undergraduate research experience design, a new classroom intervention was designed and evaluated through a content analysis of pre- and post-intervention student reflections. As part of the course-based undergraduate research experience design, the students conducted a literature review, developed their own research questions, they analyzed experiment data, and presented results. This study evaluated the how teaching using a course-based undergraduate research experience contributed to student multitasking behavior change. Transtheoretical model of behavior change was used to investigate how our pedagogical technique changed students’ digital multitasking behaviors. Contribution: The paper described how teaching using a course-based undergraduate research experience can be used in practice. Further, it demonstrated the utility of this technique in changing student digital multitasking behaviors. This study contributed to constructivist approaches in education. Other unwanted student attitudes and behaviors can be changed using this approach to learning. Findings: As a result of CURE teaching, a majority of students observed the negative aspects of multitasking and intended to change their digital multitasking behaviors. Sixty-one percent of the participants experienced attitude changes, namely increased negative attitude towards multitasking in class. This is important because research found that while both students and instructors believed off-task technology use hinders learning, their views differed significantly, with more instructors than students feeling strongly that students’ use of technology in class is a problem. Moreover, our study showed that with teaching using CURE, it is possible to move the students on the ladder of change as quickly as within one semester (13 weeks). Seventy-one percent of the students reported moving to a higher stage of change post-intervention. Recommendations for Practitioners: Faculty wishing to curb student digital multitasking behaviors may conduct in-class experimentation with multitasking and have their students write a research report on their findings. Course-based undergraduate research experiences may make the effects of digital multitasking more apparent to the students. The students may become more aware of their own multitasking behaviors rather than doing them habitually. This technique is also recommended for those instructors who would like to introduce academic careers as a potential career option to their students. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should explore changing other unwanted undergraduate student behaviors with course-based undergraduate experiences. Researchers may use the transtheoretical model of change to evaluate the effectiveness of techniques used to change behaviors. Impact on Society: The negative outcomes of digital multitasking are not confined to the classroom. Digital multitasking impacts productivity in many domains. If techniques such as those used in this article become more common, changes in multitasking intentions could show broad improvements in productivity across many fields. Future Research: This paper constitutes a pilot study due to the small convenience sample that is used for the study. Future research should replicate this study with larger and randomized samples. Further investigation of the CURE technique can improve its effectiveness or reduce the instructor input while attaining the same behavioral changes. Full Article
expe Training Facilitators for Face-to-Face Electronic Meetings: An Experiential Learning Approach By Published On :: Full Article
expe Expectations and Influencing Factors of IS Graduates and Education in Thailand: A Perspective of the Students, Academics and Business Community By Published On :: Full Article
expe Detecting Data Errors in Organizational Settings: Examining the Generalizability of Experimental Findings By Published On :: Full Article
expe The Development of Consumer-Driven Human Services Information Technology Initiatives: The Lake County Indiana Experience By Published On :: Full Article
expe Applying Phenomenology and Hermeneutics in IS Design: A Report on Field Experiences By Published On :: Full Article
expe User Perceptions of Aesthetic Visual Design Variables within the Informing Environment: A Web-Based Experiment By Published On :: Full Article
expe Case Study of a Complex Informing System: Joint Interagency Field Experimentation (JIFX) By Published On :: 2015-08-02 The Joint Interagency Field Experimentation (JIFX) event, organized by the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), is conducted 3-4 times a year at various locations. The four day event can be characterized as an informing system specifically designed to facilitate structured and unstructured communications between a variety of parties—e.g., software developers, inventors, military and civilian users of various technologies, academics, and agencies responsible for identifying and procuring technology solutions—that frequently are constrained in their informing activities in more restrictive venues. Over the course of the event, participants may observe technology demonstrations, obtain feedback from potential users, acquire new ideas about their technologies might be employed and, perhaps most significantly, engage in ad hoc collaborations with other participants. The present paper describes an exploratory case research study that was conducted over a one year period and involved both direct observation of the event and follow-up interviews with 49 past participants in the event. The goal of the research was to assess the nature of participant-impact resulting from attending JIFX and to consider the consistency of the findings with the predictions of various theoretical frameworks used in informing science. The results suggest that participants perceived that the event provided significant value from three principal sources: discovery, interaction with potential clients (users) of the technologies involved, and networking with other participants. These findings were largely consistent with what could be expected from informing under conditions of high complexity; because value generally derives from combinations of attributes rather than from the sum of individual attributes, we would expect that overall value from informing activities will be perceived even though estimates of the incremental value of that informing cannot be made. Full Article
expe Define and Tackle Hate Speech: The Experience of Social Workers in Italy By Published On :: 2023-05-29 Aim/Purpose: The aim of this qualitative study is to explore social workers’ representations of hate speech (HS), the effects it has on the community, and socio-educational actions aimed at combating it. Background: Hate speech is any form of communication that promotes discrimination, hostility, or violence towards individuals or groups based on their identity. Although its spread is facilitated by particular characteristics of the online environment (such as anonymity and ubiquity), HS has pervasive consequences even in offline reality. In the last year, several community-based projects involving social workers have been implemented to address the problem. Professionals who work with the community play a crucial strategic role in the fight against HS. Therefore, it is imperative to begin by considering their perspective to gain a better understanding of HS and how it can be controlled. Methodology: Following a psycho-sociological perspective, six focus groups were conducted with 42 social workers (19 females and 23 males) belonging to associations or organizations of a different nature, such as NGOs, local social promotion organizations, universities, private social organizations, whose mission included the theme of countering hate speech. Contribution: There are no studies in the literature that consider the views of operators working to counter hate speech within communities. Our study contributes to deepening the knowledge of the phenomenon and identifying the most suitable strategies to combat it, starting from an approach that does not only focus on the online or offline dimension but on an integrated “onlife” approach. The study offers an outline of how hate speech affects the daily lives of the communities in the cities of Torino, Palermo, and Ancona. Additionally, it proposes a grassroots strategy to address hate speech. Findings: The results suggest that strategies effective in countering hate speech in offline contexts may not be effective in online environments. The technological revolution brought about by social media has significantly expanded the potential audience while weakening traditional communities. Addressing hate speech in the present context requires efforts to rebuild fragmented communities, gaining a thorough understanding of how the new virtual public space operates, and prioritizing hate speech as a specific concern only after these initial steps. Recommendation for Researchers: Hate speech represents a violation of human rights and a threat to freedom of expression. The spread of hateful messages has a significant impact on society, as it can negatively influence social cohesion, diversity, and inclusion. Understanding the causes and consequences of hate speech can help develop effective strategies to prevent and counter it, which is a crucial challenge for both research and society as a whole. Studying hate speech should involve the use of interdisciplinary methodologies. Future Research: Future research should focus on comparative analysis at the European Union level to assess the ability of civil society in other countries to develop effective strategies against hate speech. Full Article
expe Local Partnering in Foreign Ventures: Uncertainty, Experiential Learning, and Syndication in Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments By amj.aom.org Published On :: Thu, 14 May 2015 16:16:41 +0000 If partnering with local firms is an intuitive strategy with which to mitigate uncertainty in foreign ventures, then why don't organizations always partner with local firms, especially in uncertain settings? We address this question by unbundling the effects of uncertainty in foreign ventures at the venture and country levels. We contend that, while both levels increase the need for partnering with local firms in foreign ventures, country-level uncertainty increases the difficulty of partnering with local firms and decreases the likelihood of such partnerships. We also posit that experiential learning helps firms manage the two types of uncertainty, and thereby reduces the need for partnering—yet, experience in the host country makes partnering more feasible and increases the likelihood of such partnerships. To test our hypotheses, we conceptualize the decision to partner with a local firm in a foreign venture as a multilayered decision, and model it accordingly. Using a global sample of venture capital investments made between 1984 and 2011, we find support for the distinct effects of venture- and country-level uncertainty as well as for corresponding levels of experiential learning. These findings have implications for the literature on cross-border venture capital investment and international business in general. Full Article
expe When Justice Promotes Injustice: Why Minority Leaders Experience Bias When They Adhere to Interpersonal Justice Rules By amj.aom.org Published On :: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 18:09:34 +0000 Accumulated knowledge on organizational justice leaves little reason to doubt the notion that organizational members benefit when leaders adhere to interpersonal justice rules. However, upon considering how justice behaviors influence subordinates' cognitive processes, we predict that interpersonal justice has a surprising, unintended negative consequence. Supervisors who violate interpersonal justice rules trigger subordinates to search for reasons why their supervisors are threatening them, causing subordinates to be more attuned to supervisors' individual characteristics and therefore unlikely to use stereotypes when evaluating them. In contrast, supervisors who adhere to interpersonal justice rules allow subordinates to divert attention away from them, leading subordinates' judgments of their supervisors to be influenced by stereotypes. Consistent with these predictions, in a survey we found that minority supervisors faced bias relative to Caucasian supervisors when supervisors adhered to—but not when they violated—interpersonal justice rules. We replicated this effect in an experiment and established that it is explained by an alternating pattern of stereotype activation and inhibition: participants viewed minority supervisors to be more deceitful than Caucasians when supervisors adhered to—but not when they violated—interpersonal justice rules. We then conducted exploratory analyses and identified one factor (unit size) that mitigates this troubling pattern. Full Article
expe When Experts Become Liabilities: Domain Experts on Boards and Organizational Failure By amj.aom.org Published On :: Wed, 01 Jul 2015 17:12:16 +0000 How does the presence of domain experts on a corporate board—directors whose primary professional experience is within the focal firm's industry—affect organizational outcomes? We argue that under conditions of significant decision uncertainty, a higher proportion of domain experts on a board may detract from effective decision making and thus increase the probability of organizational failure. Building on exploratory interviews with board members and CEOs, we derive hypotheses from this argument in the context of local banks in the United States. We predict that the greater the level of decision uncertainty—due to rapid asset growth or operation in less predictable markets—the stronger the relationship between the proportion of banking expert directors and the probability of bank failure. Longitudinal analyses of 1,307 banks between 1996 and 2012 support this prediction, even after accounting for both the overall level of professional diversity among directors and banks' different propensities to have an expert-heavy board. We discuss implications for the key dimensions of board composition, the conditions under which the professional background of directors is more or less consequential, and the mechanisms whereby board composition affects organizational outcomes. Full Article
expe STORIES ABOUT VALUES AND VALUABLE STORIES: A FIELD EXPERIMENT OF THE POWER OF NARRATIVES TO SHAPE NEWCOMERS' ACTIONS By amj.aom.org Published On :: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 22:00:16 +0000 This study draws on social identity theories of behavioral contagion and research concerning narratives in organizations to present and test a framework for understanding how narratives embed values in organizational newcomers' actions. Employing a field experiment using 632 newly-hired employees in a large IT firm that prioritizes self-transcendent values, this study explores how narratives varying in terms of the organizational level of main characters and the values-upholding or values-violating behaviors of those characters influence newcomers' tendencies to engage in behaviors that uphold or deviate from the values. Results indicate that stories about low-level organizational characters engaging in values-upholding behaviors are more positively associated with self-transcendent, helping behaviors and negatively associated with deviant behaviors, than are similar stories about high-level members of the organization. Stories in which high-level members of the organization violate values are negatively related to newcomers' engagement in both helping and deviance more strongly than are values-violating stories about lower-level members. Content analyses of the stories suggest that they convey values in different and potentially important ways. Implications, future directions, and limitations are discussed. Full Article
expe Four inexperienced England players 'auditioning' for Tuchel By www.bbc.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:07:13 GMT BBC Sport takes a look at the players interim boss Lee Carsley has fast-tracked into the England squad for the upcoming Nations League matches. Full Article
expe The New Normal of Business Travel: what to expect and how to prepare By www.thistourismweek.co.za Published On :: Wed, 08 Jul 2020 10:14:57 +0000 Opinion piece: submitted by SAP Concur For the past few months, most companies have focused their energy on how to adapt to a remote work environment and keep the business moving forward. But, what happens when shelter-in-place restrictions are eased... Full Article Newsletters angelique montalto opinion post-pandemic sap concur travel
expe Experience the all-new electric Leapmotor C10 SUV By thesun.my Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 10:58:45 GMT STELLANTIS MALAYSIA is introducing the Leapmotor C10, its latest new energy SUV, through an exciting nationwide Leapmotor C10 Experience Roadshow. Attendees can get up close and personal with this innovative electric vehicle (EV), renowned for its award-winning design, advanced technology, and driving ease.The roadshow will take place at the following locations:Roadshow HighlightsInteractive Showroom: Experience the Leapmotor C10’s state-of-the-art features focused on comfort, intelligence, and spacious design.Family-Friendly Area: The Publika roadshow will feature a Play Cabin for kids, while parents can explore the vehicle’s child-friendly interior.Virtual Reality (VR): Immerse yourself in a VR experience for an in-depth look at the C10’s innovative technology.Test Drive & Exclusive MerchandiseVisitors can test drive the Leapmotor C10 and experience its performance, powered by a Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 8155 chip with driving optimization by Maserati for a seamless experience. Test drivers will receive exclusive Leapmotor merchandise, and all visitors can redeem a limited-edition Leapmotor tote bag and enamel pin set.Special Booking OfferProspective buyers can enjoy a limited-time offer by booking the Leapmotor C10 at the roadshow before 30 November 2024 for an introductory price of RM149,000 on the road without insurance (RM10,000 off the original RM159,000 price). Full Article Timothy Prakash
expe Antetokounmpo to Nets for Simmons, plethora of picks? Expert brings up possibility By www.philstar.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:49:00 +0800 Australian NBA star Ben Simmons’ expiring salary was floated by veteran sports journalist Bill Simmons of The Ringer as one of the trade chips for the Brooklyn Nets in the potential Giannis Antetokounmpo sweepstakes. Full Article
expe GitHub is Experiencing Issues By www.majorgeeks.com Published On :: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 19:47:44 -0400 If you have attempted to download directly from GitHub recently, you have undoubtedly seen the dreaded Unicorn! display, letting you know that No server is currently available to service your request. Full Article
expe Report: 10 Most Expensive U.S. Cities for Car Rentals By clark.com Published On :: Mon, 09 Aug 2021 14:00:00 +0000 If you’re traveling to a faraway place for a long time, there’s a good chance that a car rental would be money well spent for you. A recent survey from CheapCarRental.net indicates that rental rates have dropped just 0.5% compared to a year ago but by about 28% compared to earlier this summer. That means […] The post Report: 10 Most Expensive U.S. Cities for Car Rentals appeared first on Clark Howard. Full Article Travel
expe Bulgarian climber dies during expedition on Pakistan's K2 By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Fri, 05 Feb 21 14:30:44 +0500 Atanas Skatov’s body flown by a Pakistani military helicopter to the nearby city of Skardu Full Article Pakistan
expe Petrol prices expected to drop once again By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 24 08:56:38 +0500 If confirmed, this would mark the third consecutive bi-weekly drop in prices of petroleum products Full Article Business
expe Zombie apocalypse: World's 'first haunted house experience' on running bullet train By www.geo.tv Published On :: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 23:00:00 +0500 Performers dressed as zombies practice their performance before boarding a "Zombie Shinkansen" bullet train bound for Osaka from Tokyo, inspired by the South Korean movie 'Train to Busan', ahead of the Halloween season, in Tokyo, Japan October 19, 2024. — ReutersIt's usually a serene... Full Article
expe Ask the Experts: Standard vs. Specification and Guidance Documents By asqasktheexperts.com Published On :: Thu, 21 Apr 2016 13:53:45 +0000 In this recent Ask the Experts question, learn the difference between a standard and a specification. For more answers, visit the Ask the Experts page. Full Article knowledgecenter open
expe Petroleum products prices expected to 'rise by Rs5.50 per litre' By www.geo.tv Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 14:22:00 +0500 A large number of motorists gathered in a queue to fill petrol in Karachi on Friday, July 5, 2024. — PPI Govt to announce fresh rates on Nov 15.New prices to come into effect on Nov 16.Federal govt hiked prices in previous review. KARACHI: The price of petroleum... Full Article
expe Karla Sofia Gascon responds to 'Emilia Pérez' audience's unexpected reaction By www.geo.tv Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 17:50:00 +0500 Karla Sofia Gascon responds to 'Emilia Pérez' audience's unexpected reactionEmilia Perez actress Karla Sofía Gascón opened up about how the audience did not recognize her in the movie.In the movie, the 52-year-old actress plays the role of Mexican cartel... Full Article
expe Analog Equivalent Rights (8/21): Using Third-Party Services Should Not Void Expectation of Privacy By falkvinge.net Published On :: Fri, 05 Jan 2018 18:00:49 +0000 Privacy: Ross Ulbricht handed in his appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court last week, highlighting an important Analog Equivalent Privacy Right in the process: Just because you’re using equipment that makes a third party aware of your circumstances, does that really nullify any expectation of privacy? In most constitutions, there’s a protection of privacy of some kind. In the European Charter of Human Rights, this is specified as having the right to private and family life, home, and correspondence. In the U.S. Constitution, it’s framed slightly differently, but with the same outcome: it’s a ban for the government to invade privacy without good cause (“unreasonable search and seizure”). U.S. Courts have long held, that if you have voluntarily given up some part of your digitally-stored privacy to a third party, then you can no longer expect to have privacy in that area. When looking at analog equivalence for privacy rights, this doctrine is atrocious, and in order to understand just how atrocious, we need to go back to the dawn of the manual telephone switchboards. At the beginning of the telephone age, switchboards were fully manual. When you requested a telephone call, a manual switchboard operator would manually connect the wire from your telephone to the wire of the receiver’s telephone, and crank a mechanism that would make that telephone ring. The operators could hear every call if they wanted and knew who had been talking to whom and when. Did you give up your privacy to a third party when using this manual telephone service? Yes, arguably, you did. Under the digital doctrine applied now, phonecalls would have no privacy at all, under any circumstance. But as we know, phonecalls are private. In fact, the phonecall operators were oathsworn to never utter the smallest part of what they learned on the job about people’s private dealings — so seriously was privacy considered, even by the companies running the switchboards. Interestingly enough, this “third-party surrender of privacy” doctrine seems to have appeared the moment the last switchboard operator left their job for today’s automated phone-circuit switches. This was as late as 1983, just at the dawn of digital consumer-level technology such as the Commodore 64. This false equivalence alone should be sufficient to scuttle the doctrine of “voluntarily” surrendering privacy to a third party in the digital world, and therefore giving up expectation of privacy: the equivalence in the analog world was the direct opposite. But there’s more to the analog equivalent of third-party-service privacy. Somewhere in this concept is the notion that you’re voluntarily choosing to give up your privacy, as an active informed act — in particular, an act that stands out of the ordinary, since the Constitutions of the world are very clear that the ordinary default case is that you have an expectation of privacy. In other words, since people’s everyday lives are covered by expectations of privacy, there must be something outside of the ordinary that a government can claim gives it the right to take away somebody’s privacy. And this “outside the ordinary” has been that the people in question were carrying a cellphone, and so “voluntarily” gave up their right to privacy, as the cellphone gives away their location to the network operator by contacting cellphone towers. But carrying a cellphone is expected behavior today. It is completely within the boundaries of “ordinary”. In terms of expectations, this doesn’t differ much from wearing jeans or a jacket. This leads us to the question; in the thought experiment that yesterday’s jeans manufacturers had been able to pinpoint your location, had it been reasonable for the government to argue that you give up any expectation of privacy when you’re wearing jeans? No. No, of course it hadn’t. It’s not like you’re carrying a wilderness tracking device for the express purpose of rescue services to find you during a dangerous hike. In such a circumstance, it could be argued that you’re voluntarily carrying a locator device. But not when carrying something that everybody is expected to carry — indeed, something that everybody must carry in order to even function in today’s society. When the only alternative to having your Constitutionally-guaranteed privacy is exile from modern society, a government should have a really thin case. Especially when the analog equivalent — analog phone switchboards — was never fair game in any case. People deserve Analog Equivalent Privacy Rights. Until a government recognizes this and voluntarily surrenders a power it has taken itself, which isn’t something people should hold their breath over, privacy remains your own responsibility. Full Article Privacy
expe Why Political Organizations Always Drift Off Left: O’Sullivan’s Law, Experienced By falkvinge.net Published On :: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 15:19:00 +0000 Activism: As the Pirate Party slowly veered to the left in politics, I got to experience Sullivan’s Law, which states that organizations that don’t outright declare themselves otherwise will inevitably drift off to the political left. The law doesn’t explain this phenomenon, but I think I can. The Pirate Party was unique in its composition of activists. Whereas most political organizations can plot the political attitudes of their activists to a bell curve on the political left-to-right scale, that is, the organization can identify a clear peak and center mass where they lie politically, the Pirate Party instead had a complete empty trough in the middle, with waves crashing into the left and right wall on the left-to-right spectrum plot. We had the most fervent anarchocapitalists and the most fervent anarchocommunists. At the same time. Cooperating. That was probably something of a political first. It also allowed me to see differences between these two groups that weren’t clear from the outset, and which might explain why organizations drift left over time. O’Sullivans Law states that any organization that is not expressly right-leaning in politics will change over time to become left-leaning. There are some hypotheses as to why, including the observation that right-wing people will tolerate and even welcome left-wing people in an otherwise unpolitical organization, but that left-wing people will generally not tolerate right-wing people. While this observation can be made, I believe it is not enough for an entire organization to shift politically. The explanation is far simpler, and it’s been hiding in plain sight for everyone. Left-wing people are collectivists. They believe that the greater good shall have precedence over the wishes and desires over the individual, and organize to achieve this. Conversely, they do not feel at home when somebody tells them to promote a cause in whatever way they themselves think is best in their individual situation. Right-wing people are individualists. They believe that the greatest good, even for the worst-off people, is best achieved by giving individuals as free reign as possible so that innovation and creativity can take place. Conversely, they do not feel at home when somebody is trying to dictate to them what to do and not to do. This is almost painfully clear when working with both groups at the same time in a political organization. Ah yes, that’s the magic word, right there. Organization. A Non-profit organization, specifically. Do you know how these are run? Basically without exception, they are run as a general assembly, where people are elected to positions and decisions are taken with a majority vote. …decisions are taken with a majority vote. It became painfully clear to me, that the form of a neutral association — the form we have, or had, accepted as neutral — is actually nothing of the sort. It turns out, that an organization that takes collective decisions promotes people who like collective decision-making, and turns away people who prefer individual initiatives. The association with its board, its general assembly, and its majority votes isn’t neutral. It is pushing its membership left, through its very nature, by selecting for those who enjoy collective decision-making and procedural trickery, and marginalizing those who prefer individual initiatives. This is why, if I were to found a new political organization today, I would never use the traditional Non-profit Association format, for it is not neutral and it will ruin whatever original vision you had. For this same reason, I have come to be sceptical of center-right political parties who are run by this majority vote. They’ll never be as powerful as they can be, had they instead organized by individual initiatives — because they are competing against left-wing political parties who feel right at home in this form of organization, which they usually mandated to be the norm for everyone. Full Article Activism Swarm Management collective left majority o'sullivan organization political right
expe 2 Generations of Military Chaplains Reflect on Experience, Look to Future By www.ncregister.com Published On :: 2024-11-11T19:54:24-06:00 feature Full Article
expe Expect less drama, more success in Trump 2.0 By www.washingtontimes.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 14:38:41 -0500 Most election postmortems highlight the issues that played badly for Vice President Kamala Harris and were advantageous to President-elect Donald Trump: inflation, chaos on the world stage and uncontrolled immigration. Full Article
expe Jets' Spencer Shrader expected to kick against Cardinals after another shakeup at the position By www.washingtontimes.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 15:31:46 -0500 Spencer Shrader is next up in the New York Jets' kicking shuffle. Full Article
expe Denver Nuggets forward Aaron Gordon expected to miss multiple weeks with right calf strain By www.washingtontimes.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:28:26 -0500 Denver Nuggets power forward Aaron Gordon is expected to miss multiple weeks with a strained right calf, two people familiar with the injury told The Associated Press. Full Article
expe Joel Embiid is expected to make his season debut for the 76ers after injuries and suspension By www.washingtontimes.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 14:44:50 -0500 Joel Embiid is expected to play this week for the Philadelphia 76ers - barring another setback, and there is always that chance with the 7-footer - after he won Olympic gold, signed a contract extension, slogged through a knee injury, was the root of two NBA investigations, scuffled with a columnist and was hit with a technical foul for waving a towel from the bench. Full Article
expe Data paper describes Antarctic biodiversity data gathered by 90 expeditions since 1956 By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:23:00 +0200 Huge data encompassed into a unique georeferenced macrobenthic assemblages database A new peer-reviewed data paper offers a comprehensive, open-access collection of georeferenced biological information about the Antarctic macrobenthic communities. The term macrobenthic refers to the visible-for-the-eye organisms that live near or on the sea bottom such as echinoderms, sponges, ascidians, crustaceans. The paper will help in coordinating biodiversity research and conservation activities on species living near the ocean bottom of the Antarctic.The data paper "Antarctic macrobenthic communities: A compilation of circumpolar information", published in the open access journal Nature Conservation, describes data from approximately 90 different expeditions in the region since 1956 that have now been made openly available under a CC-By license. The paper provides unique georeferenced biological basic information for the planning of future coordinated research activities, for example those under the umbrella of the biology program Antarctic Thresholds – Ecosystem Resilience and Adaptation (AnT-ERA) of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). The information collected could be also beneficial for current conservation priorities such as the planning of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).The expeditions were organised by several famous explorers of the Antarctic. The area covered by the paper consists of almost the entire Southern Ocean, including sites covered by a single ice-shelf. The vast majority of information is from shelf areas around the continent at water depth shallower than 800m. The information from the different sources is then attributed to the classified macrobenthic assemblages. The results are made publicly available via the "Antarctic Biodiversity Facility" (data.biodiversity.aq).A specific feature of this paper is that the manuscript was automatically generated from the Integrated Publishing Toolkit of the Antarctic Node of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (AntaBIF IPT) and then submitted to the journal Nature Conservation through a novel workflow developed by GBIF and Pensoft Publishers. (see previous press release). Data are made freely available through the AntaBIF IPT, and sea-bed images of 214 localities through the data repository for geoscience and environmental data, PANGAEA- Data Publisher for Earth and Environmental Science (sample: http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.198682). Speaking from on board the research vessel 'Polarstern', the paper's lead author Prof. Julian Gutt of the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany commented: "The most important achievement of this paper is that data collected over many years and by various institutions are now not only freely available for anyone to download and use, but also properly described to facilitate future work in re-using the data. The Data Paper concept is certainly a great approach that multiplies the effect of funds and efforts spent by generations of scientists." The data will also be used for a comprehensive Biogeography Atlas of the Southern Ocean project to be released during the XI SCAR Biology Symposium in Barcelona July 2013. SOURCE: EurekAlert! Full Article News
expe ENVIMPACT CONFERENCE: "Environmental research: Experiences on best practices towards Horizon 2020" By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Wed, 08 May 2013 14:15:00 +0300 The "Environmental research: Experiences on best practices towards Horizon 2020" conference will be held the 30th of May 2013 in Brussels at the Museum of Natural Sciences. Organizers of the event are the APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research), and the ENVIMPACT consortium. The event will gather European Commission representatives, researchers, FP7 project's participants, governmental, academic and industrial stakeholders of the Central East European countries with the aim of presenting the current and future tools and trends for dissemination and exploitation of R&D results with a special focus on the thematic areas of research in air pollution, chemical pollution and environmental technologies, especially in the Central-Eastern European (CEE) countries. The agenda of the conference and the press release are downloadable at the link: http://download.apre.it/envimpact_presskit1.zip The registration is free, please register at http://www.envimpact.eu/index.cfm?action=article&publication_id=922 ENVIMPACT project has been launched on 1st January 2011. This initiative is funded by the European Commission under FP7, DG Research and Innovation, with the objectives to improve the current communication and dissemination of environmental research results deriving from Central-Eastern European (CEE) countries. Full Article News
expe IPBES invitation to nominate experts to aid in delivering the IPBES work programme By www.eubon.eu Published On :: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 14:04:00 +0200 The second plenary of the Platform met in December 2013 and agreed an ambitious work programme for 2014-2018: Details of the agreed work programme are available in the advanced meeting report of the Plenary. The IPBES Secretariat have now issued a call for experts to help scope, advise on and deliver the work programme. Governments and relevant stakeholders can put forward nominations, from which the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel of IPBES will select a maximum of 20% of experts from the stakeholder nominations, and the rest from the government nominations. The UK expects IPBES to make use of the best scientists/experts from all relevant disciplines - natural science, social science, economics, data and modelling and traditional knowledge, and to achieve a geographical and gender balance among those experts in the delivery of the IPBES work programme. More information of the required topics to be covered by experts, alongside the nomination forms and how to nominate can be found in the attachments below. Full Article News