
The Superbugs are here

For decades, antibiotics have been used carelessly in India, with doctors, pharmacists, patients and drug companies all contributing to their abuse. The results could be catastrophic. Ramesh Menon reports.

Click here to read Part II


The Superbugs are here - II

Superbugs will alter the course of medical history. India needs to put in place proper systems that will ensure that drug resistance does not set in. Ramesh Menon reports.

Click here to read Part I


The Superbugs are here - III

The Government's response to the emergence of Superbugs should be urgent and specific, but instead it has been living in denial even as the threat multiplies, writes Ramesh Menon.

Click here to read Part I | Part II


OnePlus Users Now Reporting Bug With Wired Headphone Connectivity

OnePlus 8 users are getting no respite from new bugs appearing now and then, hampering the user experience. Earlier the OnePlus 8 Pro users reported a green tint issue which later developed into the black crush. Now, several OnePlus 7 users


Nintendo Switch Receives New Update With Stability Improvement And Bug Fix

Nintendo has started rolling out a new firmware update for the Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo Lite. Looking at the size and time of the update, you could tell that it's not a big update. So it's better not to expect


Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Community Facing New Zero XP Bug

Are you playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, completing all the challenges, collecting points but still unable to level up the battle pass? Don't worry, it's a software bug. A new bug has been identified in the game, which


12 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are indeed very common but most people panic and don't know how to make use of the basic home remedies for bed bugs that can help them disappear quickly. Bed bugs are insects that are small oval-shaped, flat and


Mongrel firebugs and men of property: capitalism and class conflict in American history / Steve Fraser

Dewey Library - HC110.C3 F73 2019


Code: debugging the gender gap

Hayden Library - QA76.9.W65 C6 2014


Bug boys / by Laura Knetzger ; colors by Lyle Lynde

Knetzger, Laura, 1990- author, illustrator


[ASAP] Multitarget Approaches against Multiresistant Superbugs

ACS Infectious Diseases
DOI: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.0c00001


Web Directions Code ’20 session spotlight–JavaScript debugging the hard way

JavaScript debugging the hard way Marcin Szczepanski, Principal Developer Atlassian Error on line 1, column 6532112 of bundle.js? Out of memory error trying to load a CPU profile into the Chrome debugger? Two minutes to see wait and see if a change you made fixed a bug? While upgrading our complex web application from Webpack […]

The post Web Directions Code ’20 session spotlight–JavaScript debugging the hard way appeared first on Web Directions.


Firefox multi-column layout bug… and a unicorn

Last night, I was getting a file ready to share with Estelle Weyl, one of my co-presenters for our CSS3 workshop at SXSW11. The page was a silly little demo that used media queries, multiple backgrounds, transitions, generated content, multi-column layout and, well, a unicorn. I had only viewed the file in Chrome since that’s [...]


Mealybug species, the Bt cotton killer, is exotic: Experts

Controlling this pest is one of the biggest challenges faced by the agriculture scientists of the country for the past four years. Its impact on crops, mainly cotton, has been devastating...


Kerala farmer uses red ants to fight cashew bugs

Tea mosquito bug is the most serious pest of cashew plantation.


Steampunk Robots and Hacked Bugs

i-Wei Huang hacks together bit and peices to make beautiful steam powered robots and techno bugs. You may have seen his work before, at his day job Huang develops toys and characters for Skylanders.


The Awesome but Buggy 360fly Cam Is for Early Adopters Only

The 360fly is a water-water-resistent virtual reality action sports camera that works with your phone and Google Cardboard. We tested the $400 camera at the California Academy of Sciences Steinhart Aquarium.


Absurd Creatures | The Oddly Shaped Peanut Bug Is Sick of Getting Beat Up, Guys

In South America, the peanut bug ambles around with a goofy-ass head. And that’s not its only clever defense against the bullies of the rainforest.


Debugging game history: a critical lexicon / edited by Henry Lowood and Raiford Guins; editorial assistant, A.C. Deger

Hayden Library - GV1469.3.D43 2016


Linear forms in logarithms and applications / Yann Bugeaud

Hayden Library - QA242.B842 2018


S Dasgupta: Why the twitter-bugs can't change Iran's regime

It is possible the angry young men and well-dressed women in Victoria Beckham sunglasses in Tehran - the only place where Mousavi outpolled Ahmadinejad - have different ideas.


Exercise and the ‘good’ bugs in our gut


Podcast: A planet beyond Pluto, the bugs in your home, and the link between marijuana and IQ

Online News Editor David Grimm shares stories on studying marijuana use in teenage twins, building a better maze for psychological experiments, and a close inspection of the bugs in our homes. Science News Writer Eric Hand joins host Sarah Crespi to discuss the potential for a ninth planet in the solar system that circles the sun just once every 15,000 years.  [Image: Gilles San Martin/CC BY-SA 2.0]


Podcast: The effects of Neandertal DNA on health, squishing bugs for science, and sleepy confessions

Online news editor David Grimm shares stories on confessions extracted from sleepy people, malaria hiding out in deer, and making squishable bots based on cockroaches.   Corinne Simonti joins host Sarah Crespi to discuss whether Neandertal DNA in the human genome is helping or hurting. Read the related research in Science.   [Image: Tom Libby, Kaushik Jayaram and Pauline Jennings. Courtesy of PolyPEDAL Lab UC Berkeley.]


Doubts about the drought that kicked off our latest geological age, and a faceoff between stink bugs with samurai wasps

We now live in the Meghalayan age—the last age of the Holocene epoch. Did you get the memo? A July decision by the International Commission on Stratigraphy, which is responsible for naming geological time periods, divided the Holocene into three ages: the Greenlandian, the Northgrippian, and the Meghalayan. The one we live in—the Meghalayan age (pronounced “megalion”)—is pegged to a global drought thought to have happened some 4200 years ago. But many critics question the timing of this latest age and the global expanse of the drought. Staff writer Paul Voosen talks with host Sarah Crespi about the evidence for and against the global drought—and what it means if it’s wrong. Sarah also talks to staff writer Kelly Servick about her feature story on what happens when biocontrol goes out of control. Here’s the setup: U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers wanted to know whether brown marmorated stink bugs that have invaded the United States could be controlled—aka killed—by importing their natural predators, samurai wasps, from Asia. But before they could find out, the wasps showed up anyway. Kelly discusses how using one species to combat another can go wrong—or right—and what happens when the situation outruns regulators. This week’s episode was edited by Podigy. Download a transcript of this episode (PDF) Listen to previous podcasts. [Image: Melissa McMasters/Flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook] 


JSJ 391: Debugging with Todd Gardner

Episode Summary

Todd Gardner is a software developer, podcaster on the show Script and Style, startup founder,  and comedy host for Pub Conf, a ‘comedy after party for developers’. Since he was last on the show 6 years ago, he has seen his startup TrackJS become quite successful. TrackJS is a JavaScript error monitoring service which gives you visibility into your client side experience. It’s different from other tools because focused on simplicity, so you’ll never need a guy on your team dedicated solely to TrackJS because everyone can use it.

The panel begins by talking about debugging methods and tools. Some rely solely on the debugger built into their platform while others prefer to use a third party service. They discuss the necessity of using a third party debugger and if there are better solutions than just the built in debugger. 

They then discuss what to do after you’ve fixed a bug, such as if it is necessary to write a test to make sure it was completely fixed They talk about things to do to make debugging more effective. Todd and Aimee believe that code needs to begin by being designed for debug-ability. 

The panel discusses issues with invisible boundaries encountered while debugging, such as running out of memory. They talk about ways to mitigate issues that happen outside of your code base. Todd talks about the dangers of ad-blockers, and the panel agrees that it is important to consider how your website will be crippled by the user’s own technology. The end user in a production environment will have a different experience than you did writing it on a professional computer. 

Todd talks about the difference between debugging for the web versus a mobile application. Todd has encountered particular problems with debugging on a remote device, and he talks about how he solved the issue. The show concludes with Todd giving a quick elevator pitch for TrackJS


  • Chris Ferdinandi

  • Christopher Buecheler

  • Aimee Knight

  • Charles Max Wood

  • Steve Emmrich

With special guest: Todd Gardner



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Christopher Buecheler:

Chris Ferdinandi:

Aimee Knight:

Charles Max Wood:

  • Atomic Habits

  • Getting up at 4 am

Steve Emmrich:

  • Trello

  • Babushkas and grandmas to help you with your newborn

Todd Gardner:

  • PubConf

  • Follow Todd @toddhgardner or todd.mn


JSJ 399: Debugging with Async/Await with Valeri Karpov

Valeri Karpov is a maintainer on Mongoose, has started a few companies, and works for a company called Booster Fuels. Today’s topic debugging with Async/Await. The panel talks about some of the challenges of debugging with Async. AJ, however, has never encountered the same problems, so he shares his debugging method. 

Valeri differentiates between .catch vs try...catch, and talks about why he prefers .catch. There are two ways to handle all errors in an async function without leading to an unhandled promise rejection. The first is to wrap the entire body of the async function in a try...catch, has some limitations. Calling an async function always returns a promise, so the other approach is calling .catch on the promise to handle any errors that occur in that function body. One of the key differences is if you return a promise within an async function, and that return promise is wrapped in a try...catch, the catch block won’t get called if that promise is rejected, whereas if you call .catch on the promise that the function returns, you’ll actually catch that error. There are rare instances where this can get tricky and unintuitive, such as where you have to call new promise and have resolve and reject, and you can get unexpected behavior.

The panel discusses Valeri’s current favorite JS interview question, which is,  “Given a stream, implement a function called ‘stream to promise’ that, given a stream, returns a promise that resolves to the concatenation of all the data chunks emitted by the stream, or rejects if the stream emits an error event.” It’s really simple to get this qustion right, and really simple to get it wrong, and the difference can be catastrophic. AJ cautions listeners to never use the data event except in the cases Val was talking about, only use the readable event.

The conversation turns to the function of a readable event. Since data always pushes data, when you get a readable event, it’s up to you to call read inside the function handler, and then you get back a chunk of data, call read again and again until the read returns null. When you use readable, you are in control and you avoid piling functions into RAM. In addition, the right function will return true or false to let you know if the buffer is full or not. This is a way to mix imperative style into a stream.

The next discussion topics are the differences between imperative style and reactive style and how a waits and promises work in a normal four loop. A wait suspends the execution of a function until the promise is resolved. Does a wait actually stop the loop or is it just transpiling like a promise and it doesn’t stop the loop. AJ wrote a module called Batch Async to be not as greedy as promise.all but not as limited as other options.

The JavaScript panelists talk about different async iterators they’ve used, such as Babel. They discuss the merits of Babel, especially since baseline Android phones (which a significant portion of the population of the world uses) run UC Browser that doesn’t support Babel, and so a significant chunk of the population of the world. On the other hand, if you want to target a large audience, you need to use Babel.

Since frameworks in general don’t handle async very well, the panel discusses ways to mitigate this. They talk about different frameworks like Vue, React, and Express and how they support async functions. They discuss why there is no way for you to actually cancel an async option in an actual case, how complex canceling is, and what you are really trying to solve for in the cancellation process. 

Canceling something is a complex problem. Valeri talks about his one case where he had a specific bug that required non-generic engineering to solve, and cancelling actually solved something. When AJ has come across cancellation issues, it’s very specific to that use case. The rest of the panelists talk about their experiences with having to cancel something. 

Finally, they talk about their experience with async generator functions. A generator is a function that lets you enter into the function later. This makes sense for very large or long running data sets, but when you have a bounded items, don’t complicate your code this way. When an async generator function yields, you explicitly need to call next in order for it to pick up again. If you don’t call ‘next’, it’s essentially cancelled. Remember that object.keys and object.values are your friends. 


  • Christopher Buecheler

  • AJ O’Neal

  • Charles Max Wood

With special guest: Valeri Karpov



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AJ O’Neal:

Christopher Buecheler:

Charles Max Wood:

Valeri Karpov:


Impact of water pollution on human health and environmental sustainability / A. Elaine McKeown, Independent Researcher, USA, George Bugyi, Pennsylvania State University, USA


Farms lead to gut bugs swapping

Bacteria with antimicrobial-resistance genes pass from livestock to farm interns


Seedling aroma attracts stink bug invaders

The identification of brassicadiene could help protect cauliflower and broccoli crops from the ravenous insects


Fotoğraflarla dünden bugüne Kudüs: Jerusalem in photographs from past to present = al-Quds min khilāl al-ṣūr fī al-māḍī wa-al-ḥāḍir.

Rotch Library - DS109.2.F68 2015


Ancient Indian litterbugs left mound


The marriage record of Bugg, William S. and Thompson, Mattio


The marriage record of Kunden, Theodore and Chambuger, Bernice


The marriage record of Bugg, Joseph M. and Colson, Julia


The marriage record of Martin, William W. and Bugg, Eliza


The marriage record of Bugler, James M. and Foote, Jennie F


Military buglers


Horse and buggy in front of a building in Havana, Cuba


Marcella Sembrich, 1858-1935, Soprano opera star at the Metropolitan 1883-1909 wearing stars, bug, feather


Marriage record of Buger, F. and Finkelmann, Saner


Marriage record of Bugg, Chandler H. and Hull, Janie


Marriage record of Bugg, Henry E. and Sherboudy, Lollie E.


Marriage record of Menendez, Narciso Lino and Buggetta, Elisa Mercedes


Young wide awake's bucket brigade, or, Trapping a fire bug


Buffalo Bill and the boy bugler, or, The white flower of Fetterman Prairie


Marriage record of Somers, Joseph B. and Bugg, Lottie Ella


Marriage record of Bugg, Edmond G. and Hackney, Hattie N.


The Liberty Boys' bugler, or, Rousing the Minute Men