
New Jersey man buys Prius to save gas, uses it as post-storm power source

Yet another reason to invest in a hybrid and electric vehicle: During storm-related blackouts they — with the compulsory assistance of an inverter — can pre


The story behind spider Christmas ornaments

They may seem like a modern oddity, but arachnid decorations on Christmas trees are actually inspired by an old Ukrainian legend.

  • Arts & Culture


NASA's 'Mars Helicopter' aces tests ahead of historic flight

The autonomous aircraft Mars Helicopter heralds the beginning of a new era in our exploration of the red planet.


Japan's historic asteroid space probe is heading back to Earth

After landing rovers and its spacecraft on the surface of asteroid Ryugu, JAXA is returning with a sample.


The power of an image: The story behind 'HOPE?'

At the Cancun climate talks, one art installation dominated the headlines at a turning point in history.

  • Research & Innovations


The Beach as art supply store

Artists Richard Lang and Judith Selby Lang find materials for their eco-art pieces by picking up plastic debris from the beach.

  • Arts & Culture


Motley mess of scarecrows invade historic Westchester estate

Sure, they do a better job at posing for photos than discouraging birds, but this army of eclectic scarecrows installed at one of the Hudson's grandest historic


Two new 'Harry Potter' books to hit stores in fall

Two new books will commemorate the 20th anniversary of the publication of the first 'Harry Potter' book.


17 extraordinary bookstores

Boasting breathtaking design and extensive collections, here are some of the most remarkable bookstores from around the globe.


Why paper books and the independent bookstore aren't dead

Turns out all those dire predictions about paper books and bookstores were wrong — and personally, I'm thrilled.

  • Arts & Culture


Stroll down the historical streets of Lisbon without leaving a carbon footprint

The Portuguese city of Lisbon has been a hub for culture, commerce and exploration for centuries. The well-kept remnants of its colorful past make it an interes


Attention history buffs and nature lovers: Explore Santa Fe, N.M.

Green-minded travelers will find plenty to love in Santa Fe. It is highly walkable. Local, organic and fresh ingredients are the norm in many of the city's most


My sweetest foe (the humorous story of one woman's war against sugar)

Sometimes we take life too seriously. This hilarious comic about one woman's sugar addiction makes me laugh, partly because I can relate.


Everyone is 'tidying up.' Are thrift stores bursting at the seams?

Some people are letting go of items that don't spark joy. Others are hoping to benefit from that.


5 tips for sustainable shopping beyond the grocery store

No matter what, if you're going to buy, buy smarter — and that means buying more sustainable items.


Those hotel mini soaps and shampoo bottles will soon be history

California joins some hotel chains in banning tiny toiletries.


GMO apples that don't brown arriving in stores

They won't be labeled GMO, but if you follow the clues on the label, you may be able to tell which ones have been genetically modified.


10 off-the-wall science stories from 2015

Robot duels, gluttonous snakes and really long fingernails were just some of the oddities.

  • Research & Innovations


The history of Brooklyn's polluted canal

Video: Assignment Earth explains why residents and government authorities are determined to clean up and revive the Gowanus Canal.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Jars of Prego sauce recalled from store shelves

No illness related to the recall have been reported, and shoppers should be wary of jars with a "Best Buy" date of June 16, 2015.


Historic Taco Bell store evades demolition by taking brief road trip

Like the space shuttle Endeavour but cheesier, Taco Bell 'Numero Uno' relocates from its original Southern California home.

  • Arts & Culture


Philly pizza dough has history baked right in

At Urban Village Brewing Company in Philadelphia, the pizza dough is started with yeast captured from the air in Old City.


The best ways to store every kind of produce

Here's how to store some of the produce you bring home.


Does beeswax-coated food storage really work?

Those food storage beeswax cloths and bags you've been noticing? They work.


Hydrogen hopes: Can they restore funding for fuel cells?

Fuel-cell advocates are none too happy about Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s abrupt decision earlier this month to cancel $100 million in hydrogen


Fuel-cell boat stalls on historic journey

The New Clermont seeks to recreate Fulton's 1807 journey from New York City to Albany in a new-fangled steamboat and demonstrate hydrogen's potential. But their


Mysterious comet debris may spark 'unicorn meteor storm'

On the evening of Nov. 21, upwards of 400 meteors per hour may light up the night sky.


Investors' billions are chasing the baby boomer market

When investors spend billions on baby boomer housing, is this smart money or is it missing the demographic boat?


Do you sometimes feel like an impostor?

There's a name for that. (And go easy on yourself; you're probably not a fraud.)

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Local foods front and center at grocery store

The focus is put on the small amount of local food among the non-local.


An ecosystem reborn: Restoring the Petitcodiac River

After a 42-year battle, the Petitcodiac River flows freely again.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Stevens Institute of Technology takes 2015 Solar Decathlon by storm

The third time's a charm for the resiliency-minded contender from New Jersey.

  • Remodeling & Design


When this smelly corpse flower bloomed, did it make gardening history?

A hybrid that would be cold-hardy and suitable for outdoor planting may be available for home landscapes in a few years.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Your life story may be written in your teeth

The hard material known as cementum in our mouths may record our lives' most intimate details.

  • Research & Innovations


Wick Moorman on our history

Wick Moorman on our history


Storefront IV clinic offers quick fix for flu sufferers

Chicago residents have a new way of treating the flu, but is it worth the risk?

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Was superstorm Sandy costlier than Hurricane Katrina?

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo drew a comparison between Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina, claiming that the October superstorm was "more impactful" in many wa

  • Climate & Weather


Katrina-like storm surges could become norm

Storm surge is seawater pushed ahead of a storm, mainly by strong winds. Onshore, the surge can rise several feet in just a few minutes.

  • Climate & Weather


Epic weather: Alaska storm explained

An extremely dangerous storm is slicing toward northwestern Alaska and is expected to bring blizzard conditions and hurricane-strength winds to the state's west

  • Climate & Weather


How Sandy became a snowstorm

Thanks to arctic air from the north and a dip in the jet stream, superstorm Sandy has gotten stronger and is now a snowstorm on top of a hurricane and post-trop

  • Climate & Weather


Why winter storm Juno will be so snowy

East Coast folks: Stock up on munchies, get those prescriptions filled and get ready to hunker down for the next day or two.

  • Climate & Weather


NYC to clear snow-covered roads with salt stored in salt-shaped building

The lauded structure is bustling with activity as a whopper of a winter storm approaches.

  • Climate & Weather


7 snowstorms that crippled the East Coast

They make for winter wonderlands, but snowstorms can be dangerous and disruptive events. We take a look at storms that hit the East Coast hard.

  • Climate & Weather


From hunters to protectors: The Lion Guardians and a story of changing perceptions

Conservation group Lion Guardians has helped East Africa’s Masai tribesmen bring back the big cats and better their own lives.


Top 10 Eco-Friendly Features of Walmart Stores

Our sustainability commitments help us cut costs so we can pass those savings on to our customers


When is store-bought better than homemade?

Making food from scratch is wonderful, but there are some snacks out there that should probably stay store-bought.


Riding while tall: A custom bike story

Professional volleyball player Colleen Smith will be traveling greener during her season with the help of biodiesel, a good tent, and a bike custom built by Tre

  • Wilderness & Resources


Great big green scam took investors for millions

Two guys peddled the idea of making money with renewable energy and biochar but ultimately ended up just taking their investors for millions.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Iceland and Hollywood: An unfolding love story

The island nation is using its natural and cultural resources to attract filmmakers from around the world.

  • Arts & Culture


At this former lunatic asylum, history mingles with new ghosts

We take a trip to a former Civil War-era insane asylum that has been called one of the most haunted places in America.