
The Fullerphone: its action and use / issued by the General Staff, War Office

Archives, Room Use Only - UG610.5.G7 F85 1917


Cours élémentaire sur le télégraphe Baudot: à l'usage du personnel du service des transmissions et des aspirants au cours de dirigeur / par Louis Naud ..., C. Beugin..

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.N38 1931


Electricity in Britain: history, generation, transmission, applications / by Brian Bowers

Archives, Room Use Only - HD9685.G7 B69 1986


The Delany system of machine telegraphy: a new system of automatic transmission and chemical recording which develops the carrying capacity of telegraph wires to the fullest extent: cheap telegraphy now practicable: letters will be telegraphed instead of

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5547.D45 1895


United States telegraph issues / by Joseph S. Rich and Stephen G. Rich

Archives, Room Use Only - HJ5321.Z7 R53 1947


Verkehrsmittel Telegraph: zur Geschichte der Telegraphie im 19. Jahrhundert bis 1866 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Raumes Hannover-Bremen: von der Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hannover zur Erla

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5174.H36 S45 1980


Handbuch der electrischen, galvanischen, magnetischen und electromagnetischen Telegraphie: ein theoretisch-praktischer Leitfaden zur richtigen Kenntniss der bezüglichen Apparate, Batterien und deren chemischen Prozesse, dann der Einschaltungs-Methode

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.F78 1854


The Phillips code: a thoroughly tested method of shorthand, arranged for telegraphic purposes, and contemplating the rapid transmission of press reports: also intended to be used as an easily acquired method for general newspaper and court reporting / by

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7669.P55 1914


Marvels of invention and scientific puzzles: being a popular account of many useful and interesting inventions and discoveries / by Gaston Tissandier and Henry Frith ; with many illustrations

Archives, Room Use Only - Q164.T5713 1890


The settlement of the Alabama question: the banquet given at New York to Her Britannic Majesty's High Commissioners, by Cyrus W. Field: a report edited, with a short introduction / by Justin McCarthy

Archives, Room Use Only - JX238.A7 M33 1871


Tariff for the transmission of messages to the United States of American, &c., &c., &c., issued September 1st, 1873.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE8097.A54 1873


Decision of Hon. Philip F. Thomas, commissioner of patents, on the application of Samuel F.B. Morse, for an extension of his patent for a new and useful improvement in electro-magnetic telegraphs: patented April 11, 1846: patent extended for seven years f

Archives, Room Use Only - KF228.M674 U55 1860


An act to aid in the construction of a railroad & telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean: approved July 1, 1862.

Archives, Room Use Only - HE2763.U55 1867


Before the Commissioner of patents: in the matter of the application of Samuel F.B. Morse, for an extension for seven years of letters patent granted to him June 20th, 1840, reissued January 15th, 1846, and again reissued June 13th, 1848, for the electro-

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5118.M7 H37 1854


A thrilling and truthful history of the pony express, or, Blazing the westward way: and other sketches and incidents of those stirring times / by William Lightfoot Visscher

Archives, Room Use Only - F594.V57 1946


Experimental researches on the transmission of electric signals through submarine cables. by Fleeming Jenkin ; communicated by C. Wheatstone

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5627.J46 1862


The story of the first trans-atlantic short wave message: proceedings of the Radio Club of America inc.: 1BCG commemorative issue, October 1950.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6540.S86 1950


Reports of the commissioners of the United States to the International Exhibition held at Vienna, 1873 / edited by Robert H. Thurston

Archives, Room Use Only - T960.E1 U68 1876


Buell's mercantile cypher for condensing telegrams: relating to foreign news, market reports, financial matters, contracts, commissions, shipping, purchase and sales: quotations of stocks and securities, personal matters, etc., etc. ... / by J.S. Buel

Archives, Room Use Only - Z104.B84 1860


Wireless transmission of photographs / by Marcus J. Martin

Archives, Room Use Only - TK6600.M37 1916


Dr. John Millington, 1779-1868: distinguished pupil of Michael Faraday and Sir Humphry Davy and others during 100 years of the University of Mississippi / Alfred Hume

Archives, Room Use Only - LD3413.H86 1950


The Phillips code: a thoroughly tested method of shorthand arranged for telegraphic purposes, and contemplating the rapid transmission of press reports: also intended to be used as an easily acquired method for general newspaper and court reporting / by W

Archives, Room Use Only - HE7669.P55 1925


Torpedo manual for His Majesty's Fleet (in three volumes). by authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty

Archives, Room Use Only - V850.G74 1911


Kleine Telegraphen-Schule für Postanwärter und Postgehülfen: ein Hülfsbuch zum Selbstunterricht behufs Erlangung des Befähigungs-Zeugnisses für den technischen Telegraphendienst bei vereinigten Verkehrsämtern: mit 100 er

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5262.K54 1897


Technical description of the Alexanderson system for radio telegraph and radio telephone transmission by Elmer E. Bucher

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5811.B83 1920


Visual telegraphy / issued by the General Staff, May, 1919

Archives, Room Use Only - UG575.G7 V57 1919


Pacific railroad acts. Act of 1862.: an act to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the government the use of the same for postal, military, and other purposes, approved Ju

Archives, Room Use Only - HE2763.P33 1868


[Collection of Atlantic, Lake and Mississippi Telegraph items].

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5123.6.C65 1847


[Collection of Atlantic, Lake and Mississippi Telegraph pamphlets].

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5123.6.C66 1847


[Collection of Atlantic, Lake and Mississippi Telegraph circulars].

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5123.6.C665 1847


Overhead electrical wires: Electrical Commission, 1888-1892.

Archives, Room Use Only - TK3201.O94 1888


Sea level could rise more than 1 metre by 2100 if emission targets not met


Vande Bharat Mission: Delhi bound flight carrying 129 passengers to take off from Dhaka airport


Ahmedabad Municipal Commissioner quarantines self after contact with COVID-19 positive person


Adani Transmission Q4 profit falls 60 pc to Rs 59 crore on one-time write off


Vande Bharat Mission: Air India flight evacuates 177 Indians from Dubai


Vande Bharat Mission: Air India flight evacuates 182 Indians from Dubai


Kissa filmi hai

Cinema halls owners are also focusing on sprucing up their theatres to attract audiences.


Asymptomatic transmission Achilles' heel of Covid-19


Weather Warnings for New South Wales / Australian Capital Territory - land areas. Issued by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology


Weather Warnings for Australian Capital Territory. Issued by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology


First Vande Bharat Mission flight lands in Mumbai, concerns over state’s handling of Covid social distancing norms


NDMA issues guidelines for restarting industrial activities to avoid Vizag-type tragedy

In the wake of the gas leak at a factory in Visakhapatnam, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued detailed guidelines for restarting industries after the lockdown and the precautions to be taken for the safety of the plants as well as the workers.


Stephen Jones: Aldon Smith has met with Commissioner

The Cowboys have a couple of pass rushers who hope to be reinstated from league-imposed suspensions. Cowboys COO, executive V.P., and director of player personnel Stephen Jones addressed the status of the effort of Aldon Smith and Randy Gregory to officially return to football during a Friday visit to PFTPM. "We haven’t heard anything," Jones [more]


Brett Favre denies receiving $1.1 million and not showing up for events in Mississippi

The Hall of Famer is repaying the money after an audit of funds alleged that Mississippi officials improperly spent $94 million in federal money.


9 reasons why you shouldn't miss the Defence Expo

Uttar Pradesh is gearing up to hold the 11th edition of the biennial Defence Expo 2020 in the state capital from February 5 to 9.Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the expo in which 1029 companies are expected to participate, Lucknow divisional commissioner Mukesh Meshram said.It would be the biggest such event held in the country, an official release said, adding that 702 companies had participated in the last Defence Expo held in Chennai in 2018.Take a look at what one can expect at the event.


Children draw what they miss most during lockdown

Missing their grandparents, not being able to go out and meet their friends....These are just some of the things that kids, who have been confined to their homes due to the coronavirus lockdown, have revealed. From Tokyo to Buenos Aires, and New York to Kathmandu, youngsters have taken to their balconies or front lawns to display and explain the drawings they have made to Reuters photographers.


South Korean spy agency dismisses rumours about Kim Jong-un's ill...

South Korean spy agency dismisses rumours about Kim Jong-un's ill...


Vizag gas leak: LG Polymers issues official statement, says doing our...

Vizag gas leak: LG Polymers issues official statement, says doing our...