
Seahawks sign 12 undrafted free agents, waive 4 vets including Nazair Jones, to make room

The Seahawks on Monday filled out their roster by announcing the official signing of 12 more undrafted rookie free agents while waiving four veterans.


Marshawn Lynch tells ESPN his agent ‘has been in talks’ with Seahawks about returning in 2020

Marshawn Lynch opened the door wide Monday for a potential return in 2020 when he talked tantalizingly about what his agent has been up to.


Here’s why Marshawn Lynch’s possible return to the Seahawks shouldn’t happen this time

You could dream about Lynch coming back to the Seahawks, as he revealed Monday that the two sides are discussing, and this time leading them back to the Super Bowl. Or, you could make the case I’m going to make: Leave well enough alone.


Wife of Earl Thomas reportedly pointed gun at former Seahawk in domestic incident

Earl Thomas was not arrested in the incident, TMZ reported. Nina Thomas, according to the report, was arrested for burglary of a residence with intent to commit aggravated assault. She was released on bond.


Sideline Chatter: 49ers also managed to get nearly full Subway punch card under salary cap

Hey, 49ers, did you remember to check under the couch cushions, too? Broc Rutter, the QB from North Carolina Central, got only a $279 signing bonus from San Francisco because that’s all the Niners had left after depleting their bonus pool for undrafted rookies. Gotta be the shoes Spotted in Lady Gaga’s bizarre shoe collection: […]


NCAA accuses Louisville basketball of recruiting violations

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — The NCAA has accused the Louisville men’s basketball program of committing a Level I violation with an improper recruiting offer and extra benefits and several Level II violations, including an accusation that former Cardinals coach Rick Pitino failed to promote an atmosphere of compliance. The notice released on Monday is the […]


NCAA women’s hoops committee moves away from RPI to NET

NEW YORK (AP) — The women’s basketball committee will start using the NCAA Evaluation Tool instead of RPI to help evaluate teams for the tournament starting with the upcoming season. The Division I men’s basketball committee has been using NET since the 2018-19 season. “It’s an exciting time for the game as we look to […]


NCAA women’s hoops committee moves away from RPI to NET

NEW YORK (AP) — The women’s basketball committee will start using the NCAA Evaluation Tool instead of RPI to help evaluate teams for the tournament starting with the upcoming season. The Division I men’s basketball committee has been using NET since the 2018-19 season. “It’s an exciting time for the game as we look to […]


NCAA accuses Louisville basketball of recruiting violations

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — The NCAA has accused the Louisville men’s basketball program of committing a Level I violation with an improper recruiting offer and extra benefits and several Level II violations, including an accusation that former Cardinals coach Rick Pitino failed to promote an atmosphere of compliance. The notice released on Monday is the […]


NCAA rejects former UConn coach’s appeal over violations

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — An NCAA panel on Wednesday rejected an appeal by former UConn men’s basketball coach Kevin Ollie, who sought to overturn findings that he violated ethical conduct rules while leading the Huskies. The NCAA Division I Infractions Appeals Committee ruled Ollie failed to prove that information he presented alleging witnesses against him […]


NCAA waives Division I minimum on scholarship spending

The NCAA approved a waiver that will allow schools to spend below the minimum level on athletic scholarships required to compete in Division I. The Division I Council Coordination Committee approved two other blanket waivers Wednesday that had been requested by several conferences in recent weeks in response to coronavirus pandemic. Basketball and football players […]


Senators send letters to NCAA leaders with NIL questions

The chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee has sent a letter to NCAA leaders, conferences and schools requesting details about how college athletes can be compensated for their names, images and likenesses. Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., sent 20 questions to each Power Five conference, dozens of colleges and universities and committees at each of the […]


NCAA calls alleged Kansas basketball violations “egregious”

LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) — The NCAA struck back at the University of Kansas and its men’s basketball program Thursday, calling five Level I violations that are alleged to have occurred “egregious” and arguing that they undermine and threaten” college athletics. In the latest in a series of back-and-forth filings, the NCAA reiterated in a 92-page […]


What Would Have Been: Red Sox-Yankees, NHL conference finals

With the sports calendar still mostly on hold because of the coronavirus pandemic, The Associated Press takes a look at some of the live sporting events that would have taken place the week of May 4-10: MLB: The 162-game regular season would have been about one-fourth complete after the Boston Red Sox played this coming […]


NCAA accuses Louisville basketball of recruiting violations

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — The NCAA has accused the Louisville men’s basketball program of committing a Level I violation with an improper recruiting offer and extra benefits and several Level II violations, including an accusation that former Cardinals coach Rick Pitino failed to promote an atmosphere of compliance. The notice released on Monday is the […]


NCAA women’s hoops committee moves away from RPI to NET

NEW YORK (AP) — The women’s basketball committee will start using the NCAA Evaluation Tool instead of RPI to help evaluate teams for the tournament starting with the upcoming season. The Division I men’s basketball committee has been using NET since the 2018-19 season. “It’s an exciting time for the game as we look to […]


NCAA women’s hoops committee moves away from RPI to NET

NEW YORK (AP) — The women’s basketball committee will start using the NCAA Evaluation Tool instead of RPI to help evaluate teams for the tournament starting with the upcoming season. The Division I men’s basketball committee has been using NET since the 2018-19 season. “It’s an exciting time for the game as we look to […]


NCAA accuses Louisville basketball of recruiting violations

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — The NCAA has accused the Louisville men’s basketball program of committing a Level I violation with an improper recruiting offer and extra benefits and several Level II violations, including an accusation that former Cardinals coach Rick Pitino failed to promote an atmosphere of compliance. The notice released on Monday is the […]


NCAA rejects former UConn coach’s appeal over violations

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — An NCAA panel on Wednesday rejected an appeal by former UConn men’s basketball coach Kevin Ollie, who sought to overturn findings that he violated ethical conduct rules while leading the Huskies. The NCAA Division I Infractions Appeals Committee ruled Ollie failed to prove that information he presented alleging witnesses against him […]


NCAA waives Division I minimum on scholarship spending

The NCAA approved a waiver that will allow schools to spend below the minimum level on athletic scholarships required to compete in Division I. The Division I Council Coordination Committee approved two other blanket waivers Wednesday that had been requested by several conferences in recent weeks in response to coronavirus pandemic. Basketball and football players […]


NCAA calls alleged Kansas basketball violations “egregious”

LAWRENCE, Kan. (AP) — The NCAA struck back at the University of Kansas and its men’s basketball program Thursday, calling five Level I violations that are alleged to have occurred “egregious” and arguing that they undermine and threaten” college athletics. In the latest in a series of back-and-forth filings, the NCAA reiterated in a 92-page […]


During Lockdown, Magician Turns To The Internet For His Next Performance

Karan Singh has performed magic tricks for famous actors, athletes and politicians. He'll perform for you, for free --all you have to do is ask. He has already done shows for over 400 households.


Quarantine Can Be Tough. Russian Ministry Offers Guidance

Don't stay mad at your family for longer than 10 minutes while in quarantine. That's courtesy of Russia's Health Ministry, which issued the advisory: How to Survive Self Isolation and Not Go Crazy.


The Pandemic Cancels The Celebration Of Victory In WWII In Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin had celebrations to mark victory in WWII and a constitutional vote to keep him in power till 2036 planned for this spring. But the pandemic has canceled both events.


What Would A Sharp Decline In Remittances Mean For Latin America

Immigrants in the U.S. sent an estimated $150 billion to their home countries in 2019 — half to Latin America and the Caribbean. The World Bank is predicting a sharp decline in remittances this year.


RIVM-experts: 'Aankondigen van versoepelingen kan mensen nonchalant maken'

Eerder dan gedacht kondigde het kabinet deze week een 'routekaart' aan met versoepelingen. De veranderingen die volgende week ingaan, zijn door de modelleurs van het RIVM nauwkeurig doorgerekend. Maar wat de grotere versoepelingen die later gepland staan voor effect hebben, is nog onduidelijk.

Toch zijn ze bij het RIVM niet bang dat het opheffen van de maatregelen tot een nieuwe golf aan besmettingen leidt. Ze maken zich meer zorgen over de vraag of mensen zich wel aan de basisregels - handen wassen, afstand houden en thuisblijven bij ziekte - blijven houden. "De onzekerheden zijn best wel groot", zeggen hoofd infectieziektebestrijding Jaap van Dissel en Jacco Wallinga, bij het RIVM verantwoordelijk voor de rekenmodellen.

De NOS sprak met hen over het risico om nu al versoepelingen voor de zomer af te kondigen en waarom ze mensen niet gaan adviseren zelfgemaakte mondkapjes te dragen.

Vorige week vonden jullie het nog te vroeg voor een exitstrategie, en nu ligt er een exitstrategie. Wat is er in een paar dagen gebeurd?

Van Dissel: "Wij zeiden niet dat er geen exitstrategie mogelijk was. Waar het vorige week over ging, is of je al een heel plan tot aan november kunt vaststellen. En daarvan hebben we gezegd: we monitoren, we kijken wat er gebeurt, en op grond daarvan ga je stappen zetten. En dat is in feite ook de logica van wat er nu gepresenteerd is. En er is afgesproken dat steeds voordat de volgende stap plaatsvindt, het kabinet naar alle waarschijnlijkheid vragen zal stellen aan het Outbreak Management Team (OMT), zodat we dingen kunnen doorrekenen."

De exitstrategie is dus: trial and error, kijken hoe het gaat en hoe we eruit komen?

Van Dissel: "Trial and error klinkt alsof er te weinig bekend is. De logica zit er vooral in dat de eerste stappen met name gericht zijn op het vrijgeven van lokale en van individuele activiteiten: in eigen stad en persoon-op-persoon contact. Terwijl je ziet dat naarmate je verder komt in de routekaart, afhankelijk van het effect van de versoepelingen, ook meer de gezamenlijke en regionale activiteiten een rol krijgen."

De effecten van de versoepelingen van volgende week zijn doorgerekend. Hebben jullie ook doorgerekend wat er gebeurt als de terrassen en musea na 1 juni weer opengaan?

Wallinga: "Nee, dat komt later. Wij doen het in stapjes. Als we alles vooruit zouden rekenen, dan stapelen we onzekerheid op onzekerheid. Daar kun je niet zoveel mee."

Maar kun je wel schatten wat de impact gaat zijn?

Wallinga: "Eigenlijk niet. Onze berekeningen over de versoepelingen van volgende week geven aan hoe het gaat onder gelijkblijvende omstandigheden. Misschien is dat wel een beetje misleidend: we weten ook dat die omstandigheden niet gelijk blijven. Mensen gaan op een gegeven moment hun gedrag aanpassen. Die onzekerheden zijn best wel groot."

Wallinga: "We weten bijvoorbeeld niet hoe de basisregels, handen wassen en afstand houden, worden nageleefd in de zomervakantie. En dat gaat best wel veel verschil maken. Dat is voor ons de grote onzekerheid. En misschien zou dat effect belangrijker kunnen zijn dan het effect van een van de pakketten met versoepelingen."

"Waar ik zelf heel erg naar kijk, is de stijging van het besmettingsgetal in Denemarken. Dat valt niet samen met het openen van de scholen daar. Maar het zou wel kunnen samenvallen met de aankondiging van het openen van de scholen. Wat misschien een effect is - zeg ik naar aanleiding van de persconferentie nu - is dat mensen denken: 'ach het gaat allemaal wel meevallen', en dat ze die basisregels niet naleven."

Was het dan wel verstandig van het kabinet om nu al een routekaart voor de zomer te presenteren?

Wallinga: "Dat is een beleidsvraag. Wij rekenen alleen de gevolgen uit. Die vraag moet je echt in Den Haag stellen."

Hoeveel mensen worden er op dit moment nog besmet?

Wallinga: "Dat weten we op dit moment niet. De laatste schatting is van bijna een maand terug. Wij konden dat tot een paar weken geleden nog wel reconstrueren, maar voor de meest recente weken lukt dat niet meer goed. Omdat er bijvoorbeeld bij de Nivel-peilstations, de huisartsen, te weinig positief geteste mensen komen."

Hoe controleren jullie dan of het aantal besmettingen oploopt?

Wallinga: "Dat is een belangrijke vraag. We hebben natuurlijk de ziekenhuisopnames, IC-opnames en de berekening van het besmettingsgetal. Maar die lopen allemaal achter op de besmettingen. We hebben ook snellere indicatoren, zoals de infectieradar: een website waar mensen klachten kunnen doorgeven."

Van Dissel: "En belangrijk is natuurlijk ook dat er wordt gewerkt aan de testuitbreiding. Dat het straks mogelijk is om iedereen met klachten te testen, dat is natuurlijk een hele snelle indicator."

Is het een harde voorwaarde voor versoepeling dat het testen op 1 juni op orde is?

Van Dissel: "We hebben gezegd dat we graag zien dat het op orde is. Maar het zou onwaarschijnlijk zijn dat er zich een geweldige uitbreiding van besmettingen voordoet, zonder dat we het zien bij de Nivel-peilstations. Het kan allemaal, maar is onwaarschijnlijk."

Opnieuw ging het deze week over de mondkapjes. Het kabinet heeft besloten vanaf 1 juni mondmaskers in het openbaar vervoer te verplichten. Een besluit dat niet is genomen op advies van het OMT. Volgens Van Dissel is er "onvoldoende wetenschappelijk ondersteuning om daar een positief advies over te geven".

Hij stelt dat alle wetenschappelijke studies gedaan zijn in een situatie waarin mensen in de publieke ruimte geen afstand hielden, handen wasten en thuis bleven bij ziekte. "En zelfs dan vind je maar in een paar studies een klein beetje effect", aldus Van Dissel.

Twee weken geleden ging u nog verder. Toen zei u dat er studies zijn die zeggen dat specifiek de zelfgemaakte maskers kunnen leiden tot meer infecties.

Van Dissel: "Dat is ook zo. Een deel van de onderzoeken toont aan dat je een schijnveiligheid creëert, bijvoorbeeld bij verkeerd gebruik. Dat is een beetje het punt. Tegelijkertijd zie je dat alle Europese landen ongeveer tot een zelfde beoordeling komen. En dan kunnen landen nog steeds kiezen. Een aantal landen zegt dan: we adviseren niks, zoals de Scandinavische landen. En er zijn landen die zeggen: er zijn wat studies die toch wat effect laten zien, en als men mondkapjes dan op een goede manier worden gebruikt, dan vinden we het vanuit de politiek toch een zinvolle maatregel."

Maar waarom adviseert u dan niet: kies dan voor de iets betere mondmaskers, die je kunt kopen bij de drogisterij, en niet de zelfgemaakte?

Van Dissel: "Dan moet ik je toch naar het beleid verwijzen. Want onze mening is helder. Maar hier ontstaat natuurlijk een markt, waarbij het makkelijk is om ze aan te schaffen in een automaat bij het station of in de supermarkt. Dus niet iedereen hoeft ze zelf te gaan knippen en naaien."


Stock Alert: Pluristem Shares Up 24% In Premarket On FDA Clearance News

Shares of Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. (PSTI) are rising over 24% in pre-market today, after the company announced that the U.S. FDA has cleared the company's Investigational New Drug or IND application for a Phase II study of its PLX cells in the treatment of severe COVID-19 cases complicated by Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome or ARDS.


Stock Alert: Applied DNA Sciences Stock Surges 94% In Premarket

Shares of Applied DNA Sciences Inc. (APDN) are soaring over 94% in pre-market today, after the company and Takis Biotech announced the production of neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 after DNA vaccination in animals.


Stock Alert: Interpace Biosciences Stock Up 20% In Premarket

Shares of Interpace Biosciences Inc. (IDXG) are up 20% in pre-market today, after the company announced that its subsidiary, Interpace Diagnostics, has entered into a contract with Avalon Healthcare Solutions, a specialty benefit management company with more than 3 million members, focused on laboratory testing. Terms remain undisclosed.


Stock Alert: Quest Diagnostics Stock Up 7% On Consumer-Initiated Antibody Test Launch

Shares of Quest Diagnostics Inc. (DGX) are rising over 7% in pre-market today, after the company announced the launch of consumer-initiated COVID-19 antibody test through QuestDirect.


Dunkin' Expanding Delivery Options To Include Uber Eats

Dunkin' is expanding its delivery options by adding Uber Eats, as customers stay at home due to the coronavirus pandemic. The coffee and baked goods chain said that with the new partnership, Dunkin' delivery is now available through Uber Eats at over 1,700 restaurants. The partnership will be expanded to more than 4,000 total locations nationwide by the end of May.


Stock Alert: Nike Inc.

Nike Inc. (NKE) is currently trading at $88.28, up $2.53 or 2.95%, on the NYSE. The stock has witnessed nearly 13% drop in stock price since January, largely due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis.


Stock Alert: China Rapid Finance Spikes 147%

China Rapid Finance Ltd (XRF) shares are surging on Wednesday morning trade as it announced the execution of a set of agreement with Yong Bao Two Ltd or YBT. Upon the closing, YBT will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.


AirAsia's Logistics Arm Launches Blockchain-powered Air Cargo Booking

AirAsia's logistics arm Teleport has rolled out a blockchain-powered cargo booking system called Freightchain, claimed to be the world's first digital air cargo network run on blockchain. The platform can be used by shippers, airlines and freight forwarders to make cargo bookings in minutes through bids submitted for cargo belly space on any of AirAsia's 247 aircraft and validated on blockchain.


Italian News Agency ANSA Using Blockchain To Fight Fake News

Italian news agency ANSA is using blockchain technology to fight fake news by enabling readers to check the source of the news with its new ANSAcheck news tracking system developed in collaboration with Ernst & Young (EY). Through the EY blockchain HUB in the EY Mediterranean Region, EY has developed a solution which is based on EY OpsChain Traceability technology.

nc To Launch COVID-19 Immunity Passes For Football Fans

Fan engagement platform plans to launch blockchain-powered COVID-19 immunity passes for global football fans to enable them to attend live games at stadiums in the aftermath of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Socios Pass, an ID and immunity verification tool, will allow fans holding "Proof of Immunity" to return to the stadium and watch live games more safely and securely.


During Lockdown, Magician Turns To The Internet For His Next Performance

Karan Singh has performed magic tricks for famous actors, athletes and politicians. He'll perform for you, for free --all you have to do is ask. He has already done shows for over 400 households.


2 Mortgages, No Income: Sell The House Or Rent It Out, An Airbnb Host Wonders

Josep Navas Masip purchased a second home in Philadelphia and was renovating it for use as an Airbnb when the coronavirus crisis hit. Now his plans are canceled and he's unsure what to do for income.


U.S. Stocks Rally As Traders Seem Unconcerned By Record Job Losses

After moving significantly higher early in the session, stocks saw some further upside over the course of the trading day on Friday. The major averages added to the gains posted in the previous session, with the tech-heavy Nasdaq reaching its best closing level in well over two months.


U.S. Stocks Turning In Mixed Performance In Mid-Day Trading

Stocks have turned mixed over the course of the trading day on Monday after coming under pressure early in the session. While the Nasdaq has bounced into positive territory, the Dow and the S&P 500 have remained in the red.


U.S. Stocks Turning In Lackluster Performance Following Dismal Jobs Data

Following the advance seen in the previous session, stocks have shown a lack of direction over the course of the trading day on Wednesday. The major averages have spent the day bouncing back and forth across the unchanged line.


Nancy Pelosi Endorses Joe Biden

House speaker Nancy Pelosi has endorsed Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for president. "Today, I am proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States because he will be an extraordinary President. He knows how to get the job done," Pelosi said in a video statement on Sunday. She described the former vice president as "a leader with the humility to seek expertise and science, and the confidence to act upon it."


Trump Set To Announce Guidelines To Reopen US Economy

President Donald Trump said he will announce Thursday new guidelines on easing coronavirus restrictions in the country. The move, aimed to help reopen the ailing U.S. economy, is on the basis of his consultations with governors and business leaders. According to him, the United States has passed the peak of new coronavirus cases and predicted some states would reopen this month. "The data sugg


Philippine Economy Contracts For First Time Since 1998

The Philippine economy contracted for the first time since 1998 as coronavirus containment measures weighed heavily on investment and shipments, official data showed Thursday. Gross domestic product fell 0.2 percent on a yearly basis in the first quarter, in contrast to fourth quarter's revised 6.7 percent expansion, the Philippine Statistics Authority reported.


Reckitt Benckiser Warns Not To Use Disinfectant Against COVID After Trump Remark

Disinfectant manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser issued a strong warning against administering its products such as Lysol and Dettol to the human body after President Donald Trump suggested researchers try putting disinfectants into coronavirus infected patients' bodies as potential treatment for the killer disease. "Under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human


CVS Health Launches Rapid COVID-19 Drive-thru Testing In Michigan

CVS Health Corp. extended its rapid COVID-19 drive-thru testing sites to Michigan, with the launch of a new rapid COVID-19 drive-thru testing site in Dearborn in collaboration with federal and state officials. Since March, the company has conducted more than 35,000 COVID-19 tests. The new testing is part of CVS Health's efforts to expand access to coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for everybody.


Alliance Resource Partners Says Q2 Results Will Suffer Due To COVID-19 Pandemic

While reporting its first-quarter financial results on Friday, Alliance Resource Partners LP (ARLP) said its second-quarter results will suffer due to the demand destruction caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Meridian Bioscience Boosts FY19 Adj. EPS Outlook - Quick Facts

While reporting financial results for the second quarter on Friday, life science company Meridian Bioscience, Inc. (VIVO) raised its adjusted earnings and revenue guidance for the full year 2020, despite the turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the unprecedented demand for its Life Science products.


PPL Corp. Says FY20 Earnings Outlook Unchanged - Quick Facts

While reporting its first-quarter financial results on Friday, PPL Corp. (PPL) said that through the end of the first quarter, it remained on track to achieve its fiscal 2020 earnings forecast of $2.40 to $2.60 per share.