
Activities you can do even while staying home this final weekend of April

Spring is here. No time like the present to take up some gardening. Or just relax at home with a book ... or take The Seattle Times' Kitchen Pantry Challenge! Here are our ideas for things you can do this weekend.


Sunday Best: From New York Fashion Week, a gown reminiscent of a bouquet of flowers

The Oscar de la Renta collection from New York Fashion Week walks the catwalk in this week's Sunday Best.


Sunday Best: Just in time for spring, a parade of wintry jewel tones from Paris Fashion Week

Forget spring and summer — in the world of fashion, the season is fall 2020. Do keep up, dear reader.


Rainy, windy, cloudy, sunny: This week’s Seattle weather forecast has something for everyone

Here comes a straight week of small weather systems marching across the Puget Sound, one right after the other, each bringing scattered showers with sun breaks, according to the National Weather Service of Seattle.


Seattle-area temperatures could soon hit the 80s; here’s your forecast for the week

The early part of the week will seem like more of the same, but an approaching high-pressure ridge could really heat things up for the weekend.


Indianapolis could welcome back fans for Brickyard weekend

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indianapolis Motor Speedway could be the first major sporting venue to have fans back in the stands this summer. Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb announced a five-stage plan Friday to reopen the state with the final phase tentatively scheduled to include a return to sporting venues on July 4 — the very day […]


Playoff fever has 520 and Bay Area bridges trading tweets

Could it be all the smack talk between Seattle and San Francisco football fans has spread to our bridges? If you believe in the Twittersphere, then yes. The Bay Bridge tweeted that it’s happy the Seahawks vaunted fans will be on hand to console the team when it loses on Sunday. Ouch! The 520 suggested […]


A new month brings new things to do at home this weekend

May is here! As we welcome a new month under the stay-home order, here are even more suggestions for things you can do at home.


Dave Matthews Band will skip its annual Labor Day weekend Gorge run due to coronavirus pandemic

Dave Matthews Band announced it's rescheduling its entire summer concert slate — including the annual Labor Day weekend bash the band's hosted at the Gorge Amphitheatre for years — due to COVID-19.


Celebrate Mother’s Day and more with these weekend activities

Between Mother's Day and the expected sunny weather, there's lots to celebrate this weekend! Whether you'll be enjoying nature or continuing to stay inside, here are some things you can do while maintaining social distancing.


Seattle parks will remain open this weekend with same coronavirus guidelines, plus rain

Seattle banned the use of playgrounds, athletic fields and sports courts weeks ago, taping off playground structures and swings.


Two celestial treats will be visible this week — and both are worth going outside in your jammies

A huge asteroid will make a (relatively) close pass of Earth early Wednesday, but you'll need a telescope to see that; however, an exceptionally bright Venus should be visible to the naked eye at dusk and in the early evenings. Look to the west.


Celebrate Mother’s Day and more with these weekend activities

Between Mother's Day and the expected sunny weather, there's lots to celebrate this weekend! Whether you'll be enjoying nature or continuing to stay inside, here are some things you can do while maintaining social distancing.


A new month brings new things to do at home this weekend

May is here! As we welcome a new month under the stay-home order, here are even more suggestions for things you can do at home.


Celebrate Mother’s Day and more with these weekend activities

Between Mother's Day and the expected sunny weather, there's lots to celebrate this weekend! Whether you'll be enjoying nature or continuing to stay inside, here are some things you can do while maintaining social distancing.


Everybody wins in an Elite Eight matchup between Gonzaga’s nation-leading offense and Texas Tech’s historically strong defense

The Zags lead the country by scoring 88.8 points per game. The Red Raiders have one of the best defenses in the country. Something has to give Saturday.


Seattle-area temperatures could soon hit the 80s; here’s your forecast for the week

The early part of the week will seem like more of the same, but an approaching high-pressure ridge could really heat things up for the weekend.


Weekend Plus adjusts to new realities of coronavirus pandemic

Dear readers: You’re adjusting to new realities introduced by the novel coronavirus, and Weekend Plus is, too. Starting today and in the coming weeks, you’ll find fewer restaurant and entertainment listings in this section and more emphasis on things you can enjoy at home, including: • Recipes and takeout food • Family activities • Recommended […]


What to do in Seattle this weekend even if you’re social distancing due to coronavirus

Yes, Seattleites, even if you're healthy, you should stay inside this weekend. Yes, that might seem like a bummer. So here are some ways to spruce up your weekend while also practicing proper social distancing. Six feet, people!


Things to do this weekend, while under the coronavirus stay-at-home mandate

We've been asked to stay at home and wait out the coronavirus pandemic. Here are some ways to help you pass the time this weekend.


Here are some activities to do this weekend even while staying at home

As we continue to quarantine under Gov. Jay Inslee's "stay at home" order, there are still lots of fun activities you can do this weekend. So, stay in, read a book, start a movie marathon and order some takeout.


Activities you can do even while staying home this final weekend of April

Spring is here. No time like the present to take up some gardening. Or just relax at home with a book ... or take The Seattle Times' Kitchen Pantry Challenge! Here are our ideas for things you can do this weekend.


A new month brings new things to do at home this weekend

May is here! As we welcome a new month under the stay-home order, here are even more suggestions for things you can do at home.


Celebrate Mother’s Day and more with these weekend activities

Between Mother's Day and the expected sunny weather, there's lots to celebrate this weekend! Whether you'll be enjoying nature or continuing to stay inside, here are some things you can do while maintaining social distancing.


Storms this week expected to add needed depth to Washington snowpack

By the end of December, snowpack statewide was only half the long-term average The vast and vital frozen reservoir provides water that supports fish, farm irrigation and power generation.


Ex-Washington State coach Mike Leach apologizes after tweeting photo of woman with noose

Mississippi State's new coach posted, and later deleted, a tweet of a photo of an elderly woman resting in a chair and simultaneously knitting a noose to pass her time during coronavirus self-quarantine.


More than 250 people in Washington hospitalized last week with coronavirus symptoms; state data shows upward trend

Hospital admissions tracked by the state Department of Health offer a window into the pandemic's impact on the health care system. Right now, officials are not seeing a surge of patients, but worry one could still be coming.


Celebrate Mother’s Day and more with these weekend activities

Between Mother's Day and the expected sunny weather, there's lots to celebrate this weekend! Whether you'll be enjoying nature or continuing to stay inside, here are some things you can do while maintaining social distancing.


U District, Ballard farmers markets will reopen this weekend despite coronavirus

The markets, which had been closed due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, will open with new rules.


Mental Health Experts Facilitate Talks Between Families, ICU Patients

It is very difficult for people hospitalized with COVID-19 to communicate with their families. At one medical center, psychologists are helping with some of those tough conversations.


Sierteelt zag export instorten, maar krabbelt (ook door Moederdag) weer op

Het gaat na de eerste, zware klap van de coronacrisis beter dan verwacht met de sierteelt in Nederland. Maar uit de problemen is de branche allerminst. En dat heeft ook te maken met de impact op de bloemenhandel in maart, toen de veiligheidsmaatregelen wereldwijd van kracht werden.

Michel van Schie, woordvoerder van branchevereniging Royal FloraHolland herinnert het zich nog goed. "Het ging 13 maart in een klap heel erg fout, toen bleef 25 procent onverkocht. De maandag erop zelfs 50 procent."

Met name de export stortte in. Er werden rond een kwart minder bloemen geëxporteerd. Vooral de vraag uit Italië, maar ook de VS en Zwitserland viel enorm terug. Dat blijkt uit cijfers die het CBS vandaag publiceert.

Nederlandse siertelers moeten het juist van de export hebben. "De verhouding voor de verkoop is 15 procent binnenland, 85 export", zegt Van Schie. De exportwaarde bedroeg vorig jaar 9,5 miljard euro: sierteelt is daarmee het meest uitgevoerde landbouwproduct van Nederland.

Inmiddels lijkt de schade enigszins mee te vallen." "De handel is behoorlijk aangetrokken", ziet Marco van Zijverden, directeur van de Dutch Flower Group. Dat is een samenwerking van 33 bedrijven die samen de sierteeltketen bedienen. "Waar we in maart op indexen zaten van min 40 tot 80 procent, is het nu tussen de min 10 en min 20 procent."

"De luchtvracht is wel een probleem", zegt Van Zijverden. "Die is erg duur. Zowel voor de aanvoer van Afrika naar hier, als de export van hier naar bijvoorbeeld de VS."

Michel van Schie van Royal FloraHolland legt uit hoe dat komt. "Normaal gaan veel bloemen mee in het vrachtruim van passagiersvliegtuigen. Maar veel van die vluchten zijn gecanceld. Transport is daardoor relatief duur: soms wel drie of vier keer de normale prijs."

Toch is directeur Van Zijverden over de hele linie optimistisch. "De consument blijft kopen. Ook in Duitsland, Engeland en heel Scandinavië. De pijn is minder dan vooraf gevreesd."

Dat merkt ook rozenkweker Arie van den Berg uit Delfgauw. "Bloemetjes werden bezorgd bij ziekenhuizen en opa en oma. De afzet hier is nog relatief hoog geweest."

En helpt het dat het morgen Moederdag is? "Moederdag is altijd de belangrijkste week van het jaar", zegt Van Schie., "We zitten niet op het niveau van vorig jaar, maar het is wel aangetrokken."

Luxe artikel

"In landen waarvan de grenzen open zijn is de consumptie van bloemen hoger. Ook omdat mensen de tijd hebben om bij hun moeder langs te gaan", constateert rozenkweker Van den Berg. "Overigens zien we hier in Nederland dat de online verkoop is geëxplodeerd. De online winkels hebben nog een uitdaging om alle boeketjes klaar te maken en te bezorgen.

Maar het einde van de zware tijden is nog niet in zicht. "Het viel minder tegen dan we acht weken geleden hadden ingeschat, maar ik ben pessimistisch", zegt de rozenkweker. "Mensen onderschatten hoe belangrijk een goede economie is voor een rozenteler. Wij zijn een luxe artikel, dus we vallen als eerste van het boodschappenlijstje."

Van den Berg heeft nog niet gehoord van collega's die failliet zijn gegaan. "Misschien ook omdat de banken goed meewerken met leningen en aflossingen. Maar er gaan collega's en afnemers sneuvelen als dit langer aanhoudt."


Met deze maatregelen kunnen middelbare scholieren straks weer naar school

Als 2 juni de middelbare scholen in Nederland weer opengaan, gaan die er heel anders uitzien. Deze week kwamen de VO-Raad en de onderwijsbonden met een protocol over de 'anderhalvemeterschool'. Het advies: gespreid naar school, anderhalve meter afstand en een dichte kantine.

NOS Stories dook in het protocol om uit te zoeken hoe zo'n middelbare school in coronatijden er dan precies uit gaat zien. In de video hieronder zie je hoe honderdduizenden middelbare scholieren over een paar weken weer naar school gaan - en wat de leerlingen daar eigenlijk zélf van vinden.


U.S. COVID-19 Infections Rise By 200,000 In A Week To More Than 840,000

A significant surge in coronavirus-related deaths and infections was reported in the United States on Wednesday. With 2,229 casualties, the total number of deaths has risen to 46,785, according to Johns Hopkins University's latest data. With 29,304 new confirmed cases in the last 24 hours, the number of COVID-19 infections in the U.S. increased to 842,624.


Week In Sports: Competitive Cornhole To Air On ESPN, NASCAR Slated To Return

Cornhole is making a comeback on ESPN. And NASCAR is slated to return to TV, but questions still remain about football, baseball, basketball and football.


IPsec tunnel configuration between IBM AIX and Microsoft Windows, Part 1: Generating certificates in AIX and importing certificates to Windows for IKE IPsec tunnels

Your article abstract goes here. Put the main points and key phrases at the beginning of the abstract, because it will be truncated in search results. Make your abstract enticing yet succinct. Aim for three to five sentences that express why the reader would care about the content (motive) and what he or she can gain from reading the content (benefits).


IPsec tunnel configuration between IBM AIX and Microsoft Windows, Part 2: IKEv1 IPsec tunnels between AIX 6.1 or later versions and Windows 2012

Your article abstract goes here. Put the main points and key phrases at the beginning of the abstract, because it will be truncated in search results. Make your abstract enticing yet succinct. Aim for three to five sentences that express why the reader would care about the content (motive) and what he or she can gain from reading the content (benefits).


IPsec tunnel configuration between IBM AIX and Microsoft Windows, Part 3: IKEv2 IPsec tunnels between AIX 6.1 or later versions and Windows 2012

Your article abstract goes here. Put the main points and key phrases at the beginning of the abstract, because it will be truncated in search results. Make your abstract enticing yet succinct. Aim for three to five sentences that express why the reader would care about the content (motive) and what he or she can gain from reading the content (benefits).


The biggest event at Suncorp Stadium this weekend

YOU’VE heard of isolation concerts, opera in empty Italian squares and living-room raves, but today a new barrier will be broken with the sound of a boom box at Brisbane’s Suncorp Stadium.


Halloween Decorations Ban, Canadian Mispronunciations, Pun Fest Rebellion

We speak with a woman seeking to ban Halloween decorations, we get a visit from Canada’s pronunciation expert, and we visit a small town on the verge of overthrowing their annual Pun Festival.

  • Radio/This is That


From Tripoli to Tuscany: Libyan writer Hisham Matar finds new connections between art and life

In conversation with Eleanor Wachtel, Matar talks about the ways that place, art, loss and grief can intersect.

  • Radio/Writers & Company


Europese beurzen hoger het weekend in

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De aandelenmarkten in Europa zijn hoger het weekend ingegaan. De Stoxx Europe 600 index sloot vrijdag 0,9 procent in de plus op 341,05 punten, de Duitse DAX steeg 1,4 procent op een slot van 10.904,48 punten en de Franse CAC 40 sloot 1,1 procent hoger op 4.549,64 punten. De Londense beurs was gesloten vanwege een zogenoemde bank holiday.


Wall Street positief het weekend in ondanks zwak banenrapport

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Wall Street is vrijdag hoger geindigd. De SP 500 steeg 1,7 procent op 2.930 punten. De Dow Jones index won 1,9 procent op een slot van 24.331 punten en de Nasdaq ging 1,6 procent hoger tot 9.121 punten


Barrington Levy - Reggae Anthology: Sweet Reggae Music (1979-84)

Early material compilation showcasing an already incredible talent.


Weekend Life Matters: online privacy, online dating in lockdown, the rings of aging, a song for Ramona

Now, more than ever, are we sacrificing privacy online for connection? The changes in online dating behaviour during lockdown, and ruminations on aging when you still feel 28. Plus a song for its namesake.


Weekend Life Matters: urban change post-Covid, sea and sand restored, Cape York beats the odds, and his Bobness sings for us all

Can these lockdown patterns of urban behaviour change how we shape our cities, one man's mission to de-plastic our sea and sand, how Cape York communities have had zero infection on a shoestring budget, and a landmark Dylan song falls back into relevance.


Hit to economy grows by $4 billon every week

The Prime Minister is urging Australians to start returning to Covid-safe workplaces, as the number of people unemployed grows to one million.


'Exciting day' as SA marks two weeks with no new coronavirus cases

There are now only two active cases in the state, the State Government announces, but border restrictions will stay in place although travel to regional areas may be reopened.


Deportation threat to family just weeks out from daughter's VCE due to father's kidney diagnosis

The world of Raj Manikam and his family came crashing down when a test found a hidden disease that could see them deported due to "significant costs to the community".