
Gokul Anandayuvaraj is the Unique Entrepreneur with a Progressive Mindset and Mission

Gokul Anandayuvaraj, the founder and CEO of VINVELI, is one such entrepreneur and tech innovator. From his consistent hard work and contribution, he has been inspiring millions of engineers and budding entrepreneurs all over the world, especially in the field of aerospace.


Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Europe - An OECD-European Commission Project

A three-year programme of co-operation between the European Commission and LEED on self-employment and entrepreneurship in Europe.


Co-Operation on Risk Assessment: Prioritisation of Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials - Final Report

This document follows on from a report entitled Important Issues on Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials [ENV/JM/MONO(2012)8]. This report identified a range of issues which the WPMN considered important in risk assessment and which should be addressed in the future. It summarised results of a survey which was circulated to delegations of the WPMN, methodologies used to analyze the survey, and the identified priorities.


Emission scenario document for wood preservatives

The OECD has published a revision of the 2003 Emission Scenario Document on Wood Preservatives to take into account the experience gained in working with the 2003 ESD. The document has been totally restructured, emission scenarios have been updated and new, niche scenarios have been added. The document is an essential tool for Member countries working in the area of biocidal products assessment.


Emission scenario document on formulation and application of thermal and carbonless copy paper

This document provides information on the sources, use patterns, and potential release pathways of chemicals used in the manufacture of thermal and carbonless copy paper. It presents approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposures to additives and components used in thermal and carbonless copy paper coatings.


Removal/emission predictions of wastewater treatment for exposure assessment and Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers

This document compiles information on the current methodologies, tools and models and helps readers identify appropriate models/ and methodologies for estimating substance-specific removal/emissions from wastewater treatment systems. It could support efforts to improve these models and tools.


The Global Harmonised Submission Transport Standard (GHSTS) has been published

The first version of the Globally Harmonised Submission and Transport Standard was published May 2014. The GHSTS is a standardised set of technical specifications used to assemble electronic files for any pesticide package in a predefined manner. Once the files are assembled according to the specifications, they can be transferred from a business entity to a regulatory authority and can be extracted for use in a regulatory process.


Release of the Global Harmonised Submission Transport Standard (GHSTS) version 2.0

GHSTS is a standardised set of technical specifications for assembling electronic files for pesticide registration in a predefined manner. Once assembled according to the GHSTS, the dossier files can be transferred from a business to a regulatory authority and can be used in a regulatory process. Version 2.0 includes improved lifecycle management of documents over a series of submissions for one pesticide (or other) regulatory action.


The Fast Lane: A Swiss bunker and other border myths

The Swiss bunker mentality has always felt at once quaint, menacing and oddly reassuring


The Fast Lane: from Swiss post to Swedish retail

A few of late summer’s more frequently asked questions


The Fast Lane: how newspaper delivery has missed a trick

Many media companies still maintain a direct relationship with readers — but few still have access to foyers


Top 5 pension issues for consumers

Tips on how to improve your retirement income


Up to 50,000 coronavirus test samples are sent to the US for analysis after 'operational issues' 

Daily coronavirus tests fell the below 100,000 target for a seventh day in a row. Health Secretary Matt Hancock urged Boris Johnson to 'give me a break' in a furious bust-up over the coronavirus crisis.


Lockdown: Jeremy Corbyn's brother issued with fixed penalty notice

Piers Corbyn, 73, called the fine an 'abomination' and an 'attack on human rights' after he refused on numerous occasions to heed the police's polite requests in Central London today.


Qantas plane from Perth forced to make emergency landing after experiencing 'engineering issue' 

Flight QF642 from Perth to Sydney took off about 9.30am on Thursday and was in the air for 58 minutes before having to make an emergency landing.


Secret reason why Qantas took a route from Wuhan to Australia during its coronavirus rescue mission

The Qantas rescue flight which lifted hundreds of Australian citizens from Wuhan took an unexpected route on its flight to Western Australia on Monday.


Qantas cleaners handled face masks, soiled nappies, dirty tissues without gloves, inspector found

SafeWork New South Wales has slapped Qantas with an improvement notice after observing cleaners handle used face masks, vomit, soiled nappies and dirty tissues without gloves or masks.


Up to 50,000 coronavirus test samples are sent to the US for analysis after 'operational issues' 

Daily coronavirus tests fell the below 100,000 target for a seventh day in a row. Health Secretary Matt Hancock urged Boris Johnson to 'give me a break' in a furious bust-up over the coronavirus crisis.


Desperate hunt for two Utah friends, aged 17 and 18, who went missing in a storm three days ago

Priscilla Bienkowski, 18, and Sophia Hernandez, 17, were out on Utah Lake near Salt Lake City when it is believed they were caught in an intense storm. The Utah Sheriff's Office are searching.


Smt. Subbalakshmi Kurada, ... vs Assistant Commissioner Of Income ... on 8 May, 2020

ITA No.2493/Bang/2019 Page 2 of 6

2. We heard the parties and perused the record. During the year under consideration, the assessee sold a residential house property for a sum of Rs.12.75 crores on 06-11-2015. She purchased another residential house property on 17-02-2016 for Rs.11.02 crores. The new house property was purchased in the joint name of the assessee and her son Shri Kurada Sagar Chakravarthy. The assessee claimed deduction of Rs.8.47 crores u/s 54 of the Act towards the cost of new residential house property against the long term capital gain arising on sale of original house property. Since the new residential house property has been purchased in the name of assessee and her son, the AO restricted the deduction u/s 54 of the Act to 50%, i.e., he allowed deduction to the extent of Rs.4.23 crores only. The Ld CIT(A) also confirmed the same and hence the assessee has filed this appeal.


Hotel Vani vs Assistant Commissioner Of State ... on 30 April, 2020

2. Heard the learned counsel for the petitioner and the learned Senior Government Pleader.

WP(C).8416/19 4

3. The singular contention urged by the learned counsel for the petitioner is that the first respondent had committed a fundamental error in adopting the revised assessed tax of the year 2007-08 as the basis for revising the assessment and refixing the compounded tax liability for the years 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11. In support of this contention, attention is drawn to Section 7(b) of the KGST Act and reliance is placed on the decisions in Sicilia Hotel Pvt. Ltd (Supra), and Kalyan Tourist Home v. State of Kerala (2017 (2) KLT 761).

4. Opposing the contentions, the learned Government Pleader would submit that, the power for revising the assessment after payment of compounded tax under Section 7(b) cannot be limited to be based only on the tax payable as conceded in the return or accounts or the turnover tax paid for any of the previous consecutive three years. It is contended that there is no inhibition in Section 7 that revision of assessment cannot be on the basis of assessed tax. It is submitted that this position has been succinctly laid down by the Division Bench in Kalika Hotel and Bar, Amballur(M/s) v. State of Kerala (2012 (3) KHC 85) and The Commercial Tax Officer v. M/s Hotel Breezeland Ltd. (2019 (2) KLT 432).


Kerala State ... vs Assistant Commissioner Of Income ... on 30 April, 2020

Income Tax Appeal Nos. 135/2019 & 146/2019 are filed challenging a common order passed by the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Cochin Bench in ITA Nos.536/Coch/2018 and 537/Coch/2018, dated 12-03-2019. Income Tax Appeal No.313/2019 is filed against the revised order passed by the same Tribunal ITA No.537/Coch/2018, dated 11-10-2019. The assessee was the appellant before the Tribunal, who is the appellant herein. The revenue is the respondent.

2. Appellant is a company registered under the Companies Act, engaged in wholesale and retail trade of beaverages within the State of Kerala, and is a 'State Government Undertaking' falling within the 'Explanation' provided under Section 40 (a) (iib) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Act' for short). With respect to I.T. Appeal Nos. 135, 146 & 313/2019 -5- the assessment year 2014-2015, the Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax, Circle-2 (1), Thiruvananthapuram finalized the assessment of income tax against the appellant, under Section 143 (3) of the Act, through the order of assessment dated 14- 12-2016. But, the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax, Thiruvananthapuram initiated proceedings under Section 263 of the Act and set aside the order of assessment, on holding that the same is erroneous and is prejudicial to the interest of the revenue, to the extent it failed to disallow the debits made in the Profit and Loss Account of the assessee with respect to the amount of surcharge on sales tax and turn over tax paid to the State Government, which ought to have been disallowed under Section 40 (a) (iib) of the Act. Against order of the Principal Commissioner of Income Tax, issued under Section 263 of the Act, dated 25-09-2018, the appellant approached the Tribunal in ITA No.536/Coch/2018.


Regarding The Issue Of Antrix Devas Spectrum Sale Case. on 6 December, 2019

डॉ. निशिकांत दुबे (गोड्डा): माननीय अध्यक्ष जी, मैं आपके माध्यम से … * भ्रष्टाचार की गंगोत्री है,के बड़े स्कैम की तरफ देश और पार्लियामेंट का ध्यान आकृष्ट करना चाहता हूं ।             महोदय, जब माननीय वाजपेयी जी की सरकार थी,वर्ष 2003 में सरकार ने तय किया था कि हम लोगों को एस बैंड के लिए कंपनी बनानी चाहिए और एन्ट्रिक्स को इसकी मार्केटिंग करनी चाहिए । वर्ष 2003 में एक आदमी के साथ उसकी बातचीत स्टार्ट हुई । हमारी सरकार चली गई । आपको जानकर आश्चर्य होगा कि हमारी सरकार के जाने के बाद 28 जनवरी, 2005 को एन्ट्रिक्स और देवास नाम की कंपनी के साथ एक एग्रीमेंट साइन हुआ । …(व्यवधान) देवास कंपनी 17 दिसम्बर, 2004 को बनी । …(व्यवधान) उसके साथ 60,000 करोड़ का एग्रीमेंट भारत सरकार ने साइन किया । …(व्यवधान)           महोदय, दूसरा सवाल है कि जिन कंपनियों से पैसा आया, मॉरिशस की कंपनी   …(व्यवधान) कंपनी 2006 में बनी, 2009 में बनी, 2010 में बनी ।…(व्यवधान) और … * जी ने एफआईपीबी का क्लियरेंस दिया । …(व्यवधान) माननीय अध्यक्ष: श्री संतोष पाण्डेय जी ।


Issue Regarding Statement Made By A Member Of Parliament Allegedly To ... on 13 December, 2019

संसदीय कार्य मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री तथा भारी उद्योग और लोक उद्यम मंत्रालय में राज्य मंत्री (श्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल): माननीय अध्यक्ष जी, हमारी तरफ से बहुत से लोगों के एजर्नमेंट मोशन हैं। …(व्यवधान) जैसे साध्वी जी ने बाहर बोला था और हाउस में माफी मांगी थी, ऐसे ही राहुल गांधी जी ने बाहर बोला कि ‘मेक इन इंडिया’ की जगह ‘रेप इन इंडिया’ हो गया है। यह बहुत कन्डेम्नेबल एक्टिविटी है। …(व्यवधान) उन्हें हाउस में आकर माफी मांगनी चाहिए।…(व्यवधान) वह हाउस में आकर माफी मांगें।…(व्यवधान) हाउस में ऐसा पहले कर रखा है, साध्वी निर्मला ज्योति जी ने।…(व्यवधान)  वह हाउस में नहीं बोली थीं, पब्लिक में बोली थीं, मीटिंग में, …(व्यवधान) ऐसे ही राहुल गांधी जी पब्लिक में बोले हैं।…(व्यवधान) उनको माफी मांगनी चाहिए।…(व्यवधान) उन्होंने कैसे कह दिया कि यह ‘मेक इन इंडिया’ नहीं ‘रेप इन इंडिया’ है। …(व्यवधान) यह बहुत ही निंदनीय है। …(व्यवधान) घोर आपत्तिजनक है।…(व्यवधान) सदस्य को यहां बुलाया जाए और हाउस में माफी मांगी जाए।…(व्यवधान)


Commissioner Of Customs (Port) ... vs M/S. Steel Authority Of India Ltd. on 27 April, 2020

The dispute in this appeal relates to valuation under the Customs Act, 1962 of import of certain items made by the respondent Steel Authority of India Ltd. (SAIL) under two contracts, bearing nos. PUR/PC/MOD/08.01/Pt.II dated 31.10.1989 and PUR/PC/MOD/08.01/Pt-I dated 29th March 1990. These imports were made in connection with modernisation, expansion and modification 1 for their plant at Durgapur in West Bengal. For this purpose, SAIL had floated seven Global Tender Contract Packages. The two contracts were part of these Tender Contract Packages. They were registered with the customs authorities for the purpose of project import benefits in terms of the 1962 Act. The first contract involved in this appeal was with a consortium consisting of a German Company, Hoestemberghe & Kluisch, GMBH and H & K Rolling Mills Engineering Private Limited, an Indian Corporate entity. The second contract was also with a German Company, Siempelkamp Pressen Systeme and the Indian entity was Escon Consultants Private Ltd, with whom the consortium was formed. Both these contracts were in connection with modernisation of SAIL’s rolling mills at the aforesaid plant.


Vodafone Idea Ltd(Earlier Known ... vs Assistant Commissioner Of Income ... on 29 April, 2020

1. Leave granted.

2. This appeal arises out of the final judgment and order dated 14.12.2018 passed by the High Court1 in Writ Petition (Civil) No.2730 of 2018 preferred by the appellant herein.

3. The facts leading to the filing of this appeal, in brief, are as under:-


High Court of Delhi at New Delhi CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2377 OF 2020 (@ SLP (C) NO.1169 OF 2019) VODAFONE IDEA LTD (EARLIER KNOWN AS VODAFONE MOBILE SERVICES LIMITED) VS. ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX CIRCLE 26 (2) & ANR.) 2 A] The appellant-Vodafone Idea Ltd. (earlier known as Vodafone Mobile Services Ltd or VMSL for short) is engaged in providing telecommunication services in different circles.


Bihar Staff Selection Commission ... vs Arun Kumar on 6 May, 2020

1. Special leave granted. The parties were heard, with consent of their counsel.

2. These appeals are directed against a common judgment in LPA No. 1200/2013 (in CWJC No. 3640/2013), LPA No. 1170/2013 (in CWJC No. 3740/2013), LPA No. Signature Not Verified 1174/2013 (in CWJC No. 4265/2013) and LPA No. 1352/2013 in CWJC No. 3640/2013) of the Patna High Court, dated 24.06.2015. Digitally signed by DEEPAK SINGH Date: 2020.05.06

3. One set of appeals (arising from SLP(C) Nos. 23202-23204/2015) has 16:03:11 IST Reason:

been preferred by the Bihar Staff Selection Commission (hereafter “BSSC”) and 2 the other set (referred to as “the aggrieved party appellants”) by several aggrieved parties, who were appellants before the Division Bench of the High Court, in four intra-court appeals, which had questioned the judgment and order of a learned single judge. The single judge set aside the results of the main examination, with consequential directions to the BSSC to prepare fresh results of the Graduate Level Combined Examination-2010, in accordance with the directions of the Court in relation to deletion/modification of questions and answers as stipulated in the judgment. The aggrieved party appellants were not party to the writ proceedings, but had been declared selected in terms of the results first published, and subsequently were shown as not qualified under the revised results pursuant to the directions of the Court by the learned single judge. Three appeals to the Division Bench were by candidates who were writ petitioners and had impugned the judgment of the single judge in not granting them full relief in respect of all questions that were challenged. These parties were not selected in the final results declared.


Assistant Commissioner (Ct) Ltu ... vs M/S Glaxo Smith Kline Consumer ... on 6 May, 2020

1. Leave granted.

2. The moot question in this appeal emanating from the judgment and order dated 19.11.2018 in Writ Petition No. 39418/2018 passed by the High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh1 is: whether the High Court in exercise of its writ jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India ought Signature Not Verified Digitally signed by to entertain a challenge to the assessment order on the sole DEEPAK SINGH Date: 2020.05.06 16:03:16 IST Reason:

1 For short, “the High Court” 2 ground that the statutory remedy of appeal against that order stood foreclosed by the law of limitation?


Greg James misses Radio 1 Breakfast Show after BRITs 2020 

The presenter was a no-show when his show came on air at 6:30am, leaving his collegaue Adele Roberts to take over, after presenting her own early show from 4am.


Greg James misses another show after being 'kidnapped'

Greg James missed his second Radio 1 show on Thursday after being 'kidnapped' from a BRIT Awards after-party on Tuesday as part of an elaborate stunt.


Nissan mothballs UK's biggest car plant: Sunderland factory employs some 6,000 workers  

It comes a day after France's PSA announced it would be temporarily mothballing Vauxhall's Ellesmere Port and Luton sites. Car manufacturers are reeling from a slump in demand.


Towns and cities that plan to ban cars or introduce low emission zones

Some 21 UK towns and cities either have plans in place for low emission zones or vehicle bans, or have already implemented restrictions on vehicle use in their area. Here's what they have proposed.


Koenigsegg's new Gemera has four seats and the biggest scissor doors you've ever seen

The Swedish hypercar builder has coined it as the first 'Mega GT' car. It uses a plug-in hybrid powertrain packing 1,700bhp and can accelerate from standstill to 62mph in a mere 1.9 seconds.


Jessica Ennis-Hill hopes achilles injury will not hamper Rio Olympic dreams after issue rules her out of indoor athletics season

Jessica Ennis-Hill is to miss the indoor athletics season after suffering an achilles injury while training. The reigning Olympic heptathlon champion has not put a timescale on her recovery.


Jess Ennis-Hill wins silver medal in heptathlon as Belgian Nafissatou Thiam takes gold

Andy Hill, who married the athlete in 2013, shared a photograph of the '#supermum' moments after she crossed the finish line in the 800m, the final round of the event.


Jessica Ennis-Hill misses out on second Olympic gold at Rio 2016

MARTHA KELNER: Jessica Ennis-Hill won the most stunning of silver medals on Sunday, coming within two seconds of defending her title as Belgium’s Nafissatou Thiam clinched gold.


Grigory Rodchenkov dismisses allegations he acted as a medical adviser to Jessica Ennis-Hill

A journalist on an English-speaking Russian radio station made the extraordinary claim earlier this week and by Thursday it was gaining some traction on social media.


Manchester United missed out on signing Alphonso Davies in 2018 before he joined Bayern Munich

United dithered over whether to pursue a deal for the Canadian youngster, who was playing for Vancouver Whitecaps at the time, with the youngster eventually signing for the Germans.


From Matthew Bourne's Romeo & Juliet in London to Summer Sessions in Edinburgh, 7 Unmissable Events

The brilliant choreographer's contemporary take on the tragic love story finally arrives in London.


From Little Mix at Fusion Festival to Great British Bake Off and Pain & Glory, 7 Unmissable Events

Kings Of Leon, Rudimental and Little Mix headline the Liverpool festival in Sefton Park. Franz Ferdinand, Dizzee Rascal and Anne-Marie provide support. Fri-Sun


Lockdown: Jeremy Corbyn's brother issued with fixed penalty notice

Piers Corbyn, 73, called the fine an 'abomination' and an 'attack on human rights' after he refused on numerous occasions to heed the police's polite requests in Central London today.


Jurgen Klopp STILL waiting to learn how long No 1 keeper Alisson will be out but Keita nears return

Alisson has been out of action since the opening day of the season and Klopp said: 'He is improving. A really serious injury but we don't know exactly. There is no timescale.'


Maurizio Sarri insists he has no issue with Emre Can for being angry at Champions League omission 

Maurizio Sarri has backed Emre Can after the midfielder hit out over his omission from Juventus' Champions League squad. Can will not play during the group stages.


Newport County defender Ryan Inniss hit with five-game ban for BITING West Ham's Reece Hannam

Newport defender Ryan Inniss has been hit with a five-game ban for biting. The centre-back received his punishment after being sent off following an off-the-ball clash against West Ham's under-21s.


Trevor Bayliss' plans of freelance T20 coaching scuppered by breakdown of Bangladesh Premier League

Trevor Bayliss's plans of embarking on a freelance T20 coaching career at the end of his England reign have been put on hold by the breakdown of the Bangladesh Premier League .


Arsene Wenger's near-misses as Arsenal boss after Jadon Sancho becomes latest star he failed to sign

Over time and following the end of his remarkable 22-year spell in north London, Arsene Wenger has given us some fascinating insight into the players he nearly signed but just missed out on.


Partick Thistle fume at Scottish Premiership's dismissal of proposal to restructure football pyramid

A task force had been commissioned to consider a revamped three-division system following the cancellation of the 2019/20 season at Championship level and below, but was disbanded.


EasyJet 'may need to raise £1bn cash' through a rights issue

Mark Manduca, of Citigroup, told institutional clients there was a 'high' probability that easyJet would have to tap investors for money by issuing shares in the next few months.